2004, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 425-439 Ethics and Social Economics: ASE Presidential Address, January 2004, San Diego, California
by Charles Wilber - 441-463 On the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy and of Fiscal Policy
by Philip Arestis & Malcolm Sawyer - 465-486 Fishing for Discrimination
by Peter Riach & Judith Rich - 487-515 The Involvement of Members in the Governance of Large-Scale Co-operative and Mutual Businesses: A Formative Evaluation of the Co-operative Group
by Johnston Birchall & Richard Simmons - 517-541 Why Unemployment Insurance Might Not Only Be Good for the Soul, It Might Also Be Good for the Economy
by Morris Altman
2004, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 275-276 Consuming Symbolic Goods: Identity & Commitment - Introduction
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 277-289 Lauding the Leisure Class: Symbolic Content and Conspicuous Consumption
by Alan Shipman - 291-305 Consumption, Identity, and the Sociocultural Constitution of "Preferences": Reading Women's Magazines
by Martha Starr - 307-321 You Are What You Eat: The Social Economy of the Slow Food Movement
by Bruce Pietrykowski - 323-338 Consuming Values and Contested Cultures: A Critical Analysis of the UK Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production
by Gill Seyfang - 339-350 Religious Identity and Consumption
by Metin Cosgel & Lanse Minkler - 351-364 Paradoxes of Modernist Consumption - Reading Fashions
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 365-377 Are Unpreferred Preferences Weak in Symbolic Content?
by David George - 379-392 The Gift Paradox: Complex Selves and Symbolic Good
by Elias Khalil - 393-406 Deriving the Engel Curve: Pierre Bourdieu and the Social Critique of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
by Andrew Trigg - 407-420 The Post Affluent Society
by Amitai Etzioni
2004, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 129-148 Brothers and Breadwinners: Legislating Living Wages in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
by Ellen Mutari - 149-168 Autonomy-Respecting Assistance: Toward An Alternative Theory of Development Assistance
by David Ellerman - 169-199 The Incoherent Emperor: A Heterodox Critique of Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory
by Frederic Lee & Steve Keen - 201-219 Economic Models of Sin and Remorse: Some Simple Analytics
by Joseph Eisenhauer - 221-243 Was Shock Therapy Consistent with Democracy?
by John Marangos - 245-261 Religiosity, Economics and Life Satisfaction
by Kenneth Greene & Bong Joon Yoon - 263-271 Preference Pollution, Reasons, and Other Murky Motivations: on some hidden costs of the market
by Lanse Minkler
2004, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-25 Revealing Altruism
by Nancy Folbre & Robert Goodin - 27-50 Lying, Integrity, and Cooperation
by Lanse Minkler & Thomas Miceli - 51-65 A Chartalist Critique of John Locke's Theory of Property, Accumulation, and Money: or, is it Moral to Trade Your Nuts for Gold?
by Stephanie Bell & John Henry & L Randall Wray - 67-82 Induced Institutional Innovation and Transaction Costs: The Case of the Australian National Native Title Tribunal
by Laura McCann - 83-99 Male and Female Recoveries in Medical Malpractice Cases
by Walter Simmons & Rosemarie Emanuele - 101-112 Review Essay
by Hans Jensen
2003, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 425-445 The Scope and Promising Future of Social Economics
by Jon Wisman - 447-469 Selecting Among Anti-Poverty Policies: Can an Economist be Both Critical and Caring?
by Rebecca Blank - 471-477 Will the Poor Always be with Us?
by William Darity - 479-485 Blowing the Whistle on Poverty Policy
by Nancy Folbre - 487-510 The Minimum Wage and the Cause of Democracy
by Oren Levin-Waldman - 511-533 Structural Features of Female Employment Status and Earnings Mobility: The Experience in Germany
by Veronika Eberharter - 535-549 A New Approach to Human Development Index
by Krishna Mazumdar
2003, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 281-294 Globalization: Homogenization or Newfound Diversity?
by Sabine O'Hara & Adelheid Biesecker - 295-316 Having One's Cake and Being Eaten too: Irish Neo-liberal Corporatism
by Gerry Boucher & Grainne Collins - 317-339 The Italian Welfare System in the European Context
by Carmela D'Apice & Sebastiano Fadda - 341-363 The creeping disorganization of welfare capitalism or what is the future of Germany's social sector?
