July 2017, Volume 75, Issue 3
- 318-338 African farmers’ market organizations and global value chains: competitiveness versus inclusiveness
by Clemens Lutz & Getaw Tadesse - 339-370 Deploying strategic resources: comparing members of farmer cooperatives to non-members in sub-Saharan Africa
by Matthias Olthaar & Florian Noseleit - 371-387 Strategic intent and the strategic position of smallholders: a case study of a smallholders’ organization in the Ghanaian cocoa industry
by Alle Metzlar
April 2017, Volume 75, Issue 2
- 89-111 Polanyi’s ‘substantive approach’ to the economy in action? Conceptualising social enterprise as a public health ‘intervention’
by Michael J. Roy & Michelle T. Hackett - 112-138 Formal volunteering and self-perceived health. Causal evidence from the UK-SILC
by Damiano Fiorillo & Nunzia Nappo - 139-158 Income and religion: a heterogeneous panel data analysis
by Tiago Neves Sequeira & Ricardo Viegas & Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes - 159-180 Sexual identity and the lesbian earnings differential in the U.S
by Michael E Martell & Mary Eschelbach Hansen - 181-211 Non-monetary poverty in Togo: a multidimensional approach
by Yawo Agbényégan Noglo - 212-230 Social cooperatives, social welfare associations and social networks
by Giacomo Degli Antoni & Fabio Sabatini - 231-249 House arrest: the effects of underwater and low-equity mortgages on small business failure and mobility
by Robert H. Scott & Steven Pressman
January 2017, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 1-25 Karl Polanyi on economy and society: a critical analysis of core concepts
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 26-48 Moderate prosperity, an adaptation of the middle class concept to a Malagasy rural area: the case of Itasy
by Tsiry Andrianampiarivo - 49-75 Religiosity and social trust: evidence from Canada
by Maryam Dilmaghani - 76-87 Crises and structural change in Australian agriculture
by Stefan Mann & Benoit Freyens & Huong Dinh
October 2016, Volume 74, Issue 4
- () Editorial Board
by The Editors - 329-348 An economic agent in my brain? A critical analysis of multiple-self models in neuroeconomics
by Marco Stimolo - 349-368 Agency theory and social interactions at work
by Helena Lopes - 369-389 Economics for substantive democracy
by Manuel Couret Branco - 390-419 Marketising the commons in Africa: the case of Ghana
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 420-430 Capabilities, human development, and design thinking: a framework for gender-sensitive entrepreneurship programs
by Tonia Warnecke
September 2016, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 229-247 Economics still needs philosophy
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 248-274 Active ageing beyond the labour market: evidence on the role of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards at work
by Catherine Pollak & Nicolas Sirven - 275-297 Reconciling economics with naturalist ethical theory
by Bana Bashour & Ramzi Mabsout - 298-319 Turning values concrete: the role and ways of business selection in local currency schemes
by Jérôme Blanc & Marie Fare - 320-328 From free to civilized trade: a European perspective
by Jakob Kapeller & Bernhard Schütz & Dennis Tamesberger
June 2016, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 109-128 A Pathway Forwards for the Social Capital Metaphor
by William McClain - 129-147 Business ethics and a faith-inspired solution to the problem of economism
by Thomas More Garrett - 148-171 “Big Man” politics in the social economy: a case study of microfinance in Kingston, Jamaica
by Caroline Shenaz Hossein - 172-193 Assessing the socio-economic dimensions of the rise of organic farming in the European Union
by Charalampos Konstantinidis - 194-214 Sticky Norms, Endogenous Preferences, and Shareable Goods
by Anders Fremstad - 215-221 ‘Medical altruism in mainstream health economics: theoretical and political paradoxes’ comments
by Edward J. O’Boyle & Meade P. O’Boyle - 222-227 Is physician behavior too serious a business to be left to economics? Reply to medical altruism in mainstream health economics: theoretical and political paradoxes
by Philippe Batifoulier & Nicolas Da Silva
March 2016, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 1-6 Scientific misconduct and research ethics in economics: an introduction
by Altug Yalcintas & James R. Wible - 7-32 Scientific misconduct and the responsible conduct of research in science and economics
by James R. Wible - 33-52 A discipline-relevant conceptual framework for research ethics review in economic sciences
by M. van Heerden & R.G. Visagie & J.S. Wessels - 53-74 Research Ethics Education in Economics
by Altug Yalcintas & Isil Sirin Selcuk - 75-82 Serving as a referee for your own paper: A dream come true or…?
