April 2020, Volume 20, Issue S1
- 39-57 The structure, drivers and policy implications of the European carbon footprint
by Richard Wood & Karsten Neuhoff & Dan Moran & Moana Simas & Michael Grubb & Konstantin Stadler - 58-73 Consumption-oriented policy instruments for fostering greenhouse gas mitigation
by Michael Grubb & Doug Crawford-Brown & Karsten Neuhoff & Karin Schanes & Sonja Hawkins & Alexandra Poncia - 74-89 The impact of implementing a consumption charge on carbon-intensive materials in Europe
by Hector Pollitt & Karsten Neuhoff & Xinru Lin - 90-106 Towards accepted procedures for calculating international consumption-based carbon accounts
by Arnold Tukker & Richard Wood & Sarah Schmidt
November 2020, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1193-1208 Reducing inequality resulting from UK low-carbon policy
by Anne Owen & John Barrett - 1209-1225 Approaching climate change mitigation policymaking in South Africa: a view from critical complexity thinking
by Emily Tyler & Brett Cohen - 1226-1241 Challenges and opportunities for climate policy integration in oil-producing countries: the case of the UAE and Oman
by Aisha Al-Sarihi & Michael Mason - 1242-1256 Impacts of climate change policies worldwide on the Russian economy
by Igor Makarov & Henry Chen & Sergey Paltsev - 1257-1273 A cross-sectoral integrated assessment of alternatives for climate mitigation in Madagascar
by Larissa P. Nogueira & Francesco Dalla Longa & Bob van der Zwaan - 1274-1289 En route to China's mid-century climate goal: comparison of emissions intensity versus absolute targets
by Anastasis Giannousakis & Lavinia Baumstark & Elmar Kriegler - 1290-1304 A factor of two: how the mitigation plans of ‘climate progressive’ nations fall far short of Paris-compliant pathways
by Kevin Anderson & John F. Broderick & Isak Stoddard - 1305-1321 Public support for aviation policy measures in Sweden
by Jörgen Larsson & Simon Matti & Jonas Nässén - 1322-1335 Climate change communication and public engagement in interpersonal deliberative settings: evidence from the Irish citizens’ assembly
by Lala Muradova & Hayley Walker & Francesca Colli - 1336-1343 Utilization-focused scientific policy advice: a six-point checklist
by Fritz Sager & Céline Mavrot & Markus Hinterleitner & David Kaufmann & Martin Grosjean & Thomas F. Stocker - 1344-1348 A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing: nice idea, but doomed to fail
by Erik Haites - 1349-1354 A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing: the glass is half full
by Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh & Arild Angelsen & Andrea Baranzini & W. J. Wouter Botzen & Stefano Carattini & Stefan Drews & Tessa Dunlop & Eric Galbraith & Elisabeth Gsottbauer & Richard B. Howarth & Emilio Padilla & Jordi Roca & Robert C. Schmidt
October 2020, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1055-1056 In praise of our esteemed reviewers
by Frank Jotzo & Harald Winkler & Joanna Depledge & Jill Fisher - 1057-1069 A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing
by Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh & Arild Angelsen & Andrea Baranzini & W. J. W. Botzen & Stefano Carattini & Stefan Drews & Tessa Dunlop & Eric Galbraith & Elisabeth Gsottbauer & Richard B. Howarth & Emilio Padilla & Jordi Roca & Robert C. Schmidt - 1070-1091 Carbon pricing and competitiveness: are they at odds?
by Frank Venmans & Jane Ellis & Daniel Nachtigall - 1092-1111 Political conflict and climate policy: the European emissions trading system as a Trojan Horse for the low-carbon transition?
by Jochen Markard & Daniel Rosenbloom - 1112-1126 Managing uncertainty in carbon offsets: insights from California’s standardized approach
by Barbara Haya & Danny Cullenward & Aaron L. Strong & Emily Grubert & Robert Heilmayr & Deborah A. Sivas & Michael Wara - 1127-1140 Carbon pricing and economic populism: the case of Ontario
by Leigh Raymond - 1141-1160 Mind the gap: personal carbon trading for road transport in Kenya
by Fahd Mohamed Omar Al-Guthmy & Wanglin Yan - 1161-1174 Emissions trading in the development model of Colombia
by Rita Sousa & Andrés Camilo Álvarez-Espinosa & Nicolás Rojas Pardo & Sioux Fanny Melo Leon & Germán Romero Otalora & Silvia Calderon Diaz & Catarina Vazão & Pedro Martins Barata & Leidy Riveros Salcedo - 1175-1191 Public support for carbon taxation in Turkey: drivers and barriers
by Ayse Uyduranoglu & Serda Selin Ozturk
September 2020, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 881-887 Curbing fossil fuel supply to achieve climate goals
by Georgia Piggot & Cleo Verkuijl & Harro van Asselt & Michael Lazarus - 888-901 Climate change and fossil fuel production cuts: assessing global supply-side constraints and policy implications
by Nicolas Gaulin & Philippe Le Billon - 902-921 Transitional assistance policies for just, equitable and smooth low-carbon transitions: who, what and how?
