December 1980, Volume 116, Issue 4
- 613-626 The effects of risk and return on the currency composition of money demand
by Marc Miles & Marion Stewart - 627-656 Asset market approaches to exchange rate determination: A comparative analysis
by Robert Murphy & Carl Duyne - 657-668 Price distortions, joint production and some international trade theorems
by Pasquale Sgro - 685-696 Money and the production function: A case study of France
by Prem Laumas & Khan Mohabbat - 697-728 Wage rigidity and the structure of the Austrian manufacturing industry
by Wolfgang Pollan - 729-738 A note on some asymmetries of monetary control in open economies
by Dietrich Fausten - 739-773 Determinants of foreign direct investment: A survey
by Jamuna Agarwal
September 1980, Volume 116, Issue 3
- 409-431 Driving forces of economic growth : What can we learn from history ?
by Simon Kuznets - 432-446 Global monetarism — The reserve-flow equation reconsidered
by Girol Karacaoglu - 447-470 The theory of international trade among industrial Nations
by H. Gray - 471-492 Safeguard protection of industry in developed countries : Assessment of the implications for developing countries
by Linda Gard & James Riedel - 493-513 On the use of futures markets for stabilization purposes
by Manfred Streit - 551-559 A monetary interpretation of inflation : The Greek case
by John Leventakis - 560-573 Import demand for capital equipment in the Philippines
by Romeo Bautista - 576-576 The effects of unemployment benefits on U.S. unemployment rates: A comment
by Georges Dionne - 577-577 Dewald and Marchon on the St. Louis Model : A comment
by Eduard Bomhoff - 580-581 The choice between a tariff and a quota : Comment
by Edward Tower - 584-592 American multinationals and American interests — Oder : American interests and American multinationals ?
by Paulgeorg Juhl - 593-609 Rezensionen
by Siegfried Lörcher & Manfred Neidner & Roland Vaubel & Torsten Tewes & Manfred Feldsieper
June 1980, Volume 116, Issue 2
- 205-224 The forward exchange rate for sterling and the efficiency of expectations
by Paul Ormerod - 225-234 The deviations from interest rate parity along the term structure of forward exchange rates
by Alberto Giovannini - 235-252 An application of the monetary approach to black market exchange rates
by Sanjeev Gupta - 253-263 On the implications of monetary rules in a stochastic framework
by D. Peel - 264-279 The structural pattern of LDCs’ trade in manufactures with individual and groups of DCs
by Carl Hamilton & Mordechai Kreinin - 280-293 Determinants of intra-industry trade: Among countries and across industries
by Rudolf Loertscher & Frank Wolter - 294-306 Textile trade and the pattern of economic growth
by Gregory Schmid & Owen Phillips - 307-314 Elasticity pessimism, expectations, and stability of the foreign exchange market
by Robert Driskill - 315-321 Observations on the relation between “revealed comparative advantage” and comparative advantage as indicated by pre-trade relative prices
by Arye Hillman - 322-329 The meaning and measurement of product differentiation in international trade
by H. Gray & John Martin - 330-340 Effects of separating management from ownership on capital utilization: A study of Malaysian manufacturing
by David Lim - 341-352 Plant size, scale economies and “optimum” concentration levels in Australian manufacturing industries
by David Round - 353-364 A case study of the industrial organization theory of direct foreign investment
by Badiul Majumdar - 365-379 Internalization as a general theory of foreign direct investment: A re-appraisal of the literature
by Alan Rugman - 380-403 Rezensionen
by Hans Gottinger & Hans Glismann & Gerd-R. Steffen & Peter Trapp & Paulgeorg Juhl & Harmen Lehment & Torsten Tewes & Thomas Mayer & Hans-Georg Petersen & Paulgeorg Juhl & Rolf Langhammer
March 1980, Volume 116, Issue 1
- 45-86 A review of recent work in the area of inflationary expectations
by James Chan-Lee - 87-113 The joint determination of changes in output and prices in the seven main industrial countries
by Victor Argy & Erich SpitÄller - 114-130 Tariffs and resource allocation in partial and in general equilibrium
by Jaime Melo - 131-161 Vorschlag für ein prognose- und simulationsmodell des umwandlungsbereichs der energiewirtschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Berndt Lehbert - 162-177 Factor proportions, technology and Dutch industry’s international trade patterns
by M. Hulsman-Vejsová & K. Koekkoek - 178-199 Rezensionen
