September 2015, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 345-363 Cross-Border Trades and Commerce between Thailand and Neighboring Countries: Policy Implications for Establishing Special Border Economic Zones
by Choen Krainara & Jayant K. Routray - 365-380 Introduction: Borders, Informality, International Trade and Customs
by Thomas Cantens & Robert Ireland & Gaël Raballand - 381-394 Informality, Trade Policies and Smuggling in West Africa
by Nancy Benjamin & Stephen Golub & Ahmadou Aly Mbaye - 395-403 Informal Trade, Cross Border Networks and Contraband of Asian Textiles from Brazzaville to Kinshasa
by Sylvie Ayimpam - 405-421 Formal or Informal, Legal or Illegal: The Ambiguous Nature of Cross-border Livestock Trade in the Horn of Africa
by Peter D. Little & Waktole Tiki & Dejene Negassa Debsu - 423-435 Taking Copies from China Past Customs: Routines, Risks, and the Possibility of Catastrophe
by Gordon Mathews - 437-451 A Case Study on Shuttle Trade between Korea and China
by Chang-Ryung Han & Hans Nelen & Yeonho Kang - 453-454 Water without Borders?: Canada, the United States, and Shared Waters
by Luzma Fabiola Nava - 455-456 Foreigners, Refugees or Minorities? Rethinking People in the Context of Border Controls and Visas
by Miika Tervonen - 457-458 Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs
by Dhananjay Tripathi - 459-460 Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region: Norden Beyond Borders
by Maria Lähteenmäki
May 2015, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 137-150 Female Labor Force Participation and Dependency Ratios in Border States
by Miguel A. Vicens-Feliberty & Francisca Reyes - 151-162 Anticipation, Interpellation and Confession on the Road to the Border
by Stef Jansen - 163-174 Multilevel Governance in North America: The Case of the Detroit River International Crossing
by Anthony Jesuale & David K. Jesuit & Ian Roberge - 175-188 Looking Through the Mirror: A Historical Geographical View of the Canadian-American Borderlands
by Randy William Widdis - 189-201 Interrogating Linkages Between Borders, Regions, and Border Studies
by Dhananjay Tripathi - 203-225 Property Tax Collection of Sonora Municipalities: Does Border Location Make any Difference?
by Jorge Ibarra Salazar & Lida Sotres Cervantes - 227-245 Racialized Borders: Hypothesizing the Diasporic Implications of Discriminatory Surveillance at Canadian Borders
by Alana Saulnier - 247-262 Interrogating Boundaries and Acknowledging Fluidity: Shifting Identity Markers in Palestine/Israel
by Karen Ross & Na'amah Razon - 263-278 The Myth of Resistance: Rethinking the "Informal" Economy in a Mediterranean Border Enclave
by Laia Soto Bermant - 279-280 Curating at the Edge: Artists Respond to the U.S./Mexico Border
by Cristina Giudice - 281-282 Conflicting Borders of Modern Governmentalities in the 21st Century? Criminalization of Immigration Versus Combating Human Slavery Along the U.S./Mexico Border
by Kolar Aparna - 283-284 On The Borders of State Power: Frontiers in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
by Akihiro Hirayama - 285-286 Red Nations: The Nationalities Experience in and after the USSR
by Karli-Jo Storm
February 2015, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-17 Toward a Theory of Borders in Motion
by Victor Konrad - 19-36 The Breakup of Georgia: Fragmentation or Settlement Fringe?
