2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 279-290 Accurate modelling of unsteady flows in collapsible tubes
by Emilie Marchandise & Patrice Flaud
2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-9 A computational tool for the probabilistic finite element analysis of an uncemented total hip replacement considering variability in bone–implant version angle
by Carolina Dopico-González & Andrew M. New & Martin Browne - 11-18 Characterisation of a pneumatic muscle test station with two dynamic plants in cascade
by J.L. Serres & D.B. Reynolds & C.A. Phillips & D.B. Rogers & D.W. Repperger - 19-34 New equations for the dose under pulsative/periodic conditions in the design of coated stents
by Michel C. Delfour & André Garon - 35-47 Minimisation of the wall shear stress gradients in bypass grafts anastomoses using meshless CFD and genetic algorithms optimisation
by Zaher El Zahab & Eduardo Divo & Alain Kassab - 49-57 Difference between palpation and optoelectronics recording of scapular motion
by Mathieu Lempereur & Sylvain Brochard & Valérie Burdin & Olivier Rémy-néris - 59-69 A new method for improved standardisation in three-dimensional computed tomography cephalometry
by S. Van Cauter & W. Okkerse & G. Brijs & M. De Beule & M. Braem & B. Verhegghe - 71-80 Comparative analysis of bone remodelling models with respect to computerised tomography-based finite element models of bone
by M.A. Pérez & P. Fornells & M. Doblaré & J.M. García-Aznar - 81-89 Human cortical bone: the SiNuPrOs model. Part II – a multi-scale study of permeability
by M. Predoi-Racila & M.C. Stroe & J.M. Crolet - 91-95 Modal behaviour of bones during fracture
by Jaime Horta-Rangel & Ana Leonor Rivera & Victor M. Castano - 97-104 A reliability measure of protein–protein interactions and a reliability measure-based search engine
by Byungkyu Park & Kyungsook Han - 105-120 LES of additive and non-additive pulsatile flows in a model arterial stenosis
by M. Mamun Molla & Manosh C. Paul & Giles Roditi - 121-133 Hilbert phase entropy imaging of fMRI time series
by Wei Liao & Huafu Chen & Zhengyong Pan - 135-142 An object-oriented modelling framework for the arterial wall
by M.I. Balaguera & J.C. Briceño & J.A. Glazier
2009, Volume 12, Issue S1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Philippe Gorce - 3-10 XXXIV Congress of the Société de Biomécanique
by Editors - 11-15 La recherche en rééducation posturale assise et debout
by F. Prince - 17-18 Biomechanical considerations can serve as design rules in the development of bone tissue engineering scaffold
by D.P. Pioletti - 19-22 Effect of measurement probes positioning on the determination of propagation coefficient using two-point methods
by K.B. Abdessalem & S.B. Abdessalem - 23-24 Changes in muscle architecture during eccentric contractions for different intensities
by S. Abellaneda & N. Guissard & J. Duchateau - 25-26 Stereovision for anatomical 3D acquisition and modelling
by P. Abellard & A. Ratsimbazafy - 27-29 Induced currents and forces in a blood vessel exposed to an external magnetic field
by D. Abi-Abdallah & A. Drochon & V. Robin & O. Fokapu - 31-32 Biomechanical experiments on artificial ligaments for the ACL reconstruction
by D. Ait Aouit & M. Thourot & M. Manassero & V. Viateau & S. Guerard & F. Billuart & D. Mitton - 33-34 Stress distribution in the TMJ disc during a jaw opening movement simulated with a 2D finite element model
by M. Aoun & A. Ramos & A. Ballu & M. Cid & J.A. Simões & J. Morlier & M. Mesnard - 35-37 Electromyographic study of postural adaptation during mandibular advancement
