May 2022, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 575-597 The Integration of Border Regions in the European Union: A Model Approach
by Łukasz D. Wróblewski - 599-621 India’s Economic Relations with Myanmar: A Study of Border Trade
by Saleh Shahriar - 623-643 From Exceptional Threats to Normalized Risks: Border Controls in the Schengen Area and the Governance of Secondary Movements of Migration
by Lena Karamanidou & Bernd Kasparek - 645-655 The Ceuta Border Peripeteia: Tasting the Externalities of EU Border Externalization
by Xavier Ferrer-Gallardo & Lorenzo Gabrielli - 657-658 These islands are ours: the social constructions of territorial disputes in Northeast Asia
by Ching-Chang Chen - 659-660 Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development, and Control in Western China
by Henryk Alff - 661-662 Jungle Passports: Fences, Mobility and Citizenship at the Northeast India-Bangladesh Border
by Ritapriya Nandy - 663-664 The Wall: The Making and Unmaking of the Turkish-Syrian Border
by Karina Goulordava
March 2022, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 229-234 Security and Trade in African Borderlands – An Introduction
by Olivier Walther - 235-251 Migration Control, the Local Economy and Violence in the Burkina Faso and Niger Borderland
by Kamal Donko & Martin Doevenspeck & Uli Beisel - 253-271 Contextualizing the Relationship Between Borderlands and Political Violence: A Dynamic Space-Time Analysis in North and West Africa
by Steven M. Radil & Ian Irmischer & Olivier J. Walther - 273-294 Insecurity, Informal Trade and Timber Trafficking in the Gambia/Casamance Borderlands
by Martin Evans - 295-316 Respatializing Federalism in the Horn’s Borderlands: From Contraband Control to Transnational Governmentality
by Daniel K. Thompson - 317-337 Informal Trade Routes and Security along the Aflao-Lomé Border Region (Ghana-Togo)
by Samuel Bewiadzi Akakpo - 339-358 Questioned Sovereignty and Challenged Diplomacies: The Case of the Aymara People and the State of Chile
by Gonzalo Álvarez & Cristian Ovando & Carlos Piñones - 359-377 Community Participation and Recognition Justice in Border Environmental Governance
by Carolina Prado - 379-398 Russian – Norwegian Borderlands: Three Facets of Geopolitics
by Andrey Makarychev & Anna Kuznetsova - 399-414 Swedish Immigrants to Portugal: A Bordering Perspective
by Daniel Rauhut & Jussi P. Laine - 415-423 How to Hatch the Wings of a Mockingbird: A Comment on the EU’s New Migration and Asylum Pact and the Risk of Destroying Civil Society Engagement in Refugee Relief Work Internally to the EU Memberstates
by Dorte J. Andersen & Marie Sandberg - 425-426 Border jumping and migration control in Southern Africa
by Samuel Kehinde Okunade - 427-429 Reaching Out, Reaching In: A Journey Across Multiple Borders and Limits
by Lorenzo Rinelli - 431-433 India–Bangladesh Border Disputes: History and Post-LBA Dynamics
by Abu Sufian
January 2022, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-15 The Impact of Concrete Wall Construction Between Iran and Afghanistan Border on Safety of Iran South-Eastern Marginal Regions
by Sirous Ghanbari & Omid Jamshid Zehi Shahbakhsh & Mahdi Naderianfar - 17-35 Cross-border Commuting Dynamics: Patterns and Driving Forces in the Alpine Macro-region
by Tobias Chilla & Anna Heugel - 37-55 Syndemics in Symbiotic Cities: Pathogenic Policy and the Production of Health Inequity Across Borders
by Carina Heckert - 57-75 The Biopolitics of Migration: Ecuadorian Foreign Policy and Venezuelan Migratory Crisis
by Claudia Donoso - 77-94 Transportation of Patients in Critical Condition Across an International Border, What is the Impact on Their Odds of Full Recovery and Survival? - Case Study at the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
