2012, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 547-561 Consistent formulation of the growth process at the kinematic and constitutive level for soft tissues composed of multiple constituents
by H. Schmid & L. Pauli & A. Paulus & E. Kuhl & M. Itskov
2012, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 323-332 Inducing occlusion effect in Y-shaped vessels using high-intensity focused ultrasound: finite element analysis and phantom validation
by Cho-Pei Jiang & Ming-Chang Wu & Yi-Syun Wu - 333-346 A mathematical model for describing the metastasis of cancer in bone tissue
by Diego Garzón-Alvarado - 347-361 Active muscle response using feedback control of a finite element human arm model
by Jonas Östh & Karin Brolin & Riender Happee - 363-370 A novel rapid prototyping and finite element method-based development of the patient-specific temporomandibular joint implant
by T. Deshmukh & A. Kuthe & S. Chaware & V. Bagaria & D. Ingole - 371-381 Time–frequency analysis of phonocardiogram signals using wavelet transform: a comparative study
by Burhan Ergen & Yetkin Tatar & Halil Gulcur - 383-391 A study of direct moxibustion using mathematical methods
by Miao Liu & Sang Kauh & Sabina Lim - 393-400 Relationships between geometry and kinematic characteristics in the temporomandibular joint
by M. Mesnard & J. Coutant & M. Aoun & J. Morlier & M. Cid & P. Caix - 401-409 Constitutive formulation and numerical analysis of the heel pad region
by A. Natali & C. Fontanella & E. Carniel - 411-416 A naïve Gaussian Bayes classifier for detection of mental activity in gait signature
by Deepak Joshi & A. Mishra & Sneh Anand - 417-423 Permeability study of vertebral cancellous bone using micro-computational fluid dynamics
by Jeremy Teo & Swee Teoh - 425-433 Segmentation of overlapping leucocyte images with phase detection and spiral interpolation
by Guanghua Gu & Dong Cui & Xiaoli Li - 435-443 Stochastic modelling of wall stresses in abdominal aortic aneurysms treated by a gene therapy
by Faïza Mohand-Kaci & Anissa Ouni & Jianping Dai & Eric Allaire & Mustapha Zidi
2012, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 211-220 Mechanical variables affecting balloon kyphoplasty outcome – a finite element study
by Danè Dabirrahmani & Stephan Becker & Michael Hogg & Richard Appleyard & Gamal Baroud & Mark Gillies - 221-229 Analysis of humeral head displacements from sequences of biplanar X-rays: repeatability study and preliminary results in healthy subjects
by Pierre-Yves Lagacé & Fabien Billuart & Xavier Ohl & Wafa Skalli & Patrice Tétreault & Jacques de Guise & Nicola Hagemeister - 231-248 Biomechanical response of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms: association with structural remodelling
by Dimitrios Sokolis & Eleftherios Kritharis & Athina Giagini & Konstantinos Lampropoulos & Stavroula Papadodima & Dimitrios Iliopoulos - 249-254 A hybrid static optimisation method to estimate muscle forces during muscle co-activation
by Jongsang Son & Sungjae Hwang & Youngho Kim - 255-261 3-D finite element modelling of facial soft tissue and preliminary application in orthodontics
by Si Chen & Hangdi Lou & Liang Guo & Qiguo Rong & Yi Liu & Tian-Min Xu - 263-273 Stress transfer properties of different commercial dental implants: a finite element study
by M. Pérez & J. Prados-Frutos & J. Bea & M. Doblaré - 275-283 Development of software for human muscle force estimation
by Gang Tang & Li-wei Qian & Gao-feng Wei & Hong-sheng Wang & Cheng-tao Wang - 285-294 Inertial motion capture in conjunction with an artificial neural network can differentiate the gait patterns of hemiparetic stroke patients compared with able-bodied counterparts
