July 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 269-280 Lived experience perspectives on reducing the duration of untreated psychosis: the impact of stigma on accessing treatment
by Kate V. Hardy & Caroline E. Dickens & Erika L. Roach & Vicki Harrison & Aakash Desai & Laurie Flynn & Douglas. L. Noordsy & Judith Dauberman & Steven Adelsheim - 281-284 A history of depression with psychotic features modifies a woman’s risk for depression after childbirth
by Michael E. Silverman & Martin A. Goldstein & Lauren Smith & Abraham Reichenberg & Paul Lichtenstein & Sven Sandin - 285-294 Posttraumatic growth and recovery following a first episode of psychosis: a narrative review of two concepts
by Gerald Jordan & Srividya N. Iyer & Ashok Malla & Larry Davidson - 295-298 Uncertainty and my healthy narrative
by Ed Boait - 299-300 The medical model in mental health: an explanation and evaluation
by Sami Timimi - 300-301 Madness and genetic determinism. Is mental illness in our genes?
by Colin A. Ross - 301-302 On conquering schizophrenia: from the desk of a therapist and survivor
by Robin Tassinari
April 2020, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 101-105 COVID-19: how can we support each other (and ourselves)?
by Rai Waddingham - 106-114 Voice hearers’ experiences of the Making Sense of Voices approach in an NHS setting
by Craig Steel & Joachim Schnackenberg & Zoe Travers & Eleanor Longden & Emily Greenfield & Lynette Meredith & Hayley Perry & Dirk Corstens - 115-127 Living with voices: a thematic analysis of individuals’ experiences of voice-hearing in India
by Nidhi Sinha & Shubha Ranganathan - 128-138 “She is more about my illness than me”: a qualitative study exploring social support in individuals with experiences of psychosis
by Nicola McGuire & Craig Melville & Dimitar Karadzhov & Andrew Gumley - 139-150 Fathers’ experiences of caring for an adult child with psychosis: a qualitative study
by Bina Sharma & Nicola Green & Saskia Keville - 151-161 Delusion formation as an inevitable consequence of a radical alteration in lived experience
by Rachel Gunn & Michael Larkin - 162-171 Into and out of exile: an integrative phenomenological understanding of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome
by Bojun Hu & Frederick J. Wertz - 172-181 The relationship of sociodemographic and clinical profiles to the duration of untreated psychosis among adolescents with first-episode psychosis in an Oman tertiary hospital
by Hassan Mirza & Salim Al-Huseini & Siham Al-Shamli & Maissa Al-Dhahri & Zainab Al-Rashdi & Amira Al-Hosni & Haya Al-Hasani & Sanjay Jaju & Nasser Al-Sibani & Samir Al-Adawi - 182-187 Does mental imagery affect paranoia, anxiety and core beliefs? A pilot experimental study in an analogue sample
by Alison Bennetts & Lusia Stopa & Katherine Newman-Taylor - 188-194 Neither solitary nor social: surviving Chinese psychiatry
by Ji Xia - 195-197 Our mutual metamorphosis: an ISPS love affair in 4 chapters
by Rebecca B. Jaynes - 198-199 Psychotherapy for psychosis: integrating cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic treatment
by Ingo Lambrecht - 198-200 Psychotherapy for psychosis: integrating cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic treatment
by Ingo Lambrecht - 199-200 Art therapy for psychosis – theory and practice
by Linda Burgess
January 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-10 The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others
by Simon Watkins & Anjula Gupta & Chris Sanderson - 11-22 Hearing voices, sexual abuse and service system responses
by Kath Sellick & David Rose & Louise Harms - 23-33 Assisted outpatient treatment orders and the therapeutic relationship in Assertive Community Treatment: a mixed-methods study
by Philip T. Yanos & Lauren K. O’Connor & Joseph S. DeLuca & Samantha Fregenti & Priya M. Reji - 34-44 Aberrant salience and fatigue as mediators between early life experiences and ideas of reference
by María De Gracia León-Palacios & Miguel Garrido-Fernández & Cristina Senín-Calderón & Salvador Perona-Garcelán & Juan Francisco Rodríguez-Testal - 45-56 The psychometric properties of the DAIMON Scale, a translation from Spanish to English: an instrument to measure the relationship with and between voices