by Pierre Jolicoeur & Frederic Labarre - 37-52 Watching the Other Across the Border: Representations of Russia and Estonia on Finnish National Television
by Ágnes Németh - 53-67 Borders and Second Home Tourism: Norwegian and Russian Second Home Owners in Finnish Border Areas
by Olga Hannonen & Seija Tuulentie & Kati Pitkänen - 69-84 Re-Framing Mobility and Identity Controls: The Next Generation of the EU Migration Management Toolkit
by Sergio Carrera & Nicholas Hernanz - 85-95 The Role of Trans-Border Ethnic Groups in Intra-State and Inter-State Conflict in Africa
by Emmanuel Ikechi Onah - 97-109 (B)ordering South of Lebanon: Hizbullah's Identity Building Strategy
by Daniel Meier - 111-125 Art Across Borders: Dislocating Artistic and Curatorial Practices in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region
by Holger Pötzsch - 127-128 De-bordering Korea: Tangible and Intangible Legacies of the Sunshine Policy
by Christopher Kenneth Green - 129-130 From the Republic of the Rio Grande: A Personal History of the Place and People
by George T. Díaz - 131-132 Transnationalism, Activism, Art
by Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary - 133-134 Divided Nations and European Integration
by Cathal McCall - 135-136 Labour Migration in Malaysia and Spain: Markets, Citizenship and Rights
by Keina Espiñeira
November 2014, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 385-390 An Introduction to the Multiple US-Mexico Borders
by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera & Kathleen Staudt - 391-403 Undocumented Families in Times of Deportation at the San Diego-Tijuana Border
by Olivia T. Ruiz Marrujo - 405-417 Politics, Process, Culture and Human Folly: Life among Arizonans and the Reality of a Transborder World
by Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez & Elsie Szecsy - 419-433 Violence on the "Forgotten" Border: Mexico's Drug War, the State, and the Paramilitarization of Organized Crime in Tamaulipas in a "New Democratic Era"
by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera - 435-447 Ciudad Juárez: A Perfect Storm on the US-Mexico Border
by Tony Payan - 449-464 Whither the Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations on Multiple Regions of the US-Mexico Border?
by Irasema Coronado - 465-479 The Border, Performed in Films: Produced in both Mexico and the US to "Bring Out the Worst in a Country"
by Kathleen Staudt - 481-502 A Tale of Two Mexican Border Cities: The Rise and Decline of Drug Violence in Juárez and Tijuana
by David A. Shirk - 503-512 The antiAtlas of Borders, A Manifesto
by Cédric Parizot & Anne Laure Amilhat Szary & Gabriel Popescu & Isabelle Arvers & Thomas Cantens & Jean Cristofol & Nicola Mai & Joana Moll & Antoine Vion - 513-514 Global Religious Movements Across Borders: Sacred Service
by Beth Admiraal - 515-516 Points of Passage: Jewish Transmigrants from Eastern Europe in Scandinavia, Germany and Britain 1880-1914
by David Gaunt - 517-518 The EU-Russian Borderland: New Contexts for Regional Cooperation
by Serghei Golunov - 519-520 Troubling Borders: An Anthology of Art and Literature by Southeast Asian Women in the Diaspora
by Jari Kupiainen - 521-522 Perspectives on Mobility
by Tuulikki Kurki - 523-524 Nation Split by the Border. Changes in the Ethnic Identity, Religion and Language of the Karelians from 1809 to 2009
by Thomas Lundén - 525-525 Crossing Borders, Creating and Managing Cross-Border Regional Alliances: Practical Handbook to the Crossing Borders Theory
by Sander Meijerink - 527-528 Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders and Global Crisis
by Heather Nicol - 529-530 Eastern Sámi Atlas
by Natalia Taksami - 531-532 Inhabiting Borders, Routes Home: Youth, Gender, Asylum
by Tiina Sotkasiira - 533-534 Romanians in Western Europe: Migration, Status Dilemmas, and Transnational Connections
by Timofey Agarin - 535-536 North American Borderlands
by Randy William Widdis - 537-540 Association of Borderland Studies' World Conference Report
by Jussi Laine
September 2014, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 291-301 Democracy and the Space of Energy Flows: The Practice of Bordered Transnationalism in the Pacific Northwest
by John P. Bélec & Patrick H. Buckley - 303-317 Utilizing Informal Household-Work Substitutes along the US-Mexico Border: Evidence from South Texas
by Michael J. Pisani - 319-326 Perspectives on Cross-Border Labor in Europe: "(Un)familiarity" or "Push-and-Pull"?
