January 2025, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-11 Cross-border Sport and Leisure: Public Action, Practices and Usage in the European Union
by Yannick Hernández & William Gasparini & Clémence Perrin-Malterre - 13-32 A Sport that Crosses Borders? Sociology of Cross-Border Sporting Exchanges: The Franco-German Example
by Adrien Gateau & William Gasparini - 33-52 The Europeanization of Sports Associations Welcoming Migrants: International Recommendations, Local Contexts and Transnational Practices in Germany, France and England
by Julien Puech & François Le Yondre - 53-73 Bordering Dynamics in Sports among Spanish and French Border Regions
by Fernando Lera-López & Manuel Rapún - 75-93 Festive Leisure and Rural Sport in the Basque Mugak: Sare and Extalar Cases
by José Antonio Perales Díaz - 95-115 The Socialising Role of Cross-border Mobility and its Effects on the Representation of the Border: The Case of Hiking Around Mont Blanc
by Clémence Perrin-Malterre - 117-135 Espace Mont-Blanc Mountain Guides’ Relationship with the Border
by Véronique Reynier & Marc Langenbach & Julian Barreteau - 137-157 Basque Pelota and Europeanization: The Actions and Representations of Actors Involved in Two Cross-Border Projects in a Euroregion
by Evelyne Mourguy & Yannick Hernández - 159-177 Fencing, Biosecurity and Wild Boar Politics in the Danish-German Borderland
by Michael Eilenberg & Annika Pohl Harrisson - 179-198 Hadrian’s Wall as Artscape
by Richard Hingley - 199-218 Border Encroachments: Comparing Cooperative Border Controls Along the EU’s External Frontier
by Derek Lutterbeck - 219-237 Healing the Bloody Line: Suturing Indians and Pakistanis into Hindi Cinema and Pakistani Telesoaps
by Anjali Gera Roy - 239-240 The Balkan Route. Hope, Migration and Europeanisation in Liminal Spaces
by Karolina Bielenin-Lenczowska - 241-243 For Whom Are the Borders Important? A Review of Migration, Borders, and Borderlands: Making National Identity in Southern African Communities
by Matthew Pflaum - 245-246 Border Tunnels: A Media Theory of the U.S.–Mexico Underground/Juan Llamas-Rodriguez
by Tamara Segura
November 2024, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 999-1018 Rethinking Borders Through a Complexity Lens: Complex Textures Towards a Politics of Hope
by Chiara Brambilla - 1019-1037 Written on the Body: Tattoo Art as Bridgework in the Post-migration Context
by Erin E. Cory - 1039-1059 Role of Resource Asymmetry and Collaboration Time in the Governance of Cross-border Collaborative Networks
by Juliana Ribeiro da Rosa & Douglas Wegner & Francesca del Ben - 1061-1081 Borderlands of Governance – Multilevel Cross-border Governance and Trajectories of Local Cross-border Ties in the Franco-German Moselle-Saarland Region
by Nora Crossey & Florian Weber - 1083-1099 Resilience of Cross-border Cooperation in the Neisse-Nisa-Nysa Euroregion after the Pandemic: Bouncing In-between
by Hynek Böhm & Artur Boháč & Lukáš Novotný & Emil Drápela & Wojciech Opioła - 1101-1120 Framing Entangled Borders in the Baltic States
by Sandra Hagelin - 1121-1140 Decline and Adaptation: Borders as Process and the Organizational Dynamics of Border Health in Crisis
by Julie Collins-Dogrul - 1141-1160 Cross-border Dynamics and Informal Markets between Colombia and Venezuela: The Case of Cúcuta and San Antonio
by Alberto Hernández - 1161-1179 Gazing Toward and Beyond the Borders: Syrian Refugees and Organizations Supporting Them in Turkey
by Izabela Kujawa & Izabella Main - 1181-1182 Geo-Politics in Northeast Asia
by Patrick Henry Buckley - 1183-1184 Transnational Social Protection: Social Welfare Across National Borders
by Isabel Latz - 1185-1186 Visible Borders, Invisible Economies: Living Death in Latinx Narratives
by Willie Costley - 1187-1189 Migration patterns across the mediterranean exchanges, conflicts and coexistence
by Gabrielle Gagnon
September 2024, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 791-811 Challenges of Informal Cross-Border Trade Facilitation in Tanzania: Lessons from Kigoma Border