by David Salgado & Peter T. Martin & Abhisek Mudgal & Rafael M. Aldrete & Swapnil S. Samant & Gustavo J. Rodriguez - 95-113 States of Rumors: Politics of Information Along the Turkish-Syrian Border, 1925–1945
by Jordi Tejel - 115-132 Liminal Populism—The Transformation of the Hungarian Migration Discourse
by Alex Etl - 133-154 “Caged Women”: Migration, Mobility and Access to Health Services in Texas and Arizona
by Andréanne Bissonnette - 155-171 U.S.-Mexico Borderlands Instructional Leadership Reflections
by Maria de Lourdes Viloria & Joe Byrd & Priscilla Ferreyro & Tracie Lee - 173-185 Educational Challenges and Opportunities Facing Binational Youth in San Diego and Tijuana
by Melissa Floca & Ana Barbara Mungaray & Maximino Matus - 187-208 Cross-Border Mobility in Nogales Since Trump’s Election
by Pierre-Alexandre Beylier & Cléa Fortuné - 209-218 Sinai’s Imaginary Boundary Line in Twenty-first Century
by Ahmed Shams - 219-220 Reflections of a Transborder Anthropologist: From Netzahualcóyotl to Aztlán
by Edgar Garcia Velozo & Luísa Caye - 221-222 Participatory governance in the Europe of cross-border regions. Cooperation–boundaries–civil society
by Eduardo Medeiros - 223-224 Divided Peoples: Policy, Activism, and Indigenous Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border
by Henrik Dorf Nielsen - 225-227 Expanding Boundaries. Borders, Mobilities and the Future of Europe-Africa Relations
by Lorenzo Rinelli
October 2021, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 713-726 New Directions at the Post-Globalization Border
by Victor Konrad - 727-743 Blue vs Green: The Challenges of Maritime Migration Controls
by Derek Lutterbeck - 745-763 Beyond Borders: Towards the Ethics of Unbounded Inclusiveness
by Jussi P. Laine - 765-789 “Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones”: How Borders, Energy Development and Ongoing Experimentation Shape the Dynamic Transformation of Yunnan Province
by Thomas Ptak & Victor Konrad - 791-811 The Eagle, the Condor, and Exodus: New Directions in Political Theater and Border Spectacle
by William Yaworsky & Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera & Cindy Azucena Gómez-Schempp - 813-831 Can Borders Speak to Each Other? The India–Bangladesh and Spain–Morocco Borders in Dialogue
by Dina Krichker & Jasnea Sarma - 833-852 Connecting Border Studies and Border Policy: Exploring the Canada–U.S. Context
by Laurie Trautman - 853-871 New Directions at the Border: A Historical Geographical Perspective
by Randy W. Widdis - 873-874 Boundaries, Communities and State-making in West Africa: The Centrality of the Margins (Vol. 144)
by Olivier Walther - 875-876 Midnight’s Borders: A People’s History of Modern India
by Khaled Imran
August 2021, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 529-546 Encountering (Un)familiar Russia: Thresholds and Perceptions When Crossing the Border
by Henrik Dorf Nielsen - 547-563 Art-based, narrative research with unaccompanied migrant children living in Johannesburg, South Africa
by Glynis Clacherty - 565-577 Analysis of a Parallel Informal Exchange Rate System in Indo-Bhutanese Border Towns
by Ankur Sharma - 579-598 The Border Inside – Organizational Socialization of Street-level Bureaucrats in the European Migration Regime
by Lisa Marie Borrelli - 599-615 The Double Articulation of Sovereign Bordering: Spaces of Exception, Sovereign Vulnerability, and Agamben’s Schmitt/Foucault Synthesis
by Michael P. A. Murphy - 617-636 Regulation and Contraband Trade in the Bangladeshi Borderland: Whose Weapons?