by C. Scheffer & T. Cloete - 295-301 One-dimensional statistical parametric mapping in Python
by Todd Pataky - 303-311 Deployment of self-expandable stents in aneurysmatic cerebral vessels: comparison of different computational approaches for interventional planning
by A. Bernardini & I. Larrabide & L. Petrini & G. Pennati & E. Flore & M. Kim & A. Frangi - 313-322 IMU-based ambulatory walking speed estimation in constrained treadmill and overground walking
by Shuozhi Yang & Qingguo Li
2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 101-110 Development of a parametric finite element model of the proximal femur using statistical shape and density modelling
by Daniel Nicolella & Todd Bredbenner - 111-120 Influence of the scale function on wavelet transformation of the surface electromyographic signal
by Julien Frère & Beat Göpfert & Jean Slawinski & Claire Tourny-Chollet - 121-130 FSI simulation of asymmetric mitral valve dynamics during diastolic filling
by S. Dahl & J. Vierendeels & J. Degroote & S. Annerel & L. Hellevik & B. Skallerud - 131-140 A biomechanical analysis of finger joint forces and stresses developed during common daily activities
by Kent Butz & Greg Merrell & Eric Nauman - 141-149 Automatic system for 3D reconstruction of the chick eye based on digital photographs
by Alexander Wong & Reno Genest & Naveen Chandrashekar & Vivian Choh & Elizabeth Irving - 151-156 Influence of fluid-flow direction on effective permeability of the vertebral end plate: an analytical model
by P. Swider & F. Accadbled & J. Laffosse & J. Sales de Gauzy - 157-165 A novel heart valve stent design: mechanical interaction with the aortic root
by Frederic Heim & Coralie Marchand & Bernard Durand & Nabil Chakfe - 167-172 The accuracy of active shape modelling and end-plate measurements for characterising the shape of the lumbar spine in the sagittal plane
by Ali Ali & Amy-beth Cowan & Jennifer Gregory & Richard Aspden & Judith Meakin - 173-183 A methodology to generate structured computational grids from DICOM data: application to a patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) model
by Evangelos Makris & Vasileios Gkanis & Sokrates Tsangaris & Christos Housiadas - 185-193 Mechanical characterisation of the human thoracic descending aorta: experiments and modelling
by Claudio García-Herrera & Diego Celentano & Marcela Cruchaga & Francisco Rojo & José Atienza & Gustavo Guinea & José Goicolea - 195-201 Simulation and study of the geometric parameters in the inguinal area and the genesis of inguinal hernias
by Gerard Fortuny & Manuel López-Cano & Antonio Susín & Blas Herrera - 203-210 Physical sensor difference-based method and virtual sensor difference-based method for visual and quantitative estimation of lower limb 3D gait posture using accelerometers and magnetometers
by Kun Liu & Yoshio Inoue & Kyoko Shibata
2012, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: Identification of material parameters through inverse finite element modelling
by Sam Evans & Stephane Avril - 3-11 Identification of the material parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg
by L. Dubuis & S. Avril & J. Debayle & P. Badel - 13-21 The non-linear response of a muscle in transverse compression: assessment of geometry influence using a finite element model
by Laure-Lise Gras & David Mitton & Nathalie Crevier-Denoix & Sébastien Laporte - 23-28 Apparent Young's modulus of vertebral cortico-cancellous bone specimens
by F. El Masri & E. Sapin de Brosses & K. Rhissassi & W. Skalli & D. Mitton - 29-36 Sensitivity analysis of permeability parameters of bovine nucleus pulposus obtained through inverse fitting of the nonlinear biphasic equation: effect of sampling strategy
