July 1960, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 519-532 Contrasts in Labor Market Behavior in Northern Europe and the United States
by Gladys L. Palmer - 533-549 Social Services and Public Expenditure in Sweden: Recent Developments and Problems
by Peter Heinig - 550-558 The Diesel Firemen Issue on the Railroads
by Morris A. Horowitz - 559-567 Computer Automation, Work Environment, and Employee Satisfaction: A Case Study
by Einar Hardin - 568-580 The Grievance Process in the Philadelphia Public Service
by Harriet F. Berger
April 1960, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Theory of the Labor Movement Reconsidered: A Symposium in Honor of Selig Perlman
by N/A - 335-337 Selig Perlman
by Edwin E. Witte - 338-348 Labor Movement Theories: Past, Present, and Future
by Mark Perlman - 349-362 Job Scarcity and the Nature of Union Power
by Melvin W. Reder - 363-386 The Inevitability of Political Unionism in Underdeveloped Countries: Italy, the Exemplar
by Maurice F. Neufeld - 387-397 Notes for a General Theory of Labor Organization
by Wilbert E. Moore - 398-410 Wage Escalation and Inflation
by Jules Backman - 411-419 Sources of Wage and Salary Data
by William G. Bowen & David G. Brown & Louis A. Simpson
January 1960, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 159-165 Function of the Mediator in Collective Bargaining
by Arthur S. Meyer - 166-191 Trends in Soviet Occupational Wage Differentials
by Murray Yanowitch - 192-215 The Local Union in Soviet Industry: Its Relations with Members, Party, and Management
by Emily Clark Brown - 216-226 Organizational Rivalry among American Unions
by Joseph Krislov - 227-244 Legal Enforcement of Union Security in Australia
by Ross M. Martin
October 1959, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-15 Price Behavior and Productivity in the Medical Market
by Joseph W. Garbarino - 16-37 Competitive Unionism in the Chemical Industry
by Arnold R. Weber - 38-53 Dispute Settlement in Atomic Energy Plants
by David B. Johnson - 54-63 Monopoly in the Labor Market: The “Bummarees†of London's Wholesale Meat Market
by Simon Rottenberg - 64-71 The Supply Curve of Labor Re-Examined: A Review Article
by Sanford Cohen
July 1959, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 503-525 Democracy in Overalls: The Futile Quest for Union Democracy
by C. Peter Magrath - 526-539 Organized Labor's Place in the Community Power Structure
by William H. Form - 540-553 Skill Requirements and Industrial Training in Durable Goods Manufacturing
by Charles S. Benson & Paul R. Lohnes - 554-567 The Trade Unions and Fabian Socialism
by Jack Melitz - 568-581 The Evolution of Christian Trade Unionism in Quebec
by Samuel H. Barnes - 582-608 Trade Union Development and Labor Relations Policy in the Philippines
by David Wurfel - 618-625 Labor Relations Program for Employees of the City of New York
by N/A
April 1959, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 335-352 Interindustry Earnings Differentials in Canada, 1945–1956
by Sylvia W. Ostry - 353-369 The Role of the Field Staff Representative
by Myron L. Joseph - 370-388 Advisory Councils in Employment Security
by Joseph M. Becker S.J. - 389-405 International Differences in the Strike Propensity of Coal Miners: Experience in Four Countries
by Gaston V. Rimlinger - 406-422 Employment Effects of State Minimum Wages for Women: Three Historical Cases Re-Examined
by John M. Peterson - 423-433 Hours of Work in British Industry
by Brian McCormick - 434-445 Price Theory and Union Monopoly
by Frederic Meyers
January 1959, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 167-181 Occupational Wage Differentials in the Basic Steel Industry
by Jack Stieber - 182-205 Proportional Representation of Workers in the Auto Industry, 1934–1935
by Sidney Fine - 206-213 Selective Retirement and Preretirement Counseling in the TVA
by E. B. Shultz - 214-226 Employment Integration and Racial Wage Differences in a Southern Plant
by Robert Weintraub - 227-242 Internal Pressures on the Texas State C.I.O. Council, 1937–1955
by Murray E. Polakoff - 259-278 Interim Report of the Governor's Committee on Improper Labor and Management Practices
by N/A
October 1958, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-19 British and American Approaches to Structural Unemployment
by William H. Miernyk - 20-34 Legal and Political Aspects of the Integration of Unemployment Insurance and Sub Plans
by Jack Chernick & Charles R. Naef - 35-55 Austrian Labor's Bid for Power: The Role of the Trade Union Federation
by Charles A. Gulick - 56-78 Indonesian Labor Relations in Their Political Setting
by J. Henry Richardson - 79-85 The Union Shop Deauthorization Poll
by Chester A. Morgan - 86-103 Labor-Management Cooperative Committees in Britain's Electricity Supply Industry
