December 2001, Volume 137, Issue 4
- 737-750 Nonlinear error correction in spot and forward exchange rates
by David McMillan & Angela Black - 751-755 Book reviews
by Jens Mundhenke & Richard Pomfret & Horst Rottmann
September 2001, Volume 137, Issue 3
- 379-403 Multinational firms, market integration, and trade structure: What remains of the standard-goods hypothesis?
by Leo Sleuwaegen & Koen Backer - 404-426 Using home-biased demand to test trade theories
by Federico Trionfetti - 427-449 European exports and outward foreign direct investment: A dynamic panel data approach
by Peter Egger - 450-472 The determinants of export performance: A firm-level study of Italian manufacturing
by Alessandro Sterlacchini - 473-500 Trade, capital mobility, and the German labour market
by Michael Pflüger - 501-524 Parameter instability, superexogeneity, and the monetary model of the exchange rate
by Guglielmo Caporale & Nikitas Pittis - 525-536 Factor price equalization? The cointegration approach revisited
by Helge Berger & Frank Westermann - 537-548 Testing the intertemporal substitution hypothesis: The impact of income uncertainty on savings
by Nicholas Apergis & Costas Katrakilidis - 549-560 Book reviews
by Michael Stolpe & Pontus Braunerhjelm & Helmut Wagner & Christian Pierdzioch
June 2001, Volume 137, Issue 2
- 193-214 Inward investment, industry concentration and the speed of adjustment
by Nigel Driffield - 215-243 Evolving geographical concentration of European manufacturing industries
by Marius Brülhart - 244-272 The demand for M3 and inflation forecasts: An empirical analysis for Switzerland
by Ernst Baltensperger & Thomas Jordan & Marcel Savioz - 273-296 Interaction between structural and cyclical shocks in production and employment
by F. Butter & S. Koopman - 297-319 The determinants of small and medium-sized firm internationalization and its relationship with productive efficiency
by Leonardo Becchetti & Maria Santoro - 320-346 Global market effects of alternative European responses to genetically modified organisms
by Chantal Nielsen & Kym Anderson - 347-364 Employment in domestic plants and foreign affiliates: A note on the elasticity of substitution
by Michael Pfaffermayr - 365-374 Book reviews
by Wolf SchÄfer & Werner Sesselmeier & Ulrich Burgtorf
March 2001, Volume 137, Issue 1
- 1-35 On the empirical distribution of the Balassa index
by Jeroen Hinloopen & Charles Marrewijk - 36-57 The Dollar-Mark axis
by Gabriele Galati - 58-79 Intellectual property rights and licensing: An econometric investigation
by Guifang Yang & Keith Maskus - 80-104 Patterns and determinants of international fragmentation of production: Evidence from outward processing trade between the EU and Central Eastern European countries
by Salvatore Baldone & Fabio Sdogati & Lucia Tajoli - 105-123 Export entry and exit by German firms
by Andrew Bernard & Joachim Wagner - 124-149 Trade regimes and spillover effects of FDI: Evidence from Uruguay
by Ari Kokko & Mario Zejan & Ruben Tansini - 150-174 On the determinants of national saving: An extreme-bounds analysis
by Mumtaz Hussain & Oscar Brookins - 175-185 Book reviews
by Axel Börsch-Supan & Volker Nitsch & Tanja Götzke & Jens Mundhenke & Rolf Langhammer
December 2000, Volume 136, Issue 4
- 579-600 Globalization and patterns of economic development
by Jeffrey Sachs - 601-630 The gains from partial completion of the single market
by Anders Hoffmann - 631-656 Fiscal flows in Europe: The redistributive effects of the EU budget
by Rafael Doménech & Antonio Maudes & Juan Varela - 657-679 Is the European union a natural currency area, or is it held together by policy makers?
