May 2002, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 101-102 Paving Wall Street: Experimental Economics and the Quest for the Perfect Market (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 102-103 Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson
March 2002, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 16-36 Battle for Alphas: Hedge Funds versus Long-Only Portfolios
by Duen-Li Kao - 38-42 A Proposal for Quoting Money Market Rates
by Miles Livingston & Lei Zhou - 44-54 Multiples Used to Estimate Corporate Value
by Erik Lie & Heidi J. Lie - 56-63 Mutual Fund Age and Morningstar Ratings
by Matthew R. Morey - 64-85 What Risk Premium Is “Normal”?
by Robert D. Arnott & Peter L. Bernstein - 86-95 Emerging Markets: When Are They Worth It?
by C. Mitchell Conover & Gerald R. Jensen & Robert R. Johnson - 96-105 European Price Momentum and Analyst Behavior
by Ronald van Dijk & Fred Huibers - 106-107 Wall Street People: True Stories of Today's Masters and Moguls (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 107-108 The Complete Investment and Finance Dictionary (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 108-109 No Bull:My Life In and Out of Markets (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 110-111 Complexity, Risk, and Financial Markets (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson
January 2002, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 12-13 The New Faces of the Markets
by Frank J. Jones - 14-21 Lottery Players/Stock Traders
by Meir Statman - 22-34 Hedge-Fund Benchmarks: Information Content and Biases
by William Fung & David A. Hsieh - 35-49 Financial Contagion and International Portfolio Flows
by Anne-Sophie Van Royen - 50-55 Revisiting Optimal Call Policy for Convertibles
by Alexander W. Butler - 56-74 Rising Conservatism: Implications for Financial Analysis
by Dan Givoly & Carla Hayn - 75-86 Explaining After-Tax Mutual Fund Performance
by James D. Peterson & Paul A. Pietranico & Mark W. Riepe & Fran Xu - 87-94 Increased Correlation in Bear Markets
by Rachel Campbell & Kees Koedijk & Paul Kofman
November 2001, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 16-33 Risk Management for Hedge Funds: Introduction and Overview
by Andrew W. Lo - 34-43 The General Hull–White Model and Supercalibration
by John Hull & Alan White - 44-49 How Important Is Past Analyst Forecast Accuracy?
by Lawrence D. Brown - 50-62 The Cost and Duration of Cash-Balance Pension Plans
by David T. Brown & Philip H. Dybvig & William J. Marshall - 64-77 Can Money Flows Predict Stock Returns?
by James A. Bennett & Richard W. Sias - 78-95 The Information Content of the Book-to-Market Ratio
by Xavier Garza-Gómez - 96-105 Are Two Factors Enough? The U.K. Evidence
by George Leledakis & Ian Davidson - 106-108 The EVA Challenge: Implementing Value-Added Change in an Organization (a review)
by Victor F. Morris & Martin S. Fridson
September 2001, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 15-15 From the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 16-16 Cisco and the Kids: A Comment
by Robert H. Healy - 17-19 The Internet: The Novel
by Richard S. Braddock - 20-28 Goodwill Amortization and the Usefulness of Earnings
by Ross Jennings & Marc LeClere & Robert B. Thompson - 29-42 Return Dispersion and Active Management
by Harindra de Silva & Steven Sapra & Steven Thorley - 43-56 Contrarian Strategies and Investor Expectations: The U.K. Evidence
by Mario Levis & Manolis Liodakis - 57-65 Taxation and Black's Zero-Beta Strategy Revisited
by Robert Faff & David Hillier & Justin Wood - 66-74 An Examination of Resampled Portfolio Efficiency
by Jonathan Fletcher & Joe Hillier - 75-92 Default Parameter Estimation Using Market Prices
by Robert Jarrow - 93-94 Sold Short: Uncovering Deception in the Markets (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 94-95 The Psychology of Money: An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market (a review)