by Fergus Green & Ajay Gambhir - 922-930 Obstacles and opportunities for moratoria on oil and gas exploration or extraction in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Fernando Tudela - 931-948 Extraction and development: fossil fuel production narratives and counternarratives in Colombia
by Claudia Strambo & Ana Carolina González Espinosa - 949-962 Divestment, energy incumbency and the global political economy of energy transition: the case of Adani’s Carmichael mine in Australia
by Giorel Curran - 963-979 Lessons from Germany’s hard coal mining phase-out: policies and transition from 1950 to 2018
by Pao-Yu Oei & Hanna Brauers & Philipp Herpich - 980-996 Revoking coal mining permits: an economic and legal analysis
by Ryan Rafaty & Sugandha Srivastav & Björn Hoops - 997-1009 From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum resource governance and climate policy
by Guri Bang & Bård Lahn - 1010-1023 Phasing out public financial flows to fossil fuel production in Europe
by Ipek Gençsü & Shelagh Whitley & Markus Trilling & Laurie van der Burg & Maeve McLynn & Leah Worrall - 1024-1042 Equity, climate justice and fossil fuel extraction: principles for a managed phase out
by Greg Muttitt & Sivan Kartha - 1043-1054 Towards a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty
by Peter Newell & Andrew Simms
July 2020, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 773-778 Towards zero carbon and zero poverty: integrating national climate change mitigation and sustainable development goals
by Tara Caetano & Harald Winker & Joanna Depledge - 779-799 Macroeconomic assessment of India’s development and mitigation pathways
by Dipti Gupta & Frederic Ghersi & Saritha S. Vishwanathan & Amit Garg - 800-814 A two-step approach to integrating gender justice into mitigation policy: examples from India
by Kavya Michael & Manish Kumar Shrivastava & Arunima Hakhu & Kavya Bajaj - 815-831 Sustainable development impacts of nationally determined contributions: assessing the case of mini-grids in Kenya
by Mirko Dal Maso & Karen Holm Olsen & Yan Dong & Mathilde Brix Pedersen & Michael Zwicky Hauschild - 832-845 Analyzing climate and energy policy integration: the case of the Mexican energy transition
by Heiner von Lüpke & Mareike Well - 846-865 Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria’s power sector: assessment of transition pathways
by María Yetano Roche & Hans Verolme & Chibuikem Agbaegbu & Taylor Binnington & Manfred Fischedick & Emmanuel Olukayode Oladipo - 866-880 Meeting the climate change challenge: local government climate action in British Columbia, Canada
by Ann Dale & John Robinson & Leslie King & Sarah Burch & Rob Newell & Alison Shaw & Francois Jost
July 2020, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 661-668 Loss and damage after Paris: more bark than bite?
by Morten Broberg & Beatriz Martinez Romera - 669-680 Loss & damage from climate change: from concept to remedy?
by Meinhard Doelle & Sara Seck - 681-692 Between negotiations and litigation: Vanuatu’s perspective on loss and damage from climate change
by Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh & Diana Hinge Salili - 693-703 Parametric loss and damage insurance schemes as a means to enhance climate change resilience in developing countries
by Morten Broberg - 704-714 Insurance schemes for loss and damage: fools’ gold?
by Linnéa Nordlander & Melanie Pill & Beatriz Martinez Romera - 715-728 Non-economic loss and damage: lessons from displacement in the Caribbean
by Adelle Thomas & Lisa Benjamin - 729-742 Loss and damage in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (Working Group II): a text-mining analysis
by Kees van der Geest & Koko Warner - 743-757 A human rights-based approach to loss and damage under the climate change regime
by Patrick Toussaint & Adrian Martínez Blanco - 758-771 Loss and damage: an opportunity for transformation?
