September 1989, Volume 125, Issue 3
- 639-658 Rezension
by Torsten Tewes & Valdas Samonis & Barbara Kauffmann & Jamuna Agarwal & Hartmut Picht & Siegfried Franke & Ulrich Hiemenz & Alfred Boss & Federico Foders & Norbert Wagner & Torsten Tewes
June 1989, Volume 125, Issue 2
- 217-229 The half and the full debt cycle
by Horst Siebert - 230-251 The allocation approach to trade modelling: Some tests of separability between imports and domestic production and between different imported commodity groups
by Paul Brenton - 252-272 A comparison of national and international aggregate supply and demand var models: The United States, Japan and the European economic community
by Ehsan Ahmed & J. Rosser & Richard Sheehan - 273-295 On the volatility of exchange rates: Tests of monetary and portfolio balance models of exchange rate determination
by Daniel Gros - 296-310 Arbitrage and interest rates on currency baskets
by Martin Klein - 311-325 Exchange risk premia in a currency basket system
by Lars Hörngren & Anders Vredin - 326-336 A K-percent rule for monetary policy in West Germany
by Joachim Scheide - 337-345 A causal analysis of black and official exchange rates: The turkish case
by Vedat Akgiray & Kursat Aydogan & G. Booth & John Hatem - 346-358 A study of the determinants of intra-industry trade among the pacific basin countries
by Young Lee - 359-365 An implausible theory of inflation
by Peter Bernholz & Hans Jaksch - 366-370 Estimates of the elasticities of substitution between imports and home goods for the United States: Comment
by Donald Rousslang - 371-374 Estimates of the elasticities of substitution between imports and home goods for the United States: Reply
by Clinton Shiells & Robert Stern & Alan Deardorff - 375-385 Trade in services and returns on foreign direct investment
by Eric Ramstetter & Chung Lee - 386-391 Trade in services and returns on multinational activity
by Alan Rugman & Bernard Yeung - 392-393 On the exchange-rate elasticity of the demand for international reserves: Some evidence from industrial countries — A Comment
by Peter Sephton - 394-396 On the exchange-rate elasticity of the demand for international reserves: Some evidence from industrial countries: A reply
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Farhang Niroomand - 397-405 Image und reality of the European monetary system - A review
by Roland Vaubel - 406-434 Book reviews
by Holger Schmieding & Peter Trapp & James Riedel & Wojciech Kostrzewa & Kurt Rothschild & Jamuna Agarwal & Hartmut Picht & Harmen Lehment & Torsten Tewes & Manfred Neldner & Federico Foders & Henning Klodt & Bobby Apostolakis & Siegfried Franke & Axel Busch & Hermann Sautter
March 1989, Volume 125, Issue 1
- 1-16 Anmerkungen zum weltwirtschaftlichen denkansatz
by Herbert Giersch - 17-44 Is free trade passé after all?
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 45-60 Services and service intensity in international trade
by Seev Hirsch - 61-73 Alternative empirical estimates of trade creation and trade diversion: A comparison of the Baldwin-Murray and Verdoorn models
by W. Sawyer & Richard Sprinkle - 74-82 Granger causality between money, output, prices and interest rates: Some cross-country evidence from the period 1875–1984
by Pentti Pikkarainen & Matti Virén - 83-96 Price smoothing and demand noise: On business behavior and macromodels
by Douglas Shaller & Tsunemasa Shiba - 97-113 Temporary windfalls and compensation arrangements
by Bela Balassa - 114-128 Competition and complementarity between U.S. imports from developed and newly industrializing countries
by Clinton Shiells - 129-148 China and the international relocation of world textile and clothing activity
by Kym Anderson & Young-il Park - 149-157 Exchange rates and the geographic distribution of exports: Some evidence from a developing open economy
by Ben-Zion Zilberfarb - 158-167 Monotonicity of indices of “Revealed“ comparative advantage: Empirical evidence on Hillman’s condition
by Serafino Marchese & Francisco Simone - 168-178 The case for rules in the conduct of monetary policy: A critique on a paper by B.T. McCallum
by Hans- Loef - 179-182 Reply to a Comment by Hans-E. Loef
by Bennett McCallum - 183-211 Book reviews
by Bernhard Fischer & Horst Tomann & Hans-Joachim Huss & Valdas Samonis & Siegfried Franke & Stefan Sinn & H. Gray & H. Atesoglu & Bobby Apostolakis & Roland Herrmann & Suphan Andic & Torsten Tewes & Klaus Schlote
March 1988, Volume 124, Issue 1
- 1-13 Inter-industry and intra-industry specialization in manufactured goods
by Bela Balassa & Luc Bauwens - 14-37 Intra-industry specialization and development models for the capital goods sector
by Staffan Jacobsson - 38-57 Is there a capital shortage in Europe?