by Cherise Rosen & Kayla A. Chase & Salvador Perona-Garcelán & Robert W. Marvin & Rajiv P. Sharma - 57-67 “I don’t know how to fix it and sometimes it’s so overwhelming” Identifying the barriers and facilitators for family caregivers supporting someone at high-risk of psychosis: A qualitative study
by Emma Izon & Katherine Berry & Heather Law & Karmen Au-Yeung & Paul French - 68-78 Identity in the context of early psychosis: a review of recent research
by S. Ben-David & D. Kealy - 79-88 Psychotherapists’ experiences of withdrawn psychotic patients
by Nardus Saayman - 89-93 The case for including antipsychotics in the UK NICE guideline: “Medicines associated with dependence or withdrawal symptoms: safe prescribing and withdrawal management for adults”
by R. E. Cooper & L. M. Grünwald & M. Horowitz - 94-97 Schizophrenia from the inside perspective
by Anna Cornelia Beyer - 98-99 Madness and the demand for recognition
by Jane Faulkner - 99-100 Death of a whistleblower and Cochrane’s moral collapse
by Sami Timimi
July 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 81-89 Living with psychosis: strategies and social conditions for recovery
by Eugenie Georgaca & Anastasia Zissi - 90-98 Therapeutic relationship and concordance of client- and clinician-rated motivational goals in treatment of people with psychosis: an exploratory study
by Marialuisa Cavelti & Raphaela M. Tschümperlin & Daniela Hubl & Zeno Kupper & Franz Caspar & Stefan Westermann - 99-109 An exploration of young people’s narratives of hope following experience of psychosis
by Victoria Bonnett & Clio Berry & Sara Meddings & Sue Holttum - 110-121 Psychotherapy in schizophrenia: a retrospective controlled study
by Annbjørg Haram & Egil Jonsbu & Roar Fosse & Finn Skårderud & Torstein Hole - 122-131 “It was definitely a sexual kind of sensation”: sex, sexual identity, and gender in the phenomenology of psychosis
by Nev Jones & Cherise Rosen & Sarah Kamens & Mona Shattell - 132-141 Relating Therapy for distressing voices: Who, or what, is changing?
by Mark Hayward & Leanne Bogen-Johnston & Felicity Deamer - 142-145 Antidepressant tapering strips to help people come off medication more safely
by Peter C. Groot & Jim van Os - 146-152 Peer support for internalised stigma experienced by people with psychosis: rationale and recommendations
by Melissa Pyle & Stephen Pilling & Karen Machin & Ginny Allende-Cullen & Anthony P. Morrison - 153-153 Removed article
by The Editors - 158-159 Problems with a recent genome-wide association study in schizophrenia
by Colin A. Ross & Andrew W. Ross - 160-161 Insanity and divinity: studies in psychosis and spirituality
by Stella Compton Dickinson - 161-162 Psychiatric Hegemony: a Marxist theory of mental illness
by Peter Morrall
October 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 287-297 Identifying psychological resistances to using logic in cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) that limit successful outcomes for patients
by Michael Garrett & Anthony O. Ahmed & Christina Athineos & Lisa Cruz & Kelly Harris & Jill Del Pozzo & Victoria Forster & Juan Gallego - 298-307 Investigation of a traumatic psychosis subgroup: a cluster analysis of an antipsychotic free cohort
by Lucy H. Stevens & Douglas Turkington & Laura Drage & Tony Morrison & Steven Muncer & Helen M. Spencer & Robert Dudley - 308-318 “It’s just a bit like a rollercoaster”: a longitudinal qualitative study exploring a model of the phases of voice hearing
by Leanne Bogen-Johnston & Richard deVisser & Clara Strauss & Mark Hayward - 319-330 Experiences of empowerment in a community cognitive enhancement therapy program: an exploratory qualitative study
by Laura A. Faith & Jen O. Collins & Jenna Decker & Amber Grove & Stephen P. Jarvis & Melisa V. Rempfer - 331-341 Shame triggers paranoid symptoms in adolescents with elevated psychosis proneness
by Timo Hennig - 342-349 Mindfulness and compassion for youth with psychotic symptoms: A description of a group program and a consumer’s experience
by Tara Hickey & Emily Pen Name & Barnaby Nelson & Graham Meadows - 350-361 Using interpersonal process recall to understand empowerment processes in a collaborative care intervention for people with a diagnosis of psychosis
