August 2017, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 460-482 From mass consumer society to a society of consumers: Consumption and the experience of community in late modernity
by Matthew R. Colling & Josh Stovall & Jeremy Flaherty & Michael R. Cope & Ralph B. Brown - 483-498 Informing environmental problems through field analysis: Toward a community landscape theory of pro-environmental behavior
by Stephen Mainzer & A. E. Luloff - 499-514 Nonprofit participation in collective impact: A comparative case
by Katherine R. Cooper - 515-526 Rural versus urban perspectives on behavioral health issues and priorities
by Courtney A. Cuthbertson & Don E. Albrecht & Scott Loveridge - 527-545 The effectiveness of Habitat for Humanity as a neighborhood stabilization program: The case of Charlotte, North Carolina
by Elizabeth C. Delmelle & Elizabeth Morrell & Tara Bengle & Joe Howarth & Janni Sorensen - 546-565 Participatory management of community-based tourism: A network perspective
by Andrés Burgos & Frédéric Mertens - 566-581 Social capital and access to credit in post-conflict Lira, northern Uganda
by Joseph D. Malual & Robert E. Mazur - 582-596 The tyranny of research? Urban regeneration, ethnography, and the problem of unintended consequences
by Udi Engelsman & Mike Rowe & Alan Southern - 597-598 High tide on main street: Rising sea level and the coming coastal crisis
by Kyle M. Woosnam - 598-599 Planning ideas that matter: Livability, territoriality, governance, and reflective practice
by Tu Dam Ngoc Le - 599-601 After occupy: Economic democracy for the 21st century
by Smitha Divakar - 601-602 Understanding human behavior and the social environment
by Karen Fagan - 602-603 Urban neighborhoods in a new era: Revitalization politics in the postindustrial city
by Nicholas A. Belongie - 603-605 Community effects of leadership development education: Citizen empowerment for civic engagement
by Erika Pioltine Anseloni
May 2017, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 319-319 Notes from the Editorial Office
by John J. Green - 320-338 Integrating popular education into a model of empowerment planning
by Tara Bengle & Janni Sorensen - 339-350 Asset-based learning and the pedagogy of community development
by Bruce D. Missingham - 351-369 Gender-based constraints and opportunities to women’s participation in the small ruminant value chain in Ethiopia: A community capitals analysis
by Annet Abenakyo Mulema & Cathy Rozel Farnworth & Kathleen Earl Colverson - 370-384 Latino small businesses in northwest Washington: Perceptions, challenges, and needs
by José García-Pabón & Kenneth Klima - 385-402 Hydropower and local community: A case study of the Kamchay dam, a China-funded hydropower project in Cambodia
by Heng Pheakdey - 403-419 Installing large-scale community infrastructure: Homeowners’ preferences toward notification and recourse
by David Wadley & Peter Elliott & Hoon Han - 420-435 “A unifying force in the community”: Perceptions of a neighborhood park renovation
by Nicholas A. D. Pitas & Benjamin D. Hickerson & Tammy Koerte & Deborah Kerstetter & Andrew J. Mowen - 436-450 Palliative planning in an American shrinking city – Some thoughts and preliminary policy analysis
by Russell Weaver - 451-452 Civic ecology: Adaptation and transformation from the ground up
by Krishna Roka - 452-454 Rural people and communities in the 21st century: Resilience and transformation
by Jennifer Steele - 454-455 Community: A contemporary analysis of policies, programs, and practices
by Tabitha Underwood - 455-456 Advancing youth work: Current trends, critical questions
by Esther Farmer - 456-457 Democracy in the making: How activist groups form
by Jean McEwan-Short - 457-458 Free labor: Workfare and the contested language of neoliberalism
by Hao Zhang
March 2017, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 159-159 Notes from the Editorial Office
by John J. Green - 160-169 Business retention and expansion (BRE) today – research, application, and evaluation: Introduction to the special issue
by Michael Darger & Alan Barefield & Brent D. Hales - 170-186 Business retention and expansion and business clusters – A comprehensive approach to community development
by Xue Zhang & Mildred E. Warner - 187-206 Coordination of entrepreneurial growth methods and business retention and expansion outreach
by Will Warren - 207-224 Lessons learned from a generation of community-driven business retention and expansion programming
by Michael Darger & Brigid Tuck & John Bennett - 225-239 : Using grassroots data to support business growth and retention in the state of Minnesota
by Sean O’Neil & Kathi Schaff & Angela Riffe - 240-254 Obtaining manufacturers’ perspectives in making regional transportation decisions
by Lee Munnich & Frank Douma - 255-270 Increasing capacity of rural clients to access economic development programs: The Ontario BRE case study
by Catherine Oosterbaan & Stephen Morris - 271-281 Energize job retention: Energy management strategies as a component of business retention and expansion programs
by Nancy Bowen-Ellzey & Eric Romich - 282-298 The silver tsunami and rural small business retention: What can communities do?
