2012, Volume 15, Issue S1
- 81-82 Finite element vertebral model for fracture risk prediction: comparison of a full CT-based model versus two media simplified model, a preliminary study
by C. Travert & N. Vilayphiou & H. Follet & W. Skalli - 83-84 validation of non-invasive aortic compliance measurements using MRI
by M. Khalife & D. Rodriguez & L. de Rochefort & E. Durand - 85-86 Development of a model to analyse foot biomechanics using dynamic 3D surface scanning
by I. Van den Herrewegen & K. Cuppens & M. Broeckx & H. Vertommen & M. Mertens & L. Peeraer - 87-88 The effect of the thermal treatment on the stress–corrosion of nickel–titanium wires
by L. Čapek & D. Čapek & A. ŠimŮnek - 89-90 Nanoindentation characterisation of poly(-lactide)/collagen nanocomposites
by T. Suchý & Š. Rýglová & Z. Sucharda & K. Balík & J. Šepitka & J. Lukeš - 91-92 The influence of sterilisation processes on the micromechanical properties of polyamide fibre-reinforced PDMS composites for orthopaedic applications
by R. Sedláček & T. Suchý & Z. Sucharda & K. Balík & M. Sochor & J. Šepitka & J. Lukeš - 93-95 Fatigue life prediction of cardiovascular stent using finite element method
by M. Azaouzi & A. Makradi & S. Belouettar - 96-98 Variation of foot-to-foot resistance measured by body fat analysers with electrode geometry and contact area
by Sana Bousbiat & Michel Jaffrin & Imen Assadi - 99-101 Numerical durability evaluation of Nitinol stent
by M. Ackermann & L. Čapek - 102-103 A human skin culture system for a wound-healing model
by A. Mitbauerová & G. Rolin & S. Robin & H. Tauzin & E. Jacquet & P. Muret & P. Humbert - 104-105 A new optical feedback interferometer for measuring red blood cell velocity distributions in individual capillaries: a feasibility study in microchannels
by L. Campagnolo & S. Roman & J. Perchoux & S. Lorthois - 106-107 Quasi-static failure properties of the human gastro-colic ligament
by O. Chebil & M. Behr & P.-J. Arnoux - 108-109 Non-invasive method for measuring local pulse wave velocity in arteries: part I
by K. Abdessalem & P. Flaud & W. Shtout & R. Salah - 110-112 Thermo-mechanics of growth and mass transfer: morphogenesis of seashells
by P. Ciarletta & L. Preziosi & G. Maugin - 113-115 Study of the renal cortex by light scattering
by N. Zerrari & J.-F. Palierne & D. Mitton & S. Nicolle - 116-119 Flow dynamics characterisation of a novel perfusion-type bioreactor for bone tissue engineering
by Y. Knapp & V. Deplano & E. Bertrand - 120-121 Morphometric classification of cranial vault deformation in trigonocephaly: a preliminary study in 10 patients
by X. Pronost & P. Swider & F. Lauwers & F. Jalbert - 122-123 Comparative approach of predatory/feeding behaviours in Tetrapods
by V. Bels & P. Legreneur - 127-128 Use of motion trackers for equine locomotion analysis to implement a horse simulator
by S. Mager-Maury & S. Biau & S. Deslandes - 129-131 3D accelerometric assessment of the gait of dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture
by P. Pillard & S. Gibert & E. Viguier - 132-134 Use of a 3D dynamometric horseshoe for the measurement of grip parameters in a horse cantering on right and left circles on two surfaces
by M. Camus & H. Chateau & L. Holden-Douilly & D. Robin & S. Falala & B. Ravary-Plumiöen & P. Pourcelot & N. Crevier-Denoix - 135-136 Prey effect on Capture Kinematics in (Iguania, Squamata)
by L.-N. Zghikh & P. Legreneur & D. Nonclercq & C. Remy & V. Bels - 140-142 Evaluation of the effectiveness of bandages on restricting carpus range of motion in healthy dogs at a walk using electrogoniometry
by S. Gibert & C. Carozzo & T. Cachon & D. Fau & J. Genevois & E. Viguier - 143-144 Effects of ground surface on the equine superficial digital flexor tendon loading at the walk and trot
by B. Ravary-Plumiöen & P. Pourcelot & C. Vergari & L. Desquilbet & N. Crevier-Denoix - 145-147 Synergies between humanoid robotics and biomechanics for motion generation
by K. Mombaur - 148-150 Simulating the effect of upper-body inertia on human balance recovery
by Zohaib Aftab & Thomas Robert & Pierre-Brice Wieber - 151-152 A machine learning approach to reaching tasks
by D. Marin & O. Sigaud - 153-155 Biomechanical versus robotic indices to assess isometric force generation capabilities