by Elina Baker & Ruth Gwernan-Jones & Nicky Britten & Cathy McCabe & Laura Gill & Richard Byng & Linda Gask - 362-373 A systematic review and meta-analysis of digital health technologies effects on psychotic symptoms in adults with psychosis
by Stephen Clarke & Donncha Hanna & Ciaran Mulholland & Ciaran Shannon & Callum Urquhart - 374-377 My diagnosis, a label
by David Son - 378-380 Psychodynamische Psychosen-Psychotherapie und sozialpsychiatrische Behandlung der Psychosen. Beiträge der deutschsprachigen Sektion der International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS-Germany) With English abstracts
by Ingo Lambrecht - 379-380 Health and safety for spirit seers, telepaths and visionaries
by Cath Roper
July 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 187-198 The distribution of psychosis, ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD symptoms among a trauma-exposed UK general population sample
by Rachel Frost & Maria Louison Vang & Thanos Karatzias & Philip Hyland & Mark Shevlin - 199-211 Conflict, compromise and collusion: dilemmas for psychosocially-oriented practitioners in the mental health system
by Anne Cooke & William Smythe & Philip Anscombe - 212-222 An exploratory analysis of the role of social supports in psychiatric medication discontinuation: results related to family involvement
by Laysha Ostrow & Bevin Croft & Anne Weaver & Sarah Naeger - 223-237 Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
by David Heavens & Kelsey Odgers & Joanne Hodgekins - 238-247 The use of formal criteria to assess psychological models of hallucinations: a systematic review
by Tara Hickey & Kimberly Buck & So-An Lao & Barnaby Nelson & Graham Meadows - 248-260 A review of psychotherapeutic models and treatments for psychosis
by Jeremy M. Ridenour & Jay A. Hamm & Meg Czaja - 261-272 Social recovery therapy: a treatment manual
by David Fowler & Joanne Hodgekins & Clio Berry & Timothy Clarke & Jasper Palmier-Claus & Catarina Sacadura & Adam Graham & Christine Lowen & Ann Steele & Katherine Pugh & Samantha Fraser & Mike Fitzsimmons & Paul French - 273-276 The role of ethnicity in involuntary psychiatric admission in Toronto, Canada in clients presenting with psychosis
by Martin Rotenberg & Andrew Tuck & Kwame McKenzie - 277-281 Constructing the sense of self in psychosis using the amniotic therapy: a single case study
by Alessandro Germani & Marianna Ambrosecchia & Livia Buratta & Maurizio Peciccia & Claudia Mazzeschi & Vittorio Gallese - 282-283 Peer support in mental health hospital—a shared experience and journey
by Benjamin Gray - 284-285 Psycurity: colonialism, paranoia, and the war on imagination
by Phoebe Friesen
April 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 93-104 ACT in daily life in early psychosis: an ecological momentary intervention approach
by T. Vaessen & H. Steinhart & T. Batink & A. Klippel & M. Van Nierop & U. Reininghaus & I. Myin-Germeys - 105-115 How do people talk decades later about their crisis that we call psychosis? A qualitative study of the personal meaning-making process
by Tomi Bergström & Jaakko Seikkula & Juha Holma & Pirjo Mäki & Päivi Köngäs-Saviaro & Birgitta Alakare - 116-127 Case management in early psychosis intervention programme: perspectives of case managers
by Horng Hien Wong & Shazana Shahwan & Swapna Verma & Mythily Subramaniam - 128-137 Peer support work on an inpatient unit for adults experiencing psychosis
by Helen J. Wood & Susan Brown Padilla - 138-150 Comparisons and associations between personality, creative potential and achievement in creative, non-creative and early psychosis participants
by Julie Crabtree & Toby RO Newton-John - 151-161 A narrative review of the barriers to the implementation of cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis
by Fiona Switzer & Sean F. Harper - 162-173 Hearing voices and its psychosocial correlates in four Chinese samples
by Hong Wang Fung & Rebecca Ka Wai Liu & Yan Ho Eddie Ma - 174-177 Interruptions to therapy sessions on acute psychiatric wards; how frequent are they, and who does the interrupting?