by Goodluck Charles - 813-831 Seven Meanings of the Border Wall and Their Implications
by Halyna Lemekh - 833-853 Ethno-Territorialized Bodies: Necropolitics in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas and Non-violent Organic Resistance
by Azmat Khan & Faizullah Jan & Syed Irfan Ashraf - 855-874 Externalized Within, Everyday Bordering Processes Affecting Undocumented Moroccans in the Borderlands of Ceuta and Melilla, Spain
by Nina Sahraoui - 875-895 The Game: Ritualized Exhaustion and Subversion on the Western Balkan Route
by Benedetta Zocchi - 897-911 Femicide Rates in Mexican Cities along the US-Mexico Border
by Pedro H. Albuquerque & Prasad R. Vemala - 913-930 Cross-border mobility: Rail or road? Space-time-lines as an evidence base for policy debates
by Dominik Bertram & Tobias Chilla & Stefan Hippe - 931-954 Mapping the Middle East: Israeli Student’s Geographical Knowledge and Perceptions
by Moran Zaga & Tal Yaar Waisel - 955-974 Economic Convergence in the Mexico-United States Cross-border Region: A Post-crisis Analysis 2010–2019
by Brenda Mendez & Jorge Eduardo Mendoza - 975-992 Border Jobs: The Business of Work on the Colombia/Venezuela Border
by Juan Thomas Ordóñez & Hugo Eduardo Ramírez Arcos - 993-994 Sorting Machines The Reinvention of the Border in the 21st Century
by Sylvia Gonzalez-Gorman - 995-996 Mnemonic Ecologies: Memory and Nature Conservation along the Former Iron Curtain
by Gustavo Biasoli Alves & Adrieli Cordeiro de Lima - 997-998 Borders of Desire: Gender and Sexuality at the Eastern Borders of Europe
by Olga Tkach
July 2024, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 599-621 Untangling Invasive Narratives: Boundaries, Belonging, and Narrative Agency
by Tracie L. Wilson - 623-636 Fencing the Desert: Contexts and Politics of the Gulf Border Walls
by Said Saddiki - 637-655 Mountain as an Ambivalent Transit Zone: Facing the Battleground of the Alpine Border Crossing
by Filippo Torre - 657-676 Locating Masculinities in Border Policies of Nation State
by Aswathy Chandragiri & Madhurima Das - 677-696 From Transcaucasia to the South Caucasus: Structural and Discursive Predicaments in Armenia’s Regional Integration
by Vahram Ter-Matevosyan - 697-713 The Will to Border: Borderwork and Identifications among Cross-Border Commuters
by Dorte Jagetic Andersen & Ingo Winkler - 715-735 How Street-Level Bureaucrats Perceive and Deal with Irregular Migration From Borders: The Case of Van, Türkiye
by Alper Ekmekcioğlu & Mete Yildiz - 737-756 The Humanitarian Theater in the Mediterranean and the Threat of Violence in the Balkans
by Antonio De Lauri & Carna Brkovic - 757-779 Does Geographical Location Matter During a Pandemic? Implications of COVID-19 on Texas Border Counties When Compared to Interior Counties
by Sylvia Gonzalez-Gorman - 781-783 Contemporary Research on Borderspaces and Border Landscapes in the Middle East
by David Newman - 785-786 Shifting sands: landscape, memory, and commodities in China’s contemporary borderlands
by Victor Konrad - 787-788 Data Borders: How Silicon Valley Is Building an Industry around Immigrants
by Andrés Pereira - 789-790 Everyday belonging in the post-Soviet borderlands: Russian speakers in Estonia and Kazakhstan
by Lyudmila Austin
May 2024, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 387-409 Cross-border Religious Practices: Evangelical Churches as Networks of Mobility on the Chilean-Bolivian Frontier
by Miguel Angel Mansilla Agüero & Johanna Corrine Slootweg - 411-431 Managing Security and Immigration at the U.S.–Mexico Border: A Foucauldian Perspective
by María Verónica Elías - 433-454 Managing Irregularized Migration in Mexico: Rhetoric of a Renewed Approach
by Rosario de la Luz Rizzo Lara - 455-474 What Comes to Matter as Border: On Parisian Borderness Dynamics
by Lola Aubry - 475-494 (De-)Bordering by Laughter. What Can Different Kinds of Laughter Reveal About the Experiences of Everyday Bordering Among Asylum Seekers and Refugees?