by Robayt Khondoker - 637-652 Karen Education and Boundary-Making at the Thai-Burmese Borderland
by Su-Ann Oh & Melanie Walker & Hayso Thako - 653-674 Mapping International Co-authorship Networks in Border Studies (1986–2018)
by Olivier Walther & Martin Klatt & Freerk Boedeltje - 675-693 Bound within Borders or Free as a Bird? Karen Life in Refugee Camps on the Thai–Burma Borderlands
by Jessica Nancy Bird - 695-703 Borders and Mobility Injustice in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Anna Casaglia - 705-706 Border policing and security technologies. Mobility and proliferation of borders in the Western Balkans
by Covadonga Bachiller López - 707-708 (B)ordering Britain: law, race and empire
by Sophia Hayat Taha - 709-710 The political materialities of borders: new theoretical directions (rethinking borders)
by Matthew G. O’Neill - 711-712 Kashmir as a borderland: the politics of space and belonging across the line of control
by Irena Grigoryan
May 2021, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 343-360 The Struggle Against Deportation of Bangladeshi and Indian Immigrants at the Border Cities of Ceuta and Melilla: a Case Study of Citizenship After Orientalism
by Iker Barbero - 361-387 Territorial Institutionalism – Capturing a Horizontal Dimension of the European Administrative Space
by Joachim Beck - 389-404 Bordering on the Impossible: Optimistic Planning of Border Regions
by Tal Yaar-Waisel - 405-424 Heritage as Bordering: Heritage Making, Ontological Struggles and the Politics of Memory in the Croatian and Finnish Borderlands
by Dorte Jagetic Andersen & Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola - 425-442 The Multiple Movements of the Humanitarian Border: The Portable Provision of Care and Control at the Aegean Islands
by Huub Dijstelbloem & Lieke van der Veer - 443-468 Mortality, Surveillance and the Tertiary “Funnel Effect” on the U.S.-Mexico Border: A Geospatial Modeling of the Geography of Deterrence
by Samuel Norton Chambers & Geoffrey Alan Boyce & Sarah Launius & Alicia Dinsmore - 469-486 Designing Urban Customs and Border Marketplaces: A Model and Case Study From Lotfabad, Iran
by Parisa Borzooie & Azadeh Lak & Dallen J. Timothy - 487-501 Beyond Backpacking: Solo “Guerrilla” Border Crossing and the Penetration of Geographies of Power in Olabisi Ajala's An African Abroad
by Senayon Olaoluwa - 503-516 The Politics and Poetics of Ethnic Bordering: Chukwuemeka Ike's Sunset at Dawn
by Mary J. N. Okolie - 517-518 Security at the borders. Transnational practices and technologies in West Africa
by Fabienne Leloup - 519-521 The INS on the Line: Making immigration law on the US-Mexico border, 1917-1954
by Rachel Wilson - 523-524 Frontiers in the Gilded Age: Adventure, Capitalism, and Dispossession from Southern Africa to the U.S.-Mexican Borderlands, 1880–1917 (The Lamar Series in Western History)
by Francis Mullady - 525-526 They came to toil: newspaper representations of Mexicans and immigrants in the great depression
by Joan B. Anderson - 527-528 Beyond the border. Young Minorities in the Danish-German Borderlands, 1955-1971
by Małgorzata Bieńkowsk
March 2021, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 149-158 Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook
by Machteld Venken & Virpi Kaisto & Chiara Brambilla - 159-180 Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands
by Machteld Venken - 181-199 Be(com)ing “German”. Borderland Ideologies and Hitler Youth in NS-occupied Slovenia (1941–1945)
by Lisbeth Matzer - 201-218 Bordering and Repatriation: Displaced Unaccompanied Children from the Polish–Ukrainian Borderland after World War II
by Olga Gnydiuk - 219-237 Passing by In/Visibly: The Lone Child in the Croatian Section of the Balkan Refugee Corridor
