- 2006/23 Are Output Growth-Rate Distributions Fat-Tailed? Some Evidence from OECD Countries
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Mauro Napoletano & Andrea Roventini - 2006/22 Dragging developers towards the core. How the Free/Libre/Open Source Software community enhances developers' contribution
by Francesco Rullani - 2006/21 The Logic of Appropriability: From Schumpeter to Arrow to Teece
by Sidney Winter - 2006/20 Reflections on "The Simple Economics of Basic Research": Looking Back and Looking Forwards
by Richard Nelson - 2006/19 Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Symmetric and Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi - 2006/18 Innovation and Firm Growth in High-Tech Sectors: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Alex Coad & Rekha Rao - 2006/17 How Much Should Society Fuel the Greed of Innovators? On the Relations between Appropriability, Opportunities and Rates of Innovation
by Giovanni Dosi & Luigi Marengo & Corrado Pasquali - 2006/16 Unique Equilibrium in a Model of Rule of Law
by Randolph Luca Bruno - 2006/15 Energy, Development, and the Environment: An Appraisal Three Decades After the "Limits to Growth" Debate
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Grazzi - 2006/14 Empirical Validation of Agent Based Models: A Critical Survey
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Paul Windrum & Alessio Moneta - 2006/13 Generalized Dynamic Factor Model + GARCH Exploiting Multivariate Information for Univariate Prediction
by Lucia Alessi & Matteo Barigozzi & Marco Capasso - 2006/12 An Empirically Based Model of the Supply Schedule in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets
by Sandro Sapio - 2006/11 Growth, Structural Change and Technological Capabilities. Latin America in a Comparative Perspective
by Mario Cimoli & Marcio Holland & Gabriel Porcile & Annalisa Primi & Sebastià n Vergara - 2006/10 Modeling Routines and Organizational Learning. A Discussion of the State-of-the-Art
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Faillo & Luigi Marengo - 2006/09 The Growth of Industrial Sectors: Theoretical Insights and Empirical Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing
by Sandro Sapio & Grid Thoma - 2006/08 Productivity, Profitability and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Italian Business Firms
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi & Federico Tamagni - 2006/07 Financial Fragility and Growth Dynamics of Italian Business Firms
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi & Federico Tamagni - 2006/06 "Stacking" or "Picking" Patents? The Inventors' Choice Between Quantity and Quality
by Myriam Mariani & Marzia Romanelli - 2006/05 Uncertainty, Optimal Specialization and Growth
by Michele Di Maio & Marco Valente - 2006/04 The Market for Patents in Europe
by Alfonso Gambardella & Paola Giuri & Alessandra Luzzi - 2006/03 'Chariots of Fire': The Evolution of Tank Technology, 1915-1945
by Carolina Castaldi & Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari - 2006/02 Institutions and Policies Shaping Industrial Development: An Introductory Note
by Mario Cimoli & Giovanni Dosi & Richard R. Nelson & Joseph Stiglitz - 2006/01 The Roles of Research at Universities and Public Labs in Economic Catch-up
by Roberto Mazzoleni & Richard R. Nelson
- 2005/28 Bounded Rationality, Cognitive Maps, and Trial and Error Learning
by Richard R. Nelson - 2005/27 Wealth-Driven Competition in a Speculative Financial Market: Examples with Maximizing Agents
by Mikhail Anufriev - 2005/26 Technology as Problem-Solving Procedures and Technology as Input-Output Relations: Some Perspectives on the Theory of Production
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Grazzi - 2005/25 Demand and Technology Determinants of Structural Change and Tertiarisation: An Input-Output Structural Decomposition Analysis for four OECD Countries
by Maria Savona & André Lorentz - 2005/24 Innovation and Standards in Clinical Practice: The Case of HIV Treatments
by Monica Merito & Andrea Bonaccorsi - 2005/22 Segregation in Networks
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Marco Valente & Nicolaas J. Vriend - 2005/21 Corporate Growth and Industrial Dynamics: Evidence from French Manufacturing
by Giulio Bottazzi & Alex Coad & Nadia Jacoby & Angelo Secchi - 2005/20 Everything you Always Wanted to Know about Inventors (but Never Asked): Evidence from the PatVal-EU Survey
by Paola Giuri & Myriam Mariani & Stefano Brusoni & Gustavo Crespi & Dominique Francoz & Alfonso Gambardella & Walter Garcia-Fontes & Aldo Geuna & Raul Gonzales & Dietmar Harhoff & Karin Hoisl & Christian Lebas & Alessandra Luzzi & Laura Magazzini & Lionel Nesta & Önder Nomaler & Neus Palomeras & Pari Patel & Marzia Romanelli & Bart Verspagen - 2005/19 The Revolution Within: ICT and the Shifting Knowledge Base of the World’s Largest Companies