by N. Rezzoug & J. Jacquier-Bret & V. Hernandez & P. Gorce - 156-158 Generation of human-like motion on anthropomorphic systems using inverse dynamics
by L. Saab & P. Souères & N. Mansard & J. Fourquet - 159-161 Comparison of muscle loadings between power and pinch grip tasks
by B. de Monsabert & J. Rossi & E. Berton & L. Vigouroux - 162-164 Effect of velocity on muscular coordination during isokinetic lifting: a preliminary study on healthy subjects
by J. Frère & A. Lemaire & A. Laï-Man & M. Ripamonti & M. Ritz & A. Rahmani - 165-166 Specific neuromuscular fatigue induced by repetitive isoload concentric knee extension
by M. Plautard & C. Cornu & G. Guilhem & A. Guevel - 167-170 Biomechanical model of the ankle to estimate the musculotendinous forces during an isometric plantar flexion
by S. Bennour & N. Zarrouk & M. Dogui & L. Romdhane & J.-P. Merlet - 171-172 Gait abnormalities in type 1 myotonic muscular dystrophy: 3D motion analysis, energy cost and surface EMG
by V. Tiffreau & C. Detrembleur & P. Van Den Bergh & A. Renders & V. Kinet & T. Lejeune - 173-174 Computation of the mechanical power of a manual wheelchair user in actual conditions: preliminary results
by C. Sauret & P. Vaslin & R. Dumas & L. Cheze & F. Lavaste - 175-176 Gait analysis of amputee people in limiting situations of daily living
by C. Villa & H. Pillet & P. Fode & J. Paysant & C. Sauret & N. Martinet & F. Lavaste - 177-179 Description and classification of the effect of hamstrings lengthening in cerebral palsy children multi-site surgery
by A. Sebsadji & N. Khouri & K. Djemal & D. Yepremian & F. Hareb & P. Hoppenot & E. Desailly - 180-182 Dynamic footprint analysis by time-of-flight camera
by W. Samson & A. Van Hamme & S. Sanchez & L. Chèze & S. Van Sint Jan & V. Feipel - 183-185 Joint and segment coordinate systems revisited
by R. Dumas & T. Robert & V. Pomero & L. Cheze - 186-188 Improvement of musculoskeletal model inputs: adjustment of acceleration by dynamic optimisation
by F. Leboeuf & F. Colloud - 189-190 Froude and Strouhal dimensionless numbers to study human gait: an experimental approach
by D. Villeger & N. Delattre & B. Watier & P. Moretto - 191-193 Multi-body optimisation with deformable ligament constraints: influence of ligament geometry
by X. Gasparutto & R. Dumas & E. Jacquelin - 194-196 Feasibility of incorporating a soft tissue artefact model in multi-body optimisation
by V. Richard & V. Camomilla & L. Cheze & A. Cappozzo & R. Dumas - 197-199 Biomechanics of the human hip joint
by N. Bonneau & O. Gagey & C. Tardieu - 200-202 A non invasive protocol for the estimation of lumbar spine kinematics
by K. Mansour & T. Dao & F. Charleux & Á. Lazáry & P. Varga & M. Ho Ba Tho & F. Marin - 203-205 Kinematics of human spine during hippotherapy
by T. Goldmann & M. Vilimek - 206-207 Influence of lower limbs strength on trunk flexion and extension in chronic low back pain patients
by A. Lemaire & M. Ripamonti & M. Ritz & A. Rahmani - 208-209 Validation of a volumic model to obtain personalized body segment inertial parameters for people sitting in a wheelchair
by A. Kollia & H. Pillet & J. Bascou & C. Villa & C. Sauret & F. Lavaste - 210-211 Evolutions of the wheelchair user's centre of mass and centre of pressure according to the seat fore-aft position during sprinting: a case study of an elite wheelchair tennis player
by J. Bascou & C. Sauret & H. Pillet & A. Bonnefoy & P. Thoreux & F. Lavaste - 212-214 Analysis of the agreement between the Fortius cycling ergometer and the PowerTap powermeter PO during time trials of 6 and 30 min
by W. Bertucci - 215-217 Evolution of pedalling biomechanics during a Wingate test for different cyclist types: a preliminary study
by J. Jeanniot & W. Bertucci - 218-219 New performance indicators for BMX riders
by X. Chiementin & S. Crequy & L. Rasolofondraibe & W. Bertucci - 220-223 Comparison of motor strategy between confirmed and professional cyclists during an incremental maximal test
by J. Bernard & C. Hayot & A. Decatoire & P. Lacouture - 224-226 Experimental and computational studies of the front crawl swimming, at the end of the entry-and-stretch phase
by Mathias Samson & Anthony Bernard & Laurent David - 227-228 Does bilateral index differ between countermovement jump, drop jump and squat jump?