by Ronald L. Moy & Martin S. Fridson
July 2001, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 15-15 From the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 16-20 Market Fragmentation
by Hans R. Stoll - 21-26 The Effectiveness of Institutional Activism
by Gary L. Caton & Jeremy Goh & Jeffrey Donaldson - 27-36 Institutional Ownership of Bank Shares
by Greg Roth & Andy Saporoschenko - 37-47 Global Pricing of Equity
by Jeff Diermeier & Bruno Solnik - 48-59 Cisco and the Kids (corrected)
by Mark Hirschey - 60-76 Dynamic Models of the Term Structure
by Hong Yan - 77-95 Recent Advances in Estimating Term-Structure Models
by David A. Chapman & Neil D. Pearson
May 2001, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 12-14 Problems with Health Insurance: A Comment
by Douglas B. Sherlock - 15-29 Rational Markets: Yes or No? The Affirmative Case
by Mark Rubinstein - 30-40 Internet Traffic and Portfolio Returns
by Ron Lazer & Baruch Lev & Joshua Livnat - 41-51 News or Noise? Internet Postings and Stock Prices
by Robert Tumarkin & Robert F. Whitelaw - 52-62 Valuing Active Managers, Fees, and Fund Discounts
by Robert Ferguson & Dean Leistikow - 63-75 Managing Yield-Curve Risk with Combination Hedges
by Heiko Leschhorn - 76-87 Floating–Fixed Credit Spreads
by Darrell Duffie & Jun Liu - 88-88 Capital Ideas and Market Realities: Option Replication, Investor Behavior, and Stock Market Crashes (Postscript: Author's Comment)
by Bruce I Jacobs - 89-90 The Early History of Financial Economics, 1478–1776: From Commercial Arithmetic to Life Annuities and Joint Stocks (a review)
by Daren E. Miller & Martin S. Fridson - 90-91 Puzzles of Finance: Six Practical Problems and Their Remarkable Solutions (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson - 91-93 The Rise of Fiduciary Capitalism: How Institutional Investors Can Make Corporate America More Democratic (a review)
by Victor F. Morris & Martin S. Fridson - 93-95 The ValueReporting™ Revolution: Moving Beyond the Earnings Game (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
March 2001, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 16-30 Asset Allocation Models and Market Volatility
by Eric Jacquier & Alan J. Marcus - 32-43 Tracking Error and Tactical Asset Allocation
by Manuel Ammann & Heinz Zimmermann - 44-51 Conditional Distribution in Portfolio Theory
by Edward Qian & Stephen Gorman - 53-60 Performance Presentation Standards: Which Rules Apply When?
by Mark J.P. Anson - 62-78 SEC Market-Risk Disclosures: Enhancing Comparability
by Leslie Hodder & Mary Lea McAnally - 80-82 Inventing Money: The Story of Long-Term Capital Management and the Legends Behind It (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 82-83 Investments—Volume 1: Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing; Volume 2: Securities, Prices and Performance (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson - 84-85 Famous First Bubbles: The Fundamentals of Early Manias (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
January 2001, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 4-4 Errata
by The Editors - 11-18 Hedge Fund Performance: 1990–1999
by Bing Liang - 19-27 Mutual Fund Performance and Manager Style
by James L. Davis - 28-40 Market Timing and Roulette Wheels
by Richard J. Bauer & Julie R. Dahlquist - 41-59 Risk and Valuation of Collateralized Debt Obligations
by Darrell Duffie & Nicolae Gârleanu - 60-60 Stock Market Cycles: A Practical Explanation (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 60-61 Capital Ideas and Market Realities: Option Replication, Investor Behavior, and Stock Market Crashes (a postscript)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 61-62 The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
November 2000, Volume 56, Issue 6
- 14-29 Problems with Health Insurance
by Robert Ferguson & Dean Leistikow - 30-38 What P/E Will the U.S. Stock Market Support?
