September 1972, Volume 108, Issue 3
- 118-129 III. Weltwirtschaft und Wirtschaft einzlner Länderund und Gebiete
by Anton Zottmann & Peter Janocha & J. Donges & John Montias & J. Agarwal & Theodor Zotschew - 129-133 VII. Erzeugung und Handle, Warenmärkte
by Willi Albers & Klaus Möbius - 133-135 IX. Geld und Kapital
by Anton Zottmann - 329-344 Development and income distribution
by John Adler - 345-381 Major determinants of the share of manufactures in exports: A cross-section analysis and case study on India
by Ranadev Banerji - 382-395 An econometric study of automated stabilization policies in Japan
by Tsunehiko Watanabe - 396-426 The effects of tax exemption on investment by industrial firms in Colombia
by Richard Bilsborrow & Richard Porter - 427-461 Socialist economic reforms and enterprise finances: Hungary, 1950–1971
by Leslie Szeplaki - 462-482 The location of firms and general spatial price equilibrium
by John Hartwick - 483-486 More on Friedman’s Law
by K. Kogiku - 487-490 Optimal official forward exchange policy and devaluation
by Harold Payson & Russell Ross - 491-513 United States experience with direct investment controls
by Karel Holbik
June 1972, Volume 108, Issue 2
- 43-50 Grundprobleme der europÄischen wÄhrungsintegration
by Manfred Willms - 51-65 I. Allgemeine wirstchaftslehre
by Lutz Hoffmann & V. Vartikar & Harald Scherf & Torsten Tewes & Klaus-Dieter Schmidt & Emil-Maria Claassen - 65-77 III. Weltwirtschaft und wirtschaft einzlner länderund und gebiete
by Jacques Bourva & Anton Zottmann & Jürgen Siebke & P. Robson & Peter Rühmann & Peter Dobias - 77-78 IV. Bevölkerung und arbeit
by Harald Scherf - 78-81 VII. Erzeugung und handle, warenmärkte
by Klaus Möbius & Günter Flemig - 81-84 IX. Geld und kapital
by Jürgen Rohwedder & Anton Zottmann - 84-87 XI. Öffentliche finanzen
by Herbert Weise - 169-190 Einkommens- und anpassungsprobleme der landwirtschaft in der EuropÄischen wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
by Willi Albers - 191-234 Spain’s industrial exports
by J. Donges - 235-256 Promotion of manufactured exports as development strategy of semi-industrialized countries: The Brazilian case
by Helmut Hesse - 257-285 MonetÄre aspekte des jahresgutachtens 1971/72 des sachverstÄndigenrats
by Karl Brunner & Manfred Neumann - 286-297 Analysis of the intertemporal behaviour of parameter estimates from a model of the United States economy
by Ernest Oksanen & Byron Spencer - 298-318 Die volkswirtschaftlichen kosten des umweltschutzes
by Berndt Lehbert - 319-327 Raw material agreements as world market instruments in agriculture
by Alton Law
March 1972, Volume 108, Issue 1
- 29-52 Monetary policy in the common market countries: Rules versus discretion
by George Macesich - 53-70 International monetary rules and external disequilibrium in developing countries
by Donald Huddle - 71-121 The choice of industry mix in the division of labour between developed and developing countries
by Gerhard Fels - 122-136 The pattern of non-tariff obstacles to international market access
by Ingo Walter & Jae Chung
December 1971, Volume 107, Issue 2
- 35-45 Die illusion von der WÄhrungsneutralitÄt gegenüber internationalen handelsströmen
by Ernst Heuβ - 46-54 Quantitative economic theory
by Harald Scherf & Jürgen Heubes & Email-Maria Claasen & Antonio Montaner & K. Rothschild & Torsten Tewes & Kurt Rothschild - 55-57 Planning without facts
by Paul Streeten & Harald Scherf - 58-61 Plan und marktim sozialismus
by Peter Dobias & Horst Albach & Alois Oberhauser - 62-63 Staatslexikon
by Anton Zottmann - 181-190 Walther G. Hoffmann 8.2.1903–2.7.1971
by Helmut Hesse - 191-234 Die theorie der effektiven protektion
by Ulrich Hiemenz & Lutz Hoffmann & Kurt Rabenau - 235-271 Towards new agreements on international trade liberalization
by Hans Glismann & Axel Neu - 272-316 Soviet economic reforms in industry
by Jan Prybyla - 317-318 On the optimality of the Uzawa paths
by D. Glycopantis - 319-368 Gold als gewerblicher Rohstoff, Vermögensanlage und WÄhrungsreserve
by Herbert Weise
September 1971, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 1-32 Limitations of comprehensive planning in the face of comprehensive uncertainty: Crisis of planning or Crisis of planners?