by Marijana Hameršak & Iva Pleše - 239-258 The Humanitarianization of Child Deportation Politics
by Martin Lemberg-Pedersen - 259-279 Mental Mapping as a Method for Studying Borders and Bordering in Young People’s Territorial Identifications
by Virpi Kaisto & Chloe Wells - 281-300 Creating Change in Higher Education Through Transfronterizx Student-led Grassroots Initiatives in the San Diego-Tijuana Border Region
by Vannessa Falcón Orta & Gerald Monk - 301-318 Policing the Boundary and Bounding the Police: Fictitious Borders and the Making of Gendarmeries in North America
by Jonathan Obert - 319-332 International Migration, Kinship Networks and Social Capital in Southwestern Nigeria
by Olayinka Akanle & Olufunke A. Fayehun & Gbenga S. Adejare & Otomi A. Orobome - 333-334 The Ethics of Migration: An Introduction
by Tuulia Reponen - 335-336 India–Bangladesh Border Dispute: History and Post-LBA Dynamics
by Md. Harun-Or Rashid - 337-338 Borders of belonging: struggle and solidarity in mixed-status immigrant families
by Erika R. Rendón-Ramos - 339-340 Native but Foreign – Indigenous Immigrants and Refugees in the North American Borderlands
by Pierre-Alexandre Beylier - 341-342 The line of control: travelling with the Indian and Pakistani armies
by Syed Eesar Mehdi
January 2021, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-15 Who are Deemed the “Worthy” and “Unworthy” Victims of Mexico’s Drug-Related Violence?
by Omar Camarillo - 17-29 Speaking to The Wall: Reconceptualizing the US–Mexico Border “Wall” from the Perspective of a Realist and Constructivist Theoretical Framework in International Relations
by Jessica Becker - 31-47 Presidential Voting in the 2016 US Presidential Election: Impacts of the US–Mexico Border and Border Integration
by Richard V. Adkisson & Francisco J. Pallares - 49-57 “Learning from Las Vegas”: Border Aesthetics, Disturbance, and Electronic Disobedience. An Interview with Performance Artist Ricardo Dominguez
by Markus Heide - 59-75 Bright Ideas, Thick Institutions. Post-industrial Development Theories as Drivers of Cross-border Cooperation
by Marijn Molema - 77-97 Norms, Networks, Power and Control: Understanding Informal Payments and Brokerage in Cross-Border Trade in Sierra Leone
by Vanessa van den Boogaard & Wilson Prichard & Samuel Jibao - 99-118 Identifying Cultural and Cognitive Proximity Between Managers and Customers in Tornio and Haparanda Cross-Border Region
by Adi Weidenfeld & Peter Björk & Allan M. Williams - 119-137 A “Schengen” Agreement in Africa? African Agency and the ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement
by Samuel Kehinde Okunade & Olusola Ogunnubi - 139-140 Open borders: in defense of free movement
by Kundan Mishra - 141-142 Negotiating Conflict in Lebanon: Bordering Practices in a Divided Beirut
by Misty Prigent - 143-144 Bordering
by Johanna Pettersson - 145-146 Gringolandia: Lifestyle Migration under Late Capitalism
by Michael J. Pisani - 147-148 Borderless worlds for whom? Ethics, moralities and mobilities
by Sara Svensson
October 2020, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 673-674 Introduction to a New “Commentaries” Section in the Journal of Borderlands Studies
by Sergio Peña & Christophe Sohn - 675-692 Perceived severity of smuggling at the border of Táchira-North of Santander: Health Psychology Approach
by Manuel E. Riaño-Garzón & Nathalie C. Raynaud & Neida Albornoz-Arias & Rina Mazuera-Arias - 693-708 Movements Across Space: A Conceptual Framework for the Thai–Burma Borderlands
by Rachel Sharples - 709-723 Delinquent Borderlands: Disorder and Exception in the Eastern Himalaya
by Mona Chettri & Duncan McDuie-Ra - 725-741 Terrorism in the Lake Chad Region: Integration of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
by Simon Oyewole Oginni & Maxwell Peprah Opoku & Beatrice Atim Alupo - 743-758 Crossing a Second Border for South Carolina DACA Students