by Bernd Stecher & Ingo Walter & Paulgeorg Juhl & Norbert Walter & Berndt Lehbert & Paulgeorg Juhl & Walter Freyer & K. Hennings & Torsten Tewes & Dietmar Gebert
December 1979, Volume 115, Issue 4
- 605-628 Impact and long-run effects of economic disturbances in a dynamic model of exchange rate determination
by Hans Genberg & Henryk Kierzkowski - 629-652 Aspects of growth, structural change, and employment A schumpeterian perspective
by Herbert Giersch - 653-669 Import instability and LDCs’ response: The destabilization of the inflow of capital and intermediate goods
by Klaus-O. Junginger-Dittel & Helmut Reisen - 670-679 The impact of protection and concentration on the labour intensity of U.K. industries
by Theodore Hitiris - 680-700 The geometry of community indifference curves
by Edward Tower - 701-715 A theory of customs union: The three country-two good case
by Raymond Riezman - 716-728 Nontraded goods and customs unions theory
by Eden Yu - 729-735 The choice between a tariff and a quota under uncertainty
by Claus Vastrup - 736-741 A note on tariffs, quotas and the Metzler Paradox: An alternative approach
by Werner Haan & Patrice Visser - 742-744 A note on fiscal policy under perfect capital mobility in a Keynesian two country world
by S. Wijnbergen - 745-755 Export instability and economic structure: An east-west comparison
by David Brodsky & Gary Sampson - 756-759 Trade expansion with less developed countries: Comment
by Charles Pearson - 760-762 Trade expansion with less developed countries: Reply
by P. Grauwe & W. Keimes & T. Peeters & R. Straelen - 763-768 Turkey’s advance or retrogression?
by Asim Erdilek - 769-804 Rezensionen
by K. Hennings & Horst Brezinski & Manfred Neumann & Rudolf Adlung & Heinz Kurz & Paulgeorg Juhl & Udo Simonis & Karin Peschel & Wolf SchÄfer & Kazimierz Laski & J. Perkins & Manfred Neldner & Berndt Lehbert & George McKenzie & Rolf Langhammer & Richard Pomfret
September 1979, Volume 115, Issue 3
- 401-424 Money stock control in the EEC countries
by Michele Fratianni & Mustapha Nabli - 425-449 The reaction of prices and of the balance of payments to revaluation of the Deutsche Mark
by Alfred Steinherr & Colette Morel - 450-466 Ein exportallokationsmodell für die westlichen industrielÄnder
by Egon Smeral - 467-484 Wohlfahrtseffekte von bufferstocks zur glÄttung von preisschwankungen auf den weltrohstoffmÄrkten
by Hans Glismann & Horst Rodemer - 485-507 The vintage approach to output and employment growth in the Netherlands, 1921–1976
by S. Kuipers & J. Muysken & J. Sinderen - 508-521 On the sectoral patterns of West German manufacturing investment in less developed countries: The impact of firm size, factor intensities and protection
by Paulgeorg Juhl - 522-526 The interest parity theorem, invariance, and the instantaneous forward premium: A clarification
by Guglielmo Garlato - 527-535 More on the instantaneous premium: A reply
by Harold Payson - 536-539 Comments on aggregation and misspecification biases in estimates of factor elasticity of substitution
by Andreas Kintis - 540-542 Note on “economic policy in an open economy under alternative exchange rate systems: Effectiveness and stability in the short and long run”
by Howard Petith - 542-542 Economic policy in an open economy: A reply
by Alfred Steinherr - 543-572 Tariff reductions under the Tokyo round: A review of their effects on trade flows, employment, and welfare
by Mordechai Kreinin & Lawrence Officer - 573-600 Rezensionen
by Hans-Georg Petersen & Paulgeorg Juhl & Hilde Wander & Berndt Lehbert & Ulrich Fehl & Gunter Steinmann & Manfred Neldner & Ranadev Banerji & Harald Hagemann & Torsten Tewes
June 1979, Volume 115, Issue 2
- 201-223 The dynamics of an open economy with endogenous monetary and fiscal policies
by Stephen Turnovsky - 242-254 Indexed deposits and price expectations
by Pentti Vartia - 255-271 European monetary unification and the eurodollar market
by John Marthinsen & Stephen Miller - 272-283 Factor intensity reversals: Conceptual experiments with traded goods aggregates
by Arye Hillman & Seev Hirsch - 284-296 Notes on the structure of production: Market oriented and Soviet-type economies
by Prem Laumas & John Soper - 297-314 The potential for mutually beneficial trade negotiations between the United States and advanced LDCs
by Gerald Lage & Frank Kiang - 315-324 The effect of tariff and non-tariff barriers on U. S. sugar imports
by Hans Kruijk - 325-350 Multinationals and market structure in an open developing economy: The case of Malaysia
by Sanjaya Lall - 351-355 Border tax adjustments and countervailing duties
