March 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 41-55 Cohen’s weighted kappa with additive weights
by Matthijs Warrens - 57-82 Functional fuzzy clusterwise regression analysis
by Tianyu Tan & Hye Suk & Heungsun Hwang & Jooseop Lim - 83-108 Random walk distances in data clustering and applications
by Sijia Liu & Anastasios Matzavinos & Sunder Sethuraman - 109-119 Regularized logistic discrimination with basis expansions for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease based on three-dimensional MRI data
by Yuko Araki & Atsushi Kawaguchi & Fumio Yamashita
December 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 249-251 Special issue on data analysis and classification in marketing—preface by the guest editors
by Daniel Baier & Reinhold Decker - 253-276 Image data analysis and classification in marketing
by Daniel Baier & Ines Daniel & Sarah Frost & Robert Naundorf - 277-288 Non parametric statistical models for on-line text classification
by Paola Cerchiello & Paolo Giudici - 289-302 A note on consistency improvements of AHP paired comparison data
by Wolfgang Gaul & Dominic Gastes - 303-321 Sensory analysis in the food industry as a tool for marketing decisions
by Maria Iannario & Marica Manisera & Domenico Piccolo & Paola Zuccolotto - 323-336 Banking customer satisfaction evaluation: a three-way factor perspective
by Caterina Liberati & Paolo Mariani - 337-353 Predicting partial customer churn using Markov for discrimination for modeling first purchase sequences
by Vera Miguéis & Dirk Poel & Ana Camanho & João Falcão e Cunha - 355-365 Analyzing consumers’ shopping behavior using RFID data and pattern mining
by Takanobu Nakahara & Katsutoshi Yada
October 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 161-162 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Akinori Okada & Maurizio Vichi & Claus Weihs - 163-184 Preliminary estimators for a mixture model of ordinal data
by Maria Iannario - 185-200 Time series classification by class-specific Mahalanobis distance measures
by Zoltán Prekopcsák & Daniel Lemire - 201-217 Wavelet-RKHS-based functional statistical classification
by M. Rincón & M. Ruiz-Medina - 219-247 Clustering of functional data in a low-dimensional subspace
by Michio Yamamoto
July 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 81-83 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Akinori Okada & Maurizio Vichi & Claus Weihs - 85-105 Dissimilarity and similarity measures for comparing dendrograms and their applications
by Isabella Morlini & Sergio Zani - 107-130 The influence function of the TCLUST robust clustering procedure
by C. Ruwet & L. García-Escudero & A. Gordaliza & A. Mayo-Iscar - 131-146 Orthogonal rotation in PCAMIX
by Marie Chavent & Vanessa Kuentz-Simonet & Jérôme Saracco - 147-159 Adaptation of interval PCA to symbolic histogram variables
by Sun Makosso-Kallyth & Edwin Diday
April 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock - 3-4 Editorial
by Maurizio Vichi - 5-28 A latent variables approach for clustering mixed binary and continuous variables within a Gaussian mixture model
by Isabella Morlini - 29-47 Exploring incomplete data using visualization techniques
by Matthias Templ & Andreas Alfons & Peter Filzmoser - 49-65 Analyzing multiset data by the Power STATIS-ACT method
by Jacques Bénasséni & Mohammed Bennani Dosse - 67-79 Cohen’s linearly weighted kappa is a weighted average
by Matthijs Warrens
December 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 247-249 Special Issue on ‘Time series clustering’
by Hans-Hermann Bock - 251-280 Panel data analysis: a survey on model-based clustering of time series
by Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter - 281-300 Model-based clustering of time series in group-specific functional subspaces
by Charles Bouveyron & Julien Jacques - 301-321 Model-based clustering and segmentation of time series with changes in regime
by Allou Samé & Faicel Chamroukhi & Gérard Govaert & Patrice Aknin - 323-340 A tail dependence-based dissimilarity measure for financial time series clustering
by Giovanni De Luca & Paola Zuccolotto - 341-355 Frame potential minimization for clustering short time series
by Tobias Springer & Katja Ickstadt & Joachim Stöckler
October 2011, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 177-178 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Akinori Okada & Maurizio Vichi - 179-200 Correcting Jaccard and other similarity indices for chance agreement in cluster analysis
by Ahmed Albatineh & Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj - 201-213 Linear dimension reduction in classification: adaptive procedure for optimum results
by Karsten Luebke & Claus Weihs - 215-229 Consensus of partitions : a constructive approach
by Alain Guénoche - 231-246 Multiple imputation in principal component analysis
by Julie Josse & Jérôme Pagès & François Husson
July 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 77-79 Special issue on ‘Network Analysis’ Preface by the Guest Editors
by Anuška Ferligoj & Vladimir Batagelj - 81-94 Network ensemble clustering using latent roles
by Ulrik Brandes & Jürgen Lerner & Uwe Nagel - 95-112 On the use of external information in social network analysis
by Giuseppe Giordano & Maria Vitale - 113-128 Web page importance ranking
by Wolfgang Gaul - 129-145 Fast algorithms for determining (generalized) core groups in social networks
by Vladimir Batagelj & Matjaž Zaveršnik - 147-176 Assessing and accounting for time heterogeneity in stochastic actor oriented models
by Joshua Lospinoso & Michael Schweinberger & Tom Snijders & Ruth Ripley
April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Akinori Okada & Maurizio Vichi - 3-22 Robust estimation of efficient mean–variance frontiers
by Luigi Grossi & Fabrizio Laurini - 23-36 Constrained principal component analysis of standardized data for biplots with unit-length variable vectors
by Kohei Adachi - 37-56 Detection of multivariate outliers in business survey data with incomplete information
