May 2022, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 383-386 Capturing Finance: Arbitrage and Social Domination
by Jordan Sjol
March 2022, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 137-150 Materialising reform: how conservation encounters collection practises in zoos
by Monika Krause & Katherine Robinson - 151-167 Digitizing death: commodification of joss paper on Chinese online cemetery
by Yizhou Xu - 168-183 Working for your own folks: the microeconomics of social media
by Razvan Nicolescu & Shriram Venkatraman & Nell Haynes - 184-199 Come and see Guatemala at Macy’s! Indigenous aesthetics and informal empire on display in the heart of the American home
by Lisa L. Munro - 200-215 Securing participation in global pork production networks: biosecurity, multispecies entanglements, and the politics of domestication practices
by Chi-Mao Wang - 216-231 Valuing value in urban live music ecologies: negotiating the impact of live music in the Netherlands
by Arno van der Hoeven & Rick Everts & Martijn Mulder & Pauwke Berkers & Erik Hitters & Paul Rutten - 232-246 The significance of boring FinTech: technology imaginaries and value vernaculars in established banks
by Jack Kværnø-Jones - 247-263 Smartphones for drugs: exchange relations in a South African gang since apartheid
by Brandaan Huigen - 264-266 Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals
by Natali Valdez - 266-269 Neoliberal Cities: The Remaking of Postwar Urban America
by Mark Brewin - 270-276 Repoliticising the future of work: automation and the end of techno-optimism
by Solange Vivienne Manche & Juan Sebastian Carbonell
January 2022, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-13 Introduction: the tale as a special discourse vehicle
by Daniel Seabra Lopes & Inês Faria & Sandra Faustino - 14-29 Forward guidance and the semiotic turn of the European Central Bank
by Alexandre Abreu & Daniel Seabra Lopes - 30-51 Financial untouchability: a polysemic narrative of digital financial inclusion in Modi’s India
by Ismail Ertürk & Indradeep Ghosh & Kadambari Shah - 52-66 Tales of carbon offsets: between experiments and indulgences?
by Steffen Dalsgaard - 67-80 The myths and legends of king Satoshi and the knights of blockchain
by Sandra Faustino & Inês Faria & Rafael Marques - 81-92 When tales of money fail: the importance of price, trust, and sociality for cryptocurrency users
by Inês Faria - 93-102 Deleuze in the wild: making philosophy matter for fintech
by Sandra Faustino - 103-120 The common places of alternative finance: assemblages, stoppages, and the political mobilisation of space
by Daniel Seabra Lopes - 121-123 Statistics, Agriculture, and Democracy in America
by Jess Gilbert - 123-126 Towards interactive perspectives on information gathering: what are resolvable differences?
by Rebecca Jean Emigh - 127-129 Knowing and governing America: the micro-foundations of a calculative infrastructure
by Jacob Reilley - 130-132 The organizational character of statistical expertise
by Zachary Griffen - 133-135 Knowing America
by Stefan Bargheer - 135-136 The future of consistency
by Emmanuel Didier
November 2021, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 627-643 Individual pension decision-making in a financialised landscape: a typology of everyday approaches
by Hayley James - 644-661 Infrastructural power: discretion and the dynamics of infrastructure in action
by David Pinzur - 662-674 Biopolitical platforms: the perverse virtues of digital labour
by Karen Gregory & Jathan Sadowski - 675-693 From reactivity to reputation management: online consumer review systems in the restaurant industry
by Bomi Kim & Olav Velthuis - 694-710 The financialization of anti-capitalism? The case of the ‘Financial Independence Retire Early’ community
by Nick Taylor & William Davies - 711-731 ‘Level up your money game’: an analysis of gamification discourse in financial services
by Arjen van der Heide & Dominik Želinský - 732-749 Ten little jurors in the training camp: a genealogy of audience simulation
by Stefan Schwarzkopf - 750-764 High net-worth attachments: emotional labour, relational work, and financial subjectivities in private wealth management
by Mariana Santos - 765-784 Gendered Relational Work: How gender shapes money attitudes and expectations of young adults
by Nina Bandelj & Yader R. Lanuza & Julie S. Kim - 785-789 The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud and the Gods Black People Make by J. Lorand Matory
by Max Haiven - 790-791 Culture is Bad For You
by Patricia A. Banks - 791-794 Economic Science Fictions
by Gökhan Mülayim - 795-802 Correction
by The Editors
September 2021, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 517-532 The fabrication of environmental intangibles as a questionable response to environmental problems