by Roy Ruffin - 356-371 Econometric estimates of India’s export demand parameters: A critical survey
by Nurali Peera
March 1979, Volume 115, Issue 1
- 1-19 A common specification of price, output, and unemployment rate responses to demand pressure and import prices in six industrial countries
by William Dewald & Maurice Marchon - 20-37 Financial programming in the framework of optimal control
by Chorng-Huey Wong & Øystein Pettersen - 38-50 On the locomotive theory in international macroeconomics
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 51-67 Interest rates in the U. S. and eurodollar markets
by Ian Giddy & Gunter Dufey & Sangkee Min - 68-80 On the measurement of imported inflation in developing countries
by Edmund Sheehey - 81-98 The pattern of trade in individual products: A test of simple theories
by Ehsan Choudhri - 99-115 Trade expansion with the less developed countries and employment: A case study of belgium
by P. Grauwe & W. Kennes & T. Peeters & R. Straelen - 116-127 Productivity of foreign and domestic firms in Indian industries
by Jamuna Agarwal - 128-136 Scale and technology in Malaysian manufacturing
by David Lim - 137-145 The Leontief paradox in a multi-country setting: Comments
by Gideon Fishelson - 146-148 The leontief paradox in a multi-country setting: Reply
by Seev Hirsch - 149-165 Recent changes in developing country exports
by Alexander Yeats - 166-170 The ingredients of growth in industrial countries
by Charles Kindleberger
December 1978, Volume 114, Issue 4
- 603-613 Introduction
by Pentti Kouri - 614-641 Policy responses to major disturbances of the 1970s and their transmission through international goods and capital markets
by Stanley Black - 642-708 The interdependence of national economies and the synchronization of economic fluctuations: Evidence from the LINK project
by Bert Hickman & Stefan Schleicher - 709-735 External shocks and stabilization policy in a small open economy: The Australian experience
by Michael Porter - 736-782 Optimal demand policies against stagflation
by Franco Modigliani & Lucas Papademos - 783-809 Disinflation without recession: Adaptive guideposts and monetary policy
by Edmund Phelps - 810-833 Towards an understanding of the real effects and costs of inflation
by Stanley Fischer & Franco Modigliani - 834-841 Rezensionen
by Juergen Donges & Wolf SchÄfer & Manfred Neldner & Paulgeorg Juhl
September 1978, Volume 114, Issue 3
- 407-421 Bernhard Harms lecture: The aging economy
by Charles Kindleberger - 422-447 Expectations and floating exchange rates
by James Ingram - 448-480 The integration of National financial markets: A review of theory and findings
by Robert Aliber - 481-498 Trade impediments, domestic goods, and the transfer problem
by Franz Gehrels - 499-514 Financial Savings from the common fund
by John Cuddy - 515-525 Estimation of the manufactured export supply function from developing countries
by Yung Yang - 526-539 The economic consequences for Israel of free trade in manufactured goods with the EEC
by Richard Pomfret - 540-551 Coase theorem, liability rules and social optimum
by Koon-Lam Shea - 552-557 Exchange rate expectations and speculative capital flows
by Manfred Neumann - 558-559 Exchange rate expectations and speculative capital flows: Reply
by Steven Kohlhagen - 560-579 Development in the large and in the small: The case of Tunisia, 1961–1971
by Wolfgang Stolper - 580-599 Rezensionen
by Paulgeorg Juhl & Stefan Baron & Helmut Gröner & Harmen Lehment & Manfred Neidner & Klaus-Dieter Schmidt & Rainer Schmidt & Torsten Tewes & Karin Thöne
June 1978, Volume 114, Issue 2
- 211-226 International reserve flows: Seemingly unrelated regressions
by Bluford Putnam & D. Wilford - 227-242 A distributed lag analysis of disequilibrium in the International money market
by Asim Erdilek - 243-257 The influence of firm size, industry, nationality, and degree of multinationality on the growth and profitability of the World’s largest firms, 1962–1972
by Peter Buckley & John Dunning & Robert Pearce - 258-274 Country size, trade concentration and trade instability: An alternative approach
by Robert Deans & Richard Bernstein - 275-296 Intra-industry trade and inter-industry specialization as concurrent sources of International Trade in manufactures
by Antonio Aquino - 297-304 Soviet-COMECON trade: The question of intra-industry specialization
by Joseph Pelzman - 305-327 The structure of transport costs on Latin American exports
by Wilfried Prewo - 328-338 A logit analysis of the factor content of West German foreign trade
