November 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 321-337 Becoming A Measuring Instrument
by Fabian Muniesa & Anne-Sophie Trébuchet-Breitwiller - 339-359 The Devil And Customer Relationship Management
by Hannah Knox & Damian O'Doherty & Theo Vurdubakis & Chris Westrup - 361-377 Who Needs Cultural Intermediaries Indeed?
by Maureen Molloy & Wendy Larner - 379-394 Engaging And Alternative Cultural Tourism?
by Robert G. Hollands - 395-402 Review Essay
by Paul Langley - 403-405 Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today
by Alan Scott
July 2010, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 139-146 Performativity, Economics And Politics
by Franck Cochoy & Martin Giraudeau & Liz McFall - 147-161 Performative Agency
by Judith Butler - 163-169 Performativity, Misfires And Politics
by Michel Callon - 171-179 Performativities: Butler, Callon And The Moment Of Theory
by Paul du Gay - 181-188 The ‘Performative Turn’ In Science And Technology Studies
by Christian Licoppe - 189-204 The Resources Of Economics
by Timothy Mitchell - 205-223 Pragmatics And Politics
by Liz McFall - 225-242 Performing Physiocracy
by Martin Giraudeau - 243-259 Gift-Giving Or Market?
by Philippe Steiner - 261-278 Performing Border In The Aegean
by Sarah Green - 279-297 Political Marketing
by Hans Kjellberg & Claes-Fredrik Helgesson - 299-315 ‘How To Build Displays That Sell’
by Franck Cochoy
March 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editors' Introduction
by The Editors - 3-18 Enacting Overlapping Markets
by Karin Winroth & Jesper Blomberg & Hans Kjellberg - 19-34 Performing Calculation In The Art Market
by Marta Herrero - 35-51 The Creative Assemblage
by Phillip Mar & Kay Anderson - 53-68 Liberal Government And The Corporate Person
by Joshua Barkan - 69-84 The Political Proportions Of Public Knowledge
by Alberto Corsín Jiménez - 85-102 The Proper Copy
by Cori Hayden - 103-119 Art-Science
by Georgina Born & Andrew Barry - 121-123 The Romantic Economist: Imagination in Economics
by Claes Belfrage - 125-128 Review Essay
by Fabrizio Ferraro - 129-131 Indian Ink: Script and Print in the Making of the English East India Company
by Simon Gunn - 133-135 Capitalism's Eye: Cultural Spaces of the Commodity
by Jo Littler
November 2009, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 237-238 Editors' Introduction
by Tony Bennett & Liz McFall & Michael Pryke - 239-268 The Meaning Of Price In World Markets
by Koray Çalişkan - 269-283 Good Taste
by Annemarie Mol - 285-300 Material, Literary Narrative And Cultural Economy
by Nicky Gregson - 301-323 Understanding Ordinary Women
by Sean Nixon - 325-344 Broadening The Horizons Of Economy
by Gerda Roelvink - 345-361 Symbolic Production And Value In Media Industries
by Göran Bolin - 363-378 The Concept Of ‘Athonian Economy’ In The Monastery Of Vatopaidi
by Michelangelo Paganopoulos - 379-392 ‘Tony Soprano On Management’
by Martin Parker
July 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1-2
- 1-1 Editors’ Introduction
by Tony Bennett & Liz McFall & Mike Pryke - 3-10 Introduction
by Tony Bennett & Chris Healy - 11-31 Becoming Peoples
by Evelyn Ruppert - 33-48 The Ontological Politics Of ‘Closing The Gaps’
by Tim Rowse - 49-65 The Agencement Of Industrial Branch Life Assurance
by Liz Mcfall - 67-82 Brand As Assemblage
by Celia Lury - 83-98 Thinking With The Head
by Kay Anderson & Colin Perrin - 99-116 Museum, Field, Colony
by Tony Bennett - 117-134 Reassembling Nuremberg, Reassembling Heritage
by Sharon Macdonald - 135-149 Assembling Art, Constructing Heritage
by Helen Rees Leahy - 151-167 Assembling Media Culture
by Gerard Goggin - 169-182 On Assemblage
by Helen Verran - 183-195 The Politics Of Bottled Water
by Gay Hawkins - 197-212 The Politics Of Theory
by Andrew Pickering - 213-217 A Tale Of Origins And Disparity
by Barry Hindess - 219-225 An ‘Indispensable Hypodermis’?
by Stephen Legg - 227-231 Programmatic Statements And Dull Empiricism
by John Clarke
November 2008, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 239-239 Editors’ Introduction
by The Editors - 241-243 Introduction
by Alan Warde - 245-261 The Middle Classes And Their Aristocratic Others
by Steph Lawler - 263-279 Revisiting Distinction
by Michèle Ollivier - 281-304 The Cultural Disillusionment Of School Massification In France From 1981 To 2003
by Philippe Coulangeon - 305-320 Towards The Cultural Contextualization Of Social Distinction
by Jean-Pascal Daloz - 321-336 Dimensions Of A Social Theory Of Taste
by Alan Warde - 337-347 Beneath The Horizon Of Cultural Visibility
by Mary Poovey - 349-354 Review Essay
by Tim Newton - 355-359 Review Essay
by John Frow - 361-363 Book Review
by Patrick Joyce
July 2008, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 107-107 Editorial
by The Editors - 109-127 Corporate Governance And Impossibilism
by Ismail Erturk & Julie Froud & Sukhdev Johal & Adam Leaver & David Shammai & Karel Williams - 129-144 Max Weber And The Moral Economy Of Office
by Paul du Gay - 145-163 Hansel And Gretel At The Grocery Store
by Franck Cochoy - 165-180 Mediations In Fashion
by Julie Sommerlund - 181-197 Creativity, Capital And Tacit Knowledge
by Stefan Schwarzkopf - 199-215 Has Elvis Left The Building?
by Janice Traflet & Elton McGoun - 217-231 Branding And Belonging
by John Sinclair - 233-237 Commentary
by Liz McFall
March 2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-7 Editorial
by Tony Bennett & Liz McFall & Mike Pryke - 9-23 The Material Practices Of Glamour
by Nigel Thrift - 25-38 Governing Society
by Mitchell Dean - 39-50 Locating The Domain Of Calculation
by Theodore M. Porter - 51-64 Calculating Economic Life
by Peter Miller - 65-78 Resocializing Finance? Or Dressing It In Mufti?
by Bill Maurer - 79-92 ‘Otherwise Engaged’
by Penny Harvey & Hannah Knox - 93-100 Review Essay
by Daniel Beunza - 101-103 Book Review
by Francis Dodsworth