by Philip Riches - 37-48 Mechanical identification of layer-specific properties of mouse carotid arteries using 3D-DIC and a hyperelastic anisotropic constitutive model
by Pierre Badel & Stéphane Avril & Susan Lessner & Michael Sutton - 49-58 Identification of heterogeneous elastic properties in stenosed arteries: a numerical plane strain study
by Alexandre Franquet & Stéphane Avril & Rodolphe Le Riche & Pierre Badel - 73-82 Quantifying the mechanical properties of human skin to optimise future microneedle device design
by R. Groves & S. Coulman & J. Birchall & S. Evans - 83-92 Dual-parameter optimisation of the elastic properties of skin
by A. Delalleau & G. Josse & J. Lagarde - 93-99 Importance of multiple loading scenarios for the identification of material coefficients of the human cornea
by Harald Studer & Hansjörg Riedwyl & Philippe Büchler
2011, Volume 14, Issue S1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Jean Crolet - 3-10 36 Congress of the Société de Biomécanique
by The Editors - 11-13 A new segmental method for measuring limbs and trunk electrical resistances with eight electrodes on hands and feet
by S. Bousbiat & M. Jaffrin & E. Dongmo - 15-16 Modelling of stent-graft delivery system
by E. Neumanová & L. Čapek - 17-18 What is the number of independent degrees of freedom of the trapeziometacarpal joint? Preliminary results
by L. Cheze & R. Dumas & J. Comtet & C. Rumelhart - 19-20 Shoulder muscle forces during abduction with subscapularis deficiency after total shoulder arthroplasty
by X. Larrea & A. Farron & D. Pioletti & A. Terrier - 21-23 Design of high-flexion total knee prosthesis considering activities of North African peoples
by Y. Benabid & A. Aoussat & T. Chettibi - 25-26 Analysis of existing injury criteria to evaluate the severity of thoracic impact injury
by J. Pavier & A. Langlet & N. Eches & J. Jacquet & R. Cayzac - 27-28 Vibration of the upper limbs in cycling
by X. Chiementin & W. Bertucci & S. Crequy & F. Bolaers & P. Estocq - 29-30 Effects of a pore size and a pore location on the stress at the crack tip of fatigue bone specimen during one cycle: finite element simulation
by N. Ihaddadène & R. Ihaddadène - 31-32 Femoral head diameter and carbon composition effect on wear of metal-on-metal hip replacements
by R. Ihaddadene & S. Affatato & M. Zavalloni & S. Bouzid & M. Viceconti - 33-34 Carbon composition effects on wear behaviour and wear mechanisms of metal-on-metal hip prosthesis
by R. Ihaddadene & S. Affatato & M. Zavalloni & S. Bouzid & M. Viceconti - 35-36 Strength exercise monitoring: what to evaluate and how?
by L. Fradet & F. Marin - 37-39 Accuracy of scapular motion by double calibration
by M. Lempereur & S. Brochard & O. Remy-Neris - 41-43 Effect of whole-body vibration frequency and amplitude in heart rate and fatigue perception
by Y. El Aji & M. Soudain-Pineau & P. Joly & W. Bertucci - 45-46 Prediction of the morphological and mechanical properties of a novel scaffold for anterior cruciate ligament tissue engineering
by C. Laurent & D. Durville & J.-F. Ganghoffer & R. Rahouadj - 47-48 Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis young female rib hump: normative biomechanical data study
by J.-Ph. Berteau & Ph. Lasaygues & M. Pithioux & P. Chabrand - 49-51 Muscular determinants of performance in BMX during exercises of maximal intensity
by P. Debraux & W. Bertucci - 53-55 Determining factors of the sprint performance in high-level BMX riders
by P. Debraux & W. Bertucci - 57-59 Measurements of strain in bicycle frame through different conditions of test
by A. Manolova & W. Bertucci - 61-63 Scapulohumeral rhythm assessment with inertial sensors: preliminary results