by Christopher Baum & David Coe - 339-359 Präferenzen und DDR-Exportstruktur im Innerdeutschen Handel
by Sighart Nehring - 360-379 Technical efficiency and ownership characteristics of manufacturing firms in a developing country: A Brazilian case study
by William Tyler - 380-402 Rezensionen
by K. Hennings & Kazimierz Laski & Gerhard Köpernik & Olaf Hübler & Torsten Tewes & Manfred Neidner & Karin Thöne & Ingo Walter & Alphonse Losser & Klaus-Dieter Schmidt
March 1978, Volume 114, Issue 1
- 1-11 A simple Keynesian model of inflation and unemployment under rational expectations
by Carlos Rodriguez - 12-23 Inflationary expectations and “Self-Generating” inflations
by D. Peel - 24-61 Export incentives and export performance in developing countries: A comparative analysis
by Bela Balassa - 62-84 Small-scale production units in manufacturing: An International cross-section overview
by Ranadev Banerji - 85-100 Domestic inflation and exchange rate changes: The less-developed countries’ case
by Thomas Lowinger - 101-123 Social welfare optimization with tastes as variables
by M. McManus - 124-145 Sector structure in an open economy
by Horst Siebert - 146-159 The theory of wage differentials, induced technical progress and the pure theory of International trade
by Bharat Hazari - 160-171 A bad case: Grubel on the new International economic order
by G. Helleiner - 172-174 A reply to Helleiner’s comments on my paper “The case against the New International Economic Order”
by Herbert Grubel - 175-186 International monetarism and the explanation of World Inflation
by Herbert Grubel - 187-203 Rezensionen
by A. Lemper & K. Bieda & Manfred Neldner & Torsten Tewes & Robert Hsu & Gerhard Tintner & Kurt Rothschild & George McKenzie & W. Engelhardt
1978, Volume 114
- 328-338 A Logit Analysis of the Factor Content of West German Foreign Trade
by Christopher F Baum & David Coe
December 1977, Volume 113, Issue 4
- 607-623 Stability conditions in dynamic foreign exchange markets
by Antti Tanskanen - 624-644 “Rational” and “Endogenous” exchange rate expectations and speculative capital flows in Germany
by Steven Kohlhagen - 645-666 The effectiveness of German controls on capital inflow
by John Hewson & Eisuke Sakakibara - 667-692 The determinants of the currency ratio, the time deposit ratio, and the savings deposit ratio: An econometric analysis for the West-German Economy
by Manfred Neldner - 693-718 The World money supply: Concept and measurement
by William Day & H. Heller - 719-740 An alternative method for quantifying International trade barriers
by H. Jager & G. Lanjouw - 741-764 Property rights, uncertainty and fertility: An analysis of the effect of land reform on fertility in rural Mexico
by Arthur Vany & Nicolas Sanchez - 765-769 Real exchange-rate changes and currency unification some regional policy aspects
by Heinz-Michael Stahl - 770-774 Real exchange-rate changes and currency unification A Reply
by Roland Vaubel - 775-780 Appropriate multiplier models for the Euro-currency market: Comment
by Wolf-Dieter Zumpfort - 781-782 Appropriate multiplier models for the Euro-currency market: Reply
by Manfred Willms - 783-806 Rezensionen
by Sighart Nehring & Hilde Wander & Ingo Walter & Torsten Tewes & Kurt Rothschild & Ulrich Fehl & Hans KrÄmer & C. WeizsÄcker & Gerhard Tintner & Jürgen Roth
September 1977, Volume 113, Issue 3
- 407-422 The leontief paradox in a multi-country setting
by Seev Hirsch - 423-434 Notes on output and expectations in the process of inflation
by Jacob Frenkel & Carlos Rodriguez - 435-461 Free currency competition
by Roland Vaubel - 462-486 The effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies under fixed and flexible exchange rates: Some empirical evidence for Canada, 1950–1970
by Martin Prachowny - 487-500 Risk, direct investment and International diversification
by Alan Rugman - 501-516 Export and import prices of the developing areas in the sixties
by Hans Jaksch - 517-532 Changes in factor supply, income distribution and the transfer problem
by Anthony Koo - 533-551 Japan's “Doubling National Income Plan” 1961–1970 and the 1976 plan
by K. Kogiku - 552-569 A Survey of the literature on the determinants of foreign portfolio investments in the United States
by Chung Lee - 570-602 Rezensionen
by Hilde Wander & Lutz Hoffmann & Torsten Tewes & Hennig Bydekarken & Rolf Langhammer & K. Hennings & H. Ruthenberg & Klaus Brockhoff & Manfred Neidner & Kurt Rabenau & Lutz Hoffmann & Herbert Weise
June 1977, Volume 113, Issue 2
- 209-236 A framework for analysis in international macroeconomics