by E. Simoneau & A. Toumi & C. Gillet & S. Leteneur - 229-230 Method to assess the effect of the position in the starting blocks on the acceleration phase of an elite female sprinter
by J.-F. Debril & F. Durand & P. Lacouture - 231-233 On the effect of playing surfaces on lower limb intersegmental loads
by P. Rouch & X. Drevelle & L. Benouaich & P. Thoreux - 234-236 Effects of different types of tyres and surfaces on the power output in the mountain bike field conditions: a preliminary study
by W. Bertucci & S. Rogier - 237-239 Design and prototyping of a system for ankle spasticity quantification
by S. Deslandes & A. Baudet & M. Berthelot & S. Grancher & F. Moissenet - 240-242 Minimal predicted distance: a kinematic cue to investigate collision avoidance between walkers
by A.-H. Olivier & A. Marin & A. Crétual & J. Pettré - 243-245 Normal/tangential force proportion during steering under simulation condition
by Jessica Schiro & François Gabrielli & Philippe Pudlo & Franck Barbier & Mohamed Djemai - 246-249 Development of a 3D accelerometric device for gait analysis in dogs
by P. Pillard & S. Gibert & E. Viguier - 250-252 Is the time of release during a precision throwing task, predictable?
by Clint Hansen & Nasser Rezzoug & Philippe Gorce & Brice Isableu - 253-255 Low-cost motion capture systems in practice
by Clint Hansen & Jean-Louis Honeine & David Gibas & Nasser Rezzoug & Philippe Gorce & Brice Isableu - 256-258 Quantifying standing posture during multi-joint movements
by Clint Hansen & Qin Wei & Jiann-Shing Shieh & Nasser Rezzoug & Philippe Gorce & Brice Isableu - 259-260 Quantification of facial movements by motion capture
by L. Edward & S. Dakpe & P. Feissel & B. Devauchelle & F. Marin - 261-262 New statistic analysis for BMX rider
by X. Chiementin & S. Crequy & W. Bertucci - 263-265 Simulation of muscle retraction in cerebral palsy. Validation of a decision support system for surgical lengthening of contractured muscles
by E. Desailly & A. Sebsadji & D. Yepremian & F. Hareb & N. Khouri - 266-268 Atypical EMG activation patterns of the elbow extensors after complete C6 tetraplegia during isometric contractions: a case report
by S. Cremoux & J. Tallet & E. Berton & F. Dal Maso & D. Amarantini - 269-270 Analysis of revolution time variability in cycling pattern
by Th. Warlop & B. Bollens & F. Crevecoeur & Ch. Detrembleur & Th. Lejeune - 271-271 Passive skeletal muscle mechanical behaviour: considerations for constitutive modelling
by C. Simms - 272-273 Epidemiological study applied to the design of wrist guard
by C. Thoraval & R. Carreira & C. Barla & H. Morvan & A. Dubrulle & P. Drazetic & J. Delay & J. Frere - 274-276 Mechanical characterisation under cycling loading of humerus cortical bone
by R. Bry & B. Bennani & R. Delille & H. Morvan & A. Hault-Dubrulle & C. Fontaine - 277-278 Geometric variability of ribs, costal cartilages and sternums from childhood to teenage
by B. Sandoz & A. Badina & S. Laporte & K. Lambot & D. Mitton & W. Skalli - 279-280 Analysis of the cortical bone thickness of human thorax based on multi-scale imaging techniques
by O. Mayeur & F. Chaari & R. Delille & P. Drazetic & E. Markiewicz - 281-282 Characterisation of the difference in fracture mechanics between children and adult cortical bone
by J.-Ph. Berteau & M. Pithioux & C. Baron & E. Gineyts & H. Follet & Ph. Lasaygues & P. Chabrand - 283-284 Quasi-static failure properties of the human gastro-colic ligament
by O. Chebil & M. Behr & P.-J. Arnoux - 285-287 Influence of the velocity on the fracture of the femoral neck for lateral compression tests
by S. Laporte & S. Guerard & S. Persohn & W. Skalli - 288-290 Cosserat 3D anisotropic models of trabecular bone from the homogenisation of the trabecular structure
by I. Goda & M. Assidi & J. Ganghoffer - 291-292 Links between microstructural properties of cancellous bone and its mechanical response to different strain rates