by C. Bazert & M. Mesnard & M. Sampeur & M. Aoun & M.J. Boileau & M. Cid - 39-40 Preliminary results of the thoracic and abdominal compliance in children on different ventilatory programs
by F. Bermond & K. Bruyere & F. Alonzo & A. Stagnara & D. Poirot & T. David - 41-42 A biomechanical theory of inactivation
by B. Berret & F. Jean & J.P. Gauthier - 43-44 Ultrasonic method to characterise children bone elastic properties
by J.-Ph. Berteau & P. Lasaygues & M. Pithioux & P. Chabrand - 45-46 Optimisation of brace treatment with numerical modelling
by J.-Ph. Berteau & J.-Ph. Pastre & S. Mesure & M. Pithioux & G. Bolini & P. Chabrand - 47-48 Horizontal walker: rehabilitation and effectiveness of training children with complex developmental coordination disorders
by C. Bertoncelli & D. Bertoncelli - 49-50 Material models of healthy, intermediate and aged aortic wall for simulation of traumatic rupture of aorta
by S. Bertrand & P. Drazetic & X. Troseille & P. Petit - 51-52 Biomechanical study of potential injury mechanisms of thoracic aorta
by S. Bertrand & P. Potier & P. Petit & X. Troseille & P. Drazetic - 53-54 2D dynamical efficiency of a swimfin: a fluid–structure interaction approach
by N. Bideau & B. Mahiou & L. Monier & B. Bideau & G. Nicolas & F. Razafimahery & L. Rakotomanana - 55-57 Relationship between the vertical racquet head height and the lower limb motions of elite players' flat serve
by A. Bonnefoy & J. Slawinski & J.M. Leveque & A. Riquet & C. Miller - 59-60 Gait analysis of a transfemoral amputee with a hydraulic polycentric knee prosthesis
by X. Bonnet & H. Pillet & P. Fodé & F. Lavaste & W. Skalli - 61-62 Scapular motion: does an acromion marker cluster decrease error measurement due to soft tissue artefact?
by S. Brochard & M. Lempereur & O. Rémy-Néris - 63-64 Nanoindentation on isotropic and anisotropic materials confrontation with FEM simulations
by H. Brockaert & P.E. Mazerain & M. Rachik & M.C. Ho Ba Tho - 65-67 A new method for determining the location of the instantaneous axis of rotation during human movements
by B. Bru & V. Pasqui - 69-70 Visual feedback of the centre of gravity position during upright standing on a six-component force plate
by O. Caron - 71-72 Experimental study of biomaterials for application in bone regeneration
by R. Casanova & D. Moukoko & M. Pithioux & D. Marchat & P. Chabrand - 73-75 Biomechanical analysis of hoof landing in horses trotting at high speed and the effects of ground surfaces
by H. Chateau & D. Robin & S. Uzel & L. Holden & P. Pourcelot & S. Falala & P. Estoup & J.-P. Valette & J.-M. Denoix & N. Crevier-Denoix - 77-79 A patient-specific CT-based finite element methodology to calculate the 6D stiffness matrix of vertebral bodies
by Y. Chevalier & P.K. Zysset - 81-82 Kinetic and spatiotemporal modifications in normal dog gait induced by stair descent
by A. Colin & T. Le Quang & L. Poujol & P. Maitre & E. Viguier - 83-85 Integration of liver behaviour in FE simulation
by C. Conte & C. Masson & N. Cheynel & P.J. Arnoux - 87-88 Mathematical modellisation of fluid flow in osteonal structures
by J.M. Crolet & M. Racila - 89-90 Computer-aided decision system for the clubfeet deformities
by T.T. Dao & F. Marin & H. Benhasel & M.C. Ho Ba Tho - 91-92 Influence of anthropometrical and geometrical parameters of the bones and muscles on musculoskeletal model of the lower limbs
by T.T. Dao & F. Marin & M.C. Ho Ba Tho - 93-94 Experimental platform to assess the sitting pivot transfer movements
by J.-F. Debril & P. Pudlo & P. Gorce & F.X. Lepoutre - 95-96 Walk-to-run transition: about the Modela dimensionless number