by Tiina Sotkasiira & Sanna Ryynänen - 495-512 Crossing the Borders: Dynamic Identity Variations of Former Israeli Russian-Speaking Migrants of the 1.5 Generation
by Maria Leybenson & Mary Gutman & Miri Yemini - 513-524 Rethinking Borders
by Josiah Heyman - 525-543 Colonial Cartograhy: A Hidden Crucible of the Migingo Conflict
by Jacqueline Namukasa & Pamela Khanakwa & Rutanga Murindwa - 545-567 Mafia Borderland: Narratives, Traits, and Expectations of Italian-American Mafias in Ontario and the Niagara Region
by Anna Sergi - 569-591 Histories of the Canoe Journey: Border Studies, Critical Indigenous Studies, and the Decolonization and Unsettling of Coast Salish Territory
by James M. Hundley - 593-594 Scales of Resistance: Indigenous Women’s Transborder Activism
by Andreanne Brunet-Belanger - 595-597 Partition as Border Making: East Bengal, East Pakistan and Bangladesh
by Md Jakir Hossain
March 2024, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 161-181 US Citizenship for our Mexican Children! US-born Children of Non-Migrant Mothers in Northern Mexico
by Eunice D. Vargas-Valle & Jennifer Elyse Glick & Pedro P. Orraca-Romano - 183-202 Making Enemies: War(b)ordering in Norwegian Extreme Right Discourse
by Søren Mosgaard Andreasen - 203-226 Populism and Borders: Tools for Constructing “The People” and Legitimizing Exclusion
by José Javier Olivas Osuna - 227-246 When Borders Matter: Crafting Borders in a Participatory Artistic Project at Trapholt Museum
by Birgit Eriksson & Tina Louise Hove Sørensen - 247-264 The Border Crossed Us: Enhancing Indigenous International Mobility Rights
by Michael Sullivan - 265-279 Inward Border: The Multiscalar Production of Borders Amid the COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control on China’s Southwest Border
by Xuefeng Hou & Shanshan Huang & Wei Tao & Jianzao Ren - 281-305 Territorial Politics in Cross-Border Local Development Strategies in the Krayan – Ba’Kelalan Region at the Indonesia – Malaysia Border
by Muhammad Asfihan Nur Arifin & Heru Purboyo Hidayat Putro & Tommy Firman - 307-327 Hydro-Political Borders and Division of Space in the Sasanian Domain
by Majid Labbaf Khaneiki & Abdullah Saif Al-Ghafri - 329-349 Art of Dis-bordering: The Politics of Migration Murals in Europe
by Antonella Patteri - 351-376 Migration, Borders and “De-bordering” in Pandemic Times: Voices as Interlocution from Quarantine Ships in Italy
by Chiara Denaro & Paolo Boccagni - 377-378 Children Crossing Borders: Latin American Migrant Childhoods
by Andrea Cortés Saavedra - 379-380 Applying Anzalduan Frameworks to Understand Transnational Youth Identities: Bridging Culture, Language, and Schooling at the US/Mexico Border
by María I. Morales-Sánchez - 381-383 Border Humanitarians: Gendered Order and Insecurity on the Thai-Burmese Frontier
by Shubhanginee Singh - 385-386 Walled Life: Concrete, Cinema, Art
by Angelos Evangelou
January 2024, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-16 Emergency, Solidarity and Responsibility: The Ethics of Face-to-Face (Border) Encounters
by Raffaela Puggioni - 17-35 Explaining Borderlands Local Government Administrators’ Perceived Responsibility to Aid Asylum-Seeking Migrants
by Thomas Longoria & John Milford - 37-57 Silencing mestizaje at the Euro-African Border. Anti-Racist Feminist Perspectives on Cross-Border Lives
by Liliana Suárez-Navaz & Iker Suárez - 59-73 Adichie’s Americanah, Transnational Border and the Prospects for Identity Reformation
by Mary J. N. Okolie - 75-91 The Cracks of Legality and Documentation During Residence in the United States Before Deportation to Mexico