by Sandro Mendonça - 2005/18 The Debate and the Community. “Reflexive Identity” in the FLOSS Community
by Francesco Rullani - 2005/17 Statistical Regularities in the Evolution of Industries. A Guide through some Evidence and Challenges for the Theory
by Giovanni Dosi - 2005/16 Explaining the Distribution of Firms Growth Rates
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi - 2005/15 Do On-Line Labor Market Intermediaries Matter? The Impact of AlmaLaurea on the University-to-Work Transition
by Manuel Bagues & Mauro Sylos Labini - 2005/14 Graph-Based Search Procedure for Vector Autoregressive Models
by Alessio Moneta & Peter Spirtes - 2005/13 Scientific and Technological Regimes in Nanotechnology: Combinatorial Inventors and Performance
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Grid Thoma - 2005/12 Conditional Nonparametric Frontier Models for Convex and Non Convex Technologies: a Unifying Approach
by Cinzia Daraio & Leopold Simar - 2005/11 ICT, Skills and Organisational Change: Evidence from a Panel of Italian Manufacturing Firms
by Paola Giuri & Salvatore Torrisi & Natalia Zinovyeva - 2005/10 Intellectual Property Rights and Market Dynamics
by Fabrizio Cesaroni & Paola Giuri - 2005/09 Does Spatial Disaggregation Matter in Job Creation and Destruction Flows?
by Elena Cefis & Roberto Gabriele - 2005/08 Commercialisation Strategies of Technology based European SMEs: Markets for Technology vs. Markets for Products
by Paola Giuri & Alessandra Luzzi - 2005/07 Common Currencies and FDI Flows
by Stefano Schiavo - 2005/06 Price and Wealth Dynamics in a Speculative Market with an Arbitrary Number of Generic Technical Traders
by Mikhail Anufriev & Giulio Bottazzi - 2005/05 A Note on Equilibrium Selection in Polya-Urn Coordination Games
by Giorgio Fagiolo - 2005/04 Animal Spirits, Lumpy Investment, and Endogenous Business Cycles
by Giovanni Dosi & Giorgio Fagiolo & Andrea Roventini - 2005/03 Weird Ties? Growth, Cycles and Firm Dynamics in an Agent-Based Model with Financial-Market Imperfections
by Mauro Napoletano & Domenico Delli Gatti & Giorgio Fagiolo & Mauro Gallegati - 2005/02 Science-Technology-Industry Links and the ”European Paradox”: Some Notes on the Dynamics of Scientific and Technological Research in Europe
by Giovanni Dosi & Patrick Llerena & Mauro Sylos Labini - 2005/01 A Matter of Life and Death: Innovation and Firm Survival
by Elena Cefis & Orietta Marsili
- 2004/25 Are Business Cycles All Alike? A Bandpass Filter Analysis of Italian and US Cycles
by Mauro Napoletano & Andrea Roventini & Sandro Sapio - 2004/24 Characterizing the Production Process: A Disaggregated Analysis of Italian Manufacturing Firms
by Giulio Bottazzi & Marco Grazzi & Angelo Secchi - 2004/23 Price and Wealth Asymptotic Dynamics with CRRA Technical Trading Strategies
by Mikhail Anufriev & Giulio Bottazzi & Francesca Pancotto - 2004/22 Asset Pricing Model with Heterogeneous Investment Horizons
by Mikhail Anufriev & Giulio Bottazzi - 2004/21 Sectoral and Geographical Specificities in the Spatial Structure of Economic Activities
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanni Dosi & Giorgio Fagiolo & Angelo Secchi - 2004/20 Toward a Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm
by Sidney G. Winter - 2004/19 Skills, Division of Labor and Performance in Collective Inventions. Evidence from the Open Source Software
by Paola Giuri & Matteo Ploner & Francesco Rullani & Salvatore Torrisi - 2004/18 Income Levels and Income Growth. Some New Cross-Country Evidence and Some Interpretative Puzzles
by Carolina Castaldi & Giovanni Dosi - 2004/17 Minority Games, Local Interactions, and Endogenous Networks
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Marco Valente - 2004/16 Fingerprints of the Visible Hand. Chandlerian Organizations and their Inward Looking Malaise
by Alfonso Gambardella & Marco Giarratana - 2004/15 Trademarks as an Indicator of Innovation and Industrial Change
by Sandro Mendonça & Tiago Santos Pereira & Manuel Mira Godinho - 2004/14 Subbotools User's Manual
by Giulio Bottazzi - 2004/13 Some Statistical Investigations on the Nature and Dynamics of Electricity Prices
by Giulio Bottazzi & Sandro Sapio & Angelo Secchi - 2004/12 Chandlerian Firms vs. Entrepreneurship
by Alfonso Gambardella & Marco Giarratana - 2004/11 Technological Revolutions and Economic Growth: The “Age of Steam” Reconsidered
by Carolina Castaldi & Alessandro Nuvolari - 2004/10 Social Networks and Wages: It's All About Connections!