by J.-M. Grand & M. Geronimi - 65-66 Rolling resistance index of manual wheelchairs
by C. Sauret & P. Vaslin & J. Bascou & H. Pillet & F. Lavaste - 67-69 Dynamic calibration of a wheelchair six-component wheel dynamometer rolling on the floor
by C. Sauret & Y. Couetard & P. Vaslin - 71-72 Validation of Echo-PIV method through PIV comparisons in the assessment of ventricular flows
by C. Guivier-Curien & C. Guerin & D. Tanne & M. Lugiez & M. Evin & M. Menard & R. Rieu & D. Coisne - 73-74 Characterisation of failure in human aortic tissue using digital image correlation
by J.-H. Kim & P. Badel & A. Duprey & J. Favre & S. Avril - 75-76 Modelling the musculoskeletal system of the hand and forearm for ergonomic applications
by N. Vignais & F. Marin - 77-79 A study of constrained models for the kinematic analysis of the human knee joint
by I. Reichl & W. Auzinger & H. Schmiedmayer & E. Weinmüller - 81-82 A 3D model of trabecular bone remodelling based on cellular activities
by C. Yone & J. Milan & J. Rossi & P. Chabrand - 83-85 A new experimental set-up based on a parallel cable robot for analysis and control of human motion
by S. Bennour & M. Harshe & L. Romdhane & J.-P. Merlet - 87-89 Manipulability of the upper limb during wheelchair propulsion
by J. Jacquier-Bret & N. Louis & N. Rezzoug & P. Gorce - 91-93 Introducing a method to compare the hand position of drivers under wheel steering task: preliminary results
by J. Schiro & F. Gabrielli & Ph. Pudlo & F. Barbier & M. Djemai - 95-97 Sprint and vertical jump performances of football players of Algerian team before the FIFA World Cup 2010
by W. Bertucci & A. Brikci & J. Sene - 99-101 Quantitative investigation for properties of osteoporotic cortical bone: a numerical study
by M. Stroe & M. Racila & J. Crolet - 103-105 Robotic hands: mechatronic design and compliance control of a self-sensing finger prototype
by J. Martin & B. Huard & M. Robert & M. Grossard - 107-109 Simulation of neutrophil motion and deformation: influence of rheology and flow configuration
by M. Le Roux & J. Magnaudet - 111-113 Measurement and interpretation of viscous interactions during contact between bone and prosthetic materials
by D. Areiza & A. Bonnet & A. Barbas & P. Lipinski - 115-117 Biomechanics of rapid movements in plants: poroelastic measurements at the cell scale
by M. Colombani & Y. Forterre - 119-120 Optimisation of mechanical properties of Ti–Nb binary alloys for biomedical applications
by W. Elmay & E. Patoor & B. Bolle & T. Gloriant & F. Prima & A. Eberhardt & P. Laheurte - 121-123 Numerical study of the influence of wall compliance on the haemodynamics in a patient-specific arteriovenous fistula
by I. Decorato & Z. Kharboutly & C. Legallais & A. Salsac - 125-127 Subject-specific numerical estimation of the temporomandibular joint reaction force during mouth opening and closing movements
by E. Brosses & D. Areiza & A.-S. Bonnet & P. Lipinski - 129-131 A physical model for brain ventricle dynamics
by Issyan Tekaya & Robert Bouzerar & Roger Bouzerar - 133-135 Numerical determination of the lacuno-canalicular permeability of bone
by S. Lemonnier & S. Naili & C. Oddou & T. Lemaire - 137-138 Experimental and numerical analysis of a V-Y advancement flap on human skin
by D. Remache & J. Pauchot & J. Chambert & L. Capek & E. Jacquet - 139-140 Variation of biomechanical properties of newly formed bone tissue determined by nanoindentation as a function of healing time
by R. Vayron & E. Barthel & V. Mathieu & E. Soffer & F. Anagnostou & G. Haiat - 141-142 Calcium fluxes within cortical bone fluid may affect osteocyte mechanosensitivity
by J. Kaiser & T. Lemaire & S. Naili & S. Komarova & V. Sansalone - 143-144 What is the nature of bone electricity?