by Michael Burda - 58-73 Fiscal and monetary policy in an open economy with staggered wages
by Steve Ambler - 74-88 Forward rate, spot rate and risk premium: An empirical analysis
by Thomas Chiang & Thomas Hindelang - 89-107 Alternative operating regimes for money stock control in West Germany: An empirical evaluation
by Jürgen Hagen - 108-126 Total factor productivity growth and the productivity slowdown in the west german industrial sector, 1970-1981
by Douglas Todd - 127-139 European integration or world integration?
by Alexis Jacquemin & André Sapir - 140-160 Partially suppressed markets: Controls, rent seeking and the cost of protection in the indian sugar industry
by Shyam Kamath - 161-168 On the exchange-rate elasticity of the demand for international reserves: Some evidence from industrial countries
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Farhang Niroomand - 169-177 Monetary accommodation of income claims and the expectations-augmented phillips curve: In search of a stable policy rule
by Richard Burdekin & Paul Burkett - 178-181 Anmerkungen zur berechnung der erweiterten geldbasis
by Hans-Joachim Jarchow - 182-206 Book reviews
by H.Peter Gray & Bernhard Fischer & Torsten Tewes & Torsten Amelung & Peter Nunnenkamp & Ugo Fasano-Filho & Horst Siebert & Kerl-Heinz Paquè & Hartmut Picht & Ronald Weichert
December 1987, Volume 123, Issue 4
- 579-591 Risk premia and foreign exchange: A multiple time series approach to testing uncovered interest-rate parity
by Mark Taylor - 592-605 Exchange rates and prices in Europe
by Francesco Giavazzi & Alberto Giovannini - 606-617 Covered interest parity in non-dollar euromarkets
by Wolfgang Maennig & Warren Tease - 618-630 Foreign debt and capital accumulation
by Horst Siebert - 631-650 The effects of debt versus equity inflows on savings and growth in developing economies
by Ulrich Lächler & Peter Nunnenkamp - 651-667 Multinationals and trade in services: A transaction cost approach
by Alan Rugman - 668-678 Export mix adjustment to the imposition of VERs: Alternative license allocation schemes
by Taeho Bark & Jaime Melo - 679-696 Newly industrializing countries’ comparative advantage in manufactured goods
by Marcus Noland - 697-704 Regulation of international trade: The United States’ generalized system of preferences scheme
by Don Clark - 705-718 GATT and the developing world: Agenda for a new trade round
by H. Arndt - 719-733 Multinational corporations and domestic market structure: The case of Greek manufacturing industries
by Constantine Bourlakis - 734-738 Latin American debt and development: A review
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 739-789 Book reviews
by Ashok Parikh & Friedrich Sell & Doris Grimm & Ugo Fasano-Filho & Karl-Heinz Paqué & Torsten Tewes & Gunter Lorenzen & Manfred Neldner & Hans-Joachim Jarchow & Kurt Rothschild & Ronald Weichert & Federico Foders & Henning Klodt & Hans Gottinger & Harmen Lehment & Jürgen Stehn & Thomas Heidorn & Holger Schmieding
March 1986, Volume 122, Issue 1
- 1-47 Stopping hyperinflations past and present
by Rudiger Dornbusch & Stanley Fischer - 48-64 Banks and the world’s major financial centers, 1970–1980
by Sang-Rim Choi & Adrian Tschoegl & Chwo-Ming Yu - 65-79 Growth patterns of the world’s largest firms, 1962–1982
by Peter Hart & Robert Pearce - 80-92 Technological development and export performance in LDCs: Leading engineering and chemical firms in India
by Sanjaya Lall - 93-112 The potential benefits to LDCs of trade liberalization in beef and sugar by industrialized countries
by Joachim Zietz - 113-130 The product pattern of intra-industry trade: Stability among countries and over time
by Claudy Culem & Lars Lundberg - 131-149 The intra-industry trade of Benelux with the developing world
by P. Tharakan - 150-163 Changing export patterns in Korea, Taiwan and Japan