by Mauro Sylos Labini - 2004/09 Laggard Clusters as Slow Learners, Emerging Clusters as Locus of Knowledge Cohesion (and Exclusion): A Comparative Study in the Wine Industry
by Elisa Giuliani - 2004/08 Do Liquidity Constraints Matter in Explaining Firm Size and Growth? Some Evidence from the Italian Manufacturing Industry
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Alessandra Luzzi - 2004/07 Market Design, Bidding Rules, and Long Memory in Electricity Prices
by Sandro Sapio - 2004/06 Sectoral Specialisation and Growth Rate Differences Among Integrated Economies
by André Lorentz - 2004/05 A Dynamic Factor Analysis of the Response of U.S. Interest Rates to News
by Marco Lippi & Daniel L. Thornton - 2004/04 The State of Organizational Reform in European Firms: Evidence from a Comparative Overview of Ten EU Countries
by Benjamin Coriat - 2004/03 Yeast vs. Mushrooms: A Note on Harberger's "A Vision of the Growth Process"
by Mauro Napoletano & Andrea Roventini & Sandro Sapio - 2004/02 Towards an Evolutionary Interpretation of Aggregate Labor Market Regularities
by Giovanni Dosi & Giorgio Fagiolo & Roberto Gabriele - 2004/01 Technological Learning, Policy Regimes and Growth in a `Globalized' Economy: General Patterns and the Latin American Experience
by Carolina Castaldi & Mario Cimoli & Nelson Correa & Giovanni Dosi
- 2003/29 Missing the Starting Gun? Entry Timing Decisions into New Market Niches
by Marco S. Giarratana - 2003/28 The Birth of a New Industry: Entry by Start-ups and the Drivers of Firm Growth. The Case of Encryption Software
by Marco S. Giarratana - 2003/27 Alternative Theories on Economic Growth and the Co-evolution of Macro-Dynamics and Technological Change: A survey
by Patrick Llerena & André Lorentz - 2003/26 On the Complexities and Limits of Market Organization
by Richard R. Nelson - 2003/25 On the Uneven Evolution of Human Know-How
by Richard R. Nelson - 2003/24 The Market Economy, and the Scientific Commons
by Richard R. Nelson - 2003/23 Speed of Transition, Unemployment Dynamics and Nonemployment Policies: Evidence from the Visegrad Countries
by Randolph Luca Bruno - 2003/22 Links Between Multinational Firms and Domestic Firms: a Comparison of the Software Industry in India, Ireland and Israel
by Marco Giarratana & Alessandro Pagano & Salvatore Torrisi - 2003/21 Invariances and Diversities in the Evolution of Manufacturing Industries
by Giulio Bottazzi & Elena Cefis & Giovanni Dosi & Angelo Secchi - 2003/20 Learning in Evolutionary Environments
by Giovanni Dosi & Luigi Marengo & Giorgio Fagiolo - 2003/19 Expectations Structure in Asset Pricing Experiments
by Giulio Bottazzi & Maria Giovanna Devetag - 2003/18 Sectoral Specifities in the Dynamics of U.S. Manufacturing Firms
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi - 2003/17 Introducing Environmental Variables in Nonparametric Frontier Models: a Probabilistic Approach
by Cinzia Daraio & Leopold Simar - 2003/16 Diversification Patterns in the Growth of Firms: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing
by Carolina Castaldi & Mishael Milakovic & Angelo Secchi - 2003/15 Modularity and Innovation in Complex Systems
by Sendil K. Ethiraj & Daniel Levinthal - 2003/14 Issues Concerning the Approximation Underlying the Spectral Representation Theorem
by Marco Lippi - 2003/13 The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model. One-Sided Estimation and Forecasting
by Mario Forni & Marc Hallin & Marco Lippi & Lucrezia Reichlin - 2003/12 A Baseline Model of Industry Evolution
by Sidney G. Winter & Yuri M. Kaniovski & Giovanni Dosi - 2003/11 Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of Knowledge Accumulation and Governance Structures in Business Firms. An Introduction
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Faillo & Luigi Marengo - 2003/10 The Economics of Strategic Opportunity
by Jerker Denrell & Christina Fang & Sidney Winter - 2003/09 Physical and Social Technologies, and Their Evolution
