June 1970, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 222-223 Book Review: Urbanism, Urbanization and Change: Comparative Perspectives
by David Weir - 223-224 Book Review: Stanleyville: an African urban community under Belgian administration
by Michael Banton - 224-225 Book Review: Conservation of Historic and Cultural Resources by RALPH W. MINER. Chicago: American Society of Planning Officials. 1969. pp. 56. no price stated. The Character of Towns by Roy WORSKETT. London: Architectural Press. 1969. pp.271. 65/-
by S.T. McDonald - 225-226 Book Review: City Fathers: The Early History of Town Planning in Britain by COLIN and ROSE BELL. London: Barrie & Rockliff, The Cresset Press. 1969. pp. 216. 70/The Modern City: Planning in the 19th Century by FRANÇOISE CHOAY. (Planning and Cities series-General Editor: George R. Collins) London: Studio Vista. 1969. pp. 128. 45/-
by A.E.J. Morris - 226-227 Book Review: Industrial Britain: The North West by D. M. SMITH, pp. 271. and Industrial Britain: The North East by J. W. House. pp. 256. Newton Abbot: David and Charles. 1969. 95/- each
by W.F. Lever - 227-229 Book Review: Social and Economic Information for Urban Planning by DORIS B. HOLLEB. Chicago: Center for Urban Studies, University of Chicago. 1969. 2 volumes. pp. xxiii + 187, xiii + 312. $2.00 each Social Statistics and the City : Report of a Conference held in Washington, DC, June 22-23, 1967 edited by DAVID M. HEER. Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University (Cam-bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press). 1968. pp. vii+186. $3.75
by Eric J. Thompson - 229-230 Book Review: Sources of Local Revenue
by Diane Dawson - 231-236 Book Notes
by N/A - 237-238 Books Received
by N/A
February 1970, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-20 Urban Density Functions
by Edwin S. Mills - 21-36 Land Speculation and Urban Development: Contrasts in South-East Essex, 1880-1940
by Hugh J. Gayler - 37-55 What Are New Towns for?
by William Alonso - 57-67 Forecasting Floor Space Developments for the Zurich Cbd
by Wilhelm Vogt & Uwe Wullkopf - 69-75 The Pattern of Employment Densities in Glasgow
by R.N. Davidson - 76-81 Local Variation in Retail Grocery Prices
by W.J. Campbell & Michael Chisholm - 82-84 On Urban Hierarchy Stability and Spatial Polarisation: a Note
by Niles M. Hansen - 84-88 Book Review: Urban Hierarchy Stability and Spatial Polarisation: a Rejoinder
by J.R. Lasuén - 88-89 Book Review: 'Two Economic Rules for Town Planning': a Comment
by W. Lean - 90-91 Two Economic Rules for Town Planning: a Reply
by Alan W. Evans - 92-94 Rebuilding or Renovation?: a Rejoinder
by E.M. Sigsworth & R.K. Wilkinson - 95-96 Book Review: The Study of Urban History
by Oscar Handlin - 96-97 Book Review: The Impact of Railways on Victorian Cities
by T.C. Barker - 98-98 Book Review: Input-output Analysis and Resource Allocation
by Clopper Almon - 98-99 Book Review: Regional Economic Development in Italy by LLOYD SAVILLE. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1968. pp. xiv + 191. 45/-
by V. Ajmone Marsan - 99-100 Book Review: Basic Thinking in Regional Planning
by D.B. Steele - 100-102 Book Review: Urban Studies: A Canadian Perspective
by R. Ian Logan - 102-103 Book Review: Town and Townscape by THOMAS SHARP. London: John Murray. 1968. pp. 153. 45/Conservation and Development in Historic Towns and Cities edited by PAMELA WARD. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Oriel Press. 1968. pp. 275. 75/-Urbino by CARLO DE GIANCARLO. Padova: Marsilio Editori. 1966. pp. 259. n.p
by Roy Worskett - 103-104 Book Review: Project Romulus: an adaptable high density urban prototype
by J.A. Proudlove - 104-105 Book Review: Middle Class Families: Social and Geographical Mobility