by R. D. V. Roberts & H. Sallis
July 1958, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 487-505 The Conceptual and Legislative Framework of Labor Relations in India
by D. Van Kennedy - 506-517 The Indiana Right-to-Work Law
by Fred Witney - 518-533 Collective Bargaining on the New York City Transit System, 1940–1957
by Edward Sussna - 534-550 Decasualization of Employment on the New York Waterfront
by Vernon H. Jensen - 551-571 Management Unionism and Public Policy on the Railroads and the Airlines
by Ernest Dale & Robert L. Raimon - 572-590 The AFL in the 1920's: A Strategy of Defense
by James O. Morris - 591-607 The Welder's Search for Craft Recognition
by Herbert J. Lahne
April 1958, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 327-338 Amending the Taft-Hartley Act: A Decade of Frustration
by Benjamin Aaron - 339-351 The Impact of the Taft-Hartley Act on Union Strength and Collective Bargaining
by Joseph Shister - 352-359 Internal Affairs of Unions and the Taft-Hartley Act
by Philip Taft - 360-370 Management Experience under the Taft-Hartley Act
by Robert Abelow - 371-390 The Taft-Hartley Experiment in Separation of NLRB Functions
by Ida Klaus - 391-404 Federal Pre-Emption under the Taft-Hartley Act
by William J. Isaacson - 405-412 A Summary Evaluation of the Taft-Hartley Act
by Clyde W. Summers - 413-428 Environmental Variables and Union-Management Accommodation
by Milton Derber & W. Ellison Chalmers & Ross Stagner - 429-445 Joint Industrial Planning in Great Britain
by Marvin Frankel
January 1958, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 155-182 The Histadrut: The General Federation of Jewish Labor in Israel
by Margaret L. Plunkett - 183-202 Labor Relations in Soviet Factories
by Emily Clark Brown - 203-219 New York's Minimum Wage Law: The First Twenty Years
by Isador Lubin & Charles A. Pearce - 220-230 A Measure of the Utilization of Labor in the Economy
by Philip W. Cartwright & Robert J. Lampman - 231-246 An Interindustry Analysis of Labor's Share
by James W. Beck - 247-261 The CIO Jurisdictional Dispute Experience
by Seymour H. Lehrer - 262-271 The Well-Aged Arbitration Case
by Arthur M. Ross
October 1957, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-12 Union Member Orientations and Patterns of Social Integration
by William H. Form & H. Kirk Dansereau - 13-36 Plant Relocation and Job Security: A Case Study
by Margaret S. Gordon & Ann H. McCorry - 37-41 Use of Aptitude Tests in Manning a New Plant
by Richard P. Brown - 42-55 Trade Union Behavior and the Local Employers' Association
by Daniel M. Slate - 56-71 Uniformities and Differences in Local Union-Management Relationships
by Milton Derber & W. Ellison Chalmers & Ross Stagner - 72-84 Union Policy toward Minimum Wage Legislation in Postwar Britain
by Roger L. Bowlby
July 1957, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 503-515 The Effort Bargain
by Hilde Behrend - 516-531 Members' Attitudes toward the Shop Steward
by Glenn W. Miller & Ned Rosen - 532-553 Grievance Procedures in Soviet Factories
by Janusz K. Zawodny - 554-578 Regulation of Employee Benefit Programs
by Duncan M. MacIntyre - 579-587 Recruitment in an Australian Labor Market
by Cecil E. Carr & Norman F. Dufty - 588-608 Dispute Settlement in the New York Longshore Industry
by Vernon H. Jensen
April 1957, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 359-374 The Massachusetts Choice-of-Procedures Approach to Emergency Disputes
by George P. Shultz - 375-401 Reflections on Collective Bargaining in Britain and Sweden
by Richard A. Lester - 402-423 A Structural Model of the U.S. Labor Market
by Orme W. Phelps - 424-439 Bargaining Units and Labor Organization in Italy
by Gino Giugni - 440-447 Social Structure, Trade Unionism, and Consumer Cooperation
by William M. Evan
January 1957, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 179-200 The Soviet Labor Market
by Emily Clark Brown - 201-221 The Enigma of the Clayton Act
by Dallas L. Jones - 222-236 The Bench-Mark Approach to Production Standards
by Solomon Barkin - 237-251 Business Agents in the Building Trades a Case Study in a Community
by George Strauss - 252-269 Regulation of Union Elections in Australia
by Leroy S. Merrifield - 270-283 Economic Rationale of Codetermination
by Abraham Shuchman - 284-296 A Plant-Wide Productivity Bonus in a Small Factory Study of an Unsuccessful Case
by Thomas Q. Gilson & Myron J. Lefcowitz
October 1956, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-25 The Structure of Bargaining Units in the United States
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 26-39 Value Productivity and the Interindustry Wage Structure
by Richard Perlman - 40-47 The Amalgamation of Collective Bargaining and Political Activity by the Uaw
by Marjorie Thines Stanley - 48-69 The Unity Issue among Railroad Engineers and Firemen