by Serdar Sayan - 83-97 Statistical significance and scientific misconduct: improving the style of the published research paper
by Stephen T. Ziliak - 98-108 Why do scientists cheat? Insights from behavioral economics
by Sarah Necker
December 2015, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 311-314 Introduction to the Special Issue on “Ethics, Global Finance and the Great Recession”
by Philip Arestis & Aurelie Charles & Giuseppe Fontana - 315-340 Harming Irreparably: On Neoliberalism, Kaldor-Hicks, and the Paretian Guarantee
by George F. DeMartino - 341-369 Distributional Costs of Housing-price Bubbles: Who pays the Price when Bubbles Deflate?
by Cynthia Bansak & Martha A. Starr - 370-387 Power, Intergroup Conflicts and Social Stratification in the United States: What has the Global Crisis Taught us?
by Philip Arestis & Aurelie Charles & Giuseppe Fontana - 388-414 Post-Crisis Experiments in Development Finance Architectures: A Hirschmanian Perspective On ‘Productive Incoherence’
by Ilene Grabel
September 2015, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 223-241 Judgment: Balancing Principle and Policy
by Mark D. White - 242-262 Participatory Economic Research: Benefits and Challenges of Incorporating Participatory Research into Social Economics
by Bruce Pietrykowski - 263-282 How the Social Economy Produces Innovation
by Jason Potts & John Hartley - 283-309 Membership and Performance in Finnish Financial Cooperatives: A New View of Cooperatives?
by Derek Jones & Panu Kalmi
June 2015, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 139-145 Effective Contributions to the Review of Social Economy and Social Economics—Editorial
by Michael Carr & Aurelie Charles & Wilfred Dolfsma & Robert McMaster & Tonia Warnecke - 146-153 A Rawlsian Defense of the Individual Mandate: The “Collective Asset” Approach
by Rojhat B. Avsar - 154-175 Moral Opinions are Conditional on the Behavior of Others
by Karen Evelyn Hauge - 176-195 Investigating Donating Behavior Using Hypothetical Dictator Game Experiments
by Kazuhito Ogawa & Takanori Ida - 196-221 Gender Differences in Time-Poverty in Rural Mozambique
by Diksha Arora
March 2015, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-18 Toward a Personal Identity Argument to Combine Potentially Conflicting Social Identities
by B�atrice Boulu-Reshef - 19-33 Social and Personal Identities: Their Influence on Scholastic Effort
by Giuseppina Autiero - 34-60 Is unemployment and low income harmful to health? Evidence from Britain
by David Cooper & W.D. McCausland & Ioannis Theodossiou - 61-88 Low-Wage Labor Markets and the Power of Suggestion
by Natalya Shelkova - 89-112 The Expanding Techniques of Progress: Agricultural Biotechnology and UN-REDD+
by Alexander Antony Dunlap - 113-137 The Concept of Trust and the Political Economy of John Maynard Keynes, Illustrated Using Central Bank Forward Guidance and the Democratic Dilemma in Europe
by Jamie Morgan & Brendan Sheehan
October 2014, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 417-435 Economics within a Pluralist Ethical Tradition
by Jonathan B. Wight - 436-459 A Meta-analysis of the Gender Gap in Performance in Collegiate Economics Courses
by Marianne Johnson & Denise Robson & Sarinda Taengnoi - 460-484 Amartya Sen's Capability Approach: A Framework for Well-Being Evaluation and Policy Analysis?
