March 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 133-153 Cache society: transactional records, electronic money, and cultural resistance
by Rachel O’Dwyer - 154-168 When socialists marketize: the case of China’s wind power market sector
by Julia Kirch Kirkegaard & Koray Caliskan - 169-175 Il/legitimate exchange: histories of fraud and activist businesses
by Adam Richard Rottinghaus - 176-178 The Creativity Hoax: Precarious Work and the Gig Economy, by George Morgan and Pariece Nelligan
by Michael Zakim - 178-180 Media Amnesia, by Laura Basu
by Aaron Heresco - 180-184 The Social Life of Financial Derivatives: Markets, Risk, and Time, by Ed LiPuma
by Joyce Goggin
January 2019, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-20 How can experts help governments think?: inaugural lecture
by Glen O’Hara - 21-35 A guaranteed basic income and the aesthetics of existence
by Barbara Jenkins - 36-53 Character and organization
by Paul du Gay & Thomas Lopdrup-Hjorth & Kirstine Zinck Pedersen & Anne Obling Roelsgaard - 54-69 Organizational trials of valuation: insights from the work of leaning the patient distribution process at a children’s hospital
by Amalie Martinus Hauge - 70-82 Children’s market researchers as moral brokers
by Daniel Thomas Cook - 83-89 Desanctifying the charisma of numbers
by Luke Stark - 90-93 (Not) getting paid to do what you love: gender, social media, and aspirational work, by Brooke Erin Duffy
by Kait Kribs - 93-97 The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money, by Brian Caplan
by Vik Loveday - 97-99 The Moral Economists: R.H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E.P. Thompson, and the Critique of Capitalism, by Tim Rogan
by David A. Zalewski
November 2018, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 501-513 Price and the person: markets, discrimination, and personhood
by Liz Moor & Celia Lury - 514-534 Digital householding: calculating and moralizing domestic life through homemade spreadsheets
by Mateusz Halawa & Marta Olcoń-Kubicka - 535-548 Workfulness: governing the disobedient brain
by Carina Guyard & Anne Kaun - 549-564 Performing housing debt attachments: forming semi-financialised subjects
by Tomáš Samec - 565-590 Between freedom and futility: on the political uses of corporate globalizing discourses
by Kevin Funk - 591-594 A response in the first person
by Marilyn Strathern - 595-597 Taking aim at or making friends with the metaphysical theorists
by Brayden King - 598-601 On the beginning of formal organization
by Damian O’Doherty - 602-607 The sun also rises
by Paul du Gay & Signe Vikkelsø
September 2018, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 377-385 Mundane market matters: from ordinary to profound and back again
by Daniel Neyland & Véra Ehrenstein & Sveta Milyaeva - 386-403 The skin of commerce: governing through plastic food packaging
by Gay Hawkins - 404-419 The friction of the mundane: on the problematic marketization of the carbon stored by trees in the tropics
by Véra Ehrenstein - 420-439 Assembling lines: queue management and the production of market economy in post-socialist services
by Zsuzsanna Vargha - 440-457 Devising the consumer of the competitive electricity market: the mundane meter, the unbundling doctrine, and the re-bundling of choice
by Catherine Grandclément & Alain Nadaï - 458-475 The ‘s’ in markets: mundane market concepts and how to know a (strawberry) market
by Christian Frankel - 476-479 Keynesianism, technocracy and class struggle
by Clara Elisabetta Mattei - 480-482 Periodizing Keynesianism
by Andrew Sartori - 483-485 A politics of infinite deferral
by Sarah Muir - 486-488 At first sight something impossible
by Geoff Mann - 489-495 Innovating and improvising the social contract in the US financial borderscape
by Mark Kear - 496-499 Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean, by Peter James Hudson
by Kimberley D. McKinson
July 2018, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 277-290 Sites, funds and spheres of exchange in a Clean Development Mechanism project
by Pablo Jaramillo - 291-302 Financial performativity as evidence of immanence: the phenomenology of liquidity crisis in contemporary markets for risk