by George R. Horton & H. Ellsworth Steele - 70-80 Commuting Patterns of Manufacturing Employees
by James H. Thompson - 81-92 The Rise and Fall of a Maritime Union
by Jane Cassels Record - 93-100 Experience of the Umwa Welfare and Retirement Fund
by Robert J. Myers - 101-107 Incidence of Employer Change
by Paul Eldridge & Irwin Wolkstein
July 1956, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 531-543 Occupational Choice: A Conceptual Framework
by Peter M. Blau & John W. Gustad & Richard Jessor & Herbert S. Parnes & Richard C. Wilcock - 544-561 Dimensions of Union Growth 1900 – 1950
by Benjamin Solomon - 562-576 Industrial Training in the Soviet Union
by Walter Galenson - 577-588 Potential Monopsony in Labor Markets
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 589-594 Union Decertification
by Joseph Krislov - 595-609 Regional Labor Agreements in the Construction Industry
by Kenneth M. McCaffree - 610-628 Industrial Arbitration in Australia: Its Effects on Wages and Unions
by D. W. Oxnam
April 1956, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 347-348 The AFL-CIO Merger
by N/A - 349-351 Merger and the National Welfare
by George Meany - 352-352 Labor's New Unity
by Walter P. Reuther - 353-370 Efforts toward Merger 1935–1955
by Joel Seidman - 371-390 Structure and Government of the AFL-CIO
by Maurice F. Neufeld - 391-405 Jurisdictional Issues and the Promise of Merger
by David L. Cole - 406-418 The New Federation and Political Action
by Edwin E. Witte - 419-432 Foreign Affairs and the AFL-CIO
by John P. Windmuller - 433-446 Independent Unions and the Merger
by Philip Taft - 447-457 Unresolved Problems and New Paths for American Labor
by Joseph Shister - 458-460 AFL-CIO Merger
by George Meany & William F. Schnitzler & Walter P. Reuther & James B. Carey - 460-461 Resolution on the Achievement of Labor Unity
by N/A - 461-463 Report of the Joint AFL-CIO Unity Committee
by Walter P. Reuther & James B. Carey & George Meany & William Schnitzler - 464-467 Constitution of Industrial Union Department American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
by N/A
January 1956, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 183-199 On Choice in Labor Markets
by Simon Rottenberg - 200-212 Grievance Mediation under Collective Bargaining
by William H. McPherson - 213-224 The Union Impact on Wages: The Case of the Year-Round Hotel Industry
by Joseph Scherer - 225-234 Notes on the Beginnings of Collective Bargaining
by Vernon H. Jensen - 235-240 Migrant and Nonmigrant Occupational Patterns
by Maurice C. Benewitz - 241-251 Personnel Practices in the South
by H. Ellsworth Steele & William R. Myles & Sherwood C. McIntyre - 252-267 Wage Criteria for Collective Bargaining
by Sylvia Wiseman
October 1955, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-23 Interunion Disputes in Great Britain and the United States
by Howard G. Gamser - 24-31 Local Union Structure: Formality and Reality
by Herbert J. Lahne & Joseph Kovner - 32-40 A New Technique in Seniority Administration
by Richard P. Brown - 41-53 The Strategic Alliance as a Factor in Union Growth
by Marten S. Estey - 54-76 Labor Market Behavior in Small Towns
by Irvin Sobel & Richard C. Wilcock - 77-84 Effects of “Right-To-Work†Laws: A Study of the Texas Act
by Frederic Meyers - 122-124 AFL-CIO Merger Agreement
by N/A - 125-135 Draft Constitution of Proposed AFL-CIO Federation
by N/A
July 1955, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 483-498 Origins of Codetermination
by Edwin F. Beal - 499-519 Codetermination in Practice
by William H. McPherson - 520-540 Secondary Labor Force Mobility in Four Midwestern Shoe Towns
by Richard C. Wilcock & Irvin Sobel - 541-556 Collective Bargaining in the Pacific Coast Fisheries: The Economic Issues
by James A. Crutchfield - 557-564 Patterns of Union Membership in the Retail Trades
by Marten S. Estey
April 1955, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 331-346 The Contributory Principle and the Integrity of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance: A Functional Evaluation
by Alanson W. Willcox - 347-360 Institutional Economics and Trade Union Behavior
by Campbell R. McConnell - 361-378 Seniority Problems in Business Mergers
by Mark L. Kahn - 379-391 Resistance to International Worker Mobility: A Barrier to European Unity
by David E. Christian - 408-427 Governor's Committee Report on New Jersey Public Utility Labor Disputes Act
by N/A
January 1955, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 151-168 The Structuring of the Labor Force in Industrial Society: New Dimensions and New Questions
by Clark Kerr & Abraham Siegel - 169-176 Grievance Machinery and Strikes in Australia
by James W. Kuhn - 177-194 The Railroads' Dual System of Payment: A Make-Work Rule?