by Young Lee - 164-172 The effect of U.S. and Canadian wage and productivity differentials and FDI status on the Canadian propensity to import U.S. sourced products
by Dennis Maki & Lindsay Meredith - 173-188 Administered interest rates and the demand for money in Greece under rational expectations
by Daniel Himarios - 189-208 Book reviews
by Franz Gehrels & Thomas Scharping & Herbert Grubel & Sanjeev Gupta & Ugo Fasano-Filho & Walter Braeuer & Paulgeorg Juhl & Alfred Tovias & Rameshwar Tandon & Hans Gottinger & Suphan Andic & Hans Hartung
December 1985, Volume 121, Issue 4
- 609-627 Wirtschaftliche Zwä;nge für offene Volkswirtschaften
by Horst Siebert - 628-637 Currency devaluation and the Cooper paradox in the open-economy macro-disequilibrium model
by Chun-Yan Wang & Leonard Wang - 638-645 Are deviations from purchasing power parity efficient? Some further answers
by Ronald MacDonald - 646-660 The behavior of flexible exchange rates in the short run — A systematic investigation
by Walter Wasserfallen & Hans Kyburz - 661-681 Coordinated strategies for economic cooperation between Europe and the United States
by Andries Brandsma & J. Pijpers - 682-702 The real exchange rate, capital inflows and inflation: Sri Lanka 1970–1982
by Deepak Lal - 703-721 Wage policy, competitiveness and risk management: The internal conflicts of dutch economic policy
by A. Hallett - 722-740 Intraregional productivity differences in São Paulo state manufacturing plants
by Leo Sveikauskas & Peter Townroe & Eric Hansen - 741-755 U.S. Imports by origin: A system approach
by Ulrich Kohli - 756-778 The Iberian countries facing EC membership: Starting conditions for their industry
by Juergen Donges & Klaus-Werner Schatz - 779-785 A financial history of western europe: A review
by Peter Bernholz - 786-810 Rezensionen
by Suphan Andic & Richard Pomfret & Rameshwar Tandon & Odomar Vancraeyenest & Rolf Langhammer & Dietmar Gebert & Peter Nunnenkamp & Hubertus Müller-Groeling & Franz Gehrels & Mikuláš Luptácik & Jörg-Volker Schrader & Hilde Wander
June 1985, Volume 121, Issue 2
- 203-216 Rational expectations and non-neutrality of money
by Kiyoshi Otani - 217-237 The lender-of-last-resort function in the context of national and international financial crises
by Emil-Maria Claassen - 238-251 R&D intensity and export performance: A micro view
by Seev Hirsch & Ilan Bijaoui - 252-260 On the role of inflation in consumption function
by Erkki Koskela & Matti Virén - 261-279 Welfare implications of commodity price stabilization with partially flexible production, private storage and buffer-stock costs
by Shigeru Akiyama & Masahiro Kawai - 280-303 Distortions, factor proportions and efficiency losses: Argentina in the latin american scenario
by Julio Nogués - 304-314 Exports, growth, and catching-up: Some remarks and crude calculations
by Kurt Rothschild - 315-320 Unemployment benefits and labor supply: A note on the theoretical foundations
by Brian Hillier - 321-330 Wie gut sind die Prognosen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?:- Ein Kommentar
by Manfred Neumann & Herbert Buscher - 331-345 Sind die Prognosen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute schwach rational? — Eine Antwort auf Neumann und Buscher
by Gebhard KirchgÄssner - 346-350 On measuring comparative advantage: A note on Bowen’s indices
by Robert Ballance & Helmut Forstner & Tracy Murray - 351-354 On measuring comparative advantage: A reply and extension
by Harry Bowen - 355-381 The role of direct foreign investment in developing east asian countries
by Hal Hill & Brian Johns - 382-386 Losing information: The more we study the gold standard the less we know about it
by Charles Kindleberger - 387-403 Rezensionen
by James Riedel & Kurt Rothschild & Ute Herdmann & Siegfried Schoppe & Paulgeorg Juhl & Franz Gehrels & Henning Klodt & H. Gray & Peter Nunnenkamp
December 1984, Volume 120, Issue 4