by W. David McCorkle & Heidi Cian - 759-780 A New Agenda to Study the Guatemala–Mexico/Mexico–Guatemala Border(Lands) Region
by Luis Alfredo Arriola Vega - 781-799 At War Over the Peace Bridge. A Case Study in the Vulnerability of Binational Institutions
by Munroe Eagles - 801-818 Whither an International Issue: The Columbia River Treaty, the Canada/US Border, and the Curious Case of Libby, MT
by James M. Hundley - 819-827 Remembering Chris Rumford (1958–2016)
by Olivier Thomas Kramsch - 829-830 Storming the Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security
by Michael Palmieri - 831-832 Citizens in Motion Emigration, Immigration, and Re-migration Across China's Borders
by Martin Kerntopf - 833-834 Refugees, migration and global governance: negotiating the global compacts
by Jessica Becker - 835-836 At the edge of the nation: the Southern Kurils and the search for Russia’s national identity
by Lyudmila Austin - 837-838 Chaos as a Tool of Insecurity: Detention and Deportation in the United States and Ecuador
by Andreanne Bissonnette - 839-840 What is a Border
by Ikhsan Darmawan
August 2020, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 497-503 BIG (Borders in Globalization): Borders and Bordering Processes in the Pacific Northwest
by Nicole Bates-Eamer & Helga Kristín Hallgrímsdóttir - 505-526 Overgrowing the Border? An Examination of Cascadian Culture and Cannabis Legalization
by Samantha Magnus & Helga Hallgrímsdóttir & Nicole Bates-Eamer & Victor Konrad - 527-543 Shifting, Securitizing, and Streamlining: An Exploration of Preclearance Policy in the Pacific Northwest
by Alexander Norfolk - 545-562 Border Disputes and Identity in Anglophone British Columbia: 1859–1903
by Ari Finnsson - 563-580 Networks of Hate: The Alt-right, “Troll Culture”, and the Cultural Geography of Social Movement Spaces Online
by Edwin Hodge & Helga Hallgrimsdottir - 581-601 Whose Border? Contested Geographies and Columbia River Treaty Modernization
by William Jesse Baltutis & Michele-Lee Moore - 603-618 Immigration and Integration Policy and the Complexity of Multi-level Governance: A Case Study of British Columbia
by Alexander Gunn - 619-639 Transborder People, Connected History: Border and Relationships in the Indo-Burma Borderlands
by Pum Khan Pau - 641-655 Motivations for Mexican-US Migration: Does the Economy Matter?
by Alix N. Naugler & Stephen J. Conroy - 657-659 “Refugees, citizenship and belonging in South Asia; contested terrains”
by Meghna Kajla - 661-662 The role of the international border in high-tech economies
by Francesco Cappellano - 663-665 Borders and mobility in South Asia and beyond
by Dhananjay Tripathi - 667-668 Zimbabwe’s Migrants and South Africa’s Border Farms. The Roots of Impermanence
by Sylvia Meichsner - 669-671 Transnational drug trafficking across the Vietnam–Laos border
by Saleh Shahriar
May 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 317-333 Humanitarian Border Workers in Confrontation with the Swedish State’s Border Making Practices: “The Death of the Most Generous Country on Earth”
by Abby Peterson - 335-350 The Border as a Resource in Right-wing Populist Discourse: Viktor Orbán and the Diasporas in a Multi-scalar Europe
by Christian Lamour & Renáta Varga - 351-368 Dealing with Borderland Complexity. The Multisided Views of Local Individuals in the Norwegian–Russian Borderland
by Brit Lynnebakke - 369-383 The Temporary Reintroduction of Border Controls Inside the Schengen Area: Towards a Spatial Perspective
by Estelle Evrard & Birte Nienaber & Adolfo Sommaribas - 385-401 Border Crossing Assemblages: Differentiated Travelers and the Viapolitics of FlixBus
by Peter Teunissen - 403-423 Schengen Cooperation: What Scholars Make of It