by N. Delattre & P. Moretto - 97-98 Sensitivity of computations of muscular forces to modifications of geometric model during gait
by E. Desailly & P. Sardain & N. Khouri & D. Yepremain & F. Hareb & P. Lacouture - 99-100 Upper limb joint moments during wheelchair obstacle climbing
by G. Desroches & D. Pradon & C. Bankolé & R. Dumas & L. Chèze - 101-102 Muscular fatigue induced by electrical stimulation
by B. Dreibati & C. Lavet & A. Pinti & C. Garnier & F.-X. Lepoutre & G. Poumarat - 103-104 Soft tissue artefacts: compensation and modelling
by R. Dumas & Y. Lafon & E. Jacquelin & L. Chèze - 105-106 A constraint-based approach to model the lower limb: preliminary results for running motions
by S. Duprey & L. Chèze & R. Dumas - 107-108 Biomechanical response of the clavicle under bending
by S. Duprey & J. Kerrigan & M. Kindig & A. Cundary & Y. Zama & S. Ejima & K. Kamiji & T. Yasuki & J. Crandall - 109-110 Gender differences in the passive and active parts of plantar flexors series elastic component stiffness
by A. Fouré & A. Nordez & C. Cornu - 111-112 How to characterise stability during gait? Application to the gait of transtibial amputees during ramp descent
by L. Fradet & M. Alimusaj & S.I. Wolf - 113-114 Isometric elbow flexion efforts and related effort perception
by F. Fraysse & X. Wang - 115-117 Transient detection using wavelet: application to rib cage fractures
by F. Gabrielli & D. Subit & C. Masson - 119-120 Transverse mechanical properties of rat skeletal muscle under ramp compression
by D. Gamet - 121-122 Estimation of bone material properties using an inverse finite element method
by A. Garo & P.J. Arnoux & C.E. Aubin - 123-124 Compensatory trunk flexion in elderly reach-to-grasp movement
by M. Geronomi & P. Gorce - 125-125 Nintendo Wii Fit Board used like a tool in biomechanical studies?
by M. Geronimi & E. Pouydebat & P. Gorce - 127-128 Damping characteristics of nine samples of French boxing gloves
by P. Girodet & F. Durand & P. Vaslin & P. Lacouture - 129-130 Measuring micromotion around a loaded hip stem using μCT imaging
by M. Gortchacow & S. Saxena & M. Wettstein & D.P. Pioletti & A. Terrier - 131-132 Quasi-static compression on dog muscles at high strain
by L.-L. Gras & D. Mitton & N. Crevier-Denoix & S. Laporte - 133-134 Reliability of myoelectrical manifestations of fatigue in adults with cystic fibrosis
by M. Gruet & J.M. Vallier & L. Mely & J. Brisswalter - 135-137 Multilayered learning architecture applied to humanoid locomotion
by M. Guihard & P. Gorce - 139-140 Isotonic and isokinetic eccentric trainings: standardisation applied methodology
by G. Guilhem & C. Cornu & A. Guével - 141-142 Internal structure analysis of tendon fibres with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, microspectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
by L. Gumez & S. Guillot & R. Benoit & J.M. Beny & J.R. Hawse & M. Subramaniam & T.C. Spelberg & T. Christensen & C. Pichon & S.F. Bensamoun - 143-144 Morphological properties of osteocytes derived from TIEG1 knockout mice: defects in the surrounding hypomineralised bone matrix
by O. Haddad & J.R. Hawse & M. Subramaniam & T.C. Spelberg & S.F. Bensamoun - 145-146 Interconnecting measured data of kinematics and spinal functional unit
by O. Holub & M. Otahal & S. Otahal - 147-149 Balance in dynamic situations: role of the underlying model
by L. Hoyet & F. Multon & K. Mombaur & E. Yoshida - 151-152 Fast 3D reconstruction of the spine from biplanar radiography: a diagnosis tool for routine scoliosis diagnosis and research in biomechanics