- 611-630 Prices, incentives, and economic growth
by Bela Balassa - 631-645 Microeconomic incentives and macroeconomic decline
by Mancur Olson - 646-661 Incentives for entrepreneurship and supporting institutions
by Richard Nelson - 662-677 Rent-seeking and trade policy: An industry approach
by Robert Baldwin - 678-701 Incentives and disincentives: International migration
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 702-719 The function of governments and intergovernmental organizations in the international resource transfer — The case of the World Bank
by Bruno Frey - 720-735 Incentives and disincentives for foreign direct investment in less developed countries
by Venkataraman Balasubramanyam - 736-763 The incentive limits of firms: A comparative institutional assessment of bureaucracy
by Oliver Williamson - 764-781 The Kuznets curve: Evidence from Prussia revisited
by Gunter Lorenzen
September 1984, Volume 120, Issue 3
- 403-423 Stabilization policy in an open-economy equilibrium model
by Ulrich Lächler - 424-435 Inflationary expectations and transmission of inflation under floating exchange rates
by Jaleel Ahmad - 436-453 Overshooting des Wechselkurses, Substituierbarkeit der Finanzaktiva und J-Kurve
by Ruprecht Witzel - 454-459 The relationship between selected domestic and external dollar denominated asset yields
by S. Edgar & Peggy Swanson - 460-480 Oil price shocks and the current account: An analysis of short run adjustment measures
by Sweder Wijnbergen - 481-498 Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit — Fragmente zu einer Theorie internationaler Unternehmenstätigkeit
by Silvio Borner - 499-521 Who trades with whom — the income pattern of international trade
by Ephraim Kleiman & Yaakov Kop - 522-540 Intra-industry foreign direct investment: Its rationale and trade effects
by George Norman & John Dunning - 541-557 The production ceiling according to the united nations convention on the law of the sea
by Klaus Brockhoff - 558-571 The causal role of money in West Germany — Some contradicting comments and evidence
by Jürgen Hagen - 572-579 The effects of the second enlargement of the EC on U.S. exports to Europe
by Charles Sawyer - 580-589 Petroleum prices, exchange rates, and domestic inflation in developing nations
by Dominick Salvatore - 590-593 The newly-industrializing developing countries after the oil crisis: A comment
by Olivier Davanne - 594-594 The newly-industrializing developing countries after the oil crisis: Reply
by Bela Balassa - 595-607 Rezensionen
by Manfred Neldner & Wolfgang Stolper & Torsten Tewes & Paulgeorg Juhl & Heinz Kurz
June 1984, Volume 120, Issue 2
- 213-227 The economic consequences of social policies in the industrial countries
by Bela Balassa - 228-243 The paradoxes of immiserizing growth and donor-enriching “recipient-immiserizing” transfers: A tale of two literatures
by Jagdish Bhagwati & Richard Brecher & Tatsuo Hatta - 244-255 Unanticipated money growth, output and unemployment in West Germany, 1964—1981
by David Demery & Nigel Duck & Simon Musgrave - 256-278 The stability of the West German demand for money, 1965—1982
by Herbert Buscher - 301-328 A computational stochastic equilibrium model of oil-importing economies
by Jagdeep Bhandari - 329-347 An analysis of the black market exchange rate in a developing economy — The case of Turkey
by Hasan Olgun - 348-360 Market distortions and export performance: India’s exports of manufactures in the 1970s
by Ashok Khanna - 361-365 Income distribution: A correction and a generalization
by Paul Batenburg & Jan Tinbergen - 366-375 On the sources and macroeconomic implications of nonuniform and uncertain price expectations
by Hans Blomqvist - 385-399 Rezensionen
by Heinz Kurz & Hilde Wander & Suphan Andic & Torsten Tewes
March 1984, Volume 120, Issue 1
- 1-17 The changing pattern of international trade in manufactures: A logit analysis