by T. Lemaire & J. Kaiser & V. Sansalone & E. Rohan & S. Naili - 145-146 Nutrient convection and diffusion modelling in the intervertebral disc
by M. Etienne & O. Boiron & P. Tropiano & V. Deplano - 147-148 Improvement of a four-implant retained bridge for totally edentulous patients
by V. Berry-Kromer & L. Favot & M. Haboussi & T. Zineb - 149-151 Comparing invasive and oscillometric blood pressure measurements
by G. Fahd & O. Mokhtar & O. Boiron & I. Morgado & F. Paganelli & V. Deplano - 153-154 Kinematic and dynamic analysis of gait determinants theory
by C. Hayot & S. Sakka & P. Lacouture - 155-157 Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection simulator using biomechanical models
by H. Ladjal & J. Hanus & A. Ferreira - 159-160 Traction forces of cancer cells
by V. Peschetola & V. Laurent & A. Duperray & L. Preziosi & D. Ambrosi & C. Verdier - 161-162 Simulation of pelvic mobility: topology optimisation of ligamentous system
by A. Vallet & C. Rubod & J. Witz & M. Brieu & M. Cosson - 163-165 Mathematical model for fluid flow in consecutive bifurcations
by W. Miladi & J. Crolet - 167-168 Skin wettability and friction coefficient: an and study
by A. Elkhyat & J. Sainthillier & F. Ferial & T. Lihoreau & S. Mary & A. Jeudy & P. Humbert - 169-171 Evaluation of a bioactive glass-based composite screw
by E. Pacard & S. Lasnier & A. Bouland & R. Zenati - 173-175 Effectiveness of force application in sprint running: definition of concept and relationship with performance
by J. Morin & P. Samozino & P. Edouard - 177-179 Modelization of osteoporosis process: a possible explanation
by M. Stroe & J. Crolet - 181-182 Adherence modulation in single stepping
by S. Memari & S. Bouisset & S. Le Bozec - 183-184 Comparison of models of dynamic balance in biological motions
by L. Hoyet & F. Multon - 185-186 Impact of mitral valve type on pulmonary hypertension and left atrial flow patterns: an preliminary study
by M. Evin & D. Tanne & P. Pibarot & R. Rieu - 187-189 Interest of isokinetic force–velocity relationships during low back pain evaluation
by M. Ripamonti & M. Ritz & D. Colin & A. Rahmani - 191-192 Dynamics of sit-to-stand motions: effect of seat height, handle use and asymmetrical motions
by T. Robert & J. Causse & X. Wang - 193-194 kinematics of the shoulder: comparison with data during arm flexion
by S. Duprey & D. Subit & D. Lessley & H. Guillemot & R. Kent - 195-196 Non-invasive assessment of human ribs mechanical properties
by D. Tran & K. Bruyere-Garnier & A. Didier & J. Minonzio & J. Foiret & N. Vilayphiou & M. Talmant & P. Laugier & D. Mitton - 197-198 Posture and lumbago: does a stabilometric platform help in identifying pain?
by Y. Huard & W. Bertucci - 199-201 Peak forces of the rotator cuff muscles during activity of daily livings performed by a wheelchair user
by L. Fradet & F. Marin & J. Rasmussen & S. Wolf - 203-204 On the rotary remodelling equilibrium of bone
by V. Sansalone & S. Naili & A. Di Carlo - 205-207 Mechanical response and failure processes of anterior cruciate ligament from static to dynamic loading rates
by S. Pattofatto & V. Fortineau & S. Guerard & S. Laporte - 209-210 Computational assessment of the coefficient of friction on cementless hip replacement stability
by H. Ozturk & P. Nair & M. Browne - 211-213 Reliability and reproducibility of two different inertial dynamometers for determining muscular profile
by G. Ravier - 215-216 Three-dimensional kinematic and dynamic analysis of the crawl tumble turn performance: the expertise effect
by F. Puel & J. Morlier & M. Mesnard & M. Cid & P. Hellard - 217-218 Semi-automated algorithm for cortical and trabecular bone separation from CT scans
by K. Janc & J. Tarasiuk & A. Bonnet & P. Lipinski - 219-220 The Peronnet–Thibault mathematical model applied to the record power profile in cycling
by J. Pinot & F. Grappe - 221-222 A new 3D geometrical modelling of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
by J. Gesbert & B. Colobert & Ph. Violas & J. Dufournet & D. Vervaeke & L. Rakotomanana - 223-225 Mechanical and physicochemical multiscale analysis of cortical bone