by Ingo Bode - 365-387 Small is Resilient—the Impact of Globalization on Denmark
by Klaus Nielsen & Stefan Kesting - 389-405 A New European Socioeconomic Perspective
by Jean-Louis Laville
2003, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 135-162 The moral ecology of markets: on the failure of the amoral defense of markets
by Daniel Finn - 163-182 Social economy and employment - the case of Sweden
by Hans Westlund - 183-210 Cooperation and fairness: the flood-Dresher experiment revisited
by Tom De Herdt - 211-234 Why do Women feel the way they do about market work: the role of familial, social and economic factors
by Bisakha Sen - 235-250 Love's labor's lost? the disutility of work and work avoidance in the economic analysis of labor supply
by David Spencer - 251-272 On pragmatic Philosophy and Knightian uncertainty
by Stephen John Nash
2003, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-22 A capabilities approach to austainable household livelihoods1With thanks to the Economic and Social Research Council for funding 'Enterprising livelihoods in rural households: new and old ways of working' Award number R000238213 on which the empirical work is based
by Elizabeth Oughton & Jane Wheelock - 23-50 Neoliberalism and economic justice in South Africa: revisiting the debate on economic apartheid
by Geoffrey Schneider - 51-71 Globalization, Neoliberalism and the attack on social security
by Christopher Niggle - 73-89 Two-tier rationality and reflexivity: an examination of the foundations of economic reason
by Mark Peacock - 91-110 Why development is more complex than growth: clarifying some confusions
by Hamid Hosseini - 111-128 Passion and craft: economists at work
by Evelyn Forget
2002, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 491-505 Global Society in 2052
by Anthony Scaperlanda - 507-519 Information Technology, Transactions Costs and Patterns Of Globalization in Developing Countries
by Jeffrey James - 521-541 The Ideology of Intellectual Property Rights in the International Economy
by Donald Richards - 543-566 Do They Bother? Employer Training of Temporary Workers
by Barbara Wiens-Tuers & Elizabeth Hill - 567-593 Full Employment: Gift Horse or Trojan Horse?
by Douglas Mair & Anthony Laramie - 595-602 Marx, Veblen and Contemporary Institutional Political Economy : Henry on O'Hara
by John Henry - 603-608 Marxist Institutionalism
by Howard Sherman - 609-618 The Role of Institutions and the Current Crises of Capitalism: A Reply to Howard Sherman and John Henry
by Phillip Anthony O'Hara
2002, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 323-329 Introduction: Reform in the Provision of Health Care
by Robert McMaster - 331-357 Unhealthy Accumulation: The Globalization of Health Care Privatization
by Michael Keaney - 359-375 National Identity and the Challenge of Health Reform in Canada
by Evelyn Forget - 377-401 The Dynamics of the Dutch Health Care System--A Discourse Analysis
by Kor Grit & Wilfred Dolfsma - 403-433 A Socio-instutionalist Critique of the 1990s' Reforms of the United Kingdom's National Health Service
by Robert McMaster - 435-469 Academic Medicine Under Economic Stress: A Case Study of the Institutional Change Transforming American Health Care
by Michael Lawlor
2002, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 159-181 Pauper Fiction in Economic Science: "Paupers in Almshouses" and the Odd Fit of Oliver Twist
by Stephen Ziliak - 183-208 Information, Knowledge and Agency: The Information Theoretic Approach and the Austrians
by Jochen Runde - 209-242 An Empirical Analysis of Working-Hours Constraints in Twenty-one Countries
by Alfonso Sousa-Poza & Fred Henneberger - 243-262 The Significance of the Monetary Context of Economic Behavior
by Giuseppe Fontana & Bill Gerrard - 263-277 Veblen and the New Growth Theory: Community as the Source of Capital's Productivity
by Ken McCormick - 279-281 Marxism, Institutionalism and Social Evolution
by Mayo Toruno - 283-289 Review Essay of Dugger and Sherman's Reclaiming Evolution (Routledge 2000): Implications for the Study of Social Conflict in US Metropolitan Regions
by Enrico Marcelli - 291-297 An Evolutionary Critique of Economics in the Making
by John Bellamy Foster - 299-305 "Enabling Myths": A Critique of Dugger and Sherman, Reclaiming Evolution , Chapter 4
by John Henry - 307-311 Response To Three Reviews
by William Dugger & Howard Sherman
2002, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-21 Is Social Capital Really Capital?