by Gabriela Pinillos - 93-110 Kapka Kassabova and Ben Judah: Writing Borders and Borderscapes in Contemporary Europe
by Jopi Nyman - 111-129 At the Gates: Borders, National Identity, and Social Media During the “Evros Incident”
by Hara Stratoudaki - 131-148 Border Nation: Indigenous Peoples, State, and the Border in Indo-Myanmar Borderlands
by Roluahpuia - 149-151 Are Borderlands More Violent? A Spatial Analysis of Border Dis (Orders) in North and West Africa
by Ana Carina S. Franco - 153-154 A General Perspective on the Book Border Water by Steve Mumme
by Nicolás Pineda-Pablos & Antonio Cañez-Cota & Paul Ganster - 155-156 Border Witness: Re-imagining the US-Mexico Borderlands through Film
by Kathleen Staudt - 157-159 Discourses of Borders and the Nation in the USA: A Discourse-Historical Analysis
by Claudia Veronica Donoso
November 2023, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 895-900 Information Directed Towards Migrants and the (Un)Making of Borders: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Between Countries of Origin, Transit, and Destination
by Anissa Maâ & Julia Van Dessel & Amandine Van Neste-Gottignies - 901-918 “Back Way” Migration to Europe: The Role of Journalists in Disseminating Information Campaigns in The Gambia
by Alagie Jinkang & Valentina Cappi & Pierluigi Musarò - 919-938 Affective Borderwork: Governance of Unwanted Migration to Europe Through Emotions
by Ida Marie Savio Vammen & Katrine Syppli Kohl - 939-956 What a Difference Context Makes: Comparing Communication Strategies of Migration NGOs in Two Neighboring Countries
by Daniela Dimitrova & Emel Ozdora-Aksak - 957-973 Migration Control as Communication? Voluntary Returns, Information Campaigns and the Justification of Contested Migration/Border Governance
by Antoine Pécoud - 975-993 Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing? What Central American Unaccompanied Minors Know About Crossing the US-Mexico Border
by Chiara Galli - 995-1013 Can Migrants do the (Border)Work? Conflicting Dynamics and Effects of “Peer-to-peer” Intermediation in North and West Africa
by Anissa Maâ & Julia Van Dessel & Ida Marie Savio Vammen - 1015-1033 The “Who is Who” of Migration Information Campaigns on Social Media
by Verena K. Brändle & Petro Tolochko - 1035-1055 Moving to a Non-Metropolitan Area: The Information Channels of International Migrants Going to the Department of Calvados
by Chloé Ollitrault - 1057-1079 The Value of Information. Mobility and Border Knowledge Battlegrounds in the Ventimiglia Region
by Livio Amigoni & Luca Giuseppe Queirolo Palmas - 1081-1097 Resistance to Denmark’s Ad Hoc Campaign Against Asylum Seekers
by Melissa Wall - 1099-1100 On the Edge: Life Along the Russia-China Border
by Liao Zhang - 1101-1102 Patterns in border security: regional comparisons
by Serghei Golunov
September 2023, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 681-698 Interactions between Key Factors that Influence Cross-Border Cooperation in Public Transport: The Case of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
by Henrik Basche & Francesco Spera - 699-721 El Paso – Juárez: Radio and the Invisible Border
by Kevin J.N. Curran - 723-744 Border Security Meets Black Mirror: Perceptions of Technologization from the Windsor Borderland
by Patrick C. Lalonde - 745-763 Open Doors and “Open Wounds”: Bearing Witness to Borders and Changing Discursive Formations on Refugees and Migrants in Turkey
by Gizem N. Iscan - 765-784 (Im)moral Mobilities in a Swiss Borderland
by Emmanuel Charmillot - 785-803 A “New Normal” for the Schengen Area. When, Where and Why Member States Reintroduce Temporary Border Controls?