by Erin Roberts & Mark Pelling
May 2020, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 527-533 Interpreting the UNFCCC’s provisions on ‘mitigation’ and ‘adaptation’ in light of the Paris Agreement’s provision on ‘loss and damage’
by Morten Broberg - 534-547 Willingness to pay for weather index-based insurance in semi-subsistence agriculture: evidence from northern Togo
by Essossinam Ali & Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe & Tahirou Abdoulaye & Daniel B. Sarpong - 548-562 Identifying local governance capacity needs for implementing climate change adaptation in Mauritius
by David Samuel Williams & Sérgio Rosendo & Oocheetsing Sadasing & Louis Celliers - 563-576 Curbing the car: the mitigation potential of a higher carbon price in the New Zealand transport sector
by Md Arif Hasan & David J. Frame & Ralph Chapman & Kelli M. Archie - 577-592 Evaluating policy success of emissions trading schemes in emerging economies: comparing the experiences of Korea and Kazakhstan
by Peter Howie & Shreekant Gupta & Hojeong Park & Daulet Akmetov - 593-608 Unpacking the policy mix of adaptation to climate change in Brazil’s semiarid region: enabling instruments and coordination mechanisms
by Carolina Milhorance & Eric Sabourin & Jean-François Le Coq & Priscylla Mendes - 609-625 Inequality, unemployment, and poverty impacts of mitigation investment: evidence from the CDM in Brazil and implications for a post-2020 mechanism
by David Grover & Swaroop Rao - 626-640 An open-source model of the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade programme with supply-demand scenarios to 2030
by Mason Inman & Michael D. Mastrandrea & Danny Cullenward - 641-651 Australian water policy reform: lessons learned and potential transferability
by Lin Crase & Jeff Connor & Sarah Michaels & Bethany Cooper - 652-660 The Brazilian renewable energy policy framework: instrument design and coherence
by Markus Fraundorfer & Florian Rabitz
April 2020, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 405-414 Beyond ambition: increasing the transparency, coherence and implementability of Nationally Determined Contributions
by W. Pieter Pauw & Richard J.T. Klein - 415-429 Ambition in the making: analysing the preparation and implementation process of the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement
by Frauke Röser & Oscar Widerberg & Niklas Höhne & Thomas Day - 430-442 The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: voluntary contributions towards thematic policy coherence
by Hannah Janetschek & Clara Brandi & Adis Dzebo & Bernd Hackmann - 443-457 Exploring links between national climate strategies and non-state and subnational climate action in nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
by Angel Hsu & John Brandt & Oscar Widerberg & Sander Chan & Amy Weinfurter - 458-467 What are the implications of the Paris Agreement for inequality?
by Caroline Zimm & Nebojsa Nakicenovic - 468-484 Conditional nationally determined contributions in the Paris Agreement: foothold for equity or Achilles heel?
by W. P. Pauw & P. Castro & J. Pickering & S. Bhasin - 485-498 Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) as instruments for promoting national development agendas? An analysis of small island developing states (SIDS)
by Aaron Atteridge & Cleo Verkuijl & Adis Dzebo - 499-510 Capacity building for implementation of nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement
by Mizan Khan & David Mfitumukiza & Saleemul Huq - 511-526 Transparency requirements under the Paris Agreement and their (un)likely impact on strengthening the ambition of nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
by Romain Weikmans & Harro van Asselt & J. Timmons Roberts
March 2020, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 275-291 Beyond national climate action: the impact of region, city, and business commitments on global greenhouse gas emissions
by Takeshi Kuramochi & Mark Roelfsema & Angel Hsu & Swithin Lui & Amy Weinfurter & Sander Chan & Thomas Hale & Andrew Clapper & Andres Chang & Niklas Höhne - 292-316 Climate policy co-benefits: a review
by Mikael Karlsson & Eva Alfredsson & Nils Westling - 317-322 Three roles for education in climate change adaptation
by N. W. Feinstein & K. J. Mach - 323-340 How does a social practice perspective add to the development of policy instruments to reduce consumption-based CO2 emissions? A case study of Austria
by Moritz Kammerlander & Ines Omann & Stefanie Gerold & Mirijam Mock & Andrea Stocker - 341-353 Does mitigation shape adaptation? The urban climate mitigation-adaptation nexus
by Taedong Lee & Hyuk Yang & Anders Blok - 354-372 Climate change policy networks: connecting adaptation and mitigation in multiplex networks in Peru
by Bruno Locatelli & Emilia Pramova & Monica Di Gregorio & Maria Brockhaus & Dennis Armas Chávez & Ramzi Tubbeh & Juan Sotés & Javier Perla - 373-386 Political populism, responsiveness, and public support for climate mitigation
by Robert A. Huber & Lukas Fesenfeld & Thomas Bernauer - 387-404 Achieving the Paris Agreement’s 2 degree target in Nepal: the potential role of a carbon tax
by Bijay B. Pradhan & Ram M. Shrestha & Bundit Limmeechokchai
February 2020, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 143-148 The mirage of Madrid: elusive ambition on the horizon
by Charlotte Streck - 149-162 Protecting Antarctic blue carbon: as marine ice retreats can the law fill the gap?