by Markéta Votoupalová - 425-441 “Playing with the Border:” Alsatian Sports Societies and Alsace’s Problematic Return to France after the First World War
by Denis Jallat & Sébastien Stumpp & Julien Fuchs - 443-465 De-and re-bordering the Alpine Space: how Cross-border Cooperation Intertwines Spatial and Institutional Patterns of Exclusion and Inclusion, Subordination and Horizontality
by Melanie Plangger - 467-485 Stress Test for the Policy-making Capability of Cross-border Spaces? Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Euroregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino
by Alice Engl & Verena Wisthaler - 487-488 Immigration and the law – race, citizenship, and social control
by Jaana Palander - 489-490 The Border
by Edward Matthews - 491-492 Desert borderland: the making of modern Egypt and Libya
by Ju Wang & Rongxing Guo - 493-494 We do not have borders: Greater Somalia and the predicaments of belonging in Kenya
by Agnes W. Behr - 495-496 Les frontières et la communauté politique. Faire, défaire et penser les frontières
by Virginie Mamadouh
March 2020, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 173-181 South Asia: Boundaries, Borders and Beyond
by Dhananjay Tripathi & Sanjay Chaturvedi - 183-194 Borders and Bordering Practices: A Case Study of Jaisalmer District on India–Pakistan Border
by Krishnendra Meena - 195-210 Portraying the “Other” in Textbooks and Movies: The Mental Borders and Their Implications for India–Pakistan Relations
by Dhananjay Tripathi & Vaishali Raghuvanshi - 211-226 Pakistan’s Border Policies and Security Dynamics along the Pakistan–Afghanistan Border
by Lacin Idil Oztig - 227-241 The Status of Durand Line under International Law: An International Law Approach to the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier Dispute
by Fawad Poya - 243-254 Re-engaging the “International”: A Social History of the Trans-Himalayan Borderlands
by Nimmi Kurian - 255-268 No Mountain Too High? Assessing the Trans-territoriality of the Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative
by Jayashree Vivekanandan - 269-286 Gaining a Ghetto: The Resettlement of Partition-affected Bengalis in New Delhi’s Chittaranjan Park
by Anubhav Roy - 287-306 African Borders: Putting Paid to a Myth
by Michel Foucher - 307-308 Why Read Michel Foucher’s African Borders: Putting Paid to a Myth?
by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly - 309-310 An Appraisal of Michel Foucher’s African Borders: Putting Paid to a Myth
by Anthony I. Asiwaju - 311-312 Comment on African Borders: Putting Paid to a Myth
by Olivier J. Walther - 313-314 Border Odyssey: Travels along the U.S./Mexico Divide
by Roberto Rodolfo Georg Uebel - 315-316 Border politics in a global era: comparative perspectives
by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera
January 2020, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 Event and Archive: Remapping the Poetry Reading Series in Canada, 1957–1974
by Deanna Fong & Janey Dodd - 19-39 Exile and Repatriation: Experiences from the Zambezi Region, Namibia
by Kari Miettinen & Maria Lähteenmäki & Alfred Colpaert - 41-54 Public Pedagogy as Border-Crossing: How Canadian Fans Learn about Health Care from American TV
by Kaela Jubas & Dawn Johnston & Angie Chiang - 55-74 Economic Integration, Emerging Fields and Cross-border Governance: The Case of San Diego–Tijuana
by Jorge Eduardo Mendoza & Bruno Dupeyron - 75-97 The Human Side of Regions: Informal Cross-border Traders in the Zambia–Malawi–Mozambique Growth Triangle and Prospects for Integrating Southern Africa
by Christopher Changwe Nshimbi - 99-112 Fear Responses: Intersubjectivity, and the Hollow State
by Arthur Sementelli - 113-129 Disclosing the Relational Structure of Institutional Cross-border Cooperation in Two Cross-border Regions in Europe