by Chris Jefferis - 303-314 Humor and heuristics: culture, genre, and economic thought in The Big Short
by Gavin Benke - 315-329 Cultured meat and cowless milk: on making markets for animal-free food
by Michael J. Mouat & Russell Prince - 330-347 Cosmopolitical encounters: Prototyping at the National Zoo in Santiago, Chile
by Martín Tironi & Pablo Hermansen - 348-350 On problem-setting the cosmopolitical: a response to Tironi and Hermansen
by Keith M. Murphy - 351-353 Cosmopolitical zoo: a response to Tironi and Hermansen
by Marisol de la Cadena - 354-358 Notes for a cosmopolitical design: regarding the comments from Marisol de la Cadena and Keith M. Murphy
by Martín Tironi & Pablo Hermansen - 359-364 Moral technologies of economic life: Fridman’s Freedom from Work and Wilkis’ The Moral Power of Money
by Nicholas D’Avella - 365-368 Paid: Tales of Dongles, Checks, and Other Money Stuff, edited by Bill Maurer and Lana Swartz
by Laura C. Brown - 368-371 L’Emprise des Marchés: Comprendre leur Fonctionnement pour Pouvoir les Changer, by Michel Callon
by Yamina Tadjeddine - 371-375 Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America, by Nancy MacLean
by Robert O. McDonald
May 2018, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 177-192 A good hustle: the moral economy of market competition in adult webcam modeling
by Niels van Doorn & Olav Velthuis - 193-208 Optimising ‘cash flows’: converting corporate finance to hard currency
by Théo Bourgeron - 209-224 Consumer databases as practical accomplishments: the making of digital objects in three movements
by Tomas Ariztia - 225-243 Subjective well-being in cultural advocacy: a politics of research between the market and the academy
by Susan Oman & Mark Taylor - 244-260 Conceiving multiple markets through network analysis: evidence from the emergence of the World Music market
by Glaucia Peres da Silva - 261-264 Thinking with, dissenting within: care-full critique for more-than-human worlds
by Kelly Dombroski - 265-267 Beginning with care, touching feminist materiality
by Stephen Healy - 268-270 Altering biopolitics
by Elizabeth Reddy - 271-273 Learning to be affected through care
by Gerda Roelvink - 274-276 Intertwining beyond – critical reading as a labour of care
by Maria Puig de la Bellacasa
March 2018, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 97-109 ‘Then you are making riskless money’: a critical discourse analysis of credit default swap coverage in the financial trade press
by Michelle C. Forelle - 110-124 The wrong fish: maneuvering the boundaries of market-based resource management
by Alexander Dobeson - 125-140 ‘This could be our reality in the next five to ten years’: a blogpost platform as an expectation generation device on the future of insurance markets
by Gert Meyers & Ine Van Hoyweghen - 141-153 The business of film music in mainstream Nollywood: competing without advantage
by Emaeyak Peter Sylvanus & Obiocha Purity Eze-Emaeyak - 154-166 The neurotic academic: anxiety, casualisation, and governance in the neoliberalising university
by Vik Loveday - 167-169 Shaping Taxpayers: Values in Action at the Swedish Tax Agency, by Lotta Björklund Larsen
by Rebecca Bramall - 169-172 The Knowledge We Have Lost in Information: The History of Information in Modern Economics, by Philip Mirowski and Edward Nik-Khah
by Grant Bollmer - 172-175 Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics & Baroque Economies, by Verónica Gago
by Andrew Davis
January 2018, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-19 Business schools, the anxiety of finance, and the order of the ‘middle tier’
by Horacio Ortiz & Fabian Muniesa - 20-35 Supplying the supply curve: an ethnography of environmental reverse auctions
by Ritwick Ghosh - 36-53 48 million configurations and counting: platform numbers and their capitalization
by Adrian Mackenzie - 54-68 Maximizing production values in a dramatic television series production
by Esther R. Maier - 69-82 Creativity at work: the production of work for sale by brand ambassadors
by Guillaume Dumont - 83-88 All in the family?