by L. Cueru & A. Trunfio sfarghiu & Y. Bala & B. Depalle & Y. Berthier & H. Follet - 227-229 Propulsive efficiency of a multilayer anisotropic fin in fluid–structure interaction
by B. Mahiou & F. Razafimahery & S. Rakotomanana - 231-232 A tibia model database from CT scan
by S. Quijano & L. Jiabin & A. Serrurier & E. Jolivet & W. Skalli - 233-234 Influence of body segment masses on articular efforts computation for lateral transfer movement of a paraplegic individual
by J.-F. Debril & P. Pudlo & E. Simoneau & D. Pradon & Y. Dessery & P. Gorce & F. Lepoutre - 235-236 Viscoelastic assessment of skin quality for clinical applications
by S. Darwiche & N. Ait Bouziad & W. Raffoul & L. Applegate & D. Pioletti - 237-239 The convex wrapping algorithm
by E. Desailly & P. Sardain & N. Khouri & D. Yepremian & P. Lacouture - 241-242 Parametric study of a spherical head model in fluid‐structure interaction
by A. El Baroudi & F. Razafimahery & L. Rakotomanana - 243-245 Interest of video analysis for the lower back pain patient: a premilinary study
by A. Lemaire & M. Ripamonti & Y. Delpierre & M. Ritz & A. Rahmani - 247-248 Identification of geometrical parameters of femoral heads for hip joint mechanical model
by M. Villars & E. Fournier & F. Richard & S. Thibaud - 249-251 Identification of material parameters of cartilage for hip joint mechanical model
by M. Villars & E. Fournier & F. Richard - 253-254 Fabrication and characterisation of an artificial vascularised human skin
by A. Passot & G. Cabodevila - 255-256 GAO parameter identification method in biomechanics
by N. Harb & N. Labed & M. Domaszewski & F. Peyraut - 257-259 First application of an axial speed of sound measurement technique in the monitoring of tendon healing
by C. Vergari & P. Pourcelot & B. Ravary-Plumioën & A. Dupays & S. Jacquet & J. Denoix & D. Mitton & P. Laugier & N. Crevier-Denoix - 261-262 Nanoscale mechanical analysis of dental filling composite and its finite element modelling
by R. Eichlerová & J. Lukeš & J. Šepitka - 263-264 Does mechanical loading influence development of osteoarthritis in hip joint?
by Z. Horak & P. Kubovy & J. Horakova - 265-266 Dynamic nanoindentation of porcine spinal zygapophyseal joint cartilage
by J. Šepitka & M. Otáhal & J. Lukeš - 267-268 Computation of forces acting in temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles during mastication
by M. Vilimek & T. Goldmann - 269-270 Compression sleeves limit the stride alteration at maximal aerobic velocity
by A. Menetrier & N. Tordi - 271-272 Hepatic cell encapsulation for applications in tissue engineering
by N. Tran & S. Capone & M. Dufresne & P. Paullier & C. Legallais - 273-274 A finite element model of the rat brain for injury investigation
by D. Baumgartner & M. Lamy & R. Willinger & J. Davidsson - 275-276 Effects of implant positioning in cementless total hip replacements
by M. Bah & M. Browne & P. Young & R. Bryan & V. Bui Xuan - 277-278 Image-based modelling and simulation of human anatomy
by P. Young & D. Raymont & V. Bui Xuan - 279-280 Numerical simulation of thermoablation in living tissues
by M. Racila & J. Crolet - 281-282 Development of an innovative animal model of bone repair on deer antlers
by L. Obert & F. Gindraux - 283-284 Biological membranes for bone repair
by P. Garbuio & L. Obert & G. Pebre & J. Pauchot & B. Flamans & H. Petite & Y. Tropet & F. Pouthier & C. Malugani & F. Gindraux - 285-287 Calculation of intracranial pressure in human brain using Darcy's and Biot's models
by J.-M. Drezet & K. Shahim
2011, Volume 14, Issue 12
- 1021-1031 Finite element modelling of equestrian helmet impacts exposes the need to address rotational kinematics in future helmet designs
by M. Forero Rueda & L. Cui & M. Gilchrist - 1033-1039 A new single-end mainstream CO capnograph
by Jiachen Yang & Bin Wang & Chaowei Fan & Lei Wang - 1041-1047 Proposal of a thorax segment coordinate system for the 3D kinematical analysis of the cervical spine
by L. Boussion & P. Bahuaud & L. Cheze - 1049-1057 A modified human head model for the study of impact head injury