by Valentin Todorov & Matthias Templ & Peter Filzmoser - 57-75 Generalized GIPSCAL re-revisited: a fast convergent algorithm with acceleration by the minimal polynomial extrapolation
by Sébastien Loisel & Yoshio Takane
December 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 221-222 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Akinori Okada & Maurizio Vichi - 223-237 A general approach to handling missing values in Procrustes analysis
by Casper Albers & John Gower - 239-254 Robust classification for skewed data
by Mia Hubert & Stephan Van der Veeken - 255-270 Fuzzy clusterwise quasi-likelihood generalized linear models
by Heungsun Hwang & Marc Tomiuk - 271-286 Inequalities between multi-rater kappas
by Matthijs Warrens - 287-299 Detecting atypical observations in financial data: the forward search for elliptical copulas
by Tiziano Bellini - 301-334 Outlier detection and robust covariance estimation using mathematical programming
by Tri-Dzung Nguyen & Roy Welsch
September 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 85-87 Special Issue on Robust Methods for Classification and Data Analysis
by Marco Riani & Andrea Cerioli & Peter Rousseeuw - 89-109 A review of robust clustering methods
by Luis García-Escudero & Alfonso Gordaliza & Carlos Matrán & Agustín Mayo-Iscar - 111-135 A simulation study to compare robust clustering methods based on mixtures
by Pietro Coretto & Christian Hennig - 137-150 The k-step spatial sign covariance matrix
by C. Croux & C. Dehon & A. Yadine - 151-167 Robust kernel principal component analysis and classification
by Michiel Debruyne & Tim Verdonck - 169-179 Optimal robust estimates using the Hellinger distance
by Alfio Marazzi & Victor Yohai - 181-197 Inference for robust canonical variate analysis
by Stefan Van Aelst & Gert Willems - 199-220 A review on consistency and robustness properties of support vector machines for heavy-tailed distributions
by Arnout Van Messem & Andreas Christmann
April 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock - 3-34 Methods for merging Gaussian mixture components
by Christian Hennig - 35-51 Regularized fuzzy clusterwise ridge regression
by Hye Suk & Heungsun Hwang - 53-64 Comparing partitions of two sets of units based on the same variables
by Genane Youness & Gilbert Saporta - 65-83 Tag SNP selection based on clustering according to dominant sets found using replicator dynamics
by Florian Frommlet
December 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 185-187 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock - 189-204 Parsimonious cluster systems
by François Brucker & Alain Gély - 205-225 Aggregation invariance in general clustering approaches
by François Bavaud - 227-241 Comparison of three hypothesis testing approaches for the selection of the appropriate number of clusters of variables
by Véronique Cariou & Stéphane Verdun & Emmanuelle Diaz & El Qannari & Evelyne Vigneau - 243-261 Temporally adaptive estimation of logistic classifiers on data streams
by Christoforos Anagnostopoulos & Dimitris Tasoulis & Niall Adams & David Hand - 263-279 New robust dynamic plots for regression mixture detection
by Domenico Perrotta & Marco Riani & Francesca Torti - 281-290 The value of the last digit: statistical fraud detection with digit analysis
by Stephan Dlugosz & Ulrich Müller-Funk - 291-304 On critical sets of a finite Moore family
by Jean Diatta - 305-314 Metrics of L p -type and distributional equivalence principle
by Bernard Fichet - 315-340 Tests of ignoring and eliminating in nonsymmetric correspondence analysis
by Yoshio Takane & Sunho Jung
September 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 93-94 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Akinori Okada & Maurizio Vichi - 95-108 Comparison of alignment free string distances for complete genome phylogeny
by Frédéric Guyon & Céline Brochier-Armanet & Alain Guénoche - 109-134 Variable selection in model-based clustering using multilocus genotype data
by Wilson Toussile & Elisabeth Gassiat - 135-167 Trimming algorithms for clustering contaminated grouped data and their robustness
by María Gallegos & Gunter Ritter - 169-184 On Robinsonian dissimilarities, the consecutive ones property and latent variable models
by Matthijs Warrens
June 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Hans-Hermann Bock - 3-24 Bayesian unsupervised classification framework based on stochastic partitions of data and a parallel search strategy
by Jukka Corander & Mats Gyllenberg & Timo Koski - 25-38 Where are the large and difficult datasets?
by Adrien Jamain & David Hand - 39-61 Optimum simultaneous discretization with data grid models in supervised classification: a Bayesian model selection approach
by Marc Boullé - 63-92 An update algorithm for restricted random walk clustering for dynamic data sets
by Markus Franke & Andreas Geyer-Schulz
December 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 207-208 Preface of the ADAC editors
by Hans-Hermann Bock & Wolfgang Gaul & Maurizio Vichi & Akinori Okada - 209-210 Preface for the special issue of ADAC on ‘Optimisation and Non-Convex Programming in Data Mining’
by Hoai Le Thi & Tao Pham Dinh & Gunter Ritter - 211-225 Multi-objective optimization for clustering 3-way gene expression data
by Doulaye Dembélé - 227-239 A constrained-optimization based half-quadratic algorithm for robustly fitting sets of linearly parametrized curves
by Jean-Philippe Tarel & Sio-Song Ieng & Pierre Charbonnier - 241-258 About the non-convex optimization problem induced by non-positive semidefinite kernel learning
by Ingo Mierswa & Katharina Morik - 259-278 A DC programming approach for feature selection in support vector machines learning
by Hoai Le Thi & Hoai Le & Van Nguyen & Tao Pham Dinh - 279-294 Transfer distance between partitions
by Lucile Denœud - 295-311 Generalized marginal homogeneity model and its relation to marginal equimoments for square contingency tables with ordered categories
by Kouji Tahata & Sadao Tomizawa