by Eve Chiapello & Anita Engels - 533-548 The making of the corporate carbon footprint: the politics behind emission scoping
by Jayme Walenta - 549-563 Conservation, finance, bureaucrats: managing time and space in the production of environmental intangibles
by Stéphanie Barral - 564-579 The Round Table on Responsible Soy’s Landnahme: converting sustainable practices into tradable intangibles to protect the environment
by Juan Ignacio Staricco - 580-595 A market infrastructure for environmental intangibles: the materiality and challenges of index insurance for agriculture in Senegal
by Sara Angeli Aguiton - 596-611 Economic under-determination: industrial competitiveness and free allowances in the European carbon market
by Véra Ehrenstein & Daniel Neyland - 612-615 How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism
by Elif Buse Doyuran - 616-618 Capitalism, Institutions and Social Orders: The Case of Contemporary Spain
by Laura Martínez-Jiménez - 618-622 A Recipe for Gentrification: Food, Power, and Resistance in the City
by Vladimir Mikadze - 622-625 Digital Entrepreneurship in Africa: How a Continent is Escaping Silicon Valley’s Long Shadow
by j. Siguru Wahutu
July 2021, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 373-387 Visibility and vulnerability in online marketing practices
by Daniel Carter & Elizabeth K. Eger - 388-402 Financial contagion: problems of proximity and connectivity in financial markets
by Kristian Bondo Hansen - 403-415 Banking on gold in Vietnam
by Allison Truitt - 416-434 ‘Deep in the earth a shining substance:’ sequestration and display in gold mining and central banks
by Elizabeth Ferry - 435-448 Deep time financing? ‘Generational' responsibilities and the problem of rendez-vous in the U.S. nuclear waste programme
by Başak Saraç-Lesavre - 449-463 Tracking lives, forging markets
by Maiju Tanninen & Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen & Minna Ruckenstein - 464-484 Speculating on precarious income: finance cultures and the risky strategies of healthy volunteers in clinical drug trials
by Jill A. Fisher & Megan M. Wood & Torin Monahan - 485-497 Derivative character investments: social impact bonds as path-changing devices
by Emily Rosamond - 498-505 Hirschman’s Exit, Voice, and Loyalty and contemporary economic sociology
by José Ossandón - 506-509 Technologies of Speculation: The Limits of Knowledge in a Data-Driven Society
by Emanuel Moss - 509-512 The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion: Mobile Money, Gendered Walls
by Nazli Azergun - 512-515 Red Gold: The Managed Extinction of the Giant Bluefin Tuna
by Aaron Van Neste
May 2021, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 271-279 The mutability of economic things
by Veit Braun & Saskia Brill & Alexander Dobeson - 280-292 Experiments in co-modification: a relational take on the becoming of commodities and the making of market value
by Kristin Asdal & Béatrice Cointe - 293-305 Trading with risk: associating bovine Tuberculosis to cattle commodities in risk-based trading
by Jessica Helen Phoenix - 306-318 Holding on to and letting go of seed: quasi-commodities and the passage of property
by Veit Braun - 319-331 Suspended commodification: assetization and the politics of silobolsa in Argentine soybean agriculture
by Pierre Delvenne - 332-343 A story of its own: creating singular gift-commodities for voluntary carbon markets
by Saskia Brill - 344-356 The politics of value revisited: commodities, assets, and the gifts of nature
by Alexander Dobeson - 357-359 The Unknowers: How Strategic Ignorance Rules the World
by Scott Frickel - 359-361 The will to ignorance
by Claudia Aradau - 361-363 The power to ignore and the power to hide
by Birke Otto - 364-367 Knowing The Unknowers
by Steve Fuller - 368-371 Oracular power and the architects of the future
by Linsey McGoey
March 2021, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 127-138 Debt trails: following relations of debt across borrowers, organizations, and states
by Zsuzsanna Vargha & Léna Pellandini-Simányi - 139-158 Money cards and identity cards: De-vicing consumer credit in post-war Sweden
by Orsi Husz - 159-175 Between a knock at the door and a knock to your score: re-thinking ‘governing through debt’ through the hopeful ‘imaginaries’ of UK debtors
by Samuel Kirwan - 176-193 The financialization of social policy and the politicization of student debt in Chile
by Felipe González-López - 194-208 Creative industries micro-enterprises and informality: a case study of the Shweshwe sewing industry in South Africa
by Jen Snowball & Aviwe Mapuma - 209-224 Sustainability and immaterial commons: rentier appropriation and intermediation in the artisanal fishing space of southern Chile