by M. Prot & D. Saletti & S. Pattofatto & V. Bousson & S. Laporte - 293-294 biomechanical response of ovine heads to shaken baby syndrome events
by B. Sandoz & J. Dutshke & Q. Liu & J. Manavis & J. Finnie & R. Vink & R. Anderson - 295-297 Influence of pre-crash driver posture on injury outcome: airbag interaction with human upper extremities
by A. Hault-Dubrulle & F. Robache & R. Delille & D. Lesueur & P. Drazetic & H. Morvan & G. Wavreille & X. Demondion & C. Fontaine - 298-300 Geometrical personalisation of human FE model using palpable markers on volunteers
by D. Poulard & F. Bermond & R. Dumas & K. Bruyere & S. Compigne - 301-302 Injury criteria of knee joint regarding car–pedestrian impact environments
by Fuhao Mo & Pierre Arnoux & Dominique Cesari & Catherine Masson - 303-305 Comparison of geometrical models of cranial bone samples for the identification of an apparent elastic modulus
by F. Vandenbulcke & K. Bruyere & C. Masson & R. Delille & D. Lesueur & P. Drazetic - 306-308 Investigation on the interindividual differences influence on submarining in frontal crash
by C. Luet & X. Trosseille & P. Potier & G. Vallancien & P. Drazetic - 309-310 Development and validation of a bicycle helmet: assessment of head injury risk under standard impact conditions
by G. Milne & C. Deck & R. Carreira & Q. Allinne & R. Willinger - 311-312 On the use of Hopkinson bar-bending apparatus to study soft impact on porcine ribs
by R. Aubert & J. Pavier & N. Eches & A. Langlet & P. Bailly - 313-315 Experimental and numerical characterisation of the mechanical behaviour of the cranial bone
by J. Halgrin & S. Shiri & C. Marechal & G. Haugou & F. Bresson & T. Colard - 316-318 production and biomechanical experimental analysis of thoracolumbar burst fractures
by A. Germaneau & M. Saget & S. D'houtaud & P. Doumalin & J.-C. Dupre & F. Hesser & F. Bremand & P. Maxy & P. Rigoard - 319-320 Peri-operative exercise training programme for hip arthroplasty: the effect on locomotion
by F. Prince & V. Bouffard - 321-323 An optimisation approach of a new dynamic spinal device
by L. Hocquard & O. Gille & M. Mesnard - 324-325 Implant fixation of novel and commercial TMJ implants
by A. Ramos & M. Mesnard & C. Relvas & A. Completo & J. Simôes - 326-327 Investigation of hinge knee behaviour using a dynamic finite element model of the lower limb
by L. Zach & S. Konvickova & P. Ruzicka - 328-330 Design a total hip prosthesis with modular channel under CAD environment
by Y. Benabid & K. Benfriha & T. Chettibi & A. Aoussat - 331-332 Parametric study of interstitial fluid flow in the bone lacuno-canalicular network
by T. Lemaire & J. Kaiser & S. Naili & V. Sansalone - 333-334 Mechanical coupling effects into a – vertebral segment
by E. Estivalezes & J. Briot & K. Abelin-Genevois & F. Accabled & J. Sales de Gauzy & P. Swider - 335-336 Nanoindentation of intervertebral disc tissues localised by SHG imaging
by J. Šepitka & J. Lukeš & L. Staněk & E. Filová & Z. Burdíková & J. Řezníček - 337-339 Comparison of the effect of locking standard screws on the mechanical properties of bone-plate constructs in a comminuted diaphyseal fracture model
by M. Verset & S. Palierne & D. Mathon & P. Swider & A. Autefage - 340-342 Measuring primary stability of cervical implant
by P. Henyš & L. Čapek - 343-344 A method to measure glenoid wear in 3D
by J. Ston & X. Larrea & A. Farron & D. Pioletti & A. Terrier - 345-347 Design and implementation of orthosis to improve gait of patients with hemiplegia
by Y. Benabid & T. Chettibi & A. Aoussat & K. Benfriha - 348-349 Assessing shoulder posture ergonomy thanks to a finite element analysis
by F. Abouelkhair & S. Duprey - 350-352 Biomechanical testing of the primary stability of macro and micro-roughnesses acetabular cups: a numerical and an experimental study
