2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 63-73 The experience of treatment of persons with concomitant psychotic and borderline personality disorders
by Phillip Thérien & Constantin Tranulis & Tania Lecomte & Félix-Antoine Bérubé - 74-80 Autobiographical delusion and subjectivation: problems in diagnosis and treatment during adolescence
by Arianna Marconi & Ignazio Ardizzone - 81-86 Cut-out doll woods
by Carina Håkansson - 87-88 The roots of the recovery movement in psychiatry
by Charles Bonsack - 88-90 The primordial mind in health and illness: a cross-cultural perspective
by Paul Williams - 91-91 2011 Awards For Best Papers In The Third Volume Of
by The Editors
2011, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 179-191 The Comprehensive Open-Dialogue Approach in Western Lapland: I. The incidence of non-affective psychosis and prodromal states
by Jukka Aaltonen & Jaakko Seikkula & Klaus Lehtinen - 192-204 The Comprehensive Open-Dialogue Approach in Western Lapland: II. Long-term stability of acute psychosis outcomes in advanced community care
by Jaakko Seikkula & Birgitta Alakare & Jukka Aaltonen - 205-215 What is it like to be friends with a young person with psychosis? A qualitative study
by Rachel Brand & Chris Harrop & Lyn Ellett - 216-225 A narrative analysis investigating the impact of first episode psychosis on siblings’ identity
by Sharon Newman & Laura Simonds & Jo Billings - 226-234 Psychosocial treatment in group format with people diagnosed with schizophrenia: results and limitations of empirical research
by Maria Fontao & Klaus Hoffmann - 235-241 An introduction to pre-therapy
by Lisbeth Sommerbeck - 242-247 Beyond psychiatry: understanding my own human experience
by Kellie Comans - 248-250 Voices, visions and differential diagnosis
by Andrew Moskowitz - 251-252 Murray Jackson (1922–2011)
by Brian Martindale - 253-254 The 17th ISPS International Congress: May 31st–June 4th, 2011 “”
by Marjeta Pesek - 255-256 Psychosis as a personal crisis. An experience-based approach
by Douglas Turkington - 256-257 Experiencing psychosis: personal and professional perspectives
by Johan Cullberg - 258-259 The centre cannot hold: My journey through madness
by Jonathan Britmann - 259-261 Psychological groupwork with acute psychiatric inpatients
by Ivan Urlić
2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 105-114 Recovery from psychosis: What’s love got to do with it?
by Larry Davidson - 115-125 Lack of insight and conceptions of “mental illness” in schizophrenia, assessed in the third person through case vignettes
by Michael Garrett & Amar Singh & Dinara Amanbekova & Chella Kamarajan - 126-132 A psychological and communitarian approach to treating early psychoses: A service description with some initial findings
by J.L. Tizón & J. Artigue & Y. Quijada & A. Oriol & B. Parra - 133-140 Exploring the compatibility of biomedical and psychological approaches to treating psychosis
by Charles Heriot‐Maitland - 141-144 Cannabis use and psychotic experiences in an international sample of undergraduate students
by Thomas Richardson & Alanna Gallagher & Hugh Garavan - 145-147 Belief in a just world and attitudes towards mental illness
by Vicky McKechnie & David Harper - 148-150 Interplay of gaze behaviour and facial affectivity in schizophrenia
by Helena Fatouros Bergman & Jochen Spang & Andrzej Werbart & Gunilla Preisler & Jörg Merten - 151-159 The case of the missing key: Cultural underpinnings of the ingestion of a foreign body in a psychotic patient
by Roger Gibson & Kraig Radlein & Loraine Barnaby & Gillian Lowe & Peta‐Gaye Reynolds & Noel McLennon - 160-162 Psychosis, dissociation or delirium? Observations on the importance of differential diagnostics
by Johan Cullberg - 163-166 Murmurs of thought: Phenomenology of hallucinatory consciousness in impending psychosis
by Andrea Raballo & Frank Larøi - 167-171 Can we sit and talk? Poems, stories and some words of advice
by Julie McNamara - 172-176 Book reviews
by Ronald Abramson & Sonja Levander & Patrick Keown - 177-178 Letter to the editor
by Professor Richard Bentall & Professor Tony Morrison
2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by John Read - 2-13 CBT for psychosis in a psychoanalytic frame
by Michael Garrett & Douglas Turkington - 14-28 The relationship between dissociation and auditory verbal hallucinations in the flow of daily life of patients with psychosis
by Filippo Varese & Alisa Udachina & Inez Myin‐Germeys & Margareet Oorschot & Richard Bentall - 29-40 "Service user involvement in practice": The evaluation of an intervention program for service providers and inpatients in Norwegian Community Mental Health Centers
by Marianne Storm & Knud Knudsen & Larry Davidson & Kjell Hausken & Jan Johannessen - 41-51 A mental health promotion approach to reducing discrimination about psychosis in teenagers
by Michelle Campbell & Nick Shryane & Rory Byrne & Anthony Morrison - 52-62 Provision of online normalising information to reduce stigma associated with psychosis: Can an audio podcast challenge negative appraisals of psychotic experiences?
by Paul French & Paul Hutton & Sarah Barratt & Sophie Parker & Rory Byrne & Nick Shryane & Anthony Morrison - 63-73 Towards a definition of "hearing voices": A phenomenological approach
by Vanessa Beavan - 74-85 Attributional biases in paranoid schizophrenia: Further evidence for a decreased sense of self‐causation in paranoia
by Sarah Randjbar & Ruth Veckenstedt & Francesca Vitzthum & Birgit Hottenrott & Steffen Moritz - 86-89 When youth know about their mental disorder before caregivers do: Youth-identified duration of untreated mental disorder (YIDUMD)
by JoAnn Leavey - 90-95 Child abuse and voice hearing: Finding healing through EMDR
by Helen - 96-102 Book Reviews
by Guilherme Rui Canta & Clive Travis & Wouter Kusters & Philip Benjamin - 103-103 2010 Awards For Best Papers In The Second Volume Of
by The Editors