by Teresa González-Gómez & Estrella Gualda - 131-146 Of Borders and Fortresses: Attitudes Towards Immigrants from the SADC Region in South Africa as a Critical Factor in the Integration of Southern Africa
by Inocent Moyo & Christopher Changwe Nshimbi - 147-161 Black Barrio on the Border: “Blaxicans” of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
by Howard Campbell & Michael Williams - 163-164 Les frontières de la mondialisation – Gestion des flux migratoires en régime néolibéral [The borders of globalization – managing migration flows under the neoliberal regime]
by Frédéric Durand - 165-166 Citizenship participation and Global Migration. Implications for theory research, and teaching
by Machteld Venken - 167-168 The Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the U.S.-Mexico Border
by Matthew Longo - 169-170 Transboundary environmental governance across the world’s longest border
by Paul Ganster - 171-171 Corrigendum
by The Editors
October 2019, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 639-647 Introduction to the Special Issue: Securitized Borderlands
by Martin Deleixhe & Magdalena Dembinska & Julien Danero Iglesias - 649-664 Biopolitical Sovereignty and Borderlands
by Martin Deleixhe - 665-684 The “Boomerang Effect” of Kin-state Activism: Cross-border Ties and the Securitization of Kin Minorities
by Alexandra Liebich - 685-698 Values and Power Conflicts in Framing Borders and Borderlands: The 2013 Reform of EU Schengen Governance
by Ramona Coman - 699-715 Conflicting Imaginaries of the Border: The Construction of African Asylum Seekers in the Israeli Political Discourse
by Sharon Weinblum - 717-732 The European Dispositif of Border Control in Malta. Migrants’ Experiences of a Securitized Borderland
by Léa Lemaire - 733-748 Behind Closed Doors: Discourses and Strategies in the European Securitized Borderlands in Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine
by Julien Danero Iglesias - 749-765 Securitizing a European Borderland: The Bordering Effects of Memory Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Sarah Sajn - 767-781 An Alternative Border Metaphor: On Rhizomes and Disciplinary Boundaries
by Caleb Bailey - 783-806 Bending Before the Storm: Continentalism in the Visual Culture of Canadian Magazines
by Jaleen Grove - 807-827 The Geopolitical Production of Trust Discourses in Finland: Perspectives from the Finnish-Russian Border
by Katharina Koch & Vilhelmiina Vainikka - 829-830 Grenzen. Räumliche und soziale Trennlinien im Zeitenlauf
by Katarzyna Stoklosa - 831-832 Border capitalism, disrupted: precarity and struggle in a Southeast Asian industrial zone
by Puttaporn (Jip) Areeprachakun - 833-834 African border disorders: addressing transnational extremist organizations
by Bruno Charbonneau - 835-836 The regional security puzzle around Afghanistan: bordering practices in Central Asia and beyond
by Fawad Poya - 837-838 The Ottoman-Iranian borderlands, making a boundary, 1843–1914
by Vicken Cheterian - 839-839 Note
by The Editors
August 2019, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 483-488 Migrations and Borders: Practices and Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century
by Margit Fauser & Anne Friedrichs & Levke Harders - 489-508 The Multilayered Migration Regime in Turkey: Contested Regionalization, Deceleration and Legal Precarization
by Fırat Genç & Gerda Heck & Sabine Hess - 509-526 Homogenous and Extra-territorial Border Regime? Migrations and Control Efforts Across the Eastern EU External Border
by Bettina Bruns - 527-545 The Creation of Illegal Migration in the German Confederation, 1815–1866
by Michael Schubert - 547-570 Engines of Social Change? Peasant Migration and the Transgression of Spatial, Legal and Cultural Divides in Late Imperial Russia
by Lutz Karl Häfner