by Wolfgang Stolper - 33-75 From an autarchic towards a cautiously outward-looking industrialization policy: The case of Spain
by J. Donges - 76-91 Optimal monetary reserves for developing countries
by J. Agarwal - 92-122 Long-term development credits and socialist trade
by Jozef Brabant - 139-146 Giffen’s paradox and falsifiability
by Gordon Welty - 147-152 Income redistribution, interdependent consumers’ preferences and aggregate consumption
by Prem Laumas - 159-180 Price structures and implicit Dollar-Ruble ratios in East-European trade with special reference to Czechoslovakia
by Jan Michal
June 1971, Volume 106, Issue 2
- 61-68 The misconception of imperfect and monopolistic competition theory
by Ernst Heu - 153-183 An analysis of the role of international capital markets in providing funds to developing countries
by Richard Cooper & Edwin Truman - 184-220 A quantitative appraisal of national economic policy
by Tsunehiko Watanabe & Tadao Uchida - 301-308 Heckscher-Ohlin and Harrod on the law of comparative costs
by Nobuo Minabe - 309-317 The determinants of internal migration in West Germany, 1967
by R. Vedder & L. Gallaway & G. Chapin
March 1971, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 1-16 Industry and trade in some developing countries
by J. Donges & W. Kasper - 34-54 Economic policy, forecasting and flexibility
by Clem Tisdell - 55-77 Industrial policies in Taiwan and Korea
by Bela Balassa - 128-152 Price formation on the world coffe market and its implications for the international coffe agreement
by Thomas Geer
December 1970, Volume 105, Issue 2
- 219-229 Erich schneider zum Gruβ und Dank
by Jens Lübbert - 230-255 Einige überlegungen für die ausgestaltung von transferzahlungen an haushalte
by Willi Albers - 256-278 Trend, Zyklus und Entwicklung des Preisniveaus
by Gottfried Bombach - 279-303 Zur Struktur des Marxschen systems
by Peter Dobias - 304-333 Geldmenge, Zinssatz, Bankenverhalten und Zentralbankpolitik
by Hans-Joachim Jarchow & Peter Rühmann & Günther Engel - 334-349 Entwicklungstendenzen der internationalen Handelsordnung
by Hans-R. KrÄmer - 350-394 Die bedeutung von Änderungen des wechselkurses für preise und leistungsbilanz bei berücksichtigung von translokationskosten und unvollständiger konkurrenz
by Jens Lübbert - 395-429 Der kurzfristige internationale kapitalverkehr der kreditinstitute der Bundes-republik Deutschland 1960–1970
by Heinz Müller & Uwe Westphal - 430-447 Der bedarf an währungsreserven
by Jürgen Rohwedder & Ulrich Schröder - 448-457 Der streit um keynes im lichte unserer erfahrungen
by Harald Scherf - 458-472 Zinssatz, preisniveau und »optimale inflationsrate« in einer wachsenden wirtschaft
by Winfried Vogt
September 1970, Volume 105, Issue 1
- 1-7 Zur problematik der mitbestimmung
by Bernhard Külp - 1-30 The “monetarist revolution” in monetary theory
by Karl Brunner - 8-13 I. Allgemeine Wirstchaftslehre
by Martin Beckmann & Kurt Rothschild & Antonio Montaner - 14-15 II. Allgemeine und angewandte Statistik
by Heinz Gollnick & Adolf Adam - 16-23 III. Weltwirtschaft und Wirtschaft einzlner Länderund und Gebiete