by S. Le Cann & A. Galland & S. Parratte & B. Rosa & J. Argenson & P. Chabrand - 353-354 Model of cancellous bone adaptation considering hypermineralised bone tissue
by C. Yone & J. Milan & J. Rossi & J. Witz & M. Brieu & P. Chabrand - 355-356 Achilles tendon force and axial speed of sound: a calibration method under clinical conditions
by C. Vergari & D. Pradon & B. Ravary-Plumiöen & P. Pourcelot & N. Crevier-Denoix - 357-359 The bouncing mechanism of running in a transfemoral amputee wearing a blade prosthesis
by G. Mauroy & D. De Jaeger & J-M. Vanmarsenille & P. Willems - 360-362 Foot biomechanical modelling to study orthoses influence
by V. Luboz & A. Perrier & N. Vuillerme & M. Bucki & B. Diot & F. Cannard & Y. Payan - 363-364 The strain distribution for the natural and implanted hip joint articulation
by R. Duarte & A. Ramos & C. Relvas & A. Completo & J. Simões - 365-367 Relevance of skin deformation to track the scapula during forward humeral elevations
by F. Leboeuf & C. Schwartz & S. Brochard & M. Lempereur & V. Burdin & O. Remy-Neris - 368-370 Scapulo–thoracic kinematics in children: accuracy and reliability
by M. Lempereur & S. Brochard & O. Remy-Neris - 371-373 A simple method to compare body and upper limb kinetics in the course of pointing task
by James Richardson & Simon Bouisset & Clint Hansen & Christian Ribreau - 374-376 Determination of force platform parameters during sit-to-stand movement in elderly: a preliminary study
by F. Chorin & C. Cornu & B. Beaune & A. Rahmani - 377-378 Posture and chronic gonalgia in the elderly: contribution of osteopathic treatment
by Y. Huard
2012, Volume 15, Issue 12
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1257-1262 An inverse approach for the mechanical characterisation of vascular tissues via a generalised rule of mixtures
by Facundo Bellomo & Sergio Oller & Liz Nallim - 1263-1271 Modelling transport of layered double hydroxide nanoparticles in axons and dendrites of cortical neurons
by A. Kuznetsov - 1273-1280 Characterisation and simulation of an active microvalve for glaucoma
by F. Sassetti & F. Guarnieri & L. Garelli & M. Storti - 1281-1312 A fast strong coupling algorithm for the partitioned fluid–structure interaction simulation of BMHVs
by Sebastiaan Annerel & Joris Degroote & Tom Claessens & Sigrid Dahl & Bjørn Skallerud & Leif Hellevik & Peter Van Ransbeeck & Patrick Segers & Pascal Verdonck & Jan Vierendeels - 1313-1321 Automated measurement of neural foramen cross-sectional area during functional movement
by William Anderst - 1323-1328 An original clinical methodology for non-invasive assessment of pivot-shift test
by Nicola Lopomo & Stefano Zaffagnini & Cecilia Signorelli & Simone Bignozzi & Giovanni Giordano & Giulio Marcheggiani Muccioli & Andrea Visani - 1337-1346 Biomechanical analysis of the anterior cervical fusion
by P. Fernandes & P. Fernandes & J. Folgado & J. Levy Melancia - 1347-1357 Improved execution efficiency of model-based roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis: simplification and segmentation of model meshes
by Ci-Bin Syu & Shang-Chih Lin & Chung-Yi Huang & Jiing-Yih Lai & Kao-Shang Shih & Kuo-Jen Chen - 1359-1368 Interaction between the septum and the left (right) ventricular free wall in order to evaluate the effects on coronary blood flow: numerical simulation
by Claudio De Lazzari - 1369-1370 Call for Abstracts
by The Editors
2012, Volume 15, Issue 11
- 1129-1135 Verification of accuracy and validity of gait phase detection system using motion sensors for applying walking assistive FES
by Sunwoo Park & Kihong Ryu & Jungyoon Kim & Jongsang Son & Youngho Kim - 1137-1144 Mineral heterogeneity has a minor influence on the apparent elastic properties of human cancellous bone: a SRμCT-based finite element study