by Lindon Robison & A. Allan Schmid & Marcelo Siles - 23-45 Human Well-Being: A New Approach Based on Overall and Ordinary Functionings
by John Tomer - 47-69 Work Ownership Implications of Recent Papal Social Thought
by Clive Beed & Cara Beed - 71-92 Does Married Women's Market Work Affect Marital Stability Adversely? An Intercohort Analysis Using NLS Data
by Bisakha Sen - 93-107 Trends in Earnings Inequality among Young Adults
by Sourushe Zandvakili - 109-113 Thoughts Stimulated by Reading Geoffrey Hodgson's Economics and Utopia
by Richard Nelson - 115-123 Impurities all around? Some thoughts on Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Economics & Utopia: Why the Learning Economy is not the End of History
by Jack Vromen - 125-133 Visions of Mainstream Economics: A Response to Richard Nelson and Jack Vromen
by Geoffrey Hodgson
2001, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 367-393 Personalist Economics: Unorthodox and Counter-Cultural
by Edward O'Boyle - 395-416 The Impact of Transfers and Taxes on Alternative Poverty Indexes
by Robert Defina & Kishor Thanawala - 417-442 Neglected Features of the Safe Minimum Standard: Socio-economic and Institutional Dimensions
by Irmi Seidl & Clem Tisdell - 443-454 The Mind of the Social Individual: A Comment on Sherman and Hodgson
by Chris Fuller - 455-466 Moral Dilemmas and Factual Claims: Some Comments on Paul Krugman's Defense of Cheap Labor
by Pamela Cawthorne & Gavin Kitching - 467-490 John Stuart Mill's Theory Of Justice
by Barry Clark & John Elliott - 491-507 John Stuart Mill's Theories of Wealth and Income Distribution
by Hans Jensen - 509-527 J. S. Mill on Wages and Women: A Feminist Critique
by Jennifer Ball
2001, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 273-284 The Political-Economic Logic of World Governance
by Warren Samuels - 285-296 Conceptual Displacement: From the Natural to the Social
by Edward Fullbrook - 297-312 The Socioeconomic Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi: As an Origin of Alternative Development
by Kazuya Ishii - 313-329 Applying Sen's Capabilities Framework to Neighborhoods: Using Local Asset Maps to Deepen Our Understanding of Well-being
by Kelvin Jasek-Rysdahl - 331-352 Privatized Production, Socialized Consumption? Old Producer Power Behind the New Consumer Sovereignty
by Alan Shipman
2001, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 133-159 An Equity-based Redefinition of Underemployment and Unemployment and Some Measurements
by Bijou Yang Lester & Roger McCain - 161-183 Ellerman's Labor Theory of Property and the Injustice of Capitalist Exploitation
by Theodore Burczak - 185-202 The Relationships of Religion to Economics
by Patrick Welch & J. J. Mueller - 203-226 Hospitality versus Exchange: The Limits of Monetary Economies
by Stephanie Bell & John Henry - 227-248 Towards Sustainable Consumption: Economics and Ethical Concerns for the Environment in Consumer Choices
by Jouni Paavola
2001, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-21 Rational Choice with Passion: Virtue in a Model of Rational Addiction
by Andrew Yuengert - 23-43 Urban Development Revisited: The Role of Neighborhood Needs and Local Participation in Urban Revitalization
by Sabine O'Hara - 45-69 Conceptualizing Un employment in a Period of Atypical Em ployment: A Critical Realist Perspective
by Steve Fleetwood - 71-91 Metaphors of Knowledge in Economics
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 93-101 Review Essay on Economics for the Common Good
by Daniel Fusfeld - 103-108 Review Essay on Economics for the Common Good
by Lanse Minkler - 109-114 The Challenge of Social Economics: A Review Essay
by Steven Pressman - 115-125 Sorting the Wash
by Mark Lutz
2000, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 429-454 Adam Smith's Conceptualization of Power, Markets, and Politics
by John Elliott - 455-482 What is a Market? On the Methodology of a Contested Concept
by Eckehard Rosenbaum - 483-504 Religion and the Market: Opposition, Absorption, or Ambiguity?