by Maria Demertzis & Andrew Hallett & Ole Rummel - 680-701 An econometric analysis of the main components of M3 in the Euro area
by Alessandro Calza & Alexander Jung & Livio Stracca - 702-723 The importance of technology-based intersectoral linkages for market share dynamics
by Keld Laursen & Valentina Meliciani - 724-752 Recent trends in tariff and nontariff barriers to trade in the United States
by Michael Daly & Eugenia Lizano & Angelo Silvy - 753-763 Book reviews
by Marcel Fratzscher & Federico Foders & Carsten-Patrick Meier & Shyamal Chowdhury
September 2000, Volume 136, Issue 3
- 381-402 The impact of EMU on trade flows
by Paul Grauwe & Frauke Skudelny - 403-422 Fragmentation and trade: US inward processing trade in the EU
by Holger Görg - 423-441 The nature and causes of intra-industry trade: Back to the comparative advantage explanation? The case of Spain
by José Blanes & Carmela Martín - 442-477 Explaining the geography and depth of international production: The case of US and Japanese multinational enterprises
by Nagesh Kumar - 478-490 Real exchange rates and unit root tests
by Ashok Parikh & Elizabeth Wakerly - 491-521 Estimating the size of the potential market for the Kyoto flexibility mechanisms
by ZhongXiang Zhang - 522-538 Further evidence on the effect of foreign competition on industry level wages
by David Greenaway & Robert Hine & Peter Wright - 539-559 The effects of the United States granting MFN status to Vietnam
by Emiko Fukase & Will Martin - 560-571 Book reviews
by Claus-Friedrich Laaser & Franco Reither & Holger Görg & Udo Broll & Christian Pierdzioch
June 2000, Volume 136, Issue 2
- 199-231 The exchange rate and monetary conditions in the Euro area
by David Mayes & Matti Virén - 232-258 Forecasting the Euro exchange rate using vector error correction models
by Bas Aarle & Michael Boss & Jaroslava Hlouskova - 259-283 Default premia on European government debt
by Ingunn LØnning - 284-314 Non-Europe: The magnitude and causes of market fragmentation in the EU
by Keith Head & Thierry Mayer - 315-333 A nonnormative theory of inflation and central bank independence
by Berthold Herrendorf & Manfred Neumann - 334-354 Has the Canada-US trade agreement fostered price integration?
by R. Moodley & William Kerr & Daniel Gordon - 355-371 Tests for factor homogeneity and industry classification
by Robert Elliott & David Greenaway & Robert Hine - 372-377 Book reviews
by Joachim Wagner & Manfred Wiebelt & Stefan Homburg & Andrea Schertler
March 2000, Volume 136, Issue 1
- 1-23 Exchange rates and European countries’ export prices: An empirical test for asymmetries in pricing to market behavior
by Salvador Gil-Pareja - 24-57 Systematic sampling and real exchange rates
by Lucio Sarno - 58-83 Comparing monetary policy transmission across European countries
by Michael Ehrmann - 84-110 A kalman filter-gravity equation approach to assess the trade impact of economic integration: The case of Spain, 1986–1992
by Fernando Sanz - 111-136 Total factor productivity, the east Asian miracle, and the world production frontier
by Jens Kaüger & Uwe Cantner & Horst Hanusch - 137-157 Regional cooperation and the environment: Do “dirty” industries migrate?