by Ai-Thu Dang - 485-503 NGOs, the State, and Development in Africa
by Berhanu Nega & Geoffrey Schneider - 504-522 Territorial Rooting as an Element of Well-Being
by Stefano Solari & Francesca Gambarotto - 523-548 Two Sides of a Medal: the Changing Relationship between Religious Diversity and Religiosity
by Matthias Opfinger
September 2014, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 261-279 Medical Altruism in Mainstream Health Economics: Theoretical and Political Paradoxes
by Philippe Batifoulier & Nicolas Da Silva - 280-310 Internalizing the Social Costs of a Small Number of Powerful, Overindebted Firms
by Michael H�bler - 311-336 The Implications for Health, Depression, and Life Satisfaction from a Permanent Increase in Income for the Disadvantaged Elderly: Evidence from Taiwan
by Fu-Min Tseng & Dennis James Petrie - 337-353 The Social Ontology of Fear and Neoliberalism
by Mary V. Wrenn - 354-378 Is Acting Prosocially Beneficial for the Credit Market?
by Luca Andriani - 379-415 Persistent Unemployment and the Generosity of Welfare States
by Derek Messacar
June 2014, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 137-156 Alpine Farming in Switzerland: Discerning a Lifestyle-Driven Labor Supply
by Chiara Calabrese & Stefan Mann & Michel Dumondel - 157-185 Thinking Like an Economist: The Neoliberal Politics of the Economics Textbook
by Peter-Wim Zuidhof - 186-208 Regional Differences in Chapter 13 Filings: Southern Legal Culture or Religion?
by John H. Beck & Donald D. Hackney & John Hackney & Matthew Q. McPherson - 209-232 "Fair Trade," Market Failures, and (the Absence of) Institutions
by Andrew Samuel & Fred W. Derrick & Charles Scott - 233-252 From Bretton Woods to the Global Financial Crisis: Popular Politics, Paradigmatic Debates, and the Construction of Crises
by Wesley Widmaier - 253-256 Exchange Entitlement Mapping: Theory and Evidence
by Stefano Solari - 256-260 International Economics: A Heterodox Approach
by Valentin Cojanu
March 2014, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-27 Bringing Ethics Back to Welfare Economics
by Ramzi Mabsout - 28-41 Killing for Money and the Economic Theory of Crime
by Samuel Cameron - 42-54 Neutral Media? Evidence of Media Bias and its Economic Impact
by Killian J. McCarthy & Wilfred Dolfsma - 55-82 Beyond Carrots and Sticks: How Cooperation and Its Rewards Evolve Together
by Luigino Bruni & Fabrizio Panebianco & Alessandra Smerilli - 83-115 Popular Attitudes Toward Market Economic Principles and Institutional Reform in Transition Economies
by Petrik Runst - 116-127 Social Economic Perspectives: An Interdisciplinary Review
by Ron Nahser - 127-135 Examining the Place of Ethics in Economics: A Review
by Steven McMullen
December 2013, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 409-426 Economics, Ethics and Thanatology: Lessons from the Ancients
by Donald G. Richards - 427-442 The Mystery of Capital or the Mystification of Capital?
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 443-473 Decomposing Racial and Ethnic Differences in Small Business Lending: Evidence of Discrimination
by Naranchimeg Mijid & Alexandra Bernasek - 474-501 Starting Your Career With a Fixed-Term Job: Stepping-Stone or "Dead End"?
by Dimitris Pavlopoulos - 502-525 Moral Sentiments, Institutions, and Civil Society: What Can Hegel Contribute to Sen's Theory of Justice?
by Ivan Boldyrev & Carsten Herrmann-Pillath - 526-533 Can We-and Should We-Measure Well-Being?