by Thomas Gross & Dieter Pahr & Françoise Peyrin & Philippe Zysset - 1145-1156 Multiaxial mechanical behaviour of the passive ureteral wall: experimental study and mathematical characterisation
by Dimitrios Sokolis - 1157-1179 Direct numerical simulation of a 2D-stented aortic heart valve at physiological flow rates
by Y. Dimakopoulos & A. Bogaerds & P. Anderson & M. Hulsen & F. Baaijens - 1181-1188 Towards an efficient and robust foot classification from pedobarographic images
by Francisco Oliveira & Andreia Sousa & Rubim Santos & João Tavares - 1197-1210 Triphasic mixture model of cell-mediated enzymatic degradation of hydrogels
by Franck Vernerey & Eric Greenwald & Stephanie Bryant - 1211-1221 Finite element study of a tissue-engineered cartilage transplant in human tibiofemoral joint
by Ali Vahdati & Diane Wagner - 1223-1232 A novel cross-shear metric for application in computer simulation of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene wear
by Anthony Petrella & Jeffrey Armstrong & Peter Laz & Paul Rullkoetter - 1233-1244 Role of helmet in the mechanics of shock wave propagation under blast loading conditions
by S. Ganpule & L. Gu & A. Alai & N. Chandra - 1245-1256 An automatic 2D–3D image matching method for reproducing spatial knee joint positions using single or dual fluoroscopic images
by Zhonglin Zhu & Guoan Li
2012, Volume 15, Issue 10
- 1015-1041 Left ventricular wall stress compendium
by L. Zhong & D. Ghista & R. Tan - 1043-1052 Growing multiblock structures: a semi-automated approach to block placement for multiblock hexahedral meshing
by Austin Ramme & Kiran Shivanna & Amy Criswell & Nicole Kallemeyn & Vincent Magnotta & Nicole Grosland - 1053-1063 Modelling 3D control of upright stance using an optimal control strategy
by Xingda Qu & Maury Nussbaum - 1065-1070 An approach to determine myocardial ischemia by hidden Markov models
by Xiaoying Tang & Li Xia & Weifeng Liu & Yuhua Peng & Tianxin Gao & Yanjun Zeng - 1071-1079 Biomechanical study on the edge shapes for penetrating keratoplasty
by Heow Lee & Han Zhuang - 1081-1092 Computer-based assessment of movement difficulties in Parkinson's disease
by Laura Cunningham & Chris Nugent & George Moore & Dewar Finlay & David Craig - 1093-1102 A physiology-based inverse dynamic analysis of human gait using sequential convex programming: a comparative study
by F. De Groote & B. Demeulenaere & J. Swevers & J. De Schutter & I. Jonkers - 1103-1109 An assessment of swinger techniques for the playground swing oscillatory motion
by Svein Linge - 1111-1119 Finite element and photoelastic modelling of an abdominal aortic aneurysm: a comparative study
by Anthony Callanan & Liam Morris & Tim McGloughlin - 1121-1128 Simulation of creep in non-homogenous samples of human cortical bone
by Ahmet Ertas & Keith Winwood & Peter Zioupos & John Cotton
2012, Volume 15, Issue 9
- 899-910 Postural sway parameters using a triaxial accelerometer: comparing elderly and young healthy adults
by Rigoberto Martinez-Mendez & Masaki Sekine & Toshiyo Tamura - 911-917 A reciprocal connection factor for assessing knee-joint function
by Wangdo Kim & Sean Kohles - 919-924 A virtual environment for learning to view during aerial movements
by Maurice Yeadon & Jon Knight - 925-934 Muscle-driven finite element simulation of human foot movements
by L. Spyrou & N. Aravas - 935-947 Implant–bone interface healing and adaptation in resurfacing hip replacement
by Alexander Dickinson & Andrew Taylor & Martin Browne - 949-952 Pulse transit time reveals drug kinetics on vascular changes affected by propofol
by Yuan-Chun Lan & Ching-Hui Shen & Hsung-Ming Kang & Fok-Ching Chong - 953-961 The muscle line of action in current models of the human cervical spine: a comparison with MRI data
by Rudolf Jaeger & Frieder Mauch & Bernd Markert - 963-979 Computational modelling of the natural hip: a review of finite element and multibody simulations