by Richard R. Nelson - 2003/08 Mapping Evolutionary Economics in Europe
by Bart Verspagen & Claudia Werker - 2003/07 Graphical Models for Structural Vector Autoregressions
by Alessio Moneta - 2003/06 How Provincial is your Region? Effects on Labour Productivity and Employment in Europe
by Alfonso Gambardella & Myriam Mariani & Salvatore Torrisi - 2003/05 Cumulative Causation and Evolutionary Micro-Founded Technical Change: A Growth Model with Integrated Economies
by Patrick Llerena & Andre' Lorentz - 2003/04 Division of Labor, Organizational Coordination and Market Mechanism in Collective Problem-Solving
by Luigi Marengo & Giovanni Dosi - 2003/03 Endogenous Networks in Random Population Games
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Luigi Marengo & Marco Valente - 2003/02 The Grip of History and the Scope for Novelty: Some Results and Open Questions on Path Dependence in Economic Processes
by Carolina Castaldi & Giovanni Dosi - 2003/01 Maximum Entropy Power Laws: An Application to the Tail of Wealth Distributions
by Mishael Milakovic'
- 2002/27 Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Production
by Sidney G. Winter - 2002/26 The Uneasy Organizational Matching Between Distribution of Knowledge, Divisionof Labor and Incentive Governance
by Giovanni Dosi & Daniel Levinthal & Luigi Marengo - 2002/25 Exploitation, Exploration and Innovation in a Model of Endogenous Growth with Locally interacting Agents
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Giovanni Dosi - 2002/24 Institutional Architectures and Behavioural Ecologies in the Dynamics of Financial Markets: a Preliminary Investigation
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanni Dosi & Igor Rebesco - 2002/23 Open Source Software: From Open Science to New Marketing Models
by Paola Giuri & Gaia Rocchetti & Salvatore Torrisi - 2002/22 Local and Divergent Patterns of Technological Learning within (Partly) Globalized Markets. Is There Anything New? And What Can Policies Do about It? : A Concise Guide
by Giovanni Dosi & Carolina Castaldi - 2002/21 Mapping Sectoral Patterns of Technological Accumulation into the Geography of Corporate Locations. A Simple Model and Some Promising Evidence
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giorgio Fagiolo & Giovanni Dosi - 2002/20 On the Laplace Distribution of Firms Growth Rates
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi - 2002/19 An evolutionary model of international competition and growth
by Carolina Castaldi - 2002/18 Technology and the Economy
by Giovanni Dosi & Luigi Orsenigo & Mauro Sylos Labini - 2002/17 Measuring and modelling Internet diffusion using second level domains: the case of Italy
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Maurizio Martinelli & Cristina Rossi & Irma Serrecchia - 2002/16 The Economics Of System Integration: Toward An Evolutionary Interpretation
by Giovanni Dosi & Mike Hobday & Luigi Marengo & Andrea Prencipe - 2002/15 Why open source software can succeed
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Cristina Rossi - 2002/14 Trade Openess and Technological Gaps in Latin America: a Low Growth Trap
by Mario Cimoli & Nelson Correa - 2002/13 Networks, Market Structures and Economic Shocks: The structural changes of Innovation Systems in Latin America
by Mario Cimoli - 2002/12 The Adoption of Business to Business E-Commerce: Heterogeneity and Network Externality Effects
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Cristina Rossi - 2002/11 Small Worlds
by Bruno Codenotti & Luca Foschini - 2002/10 A Simple Micro-Model of Market Dynamics Part I: The "Homogenous Agents" Deterministic Limit
by Giulio Bottazzi - 2002/09 Coordination and Self-Organization in Minority Games: Experimental Evidence
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanna Devetag - 2002/08 The Post-entry Size Adjustment of New small Firms
by Francesca Lotti & Enrico Santarelli & Marco Vivarelli - 2002/07 Labor Market Dynamics and Institutions: an Evolutionary Approach