by Bridget Fowler - 105-106 Book Review: Communal Organizations: a Study of Local Societies by GEORGE A. HILLERY, Jr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1968. pp. 374+xv. 99/-
by Margaret Stacey - 106-108 Book Review: People and Plans: Essays on Urban Problems and Solutions
by Peter Norman - 108-109 Book Review: Planned Expansion of Country Towns
by D.M. Turner - 109-111 Book Review: Stochastic Models for Social Processes by D. J. BARTHOLOMEW. New York & London: John Wiley. 1968. pp. 275. 60/Simple Models of Group Behavior by O. J. BARTos. New York & London: Columbia University Press. 1968. pp. 345. 72/-
by David Harvey - 111-112 Book Review: Greater London Research
by Wallis Taylor - 113-117 Book Notes
by N/A - 118-120 Books Received
by N/A
November 1969, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 279-285 Introduction
by Peter Cowan - 286-308 Some Social Trends
by Peter Willmott - 309-334 Resources and the Economic Framework
by P.A. Stone - 335-346 Resources and Environmental Constraints
by Emrys Jones - 347-367 Forecasting 'Planning'
by A.G. Wilson - 368-384 Leisure and Recreation
by Brian Rodgers - 385-407 Race and Human Rights in the City
by Nicholas Deakin - 408-435 Transportation
by Peter Hall - 436-446 Communications
by Peter Cowan - 447-453 Conclusions
by Peter Cowan & Derek Diamond - 454-455 Book Reviews: Regional Policy in Britain by Gavin McCrone, George Allen & Unwin, 1969, pp. 280, 55/-
by A.J. Brown - 455-457 Book Review: Forecasting and the Social Sciences edited by Michael Young, Heinemann, 1968, pp. I66,35/-
by David Bayliss - 457-458 Book Review: A Producer Model of Residential Growth : Analyzing and Predicting the Location of Residential Subdivisions by Edward J. Kaiser, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, 1968, pp. v+77, $3.50
by Max Neutze - 458-460 Book Review: Choice in Housing by F. G. Pennance and Hamish Gray, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1968, pp. 93, 63/The Cost of Council Housing by Hamish Gray, Research Monograph 18, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1968, pp. 80, 7/6
by Della Nevitt - 460-461 Book Review: The Ownership and Management of Housing in the New Towns by J. B. Cullingworth and V. A. Karn, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham, H.M.S.O. 1968, pp. 199, I7/6
by John English - 461-462 Book Review: Urbanisation and its Problems : Essays presented to E. W. Gilbert by R. P. Beckinsale and J. M. Houston, Basil Blackwell, 1968, pp. 443, 63/-
by R.E. Dickinson - 462-464 Book Review: Urbanisation in Nigeria by A. L. Mabogunje, University of London Press, 1968, pp. 353, 50/-
by John Adams - 464-465 Book Review: Urban Structure, edited by David Lewis, Architects Year Book Vol. 12, Elek Books, I968, pp. 296, £6 6s
by Anthony Meats - 465-468 Book Review: Urban Planning and Social Policy, edited by Bernard J. Frieden and Robert Morris, Basic Books, 1968, pp. xvii + 459, $10
by D.V. Donnison - 468-470 Book Review: Cambridge Studies in Sociology I and 2 by John H. Goldthorpe, David Lockwood, Frank Bechofer and Jennifer Platt, Cambridge University Press, 1968
by Peter Collison - 470-471 Book Review: Urban Workes Mobility, by Laurence Hunter and Graham L. Reid, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 1969, pp. 215, 22/6
by B.J. McCormick - 471-473 Book Review: The New Town Planning Procedures—How they affect you by Desmond Heap, Sweet and Maxwell, 1968, pp. xvii + 121, 30/An Annotated Text of the Town and Country Planning Act, I968 and certain related statutory provisions by H. Howard Karslake, Rating and Valuation Association, 1968, pp. xvii + 389, 57/6
by C.F. Kolbert - 474-476 Book Notes
by N/A - 477-478 Books Received
by N/A
June 1969, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 137-161 On Growth Poles