by Megan M. Wood - 89-95 Possessed and dispossessed
by Laura Finch
November 2017, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 485-497 Opiates for the masses: constructing a market for prescription (pain)killers
by Melina Sherman - 498-509 Development as biopolitics: food security and the contemporary Indian experience
by Jyotirmaya Tripathy - 510-523 Making news of value: exploiting dissonances in economic journalism
by Tomás Undurraga - 524-540 Senses and artifacts in market transactions: the Korean case of agricultural produce auctions
by Eun-Sung Kim - 541-548 Feminists write the Anthropocene: three tales of possibility in Late Capitalism
by Danya Glabau - 549-552 A History of British Actuarial Thought, by Craig Turnbull
by Arjen van der Heide - 552-555 Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy
by Karen Gregory - 556-568 On brutal culture
by Darren Umney & Taylor C. Nelms & Dave O'Brien & Fabian Muniesa & Liz Moor & Liz McFall & Melinda Cooper & Peter Campbell
September 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 419-433 Mind the (tax) gap: an ethnography of a number
by Lotta Björklund Larsen - 434-449 Sourcing newness: ways of inducing indeterminacy
by Michael Hutter & Ignacio Farías - 450-461 Calculation in the pirate bazaars
by Maitrayee Deka - 462-473 Cryptocurrencies as market singularities: the strange case of Bitcoin
by Sam Dallyn - 474-476 The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-wing Extremism, by David Golumbia
by Quinn DuPont - 476-479 Noise: Living and Trading in Electronic Finance, by Alex Preda
by Crawford Spence - 479-481 The Currency of Desire: Libidinal Economy, Psychoanalysis, and Sexual Revolution, by David Bennett
by David Hancock - 481-484 Abstract Market Theory, by Jon Roffe
by Marc Lenglet
July 2017, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 325-338 The politics of finance: cultural economy, cultural studies and the road ahead
by Carolyn Hardin - 339-355 Reframing austerity: financial morality, savings and securitization
by Dick Bryan & Michael Rafferty - 356-363 Between political economy and cultural studies: a response to Bryan and Rafferty
by Lawrence Grossberg - 364-376 Haute finance in the not-so-quiet revolution: and the bombing of la Bourse de Montréal
by Geoff Mann - 377-392 Shadow banking: a story of the (the Double) in science of finance
by Ismail Erturk - 393-404 Something new: value and change in finance
by Daniel Souleles - 405-407 Restoring the mediators: a response to Nick Seaver
by Antoine Hennion - 408-410 Economics in the Twenty-First Century: A Critical Perspective, by Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson
by D. T. Cochrane - 410-412 How Industry Analysts Shape the Digital Future, by Neil Pollock and Robin Williams
by Antonios Kaniadakis - 412-415 Plastic Water: The Social and Material Life of Bottled Water, by Gay Hawkins, Emily Potter, and Kane Race
by Hervé Corvellec - 415-417 Household Recycling and Consumption Work: Social and Moral Economies, by Kathryn Wheeler and Miriam Glucksmann
by David Evans
May 2017, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 231-236 The break-up of management: critique inside-out
by Damian O’Doherty & Helene Ratner - 237-250 Disability as infra-critique: a compositionist approach to the election process in Denmark
by Christopher Gad & Steffen Dalsgaard - 251-264 Learning from experiments in optimization: post-critical perspectives on monitoring and evaluation
by Brit Ross Winthereik & Casper Bruun Jensen - 265-279 Twilight in the leadership playground: and the training of the business self
by Javier Lezaun & Fabian Muniesa - 280-295 Dark organizational theory
by Steven D. Brown & Paula Reavey - 296-308 Misappropriation as market making: Butler, Callon, and street food in San Francisco, California
by Sang-hyoun Pahk - 309-313 Attending to the mediators
by Nick Seaver - 313-316 Money as icon: digging deeper into capitalism's affective properties
by Erin B. Taylor - 317-321 Review of Deborah Lupton’s and Dawn Nafus’
by Stine Lomborg - 321-323 On Curiosity: The Art of Market Seduction, by Franck Cochoy, translated by Jaciara T. Lira
by Lynne Pettinger
March 2017, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 127-135 ‘The current gold coin of the New Jerusalem’: perception, symbolization, and money in Hawthorne’s
by Jon Dietrick - 136-149 Revulsion and awe: charting the development of the moral economy of capitalism and its hero in the American imagination, from the protestant ethic to ecstasy of the entrepreneur
by David Hancock - 150-162 Values in motion: anti-counterfeiting measures and the securitization of pharmaceutical flows
by Mathieu Quet - 163-177 Price-effectiveness: pharmacoeconomics, value and the right price for HPV vaccines
by Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda - 178-190 Creativity versus branding: totemism, animism and the pursuit of uniqueness in fashion
by Kasper Tang Vangkilde - 191-206 Regulating belonging: surveillance, inequality, and the cultural production of abjection
by Torin Monahan - 207-216 Macroprudential versus monetary blueprints for financial reform
by Nathan Coombs - 217-222 Architectures of the information age
by Luis F. Alvarez León - 223-225 Fast, easy, and in cash: artisan hardship and hope in the global economy, by Jason Antrosio and Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
by Corinna Howland - 225-229 Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era, by Thomas C. Leonard
by Daniel Platt
January 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-7 Ten years after: it’s the economy culture, stupid!