by Brendan Gogarty & Jeff McGee & David K.A. Barnes & Chester J. Sands & Narissa Bax & Marcus Haward & Rachel Downey & Camille Moreau & Bernabé Moreno & Christoph Held & Maria Lund Paulsen - 163-178 Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Nexus through nationally determined contributions (NDCs): the case of Brazil
by Maria-Augusta Paim & Pablo Salas & Sören Lindner & Hector Pollitt & Jean-Francois Mercure & Neil R. Edwards & Jorge E. Viñuales - 179-198 Financial impacts of climate change mitigation policies and their macroeconomic implications: a stock-flow consistent approach
by Emmanuel Bovari & Gäel Giraud & Florent McIsaac - 199-216 Justice through polycentricity? A critical examination of climate justice framings in Pakistani climate policymaking
by Zoha Shawoo & C. L. McDermott - 217-233 The role of lifestyle changes in low-emissions development strategies: an economy-wide assessment for Brazil
by Carolina Grottera & Emilio Lèbre La Rovere & William Wills & Amaro Olímpio Pereira Jr - 234-245 Decarbonization pathways and energy investment needs for developing Asia in line with ‘well below’ 2°C
by Wenji Zhou & David L. McCollum & Oliver Fricko & Shinichiro Fujimori & Matthew Gidden & Fei Guo & Tomoko Hasegawa & Han Huang & Daniel Huppmann & Volker Krey & Changyi Liu & Simon Parkinson & Keywan Riahi & Peter Rafaj & Wolfgang Schoepp & Fang Yang & Yuanbing Zhou - 246-264 The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: critical review and future outlook for three design innovations
by Catherine Leining & Suzi Kerr & Bronwyn Bruce-Brand - 265-274 The UK’s decision to leave the European Union (Brexit) and its impact on the EU as a climate change actor
by Alexandra-Maria Bocse
January 2020, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-17 The effects of a linked carbon emissions trading scheme for Latin America
by Thais Diniz Oliveira & Angelo Costa Gurgel & Steve Tonry - 18-29 Outside in? Using international carbon markets for mitigation not covered by nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement
by Lambert Schneider & Stephanie La Hoz Theuer & Andrew Howard & Kelley Kizzier & Martin Cames - 30-45 Fast track or Slo-Mo? Public support and temporal preferences for phasing out fossil fuel cars in the United States
by Adrian Rinscheid & Silvia Pianta & Elke U. Weber - 46-59 Price stabilization mechanisms in China’s pilot emissions trading schemes: design and performance
by Banban Wang & Anatole Boute & Xiujie Tan - 60-70 Emissions trading in regulated electricity markets
by William Acworth & Mariza Montes de Oca & Anatole Boute & Carlotta Piantieri & Felix Christian Matthes - 71-94 Transition pathways for North Africa to meet its (intended) nationally determined contributions ((I)NDCs) under the Paris Agreement: a model-based assessment
by Nadia S. Ouedraogo - 95-108 Co-financing in the green climate fund: lessons from the global environment facility
by Lianbiao Cui & Yi Sun & Malin Song & Lei Zhu - 109-123 Domestic frames on Russia’s role in international climate diplomacy
by Anna Korppoo - 124-132 Putting equity into practice in the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement
by Harald Winkler - 133-142 How to avoid history repeating itself: the case for an EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) price floor revisited
by Christian Flachsland & Michael Pahle & Dallas Burtraw & Ottmar Edenhofer & Milan Elkerbout & Carolyn Fischer & Oliver Tietjen & Lars Zetterberg
July 2020, Volume 19, Issue 9
- 1067-1087 Diversity of greenhouse gas emission drivers across European countries since the 2008 crisis
by Quentin Perrier & Céline Guivarch & Olivier Boucher - 1088-1101 Mid-Century Strategies: pathways to a low-carbon future?