by J.R. Lasuen - 162-178 Regional Growth and Structural Adaptation
by F.J.B. Stilwell - 179-195 The Leasehold System: Towards a Balanced Land Tenure for Urban Development
by Ian J. McDonald - 196-209 The Comparative Economics of Improvement and New Building
by Lionel Needleman - 210-226 Allocation of Central Government Budgets Over City Regions
by C.D. Foster & J.F. Smith - 227-234 Two Economic Rules for Town Planning: a Critical Note
by Alan W. Evans - 235-245 Socio-Economic Status and Consumer Behaviour
by G.A. Nader - 246-248 Book Review: The Urban Prospect by Lewis Mumford, Seeker and Warburg, 1968, pp. 255, 36/-
by Peter M. Smith - 248-251 Book Review: The Secular City by Harvey Cox, Penguin Books, 1968, pp. 286, 6/-
by Richard Holloway - 251-253 Book Review: Issues in Urban Economics edited by Harvey S. Perloff and Lowdon Wingo Jr., The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore (London: O.U.P.), 1968, pp. 668, $5.00
by H.R. Parker - 253-254 Book Review: Revenue Sharing and the City edited by H. S. Perloff and R. P. Nathan, Johns Hopkins Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1968, pp. 112, 24/-
by Lawrence Boyle - 254-256 Book Review: The Grangemouth/Falkirk Regional Survey and Plan: Volume I—Economic and Social Issues edited by D. J. Robertson, Volume II— nomic and social issues edited by D. J. Robertson, volume II— Physical Planning Aspects edited by Sir R. H. Matthew and P. Johnson-Marshall, prepared for the Scottish Development Department, H.M.S.O., 1968, pp. 206 and 205, 88/- and 168/-
by K.J.W. Alexander - 256-258 Book Review: Report and Advisory Outline Plan for the Limerick Region by Nathaniel Lichfield and Associates, Dublin, Stationery Office, Volume I— Report, 1969, and Volume II-Advisory Outline Plan, 1967, pp. 98, 60/-
by P.N. O'Farrell - 258-260 Book Review: Converting Land from Rural to Urban Uses by A. Allan Schmid, Resources for the Future, Johns Hopkins Press (London: O.U.P.), 1968, pp. xiii+103, 38/-
by G.H. Peters - 260-261 Book Review: The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles 1850-1930 by Robert M. Fogelson, Harvard University Press (London: O.U.P.), 1968, pp. 362,114/-
by R. Morrill - 261-263 Book Review: The Papers and Proceedings of the International Symposium on Regional Development, Japan Centre for Area Development Research, Tokyo, Japan, 1967, pp. 327, n.p
by John R. Firn - 263-264 Book Review: Planning Research (Third Edition, 1964-1967), Town Planning Institute, 1968, pp. 236, 70/-
by Tony Eddison - 265-266 Book Review: Urban Mass Transit Planning edited by W. S. Homburger, Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, University of California, 1967, pp. 212, $6.00
by F. Medhurst - 266-268 Book Review: Commitment to Welfare by Richard M. Titmuss, Allen and Unwin, 1968, pp. 272, 30/-
by Arthur J. Willcocks - 269-274 Book Notes
by N/A - 275-278 Books Received
by N/A
February 1969, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-16 Private Residential Expansion in Kent 1956-64: a Study of Pattern and Process in Urban Growth
by Edward Craven - 17-33 The Structure of Intra-Urban Movement Rates: an Ecological Model
by Eric G. Moore - 34-57 Some Tests of a Model of Intra-Urban Population Mobility: Melbourne, Australia
by R.J. Johnston - 58-69 Occupancy Duration and the Analysis of Residential Change
by P.W. Cave - 70-82 The Structure of Movement and Household Travel Behaviour
by M.E. Eliot Hurst - 83-92 Low Fares and the Urban Transport Problem
by Penelope M. Williams - 93-96 Social Class in a New Town: a Comment
by L. Bolwell & B. Clarke & D. Stoppard - 97-101 Book Review: Papers on Migration and Mobility in Northern England, by J. W. House, E. M. Knight et al., Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