by Alfredo Macías Vázquez & Gonzalo Saavedra Gallo - 225-239 Depoliticisation, technical discourse, and paper-money: a case study in the bank restriction period
by David M. Batt - 240-257 From selling songs to engineering experiences: exploring the competitive strategies of music streaming platforms
by Brian J. Hracs & Jack Webster - 258-261 The Smart City in a Digital World
by Kathleen F. Oswald - 261-263 On Trend: The Business of Forecasting the Future
by Jian Xiao - 263-266 Black Market: The Slave’s Value in National Culture after 1865
by Amy Bride - 266-269 Dark Finance: Illiquidity and Authoritarianism at the Margins of Europe
by Marek Mikuš
January 2021, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1-8 Doing economics otherwise, from one crisis to the next
by Carolyn Hardin - 9-25 Umbrella platform of Tencent eSports industry in China
by Yupei Zhao & Zhongxuan Lin - 26-40 Sites of qualification: the motorcycle rider airbag and the production of safety
by Suzanne Reimer & Philip Pinch - 41-53 The precarious Chinese financial ecology of expertise: discontent in the mix
by Giulia Dal Maso - 54-69 Risk management and the logic of elimination
by Anna Stanley - 70-86 Incommensurate abstractions and the (re)quantification of monetary amounts: how Western Kenyans measure and are measured in a behavioral economic experiment
by Mario Schmidt - 87-100 Alipay’s ‘Ant Credit Pay’ meets China’s factory workers: the depersonalisation and re-personalisation of online lending
by Tom McDonald & Li Dan - 101-116 Shaping epistemic distance: producing and withholding knowledge in market research
by Johan Nilsson - 117-121 Nine Lives of Neoliberalism
by Dimitris Soudias - 121-123 Bubbles and Machines: Gender, Information and Financial Crises
by Ting-Fai Yu - 123-125 Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms
by Juan M. del Nido
November 2020, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 663-671 Crafting values: economies, ethics and aesthetics of artistic valuation
by Panos Kompatsiaris & Evangelos Chrysagis - 672-689 Rethinking performativity: ethnographic conceptualism
by Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov - 690-708 Vinyl as event: Record Store Day and the value-vibrant matter nexus
by Eliot Bates - 709-724 The artist and the stone: project, process and value in contemporary art
by Roger Sansi - 725-742 The artist Karl Marx and the auctioned god: ‘post-practice’ ethnographies of the art world, impossible collaborations, and renewable anthropologies
by Manuela Ciotti - 743-757 When means and ends coincide: on the value of DiY
by Evangelos Chrysagis - 758-771 Curators, words and values: the branding economies of curatorial statements in art biennials
by Panos Kompatsiaris - 772-778 Anti-Crisis: thinking with and against crisis excerpt from interview with Janet Roitman
by Janet Roitman & Sara Angeli Aguiton & Lise Cornilleau & Lydie Cabane - 779-782 Waiting on Retirement: Aging and Economic Insecurity in Low-Wage Work
by David Charles Gore - 782-785 Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China
by Michael Power
September 2020, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 511-530 From shanzhai chic to Gangnam style: seven practices of cultural-economic mediation in China and Korea
by Tommy Tse & Victor Shin & Ling Tung Tsang - 531-547 Toward a moral economy of money? Money as a creature of democracy
by Jakob Feinig - 548-560 The nature of markets: on the affinity between masculinity and (neo)liberalism
by Steve Garlick - 561-578 A care-infused market tale: on (not) maintaining relationships of trust in energy retrofit products
by Mandy de Wilde - 579-591 The moral economy of face: marketized gift and depoliticized solidarity in South Korea’s fair trade
by Seung Cheol Lee - 592-609 Embedded finance: the shadow banking system, sovereign power, and a new state–market hybridity
by Joscha Wullweber - 610-625 Markets of Islam: performative charity and the Muslim middle classes in Turkey
by Gizem Zencirci - 626-641 ‘Stars’ and places: exploring the spatial organization of media and entertainment industries in China
by Xu Zhang & Robert C. Kloosterman & Yajuan Li - 642-651 Curating disaster: a way to turn science into action in times of the Corona pandemic
by Julius Kob - 652-662 Deal or no deal? Some reflections on the ‘Baker-Thompson rule,’ ‘matching,’ and ‘market design’
by Grahame F. Thompson
July 2020, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 345-352 Mapping the intermediate: lived technologies of money and value
by Mrinalini Tankha & Ursula Dalinghaus - 353-367 Human and non-human intermediation in rural agricultural markets