by Narayan Gopinathan & Narayan S. Subramanian & Johannes Urpelainen - 1102-1116 Would different methodologies for assessing carbon leakage exposure lead to different risk levels? A case study of the Brazilian industry
by Luan Santos & André F. P. Lucena & Rafael Garaffa - 1117-1131 Implications of Japan’s long term climate mitigation target and the relevance of uncertain nuclear policy
by Diego Silva Herran & Shinichiro Fujimori & Mikiko Kainuma - 1132-1143 The levelized cost of carbon: a practical, if imperfect, method to compare CO2 abatement projects
by Erin D. Baker & Seyedeh Nazanin Khatami - 1144-1156 Beyond carbon pricing: policy levers for negative emissions technologies
by Emily Cox & Neil Robert Edwards - 1157-1172 How to reach an elusive INDC target: macro-economic implications of carbon taxation and emissions trading in Turkey
by Baris Karapinar & Hasan Dudu & Ozge Geyik & Aykut Mert Yakut - 1173-1185 Mapping and clustering the adoption of carbon pricing policies: what polities price carbon and why?
by Jakob Skovgaard & Sofía Sacks Ferrari & Åsa Knaggård - 1186-1204 Perceived fairness and public acceptability of carbon pricing: a review of the literature
by Sara Maestre-Andrés & Stefan Drews & Jeroen van den Bergh
July 2019, Volume 19, Issue S1
- 1-7 Climate change policies, natural resources and conflict: implications for development
by Esteve Corbera & Dik Roth & Courtney Work - 8-22 Representation and participation in formulating Nepal’s REDD+ approach
by Poshendra Satyal & Esteve Corbera & Neil Dawson & Hari Dhungana & Gyanu Maskey - 23-35 ‘This is my garden’: justice claims and struggles over forests in Vietnam’s REDD+
by Cam Hoang & Poshendra Satyal & Esteve Corbera - 36-46 The implications of ignoring smallholder agriculture in climate-financed forestry projects: empirical evidence from two REDD+ pilot projects
by A. E. C. Duker & T. M. Tadesse & T. Soentoro & C. de Fraiture & J. S. Kemerink-Seyoum - 47-62 Maladaptation and development as usual? Investigating climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in Cambodia
by Courtney Work & Vannrith Rong & Danik Song & Arnim Scheidel - 63-77 Watered down? Civil society organizations and hydropower development in the Darjeeling and Sikkim regions, Eastern Himalaya: A comparative study
by Deepa Joshi & Joas Platteeuw & Jasber Singh & Juliana Teoh - 78-93 Climates of urbanization: local experiences of water security, conflict and cooperation in peri-urban South-Asia
by Dik Roth & Muhammad Shah Alam Khan & Israt Jahan & Rezaur Rahman & Vishal Narain & Aditya Kumar Singh & Monica Priya & Sucharita Sen & Anushiya Shrestha & Saroj Yakami - 94-106 Transforming local natural resource conflicts to cooperation in a changing climate: Bangladesh and Nepal lessons
by Parvin Sultana & Paul Michael Thompson & Naya Sharma Paudel & Madan Pariyar & Mujibur Rahman - 107-120 Turning conflicts into cooperation? The role of adaptive learning and deliberation in managing natural resources conflicts in Nepal
by Hemant R. Ojha & Prabin Bhusal & Naya S. Paudel & Paul M. Thompson & Parvin Sultana
November 2019, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1205-1210 Revising the ‘host country standard’ principle: a step for China to align its overseas investment with the Paris Agreement
by Tancrède Voituriez & Wang Yao & Mathias Lund Larsen - 1211-1224 Additionality revisited: guarding the integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement
by Axel Michaelowa & Lukas Hermwille & Wolfgang Obergassel & Sonja Butzengeiger - 1225-1238 (Re)Framing ocean acidification in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC) and Paris Agreement
by Ellycia R. Harrould-Kolieb - 1239-1249 Cross-national patterns of governance mechanisms in nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement
by Maria Jernnäs & Jens Nilsson & Björn-Ola Linnér & Andreas Duit - 1250-1269 The population structural transition effect on rising per capita CO2 emissions: evidence from China
by Junfeng Wang & Yaqing Wu & Yue Zhao & Shutong He & Zhanfeng Dong & Wenguang Bo - 1270-1283 Piecemeal or combined? Assessing greenhouse gas mitigation spillovers in US forest and agriculture policy portfolios
by Christopher S. Galik & Gregory S. Latta & Christopher Gambino - 1284-1296 Carbon leakage in aviation policy
by Lynnette Dray & Khan Doyme - 1297-1309 Knowledge gaps and climate adaptation policy: a comparative analysis of six Latin American countries
by Daniel Ryan & Eduardo Bustos - 1310-1324 The death spiral of coal in the U.S.: will changes in U.S. Policy turn the tide?