by Roberto Gabriele - 2002/06 Technology, Entrepreneurship, And Inequality
by Alfonso Gambardella & David Ulph - 2002/05 The Max-Min Principle of Product Differentiation: An Experimental Analysis
by Andrea Mangani & Paolo Patelli - 2002/04 Technological Diversification and Strategic Alliances
by Paola Giuri & John Hagedoorn & Myriam Mariani - 2002/03 A Very Reasonable Objective Still Beyond Our Reach: Economics as an Empirically Disciplined Social Science
by Giovanni Dosi - 2002/02 Which Model for the Italian Interest Rates?
by Monica Gentile & Roberto Renò - 2002/01 Entry, Survival and Growth in a New Market. The Case of the Encryption Software Industry
by Marco S. Giarratana
- 2001/20 Bridging Contested Terrain: Linking Incentive-Based and Learning Perspectives on Organizational Evolution
by Giovanni Dosi & Daniel Levinthal & Luigi Marengo - 2001/19 International parity relationships between Germany and US: a multivariate time series analysis for the post Bretton-Woods period
by Franco Bevilacqua & Cinzia Daraio - 2001/18 Technology Strategies in the Knowldge Economy. The Licensing Activity of Himont
by Fabrizio Cesaroni - 2001/17 The Chemical Sector al System. Firms, markets, institutions and the processes of knowledge creation and diffusion
by Fabrizio Cesaroni & Alfonso Gambardella & Walter Garcia-Fontes & Myriam Mariani - 2001/16 Engel Curves Specification in an Artificial Model of Consumption Dynamics with Socially Evolving Preferences
by Giorgio Fagiolo - 2001/15 Coordination, Local Interactions and Endogenous Neighborhood Formation
by Giorgio Fagiolo - 2001/14 Industry Dynamics and the Distribution of Firm Sizes: A Non-Parametric Approach
by Francesca Lotti & Enrico Santarelli - 2001/13 Discontinuities, convergence and survival of inefficient trajectories in technical progress
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri & Francesca Pierotti - 2001/12 Non ergodic properties of the dynamics of industry concentration
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & R. Cambini & Paola Giuri & R. Riccardi - 2001/11 Learning, technological competition and network structure in the aero-engine industry
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri - 2001/10 On the Ubiquitous Nature of the Agglomeration Economies and their Diverse Determinants: Some Notes
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanni Dosi & Giorgio Fagiolo - 2001/09 Environmental Technologies in the European Chemical Industry
by Roberta Arduini & Fabrizio Cesaroni - 2001/08 Corporate Growth and Industrial Structure. Some Evidence from the Italian Manufacturing Industry
by Giulio Bottazzi & Elena Cefis & Giovanni Dosi - 2001/07 Technological Regimes and the Growth of Networks An Empirical Analysis
by Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni - 2001/06 Modes of Knowledge Accumulation, Entry Regimes and Patterns of Industrial Evolution
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanni Dosi & Gaia Rocchetti - 2001/05 Determinants of the implied volatility function on the Italian Stock Market
by Alessandro Beber - 2001/04 How Provincial is your Region? Effects on Labour Productivity and Employment in Europe
by Alfonso Gambardella & Myriam Mariani & Salvatore Torrisi - 2001/03 A Comparison of U.S. And European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences
by Jason Owen-Smith & Massimo Riccaboni & Fabio Pammolli & Walter W. Powell - 2001/02 Innovation and Corporate Growth in the Evolution of the Drug Industry
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanni Dosi & Marco Lippi & Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni - 2001/01 Firm Diversification and the Law of Proportionate Effect
by Giulio Bottazzi
- 2000/08 Interpreting Economic Change: Evolution, Structures and Games
by Sydney Winter & Giovanni Dosi - 2000/07 Endogenous Growth in Open-Ended Economies with Locally Interacting Agents