by Pamela Jacobsen - 178-183 The power of psychiatry: a service user’s first person account and perspective
by Benjamin Gray - 184-186 CBT for psychosis: process-orientated therapies and the third wave
by Jenny Droughton - 185-186 The essential writings of Sabina Spielrein: pioneer of psychoanalysis
by Marie C. Brown
January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-2 “Psychosis” is 10 years old. Congratulations and celebrations
by Jan Olav Johannessen - 3-15 Making Sense of Voices: a case series
by Craig Steel & Joachim Schnackenberg & Hayley Perry & Eleanor Longden & Emily Greenfield & Dirk Corstens - 16-27 Metaphor framing and distress in lived-experience accounts of voice-hearing
by Zsófia Demjén & Agnes Marszalek & Elena Semino & Filippo Varese - 28-41 The relationship between childhood trauma and clinical characteristics in ultra-high risk for psychosis youth
by Chloé de Vos & Andrew Thompson & Paul Amminger & Sarah Bendall & Lieuwe de Haan & Jessica Hartmann & Suzie Lavoie & Connie Markulev & Patrick McGorry & Dorien Nieman & Lisa Phillips & Ulrich Reininghaus & Hok Pan Yuen & Alison Yung & Barnaby Nelson - 42-53 Evidence for the continuum-severity model of psychosis through scrutiny of the architecture of symptoms associated with schizophrenia
by Colin R. Martin & Mick Fleming - 54-62 Making sense of growing up with a parent with psychosis: an interpretative phenomenological analysis study
by Melanie Blakeman & Carol Martin & Anjula Gupta - 63-74 Subjective experiences of cognitive functioning in early psychosis: a qualitative study
by Andrea L. Wright & Lisa J. Phillips & Shayden Bryce & Catherine Morey-Nase & Kelly Allott - 75-84 A longitudinal study about the impact of an inclusive sports program in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
by David Mullor & Adolfo J. Cangas & José Gallego & José M Aguilar-Parra & Antonio Rosado & Andrés López - 85-89 Un-binding chronic psychosis
by Ji Xia - 90-91 Misleading use of heritability estimates in schizophrenia genetics
by Colin A. Ross & Andrew W. Ross
October 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 239-250 Clinician perspectives on supporting adults with psychosis who wish to discontinue neuroleptic medication: qualitative analysis
by Nicola Forsberg & Sara Tai & Yvonne Awenat - 251-262 Prevalence of psychotic-like experiences and associated distress in adolescent community, sexual-trauma and clinical samples
by Emma Nolan & Siobhan Murphy & Tara O’Neill & James Houston & Jamie Murphy & Mark Shevlin - 263-274 Institutional recovery: a 10-year follow-up of persons after their first psychosis diagnosis. A critical reflexive approach
by Alain Topor & Claes-Göran Stefansson & Anne Denhov & Per Bülow & Gunnel Andersson - 275-285 From medical insight to narrative insight: insight as a support for the therapeutic relationship
by Bouvet Cyrille & Petot Jean-Michel & Diot Elise & Ettaher Nadia & Ozanne Christophe Hasan - 286-297 Reconsidering the association between psychosis and suicide: a suicidal drive hypothesis
by Jamie Murphy & Mark Shevlin & Philip Hyland & Mogens Christoffersen & Ask Elklit & Richard Bentall - 298-306 Predictors of adherence to low support, computerised, cognitive remediation training in psychosis
by A. Hargreaves & R. Dillon & M. Castorina & E. Furey & J. Walsh & B. Fitzmaurice & B. Hallahan & A. Corvin & I. Robertson & G. Donohoe - 307-318 The duration of untreated psychosis: a phenomenological study
by Sarah R. Kamens & Larry Davidson & Emily Hyun & Nev Jones & Jill G. Morawski & Matthew M. Kurtz & Jessica Pollard & Gerrit Ian van Schalkwyk & Vinod Srihari - 319-328 Are delusions beliefs? A qualitative examination of the doxastic features of delusions
by Huw Green & Lori Hauser & Vitaliy Troyakov - 329-339 Psychoanalytic psychotherapists’ experiences of disturbance in response to working with psychosis
by Nardus Saayman - 340-350 Phenomenological and recovery models of the subjective experience of psychosis: discrepancies and implications for treatment
by Jay A. Hamm & Bethany L. Leonhardt & Jeremy Ridenour & John T. Lysaker & Paul H. Lysaker - 351-355 My experiences of psychosis and what caused it; my experiences with mental health services and other things that helped or hindered my journey
by Peter Edward McDonnell - 356-358 Early intervention in psychosis. Should we broaden the scope for action throughout the age span?