by C. Barry White - 40-53 The Efficiency Gains of Long–Short Investing
by Richard C. Grinold & Ronald N. Kahn - 54-63 Security Analysis, Agency Costs, and Company Characteristics
by John A. Doukas & Chansog Kim & Christos Pantzalis - 64-81 Spread-Driven Dividend Discount Models
by Martin L. Leibowitz - 82-110 Analysts and Information Gaps: Lessons from the UAL Buyout
by Stuart C. Gilson - 111-112 2000 Pay to Win: How America's Successful Companies Pay Their Executives (a review)
by Victor S. Morris & Martin S. Fridson - 112-113 Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson
September 2000, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 3-3 From the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 14-16 Errata
by The Editors - 17-22 Understanding and Monitoring the Liquidity Crisis Cycle
by Richard Bookstaber - 23-27 Co-Movements in Bid-Ask Spreads and Market Depth
by Tarun Chordia & Richard Roll & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam - 28-33 The Probability of Limit-Order Execution
by Jin-Wan Cho & Edward Nelling - 34-40 The Rise of Sector Effects in Major Equity Markets
by Sean P. Baca & Brian L. Garbe & Richard A. Weiss - 41-54 The Increasing Importance of Industry Factors
by Stefano Cavaglia & Christopher Brightman & Michael Aked - 55-62 Time Diversification and Estimation Risk
by Björn Hansson & Mattias Persson - 63-71 Risk-Adjusted Performance: The Correlation Correction
by Arun S. Muralidhar
July 2000, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 13-22 Cooperation versus Competition
by Martin A. Nowak & Karl Sigmund & Martin L. Leibowitz - 23-36 New Paradigm or Same Old Hype in Equity Investing?
by Louis K.C. Chan & Jason Karceski & Josef Lakonishok - 37-49 Industry Momentum and Sector Mutual Funds
by Edward S. O'Neal - 50-66 Estimating and Pricing Credit Risk: An Overview
by Duen-Li Kao - 67-81 Corporate Credit-Risk Dynamics
by Lea V. Carty - 82-89 A New Method for Credit-Enhancement Standards
by Sankarshan Acharya - 90-91 Capital Ideas and Market Realities: Option Replication, Investor Behavior, and Stock Market Crashes (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 91-92 Dodging Bullets: Changing U.S. Capital Structure in the 1980s and 1990s (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
May 2000, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 16-19 Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, or 100 Percent of Performance? Comments
by John Nuttall & William Jahnke - 20-29 Do All-Stars Shine? Evaluation of Analyst Recommendations
by Hemang Desai & Bing Liang & Ajai K. Singh - 30-39 Socially Responsible Mutual Funds (corrected)
by Meir Statman - 40-51 The Value Creation Potential of High-Tech Mergers
by Ninon Kohers & Theodor Kohers - 52-61 A Portfolio Performance Index
by Michael Stutzer - 62-75 Rational Pricing of Internet Companies
by Eduardo S. Schwartz & Mark Moon - 76-84 Real-Options Valuation for a Biotechnology Company
by David Kellogg & John M. Charnes - 85-86 Derivatives: A PowerPlus Picture Book (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson - 86-87 John Neff on Investing (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
March 2000, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 16-23 Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns
by Kenneth L. Fisher & Meir Statman - 24-31 Are Risk Premium Anomalies Caused by Ambiguity?
by Robert A. Olsen & George H. Troughton - 32-46 An Empirical Study of Bond Market Transactions
by Gwangheon Hong & Arthur Warga - 47-67 Value at Risk
by Thomas J. Linsmeier & Neil D. Pearson - 68-76 Franchise Labor
by Martin L. Leibowitz - 77-84 Finding Firm Value without a Pro Forma Analysis (corrected)
by Tom Arnold & Jerry James - 85-95 Symmetrical Information and Credit Rationing: Graphical Demonstrations
by Hung-Jen Wang - 96-113 Stocks versus Bonds: Explaining the Equity Risk Premium
by Clifford S. Asness - 114-114 The Ultimate Investor: The People and Ideas that Make Modern Investment (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson - 115-116 The Mutual Fund Business (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson - 116-117 Investing by the Numbers (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
January 2000, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 13-16 Saving Social Security
by Robert Ferguson - 17-25 Too Many Cooks Spoil the Profits: Investment Club Performance
by Brad M. Barber & Terrance Odean - 26-33 Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, or 100 Percent of Performance?