by Xinpeng Xu & Ligang Song - 158-170 Sources of movements in real exchange rates-evidence from east Asian economies
by Ping Wang & Paul Dunne - 171-180 The common trend and common cycle of exports and the real exchange rate: Empirical results from Swiss data
by Peter Kugler - 181-194 Book reviews
by Rupert Windisch & Ralf Fendel & Axel Neu & Jan Gottschalk & Florian Höppner
December 1999, Volume 135, Issue 4
- 545-572 Real wage rigidities, accommodative demand policies, and the functioning of EMU
by Norbert Berthold & Rainer Fehn & Eric Thode - 573-593 Specialization patterns in Europe
by Mary Amiti - 594-612 Multinational companies and wage inequality in the host country: The case of Ireland
by Paolo Figini & Holger Görg - 613-628 Misalignments of real exchange rates and the credibility of nominal currency bands
by Bernd Kempa & Michael Nelles - 629-656 Capital mobility and EU enlargement
by Claudia Buch - 657-674 Sunk costs, firm size and internationalization
by Pontus Braunerhjelm - 675-691 Export activity and productivity: Evidence from the Taiwan electronics industry
by Jin-Tan Liu & Meng-Wen Tsou & James Hammitt - 692-708 Unravelling causation: An empirical analysis of contingent protection in Australia
by Donald Feaver & Kenneth Wilson - 709-722 Book reviews
by Hartmut Wolf & Reza Rajabiun & Jörn Kleinert & Ivar Bredesen & Katrin Springer
September 1999, Volume 135, Issue 3
- 379-396 Does uncertainty affect economic growth? An empirical analysis
by Robert Lensink & Hong Bo & Elmer Sterken - 397-412 The response of long-term interest rates to news about monetary policy actions: Empirical evidence for the U.S. and Germany
by Dieter Nautz & Jürgen Wolters - 413-436 Forecasting French and German long-term rates using a rational expectations model
by Eric Jondeau & Franck Sédillot - 437-453 Pitfalls in panel tests of purchasing power parity
by Peter Anker - 454-479 A long-run relationship between Eastern European stock markets? Cointegration and the 1997/98 crisis in emerging markets
by Christian Jochum & Gebhard Kirchgässner & Mariusz Platek - 480-500 Sectoral and aggregate estimates of the cyclical behavior of markups: Evidence from Germany
by Ludger Linnemann - 501-521 Lingering effects of central planning on trade? Evidence from current CIS trade patterns
by Yener Kandogan - 522-531 An analysis of German effects on the Austrian business cycle
by Yin-Wong Cheung & Frank Westermann - 532-540 Book reviews
by Christian Fehlker & Shyamal Chowdhury & Einar Hope & Axel Schimmelpfennig
June 1999, Volume 135, Issue 2
- 193-220 Did the European unification induce economic growth? In search of scale effects and persistent changes
by Patrick Vanhoudt - 221-240 Product market competition, unemployment and income disparities
by Hans Gersbach - 241-260 Multinationals, production efficiency, and spillover effects: The case of the U.S. auto parts industry
by Yumiko Okamoto - 261-279 Converging on the learning curve: Theory and application to German regional data
by Lucas Bretschger & Hansjörg Schmidt - 280-305 The third leg of the stool: Financial stability as a prerequisite for EMU
by Ivo Arnold - 306-316 Monetary policy shocks and interest rates: Further evidence on the liquidity effect
by Tony Caporale & Barbara McKiernan - 317-331 State-space estimation of rational bubbles in the Yen/Deutsche Mark exchange rate
by S. Elwood & Ehsan Ahmed & J. Rosser - 332-346 East-west intra-industry trade dynamics
by Jarko Fidrmuc & Daniela Grozea-Helmenstein & Andreas Wörgötter - 347-357 Does IMF conditionality benefit lenders?
by Stephen Easton & Duane Rockerbie - 358-373 Book reviews
by Stefan Voigt & Helmut Wagner & Michael Pflüger & Reza Rajabiun & Christoph Harff & Selmo Aronovich & Jens Hoiberg
March 1999, Volume 135, Issue 1
- 1-47 Estimating the costs and benefits of EMU: The impact of external shocks on labour markets
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 48-61 Measuring marginal intra-industry trade
by Rodney Thom & Moore McDowell - 62-81 Horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade between Eastern Europe and the European union
by Chonira Aturupane & Simeon Djankov & Bernard Hoekman - 82-101 International intra-industry trade of China
by Xiaoling Hu & Yue Ma - 102-127 Two-way trade between unequal partners: The EU and the developing countries
by Lars Nilsson - 128-155 The effect of global trade liberalization on toxic emissions in industry
by Michael Ferrantino & Linda Linkins - 156-165 Bilateral J-Curve between U.S. and her trading partners
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Taggert Brooks - 166-170 Intra-regional trade and business cycles in Southeast Asia
by John Thornton & Alessandro Goglio - 171-188 Book reviews
by Werner Sesselmeier & Wilfried Fuhrmann & Christian Scholz & Uwe Walz & Rainer Schweickert & Axel Börsch-Supan & Margareta Kulessa
December 1998, Volume 134, Issue 4
- 573-589 Explaining the structure of foreign trade: Where do we stand?