by Inês Varregoso & Inês Souto Braz & Felicity Fanning & Mary Clarke - 359-360 Genome-wide association studies in schizophrenia: why they cannot yield meaningful results
by Colin A. Ross & Andrew W. Ross - 361-362 Asylum
by Simon McCarthy-Jones - 362-363 Ttrauma and madness in mental health services
by Peter Stastny - 364-364 Correction
by The Editors
July 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 163-174 Unsolicited reports of voice hearing in the general population: a study using a novel method
by Ruvanee P. Vilhauer & Himadhari Sharma - 175-186 Engagement at entry to an early intervention service for first episode psychosis: an exploratory study of young people and caregivers
by Rachel M Tindall & Kelly Allott & Magenta Simmons & Winsome Roberts & Bridget E Hamilton - 187-197 Be outspoken and overcome stigmatizing thoughts (BOOST): a group treatment for internalized stigma in first-episode psychosis
by Michael W Best & Michael Grossman & Melissa Milanovic & Sean Renaud & Christopher R Bowie - 198-207 Willingness and Acceptance of Delusions Scale: early findings on a new instrument for psychological flexibility
by Maria João R.V. Martins & Paula Castilho & António F. Macedo & Ana Telma Pereira & Paula Vagos & Diana Carvalho & Miguel Bajouco & Nuno Madeira & Vasco Nogueira & Célia Barreto Carvalho - 208-212 Association of types of delusions and hallucinations with childhood abuse and neglect among inpatients with schizophrenia in South Korea: A preliminary study
by Hwigon Kim & Daeho Kim & Seok Hyeon Kim - 213-219 Avatar Therapy for persistent auditory verbal hallucinations: a case report of a peer research assistant on his path toward recovery
by Laura Dellazizzo & Olivier Percie du Sert & Stéphane Potvin & Richard Breton & Jean-François Pelletier & Patrice Renaud & Alexandre Dumais - 220-224 YouTube videos on psychosocial interventions for schizophrenia
by Devvarta Kumar & Manisha Jha - 225-227 In the hands of others: the nightmare begins
by Lin Cochrane - 228-234 My psychosis and meds
by David Son - 235-235 Can’t you hear them? The science and significance of hearing voices
by Vanessa Beavan - 236-236 Madness: ideas about insanity
by Bruce M. Z. Cohen - 237-237 The shock of the fall
by Simon McCarthy-Jones
April 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 81-89 Living with psychosis: strategies and social conditions for recovery
by Eugenie Georgaca & Anastasia Zissi - 90-98 Therapeutic relationship and concordance of client- and clinician-rated motivational goals in treatment of people with psychosis: an exploratory study
by Marialuisa Cavelti & Raphaela M. Tschümperlin & Daniela Hubl & Zeno Kupper & Franz Caspar & Stefan Westermann - 99-109 An exploration of young people’s narratives of hope following experience of psychosis
by Victoria Bonnett & Clio Berry & Sara Meddings & Sue Holttum - 110-121 Psychotherapy in schizophrenia: a retrospective controlled study
by Annbjørg Haram & Egil Jonsbu & Roar Fosse & Finn Skårderud & Torstein Hole - 122-131 “It was definitely a sexual kind of sensation”: sex, sexual identity, and gender in the phenomenology of psychosis
by Nev Jones & Cherise Rosen & Sarah Kamens & Mona Shattell - 132-141 Relating Therapy for distressing voices: Who, or what, is changing?