by Mark D. White - 534-539 The Pursuit of a Measure of Happiness
by Mark D. White - 540-543 Kantian Ethics and Economics: Autonomy, Dignity, and Character
by Stefano Solari - 543-546 Individuals and Identity in Economics
by B�atrice Boulu-Reshef - 546-550 Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology
by Alexander Ebner
September 2013, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 281-305 Overcoming Household Shocks: Do Asset-Accumulation Strategies Matter?
by Shoba Arun & Samuel Kobina Annim & Thankom Arun - 306-338 Public or Private Orientation of Pension Systems in the Light of the Recent Financial Crisis
by Christine Lagoutte & Anne Reimat - 339-372 To Measure is to Know? A Comparative Analysis of Gender Indices
by Irene van Staveren - 373-389 Economics: Unfit for Purpose
by Ben Fine - 390-398 The Vatican and the International Monetary System
by M.G. Hayes - 399-405 Approaches to the Social Economics of Well-Being: A Book Review Essay
by Halcyon Louis - 405-408 Measuring America: How Economic Growth Came to Define American Greatness in the Late-Twentieth Century
by Daphne T. Greenwood
June 2013, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 135-139 Oaths and Codes in Economics and Business—Introducing the Special Issue
by Boudewijn de Bruin & Wilfred Dolfsma - 140-165 Swearing to be Virtuous: The Prospects of a Banker's Oath
by John R. Boatright - 166-186 Epistemic Aspects of Economic Practice and the Need for Professional Economic Ethics
by George DeMartino - 187-208 The Power of Speech Acts: Reflections on a Performative Concept of Ethical Oaths in Economics and Business
by Vincent Blok - 209-227 Principles as “Rules Of Thumb”: A Particularist Approach to Codes of Ethics and an Analysis of the Dutch Banking Code
by Bastiaan van der Linden - 228-248 The Ethics of Swearing: The Implications of Moral Theories for Oath-Breaking in Economic Contexts
by Thaddeus Metz - 249-276 Will the Phoenix Fly Again?
by Mark R. Rutgers - 277-280 The Economist's Oath: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics
by Rodica Ianole
March 2013, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-19 The State and Religion
by Dennis C. Mueller - 20-43 Islam and Markets
by Ayman Reda - 44-64 Local Area Inequality and Worker Well-Being
by Michael D. Carr - 65-92 On the Natural and Economic Difficulties to Fulfilling the Human Right to Water Within a Neoclassical Economics Framework
by Christopher Jeffords & Farhed Shah - 93-107 The Increasing Role of Practical Reason in the Human Development Reports
by Ricardo F. Crespo - 108-111 Poverty and Social Welfare in Japan. Edited by Masami Iwata and Akihiko Nishizawa. Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2008. 323 pp., ISBN 978-1-876843-87-8 $34.95 (paper)
by Mita Marra - 112-114 Trading Stories: Experiences with Gender and Trade
by Tonia Warnecke - 115-118 Market Complicity and Christian Ethics. By Albino Barrera. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, xii + 312 pp., ISBN 978-1-107-00315-6, $88.00 (hardcover)
by Stephen P. Barrows - 118-123 The Economics of Enough: How to Run the Economy as if the Future Matters
by Ayman Reda - 123-126 The New Holy Wars: Economic Religion vs. Environmental Religion in Contemporary America
by Christine D. Miller Hesed - 127-130 The Price of Truth: Gift, Money, and Philosophy
by Zdravka Todorova - 131-133 Inequality, Development, and Growth
by Bret Anderson
December 2012, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 401-420 Social Economics and Evolutionary Learning
by Zohreh Emami - 421-450 Pragmatism to Dogmatism: The Laissez Faire Myth and the Disabling of the American Fisc
by Richard V. Adkisson & Mikidadu Mohammed - 451-467 Do Flexible Labor Markets Indeed Reduce Unemployment? A Robustness Check
by Robert Vergeer & Alfred Kleinknecht - 468-476 Opportunities for Smallholders from Developing Countries in Global Value Chains
by Clemens Lutz - 477-491 Interrogating Sickonomics, from Diagnosis to Cure: A Response to Hodgson