by Elhanan Helpman - 590-611 Country size and comparative advantage: An empirical study
by Johan Torstensson - 612-637 Errors-in-variables, supply side effects, and price elasticities in foreign trade
by Jakob Madsen - 638-663 National and international spillovers from R&D: Comparing a neoclassical and an endogenous growth approach
by Henrik Braconier & Fredrik Sjöholm - 664-691 Why are currency crises contagious? A comparison of the Latin American Crisis of 1994–1995 and the Asian Crisis of 1997–1998
by Marcel Fratzscher - 692-711 Do funded pensions contribute to higher aggregate savings? A cross-country analysis
by Jeannine Bailliu & Helmut Reisen - 712-740 Money demand and monetary policy in Europe
by Volker Clausen - 741-754 Rezensionen
by Christian Pierdzioch & Michael Carlberg & Hans-Jürgen Wagener & Katja Gerling & Birgit Sander & Hubert Strauß
September 1998, Volume 134, Issue 3
- 367-403 Cross-country interdependencies in growth dynamics: A model of output growth in the G7 economies, 1960–1994
by Kevin Lee - 404-422 Static and dynamic measurement of intra-industry trade and adjustment: A geometric reappraisal
by Abdul Azhar & Robert Elliott & Chris Milner - 423-449 Trade, technology spillovers, and food production in China
by Hans Meijl & Frank Tongeren - 450-483 Multinational enterprises, regional economic integration, and export-platform production in the host countries: An empirical analysis for the US and Japanese corporations
by Nagesh Kumar - 484-512 An empirical test of the Dixit-Norman approach to factor price equalization, using cointegration techniques
by Glenn Rayp - 513-533 Investment and institutional uncertainty: A comparative study of different uncertainty measures
by Aymo Brunetti & Beatrice Weder - 534-547 Foreign direct investment, country capabilities and economic growth
by Karin Olofsdotter - 548-557 Two types of target zone proposals: McKinnon and Ohno versus Williamson
by Joseph Aschheim & George Tavlas - 558-568 Book reviews
by László Halpern & Daniel Piazolo & Horst Siebert & Franco Reither & Rolf Jungnickel
June 1998, Volume 134, Issue 2
- 161-185 Globalisation and competition policies
by P. Lloyd - 186-208 The international regulation of intellectual property
by Keith Maskus - 209-229 Economic effects of rules of origin
by Rod Falvey & Geoff Reed - 230-249 Demand, comparative advantage and economic geography in international trade: Evidence from the OECD
by Erik Lundbäck & Johan Torstensson - 250-262 Foreign entry and domestic welfare
by Martin Richardson - 263-279 Tax policy on foreign direct investment in the presence of cross-hauling
by Sajal Lahiri & Yoshiyasu Ono - 280-301 Do transport costs justifyregional preferential trading arrangements? no
by Arvind Panagariya - 302-319 Economic integration, market size and the welfare effects of trade liberalisation
by Karin Olofsdotter & Johan Torstensson - 320-339 Cumulation and injury determination of the European community in antidumping cases
by P. Tharakan & David Greenaway & Joe Tharakan - 340-362 Antidumping jumping: Reciprocal antidumping and industrial location
by Jan Haaland & Ian Wooton
March 1998, Volume 134, Issue 1
- 1-24 Credibility of European economic convergence
by Johannes Groeneveld & Kees Koedijk & Clemens Kool - 25-41 Learning about fundamentals: The widening of the French ERM bands in 1993
by Harry Garretsen & Klaas Knot & Erwin Nijsse - 42-68 European steel policies in the 1980s: Hindering technological innovation and market structure change?
by Michael Moore - 69-98 Exchange controls, international capital flows and saving-investment correlations in the UK: An empirical investigation
by Lucio Sarno & Mark Taylor - 99-116 Does purchasing power parity survive political shocks in South Africa?