by Alan Deardorff - 237-249 Offshore assembly provisions in the West German and Netherlands Tariffs: Trade and domestic effects
by J. Finger - 250-267 Factor proportions, technology and West German industry’s international trade patterns
by Frank Wolter - 268-283 A partial equilibrium model of smuggling
by Munir Sheikh - 284-307 The case against the New International Economic Order
by Herbert Grubel - 308-321 Structural disequilibrium and growth retardation in the Soviet Union
by Ryan Amacher & Darius Conger - 322-347 Changing concepts of imperialism
by Albert Lauterbach - 348-352 The monetary approach to devaluation: A graphical presentation
by Mario Blejer - 353-379 Export growth in the new world environment: The case of Latin America
by Barend Vries - 380-404 Rezensionen
by Hilde Wander & Kurt Rabenau & Richard Berner & Jiri Kolaja & George McKenzie & Rolf Langhammer & Frank Rühl & Malfred Neldner & Manfred Willms & Torsten Tewes & Herbert Weise & Klaus Stegemann & Theodor Zotschew & Lutz Hoffman
March 1977, Volume 113, Issue 1
- 1-30 The international monetary system after Jamaica and Manila
by Gottfried Haberler - 31-39 Monetary approach to balance of payments: On world prices and the reserve flow equation
by D. Wilford & Walton Wilford - 40-47 The interest parity theorem, invariance, and the instantaneous forward premium
by Harold Payson - 48-57 Short-term capital flows under flexible exchange rates
by Klaus Friedrich & Charles Cathcart - 58-87 The expansion of manufactured exports in developing countries: An empirical assessment of s upply and demand issues
by Juergen Donges & James Riedel - 88-103 Intraindustrieller auβenhandel empirische beobachtungen im falle der schweiz und theoretische interpretationen
by Nikiaus Blattner - 104-124 Alternative tariff and quota mechanisms in the face of a monopolistic exporter of a non-renewable resource
by Richard Sweeney - 125-169 Trade creation and trade diversion: New concepts, new methods of measurement
by Ram Dayal & Neeru Dayal - 170-173 Static effects of technological borrowing on national income: Comment
by Asim Erdilek - 174-178 Static effects of technological borrowing on national income: Reply
by A. Berry - 179-181 Two-way International trade: A comment
by Robert Davies - 182-184 Two-way International trade: Reply
by H. Gray - 185-204 Rezensionen
by Torsten Tewes & Manfred Neldner & Dieter Leinmüller & Gunter Steinmann & Pualgeorg Juhl & Wolf Schäfer & Richard Pomfret & Herbert Weise & Karl Roskamp & Alfred Ocker
December 1976, Volume 112, Issue 4
- 613-625 Nontariff distortions of international trade: Some preliminary empirical evidence
by Vernon Roningen & Alexander Yeats - 626-659 A comparative survey of industrialization policies in fifteen semi-industrial countries
by Juergen Donges - 660-673 Large scale direct OPEC investment in industrialized countries and the theory of foreign direct investment — a contradiction?
by Stephen Kobrin & Donald Lessard - 674-692 A method of estimating elasticities in bilateral trade
by Norman Jones & Jacques Nusbaumer - 693-710 Intermediate goods and the optimum tariff structure under neutral tariff retaliation
by Sukesh Ghosh - 749-753 A generalized production function for West German industries
by K. Roskamp - 754-759 On the relationship between production functions and input-output analysis with fixed value shares
by Paul Boer - 760-766 On the measurement of capital-intensity
by David Lim - 767-791 Work incentives in the People’s Republic of China
by Jan Prybyla
September 1976, Volume 112, Issue 3
- 417-428 Bernhard Harms lecture: Aspects of patents and licenses as stimuli to innovation
by Harry Johnson - 429-470 Real exchange-rate changes in the European community: The empirical evidence and its implications for European currency unification
by Roland Vaubel - 471-506 A general-equilibrium flow analysis of an open economy
by Yoshihide Ishiyama - 507-524 Industry characteristics and the competitiveness of manufactures from less developed countries
by G. Helleiner - 525-555 U.S. Export performance in manufacturing industries: An empirical investigation
by Bernard Goodman & Fikret Ceyhun - 556-564 Multivariate analysis of price aspects of commodity stabilization
by Walter Labys & Yves Perrin - 565-579 A dynamic two sector model of trade and capital movements
by Peter Sturm - 580-583 The distribution of labor skills and the commodity composition of International trade
by J. Fortune - 584-590 Trade effects of occupational safety and health standards
by Russell Settle