by Elizabeth Templin & Scott Chazdon & Glenn Muske & Felipe Dyna Barroso & Lillian Osborne & William Craig - 299-316 Defining success in business retention and expansion: What do economic development organizations measure and why?
by Jonathan Q. Morgan & Crystal Morphis
January 2017, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-1 Notes from the Editorial Office
by John J. Green - 2-18 What should churches do? Evangelical perspectives on church involvement in an era of community health
by Berkeley Franz & Daniel Skinner & Kelly Kelleher - 19-29 Sentiment and social capital in aid project: Chagas disease control in Honduras
by Naoko Ueda - 30-47 Women’s community organizations: Exploring attitudes toward collaboration among board members
by Denise M. Cumberland & Sharon A. Kerrick & Namok Choi & Kathleen Gosser - 48-66 Challenges of building community-university partnerships in new poverty landscapes
by Joe Howarth & Melissa Anne Currie & Elizabeth Morrell & Janni Sorensen & Tara Bengle - 67-85 Business survival rates across the urban–rural divide
by Steven C. Deller & Tessa Conroy - 86-104 Environmental oversight and the citizen activist: Lessons from an oral history of activism surrounding Elmira, Ontario’s 1989 water crisis
by Robert A. Case - 105-123 Conceptualizing community resilience: Revisiting conceptual distinctions
by David Matarrita-Cascante & Bernardo Trejos & Hua Qin & Dongoh Joo & Sigrid Debner - 124-140 A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation
by Lila Singh-Peterson & Steven J. R. Underhill - 141-153 Toward a rural community vitality measurement practice
by Lena E. Etuk & Alan Acock - 154-155 Believing in Britain: The spiritual identity of “Britishness”
by Aus Abdulwahhab - 155-157 A place we call home: Gender, race, and justice in Syracuse
by Andrew Foell - 157-158 Emerald cities: Urban sustainability and economic development
by Kyle M. Woosnam
October 2016, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 583-583 Comments from the Editorial Office
by John J. Green - 584-601 Perceptions of poverty and the perpetuation of the capability-judgment cycle in outer southeast Melbourne
by Leanne M. Kelly - 602-619 Assessing farm-level agricultural sustainability using site-specific indicators and sustainable livelihood security index: Evidence from Vaishali district, India
by Haroon Sajjad & Iffat Nasreen - 620-637 Challenges to sustainable development in Mississippi
by Hui Liew - 638-651 Local food systems and community economic development through the lens of theory
by Bradley Christensen & Rhonda Phillips - 652-669 More than noise: Employing hip-hop music to inform community development practice
by Justin Hollander & Jennifer Quinn - 670-682 Improving local results: Fusing community design and community development
by Suzanne Morse Moomaw - 683-699 Role of research in community arts: Developing an evaluation framework in Singapore
by Im Sik Cho & Quyen Duong & Ivan Nasution - 700-717 Broadband and civic engagement in rural areas: What matters?