by Helmut Forstner - 18-39 Trade liberalization, tariff redundancy and inflation: A methodological exploration applied to Argentina
by Jan Wogart & Jose Marques - 40-63 Determinants of indian export performance in the 1970s
by James Riedel & Chris Hall & Roger Grawe - 64-89 Objectives and impact of economic activity zones — Some evidence from Asia
by Dean Spinanger - 90-120 The sociopolitical analysis of inflation
by John Addison & John Burton - 121-132 Perceived and expected price changes in Finland
by Pentti Vartia & Reijo Mankinen - 133-154 The sources of exchange rate instability in developing countries: Dollar, french Franc and SDR pegging countries
by David Brodsky & Gary Sampson - 155-164 The structure of production in the United States textile industry: The post-war period
by Martin Williams - 165-189 International trade and technology: A brief survey of the recent literature
by Leonard Cheng
March 1983, Volume 119, Issue 1
- 19-35 The keynesian and classical determination of the exchange rate
by Emil-Maria Claassen - 36-63 International capital movements, flexible exchange rates, and the IS-LM model : A comparison between the portfolio-balance and the flow hypotheses
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 64-83 The causal role of money in West Germany
by Edgar Weissenberger & J. Thomas - 84-96 Taste similarity and trade intensity: A Test of the linder hypothesis for United States exports
by Thomas Kennedy & Richard McHugh - 97-108 The anti-export bias in commercial policies and export performance : Some evidence from the recent Brazilian experience
by William Tyler - 109-121 Intra-industry and inter-industry trade in Switzerland
by David Greenaway - 122-137 India and the second OPEC oil price shock — an economy-wide analysis
by Sanjeev Gupta - 138-151 Optimal management of multi-species north sea fishery resources
by Chungsoo Kim - 152-168 Price determination in monopolistic markets with inventory adjustments : The case of nickel
by M. Rafati - 169-172 Unemployment benefits and labor supply : A note
by Alan Harrison & Robert Hart
June 1982, Volume 118, Issue 2
- 205-214 Expected inflation, wealth effects and personal expenditure
by J. Fortune - 241-258 Inflation, wages and income distribution in manufacturing industry: France, 1969–1976
by Christian Morrisson - 259-280 A general equilibrium analysis of the causes of a foreign exchange crisis : The case of Turkey
by Kemal Dervis & Sherman Robinson - 281-301 A cross-section analysis of intra-industry trade in U.S. manufacturing industries
by Kiertisak Toh - 302-316 Intra-industry trade : The case of Sweden
by Lars Lundberg - 317-331 Protection, the value of imports and optimal trade-restricting policies
by David Dickinson & Michael Driscoll & James Ford - 332-334 On the meaning and measurement of product differentiation in international trade
by Renu Bhatia - 335-337 On the meaning and measurement of product differentiation in international trade: A reply
by H. Gray & John Martin - 338-365 Food shortage and international trade in food : Analysis of long-term trends
by Ranadev Banerji - 366-380 Organization and economic behavior: An interpretation of recent findings
by Martin Spechler
March 1982, Volume 118, Issue 1
- 1-18 Alternative monetary policies in an inflationary equilibrium model of the open economy
by Jagdeep Bhandari & Stephen Turnovsky - 19-38 Some suggested improvements to a simple portfolio balance model of exchange rate determination with special reference to the U. S. dollar/Canadian dollar rate
by Joseph Bisignano & Kevin Hoover - 39-61 Towards a theory of free economic zones
by Herbert Grubel - 62-78 Potential Trade between Egypt and Israel
by Ruth Arad & Seev Hirsch - 79-103 Real factor prices and German manufacturing employment: A time series analysis, 1960I–1979IV