by Roman Mendelevitch & Christian Hauenstein & Franziska Holz - 1325-1339 Technical characteristics of a solar geoengineering deployment and implications for governance
by Douglas G. MacMartin & Peter J. Irvine & Ben Kravitz & Joshua B. Horton - 1340-1350 Enhancing the value of adaptation reporting as a driver for action: lessons from the UK
by Roger B. Street & Simon Jude
October 2019, Volume 19, Issue 9
- 1067-1087 Diversity of greenhouse gas emission drivers across European countries since the 2008 crisis
by Quentin Perrier & Céline Guivarch & Olivier Boucher - 1088-1101 Mid-Century Strategies: pathways to a low-carbon future?
by Narayan Gopinathan & Narayan S. Subramanian & Johannes Urpelainen - 1102-1116 Would different methodologies for assessing carbon leakage exposure lead to different risk levels? A case study of the Brazilian industry
by Luan Santos & André F. P. Lucena & Rafael Garaffa - 1117-1131 Implications of Japan’s long term climate mitigation target and the relevance of uncertain nuclear policy
by Diego Silva Herran & Shinichiro Fujimori & Mikiko Kainuma - 1132-1143 The levelized cost of carbon: a practical, if imperfect, method to compare CO2 abatement projects
by Erin D. Baker & Seyedeh Nazanin Khatami - 1144-1156 Beyond carbon pricing: policy levers for negative emissions technologies
by Emily Cox & Neil Robert Edwards - 1157-1172 How to reach an elusive INDC target: macro-economic implications of carbon taxation and emissions trading in Turkey
by Baris Karapinar & Hasan Dudu & Ozge Geyik & Aykut Mert Yakut - 1173-1185 Mapping and clustering the adoption of carbon pricing policies: what polities price carbon and why?
by Jakob Skovgaard & Sofía Sacks Ferrari & Åsa Knaggård - 1186-1204 Perceived fairness and public acceptability of carbon pricing: a review of the literature
by Sara Maestre-Andrés & Stefan Drews & Jeroen van den Bergh
September 2019, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 937-946 Engineering climate debt: temperature overshoot and peak-shaving as risky subprime mortgage lending
by Shinichiro Asayama & Mike Hulme - 947-958 Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement and the costs of delayed action
by Matthew Winning & James Price & Paul Ekins & Steve Pye & James Glynn & Jim Watson & Christophe McGlade - 959-973 Effect of reciprocity on public opinion of international climate treaties: experimental evidence from the US and China
by Paul Stroik & D. Chakraborty & W. Ge & J. Boulter & E. Jamelske - 974-987 Challenges for hydropower-based nationally determined contributions: a case study for Ecuador
by Pablo E. Carvajal & Francis G. N. Li - 988-1001 Catalyzing mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement: elements for an effective Global Stocktake
by Lukas Hermwille & Anne Siemons & Hannah Förster & Louise Jeffery - 1002-1018 Interaction between CO2 emissions trading and renewable energy subsidies under uncertainty: feed-in tariffs as a safety net against over-allocation
by Oskar Lecuyer & Philippe Quirion - 1019-1037 Modelling innovation and the macroeconomics of low-carbon transitions: theory, perspectives and practical use
by Jean-Francois Mercure & Florian Knobloch & Hector Pollitt & Leonidas Paroussos & S. Serban Scrieciu & Richard Lewney - 1038-1051 Narratives in REDD+ benefit sharing: examining evidence within and beyond the forest sector
by Grace Yee Wong & Cecilia Luttrell & Lasse Loft & Anastasia Yang & Thuy Thu Pham & Daisuke Naito & Samuel Assembe-Mvondo & Maria Brockhaus - 1052-1065 Taking stock of Climate Change Acts in Europe: living policy processes or symbolic gestures?