by Elisa Oreglia & Janaki Srinivasan - 368-386 Mediating microinsurance: the techniques of translation
by Christopher Paek - 387-401 Rethinking saving: Indian ceremonial gifts as relational and reproductive saving
by Isabelle Guérin & Govindan Venkatasubramanian & Santosh Kumar - 402-414 ‘Its gait is too brisk:’ money mobility in Karachi’s foreign exchange market
by Noman Baig - 415-427 The editorial playlist as container technology: on Spotify and the logistical role of digital music packages
by Maria Eriksson - 428-443 The separation of economy and sentiment: a comparison of how individuals perceive hostile worlds
by Lindsay J. DePalma - 444-460 VAM on trial: judging science in teacher evaluation lawsuits
by Zachary Griffen & Aaron Panofsky - 461-474 Between business and morality: cultural politics in independent bookshops in China
by Zheng Liu - 475-488 The craft of urgency: performing prosperity, running capital, and the making of a buying crowd in home presales in Nanjing, China
by Mengqi Wang - 489-501 Showing and coding: venture pitching and nonmaterial production
by William Benton - 502-504 Making Global MBAs: The Culture of Business and the Business of Culture
by Christopher M. Duerringer - 504-507 Social avalanche: crowds, cities and financial markets
by Siobhan Lyons - 507-510 Hustle and Gig: Struggling and Surviving in the Sharing Economy
by Jasmine D. Hill
May 2020, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 261-264 Re-imagining the future in finance capitalism
by Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou - 265-277 Imagined futures in mineral exploration
by Tobias Olofsson - 278-289 Uncertain hog futures: life, death, and arbitrage on the factory farm
by Jan Dutkiewicz - 290-302 Knows no weekend: the psychological contract of cultural work in precarious times
by Stevphen Shukaitis & Joanna Figiel - 303-317 Facing future uncertainties and risks through personal finance: conventions in financial education
by Daniel Maman & Zeev Rosenhek - 318-330 The exhausted futures of neoliberalism: from promissory legitimacy to social anomy
by Jens Beckert - 331-335 On process and function in the capitalist stack
by Jorge E. Cuéllar - 336-339 History in Financial Times
by Noam Yuran - 340-343 Concrete Dreams: Practice, Value, and Built Environments in Post-Crisis Buenos Aires
by Jeremy R. Grossman
March 2020, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 139-152 Production management as an ordering of multiple qualities: negotiating the quality of coffee in Timor-Leste
by Tomoaki Kanamaru - 153-168 Working as a real estate agent. Bringing the clients in line with the market
by Eliza Benites-Gambirazio - 169-184 Silicon Valley, disruption, and the end of uncertainty
by Susi Geiger - 185-206 Distribution and denomination in Papua New Guinea: a field method and its results
by Anthony J. Pickles - 207-220 Is it food or is it waste? The materiality and relational agency of food waste across the value chain
by Alexis Van Bemmel & Kate Parizeau - 221-235 Methods as forces of subjectivation: experiments in the remaking of official statistics
by Baki Cakici & Evelyn Ruppert - 236-249 Steps towards an ecology of money infrastructures: materiality and cultures of Ripple
by Ludovico Rella - 250-252 Empire’s Tracks: Indigenous Nations, Chinese Workers, and the Transcontinental Railroad
by Lindsay Schakenbach Regele - 252-255 Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room
by Anna Thieser - 255-259 Creating Economy: Enterprise, Intellectual Property, and the Valuation of Goods
by Rimi Khan
January 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-11 Digitalizing consumer society: equipment and devices of digital consumption
by Franck Cochoy & Christian Licoppe & Magdalena Petersson McIntyre & Niklas Sörum - 12-24 Algorithms, advertising and the intimacy of surveillance
by Minna Ruckenstein & Julia Granroth - 25-41 Mobile consumers and the retail industry: the resistible advent of a new marketing scene
by Thomas Beauvisage & Kevin Mellet - 42-53 Cultural intermediaries in the making of branded music events: digital cultural capital in tension
by Arturo Arriagada & Paz Concha - 54-72 Agencing femininity: digital Mrs. Consumer in intra-action
by Magdalena Petersson McIntyre - 73-90 Liquidity and attachment in the mobile hookup culture. A comparative study of contrasted interactional patterns in the main uses of Grindr and Tinder
by Christian Licoppe - 91-113 Ethical consumption applications as failed market innovations: exploring consumer (non) acceptance of ‘quasi’ market devices
by Niklas Sorum - 114-131 The new digital face of the consumerist mediator: the case of the ‘Yuka’ mobile app
by Bastien Soutjis - 132-135 Financial Models and Society: Villains or Scapegoats?