by Dimitris Milonakis & Ben Fine - 492-507 From Social Theory to Explaining Sickonomics: A Response to Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 508-513 Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future
by James A. Buss - 513-516 Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs, and Well-being . Edited by Felix Rauschmayer, Ines Omann and Johannes Frühmann
by Michael F. Watts - 520-523 Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life
by Marvin T. Brown - 524-527 The Economics of Social Responsibility: The World of Social Enterprises
by Rita Yi Man Li - 527-531 Education and Inequality Across Europe
by Xinyue Ye
March 2012, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 516-519 Relationship Economics: The Social Capital Paradigm and Its Application to Business, Politics, and Other Transaction
by Stephen P. Barrows1
November 2012, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 378-381 Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 395-399 Christian Theology and Market Economics
by Amin Mohseni
March 2012, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 388-391 Creating an Opportunity Society
by Mitja Stefancic
October 2012, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 295-314 Post-disaster Community Recovery in Heterogeneous, Loosely Connected Communities
by Virgil Henry Storr & Stefanie Haeffele-Balch
August 2012, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 263-294 The Comparative Advantages of Member-owned Businesses
by Johnston Birchall - 344-374 Two Sides of the Same Coin: Re-examining Nepotism and Discrimination in a Segmented Society
by Andre Hofmeyr & Justine Burns - 375-378 Elements of an Evolutionary Theory of Welfare: Assessing Welfare When Preferences Change
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 381-385 The Political Economy of Consumer Behavior: Contesting Consumption
by Yan Li
December 2012, Volume 70, Issue 3
September 2012, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 315-343 Job and Life Satisfaction Among Part-time and Full-time Workers: The “Identity” Approach
by Giovanni Russo - 392-395 Economic Persuasions
by Lorenzo Garbo
June 2012, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 155-163 Promoting Research on Intersections of Economics, Ethics, and Social Values: Editorial
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Deborah Figart & Robert McMaster & Martha Starr - 164-180 Particularly Polar Programs: Social Economics and Divergent Settlement Policies in Postwar Scandinavia
by Steven Soderlind - 181-199 Fairness and its Price
by Andrea Schneider & Klaus W. Zimmermann - 200-232 Work--Family Balance: Is the Social Economy Sector More Supportive … and is this because of its More Democratic Management?
by Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay - 233-251 Achieving Moral Capitalism through Entrepreneurial Justice
by Scott L. Newbert & Michael D. Stouder - 252-255 The Keynes Solution: The Path To Global Economic Prosperity
by Mitja Stefancic - 256-259 Happiness Around the World: The Paradox of Happy Peasants and Miserable Millionaires
by Roderick Hill - 259-262 Bankrupt: Global Lawmaking and Systemic Financial Crises
by Robert H. Scott
June 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 131-134 America's Economic Moralists: A History of Rival Ethics and Economics
by D. Marshall Meador - 134-141 On the Role of Paradigms in Finance; From Economics Imperialism to Freakonomics: The Shifting Boundaries between Economics and Other Social Sciences; Economics Versus Human Rights
by Roderick J. Macdonald - 145-149 The “Woman Question” and Higher Education: Perspectives on Gender and Knowledge Production in America
by Susan B. Carter
May 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 81-107 The Relational Dimension of Identity—Theoretical and Empirical Exploration
by Helena Lopes & Teresa Calapez - 109-130 Meaning of Life: Exploring the Relation between Economics and Religion
by Aloys Wijngaards & Esther-Mirjam Sent
July 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-30 The Personal Networks of Entrepreneurs in an Informal African Urban Economy: Does the ‘Strength of Ties’ Matter?