by Brian E. Whitacre & Jacob L. Manlove - 718-731 Community engagement: Universities’ roles in building communities and strengthening democracy
by James R. Cook & Maury Nation - 732-745 Pocket parks as community building blocks: A focus on Stapleton, CO
by Huston Gibson & Jessica Canfield - 746-747 Mobilizing communities: Asset building as a community development strategy
by Timothy Collins - 747-748 Communities and workforce development
by Penelope Schmidt
July 2016, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 411-411 Comments from the Editorial Office
by John J. Green - 412-430 Family businesses and community development: the role of small business owners and entrepreneurs
by Margaret A. Fitzgerald & Glenn Muske - 431-448 Mapping community innovation: Using social network analysis to map the interactional field, identify facilitators, and foster community development
by Bruce Balfour & Theodore R. Alter - 449-463 Addressing housing and neighborhood revitalization needs in Georgia’s rural and small towns: A study of the Georgia Initiative for Community Housing
by Kim Skobba & Karen Tinsley - 464-480 Volunteer roles and the benefits of volunteering: An examination of nonprofit housing cooperatives
by Catherine Leviten-Reid & Robert Campbell - 481-495 Volunteering, paying it forward, and rural community: A study of Bridgetown, Western Australia
by Abel Duarte Alonso & Julie Nyanjom - 496-513 Barriers to community development in distressed cities: A case study of Camden, New Jersey
by Christopher A. Wheeler - 514-529 Community development through reconciliation tourism: The behind the Big House Program in Holly Springs, Mississippi
by Jodi Skipper - 530-545 “Growing” communities with urban agriculture: Generating value above and below ground
by Michael Carolan & James Hale - 546-561 Navigating dilemmas of community development: Practitioner reflections on working with Aboriginal communities
by Jenny Cameron & Paul Hodge & Amanda Howard & Graeme Stuart - 562-573 Happiness from social capital: An investigation from micro data in rural Thailand
by Pungpond Rukumnuaykit & Piriya Pholphirul - 574-575 Thinking small: The United States and the lure of community development
by Héctor Andrés Bombiella Medina - 575-576 Open borders to a revolution: Culture, politics, and migration
by Seth Jesse - 577-578 Development with identity: Community, culture and sustainability in the Andes
by Michael L. Dougherty - 578-580 Cracking the carbon code: The key to sustainable profits in the new economy
by Ross Graham - 580-581 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership
by Alison Ollerenshaw - 581-582 Academic entrepreneurship and community engagement: Scholarship in action and the Syracuse miracle
by Mark Edward Braun
July 2016, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 285-286 Bringing hope: Preface to the Turning the Tide on Poverty special issue
by Lionel J. Beaulieu & Alice Diebel - 287-303 Turning the Tide on Poverty: History, theoretical frameworks, and methods
by Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Pamela A. Monroe & Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Rachel Welborn & Sheri Lokken Worthy - 304-321 Turning the Tide on Poverty: Community climate in economically distressed rural communities
by Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Pamela A. Monroe & Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Rachel Welborn & Sheri Lokken Worthy - 322-340 Turning the Tide on Poverty: Perceptions of leaders and leadership in economically distressed communities
by Sheri Lokken Worthy & Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Pamela A. Monroe & Rachel Welborn - 341-357 Turning the Tide on Poverty: Community champions as critical elements of success in economically distressed communities
by Sheri Lokken Worthy & Laura Downey & Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Pamela A. Monroe & Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Rachel Welborn - 358-374 Turning the Tide on Poverty: Sustainability of community engagement in economically distressed communities
by Pamela A. Monroe & Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Rachel Welborn & Sheri Lokken Worthy & Catherine H. Lowe & Natalie J. Pickett - 375-384 Turning the Tide on Poverty: The role of the Cooperative Extension Service in the initiative
by Rachel Welborn & Laura Downey & Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Pamela A. Monroe & Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Sheri L. Worthy - 385-402 Turning the Tide on Poverty: Documenting impacts through Ripple Effect Mapping
by Rachel Welborn & Laura Downey & Patricia Hyjer Dyk & Pamela A. Monroe & Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Sheri L. Worthy - 403-410 Turning the Tide on Poverty: Strategies and challenges related to tackling poverty in rural communities in the South
by Sheri Lokken Worthy & Lionel J. Beaulieu
May 2016, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 156-166 Collective impact approaches and community development issues
by Norman Walzer & Liz Weaver & Catherine McGuire - 167-180 Community-campus partnerships, collective impact, and poverty reduction
by Karen Schwartz & Liz Weaver & Natasha Pei & Annie Kingston Miller - 181-193 The why and how of working with communities through collective impact
by Jeff Raderstrong & Tynesia Boyea-Robinson - 194-208 Community indicators and collective impact: facilitating change
by Danielle M. Wood - 209-224 Collective impact facilitators: how contextual and procedural factors influence collaboration
by Rebecca J. Gillam & Jacqueline M. Counts & Teri A. Garstka - 225-240 Re-examining power and privilege in collective impact
by Kimberly LeChasseur - 241-258 Using collective impact in support of communitywide teen pregnancy prevention initiatives
by Thomas W. Klaus & Edward Saunders - 259-273 Collective impact capacity building: Finding gold in Southwest Florida
by Cindy Banyai & Dave Fleming - 274-283 Possible: Transformational change in collective impact
by Liz Weaver
February 2016, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-1 Comments from the Editorial Office
by John J. Green & Elizabeth Sweeney - 2-10 Now more than ever, this planet needs truly inclusive community development efforts that tolerate, embrace -- even celebrate -- difference
by David Lamie - 11-28 A communicative approach to community development: the effect of neighborhood storytelling network on civic participation
by Seungahn Nah & Kang Namkoong & Nien-Tsu Nancy Chen & Ronald J. Hustedde - 29-44 From the grassroots to the elites: examining collaboration among local service providers
by Ashley A. Hicks & Deanna L. Wilkinson & Anastasia Snyder - 45-62 Spatial location of place-based subsidized households and uneven geography of opportunities: case of Austin, Texas in the US
by Ayoung Woo & Young-Jae Kim - 63-74 Housing characteristics of households with wheeled mobility device users from the American Housing Survey: do people live in homes that facilitate community participation?