by Dylan Cassar - 135-138 Supermarket USA: Food and Power in the Cold War Farms Race
by Canay Özden-Schilling
November 2019, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 461-477 An assemblage of framings and tamings: multi-sited analysis of infrastructures as a methodology
by Antti Silvast & Mikko J. Virtanen - 478-490 How metaphors matter: an ethnography of blockchain-based re-descriptions of the world
by Sandra Faustino - 491-507 Can they all be ‘Shit-heads’?: learning to be a contrarian investor
by Daniel Souleles & Kristian Bondo Hansen - 508-520 Logics of onshoring: brand geographies, corporate tax responsibility and common sense
by Rebecca Bramall - 521-538 LIVE Baccarat calculations: Macau machine gambling and the production of the post-socialist subject
by Tim Simpson - 539-551 The prosumer economy and the sex industry: the creation of an online community of sex prosumers
by Yeela Lahav-Raz - 552-570 Calculating the blue economy: producing trust in numbers with business tools and reflexive objectivity
by Hilde Reinertsen & Kristin Asdal - 571-589 The discreet charm of activeness: the vain construction of efficient smart grid users
by Anna Wallsten & Vasilis Galis - 590-606 Assessing the role of collaboration in the process of museum innovation
by Chuan Li & Vicente Coll-Serrano - 607-609 Declarations of Dependence: Money, Aesthetics, and the Politics of Care
by Kyle Mohr - 609-612 Counterproductive: Time Management in the Knowledge Economy
by Julia Scatliff O'Grady - 612-614 The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Paul Giles
September 2019, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 353-360 Languages of economic crises: narrating, resisting, speaking otherwise
by Sonya Marie Scott - 361-381 The metaphors of crises
by Daniele Besomi - 382-400 Vultures, debt and desire: the vulture metaphor and Argentina’s sovereign debt crisis
by Sonya Marie Scott - 401-422 Recuperating and (re)learning the language of autogestión in Argentina’s empresas recuperadas worker cooperatives
by Marcelo Vieta - 423-440 Confronting Spain’s crises: from the language of the plazas to the rise of Podemos
by Jose Luis Carretero Miramar & Christopher Bradd - 441-447 Making sense of precarity: talking about economic insecurity with millennials in Canada
by Nancy Worth - 448-460 Language, gender and crisis: An interview with Katherine Gibson
by Katherine Gibson & Sonya Scott
July 2019, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 251-264 Moral barriers between work/life balance policy and practice in academia
by Fabian Cannizzo & Christian Mauri & Nick Osbaldiston - 265-285 Decentralization: an incomplete ambition
by Nathan Schneider - 286-298 New lamps for old: financialised governance of cities and clean energy
by Janette Webb - 299-316 Passing cash from bank notes to bitcoin: standardizing money
by Jonathan H. Grossman - 317-335 Towards a commodity theory of token money: on ‘Gold standard thinking in a fiat currency world’
by Chris Vasantkumar - 336-340 Stop the clock: comprehending and contesting the logic of speculative time
by Oliver Levingston - 341-346 Knowledge and social freedom
by Silvia Rief - 347-349 Doing Business in Cameroon: An Anatomy of Economic Governance
by Naaborle Sackeyfio - 350-351 Transit Life: How Commuting is Transforming Our Cities
by Armond R. Towns
May 2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 185-200 Against accumulation: lifestyle minimalism, de-growth and the present post-ecological condition
by Miriam Meissner - 201-214 People-based marketing and the cultural economies of attribution metrics
by Harrison Smith - 215-227 The –ography of markets (or, the responsibilities of market studies)
by Philip Roscoe & Olga Loza - 228-241 Culturalisation and devices: what is culture in cultural economy?
by Lizzie Richardson - 242-244 Cash and Dash: How ATMs and Computers Changed Banking, by Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo
by Michael Palm - 244-247 Risking together: how finance is dominating everyday life in Australia, by Dick Bryan and Mike Rafferty
by Carolyn Hardin - 247-249 Code + Clay … Data + Dirt – Five Thousand Years of Urban Media by Shannon Mattern
by Darren Umney
March 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 101-118 Money and moneyness: thoughts on the nature and distributional power of the ‘backbone’ of capitalist political economy
by Kai Koddenbrock - 119-132 Trust, reputation and ambiguous freedoms: financial institutions and subversive libertarians navigating blockchain, markets, and regulation
by Inês Faria