by W.F. Lever - 101-103 Book Review: The Central Borders: A Plan for Expansion: Vol. i Plan and Physical Study (under the direction of Professor Percy Johnson-Marshall) Vol. 2 Economic and Geographical Report on the Plan for Expansion (under the direction of Professor J. N. Wolfe) Prepared for the Scottish Development Department, published by H.M.S.O., Edinburgh 1968. Price £5 5s. od
by Jean Forbes - 103-105 Book Review: The Medieval Town by Fritz Rorig, Batsford, 1967, pp. 208, 37/6 Medieval and Renaissance Pistoia, by David Herlihy, Yale U.P., 1967, pp. xx + 298, 72/-
by Maurice Beresford - 105-108 Book Review: Economics of Outdoor Recreation by Marion Clawson and Jack L. Knetsch, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore (for Resources for the Future, Inc.), pp. xx + 328, 1966 (London: Oxford University Press, 1968), 68/-
by A.J. Grayson - 108-110 Book Review: Impact of the Space Program on a Local Economy : an input-output analysis by William H. Miernyk, West Virginia University Library, Morgantown, 1967, pp. 167, $6.oo
by J.T. Hughes - 110-111 Book Review: Practice of Architectural Control in Northern Europe by S. Cohn, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, 1968, pp. 181, $3.50
by F.J.C. Amos & T.L. Davis - 111-112 Book Review: Working Class Community by Brian Jackson, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968, pp. 184, 25/-
by Margaret Stacey - 113-114 Book Review: Urban Political Systems : A Functional Analysis of Metro Toronto by Harold Kaplan, Columbia University Press, 1967, pp. 320, 76/-
by W.J. Money - 114-116 Book Review: Urban Sociology by R. N. Morris, George Allen and Unwin, 1968, pp. 176,25/-
by Thomas L. Blair - 116-118 Book Review: Journey to Work by F. R. Wilson, MacLaren and Sons Ltd., 1967, pp. 270, 8o/-
by W.K. Mackay - 118-120 Book Review: Readings on Population edited by David M. Heer, Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp. 234, 37/-
by Jean Lake - 120-122 Book Review: Old People in Three Industrial Societies by Ethel Shanas, Peter Towns-end, Dorothy Wedderburn, Henning Friis, Paul Milhoj and Jan Stehouwer, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968, pp. 478, 84/-
by Greta Sumner - 122-123 Book Review: Metropolitanism : Its Challenge to Education; the Sixty-Seventh Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I, ed. Robert J. Havighurst, University of Chicago Press, 1968, pp. 391, n.p
by A.F. Mcpherson - 124-133 Book Notes
by N/A - 134-136 Books Received
by N/A
November 1968, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 249-276 Models in Urban Planning: a Synoptic Review of Recent Literature
by A.G. Wilson - 277-289 Code Enforcement in Urban Renewal
by F.E. Case - 290-300 The Housing Problem a Century Ago
by J.N. Tarn - 301-316 Decentralisation, Decision Rules and Residential Construction in Yugoslavia
by E. Smolensky - 317-332 Retail Store Spatial Affinities
by Arthur Getis & Judith M. Getis - 333-334 Book Review: The Southeast Asian City : A Social Geography of the Primate Cities of Southeast Asia by T. G. McGee, Bell, 1967, pp. 204, 30/-
by B.W. Hodder - 334-336 Book Review: The Levittowners : Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community by H. J. Gans, Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1967, pp. 474, 70/-
by H.B. Rodgers - 336-337 Book Review: Negro Politics in America edited by H. A. Bailey, Prentice-Hall International, 1967, pp. 455, 40/-
by Anthony H. Richmond - 337-338 Book Review: The Changing Village Community by J. M. Halpern, Prentice-Hall, 1967, pp. 136, 20/-
by Isobel M.L. Robertson - 338-340 Book Review: The City in Modern Africa edited by H. Miner, Pall Mall Press, 1967, pp. 364, 60/Metropolitan Kano : Report on the Twenty Year Development Plan 1963-83, by B. A. W. Trevaillon and others, 1967, pp. 160, £10 (2 vols.)