by David Haddorff - 505-521 Culture and the Labor Market
by Siobhan Austen - 523-528 A Thoroughly Embodied Economics: A Review of Personalist Economics by Edward J. O'Boyle
by Daniel Finn - 529-534 A review of Personalist Economics
by Maureen Maloney - 535-538 A Review of Personalist Economics
by Peter Danner - 539-552 Personalist Economics: Moral Convictions, Economic Realities, And Social Action
by Edward O'Boyle
2000, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 273-276 Intergroup Economic Inequality Across Countries: An lntroductory Essay
by William Darity & Ashwini Deshpande - 277-293 Race, Gender and Regional Labor Market Inequalities in Brazil
by Peggy Lovell - 295-317 Earnings Differentials among Ethnic Groups in Canada: A Review of the Research
by Morton Stelcner - 319-338 Understanding Recent Empirical Evidence on Race and Labor Market Outcomes in the USA
by Patrick Mason - 339-360 Multiracialism and Meritocracy: Singapore's Approach to Race and Inequality
by R. Quinn Moore - 361-380 If Not Reconciliation, Then What?
by Samuel Myers - 381-399 Recasting Economic Inequality
by Ashwini Deshpande
2000, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 141-151 “Political Economy is a Mere Skeleton Unless…”: What Can Social Economists Learn From Charles Dickens?
by James Henderson - 153-175 On the Use of the Prisoners' Dilemma to Analyze the Relations Between Employment Security, Trust, And Effort
by Michael Smith - 177-196 Consumer Rationality and Consumer Sovereignty
by William Redmond - 225-239 Adolph Lowe on Freedom, Education and Socialization
by Mathew Forstater
2000, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-16 Communal Viability and Employment of Non-Member Labor: Testing Hypotheses with Historical Data
by John Murray - 17-42 The Logic of Membership of Sectoral Business Associations
by Robert Bennett - 43-62 Minimum Wage and Justice?
by Oren Levin-Waldman - 63-80 The Universal Capitalism Movement in the United States
by Ward Morehouse & Stuart Speiser & Ken Taylor - 81-107 The Immunisation Status of Poor Children: An Analysis of Parental Altruism and Child Well-Being
by John Hisnanick & Dale Coddington - 108-124 Shackle on Equilibrium: A Critique
by Gary Mongiovi - 125-133 Walter Adams and James W. Brock's The Tobacco Wars: The Final Shot of a Warrior for Competitive Markets and Responsible Government
by Warren Samuels
1999, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 419-426 Matters of Economic Justice
by Anthony Scaperlanda - 427-449 The Methodology of Economics and the Survival Principle Revisited and Revised: Some Welfare and Public Policy Implications of Modeling the Economic Agent
by Morris Altman - 450-465 The Development of T.R. Malthus's Institutionlist Approach to the Cure of Proverty: From Punishment of the Poor to Investment in Their Human Capital
by Hans. Jensen - 466-487 The Economics and Ethics of Minimum Wage Legislation
by Robert Prasch & Falguni Sheth - 488-506 Is Trade Liberalization an Important Cause of Increasing U.S. Wage Inequality? The Interaction of Theory and Policy
by John Davis - 507-522 The Multinational Corporation and Social Justice: Experiments in Supranational Governance
by Brent McClintock - 523-542 Immigration Justice: Beyond Liberal Egalitarian and Communitarian Perspectives
by Michael Scaperlanda - 545-546 Call for Papers Feminist Philosophies of Love and Work
by Julie Nelson
1999, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 263-277 Art, Ethics, and Economics
by Christine Rider - 278-280 A Task for Economists
by John Connor - 281-301 Toward an Improved Definition of Poverty
by Edward O'Boyle - 302-305 Response to Edward O'Boyle Article
by Robert Rector & Kirk Johnson & Sarah Youssef - 306-343 Distribution Sensitive Measures of Poverty in the United States
by John Bishop & John Formby & Buhong Zheng - 344-350 Distribution Sensitive Measures Of Poverty In The United States: Comment