by Adam Stops & Ruth Wilcox & Zhongmin Jin - 981-991 Geometrical optimisation of a biochip microchannel fluidic separator
by Xiangdong Xue & Mayur Patel & Chris Bailey & Marc Desmulliez - 993-999 Inverse analysis and robustness evaluation for biological structure behaviour in FE simulation: application to the liver
by Cécile Conte & Catherine Masson & Pierre-Jean Arnoux - 1001-1009 Estimation of trunk mechanical properties using system identification: effects of experimental setup and modelling assumptions
by Babak Bazrgari & Maury Nussbaum & Michael Madigan - 1011-1012 Letters to the Editor
by Richard Aspden - 1013-1014 Letters to the Editor
by Alireza Abouhossein & Bernhard Weisse & Stephen Ferguson
2012, Volume 15, Issue 8
- 787-793 Advanced material modelling in numerical simulation of primary acetabular press-fit cup stability
by R. Souffrant & C. Zietz & A. Fritsche & D. Kluess & W. Mittelmeier & R. Bader - 795-800 Finite element analysis of stress distribution in intact and porcelain veneer restored teeth
by M. Matson & H. Lewgoy & D. Barros Filho & R. Amore & A. Anido-Anido & R. Alonso & M. Carrilho & C. Anauate-Netto - 801-806 Reduction of knee range of motion during continuous passive motion due to misaligned hip joint centre
by Yoon Kim & Kyungsoo Kim & Won Park & Kyoung Yoon - 807-814 Computational simulation of internal bone remodelling around dental implants: a sensitivity analysis
by Istabrak Hasan & Alireza Rahimi & Ludger Keilig & Kai-Thomas Brinkmann & Christoph Bourauel - 815-824 Optimisation of the mean boat velocity in rowing
by G. Rauter & L. Baumgartner & J. Denoth & R. Riener & P. Wolf - 825-833 Development of new spacer device geometry: a CFD study (Part I)
by Ricardo Oliveira & Senhorinha Teixeira & Luís Silva & José Teixeira & Henedina Antunes - 835-844 Prediction of shape and internal structure of the proximal femur using a modified level set method for structural topology optimisation
by Mahsa Bahari & Farzam Farahmand & Gholamreza Rouhi & Mohammad Movahhedy - 845-858 A numerically validated probabilistic model of a simplified total hip replacement construct
by Loujaine Mehrez & Martin Browne - 859-864 Prediction of quantitative intrathoracic fluid volume to diagnose pulmonary oedema using LabVIEW
by Shabana Urooj & M. Khan & A. Ansari & Aimé Lay-Ekuakille & Ashok Salhan - 865-874 Failure locus of the anterior cruciate ligament: 3D finite element analysis
by Andrew Homyk & Alexander Orsi & Story Wibby & Nicholas Yang & Hamid Nayeb-Hashemi & Paul Canavan - 875-884 Using topological equivalence to discover stable control parameters in biodynamic systems
by Martin Tanaka & Shane Ross - 885-897 A theoretical study of bone remodelling under PEMF at cellular level
by Yanan Wang & Qing-Hua Qin
2012, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 681-689 Prediction and prenosological diagnostics of heart diseases based on energy characteristics of acupuncture points and fuzzy logic
by Riad Al-Kasasbeh & Nikolay Korenevskiy & Florin Ionescou & Mahdi Alshamasin & Alexander Kuzmin - 691-699 ModuleSearch: finding functional modules in a protein–protein interaction network
by Guangyu Cui & Rojan Shrestha & Kyungsook Han - 701-709 Analysis of tendinous actuation in balancing the maximal fingertip force for normal and abnormal forefinger system
by A. Sghaier & L. Romdhane & F. Ouezdou - 721-734 Medical image registration using fuzzy theory
by Meisen Pan & Jingtian Tang & Qi Xiong - 735-744 Neck muscle paths and moment arms are significantly affected by wrapping surface parameters
by Bethany Suderman & Bala Krishnamoorthy & Anita Vasavada - 745-751 Estimation of accuracy of patient-specific musculoskeletal modelling: case study on a post polio residual paralysis subject