by Melinda Cooper & Liz McFall - 8-20 On (not) assembling a market for sustainable energy: heat network infrastructure and British cities
by Janette Webb & David Hawkey - 21-33 The data analytics industry and the promises of real-time knowing: perpetuating and deploying a rationality of speed
by David Beer - 34-48 How are we now? Real-time mood-monitoring as valuation
by William Davies - 49-62 The social life of measurement: how methods have shaped the idea of culture in urban regeneration
by Peter Campbell & Tamsin Cox & Dave O’Brien - 63-80 The performativity of the yield curve
by Brett Christophers - 81-96 Rousseau’s Crusoe myth: the unlikely provenance of the neoclassical homo economicus
by Matthew Watson - 97-111 Explaining the end of military tutelary regime and the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey
by Koray Caliskan - 112-121 Attachments, you say? … How a concept collectively emerges in one research group
by Antoine Hennion - 122-125 All to play for in measuring the economy
by Diane Coyle
November 2016, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 527-540 Valuation struggles over pricing – determining the worth of wind power
by Trine Pallesen - 541-554 Performativity and grassroots politics: on the practice of reshuffling mafia power
by Christina Jerne - 555-569 Documenting financial performativity: film aesthetics and financial crisis
by Alasdair King - 570-586 Non-marketizing agents in the study of markets: competing legacies of performativity and actor-network-theory in the marketization research program
by Léna Pellandini-Simányi - 587-603 Performing property cycles
by Rachel Weber - 604-610 Call and response: a reflection on Miranda Joseph’s from Aotearoa New Zealand
by Kelly Dombroski - 611-616 Economics, economic anthropology, and debt
by Drucilla K. Barker - 617-621 Towards a conceptualization of a debt-credit social process
by Zdravka Todorova - 622-625 Responding and calling: for collaboration and/in counter-accounting for social justice
by Miranda Joseph - 626-629 Uncovering the hidden history of African-American cooperatives
by Jason T. Bartlett - 629-631 How Our Days Became Numbered: Risk and the Rise of the Statistical Individual, by Dan Bouk
by Kevin P. Donovan - 631-634 Algorithmic Life: Calculative Devices in the Age of Big Data, edited by Louise Amoore and Vohla Poitukh
by Philip Roscoe - 634-636 No Such Thing as a Free Gift: The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy, by Linsey McGoey
by Jennifer Y. J. Hsu - 636-639 Re-imagining Economic Sociology, edited by Patrik Aspers and Nigel Dodd
by Hendrik Vollmer
September 2016, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 445-457 The performativity of sports statistics: towards a research agenda
by David Yarrow & Matthias Kranke - 458-475 Reactivity without legitimacy? Online consumer reviews in the restaurant industry
by Jean-Samuel Beuscart & Kevin Mellet & Marie Trespeuch - 476-487 Making architecture compete: open-ended accumulation meets objectification and singularisation in the UK construction industry
by Paul Gottschling - 488-506 Dreamings beyond ‘opportunity’: the collaborative economics of an aboriginal heritage trail
by Carsten Holger Wergin - 507-512 alt.economy: strategies, tensions, challenges
by Taylor C. Nelms - 513-519 Speculative Markets: Drug Circuits and Derivative Life in Nigeria, by Kristin Peterson
by Hannah Appel - 519-522 Being Digital Citizens, by Engin Isin and Evelyn Ruppert
by Samantha Close - 522-524 The Cultural Politics of Austerity: Past and Present in Austere Times, by Rebecca Bramall
by Tracey Jensen - 524-526 Cultures of Financialization: Fictitious Capital in Popular Culture and Everyday Life, by Max Haiven
by Leigh Claire La Berge
August 2016, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 347-363 Comparative projects and the limits of choice: ethnography and microfinance in India and Paraguay
by Sohini Kar & Caroline Schuster - 364-381 From the moral to the neural: brain scans, decision-making, and the problematization of economic (ir)rationality
by Jean François Bissonnette - 382-395 The infrapolitics of cultural value: cultural policy, evaluation and the marginalisation of practitioner perspectives