by L. Humbert & J.A. De Guise & B. Godbout & T. Cresson & B. Aubert & D. Branchaud & R. Chav & P. Gravel & S. Parent & J. Dubousset & W. Skalli - 153-154 Axes of rotation in the non-visual control of unconstrained 3D multijoint movements
by B. Isableu & N. Rezzoug & G. Mallet & P. Gorce & C. Pagano - 155-156 How do C6–C7 quadriplegic subjects compensate for motor deficiency during reach-to-grasp? Kinematics and EMG analysis
by J. Jacquier-Bret & N. Rezzoug & J.M. Vallier & H. Tournebise & P. Gorce - 157-159 Optimisation of somersaults and twists in platform diving
by J. Koschorreck & K. Mombaur - 161-163 Effect of slimming on the mechanical energy expenditure during a vertical jump by obese teenagers
by P. Lacouture & N.L. Hajri & M.L. Frelut & G. Peres - 165-166 The role of consecutive postural adjustments (CPAs) during postural control in isometric ramps pushes
by S. Le Bozec & S. Bouisset & C. Ribreau - 167-168 Data fusion for the estimation of bony structure movements
by J. Leboucher & C. Schwartz & O. Rémy-Néris - 169-170 Study of tactile guidance of the hand in a pointing task by means of a vibrotactile device
by M.C. Lepelley & L. Lejeune & F. Lestienne - 171-172 Changes in muscle resting tension, architecture and spinal reflex after hook treatment in healthy subjects
by M. Lévénez & N. Guissard & M. Veszely & B. Timmermans & J. Duchateau - 173-174 Spongy bone multicellular unit remodelling model: a parametric study
by P.J. Liotier & S. Wendling-Mansuy & J.-M. Rossi & P. Chabrand - 175-176 Wheelchair kinematics simulation for upper limb musculoskeletal disorder prevention
by N. Louis & P. Gorce - 177-178 Nanoindentation of porcine bone lamellae
by J. Lukes & S. Otahal - 179-181 Coronary fluxes before and after revascularisation in case of three vessel disease and occlusion of the right artery
by M. Maasrani & A. Drochon & I. Abouliatim & V.G. Ruggieri & H. Corbineau & J.Ph. Verhoye - 183-184 Influence of the localisation of the intersegmental joint position on the musculo-skeletal model of the cervical spine
by F. Marin & N. Hoang & M.C. Ho Ba Tho - 185-186 Mechanical energy of the centre of mass of the body while running to and jumping over an obstacle
by G. Mauroy & P.A. Willems & B. Schepens - 187-188 Mathematical model of fluid flow in an osteon: influence of cardiac system
by W. Miladi & M. Racila - 189-191 Identifying the objectives of human path generation
by K. Mombaur & A. Truong & J.-P. Laumond - 193-194 Simultaneous identification of the joint centre location, the mass and the centre of gravity position
by T. Monnet & C. Valle & P. Lacouture - 195-196 Correct rheology simulation on compliant thoracic aorta model: comparison between CFD and MRI velocity measurements
by R. Moreno & M. Chau & B. Tayllamin & H. Rousseau & F. Nicoud - 197-198 Informing subjects on the measurements performed induces changes in their running mechanics
by J.-B. Morin & P. Samozino & N. Peyrot - 199-200 Porcine scoliosis model based on animal growth created with non-invasive off-set tethering
by T. Odent & T. Cachon & B. Peultier & J. Gournay & E. Jolivet & E. Viguier - 201-202 Curvature–velocity analysis to identify turning steps while walking
by A.H. Olivier & A. Cretual - 203-204 Force sharing among fingers after tendon transfers (Tsuge's procedure): a case study
by F. Paclet & F. Quaine & V. Cahouet & F. Moutet - 205-206 Stair descent of patients with transfemoral amputation
by H. Pillet & X. Bonnet & P. Fodé & A. Pawlowski & N. El Fettahi & F. Lavaste - 207-208 Do adults or young chimpanzees and humans have similar abilities to grasp objects?