by Morris A. Horowitz - 195-203 The Jacksonville Agreement: Quest for Stability in Coal
by Edmond M. Beame - 204-216 Role-Perceptions in Labor-Management Relations: An Experimental Approach
by Mason Haire - 217-230 Factors in Wage Adjustments to Technological Changes
by Martin Segal - 231-252 Hiring Procedures and Selection Standards in the San Francisco Bay Area
by F. Theodore Malm - 253-264 Unionism and Personnel Practices in the Southeast
by Ellsworth Steele & William R. Myles & Sherwood C. McIntyre
October 1954, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-18 Governmental Restrictions on Labor Mobility in Italy
by M. Gardner Clark - 19-29 Raiding among the “Legitimate-Unions
by Joseph Krislov - 30-37 Psychiatry in Industry
by Temple Burling - 38-47 When Stoppages are Prohibited
by John V. Spielmans - 48-58 Social Integration, Attitudes, and Union Activity
by Lois R. Dean - 59-67 Wage-Productivity Comparisons
by Jules Backman - 68-78 Working Groups in a Plural Society
by Cyril Sofer - 102-108 AFL-CIO No-Raiding Agreement
by N/A
July 1954, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 507-525 Recruiting Patterns and the Functioning of Labor Markets
by F. Theodore Malm - 526-536 Union Activity and Dual Loyalty
by Lois R. Dean - 537-549 Diversity of Time-Study Practice
by Solomon Barkin - 550-574 The “Closed Shop†Controversy in Postwar Britain
by Jean T. McKelvey - 575-592 The Economics of Trade Union Organization and Administration
by Monroe Berkowitz - 593-604 Labor Relations and Trade Unions in the Gold Coast
by R. B. Davison
April 1954, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 347-366 Seizure in Emergency Labor Disputes in Virginia
by Robert R. France - 367-384 Two Views on Wage Differences
by Melvin Rothbaum & Harold G. Ross - 385-389 Hiring Patterns and Occupational Wage Dispersion a Rejoinder
by Robert L. Raimon - 390-403 Administrative Problems of the Wage Stabilization Board
by Morris A. Horowitz - 404-418 Union Political Action: The Member Speaks
by Ruth Alice Hudson & Hjalmar Rosen - 419-433 Community Recognition of Union Leaders
by Orme W. Phelps - 444-448 Money Wage and Product Wage Relationships
by Paul E. Sultan
January 1954, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 175-176 Wage Policies of the WSB
by N/A - 177-191 Productivity and Wage Control
by Arthur M. Ross - 192-199 Cost-of-Living Wage Policy
by Benson Soffer - 200-210 Interplant Wage Inequities
by Harold G. Ross & Melvin Rothbaum - 211-220 Stabilization of the Internal Wage Rate Structure
by E. Robert Livernash - 221-234 Stabilization of Fringe Benefits
by James C. Hill - 235-245 Health, Welfare, and Pension Plans under Wage Stabilization
by Wilbur J. Cohen - 246-261 Social Origins and Occupational Career Patterns
by Reinhard Bendix & Seymour M. Lipset & F. Theodore Malm - 262-277 Reversion to Individualism: The Back-Pay Doctrines of the NLRB
by David J. Farber - 278-287 Cost-Of-Living Adjustments in Australian Wage Determination
by Kingsley Laffer
October 1953, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-14 Shop Society and the Union
by Joseph Kovner & Herbert J. Lahne - 15-30 The Taft-Hartley Act in National Emergency Disputes
by Donald E. Cullen - 31-31 The Current Status of Workmen's Compensation
by N/A - 32-42 Workmen's Compensation. Unfulfilled Promise
by Herman Somers & Anne Somers - 43-50 The Anomalies of Workmen's Compensation
by S. Bruce Black - 51-62 A Policy Decision for Workmen's Compensation
by Jerome Pollack - 63-72 Workmen's Compensation and Private Benefit Programs
by Duncan M. MacIntyre - 73-92 Federation of the Railroad Brotherhoods, 1889–1894
by Donald L. McMurry - 93-102 The Interindustry Wage Structure and Productivity
by Frederic Meyers & Roger L. Bowlby