by W.B. Morgan - 340-342 Book Review: The Community by René Konig, trans. by Edward Fitzgerald, Routledge, 1968, pp. 218, 25/-
by Margaret Stacey - 342-344 Book Review: Central Departments and Local Authorities by J. A. G. Griffith, Allen & Unwin, for Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1966, pp. 574, 60/-
by A.H. Hanson - 344-345 Book Review: Settlement in the Countryside by Ministry of Housing and Local Government, H.M.S.O., 1967, pp. 11, 10/-
by William Gillespie - 345-346 Book Review: The City of Ibadan : A Symposium on its Structure and Development edited by P. C. Lloyd, A. L. Mabogunje and B. Awe, Cambridge University Press in association with the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, 1967, pp. 280, 45/-
by J.B. Caird - 346-347 Book Review: Design of Cities by Edmund N. Bacon, Thames & Hudson, 1967, pp. 296, 84/-
by P. Cowan - 347-348 Book Review: The Comprehensive Development Area by T. Hart, Oliver and Boyd, University of Glasgow Social and Economic Studies, Occasional Paper No. 9, 1968, pp. 129, 21/-
by Gordon E. Cherry - 348-350 Book Review: The Economic Problems of Housing edited by Adela Adam Nevitt, Macmillan, 1967, pp. 329, 50/-
by R.K. Wilkinson - 351-352 Book Review: Voting in Cities : The 1964 Borough Elections edited by L. J. Sharpe, Macmillan, pp. 356, 63/-
by Michael Steed - 352-353 Book Review: Industrial Location : A review and annotated bibliography of theoretical, empirical and case studies by B. H. Stevens and C. A. Brackett, Bibliography Series No 3, Regional Science Research Institute, Philadelphia, 1967, pp. 199, $2.50
by H.F. Andrews - 353-355 Book Review: Regional Accounts for Policy Decisions edited by W. Z. Hirsch, O.U.P. for John Hopkins Press, 1967, pp. 230, 52/-
by A.G. Wilson - 355-356 Book Review: A History of Urban America by C. N. Glaab and A. T. Brown, Macmillan, 1967, pp. 328, 55/-
by J.W. Watson - 356-358 Book Review: High Living : A Study of Family Life in Flats by A. Stevenson, E. Martin, J. O.Neill, Melbourne University Press: London, Cambridge University Press, 1968, pp. 172, 33/-
by P. Jephcott - 358-359 Book Review: Computer Methods in the Analysis of Large-Scale Social Systems edited by James Beshers, Harvard University Press, London: O.U.P., 1968, pp. 214, 36/-
by Peter Norman - 359-360 Book Review: Urban Development : Its Implications for Social Welfare: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference of Social Work 1966, by the International Council on Social Welfare, Columbia University Press, 1967, pp. 462, 76/-
by Arthur J. Willocks - 360-361 Book Review: The Myth of the Machine : Technics and Human Development by Lewis Mumford, Seeker & Warburg, 1967, pp. 342, 50/-
by Ray Pahl - 361-363 Book Review: The Legacy of Raymond Unwin : A Human Pattern for Planning edited and with an introduction by Walter L. Creese. The M.I.T. Press, 1967, pp. 234, 84/-
by S.T. Mcdonald - 364-369 Book Notes
by N/A - 370-372 Books Received
by N/A
June 1968, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 121-131 A Quantitative Analysis of Alternative Theatre Locations
by R.A. Whitaker & T. Rhodes - 132-143 Threshold Analysis-an Economic Tool for Town and Regional Planning
by J.T. Hughes & J. Kozlowski - 144-163 Effects of Consumer Income Differences On the Business Provisions of Small Shopping Centres
by Ross L. Davies - 165-206 The Main Shopping Centres of Great Britain in 1961: Their Locational and Structural Characteristics
by David Thorpe - 207-217 Tema 1951-1962: the Evolution of a Planned City in West Africa