by Sarah Louise Nash & Reinhard Steurer
July 2019, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 665-671 Climate displacement and resettlement: the importance of claims-making ‘from below’
by Alex Arnall & Chris Hilson & Catriona McKinnon - 672-687 Carbon neutral policy in action: the case of Bhutan
by Dorji Yangka & Vanessa Rauland & Peter Newman
May 2019, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 533-541 Including animal to plant protein shifts in climate change mitigation policy: a proposed three-step strategy
by Helen Harwatt - 542-555 Is it time to abolish company car benefits? An analysis of transport behaviour in Germany and implications for climate change
by Daniel Metzler & Andreas Humpe & Stefan Gössling - 556-570 The roles of network embeddedness, market incentives, and slack resources in the adoption of clean technologies by firms in developing countries
by Naeem Ashraf & Breeda Comyns & Ghulam Ali Arain & Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti - 571-584 Power interplay between actors: using material and ideational resources to shape local adaptation plans of action (LAPAs) in Nepal
by Sumit Vij & Robbert Biesbroek & Annemarie Groot & Katrien Termeer & Binod Prasad Parajuli - 585-597 Health co-benefits and the development of climate change mitigation policies in the European Union
by Annabelle Workman & Grant Blashki & Kathryn J. Bowen & David J. Karoly & John Wiseman - 598-610 Energy-intensive manufacturing sectors in China: policy priorities for achieving climate mitigation and energy conservation targets
by Li Li & Jianjun Wang & Brian Ó Gallachóir & Hua Cai & Jian Zhang - 611-622 Climate change and the agricultural sector in Ireland: examining farmer awareness and willingness to adopt new advisory mitigation tools
by Domna Tzemi & James Breen - 623-635 Reducing wind power curtailment in China: comparing the roles of coal power flexibility and improved dispatch
by Hong Lu & Caixia Wang & Qionghui Li & Ryan Wiser & Kevin Porter - 636-650 The significance of political culture, economic context and instrument type for climate policy support: a cross-national study
by Niklas Harring & Sverker C. Jagers & Simon Matti - 651-663 Designing air ticket taxes for climate change mitigation: insights from a Swedish valuation study
by Jonas Sonnenschein & Nora Smedby
April 2019, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 401-413 When less is more: limits to international transfers under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
by Stephanie La Hoz Theuer & Lambert Schneider & Derik Broekhoff - 414-426 What future for the voluntary carbon offset market after Paris? An explorative study based on the Discursive Agency Approach
by Sebastian Lang & Mareike Blum & Sina Leipold - 427-438 The political roots of divergence in carbon market design: implications for linking
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen & Jørgen Wettestad & David G. Victor & Arild Underdal - 439-452 Free allocation rules in the EU emissions trading system: what does the empirical literature show?
by Stefano F. Verde & Jordi Teixidó & Claudio Marcantonini & Xavier Labandeira - 453-471 Why does emissions trading under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) not affect firms’ competitiveness? Empirical findings from the literature
by Eugénie Joltreau & Katrin Sommerfeld - 472-486 China’s national carbon emissions trading scheme: lessons from the pilot emission trading schemes, academic literature, and known policy details
by Thomas Stoerk & Daniel J. Dudek & Jia Yang - 487-494 Targeting carbon dioxide removal in the European Union
by Oliver Geden & Glen P. Peters & Vivian Scott - 495-510 South East Europe electricity roadmap – modelling energy transition in the electricity sectors
by László Szabó & Ágnes Kelemen & András Mezősi & Zsuzsanna Pató & Enikő Kácsor & Gustav Resch & Lukas Liebmann - 511-523 Unstoppable climate change? The influence of fatalistic beliefs about climate change on behavioural change and willingness to pay cross-nationally
by Adam Mayer & E. Keith Smith - 524-532 Job losses and political acceptability of climate policies: why the ‘job-killing’ argument is so persistent and how to overturn it
by Francesco Vona
March 2019, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 275-282 Is India pulling its weight? India’s nationally determined contribution and future energy plans in global climate policy
by Aniruddh Mohan & Timon Wehnert - 283-298 Climate action for food security in South Asia? Analyzing the role of agriculture in nationally determined contributions to the Paris agreement
by T. S. Amjath-Babu & Pramod K. Aggarwal & Sonja Vermeulen - 299-314 Using probabilistic analysis to improve greenhouse gas baseline forecasts in developing country contexts: the case of Chile
by Raul O’ Ryan & Carlos Benavides & Manuel Díaz & Juan Pablo San Martín & Javier Mallea - 315-328 What drives policy change for REDD+? A qualitative comparative analysis of the interplay between institutional and policy arena factors
by Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki & Maria Brockhaus & Jenniver Sehring & Monica Di Gregorio & Samuel Assembe-Mvondo & Andrea Babon & Melaku Bekele & Vanessa Benn & Maria Fernanda Gebara & Hermann W. Kambire & Felicien Kengoum & Cynthia Maharani & Mary Menton & Moira Moeliono & Robert Ochieng & Naya Sharma Paudel & Thuy Thu Pham & Guy Patrice Dkamela & Almeida Sitoe - 329-341 Governance of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS): accounting, rewarding, and the Paris agreement
by Asbjørn Torvanger - 342-353 Resilience through interlinkage: the green climate fund and climate finance governance
by Megan Bowman & Stephen Minas - 354-366 Implementing climate change adaptation: lessons from India’s national adaptation fund on climate change (NAFCC)
by Ravi S. Prasad & Ridhima Sud - 367-385 Upholding labour productivity under climate change: an assessment of adaptation options
by Ed Day & Sam Fankhauser & Nick Kingsmill & Hélia Costa & Anna Mavrogianni - 386-400 Environmental integrity of international carbon market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement
by Lambert Schneider & Stephanie La Hoz Theuer
February 2019, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 139-146 Aligning climate action with the self-interest and short-term dominated priorities of decision-makers
by Arpad Cseh - 147-160 The impact of compensatory measures on public support for carbon taxation: an experimental study in Sweden
by Sverker C. Jagers & Johan Martinsson & Simon Matti - 161-174 Achievability of the Paris Agreement targets in the EU: demand-side reduction potentials in a carbon budget perspective
by Vicki Duscha & Alexandra Denishchenkova & Jakob Wachsmuth - 175-188 Decision making under uncertainty in climate change mitigation: introducing multiple actor motivations, agency and influence
by Katy Roelich & Jannik Giesekam - 189-205 The nexus between nationally determined contributions and technology needs assessments: a global analysis
by Lindy Charlery & Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup - 206-218 Resistance to relocation in flood-vulnerable coastal areas: a proposed composite index
by Hélène Rey-Valette & Samuel Robert & Bénédicte Rulleau - 219-230 Low carbon scenarios and policies for the power sector in Botswana
by Yong Jun Baek & Tae Yong Jung & Sung Jin Kang - 231-243 Do climate engineering experts display moral-hazard behaviour?
by Christine Merk & Gert Pönitzsch & Katrin Rehdanz - 244-257 Democracy, electoral systems and emissions: explaining when and why democratization promotes mitigation
by Zeynep Clulow - 258-274 The threat to climate change mitigation posed by the abundance of fossil fuels
by Filip Johnsson & Jan Kjärstad & Johan Rootzén
January 2019, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-16 Sustainable energy transition in developing countries: the role of energy aid donors
by Jung Eun Kim - 17-29 Russian industry responses to climate change: the case of the metals and mining sector
by Ellie Martus - 30-42 Zero carbon energy system pathways for Ireland consistent with the Paris Agreement
by James Glynn & Maurizio Gargiulo & Alessandro Chiodi & Paul Deane & Fionn Rogan & Brian Ó Gallachóir - 43-58 Adaptation financing for projects focused on food systems through the UNFCCC
by Aleksandra Conevska & James Ford & Alexandra Lesnikowski & Sherilee Harper - 59-72 Which policy instruments attract foreign direct investments in renewable energy?
by Ronald Wall & Stelios Grafakos & Alberto Gianoli & Spyridon Stavropoulos - 73-91 Prospects for steam coal exporters in the era of climate policies: a case study of Colombia
by Pao-Yu Oei & Roman Mendelevitch - 92-107 Pricing carbon consumption: synthesizing an emerging trend
by Clayton Munnings & William Acworth & Oliver Sartor & Yong-Gun Kim & Karsten Neuhoff - 108-124 Developing Africa’s energy mix
by Gregor Schwerhoff & Mouhamadou Sy - 125-138 Overcoming barriers to climate change information management in small island developing states: lessons from pacific SIDS
by Samuel Mackay & Rebecca Brown & Makelesi Gonelevu & Netatua Pelesikoti & Talei Kocovanua & Rebecca Iaken & Florence Iautu & Luisa Tuiafitu-Malolo & Sione Fulivai & Ma’asi Lepa & Brendan Mackey
November 2018, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1227-1234 Escaping the climate policy uncertainty trap: options contracts for REDD+
by Alexander A. Golub & Sabine Fuss & Ruben Lubowski & Jake Hiller & Nikolay Khabarov & Nicolas Koch & Andrey Krasovskii & Florian Kraxner & Timothy Laing & Michael Obersteiner & Charles Palmer & Pedro Piris-Cabezas & Wolf Heinrich Reuter & Jana Szolgayová & Luca Taschini & Johanna Wehkamp - 1235-1245 The impacts of economic structure on China’s carbon dioxide emissions: an analysis with reference to other East Asian economies
by Tin Fai Kwok & Yuan Xu & Xiao Liu & Yee Leung