by Giorgio Fagiolo - 2000/06 Problem-Solving Behaviours, Organisational Forms and the Complexity of Tasks
by Giovanni Dosi & Mike Hobday & Luigi Marengo - 2000/05 Processes of corporate growth in the evolution of an innovation-driven industry. The case of pharmaceuticals
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanni Dosi & Marco Lippi & Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni - 2000/04 Industry Life Cycle and the Evolution of an Industry Network
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri - 2000/03 Coordination in "Critical Mass" Games: An Experimental Study
by Giovanna Devetag - 2000/02 Transfer, Focality and Coordination: Some Experimental Results
by Giovanna Devetag - 2000/01 The long term evolution of vertically-related industries
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri
- 1999/24 Adaptive Learning and Emergent Coordination in Minority Games
by Giulio Bottazzi & Giovanna Devetag & Giovanni Dosi - 1999/23 International Growth as Integration of R&D Activities. Evidence from Large Multinational Companies
by Simone Guercini - 1999/22 A Speculative Centralized Asset Market with Adaptive Heterogenous Agents
by Francesca Chiaromonte & Nicolas Jonard & Giovanni Dosi - 1999/21 Heterogeneity in New Product Diffusion
by Piero Manfredi & Andrea Bonaccorsi & Angelo Secchi - 1999/20 Auctions vs. Bargaining: An Empirical Analysis of Medical Device Procurement
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Thomas Lyon & Fabio Pammolli & Giuseppe Turchetti - 1999/19 Market Microstructure: Theory and Empirics
by Anna Calamia - 1999/18 Networks Dynamics in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni - 1999/17 Innovation, Organization and Economic Dynamics. An Autobiographical Introduction
by G. Dosi - 1999/16 Co-evolution of Organizational Forms and Technology
by Luigi Orsenigo & Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni - 1999/14 The Decline of State-Owned Enterprise and the New Foundations of State-Industry Relationship
by Nicola Bellini - 1999/13 Competencies, Technological Change and Network Dynamics. The case of the bio-pharmaceutical industry
by Luigi Orsenigo & Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni - 1999/12 Increasing returns and network structure in the evolutionary dynamics of industries
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri - 1999/11 Technology, Entrepreneurship and Inequality: an Interpretative Model
by Alfonso Gambardella & Davide Ticchi - 1999/10 Non shakeout patterns of industry evolution. The case of turboprop engine industry
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri - 1999/09 The structure of problem-solving knowledge and the structure of organisations
by Luigi Marengo & Giovanni Dosi & Paolo Legrenzi & Corrado Pasquali - 1999/08 On the tangled discourse between transaction costs economics and competence-based views of the firms: Some comments
by Giovanni Dosi & Luigi Marengo - 1999/07 The role of university in constituency-building for industrial and territorial innovation: reflections on an Italian experience
by Nicola Bellini & Andrea Piccaluga - 1999/06 Network Structure and Industrial Dynamics. The long-term evolution of the aircraft-engine industry
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Paola Giuri - 1999/05 When and How Chance and Human Will Can Twist the Arms of Clio
by Andrea Bassanini & Giovanni Dosi - 1999/04 Heterogenous Agents, Complementaries, and Diffusion. Do Increasing Returns Imply Convergence to International Technological Monopolies?
by Andrea Bassanini & Giovanni Dosi - 1999/03 Competing Technologies, Technological Monopolies and the Role of Convergence to a Stable Market Structure
by Andrea Bassanini & Giovanni Dosi - 1999/02 Modeling a Decentralized Asset Market: An Introduction to the Financial "Toy-Room"
by Francesca Chiaromonte & Giovanni Dosi - 1999/01 Modeling Industrial Dynamics with Innovative Entrants
by Sydney Winter & Yuri Kaniovski & Giovanni Dosi