by Brian Kahn & Ashok Parikh - 117-132 The linkage of interest rates within the EMS
by Michael Artis & Wenda Zhang - 133-139 Integration, trade costs and the export behaviour of firms: Empirical evidence on the venables model
by Harald Trabold - 140-156 Book Reviews
by Paul Brenton & Daniel Gros & Axel Schimmelpfennig & Andreas Gröhn & Richard Promfret & Sung-Hoon Park & Jörg-Volker Schrader & Dieter Bender & Michael Stolpe
December 1997, Volume 133, Issue 4
- 579-608 Globalization and deindustrialization: Myth and reality in the OECD
by Steven Saeger - 609-634 More similar and less equal: Economic growth in the European regions
by Raffaele Paci - 635-656 Real business cycles in an open economy: An application to Germany
by Thomas Harjes - 657-682 Which TARGET for monetary policy in stage three? Issues in the shaping of the European payment system
by Curzio Giannini & Carlo Monticelli - 683-707 Financial repression, money growth, and seignorage: The Polish experience
by Bas Aarle & Nina Budina - 708-736 Trade integration in the twentieth century: What does Belgian history tell us?
by Filip Abraham & Erik Buyst & Sven Geyssens - 737-753 The effects of changing U.S. MFN status for China
by Hugh Arce & Christopher Taylor - 754-768 Rezensionen
by Ivar Bredesen & Lukas Menkhoff & Daniel Piazolo & Roger Svensson & Axel Schimmelpfennig & Karsten Junius
September 1997, Volume 133, Issue 3
- 383-418 Trade with Asia and skill upgrading: Effects on labor markets in the older industrial countries
by Rod Tyers & Yongzheng Yang - 419-457 Antidumping and tariff Jumping: Japanese firms’ DFI in the European union and the United States
by René Belderbos - 458-478 The relative importance of foreign and domestic shocks to output and prices in Mexico and Colombia
by Joseph Joyce & Linda Kamas - 479-496 Openness and economic growth in developing countries
by Erich Gundlach - 497-522 Deviations from long-run equilibria and probabilities of devaluations: An empirical analysis of Danish realignments
by Jesper Rangvid - 523-537 Money growth volatility and the demand for money in Germany: Friedman’s volatility hypothesis revisited
by Imke Brüggemann & Dieter Nautz - 538-553 Export composition and economic growth: Cointegration and causality evidence for India
by Subrata Ghatak & Stephen Price - 554-565 The measurement of intra-industry trade between unequal partners
by Lars Nilsson - 566-573 Rezensionen
by Bruno Sergi & Manfred Neldner & Roland Herrmann
June 1997, Volume 133, Issue 2
- 205-225 The potential trade effects of an FTA between the EU and Russia
by Paul Brenton & Natalia Tourdyeva & John Whalley - 226-248 Estimating international technology spillovers using technology flow matrices
by Bart Verspagen - 249-269 Back to the future: Taking stock on intra-industry trade
by David Greenaway & Johan Torstensson - 270-281 The costs of non-tariff barriers to trade: Evidence from New Zealand
by Liliana Winkelmann & Rainer Winkelmann - 282-296 The trend behavior of real exchange rates: Evidence from OECD countries
by Yangru Wu - 297-312 Assessing convergence to purchasing power parity: A panel study for ten OECD countries
by Carsten-Patrick Meier - 313-329 Country characteristics and foreign direct investment in China: A panel data analysis
by Xiaming Liu & Haiyan Song & Yingqi Wei & Peter Romilly - 330-358 The macroeconomic effects of immigration: Israel in the 1990s
by Michael Beenstock & Jeffrey Fisher - 359-368 Additional evidence on monetary base and interest rate linkages in the EMS
by John Thornton & Alicia García-Herrero - 369-379 Rezensionen
by Jamuna Agarwal & Hans-Eggert Reimers & Mark Holmes & Rainer Schweickert & Jan Hatzius
March 1997, Volume 133, Issue 1
- 1-21 Disinflation costs, accelerating inflation gains, and central bank independence
by Thomas Jordan - 22-38 Did the underlying behaviour of inflation change in the 1980s? A study of 17 countries
by Robert Anderton - 39-55 Sign predictions of exchange rate changes: Charts as proxies for Bayesian inferences