by Grant Kirkpatrick - 104-130 Imports of intermediate goods and the efficacy of fiscal policy under flexible exchange rates
by Horst Herberg & Helmut Hesse & Andreas Schuseil - 131-147 Adjustment to variations in prices of imported inputs : The role of economic structure
by Louka Katseli & Nancy Marion - 148-165 The balance of payments approach to trade tax symmetry theorems
by William Kaempfer & Edward Tower - 166-173 Treasury revenue and foreign trade taxation
by Maciej Kostecki & Diéry Seck - 174-178 Public finance and development
by Wolfgang Stolper
September 1981, Volume 117, Issue 3
- 409-427 Alternative theories of illegal trade : Economic consequences and statistical detection
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 428-442 Real output effects of announced monetary policy in a small open economy
by Betty Daniel - 443-468 Exchange rate changes and LDC export performance under generalized currency floating
by Romeo Bautista - 469-496 The political economy of protectionism : The bureaucratic case
by Patrick Messerlin - 497-512 A Comparative analysis of the determinants of nontraditional exports for Brazil, Israel, and South Korea
by Yung Yang - 546-561 Trade diversion, trade creation and factor market imperfections
by Eden Yu - 562-573 Instability of developmental imports and economic growth : A theoretical framework
by Salvatore Schiavo-Campo - 574-577 Monetary policy rules and variances in difference equation models containing autocorrelated disturbance terms : Comment
by Øystein Pettersen - 578-583 A note on employment effects of tariffs in a small open economy
by Per-Olov Johansson & Karl-Gustaf Löfgren
June 1981, Volume 117, Issue 2
- 213-243 What caused worldwide inflation: Excess liquidity, excessive credit, or both?
by James Earley - 244-261 Reducing the cost of reducing inflation through gradualism, preannouncement or indexation? The international evidence
by José Gutierrez-Camara & Roland Vaubel - 262-275 Covered arbitrage margin and transaction costs
by Philippe Callier - 276-297 Determination of trade flows and choice of trade partners: Reconciling the Heckscher-Ohlin and the Burenstam Linder models of international trade
by Ruth Arad & Seev Hirsch - 298-325 A new approach to estimation of the effects of non-tariff barriers to trade: An application to the Swedish textile and clothing industry
by Carl Hamilton - 326-351 Further results on the time series analysis of real wages and employment for U. S. manufacturing, 1948–1977
by Grant Kirkpatrick - 352-367 Output and employment changes in a “trade sensitive” sector: Adjustment in the U. S. footwear industry
by John Mutti & Malcolm Bale - 368-379 Price discrimination in the exports of a small economy: Empirical evidence
by Jacob Weinblatt & Ben-Zion Zilberfarb - 380-382 The impact of protection and concentration on the labour intensity of U. K. industries: Comment
by Shigekazu Tanaka - 383-384 Protection, concentration and labour intensity: Reply
by Theodore Hitiris - 389-396 Foreign trade and development in Egypt
by Maurice Girgis
March 1981, Volume 117, Issue 1
- 1-19 A stochastic macroequilibrium approach to a floating exchange rate economy with interest-bearing assets
by Jagdeep Bhandari - 20-29 The monetary approach to exchange rate determination: A geometric analysis
by Kenneth Clements - 30-64 Explaining the international direct investment position of countries: Towards a dynamic or developmental approach
by John Dunning - 65-109 The U.S. tariff and comparative advantage: A survey of method
by James Hartigan - 110-124 Causality and wage price inflation in West Germany 1964–1979
by Tran Hoa - 125-135 Identification of the Lorenz curve by Lorenz coefficient
by Anthony Koo & Nguyen Quan & Robert Rasche - 136-141 A note on the concept of two way trade
by Sergio Luciani - 142-194 The newly-industrializing developing countries after the oil crisis
by Bela Balassa