by E. Pouydebat & P. Gorce & V. Bels - 209-210 Numerical study of the mandible geometry influences using two different TMJ implants
by A. Ramos & C. Relvas & M. Mesnard & A. Ballu & J.A. Simões - 211-212 From decision-making aid to rehabilitation with an electric wheelchair simulator
by I. Randria & P. Abellard & M. Ben Khelifa & A. Abellard - 213-214 Biomechanics of a primate hand () in climbing: function, strategies and human implications
by E. Reghem & E. Pouydebat & V. Bels - 215-216 Isokinetic evaluation of trunk muscles in healthy and low back pain subjects
by M. Ripamonti & D. Colin & D. Schmidt & M. Ritz & A. Rahmani - 217-218 Arm postural anticipation for rotating a spherical object
by T. Robert & G. Beurier & X. Wang - 219-220 The effect of tennis racket grip size on grip force during a simulated tennis match play
by J. Rossi & M.J. Foissac & L. Vigouroux & E. Berton - 221-222 Effects of the walking speed on the foot movements within a shoe during the stance phase
by M. Roux & L. Baly & P. Gorce - 223-224 Determination of geometric constraints between the ribcage and scapula in the shoulder complex: a cadaver study
by S. Sah & X. Wang - 225-226 Prediction of the vertebral strength using a subject-specific finite-element model
by E. Sapin & E. Jolivet & D. Mitton & W. Skalli - 227-228 Respective contributions of the subject and the wheelchair to the total kinetic energy of manual wheelchair locomotion
by C. Sauret & P. Vaslin & R. Dumas & L. Chèze & N. De Saint Remy & A. Bonnefoy & M. Cid - 229-230 A model of oar–boat–rower system to optimise rowing performance
by S. Serveto & S. Barré & J.-M. Kobus & J.-P. Mariot - 231-232 A light computing method for real-time activity recognition
by A. Sorel & G. Nicolas & L. L'Hours & J. Prioux & P. Quinton - 233-234 Model to optimise the amount of drug on an implant used as drug delivery system
by V.A. Stadelmann & O. Gauthier & J.M. Bouler & A. Terrier & D.P. Pioletti - 235-236 Numerical simulation of fluid flow in the cortical part of a human femur
by C.M. Stroe & M. Racila & J.M. Crolet - 237-239 Spine virtual traumas under multiple impact situations
by J. Sun & P. Bertrand & R. Kraenzler & P.J. Arnoux - 241-242 Coupling numerical simulation of fluid dynamics and ultrasound imaging – application to the carotid artery
by A. Swillens & L. Lovstakken & H. Torp & P. Segers - 243-244 Reverse shoulder arthroplasty: compression screw force
by A. Terrier & S.H. Kochbeck & F. Merlini & M. Gortchacow & A. Farron & D.P. Pioletti - 245-246 Total knee arthroplasty: posterior tilt of tibial tray
by A. Terrier & V. Leclercq & B.M. Jolles & D.P. Pioletti - 247-248 Reverse shoulder arthroplasty: polyethylene wear
by A. Terrier & F. Merlini & A. Farron & D.P. Pioletti - 249-250 Fitts's law interpretation as ergonomic metrics for motor impaired users
by F. Vella & N. Vigouroux & P. Gorce - 251-252 Objective measurement of biomechanics effects of brace use for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a comparison between standing and supine position
by P. Violas & B. Colobert & D. Vervaecke & J.J. Dufournet & L. Rakotomanana - 253-254 Determination of the hyperelastic material properties of the intervertebral disk under dynamic compressive loads
by E. Wagnac & P.J. Arnoux & C.E. Aubin - 255-257 Does symmetrical upper limb task involve symmetrical postural adjustments?