by Mark Hayward & Leanne Bogen-Johnston & Felicity Deamer - 142-145 Antidepressant tapering strips to help people come off medication more safely
by Peter C. Groot & Jim van Os - 146-152 Peer support for internalised stigma experienced by people with psychosis: rationale and recommendations
by Melissa Pyle & Stephen Pilling & Karen Machin & Ginny Allende-Cullen & Anthony P. Morrison - 153-157 Exploring issues of self-stigma in “Emily’s Voices”: a memoir of psychosis and recovery
by Roz Austin - 158-159 Problems with a recent genome-wide association study in schizophrenia
by Colin A. Ross & Andrew W. Ross - 160-161 Insanity and divinity: studies in psychosis and spirituality
by Stella Compton Dickinson - 161-162 Psychiatric Hegemony: a Marxist theory of mental illness
by Peter Morrall
January 2018, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-10 Experimental manipulation of metacognitive beliefs and paranoia in a non-clinical population
by Maria Kaltsi & Sandra Bucci & Anthony P. Morrison - 11-21 “It doesn’t mean I’m useless”: how do young people experiencing psychosis contribute to their families and why are contributions sometimes overlooked?
by Justin Allman & Anne Cooke & Becky Whitfield & Michelle McCartney - 22-37 Psychosocial interventions in schizophrenia: a survey of clinical training and clinicians’ opinions in India
by Devvarta Kumar - 38-46 Unusual conditions: delusional infestation: is it beyond psychological understanding and treatment? Time to rethink?
by Jessica E. O’Connell & Henry J. Jackson - 47-54 The difference that makes the difference: a conceptual analysis of the open dialogue approach
by Laura Galbusera & Miriam Kyselo - 55-57 An analogue study investigating voice-hearing following exposure to stressful material
by Samantha Wong & Sandra Bucci & Akib Ul Huque & Samantha Hartley & Richard J. Brown & Katherine Berry - 58-61 Memo to the newest generation of gene hunters: read Jay Joseph
by Jonathan Leo - 62-63 Negative symptoms: barely understood, poorly treated
by Alice Thomson & Helen Griffiths & Matthias Schwannauer - 64-69 Evolution or revolution
by Debra Lampshire - 70-75 A diagnosis of “Borderline Personality Disorder” Who am I? Who could I have been? Who can I become?
by Gary H - 76-77 Emily’s voices
by Rebecca McKnight
October 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 291-300 Social isolation and psychosis-like experiences: a UK general population analysis
by Sarah Butter & Jamie Murphy & Mark Shevlin & James Houston - 301-309 Intimacy and its barriers: A qualitative exploration of intimacy and related struggles among people diagnosed with psychosis
by José de Jager & Bahar Cirakoglu & Annet Nugter & Jim van Os - 310-321 The long-term use of psychiatric services within the Open Dialogue treatment system after first-episode psychosis
by Tomi Bergström & Birgitta Alakare & Jukka Aaltonen & Pirjo Mäki & Päivi Köngäs-Saviaro & Jyri J. Taskila & Jaakko Seikkula - 322-329 Emplacing recovery: how persons diagnosed with psychosis handle stress in cities
by Ola Söderström & Dag Söderström & Zoé Codeluppi & Lilith Abrahamyan Empson & Philippe Conus - 330-337 Pathways from paranoid conviction to distress: exploring the mediator role of Fears of Compassion in a sample of people with psychosis
by Maria João Martins & Paula Castilho & Célia Barreto Carvalho & Ana Telma Pereira & Diana Carvalho & Miguel Bajouco & Nuno Madeira & Vitor Santos & António Macedo - 338-346 Development and validation of a voice-hearing task for research on auditory verbal hallucinations and auditory misperception
by Akib Ul Huque & Alice Heaney & Ellen Poliakoff & Richard J. Brown - 347-357 Cognitive behavioural therapy for thought disorder in psychosis
by Jasper Palmier-Claus & Robert Griffiths & Elizabeth Murphy & Sophie Parker & Eleanor Longden & Samantha Bowe & Ann Steele & Paul French & Anthony Morrison & Sara Tai - 358-366 Pain perception in people diagnosed with schizophrenia: where we are and where we are going
by O. Sakson-Obada - 367-368 Risk of relapse in psychosis: facing the fear, resisting mental illness
by Chrys Muirhead - 369-375 From the closed ward to Soteria: a professional and personal journey
by Pesach Lichtenberg
July 2017, Volume 9, Issue 3