by Edward O'Boyle - 351-387 The Extent of Material Hardship and Poverty in the United States
by Robert Rector & Kirk Johnson & Sarah Youssef - 388-399 Extent of Material Hardship and Poverty in the United States—Comment
by John Bishop & John Formby & Buhong Zheng - 400-403 Book Review
by William Van Lear - 403-405 Book Reviews
by John Heywood - 405-410 Book Review
by Mark Setterfield - 410-412 Book Review
by Patrick Primeaux
1999, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 141-155 The Determinants of Perceived Underpayment: The Role of Racial Comparisons
by Mary Hampton & John Heywood - 156-173 Market and Public Policy Mechanisms in Poverty Reduction: The Differential Effects on Poverty Crime
by Ralph Allen & Jack Stone - 174-176 Introduction
by Philip Arestis - 177-198 Beyond the Fordist/Post-Fordist Dichotomy: Working Through The Second Industrial Divide
by Bruce Pietrykowski - 199-219 Flexible Specialization, Supply-Side Institutionalism, and the Nature of Work Systems
by M. G. Marshall - 220-243 Structural Forms and Growth Regimes of the Post-Fordist Era
by Pascal Petit - 244-247 Book Reviews
by Judy Klein - 247-249 Book Reviews
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 256-258 Book Reviews
by John Tiemstra
1999, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 4-24 The Problem with Utility: Toward a Non-Consequentialist/Utility Theory Synthesis
by Lanse Minkler - 25-46 The Moral Economy
by Severyn Bruyn - 47-83 Profit-Making as Social Action: an Alternative Social-economic Perspective
by Milan Zafirovski - 84-98 Old Age is an Institution
by William Dugger - 99-123 Keynes and the Distribution of Uncertainty: Lessons from the Lancashire Cotton Spinning Industry and the General Theory
by John Cameron & Tidings Ndhlovu - 124-127 Book Reviews
by John Gowdy - 127-131 Book Reviews
by Mario Seccareccia - 134-137 Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting Association for Social Economics July 24,1998
by Edward O'Boyle
1998, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 411-424 The Social Economics of Work Time: Introduction
by Deborah Figart & Lonnie Golden - 425-441 The Macroeconomics of Work Time
by Barry Bluestone & Stephen Rose - 442-459 Who Are the Overworked Americans?
by Jerry Jacobs & Kathleen Green - 460-480 Degendering Work Time in Comparative Perspective: Alternative Policy Frameworks
by Deborah Figart & Ellen Mutari - 481-500 Differences in Work Hours and Hours Preferences by Race in the U.S
by Linda Bell - 501-521 The Work of Families: The Provision of Market and Household labor and the Role of Public Policy
by Julia Heath & David Ciscel & David Sharp - 522-541 Working Time and the Impact of Policy Institutions: Reforming the Overtime Hours Law and Regulation
by Lonnie Golden - 543-546 Book Reviews
by Ellen Mutari - 546-550 Book Reviews
by Thomas Palley - 551-554 Book Reviews
by Robert Drago - 554-557 Book Reviews
by David George - 557-560 Book Reviews
by Cathleen Zick - 560-562 Book Reviews
by Laura Leete - 562-566 Book Reviews
by Kea Tijdens
1998, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 259-276 Johnson's Great Society: Its Legacy in the 1990s
by Elba Brown-Collier - 277-294 Flat Taxes and Distributional Justice
by Maxime Fougere & Giuseppe Ruggeri - 295-306 A Reply to Howard Sherman
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 307-310 Rejoinder to Hodgson
by Howard Sherman - 311-323 Tony Lawson on Critical Realism: What's Teaching Got to Do with It?
by Zohreh Emami & Timothy Riordan - 324-334 On Closed Systems and the Language of Economic Discourse
by Roy Rotheim - 335-346 Is Gerard Debreu a Deductivist? Commentary on Tony Lawson's Economics and Reality
by Alex Viskovatoff - 347-355 Realism, Regularities, and Prediction
by Allin Cottrell - 377-378 Book Reviews
by Kishor Thanawala