by Lillie Greiman & Craig Ravesloot - 75-90 Navigating time and space: how Americans with disabilities use time and transportation
by Andrew Myers & Craig Ravesloot - 91-105 Healthy Communities Initiative: a preliminary assessment of the University of Missouri-Sedalia health promotion partnership
by Wilson Majee & Laurel Goodman & Molly Vetter-Smith & Shannon Canfield - 106-121 Rapid change in small towns: when social capital collides with political/bureaucratic inertia
by Greg Halseth & Laura Ryser - 122-135 (Re)framing sustainable development: an ecological posture and Praxis
by C. Bjørn Peterson & Richard C. Knopf - 136-151 Residents’ perceptions of tourism and their implications for policy development: evidence from rural Poland
by Joanna Kosmaczewska & Rhodri Thomas & Francisco Dias - 152-153 Community Development Society and the International Association for Community Development sign historic Memorandum of Understanding
by Gisele Hamm & Charlie McConnell
December 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 443-443 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green - 444-455 Community entrepreneurship development: an introduction
by Michael W-P Fortunato & Theodore Alter - 456-460 Entrepreneurship and community development: what matters and why?
by Thomas S. Lyons - 461-478 Rural economic development under devolution: A test of local strategies
by Jessica A. Crowe & Ryan Ceresola & Tony Silva & Nicholas Recker - 479-498 Complex transactions: Community development financial institutions lending to ethnic entrepreneurs in Los Angeles
by R. Varisa Patraporn - 499-515 Invisible struggles: the representation of ethnic entrepreneurship in US newspapers
by Leona Achtenhagen & Cindy J. Price Schultz - 516-540 Constructing a multi-dimensional measure of local entrepreneurial culture
by Nicole Breazeale & Michael W.-P. Fortunato & James E. Allen & Ronald J. Hustedde & Helen Pushkarskaya - 541-558 Government and the entrepreneurial ecology: The case of Halifax, Nova Scotia
by Bruce Dye & Theodore R. Alter - 559-579 Creating and sustaining a model of community-based enterprise learning: a participatory case study of ready hubs
by Tim Vorley & Nick Williams - 580-598 Creating entrepreneurial communities: building community capacity for ecosystem development
by Deborah M. Markley & Thomas S. Lyons & Donald W. Macke - 599-600 Investing in entrepreneurs: a strategic approach for strengthening your regional and community economy
by Daniel Eades - 601-603 Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development
by Michael W-P Fortunato - 604-615 Economic development practices of cities in Ontario, Canada
by Godwin Arku - 616-631 Social support in the cohousing model of community: a mixed-methods analysis
by Elizabeth A. Markle & Rachel Rodgers & William Sanchez & Mary Ballou - 632-651 Neighborhood characteristics and the location of HUD-subsidized housing in shrinking cities: an analysis to inform anchor-based urban revitalization strategies
by Robert Mark Silverman & Kelly L. Patterson & Li Yin & Laiyun Wu
October 2015, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 311-311 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green & Molly Phillips - 312-328 The hope-reality gap: rural community officials' perceptions of unconventional shale development as a means to increase local population and revitalize resource extraction
by Tony J. Silva & Jessica A. Crowe - 329-340 Local income related to Marcellus shale activity in Pennsylvania
by Kirsten Hardy & Timothy W. Kelsey - 341-360 Improving downtown in a mid-sized legacy city: examining responses to potential downtown improvements in Flint, Michigan
by Victoria Morckel & Greg Rybarczyk - 361-379 Trade-offs in empowerment through social action: voices from Detroit
by Angela A. Kaiser & Lara Rusch - 380-391 The influences of community attachment, sense of community, and educational aspirations upon the migration intentions of rural youth in Texas
by Ann E. Theodori & Gene L. Theodori - 392-406 Engaging community change: the critical role of values in asset mapping
by Susan Jakes & Annie Hardison-Moody & Sarah Bowen & John Blevins - 407-419 Community as a mechanism for transcending wellbeing at the individual, social, and ecological levels