by E. Yiou & M. Mezaour & S. Le Bozec - 259-259 Positioning of CAD implants in 3D image data
by P.G. Young & S.R.L. Coward & J. Kennedy & B. Chen Hen & V. Bui Xuan - 261-261 Mesh generation from biomedical scan data
by P.G. Young & D. Raymont & V. Bui Xuan
2009, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 617-626 Simulation of biological growth
by Samer Adeeb & Walter Herzog - 627-640 Multiscale modelling and simulation of the deformation and adhesion of a single gecko seta
by Roger A. Sauer - 641-649 Range data pre-processing for the evaluation of torso shape and symmetry in scoliosis
by Peter O. Ajemba & Anish Kumar & Nelson G. Durdle & V. James Raso - 651-659 Efficient probabilistic representation of tibiofemoral soft tissue constraint
by Mark A. Baldwin & Peter J. Laz & Joshua Q. Stowe & Paul J. Rullkoetter - 661-670 Knee joint biomechanics in closed-kinetic-chain exercises
by M. Adouni & A. Shirazi-Adl - 671-681 Application of MRI and biomedical engineering in speech production study
by S.R. Ventura & D.R. Freitas & João Manuel R.S. Tavares - 683-690 Bone remodelling analysis of a bovine femur for a veterinary implant design
by L.B. Rodrigues & D.S. Lopes & J. Folgado & P.R. Fernandes & E.B. Pires & E.B. Las Casas & R.R. Faleiros - 691-699 A finite element study of invariant-based orthotropic constitutive equations in the context of myocardial material parameter estimation
by H. Schmid & W. Wang & P.J. Hunter & M.P. Nash - 701-707 Electrocardiogram data mining based on frame classification by dynamic time warping matching
by Gong Zhang & Witold Kinsner & Bin Huang - 709-720 Could passive knee laxity be related to active gait mechanics? An exploratory computational biomechanical study using probabilistic methods
by Michael A. Strickland & Martin Browne & Mark Taylor - 721-726 Ambulatory estimation of mean step length during unconstrained walking by means of COG accelerometry
by R.C. González & D. Alvarez & A.M. López & J.C. Alvarez - 727-734 Adaptive computer control of anesthesia in humans
by Juan Albino Méndez & Santiago Torres & José Antonio Reboso & Héctor Reboso - 735-745 A novel approach to evaluate abdominal coactivities for optimal spinal stability and compression force in lifting
by Z. El Ouaaid & N. Arjmand & A. Shirazi-Adl & M. Parnianpour
2009, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 491-499 The influence of aortic dimensions on calculated wall shear stress in the mouse aortic arch
by Bram Trachet & Abigail Swillens & Denis Van Loo & Christophe Casteleyn & Anne De Paepe & Bart Loeys & Patrick Segers - 501-510 Stresses in cement mantles of hip replacements: effect of femoral implant sizes, body mass index and bone quality
by J.-M.S. Lamvohee & R. Mootanah & P. Ingle & K. Cheah & J.K. Dowell - 511-522 The use of artificial neural networks to reduce data collection demands in determining spine loading: a laboratory based analysis
by Robert J. Parkinson & Jack P. Callaghan - 523-529 Dynamic response of wall shear stress on the stenosed artery
by S. Sen & S. Chakravarty* - 531-551 A dynamic model of Nordic diagonal stride skiing, with a literature review of cross country skiing
by John F. Moxnes & Kjell Hausken - 553-561 Mechanical vulnerability of lower second premolar utilising visco-elastic dynamic stress analysis
by M.M. Khani & M. Tafazzoli-Shadpour & F. Aghajani & P. Naderi - 563-574 A physiology based inverse dynamic analysis of human gait: potential and perspectives
by F. De Groote & G. Pipeleers & I. Jonkers & B. Demeulenaere & C. Patten & J. Swevers & J. De Schutter - 575-583 Effect of hip flexibility on optimal stalder performances on high bar
by Mickaël Begon & Michael J. Hiley & Maurice R. Yeadon - 585-597 A theoretical model to study the effects of cellular stiffening on the damage evolution in deep tissue injury
by T. Nagel & S. Loerakker & C.W.J. Oomens - 599-606 A semi-automated method for hexahedral mesh construction of human vertebrae from CT scans
by Yifei Dai & Glen L. Niebur - 607-616 A systematic approach to feature tracking of lumbar spine vertebrae from fluoroscopic images using complex-valued wavelets
by Alexander Wong & Nadine M. Dunk & Jack P. Callaghan
2009, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 371-384 Kinematic analysis of over-determinate biomechanical systems
by M.S. Andersen & M. Damsgaard & J. Rasmussen - 385-397 Computational fluid dynamics of aggregating red blood cells in postcapillary venules
by Bong Chung & Sangho Kim & Paul C. Johnson & Aleksander S. Popel - 399-405 Does placenta position modify the risk of placental abruption in car crashes?