by Ad Knotter - 327-337 Do if you Dare: Reflections on (Un)familiarity, Identity-Formation and Ontological Politics
by Dorte Jagetić Andersen - 339-351 Encounters with Otherness: Implications of (Un)familiarity for Daily Life in Borderlands
by Bianca Szytniewski & Bas Spierings - 353-373 (Un)Familiarity? Labor Related Cross-Border Mobility in Sønderjylland/Schleswig Since Denmark Joined the EC in 1973
by Martin Klatt - 375-384 Changing Border Regimes, Mining, and Cross-border Labor in the Dutch-Belgian-German Borderlands, 1900-1973
by Ad Knotter
May 2014, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 117-131 Migration Control in the Mediterranean Grenzsaum : Reading Ratzel in the Strait of Sicily
by Paolo Cuttitta - 133-146 The Conflicting Aims of the European Neighborhood Policy and its Secondary Effects
by Jaume Castan Pinos - 147-164 On the "Doing" of Visual Research on Borders and Migration: Collaboration between Professional Photographers, Social Scientists and Subjects
by Susan Ball - 165-201 Belonging and Identity in the European Border Towns: Self-Centered Borders, Hetero-Centered Borders
by Alberto Gasparini - 203-216 " Voir l'Autre "? Seeing the Other, the Developments of the Arab Spring and the European Neighborhood Policy toward Algeria and Tunisia
by Anna-Lena Hoh - 217-241 Cultural Diversity in the Amazon Borderlands: Implications for Conservation and Development
by David S. Salisbury & Ben G. Weinstein - 243-255 The Phenomenology of Perception and Fear: Security and the Reality of the US-Mexico Border
by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera & Terence M. Garrett - 257-273 Cross-Border Regions: The Gap Between the Elite's Projects and People's Awareness. Reflections from the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion
by Juan-Manuel Trillo-Santamaría - 275-289 Assessing the Historical Water Flow Allocation in the Lower Rio Grande between Mexico and the United States
by Vicente German-Soto
February 2014, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-9 Asian Borderlands: Introducing their Permeability, Strategic Uses and Meanings
by Willem van Schendel & Erik de Maaker - 11-25 Evading Colonial Authority. Rebels and Outlaws in the Borderlands of Dutch West Borneo 1850s-1920s
by Michael Eilenberg - 27-45 The Friction of Cartography: On the Politics of Space and Mobility among Migrant Communities in the Thai-Burma Borderlands
by Soe Lin Aung - 47-61 Stretching the Border: Confinement, Mobility and the Refugee Public among Karen Refugees in Thailand and Burma
by Alexander Horstmann - 63-80 Understanding Margins, State Power, Space and Territoriality in the Naga Hills
by Debojyoti Das - 81-94 The India-Bangladesh Border Fence: Narratives and Political Possibilities
by Duncan McDuie-Ra - 95-109 The Borders that Divide, the Borders that Unite: (Re)interpreting Garo Processes of Identification in India and Bangladesh
by Ellen Bal & Timour Claquin Chambugong - 111-112 Portugal e Espanha. Entre Discursos de Centro e Prácticas de Fronteira
by Bruno Dupeyron - 113-114 Disasters without Borders: The International Politics of Natural Disasters
by D. Rick Van Schoik - 115-116 Transnational Marriage: New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond
by Tatiana Tiaynen
December 2013, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 279-290 Transnational Homelessness: Finding a Place on the US-Mexico Border
by Howard Campbell & Josué G. Lachica - 291-306 "I am From Busia!": Everyday Trading and Health Service Provision at the Kenya-Uganda Border as Place-Making Activities
by William Allen - 307-319 The Impact of Post-9/11 US Policy on the California-Baja California Border Region
by Ana Marleny Bustamante - 321-336 Regulating Territorial Access in a Globalized World. Visa-Waiver Policies in the USA and Austria
by Heike Brabandt & Steffen Mau - 337-354 The Italo-French Row over Schengen, Critical Junctures, and the Future of Europe's Border Regime
by Ruben Zaiotti - 355-368 Somali Asylum Seekers and Refoulement at the Kenya-Somalia Border
by Rose Jaji - 369-382 Boundaries in the Sky and a Theory of Three-Dimensional States
by Michael J. Strauss - 383-384 Luxembourg: An Emerging Cross-border Metropolitan Region
by Carsten Yndigegn - 385-386 Our North America: Social and Political Issues Beyond NAFTA
by Kimberly Collins - 387-388 Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders and Global Crisis
by Heather Nicol
August 2013, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 153-168 Autonomy in the Southern Borderland of Nepal: A Formula for Security or Cause of Conflict?