by Eric C. Larson & A.E. Luloff & Jeffrey C. Bridger & Mark A. Brennan - 420-435 Widening the view: situating collective impact among frameworks for community-led change
by Brian D. Christens & Paula Tran Inzeo - 436-437 Ecovillages: lessons for sustainable community
by Robert Boyer - 438-439 American Pogrom: the East St. Louis race riot and black politics
by Prentiss Dantzler - 439-441 The distance between us, a memoir
by José García-Pabón - 441-442 The Selma of the North: civil rights insurgency in Milwaukee
by Thomas P. Gaunt
July 2015, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 189-189 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green & Molly Phillips - 190-197 Community development and democratic practice: pas de deux or distinct and different?
by Michael Rios & Paul Lachapelle - 198-211 Metis , craft, civic mindedness: essential attributes of democratic citizenship in communities
by David Campbell - 212-226 The essential and inherent democratic capacities of communities
by Patrick L. Scully & Alice Diebel - 227-243 Democratizing democracy as community development: insights from popular education in Latin America
by F. David Bronkema & Cornelia Butler Flora - 244-260 Solidarity economy and community development: emerging cases in three Massachusetts cities
by Penn Loh & Boone Shear - 261-278 The civics of community development: participatory budgeting in Chicago
by Rachel Weber & Thea Crum & Eduardo Salinas - 279-293 Towards a robust democracy: the core competencies critical to community developers
by John Gruidl & Ronald Hustedde - 294-306 Strange bedfellows: community development, democracy, and magic
by Esther Farmer - 307-309 Reflections from a conversation on democratic practice and community development
by Scott Tate
April 2015, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 83-83 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green & Molly Phillips - 84-99 A community health needs assessment using principles of community-based participatory research in a Mississippi Delta community: a novel methodological approach
by Catherine Dane Woodyard & Sarahmona Przybyla & Jeffrey S. Hallam - 100-110 Drawing from the well of community participation: an evaluation of the utility of local knowledge in the health impact assessment process
by Marcus A. Chilaka - 111-132 Can renewal happen without removal? Case study of a poor black neighborhood on the rebound
by Wesley L. Meares & John I. Gilderbloom & Gregory D. Squires & Tobin Williamson - 133-148 Measuring job creation for HOPE VI: a success story for community development efforts
by Matthew J. Hanka & John I. Gilderbloom & Wesley L. Meares & Mobin Khan & Keith E. Wresinski - 149-163 Putting Indigenous water rights to work: the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework as a lens for remote development
by William Nikolakis & R. Quentin Grafton - 164-179 Asset-based community development practice in Awramba, Northwest Ethiopia
by Semalegne Kendie Mengesha & Jacquelyn C.A. Meshelemiah & Kasaw Adane Chuffa - 180-181 Nonviolence in political theory
by Megan Hornyak - 181-183 Suzanne Lacy: spaces between
by Susan Monagan - 183-185 CAPITAL in the twenty-first century
by Rene Perez Rosenbaum - 185-187 Poverty and inequality in the Latin American-U.S. borderlands: implications of U.S. interventions
by Scott Tuttle
February 2015, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-1 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green & Molly Phillips - 2-13 A values-based approach to transformational leadership in the South Pacific
by Jay Joseph - 14-25 Quality of participation in community groups in Kamuli District, Uganda: implications for policy and practice
by Haroon Sseguya & Robert E. Mazur & Betty Wells & Frank Matsiko - 26-42 Flirting with danger: practice dilemmas for community development in disaster recovery
by Lynda Shevellar & Peter Westoby & Meredith Connor - 43-55 Promoting youth participation in communities through youth master planning
by Debra Flanders Cushing - 56-66 Research note - network collaboration in economic development: who participates?