by Wenyi Yan & Oscar Pangestu - 1059-1063 Algorithm and validation of a computer method for quantifying attachment locus of glenohumeral ligament
by Hippolite Amadi & Anthony Bull - 1065-1070 Validation of the Boussinesq equation for use in traction field determination
by Zhaochun Yang - 1071-1077 Computation models simulating notochordal cell extinction during early ageing of an intervertebral disc
by K. Louman-Gardiner & D. Coombe & C. Hunter - 1079-1088 Modelling skeletal muscle fibre orientation arrangement
by Y. Lu & H. Zhu & S. Richmond & J. Middleton - 1089-1095 Image assessment of MSCT and CBCT scans for rapid maxillary expansion: a pilot study
by Pollyana Moura & Gilson Giraldi & Pedro Lira & Diego Leite & Paulo Rodrigues & Marcelo Faria & Bianca Gutfilen - 1097-1104 Quantitative measurement of speech sound distortions with the aid of minimum variance spectral estimation method for dentistry use
by L. Bereteu & G. Drăgănescu & D. Stănescu & C. Sinescu - 1105-1111 Estimation of independent and dependent components of non-invasive EMG using fast ICA: validation in recognising complex gestures
by Ganesh Naik & Dinesh Kumar - 1113-1116 The influence of implant number and abutment design on the biomechanical behaviour of bone for an implant-supported fixed prosthesis: a finite element study in the upper anterior region
by I. Hasan & C. Bourauel & L. Keilig & S. Reimann & F. Heinemann - 1117-1131 Modelling active transport in Drosophila unipolar motor neurons
by A. Kuznetsov
2011, Volume 14, Issue 11
- 927-937 Computational haemodynamics in two idealised cerebral wide-necked aneurysms after stent placement
by Shengzhang Wang & Guanghong Ding & Yisen Zhang & Xinjian Yang - 939-946 Estimating joint kinematics from skin motion observation: modelling and validation
by Alon Wolf & Merav Senesh - 947-956 Biomechanical differences of Coflex-F and pedicle screw fixation combined with TLIF or ALIF – a finite element study
by Cheng-Chan Lo & Kai-Jow Tsai & Zheng-Cheng Zhong & Shih-Hao Chen & Chinghua Hung - 957-968 A computational method for developing hierarchical large deformation viscoelastic models of the contracting heart
by Sima Witman & Ofer Barnea & Amit Gefen - 969-978 Biomechanical effect after Coflex and Coflex rivet implantation for segmental instability at surgical and adjacent segments: a finite element analysis
by Cheng-Chan Lo & Kai-Jow Tsai & Shih-Hao Chen & Zheng-Cheng Zhong & Chinghua Hung - 979-985 Finite element investigation of implant-supported fixed partial prosthesis in the premaxilla in immediately loaded and osseointegrated states
by I. Hasan & F. Heinemann & S. Reimann & L. Keilig & C. Bourauel - 987-993 Numerical and series solutions of the peristaltic motion of an Oldroyd 8-constant fluid in an endoscope
by S. Nadeem & Noreen Akbar & T. Hayat & Awatif Hendi - 995-1007 Physiological control of an in-series connected pulsatile VAD: numerical simulation study
by Yubing Shi & Yuhui Shi & Theodosios Korakianitis - 1009-1019 Effects of sitting postures on risks for deep tissue injury in the residuum of a transtibial prosthetic-user: a biomechanical case study
by S. Portnoy & I. Siev-Ner & N. Shabshin & A. Gefen
2011, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 837-851 HEMETβ: improvement of hepatocyte metabolism mathematical model
by G. Orsi & C. De Maria & M. Guzzardi & F. Vozzi & G. Vozzi - 853-862 Viscous flow through slowly expanding or contracting porous walls with low seepage Reynolds number: a model for transport of biological fluids through vessels
by Saeed Dinarvand - 863-874 A computational method for reliable gait event detection and abnormality detection for feedback in rehabilitation
by Chathuri Senanayake & S. Senanayake - 875-882 Finite element analysis of aortic root dilation: a new procedure to reproduce pathology based on experimental data
by F. Auricchio & M. Conti & S. Demertzis & S. Morganti - 883-892 Wear analysis in anatomical and reversed shoulder prostheses
by N. Ribeiro & J. Folgado & P. Fernandes & J. Monteiro - 893-904 Gaussian curvature analysis allows for automatic block placement in multi-block hexahedral meshing