by Roger G. Ibbotson & Paul D. Kaplan - 34-43 Interest Rate Sensitivities of Bond Risk Measures
by Timothy Falcon Crack & Sanjay K. Nawalkha - 44-53 Controlling Risk in Global Multimanager Portfolios
by Wenling Lin - 54-61 Dispersion as Cross-Sectional Correlation
by Bruno Solnik & Jacques Roulet - 62-69 How “Foolish” Are Internet Investors?
by Mark Hirschey & Vernon J. Richardson & Susan Scholz - 70-79 Equity REIT Beta Estimation
by John B. Corgel & Chris Djoganopoulos
November 1999, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 3-3 From the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 12-17 The End of Behavioral Finance
by Richard H. Thaler - 18-27 Behaviorial Finance: Past Battles and Future Engagements
by Meir Statman - 28-40 Market Efficiency in an Irrational World
by Kent Daniel & Sheridan Titman - 41-55 The Courage of Misguided Convictions
by Brad M. Barber & Terrance Odean - 56-79 A Case for Theory-Driven Experimental Enquiry
by Priya Raghubir & Sanjiv Ranjan Das - 80-90 The Profitability of Momentum Strategies
by Louis K.C. Chan & Narasimhan Jegadeesh & Josef Lakonishok - 91-103 Irrational Exuberance and Option Smiles
by Hersh Shefrin - 104-116 Contrarian and Momentum Strategies in Germany
by Dirk Schiereck & Werner De Bondt & Martin Weber - 117-126 Equity Mispricing: It's Mostly on the Short Side
by Mark T. Finn & Russell J. Fuller & John L. Kling - 127-129 The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham: Selected Writings of the Wall Street Legend (a review)
by Victor F. Morris & Martin S. Fridson
September 1999, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 3-3 From the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 4-23 Valuing the Dow: A Bottom-Up Approach
by Charles M.C. Lee & Bhaskaran Swaminathan - 24-36 The Detection of Earnings Manipulation
by Messod D. Beneish - 37-43 Investors' Asset Allocations versus Life-Cycle Funds
by Diane K. Schooley & Debra Drecnik Worden - 44-52 Fund Management Changes and Equity Style Shifts
by John G. Gallo & Larry J. Lockwood - 53-59 Assigning a Duration to Inflation-Protected Bonds
by Ivan Rudolph-Shabinsky & Francis H. Trainer - 60-68 The Value Premium for Small-Capitalization Stocks
by Manjeet S. Dhatt & Yong H. Kim & Sandip Mukherji - 69-75 Is Shareholder Wealth Maximization Immoral?
by John Dobson - 76-87 Mutual Fund Share Classes and Broker Incentives
by Edward S. O'Neal - 88-89 Seeing Tomorrow: Rewriting the Rules of Risk (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson - 90-91 A Traitor to His Class: Robert A.G. Monks and the Battle to Change Corporate America (a review)
by Victor F. Morris & Martin S. Fridson - 92-93 Value Investing: A Balanced Approach (a review)
by Martin S. Fridson & Martin S. Fridson
July 1999, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 3-3 From the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 4-4 More on Reasons for Analysts' Forecast Errors
by Richard C. Schneider - 5-16 The Early History of Portfolio Theory: 1600–1960
by Harry M. Markowitz - 17-37 Asset-Pricing Anomalies in Global Industry Indexes
by Carlo Capaul - 38-48 Monetary Conditions and International Investing
by C. Mitchell Conover & Gerald R. Jensen & Robert R. Johnson - 49-57 Behavioral Bias, Valuation, and Active Management
by James Scott & Mark Stumpp & Peter Xu - 58-64 The Effect of Potentially Dilutive Securities on P/Es
by John D. Neill & Glenn M. Pfeiffer - 65-71 Financial Risk Management (corrected)