by Jean-Philippe Berrou & François Combarnous - 141-145 Boosting Paychecks: The Politics of Supporting America’s Working Poor
by Nancy E. Bertaux
September 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 57-80 Permanent On-The-Spot Job Creation—The Missing Keynes Plan for Full Employment and Economic Transformation
by Pavlina R. Tcherneva
December 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 31-56 Government Size and Trust
by Eiji Yamamura
December 2011, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 419-438 Institutional Usury and the Banks
by Betsy Jane Clary - 439-463 Freedom of Choice and Poverty Alleviation
by Ortrud Leßmann - 465-493 An Endogenous Growth Model with Human and Social Capital Interactions
by Tiago Neves Sequeira & Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes - 495-515 Is the CSR Craze Good for Society? The Welfare Economic Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility
by Atle Blomgren - 521-524 Less Pretension, More Ambition: Development Policy in Times of Globalization
by Matthias Olthaar - 524-528 Flexicurity and Beyond: Finding a New Agenda for the European Social Model
by Stefano Solari - 528-531 The Foundations of Non-equilibrium Economics
by Torsten Heinrich - 531-534 The “Uncertain” Foundations of Post Keynesian Economics: Essays in Exploration
by M.G. Hayes - 534-537 The Economics of Hate
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
September 2011, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 275-305 The Modus Vivendi of Material Simplicity: Counteracting Scarcity via the Deflation of Wants
by Adel Daoud - 307-332 North African Identity and Racial Discrimination in France: A Social Economic Analysis of Capability Deprivation
by Quentin Duroy - 333-355 Working Hours and Sustainable Development
by François-Xavier Devetter & Sandrine Rousseau - 357-376 Sickonomics: Diagnoses and Remedies
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 377-391 The Emerging Paradoxical Possibility of a Democratic Economy
by Gar Alperovitz - 393-395 The Elgar Companion to Social Economics
by Susana Graça - 395-399 Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History
by Mitja Stefancic - 399-402 Ethnic Solidarity for Economic Survival: Korean Greengrocers in New York City
by Benhua Yang - 402-406 Work Time Regulation as Sustainable Full Employment Strategy: The Social Effort Bargain
by Tom Walker - 406-409 Money, Uncertainty and Time
by Yan Li - 409-411 Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day
by Xinyue Ye
2011, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 143-162 Market Empowerment of the Patient: The French Experience
by Philippe Batifoulier & Jean-Paul Domin & Maryse Gadreau - 163-188 Intentions, Trust and Frames: A Note on Sociality and the Theory of Games
by Vittorio Pelligra - 189-210 Economics and the Supreme Court: The Case of the Minimum Wage
by Edward James McKenna & Diane Catherine Zannoni - 211-237 A Critical Evaluation of Competing Conceptualizations of Informal Employment: Some Lessons from England
by Colin Williams - 239-243 The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Society Stronger
by Betsy Jane Clary - 243-246 Inequality, Consumer Credit and the Saving Puzzle
by D. Marshall Meador - 247-249 Ethical Dimensions of the Economy: Making Use of Hegel and the Concepts of Public and Merit Goods
by Halcyon Louis - 250-253 Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability
by Sunita Reddy - 254-256 Knowledge Sharing among Scientists—Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 256-261 The Development Economics Reader
by Feisal Khan - 261-270 New Frontiers of Social Policy: Inclusive States: Social Policy and Structural Inequalities New Frontiers of Social Policy: Assets, Livelihoods, and Social Policy New Frontiers of Social Policy: Institutional Paths to Equity: Addressing Inequality Traps
by Tim MacNeill
2011, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-28 Fairness and Wages in Mexico's Maquiladora Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Labor Demand and the Gender Wage Gap
by Aurelie Charles - 29-53 Experimental Estimates of Taxpayer Ethics
by Joseph Eisenhauer & Doris Geide-Stevenson & David Ferro - 55-76 No Small Hope: The Basic Goods Imperative
by Kenneth Reinert - 77-96 From a Narrowly Defined Minimum Wageto Broader Wage Policy
by Oren Levin-Waldman - 97-121 Identity, Gender, and Subjective Well-Being
by Wen-Chun Chang