by Austin Ramme & Kiran Shivanna & Vincent Magnotta & Nicole Grosland - 905-914 Towards automatic quantification of the epicardial fat in non-contrasted CT images
by Jorge Barbosa & Bruno Figueiredo & Nuno Bettencourt & João Tavares - 915-925 Respiratory deposition model of an inhaled aerosol bolus
by Chien-Wen Huang & Chun Pei & Chien-Hua Huang
2011, Volume 14, Issue 09
- 763-771 Sensitivity analysis of periprosthetic healing to cell migration, growth factor and post-operative gap using a mechanobiological model
by Pascal Swider & D. Ambard & G. Guérin & Kjeld Søballe & Joan Bechtold - 773-781 Segmentation of foot and ankle complex based on kinematic criteria
by Hossein Rouhani & Julien Favre & Xavier Crevoisier & Brigitte Jolles & Kamiar Aminian - 783-795 Isomap transform for segmenting human body shapes
by P. Cerveri & K. Sarro & M. Marchente & R. Barros - 797-802 Patient-specific computational haemodynamics: generation of structured and conformal hexahedral meshes from triangulated surfaces of vascular bifurcations
by G. De Santis & M. De Beule & P. Segers & P. Verdonck & B. Verhegghe - 803-817 A finite element model of stress-mediated vascular adaptation: application to abdominal aortic aneurysms
by Shahrokh Zeinali-Davarani & Azadeh Sheidaei & Seungik Baek - 819-826 Can the size of the epiphysis determine the number of secondary ossification centers? A mathematical approach
by Diego Garzón-Alvarado - 827-835 Numerical simulation of microneedles' insertion into skin
by X. Kong & P. Zhou & C. Wu
2011, Volume 14, Issue 08
- 673-681 Influence of the method of TM joint total replacement implantation on the loading of the joint on the opposite side
by R. Jirman & Z. Horak & T. Bouda & J. Mazanek & J. Reznicek - 683-694 Pulsatile non-Newtonian haemodynamics in a 3D bifurcating abdominal aortic aneurysm model
by J. Ma & A. Turan - 695-705 Parametric convergence sensitivity and validation of a finite element model of the human lumbar spine
by Ugur Ayturk & Christian Puttlitz - 707-713 A novel video-based method using projected light to measure trunk volumes during respiration
by Angélica Lodovico & Pietro Cerveri & Giancarlo Ferrigno & Ricardo Barros - 715-720 Reproducibility of geometrical acquisition of intra-thoracic organs of children on CT scans
by François Coulongeat & Mohamed-Salah Jarrar & Thierry Serre & Lionel Thollon - 721-728 The influence of data shape acquisition process and geometric accuracy of the mandible for numerical simulation
by C. Relvas & A. Ramos & A. Completo & J. Simões - 729-739 The effect of degenerative morphological changes of the intervertebral disc on the lumbar spine biomechanics: a poroelastic finite element investigation
by Fabio Galbusera & Hendrik Schmidt & Cornelia Neidlinger-Wilke & Hans-Joachim Wilke - 741-746 Numerical simulation of cross-country skiing
by Peter Carlsson & Mats Tinnsten & Mats Ainegren - 747-753 Image-based midsole insert design and the material effects on heel plantar pressure distribution during simulated walking loads
by Y. Gu & J. Li & M. Lake & Y. Zeng & X. Ren & Z. Li - 755-761 Effect of axis alignment on shoulder kinematics
by N. Hagemeister & M. Senk & R. Dumas & L. Chèze
2011, Volume 14, Issue 07
- 581-594 Accuracy of computer-aided geometric 3D reconstruction based on histological serial microgrinding preparation
by Thomas Rau & Andreas Hussong & Anna Herzog & Omid Majdani & Thomas Lenarz & Martin Leinung - 595-602 Thermal and hydrodynamic modelling of active catheters for interventional radiology
by Emilie Marchandise & Patrice Flaud & Laurent Royon & Raphaël Blanc & Jérome Szewczyk - 603-613 Segmentation of left ventricle in short-axis echocardiographic sequences by weighted radial edge filtering and adaptive recovery of dropout regions
by Prashant Bansod & U. Desai & S. Merchant & Nitin Burkule - 615-620 A technical method using musculoskeletal model to analyse dynamic properties of muscles during human movement
by Gang Tang & Xi-an Zhang & Lin-lin Zhang & Hong-sheng Wang & Wen-zhong Nie & Cheng-tao Wang