by Jérôme Delotte & Michel Behr & Lionel Thollon & André Bongain & Christian Brunet - 407-413 A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for protein structure prediction with immune operators
by M.V. Judy & K.S. Ravichandran & K. Murugesan - 415-422 New resource for the computation of cartilage biphasic material properties with the interpolant response surface method
by Kathryn E. Keenan & Lampros C. Kourtis & Thor F. Besier & Derek P. Lindsey & Garry E. Gold & Scott L. Delp & Gary S. Beaupre - 423-430 Characterisation of a phenomenological model for commercial pneumatic muscle actuators
by J.L. Serres & D.B. Reynolds & C.A. Phillips & M.J. Gerschutz & D.W. Repperger - 431-444 Influence of inlet boundary conditions on the local haemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms
by Alberto Marzo & Pankaj Singh & Philippe Reymond & Nikos Stergiopulos & Umang Patel & Rodney Hose - 445-458 Pulsed magnetohydrodynamic blood flow in a rigid vessel under physiological pressure gradient
by Dima Abi-Abdallah & Agnès Drochon & Vincent Robin & Odette Fokapu - 459-468 Modelling the early phases of bone regeneration around an endosseous oral implant
by N. Amor & L. Geris & J. Vander Sloten & H. Van Oosterwyck - 469-479 An analytical model for the ergometer rowing: inverse multibody dynamics analysis
by L. Consiglieri & E.B. Pires - 481-490 Computer simulation of the effects of shoe cushioning on internal and external loading during running impacts
by Ross H. Miller & Joseph Hamill
2009, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 249-262 A micromechanical procedure for modelling the anisotropic mechanical properties of brain white matter
by N. Abolfathi & A. Naik & M. Sotudeh Chafi & G. Karami & M. Ziejewski - 263-276 Drug transport in artery walls: A sequential porohyperelastic-transport approach
by Peter H. Feenstra & Charles A. Taylor - 277-282 A joint coordinate system proposal for the study of the trapeziometacarpal joint kinematics
by L. Cheze & R. Dumas & J.J. Comtet & C. Rumelhart & M. Fayet - 283-295 Myocardial material parameter estimation: a comparison of invariant based orthotropic constitutive equations
by H. Schmid & Y.K. Wang & J. Ashton & A.E. Ehret & S.B.S. Krittian & M.P. Nash & P.J. Hunter - 297-304 Predicting the structural integrity of bone defects repaired using bone graft materials
by Emma Brazel & David Taylor - 305-318 Computational modelling and optimisation of soft tissue outcome in cranio-maxillofacial surgery planning
by Evgeny Gladilin & Alexander Ivanov - 319-332 On the implementation of a wrinkling, hyperelastic membrane model for skin and other materials
by S.L. Evans - 333-339 Biomechanical evaluation of porous biodegradable scaffolds for revision knee arthroplasty
by Alexandre Terrier & Marjan Sedighi-Gilani & Alireza Roshan Ghias & Line Aschwanden & Dominique P. Pioletti - 341-352 Improving the damage accumulation in a biomechanical bone remodelling model
by J.M. Restrepo & R. Choksi & J.M. Hyman & Y. Jiang - 353-369 Quantifying nonlinear anisotropic elastic material properties of biological tissue by use of membrane inflation
by Jeffrey E. Bischoff & Elizabeth S. Drexler & Andrew J. Slifka & Christopher N. McCowan
2009, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 125-134 A three-layer model of skin and its application in simulating wrinkling
by Cormac O. Flynn & Brendan A.O. McCormack - 135-145 Influence of femoral stem geometry, material and extent of porous coating on bone ingrowth and atrophy in cementless total hip arthroplasty: an iterative finite element model
by J. Folgado & P.R. Fernandes & C.R. Jacobs & V.D. Pellegrini - 147-150 Encapsulation of small spherical liposome into larger flaccid liposome induced by human plasma proteins
by J.I. Pavlič & T. Mareš & J. Bešter & V. Janša & M. Daniel & A. Iglič - 151-163 Detection of mitoses in embryonic epithelia using motion field analysis
by Parthipan Siva & G. Wayne Brodland & David Clausi - 165-172 Tissue–fluid interface analysis using biphasic finite element method