by Fabian Gülzau - 805-823 Mexican Immigrant Acculturation: The Impact of Political, Social, and Economic Characteristics of One’s Sending State
by Regina P. Branton & Rachel S. Torres & Justin Walsh & Hope Dewell Gentry - 825-843 Nationhood through Neighborhood? From State Sovereignty to Regional Belonging in Central Asia
by Timur Dadabaev - 845-863 Borderscaping the Oder-Neisse Border: Observations on the Spectral Character of This Current Between Times in Border Art
by Marta Smolińska - 865-886 Exploring the Migration Process of Iranian Asylum Seekers in Europe: A Case of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Faranak Gholampour & Borbála Simonovits - 887-889 Reclaiming migration- Voices from Europe's ‘migrant crisis’
by Itır Aladağ Görentaş - 891-892 Borders. Journeys into Contemporary Art
by Andrea Masala - 893-894 Regimes of Mobility: Borders and State Formation in the Middle East, 1918–1946
by Hakan Ünay
July 2023, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 537-547 Dispossession, Border and Exception in South Asia: An Introduction
by Nasreen Chowdhory & Biswajit Mohanty - 549-562 Dispossession and Displacement: Notes from South Asia
by Nasreen Chowdhory & Shamna Thacham Poyil - 563-584 Border, Development and Dispossessed Agency
by Biswajit Mohanty - 585-602 Experiencing Land Loss: Land Dispossession in the Name of National Security in Sylhet District, Bangladesh
by Éva Rozália Hölzle - 603-621 Geneva Camp, Dhaka: “Bihari” Refugees, State of Exception, and Camouflage
by Rajarshi Dasgupta - 623-636 Cinema as a Discourse on Critical Geopolitics: The Imagery of India–Pakistan Borders in the Narratives of Bollywood Movies
by Sanjeev Kumar & Vaishali Raghuvanshi - 637-656 Splinters in the Citizenship of India, Legality, and Social Trauma: National Register of Citizens
by Meghna Kajla & Nargis Jahan - 657-675 Fences, Goods and “Police”: Figurations of the Border in Manjira Saha's Chhotoder Border
by Samata Biswas - 677-678 Border Bodies. Racialized Sexuality, Sexual Capital, and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Borderlands
by Maélys Druilhe - 679-680 Unsettled Borders: The Militarized Science of Surveillance on Sacred Indigenous Land
by Tania Porcaro
May 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 341-360 The “Borderlandization” of the Horn of Africa in Relation to the Gulf Region, and the Effects on Somalia
by Viktor Marsai & Máté Szalai - 361-376 Senegalese Migrants in Morocco: Rethinking the Temporalities and Spatiality of Borders at Europe’s Margins
by Anaik Pian - 377-396 The Republic’s Inner Borders: Rethinking French Banlieues Through Critical Border Studies
by Dimitri Almeida - 397-416 Mapping the Idea of Europe – Cultural Production of Border Imaginaries through Heritage
by Johanna Turunen - 417-439 Regional Cooperative Disaster Risk Management in Central Asian Borderlands
by Nadira G. Mavlyanova & Viacheslav A. Lipatov & John P. Tiefenbacher - 441-459 Migrations and Borders: Contributions to Understand Mobility in Cross-border Areas
by Marcela Tapia Ladino - 461-485 The Tajikistani-Afghan Border in Gorno-Badakhshan: Resources of a War-Torn Neighborhood
by Mélanie Sadozaï - 487-506 Five Roles of Cross-border Cooperation Against Re-bordering
by Hynek Böhm - 507-526 Bordering and Othering: Encounters at Shrine of Chamliyal at the India-Pakistan Border
by Tania Anupam Patel - 527-528 Reverberations of Racial Violence: Critical Reflections on the History of the Borders
by Elaine Pena - 529-530 Both Sides Now: writing the Edges of the North American West
by James M. Hundley - 531-532 Shifting Paradigms for Globalized Border Sub-systems
by Carlos Daniel Gutierrez Mannix - 533-535 ADF's Resilience and The Border Crises in the Rwenzoris: Book Review of Conflict at the Edge of the African State: The ADF Rebel Group in the Congo-Uganda Borderland
by Matthew Pflaum
March 2023, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 191-209 The Balkans as “Double Transit Space”: Boundary Demarcations and Boundary Transgressions Between Local Inhabitants and “Transit Migrants” in the Shadow of the EU Border Regime