by Darrin Hugh Eugene Wilson - 67-77 Place-based economic development: examining the relationship between the US Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and farmers markets in Mississippi
by Joseph Hampton Holland & Olivia M. Thompson - 78-79 The villagers: changed values, altered lives - the closing of the urban-rural gap
by Uchendu E. Chigbu - 79-80 Local economic development in the twenty-first century: quality of life and sustainability
by Timothy Collins - 80-81 Bound like grass: a memoir from the Western High Plains
by Kyle M. Woosnam
December 2014, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 433-434 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green & Molly Phillips - 435-442 Rural wealth creation as a sustainable economic development strategy: introduction to the special issue
by Shanna Ratner & Deborah Markley - 443-457 Facilitating community wealth building: understanding the roles played and capacities needed by coordinating institutions
by Thomas S. Lyons & Barbara Wyckoff - 458-473 Socioeconomic development in an ultra-peripheral European region: the role of a food regulatory council as a social anchor
by Abel Duarte Alonso - 474-489 Community forests as a wealth creation strategy for rural communities
by Martha West Lyman & Curt Grimm & Julie Renaud Evans - 490-506 Community development and other extra-religious functions of Islamic schools: a contemporary perspective from the voices of stakeholders in two madrassas in Pakistan
by Omer Aijazi & Leonora C. Angeles - 507-524 International amenity migration: implications for integrated community development opportunities
by Gerardo Cortes & David Matarrita-Cascante & Maria Fernanda Rodriguez - 525-538 A story about storytelling: enhancement of community participation through catalytic storytelling
by Mikulas Pstross & Craig A. Talmage & Richard C. Knopf
October 2014, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 299-299 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green - 300-316 Understanding youth civic engagement: debates, discourses, and lessons from practice
by Aileen Shaw & Bernadine Brady & Brian McGrath & Mark A. Brennan & Pat Dolan - 317-336 Food access and food deserts: the diverse methods that residents of a neighborhood in Duluth, Minnesota use to provision themselves
by Adam Pine & John Bennett - 337-352 "Experience is a great teacher": citizens' reception of a proposal for the implementation of green infrastructure as stormwater management technology
by April Karen Baptiste - 353-367 Community research within a social constructionist epistemology: implications for "Scientific Rigor"
by Wally Karnilowicz & Lütfiye Ali & Jenny Phillimore - 368-386 Empowering peripheral communities by using place-identity: Israeli student villages as a platform for a servant creative class
by Miriam Billig & Asaf Lebovitz - 387-408 Supporting rural entrepreneurship: a review of conceptual developments from research to practice
by Michael William-Patrick Fortunato - 409-422 Policy review: the US Affordable Care Act, community health centers, and economic development opportunities
by Stavros Atsas & Karen Kunz - 423-424 Hijacking sustainability
by Kenneth E. Martin - 424-426 Open fire: understanding global gun cultures
by Jonathan M. Rivin - 426-427 Handbook of participatory video
by Bev Wilson - 428-429 The working life: the labor market for workers in low-skilled jobs
by Matthew Filteau - 429-430 Agendas and decisions: how state government executives and middle managers make and administer policy
by David Campbell
July 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 213-214 Comments from the editorial office
by John J. Green & Molly Phillips - 215-219 An introduction to the Food & Fitness community partnerships and this special issue
by Laurie Lachance & Laurie Carpenter & Mary Emery & Mia Luluquisen - 220-226 Philanthropy's role: working alongside communities to support social change
by Linda Jo Doctor - 227-239 Food & Community: the cross-site evaluation of the W.K. Kellogg Food & Fitness community partnerships
by Laurie Lachance & Laurie Carpenter & Martha Quinn & Margaret K. Wilkin & Edward Green & Kazumi Tsuchiya & Belinda Nelson & Cleopatra Caldwell & Linda Jo Doctor & Noreen M. Clark - 240-251 FEEST on this: youth engagement for community change in the King County Food and Fitness Initiative
by Diana Rowland Charbonneau & Allen Cheadle & Cristina Orbé & Madeline Frey & Brad Gaolach