by E.C. Kirchherr - 218-219 Book Review: The Sociological Tradition by R. A. Nisbet, Heinemann, 1967, pp. 349, 35/-
by Maurice Broady - 219-219 Book Review: The Town Hall and the Property Owner by David Woolley, Methuen, 1967, pp. 218, 25/-
by T. Hart - 219-219 Book Review: The Town Hall and the Property Owner by David Woolley, Methuen, 1967, pp. 218, 25/-
by T. Hart - 220-222 Book Review: An Awkward Size for a Town: Swindon at the 100,000 mark by K. Hudson, David & Charles, 1967, pp. 212, 35/-
by Roy Drewett - 222-222 Book Review: The City by R. E. Park and E. W. Burgess, reprinted with an introduction by Morris Janowitz, University of Chicago Press, 1967, pp. 259, 37/6
by W.K.D. Davies - 222-222 Book Review: The City by R. E. Park and E. W. Burgess, reprinted with an introduction by Morris Janowitz, University of Chicago Press, 1967, pp. 259, 37/6
by W.K.D. Davies - 224-225 Book Review: Urban Development in Southern Europe : Spain and Portugal by E. A. Gutkind, International History of City Development, Volume III, Collier-Macmillan, 1967, pp. 534, £10
by R.E. Pahl - 225-226 Book Review: Scientists in Organizations by Donald C. Pelz and Frank M. Andrews, John Wiley & Sons, 1967, pp. 318, 80/-
by Lewis A. Gunn - 226-227 Book Review: A Strategy for the South East by The South East Economic Planning Council, H.M.S.O., 1967, pp. 100, 15/-
by D.F. Hagger - 227-227 Book Review: Politics of Metropolitan Areas: Selected Readings by P. B. Coulter (ed.), T. Y. Crowell, New York, 1967, pp. 497, $4-50
by J. Brand - 227-227 Book Review: Politics of Metropolitan Areas: Selected Readings by P. B. Coulter (ed.), T. Y. Crowell, New York, 1967, pp. 497, $4-50
by J. Brand - 228-229 Book Review: Order and Change : Essays in Comparative Sociology by Wilbert E. Moore, John Wiley & Sons, 1967, pp. 313, 72/-
by Peter Willmott - 229-230 Book Review: The Modern Metropolis : its origins, growth, characteristics and planning by H. Blumenfield, Selected essays edited by D. Speiregen, M.I.T. Press, 1967, pp. 337, 100/-
by P.G. Hall - 230-232 Book Review: Urban Housing by W. L. C. Wheaton, G. M. Milgram and M. E. Meyerson, The Free Press, 1966, pp. 523, 115/-
by Kenneth M. Spencer - 232-233 Book Review: Economics, Town Planning and Traffic by D. J. Reynolds, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1966, pp. 166, 30/Paying for Parking by G. J. Roth, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1965, pp. 64, 6/Parking Space for Cars : Assessing the Demand by G. J. Roth, University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics, Occasional Paper No. 5, Cambridge University Press, 1965, pp. 81, 10/6 A Pricing System for Roads by J. W. W. Stewart, University of Glasgow, Social and Economic Studies, Occasional Papers No. 4, Oliver and Boyd, 1965, pp. 80, 10/6
by D.L. Munby - 233-235 Book Review: School Children in the Urban Slum : Readings in Social Science Research by Joan I. Roberts, The Free Press, 1967, pp. 626, 60/Adolescent Boys of East London by Peter Willmott, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966, pp. 224, 30/-
by M.P. Carter - 235-236 Book Review: Tema Manhean : A Study of Resettlement by G. W. Amarteifio, D. A. P. Butcher and D. Whitham, The University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana; London: Oxford University Press, 1966, pp. 97, 50/-
by Eugene C. Kirchherr - 236-237 Book Review: Los Angeles: The Ultimate City by Christopher Rand, O.U.P., 1967, pp. 205, 35/-