- () Erratum
by The Editors - 193-204 A pilot randomised controlled trial comparing antipsychotic medication, to cognitive behavioural therapy to a combination of both in people with psychosis: rationale, study design and baseline data of the COMPARE trial
by Heather Law & Lucy Carter & Rachel Sellers & Richard Emsley & Rory Byrne & Linda Davies & Paul French & Peter M. Haddad & Elizabeth Pitt & Melissa Pyle & David Shiers & Alison R. Yung & Anthony P. Morrison - 205-215 Hearing Voices Network groups: experiences of eight voice hearers and the connection to group processes and recovery
by Tom Payne & Jo Allen & Tony Lavender - 216-224 Individual psychodynamic therapy for psychosis: a Delphi study
by Swapna Kongara & Chris Douglas & Brian Martindale & Alison Summers - 225-234 Group therapies for schizophrenia: initial group climate predicts changes in negative symptoms
by Stavros Orfanos & Stefan Priebe - 235-244 How stigma gets under the skin: the role of stigma, self-stigma and self-esteem in subjective recovery from psychosis
by Victoria Vass & Katarzyna Sitko & Sophie West & Richard P. Bentall - 245-253 Bio-genetic vs. psycho-environmental conceptions of schizophrenia and their role in perceiving patients in human terms
by Giulia Pavon & Jeroen Vaes - 254-259 Do specific metacognitive training modules lead to specific cognitive changes among patients diagnosed with schizophrenia? A single module effectiveness pilot study
by Joachim Kowalski & Daniel Pankowski & Michał Lew-Starowicz & Łukasz Gawęda - 260-270 Trouble at school: a systematic review to explore the association between childhood bullying and paranoid thinking
by Alexander H. Jack & Vincent Egan - 271-281 A manualised treatment protocol to guide delivery of evidence-based cognitive therapy for people with distressing psychosis: learning from clinical trials
by Anthony P. Morrison - 282-285 Evaluating childhood and adulthood victimization as predictors of psychotic disorders: findings from a nationwide study of women in jail
by Christopher R. DeCou & Shannon M. Lynch & Dana D. DeHart & Joanne Belknap - 286-289 When we lose hope: experiences from Hearing Voices groups
by Akiko Hart
April 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 99-109 What predicts stigmatisation about schizophrenia? Results from a general population survey examining its underlying cognitive, affective and behavioural factors
by Bénédicte Thonon & Frank Larøi - 110-118 Internalised stereotypes across ultra-high risk of psychosis and psychosis populations
by Melissa Pyle & Anthony P. Morrison - 119-128 Implementing specialist psychological support for caregivers in psychosis services: a preliminary report
by Jane Smallwood & Suzanne Jolley & Jyotsna Makhijani & Sarah Grice & Emma O’Donoghue & Paula Bendon & Liz P. Greenaway & Juliana Onwumere - 129-139 Clinician perceptions of sleep problems, and their treatment, in patients with non-affective psychosis
by Aliyah Rehman & Felicity Waite & Bryony Sheaves & Stephany Biello & Daniel Freeman & Andrew Gumley - 140-148 The central role of self-agency in clinical recovery from first episode psychosis
by Jone Bjornestad & Kolbjorn Bronnick & Larry Davidson & Wenche ten Velden Hegelstad & Inge Joa & Oyvind Kandal & Tor Ketil Larsen & Johannes Langeveld & Marius Veseth & Ingrid Melle & Jan Olav Johannessen - 149-156 Developing a group-analytic culture in a day project for psychotic patients
by Maria Canete & Arturo Ezquerro - 157-166 The importance of human relationships, ethics and recovery-orientated values in the delivery of CBT for people with psychosis
by Alison Brabban & Rory Byrne & Eleanor Longden & Anthony P. Morrison - 167-175 A psychotherapy approach to treating hostile voices
by Dolores Mosquera & Colin Ross - 176-183 Solitude and schizophrenia
by Mary V. Seeman - 184-186 Rumination and psychosis: an experimental, analogue study of the role of perseverative thought processes in voice-hearing
by Samantha Hartley & Sandra Bucci & Anthony P. Morrison - 187-190 Bad me? Learning from, and living with, toxicity
by Rachel Waddingham - 191-192 Psychiatric diagnosis revisited – from DSM to clinical case formulation
by Jim van Os