by Jack Newsinger & William Green - 396-409 Reputational capital in ‘the PR University’: public relations and market rationalities
by Anne M. Cronin - 410-429 Back in the bazaar: taking Pierre Bourdieu to a trading room
by Olivier Godechot - 430-432 Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality among China's New Rich
by Leksa Lee - 433-436 Unearthing Conflict: Corporate Mining, Activism, and Expertise in Peru, by Fabiana Li
by Stuart Kirsch - 436-438 Mining Capitalism: The Relationship Between Corporations and Their Critics
by Fabiana Li - 439-441 Response to Fabiana Li’s review of Mining Capitalism
by Stuart Kirsch - 442-443 Response to Stuart Kirsch’s review of Unearthing Conflict
by Fabiana Li
June 2016, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 229-244 Market innovation as framing, productive friction and bricolage: an exploration of the personal data market
by Sveta Milyaeva & Daniel Neyland - 245-260 The performativity, performance and lively practices in financial stability press conferences
by John Hogan Morris - 261-276 Peer lending and the subsumption of the informal
by Mark Kear - 277-295 The multiple worlds of equity analysts: valuation, volume, and volatility
by Jesper Blomberg - 296-303 How to embrace performativity while avoiding the rabbit hole
by Aaron Z. Pitluck - 304-309 Structured by cows
by Alberto Toscano - 310-315 Testing the provoked economy
by José Ossandón & Trine Pallesen - 316-321 You must fall down the rabbit hole
by Fabian Muniesa - 322-329 Interdisciplinary complexities
by Grahame F Thompson - 330-336 On posthuman subjectivity
by Annette-Carina van der Zaag - 337-345 The pragmatics of payment: adventures in first-person economy with Bill Maurer
by Lauren Tooker & Bill Maurer
April 2016, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 121-126 Unsettling issues: valuing public goods and the production of matters of concern
by Philip Roscoe & Barbara Townley - 127-140 What price evidence? The ethics of office and the ethics of social science in British cultural policy
by Dave O'Brien - 141-156 Keeping things different: coexistence within European markets for cleantech and biofuels
by Liliana Doganova & Brice Laurent - 157-172 Valuations of experimental designs in proteomic biomarker experiments and traditional randomised controlled trials
by Claes-Fredrik Helgesson & Francis Lee & Lisa Lindén - 173-185 Monetary organization and national identity: a review and considerations
by Anders Ravn Sørensen - 186-196 Coordinating quality practices in Direct Trade coffee
by Emil Holland & Chris Kjeldsen & Søren Kerndrup - 197-213 The logic of practice in the practice of logics: practicing journalism and its relationship with business in times of technological changes
by Elena Raviola & Paola Dubini - 214-220 Convention theory and neoliberalism
by Rainer Diaz-Bone - 221-222 Happiness as Enterprise. An essay on neoliberal life
by Jessica Pykett - 223-225 Everyday Utopias: The Conceptual Life of Promising Spaces
by Miranda J. M. Iossifidis - 226-228 A History of Econometrics: The Reformation from the 1970s
by Sarah Marie Ruggins
February 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-4 Pragmatics of Money and Finance: Beyond Performativity and Fundamental Value
by Melinda Cooper & Martijn Konings - 5-26 Public Currency: Anthropological Labor in Central Banks
by Douglas R. Holmes - 27-42 Decomposing Money: Ontological options and spreads
by Dick Bryan & Michael Rafferty - 43-62 How to Make Money with Words: Finance, Performativity, Language
by Leigh Claire La Berge - 63-85 Historical Ontologies of Uncertainty and Money: Rethinking the Current Critique of Finance
by Ute Tellmann - 86-100 The Spirit of Austerity
by Martijn Konings - 101-104 An Inspiring Guide for de-Ontologizing the Crisis
by Radman Selmic - 105-107 Liquidity Lost
by Sarah Hall - 108-114 The specter of capital
by Amin Samman - 115-119 The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations
by Quinn DuPont
December 2015, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 637-654 Economizing Habitus
by E. Gulledge & P. Roscoe & B. Townley