by Horst Dahm & Torsten Tewes & Shankerier Subramaniam & Peter Rühmann & Peter Dobias - 23-28 IV. Bevölkerung und Arbeit
by K. Rothschild & Hermann Kellenbenz - 28-29 V. Wrischaftsordnung und soziale Verfassung
by Peter Dobias - 30-32 VII. Erzeugung und Handle, Warenmärkte
by Günther Schmitt - 31-47 Thesen und Gegenthesen
by Claus Köhler - 32-37 XI. Öffentliche Finanzen
by Fritz Neumark - 37-37 XII. Recht
by Anton Zottmann - 48-65 Currency areas and exchange-rate flexibility
by Thomas Willett & Edward Tower - 66-86 Investment reaction patterns — The case of American and West German manufacturing industry
by M. Streit - 87-113 The theory of the spatial and nonspatial firm
by M. Greenhut - 114-132 Economies of scale in sector evaluation
by Peter Cornelisse - 133-162 The Pearson Report — A critique
by Klaus Billerbeck - 163-173 Some economic aspects of short-run Greek labor emigration to Germany
by Eleutherios Botsas - 174-178 Zur Frage der Geldschöpfung durch die Banken
by Erich Schneider - 179-187 Eine einfache Einführung zu Pontrjagins Maximumprinzip im Wirtschaftswachstum
by Klaus Britsch & Bernd Schips - 188-218 Structural changes in a developing economy: The case of Israel
by Fanny Ginor
September 1970, Volume 104, Issue 2
- 159-188 The extent and pattern of public ownership in developed economies
by Frederic Pryor - 211-238 The multiplier-effect of income and consumption taxes
by Erik Gertz - 239-256 Choice of the optimum input combination in situations involving risk
by Eirik Furubotn - 302-324 Measuring the effects of German budget policies, 1955–65
by Wayne Snyder - 325-332 Normal comparisons of industrial structures in East and West Germany
by Paul Gregory
March 1970, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 1-5 Principles and problems of a liberal order of the economy
by Paul Streeten - 3-19 Geldschaffung durch die Banken
by Friedrich Lutz - 6-10 Public expenditures and economic systems
by Peter Wiles - 11-11 The use of econometrics in comparative economic systems
by Frederic Pryor - 12-12 Reply
by Peter Wiles - 13-26 I. Allgemeine Wirstchaftslehre
by Franz Gehrels & M. Streit & Anton Zottman & Torsten Tewes & J. Agarwal - 20-35 Specific proposal for limited exchange-rate flexibility
by William Fellner - 26-33 III. Weltwirtschaft und Wirtschaft einzlner Länderund und Gebiete
by Torsten Tewes & Günther Maa & Peter Dobias & Jürgen Rohwedder & J. Agarwal - 33-34 V. Wrischaftsordnung und soziale Verfassung
by Peter Dobias - 34-38 VI. Writschaftslehre der Unternehmungen
by Horst Albach - 36-56 Integration und Au\enhandelsstruktur
by Kurt Rothschild - 38-40 VII. Erzeugung und Handle, Warenmärkte
by R. Scheid - 40-43 XIII. Soziologie und Kultur, Politik und Geschichte
by Hermann Kellenbenz - 43-46 XIV. Forschung und Lehre
by Wolfgang Armbruster - 57-95 Exchange rate flexibility and the common agricultural policy of the european economic community
by Tim Josling - 96-119 An econometric analysis of liner freight rates
by W. Driehuis - 120-126 Sources of instability in the international accounts
by H. Heller - 127-137 Antikritisches zu »stadien und typen der industrialisierung«
by Walther Hoffmann - 138-158 Hong Kong: A classical growth model
by Tong-yung Cheng