by Carolin Leutloff-Grandits - 211-228 From Prison to Refuge and Back: The Interplay of Imprisonment and Creating a Sense of Home in the Reception Center for Asylum Seekers
by Iva Grubiša - 229-246 Moving While Waiting for the Future: Mobility and Education in Šid, Serbia
by Teodora Jovanović & Katarina Mitrović & Ildiko Erdei - 247-264 Inclusion of Migrant and Refugee Children in the Education System: Exploring and Overcoming Language and Social Boundaries in the Una-Sana Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Vildana Pečenković & Nermina Delić - 265-282 “We are not Just the Border of Croatia; This is the Border of the European Union … ” The Croatian Borderland as “Double Periphery”
by Carolin Leutloff-Grandits - 283-301 Social Boundaries at the EU Border: Engaged Ethnography and Migrant Solidarity in Bihać, Bosnia–Herzegovina
by Elissa Helms - 303-321 Rethinking Migrant Figures and Solidarity from the Peripheral Borderland of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Danijela Majstorović - 323-334 Water Management on the U.S.-Mexico Border: Achieving Water Sustainability and Resilience through Cross-Border Cooperation
by Francisco Lara-Valencia & Irasema Coronado & Stephen Mumme & Christopher Brown & Paul Ganster & Hilda García-Pérez & Donna Lybecker & Sharon B. Megdal & Rosario Sanchez & Alan Sweedler & Robert G. Varady & Adriana Zuniga-Teran - 335-336 Response of United States Commissioner Maria Elena Giner, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
by Maria Elena Giner - 337-338 Borderlands. Europe and the Mediterranean Middle East
by Daniel Meier - 339-340 Re-imagining border studies in South Asia
by Biswajit Mohanty
January 2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-20 The US-Mexico Border Human Development Index, 1990–2015: Improvements but Still Large Gaps
by Joan B. Anderson & James Gerber - 21-38 “Operation Eagle Eye”: Border Citizenship and Cross-border Voting in Ghana’s Fourth Republic
by Edem Adotey - 39-58 Terminus Unleashed: Divine Antecedents of Contemporary Borders
by Kenneth D. Madsen - 59-74 The Role of the Border Region in Sino-North Korean Trading Networks: A Focus on Dandong, China
by Kyungsoo Lee - 75-94 Livelihood Outcomes of Informal Cross Border Traders Prior to the Rise of the Virtual Cash Economy in Gweru, Zimbabwe
by B. Dzawanda & M. D. Nicolau & M. Matsa & W. Kusena - 95-118 A Governance Theory for Cross-Border Regions: Identifying Principles and Processes with Grounded Theory
by Jose L. Wong Villanueva & Tetsuo Kidokoro & Fumihiko Seta - 119-136 An Anxious Border: De-facto Spectacles at the Frontier of the Republic of Abkhazia
by Mikel J. H. Venhovens - 137-163 Hybrid Urban Borderlands – Redevelopment Efforts and Shifting Boundaries In and Around Downtown San Diego
by Albert Roßmeier & Florian Weber - 165-181 State Biopolitics, Illicit Regimes and Security in the Guatemala–Mexico Cross-border Region
by César M. Fuentes & Vladimir Hernández - 183-184 Twin Cities across Five Continents. Interactions and Tensions on Urban Borders
by Xavier Oliveras-González - 185-186 Unequal Neighbors: Place Stigma and the Making of a Local Border
by James Gerber - 187-188 Grandmothers on Guard – Gender, Aging, and the Minutemen at the U.S. - Mexico Border
by Roxane Doty - 189-190 Serving Others: The Relationship Between Missionaries and Sex Workers at the Border
by Miriam Romero
October 2022, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 897-914 “Transient Communities”: How Central American Transit Migrants form Solidarity Without Trust
by Alejandra Díaz de León - 915-934 Language Ideology and Practice on the Aflao-Lome Borderland: The Case of Two Border Schools
by Sewoenam Chachu & Tope Omoniyi - 935-953 Bordering and Strategic Belonging in Gagauzia
by Christiana Holsapple - 955-973 A Theme-based Analysis of the Intensity of Cross-Border Cooperation Across Europe
by Kadir Basboga - 975-997 Beyond Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Understanding Interorganizational Collaboration for Border Management
by Jungwon Yeo - 999-1023 The Struggle for Land and Territory between the Guarani Kaiowá Indigenous People and Agribusiness Farmers on the Brazilian Border with Paraguay: Decolonization, Transit Territory and Multi/Transterritoriality