by Sean M. McDonald & Bruce Vaughn - 169-180 Towards a Vernacularized Border Studies: The Case of Citizen Borderwork
by Chris Rumford - 181-190 Borders and Cities: Perspectives from North America and Europe
by Christophe Sohn & Francisco Lara-Valencia - 191-204 Local Responses to Climate Change Vulnerability Along the Western Reach of the US-Mexico Border
by Francisco Lara-Valencia & Maria Elena Giner - 205-219 Borders in Metropolitan Development: The Case of Vienna
by Rudolf Giffinger & Alexander Hamedinger - 221-237 Comparing Cross-border Metropolitan Integration in Europe: Towards a Functional Typology
by Antoine Decoville & Frédéric Durand & Christophe Sohn & Olivier Walther - 239-256 Border Temporality and Space Integration in the European Transborder Agglomeration of Basel
by Bernard Reitel - 257-271 The Border and Immigrants in Ottawa-Gatineau: Governance Practices and the (Re)Production of a Dual Canadian Citizenship-super-†
by Luisa Veronis - 273-274 Between Two Motherlands: Nationality and Emigration Among the Greeks of Bulgaria, 1900-1949
by Andreas Lyberatos - 275-276 Balkan Border Crossings - First Annual of the Konitsa Summer School
by Emma Hakala - 277-278 Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries
by Anitta Kynsilehto
April 2013, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-13 A Border within a Border: The Migrants' Squatter Settlement in Patras as a Heterotopia
by Lafazani Olga - 15-31 Diversity and Development: Policy Entrepreneurship of Euroregional Initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe
by Gergő Medve-Bálint & Sara Svensson - 33-46 When Borders Cross Peoples: The Internal Colonial Challenge to Borderlands Theory
by John R. Chávez - 47-60 Bridges and Barriers: The Lake Superior Borderlands
by Leslie R. Alm & Ross E. Burkhart - 61-73 Disease Knows No Borders: The Emergence and Institutionalization of Public Health Transnationalism on the US-Mexico Border
by Julie Collins-Dogrul - 75-91 Types of Migration Enabled by Maquiladoras in Baja California, Mexico: The Importance of Commuting
by Kathryn Kopinak & Rosa Maria Soriano Miras - 93-108 US-Mexican Economic Integration and its Effects on Unemployment in Mexico's Northern Border States
by Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Cota - 109-125 The Vermont-Québec Border Region: Negotiations of Identity and Logic in the Northeast Kingdom
by Victoria M. Phaneuf - 127-146 Life in the US-Mexican Border Region: Residents' Perceptions of the Place
by Kimberly Collins - 147-148 Images of the North. Histories-Identities-Ideas
by Pertti Joenniemi - 149-150 Japan's National Identity and Foreign Policy: Russia as Japan's Other
by Edward Boyle - 151-152 Bordering the Baltic. Scandinavian Boundary Drawing Processes, 1900-2000
by Kimmo Katajala
December 2012, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 245-255 Neighborhood Relations on the Polish Borders: The Example of the Polish-German, Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Russian Border Regions
by Katarzyna Stokłosa - 257-272 Limits and Borders: Stages of Transboundary Water Management
by Mark Wiering & Joris Verwijmeren - 273-285 The Determinants of Open and Closed Borders
by Charles R. Boehmer & Sergio Peña - 287-298 Immigration and Education: Setbacks and Opportunities For Earnings along the Texas-Mexico Border
by Christina Daly - 299-314 Business Networks in the Cross-border Regions of the Enlarged EU: What do we know in the Post-enlargement Era?