by T. Dao & F. Marin & P. Pouletaut & F. Charleux & P. Aufaure & M. Ho Ba Tho - 753-759 A hybrid image processing system for X-ray images of an external fixator
by A. Aydin & T. İbrikçi & İ. Akçali - 761-769 Determination of typical patterns from strongly varying signals
by A. Bender & G. Bergmann - 771-778 Patient-specific modelling of pulmonary airflow using GPU cluster for the application in medical practice
by T. Miki & X. Wang & T. Aoki & Y. Imai & T. Ishikawa & K. Takase & T. Yamaguchi - 779-785 Predicting the external formation of a bone fracture callus: an optimisation approach
by D. Comiskey & B. MacDonald & W. McCartney & K. Synnott & J. O'Byrne
2012, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 563-569 Biomechanical analysis of foot with different foot arch heights: a finite element analysis
by Pi-Chang Sun & Shih-Liang Shih & Yu-Ling Chen & Yu-Chun Hsu & Ruei-Cheng Yang & Chen-Sheng Chen - 571-583 A mathematical model of medial collateral ligament repair: migration, fibroblast proliferation and collagen formation
by D. Garzón-Alvarado & R. Cárdenas Sandoval & J. Vanegas Acosta - 585-593 The development, calibration and validation of a numerical total knee replacement kinematics simulator considering laxity and unconstrained flexion motions
by Ryan Willing & Il Kim - 595-608 Statistical finite element method for real-time tissue mechanics analysis
by Seyed Mousavi & Iman Khalaji & Ali Sadeghi Naini & Kaamran Raahemifar & Abbas Samani - 609-613 Finite element analysis of stress distribution on modified retentive tips of bar clasp
by P. Oyar & C. Soyarslan & G. Can & E. Demirci - 615-625 An integrated geometric modelling framework for patient-specific computational haemodynamic study on wide-ranged vascular network
by Ryo Torii & Marie Oshima - 627-644 Feature selection based on a fuzzy complementary criterion: application to gait recognition using ground reaction forces
by S. Moustakidis & J. Theocharis & G. Giakas - 657-668 Estimates of muscle function in human gait depend on how foot-ground contact is modelled
by Tim Dorn & Yi-Chung Lin & Marcus Pandy - 669-680 Importance of realistic LVAD profiles for assisted aortic simulations: evaluation of optimal outflow anastomosis locations
by Alistair Brown & Yubing Shi & Andreas Arndt & Jörg Müller & Patricia Lawford & David Hose
2012, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 445-455 An extensive numerical simulation of the cephalic furrow formation in embryo
by R. Allena & D. Aubry - 457-466 Fast 3D reconstruction of the lower limb using a parametric model and statistical inferences and clinical measurements calculation from biplanar X-rays
by Y. Chaibi & T. Cresson & B. Aubert & J. Hausselle & P. Neyret & O. Hauger & J. de Guise & W. Skalli - 467-474 Pattern classification of kinematic and kinetic running data to distinguish gender, shod/barefoot and injury groups with feature ranking
by Bjoern Eskofier & Martin Kraus & Jay Worobets & Darren Stefanyshyn & Benno Nigg - 475-486 Quasi-linear viscoelastic properties of costal cartilage using atomic force microscopy
by S. Tripathy & E. Berger - 487-500 A procedure to refine joint kinematic assessments: Functional Alignment
by Kevin Ball & Thomas Greiner - 501-516 Assessment of a fictitious domain method for patient-specific biomechanical modelling of press-fit orthopaedic implantation
by L. Kallivokas & S.-W. Na & O. Ghattas & B. Jaramaz - 517-525 An efficient algorithm for retinal blood vessel segmentation using h-maxima transform and multilevel thresholding
by Marwan Saleh & C. Eswaran - 527-538 Sensitivity analysis of an energetic muscle model applied at whole body level in recumbent pedalling
by M. Bisi & R. Stagni & G. Gnudi - 539-546 Sensitivity analysis of hip joint centre estimation based on three-dimensional CT scans
by W. Bartels & J. Vander Sloten & I. Jonkers