by Marcos Mondardo - 1025-1045 The Fickle Zone: Borderland and Borderlanders on the Egyptian-Israeli Front
by Efrat Ben-Ze’ev & Nir Gazit - 1047-1070 Cross-Border Integration, Cooperation and Governance: A Systems Approach for Evaluating “Good” Governance in Cross-Border Regions
by Jose L. Wong Villanueva & Tetsuo Kidokoro & Fumihiko Seta - 1071-1095 Bordering Zubara: oil politics, the 1937 Qatari-Bahraini conflict, and the making of a modern Arabian (Persian) Gulf Borderland
by Peter Polak-Springer - 1097-1098 A review of Paulina Ochoa Espejo's monograph, On Borders
by Dorte Jagetic Andersen - 1099-1101 Borders as infrastructure: the technopolitics of border control
by Grazia Tona - 1103-1104 Border Optics: Surveillance Cultures on the US-Mexico Frontier
by Carla Angulo-Pasel
August 2022, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 665-677 The Covid-19 Pandemic: Territorial, Political and Governance Dimensions of Bordering
by Francisco Lara-Valencia & Jussi P. Laine - 679-697 Internalized Borders and Checkpoints: How Immigration Controls Became Normalized Tools for COVID-19 Responses in North America
by Andréanne Bissonnette & Élisabeth Vallet - 699-721 The Impact of Covid-19 on Structure and Agency in a Borderland. The Case of Two Twin Towns in Central Europe
by Justyna Kajta & Elżbieta Opiłowska - 723-740 #StayHomeSaveLives: Essentializing Entry and Canada’s Biopolitical COVID Borders
by Rabindra Chaulagain & Wael M. Nasser & Julie E. E. Young - 741-760 Pandemic Borders of Post-Soviet De Facto States
by Serghei Golunov - 761-779 The Economic Impact of Closing the Boundaries: The Lower Minho Valley Cross-Border Region in Times of Covid-19
by Valerià Paül & Juan-M. Trillo-Santamaría & Xavier Martínez-Cobas & Carlos Fernández-Jardón - 781-804 COVID-19, Dissensus and de facto Transformation at the South Africa–Zimbabwe Border at Beitbridge
by Inocent Moyo - 805-824 Sieve or Shield? High Tech Firms and Entrepreneurs and the Impacts of COVID 19 on North American Border Regions
by Kathrine Eileen Richardson & Francesco Cappellano - 825-846 Schengen Borders as Lines that Continue to Separate? Media Representations of Pandemic Dimensions of Insecurity in Eastern German Border Regions to Poland
by Nona Renner & Judith Miggelbrink & Kristine Beurskens & Antonia Zitterbart - 847-864 Why “the Best Interests” of Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children are Left at the Border: Structural Violence and British Asylum Policies
by John R. Campbell - 865-882 Two Welded into One: The Experiences of Mexican Americans Who Have Dual Citizenship and Live a Transborder Life
by Yunuen Ysela Mandujano-Salazar - 883-884 Making of India’s Northeast: Geopolitics of Borderland and Transnational Interactions
by Saleh Shahriar - 885-887 North American Borders in Comparative Perspective
by Joan Anderson - 889-891 Framing Borders: Principle and Practicality in the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory
by Patrick Buckley - 893-896 Border Experiences in Europe: Everyday Life – Working Life— Communication — Languages
by Tracie L. Wilson
May 2022, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 435-451 Notes for a Discussion on Latin American Cross-Border Regions
by Haroldo Dilla & Maria Fernanda Cabezas & Margarita Tamara Figueroa - 453-474 “Who Is the Animal in the Zoo?” Fencing In and Fencing Out at the Hungarian-Serbian Border. A Qualitative Case Study
by Kristina Korte - 475-492 Timescapes in Public Policy – Constructing the “Victim of Trafficking”
by James Tangen - 493-512 Resistance or Acceptance? The Voice of Local Cross-Border Organizations in Times of Re-Bordering
by Sara Svensson - 513-532 The Relevance of the Souvenirs, Food, Experiences and Facilities of a Bordered Destination on the Key Relationship of Perceived Value, Attitudes and Satisfaction
by Francisco Orgaz-Agüera & Salvador Moral-Cuadra - 533-550 The Role of an Open Border in the Development of Peripheral Border Regions: The Case of Russian-Belarusian Borderland
by Vladimir Kolosov & Kira Morachevskaya - 551-573 Commuting Between Border Regions in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium: An Explanatory Model
by Lourens Broersma & Arjen Edzes & Jouke van Dijk