by Franklin Medhurst - 237-238 Book Review: Town and County Hall; Problems of Recruitment and Training by T. Smith, Acton Society Trust, 1966, pp. 52, 7/6 County Government in England and Wales by Jeffrey Stanyer, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967, pp. 116, 15/Local Government at Work, A case study of a County Borough by H. V. Wiseman, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967, pp. 104, 15/-
by W.J.M. Mackenzie - 238-240 Book Review: Urbanization and work in modernizing societies by Arthur J. Field, Glengarry Press, Detroit, for Caribbean Research Institute, 1967, pp. 209, $3.50 Market Settlements in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region : The Hyderabad Metropolitan Research Project : Technical Bulletin 5, Institute of Asian Studies, Osmania University, 1967, pp. 63, n.p
by Judith A. Brown - 241-245 Book Notes
by N/A - 246-248 Books Received
by N/A
February 1968, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-23 Extent of Urban Growth and Agricultural Displacement in Post-War Britain
by Robin H. Best - 24-32 Residential Location By Occupational Status
by James O. Wheeler - 33-58 Social Class and the New Towns
by B.J. Heraud - 59-66 Socio-Economic Patterns of England and Wales
by C.B. Hall & R.A. Smith - 67-85 Urban Housing Estates in the Eighteenth Century
by C.W. Chalklin - 86-90 Rebuilding or Renovation? a Reply
by Lionel Needleman - 91-92 Book Review: Geography of market centres and retail distribution by B. J. L. Berry, Prentice-Hall, 1967, pp. 146, 16/-
by T. Rhodes - 92-93 Book Review: The Origins of Modern Town Planning by Leonardo Benevolo, translated by Judith Landry, Routledge, 1967, pp. 154, 28/-
by S.T. Mcdonald - 93-94 Book Review: Geography of New York State edited by J. H. Thompson, Syracuse University Press, 1966, pp. 543, $11.95
by E.C. Kirchherr - 94-97 Book Review: The Established and the Outsiders : A Sociological Enquiry into Community Problems, by Norbert Elias and John L. Scotson, Frank Cass, 1965, pp. 199, 30/-
by Margaret Stacey - 97-97 Book Review: Statistical Analysis for Areal Distributions by David S. Neft, Monograph Series Number Two, Regional Science Research Institute, Philadelphia, 1966
by R.N. Davidson - 98-99 Book Review: Urbanisation and Urban India by N. V. Sovani, Asia Publishing House, 1966, pp. 160, 45/Indian Cities : Characteristics and Correlates by Q. Ahmad, Chicago Department of Geography Research Paper No. 102, 1965, pp. 184, $4 Greater Delhi by V. K. R. V. Rao and P. B. Desai, Asia Publishing House, 1965, PP. 479, £5 Towns of Mysore State by V. L. S. Prasaka Rao, Asia Publishing House, 1964, pp. 120, 42/-
by B.W. Hodder - 99-101 Book Review: The Future Environments of North America : Transformation of a continent edited by F. Fraser Darling and John P. Milton, The Natural History Press, Garden City, New York, 1966, pp. 767, $12.50
by Joy Tivy - 101-102 Book Review: The Park and the Town by G. F. Chadwick, Architectural Press, 1966, pp. 388, 70/-
by D.G. Thornley - 102-104 Book Review: The Government of Housing by D. V. Donnison, Penguin Books, 1967, pp. 397, 10/6
by W.J. Money - 104-105 Book Review: City and Regional Planning in Poland edited by Jack C. Fisher, Cornell University Press, 1966, pp. 491, $15
by Edwin Brooks - 105-106 Book Review: Land and People : the countryside for use and leisure edited by Rosemary Jellis, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1966, pp. 142, 6/Tomorrow's Countryside : the Road to the Seventies by Garth Christian, John Murray, 1966, pp. 229, 35/The Countryside in 1970 : Proceedings of the Second Conference, November 1965, The Royal Society of Arts, 1966, pp. 178, n.p