by Hans Dewachter - 56-75 Volatility transmission along the money market yield curve
by Juan Ayuso & Andrew Haldane & Fernando Restoy - 76-89 Capital controls and covered interest parity in the EU: Evidence from a panel-data unit root test
by Mark Holmes & Yangru Wu - 90-102 Predicting recessions: Some evidence for Germany
by Norbert Funke - 103-133 Competitiveness and external trade performance of the French manufacturing industry
by Pierre-Richard Agénor - 134-157 Exports and success in German manufacturing
by Andrew Bernard & Joachim Wagner - 158-163 Inflation and total factor productivity in Germany: A response to Smyth
by Donald Freeman & David Yerger - 164-169 Intra-industry versus inter-industry trade: Relevance for adjustment costs
by Jayant Menon & Peter Dixon - 170-178 Marginal intra-industry trade index: The period and aggregation choice
by Joaquín Oliveras & Inés Terra - 179-200 Book reviews
by Uwe Siegmund & Rolf Hasse & Katja Gerling & Claudia Buch & Werner Sesselmeier & Federico Foders & Norbert Funke & Jakob Haan
December 1996, Volume 132, Issue 4
- 609-637 The West European employment problem
by Assar Lindbeck - 638-650 A cross-country comparison of the demand for labour in Europe
by Ray Barrell & Nigel Pain & Garry Young - 651-674 Re-examining the cyclical behaviour of prices and output
by David Smant - 675-689 The domestic term structure and international interest rate linkages: A cointegration analysis
by Gerd Hansen - 690-699 Cointegration, error correction, and the demand for money in Mexico
by John Thornton - 700-722 An assessment of three measures of competitiveness
by Ian Marsh & Stephen Tokarick - 723-739 Free trade or protection? belgian textile and clothing firms’ trade preferences
by Ilse Scheerlinck & Luc Hens & Rosette S’Jegers - 740-752 On natural and policy-induced sources of protection and trade regime bias
by Chris Milner - 753-762 Fallacies in the interpretation of a european monetary aggregate
by Ivo Arnold - 763-773 Interest rate-based forecasts of german economic growth: A note
by Hanns Hagen & Gebhard Kirchgässner - 774-793 Banks and the world’s major banking centers, 1990
by Sang Choi & Daekeun Park & Adrian Tschoegl - 794-805 Book reviews
by Claudia Buch & Matthias Lücke & Oliver Lorz & Heinz Welsch & Rainer Maurer & H. Atesoglu
September 1996, Volume 132, Issue 2
- 197-214 Regional specialization and shocks in Europe: Some evidence from regional data
by Sergio Nardis & Alessandro Goglio & Marco Malgarini - 215-235 EU-wide money and cross-border holdings
by Carlo Monticelli - 236-258 Modelling interest rate volatility: Regime switches and level links
by Hans Dewachter - 259-277 Monetary integration between the Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian economies
by Arie Arnon & Avia Spivak - 278-303 Exchange rate pass-through and rivalry in the Swiss automobile market
by Dominique Gross & Nicolas Schmitt - 304-329 Effects of overseas production on home country exports: Evidence based on Swedish multinationals
by Roger Svensson - 330-355 Immigration and the public transfer system: Some empirical evidence for Switzerland
by René Weber & Thomas Straubhaar - 356-377 The carbon tax game: Differential tax recycling in a two-region general equilibrium model of the European community
by Heinz Welsch - 378-389 Measures of intra-industry trade reconsidered with reference to Singapore’s bilateral trade with Japan and the United States
by Ramkishen Rajan - 390-393 The determinants of foreign direct investment in transforming economies: A comment
by László Mátyás & Gábor Kőrösi - 394-405 Book reviews
by Michael Dooley & Rolf Langhammer & Enno Langfeldt & Susanne Lapp & Hans-Georg Petersen & Michael Stolpe & J. Agarwal
March 1996, Volume 132, Issue 1
- 1-27 The economics of convergence: Towards monetary union in Europe
by Paul Grauwe - 28-54 Fiscal and monetary policy in a monetary union: Credible inflation targets or monetized debt?
by Thomas Krichel & Paul Levine & Joseph Pearlman - 55-74 Government capital formation: Explaining the decline
by Jakob Haan & Jan Sturm & Bernd Sikken