January 2017, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-11 Coping with psychotic-like experiences without receiving help from mental health care. A qualitative study
by Jenny Boumans & Ingrid Baart & Guy Widdershoven & Hans Kroon - 12-24 A randomised controlled pilot study of Experience Focused Counselling with voice hearers
by Joachim Schnackenberg & Mick Fleming & Colin R. Martin - 25-37 Qualitative evaluation of a cognitive behaviour therapy Hearing Voices Group with a service user co-facilitator
by Anna Ruddle - 38-47 A qualitative analysis of the experiences of people with psychosis of a novel cognitive behavioural therapy targeting suicidality
by Yvonne F. Awenat & Emma Shaw-Núñez & James Kelly & Heather Law & Sehar Ahmed & Mary Welford & Nicholas Tarrier & Patricia A. Gooding - 48-56 Childhood trauma in schizophrenia spectrum disorder as compared to other mental health disorders
by N. Mørkved & M. Endsjø & D. Winje & E. Johnsen & A. Dovran & K. Arefjord & R. A. Kroken & S. Helle & L. G. Anda-Ågotnes & M. A. Rettenbacher & N. Huber & E. M. Løberg - 57-66 Do peer-support groups for voice-hearers work? A small scale study of Hearing Voices Network support groups in Australia
by Vanessa Beavan & Adele de Jager & Bianca dos Santos - 67-81 Psychological interventions for trauma in individuals who have psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
by Jacqueline Sin & Debbie Spain - 82-85 The perspectives of people with psychosis about participating in trauma-related research
by Twylla Cunningham & Ciaran Shannon & Ivor Crothers & Katrina Hoy & Carly Fitzsimmons & Riona McCann & John O’Hare & Ciaran Mulholland - 86-89 Unmet psychological needs in patients with schizophrenia
by Stefan Westermann & Steffen Moritz & Franz Caspar & Marialuisa Cavelti - 90-94 What stays unsaid in therapeutic relationships
by Dolly Sen - 95-96 Healing traumatic memories in psychosis: a response to Sin and Spain (2016)
by Amy Hardy & David van den Berg - 97-97 Living recovery: youth speak out on “owning mental illness”
by Corinne Henderson
October 2016, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 287-300 A user-developed, user run recovery programme for people with severe mental illness: A randomised control trial
by Wilma Boevink & Hans Kroon & Maaike van Vugt & Philippe Delespaul & Jim van Os - 301-310 Enquiring about traumatic experiences in psychosis: A comparison of case notes and self-report questionnaires
by Twylla Cunningham & Ciaran Shannon & Ivor Crothers & Katrina Hoy & Carly Fitzsimmons & Riona McCann & John O’Hare & Ciaran Mulholland - 311-323 Service users’ experiences of the treatment decision-making process in psychosis: A phenomenological analysis
by Diana Stovell & Alison Wearden & Anthony P. Morrison & Paul Hutton - 324-335 “Did I push myself over the edge?”: Complications of agency in psychosis onset and development
by Nev Jones & Mona Shattell & Timothy Kelly & Robyn Brown & LaVome Robinson & Richard Renfro & Barbara Harris & Tanya Marie Luhrmann - 336-345 The costs of friendship: severe mental illness, poverty and social isolation
by Alain Topor & Ingemar Ljungqvist & Eva-Lena Strandberg - 346-356 Religion in the recovery journey of individuals with experience of psychosis
by Suzanne Heffernan & Sandra Neil & Yvonne Thomas & Stephen Weatherhead - 357-368 The intrasubjectivity of self, voices and delusions: A phenomenological analysis
by Cherise Rosen & Nev Jones & Kayla A. Chase & Hannah Gin & Linda S. Grossman & Rajiv P. Sharma - 369-371 Is delusional imperviousness a backfire effect of being disbelieved?
by Kyle Arnold - 372-373 Psychiatry under the influence: institutional corruption, social injury, and prescriptions for reform
by Bruce M. Z. Cohen - 374-374 The dark side of being a clinical psychologist with Bipolar Disorder: a response to Ho (2016)
by Thomas Richardson
July 2016, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 191-202 Beyond the sensory: Findings from an in-depth analysis of the phenomenology of “auditory hallucinations” in schizophrenia
by Nev Jones & Tanya Marie Luhrmann - 203-213 Voices’ use of gender, race and other social categories to undermine female voice-hearers: Implications for incorporating intersectionality within CBT for psychosis
by Maria Haarmans & Victoria Vass & Richard P. Bentall