by Kevin Dowd - 72-85 On the Performance of Hedge Funds
by Bing Liang - 86-95 A Study of Financial Analysts: Practice and Theory
by Stanley B. Block
May 1999, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 7-9 Company Cross-Holdings: The Finance Version
by Robert Ferguson & Neal Hitzig - 9-13 Company Cross-Holdings: Comments
by Ranjan Sinha - 14-16 Search for the Best Financial Performance Measure: Yes, Basics Are Better—If You Understand Them
by Jeffrey M. Bacidore & John A. Boquist & Todd T. Milbourn & Anjan V. Thakor - 16-19 Search for the Best Financial Performance Measure: Basics Are Still Better
by Robert Ferguson & Dean Leistikow - 20-32 Science and Technology as Predictors of Stock Performance
by Zhen Deng & Baruch Lev & Francis Narin - 33-47 P/E Forwards and Their Orbits
by Martin L. Leibowitz - 48-56 Improving Analysts' Negative Earnings Forecasts
by Kirt C. Butler & Hakan Saraoglu - 57-64 European Equity Markets and the EMU
by K. Geert Rouwenhorst - 65-73 Optimal Portfolios in Good Times and Bad
by George Chow & Eric Jacquier & Mark Kritzman & Kenneth Lowry - 74-87 Mutual Fund Performance: Does Fund Size Matter?
by Daniel C. Indro & Christine X. Jiang & Michael Y. Hu & Wayne Y. Lee - 88-97 A Behavioral Framework for Time Diversification
by Kenneth L. Fisher & Meir Statman - 98-100 The New Financial Capitalists: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and the Creation of Corporate Value (a review)
by Victor F. Morris & Martin S. Fridson - 101-102 Efficient Asset Management: A Practical Guide to Stock Portfolio Optimization and Asset Allocation (a review)
by Michael R. Granito & Martin S. Fridson
March 1999, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 6-6 Errata
by The Editors - 7-8 Stocks, Bonds, the Sharpe Ratio, and the Investment Horizon: A Comment
by Jeremy J. Siegel - 8-9 How Much Is a Tulip Worth? A Comment
by Madeleine Mamaux - 9-11 Where, Oh Where Are the .400 Hitters of Yesteryear? A Commment
by David T. Jack - 12-16 Foreign Stocks in Behavioral Portfolios
by Meir Statman - 18-20 Risk Management in Complex Organizations
by Richard Bookstaber - 21-25 Value of the CFA® Designation to Public Pensions
by Kenneth R. Miller & Christopher B. Tobe - 27-34 The Investment Value of Brand Franchise
by Jack Treynor - 35-49 Pricing of Domestic versus Multinational Companies
by Thierry Lombard & Jacques Roulet & Bruno Solnik - 51-60 The Effects of Blending Primary and Diluted EPS Data
by Ralph P. Goldsticker & Pankaj Agrrawal - 61-72 Mining Fool's Gold
by Grant McQueen & Steven Thorley - 73-81 Market Timing: Style and Size Rotation Using the VIX
by Maggie M. Copeland & Thomas E. Copeland - 82-90 Volatility, Sentiment, and Noise Traders
by Gregory W. Brown - 91-92 A History of Corporate Finance (a review)
by Mark S. Rzepczynski & Martin S. Fridson
January 1999, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 6-6 Letter from the Editor
by H. Gifford Fong - 7-7 Errata
by The Editors - 8-12 Zero Sum
by Jack Treynor - 13-26 The Three P's of Total Risk Management
by Andrew W. Lo - 27-36 Beyond Mean–Variance: Performance Measurement in a Nonsymmetrical World (corrected)
by Hayne E. Leland - 37-48 Equity Style Timing (corrected)
by Duen-Li Kao & Robert D. Shumaker - 49-62 Using Asset Allocation to Protect Spending
by Philip H. Dybvig - 63-72 Multiple-Benchmark and Multiple-Portfolio Optimization
by Ming Yee Wang - 73-87 Credit Swap Valuation
by Darrell Duffie