by Birgit Leick - 315-329 Cultural Cooperation or Incorporation: Recollecting and Presenting Borderland Materiality at the External Border of the European Union
by Karri Kiiskinen - 331-343 Homes across the Border: Russian Summer Houses in the Karelian Isthmus and the Finnish State, 1917-1927
by Kitty Lam - 345-363 Cross-border Cooperation, Regional Disparities and Integration of Markets in the EU
by Rolf Bergs - 365-366 Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Borders
by Tatiana Zhurzhenko - 367-368 Eastern Partnership: A New Opportunity for the Neighbours
by Anaïs Marin - 369-370 Negotiating Afropolitanism: Essays on Borders and Spaces in Contemporary African Literature and Folklore
by Peter Chilson
2012, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 111-119 Introduction: The (Re)Building of the Wall in International Relations
by Élisabeth Vallet & Charles-Philippe David - 121-138 The Loss of Sovereignty Control and the Illusion of Building Walls
by Elia Pusterla & Francesca Piccin - 139-165 The Wall, the Fence, and the Gate: Reflexive Metaphors along the Canada–US Border
by Heather Nicol - 167-183 Mental Walls and the Border: Local Identity Construction in Sortavala
by Alexander Izotov - 185-198 Conflicting Conviviality: Ethnic Forms of Resistance to Border-making at the Bottom of the US Embassy of Skopje, Macedonia
by Fabio Mattioli - 199-212 The Sahara Wall: Status and Prospects
by Said Saddiki - 213-228 Walls and Border Art: The Politics of Art Display
by Anne-Laure Szary - 229-237 Peace on the Fence? Israel's Security Culture and the Separation Fence to the West Bank
by Simon Falke - 239-240 Borderlands: Riding the Edge of America. With a new afterword by the author
by Evelyn Mayer - 241-243 Bosnia Remade: Ethnic Cleansing and its Reversal
by Simon Dalby
2012, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-15 Sexual Abuse at the US–Mexico Border: Exploratory Analysis of the Borderlife Archive
by Darrin Rogers & Katrina Meza & Jennifer Sibley & Elida Decker - 17-25 The of Eva: A Mexican Refugee in El Paso
by Mark Lusk & Griselda Villalobos - 27-29 Introduction: Women in Indian Borderlands
by Paula Banerjee & Anusua Choudhury - 31-44 Bengal Border Revisited
by Paula Banerjee - 45-59 Remembering the Communal Violence of 1950 in Hooghly
by Anasua Chaudhury - 61-72 Chins in Mizoram: The Case of Borders Making Brothers Illegal
by Sahana Basavapatna - 73-82 Women and the Heat of the Barbed Wire
by Anjuman Begum - 83-93 Borderlands and Borderlines: Re-negotiating Boundaries in Jammu and Kashmir
by Sumona DasGupta - 95-104 Women's Voices from Jammu and Kashmir
by Anuradha Jamwal & Shuchismita - 105-106 Drugged Out. Globalization and Jamaica's Resilience to Drug Trafficking
by Franklin Knight - 107-108 Human Rights and Migration. Trafficking for Forced Labour
by Elina Ihamäki - 109-110 The European Union, Russia and the Shared Neighbourhood
by Gleb Yarovoy