by G.U. Unnikrishnan & V.U. Unnikrishnan & J.N. Reddy - 173-183 A computational simulated control system for a high-force pneumatic muscle actuator: system definition and application as an augmented orthosis
by Maria J. Gerschutz & Chandler A. Phillips & David B. Reynolds & Daniel W. Repperger - 185-195 Statistical analysis of the three dimensional joint complex
by Thomas M. Greiner & Kevin A. Ball - 197-209 Finite element dynamic analysis of soft tissues using state-space model
by Lucian N. Iorga & Baoxiang Shan & Assimina A. Pelegri - 211-216 A multi-subject evaluation of uncertainty in anatomical landmark location on shoulder kinematic description
by Joseph E. Langenderfer & Paul J. Rullkoetter & Amy G. Mell & Peter J. Laz - 217-225 Muscle forces during running predicted by gradient-based and random search static optimisation algorithms
by Ross H. Miller & Jason C. Gillette & Timothy R. Derrick & Graham E. Caldwell - 227-237 Comparison of 3D dynamic virtual model to link segment model for estimation of net L4/L5 reaction moments during lifting
by Mohammad Abdoli-Eramaki & Joan M. Stevenson & Michael J. Agnew & Amin Kamalzadeh - 239-248 The development of a material model and wheel–tissue interaction for simulating wheeled surgical robot mobility
by Mark E. Rentschler & John D. Reid
2009, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-12 Global/local head models to analyse cerebral blood vessel rupture leading to ASDH and SAH
by Mohamad Zoghi-Moghadam & Ali M. Sadegh - 13-23 Mechanical loading effects on isthmic spondylolytic lumbar segment: Finite element modelling using a personalised geometry
by M. El-Rich & I. Villemure & H. Labelle & C.E. Aubin - 25-33 Stresses in peripheral arteries following stent placement: a finite element analysis
by Michael Early & Catriona Lally & Patrick J. Prendergast & Daniel J. Kelly - 35-43 Automated hexahedral meshing of anatomic structures using deformable registration
by Nicole M. Grosland & Ritesh Bafna & Vincent A. Magnotta - 45-57 From high-resolution CT data to finite element models: development of an integrated modular framework
by Dieter H. Pahr & Philippe K. Zysset - 59-71 Optimal mechanical design of anatomical post-systems for endodontic restoration
by Franco Maceri & Marco Martignoni & Giuseppe Vairo - 73-81 Intraluminal thrombus and risk of rupture in patient specific abdominal aortic aneurysm – FSI modelling
by Danny Bluestein & Kris Dumont & Matthieu De Beule & John Ricotta & Paul Impellizzeri & Benedict Verhegghe & Pascal Verdonck - 83-93 The phenomenon of twisted growth: humeral torsion in dominant arms of high performance tennis players
by R.E. Taylor & C. Zheng & R.P. Jackson & J.C. Doll & J.C. Chen & K.R.S. Holzbaur & T. Besier & E. Kuhl - 95-100 3D strain map of axially loaded mouse tibia: a numerical analysis validated by experimental measurements
by Vincent A. Stadelmann & Jean Hocké & Jensen Verhelle & Vincent Forster & Francesco Merlini & Alexandre Terrier & Dominique P. Pioletti - 101-108 Comparing parametric solid modelling/reconfiguration, global shape modelling and free-form deformation for the generation of 3D digital models of femurs from X-ray images
by Stefano Filippi & Barbara Motyl & Camillo Bandera - 109-112 A surface accumulator of in water flow
by M.S. Mayeed & A.M. Al-Mekhnaqi & G.W. Auner & G.M. Newaz - 113-123 Computational models to predict stenosis growth in carotid arteries: Which is the role of boundary conditions?
by R. Balossino & G. Pennati & F. Migliavacca & L. Formaggia & A. Veneziani & M. Tuveri & G. Dubini
2008, Volume 11, Issue S1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Chantal Pérot - 3-9 XXXIII Congress of the Société de Biomécanique
by The Editors - 11-12 Quantitative assessment of the mechanical properties of tissues with magnetic resonance elastography
by Richard L. Ehman - 13-14 New technologies for mechanical circulatory support
by P. Leprince & N. Martinez & C. Viguier & A. Pavie & B. Nogarede - 15-16 Biomechanics for the assessment of sensory-motor interactions
by P. Madeleine - 17-17 Tissue engineering of bone using adult stem cells: what's new in 2008
by H. Petite & M. Bensidhoum & D. Logeart-Avramoglou & B. David & V. Viateau