by D.C. Nicholls - 106-107 Book Review: Open Space Communities in the Market Place by Urban Land Institute, Technical Bulletin 57, 1966, pp. 97, n.p
by D.C.D. Pocock - 107-108 Book Review: Cardiff Development and Transportation Study by Colin Buchanan and Partners, Cardiff City Council, 1966, pp. 88, n.p
by P.D. Mcgovern - 109-110 Book Review: Equalisation and the Future of Local Government Finance by L. Boyle, Oliver & Boyd, 1966, pp. 142, 30/-
by J. Milligan - 110-111 Book Review: The Changing Location of Intensive Crops : an analysis of their spatial distribution in Kent and the implications for land-use planning by R. H. Best and R. M. Gasson, Department of Agricultural Economics, Wye College, University of London, Studies in Rural Land Use No. 6, 1966, pp. 91, 10/6
by Joy Tivy - 112-117 Book Notes
by N/A - 118-120 Books Received
by N/A
November 1967, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 201-217 Transportation and Land Use Structures
by G.B. Jamieson & W.K. Mackay & J.C.R. Latchford - 218-257 Provincial Office Development
by Maurice Wright - 258-275 Dispersal of Government Offices: a Survey
by E. Hammond - 276-285 Changing Office Location Patterns Within Central London
by John Goddard - 286-292 A Systemic View of Regional Development and Planning: a Review Article
by T.N. Brewis & G. Paquet - 293-295 Book Review: The Lothians Regional Survey and Plan: Volume One: Social and Economic Aspects by University of Glasgow (ed. D. J. Robertson), H.M.S.O., 1966, pp. 289, 75/The Lothians Regional Survey and Plan : Volume Two : Physical Planning Aspects by R. H. Matthew and P. E. A. Johnson-Marshall, H.M.S.O., 1966, pp. 360, 75/-
by P. Hall - 295-296 Book Review: The Myth and Reality of Our Urban Problems by Raymond Vernon, Harvard University Press, 1966, pp. 90, 24/-
by Eugene C. Kirchherr - 296-297 Book Review: The City is the Frontier by Charles Abrams, Harper & Row, 1965, pp. 394, $6.50
by Ronald Jones - 297-299 Book Review: Urban Renewal: The Record and the Controversy, edited by James Q. Wilson, M.I.T. Press, 1966, pp. 683, 75/-
by W. Burns - 299-301 Book Review: Community Renewal Programming: A San Francisco Case Study, prepared by Arthur D. Little Inc., Praeger Special Studies in U.S. Economic and Social Development, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 235, $10-00
by M. Stacey - 301-303 Book Review: Slums and Community Development : Experiments in Self-Help by M. B. Clinard, Collier-Macmillan, 1966, pp. 395, 63/-
by Margaret Stacey - 303-304 Book Review: Residential Developer Decisions by Shirley F. Weiss, John E. Smith, Edward J. Kaiser and Kenneth B. Kenney, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, 1966, pp. 94, $2.00
by E. Craven - 304-306 Book Review: Geography and Economics by M. Chisholm, Bell, 1966, pp. 230, 30/-
by E.M. Rawstron - 306-306 Book Review: A Preface to Economic Geography by H. H. McCarty and J. B. Lindberg, Prentice-Hall, 1966, pp. 261, 28/-
by Michael Chisholm - 306-306 Book Review: A Preface to Economic Geography by H. H. McCarty and J. B. Lindberg, Prentice-Hall, 1966, pp. 261, 28/-
by Michael Chisholm - 308-309 Book Review: The Search for Environment: The Garden City Before and After by Walter L. Crcese, Yale University Press, 1966, pp. 360, 105/-
by S.T. McDonald - 309-311 Book Review: Regional Development Policy : A Case Study of Venezuela by J. Friedmann, M.I.T. Press, 1966, pp. 279, 64/-
by P.R. Odell