October 1953, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 103-118 Concepts in the Measurement of Human Application
by Solomon Barkin
July 1953, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 475-496 Industrial Safety and Health in the United States
by Herman M. Somers & Anne R. Somers - 497-509 Communication in Industry: A Cure of Conflict?
by Paul Pigors - 510-531 Insight and Illusion in Perlman's Theory of the Labor Movement
by Charles A. Gulick & Melvin K. Bers - 532-546 The Problem of Structure in the Knights of Labor
by William C. Birdsall - 547-556 Presidential Seizures in Labor Disputes
by Frank M. Kleiler - 557-569 Pressures on an Employers' Association in Collective Bargaining
by Gerald G. Somers
April 1953, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 299-316 Toward a Theory of Wage Structure
by Louis R. Salkever - 317-336 Wage Determination for Airline Pilots
by Mark L. Kahn - 337-351 Trade Union Investment Policies
by Nathan Belfer - 352-367 Are Coal Strikes National Emergencies?
by Irving Bernstein & Hugh G. Lovell - 368-377 Labor Organization in Thailand
by Ernest L. Fogg - 383-390 Communist Strategy and Tactics in Western European Labor Movements
by Val R. Lorwin - 399-416 German Codetermination Laws
by John P. Windmuller
January 1953, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 163-179 The Intermediate Union Body in Collective Bargaining
by Herbert J. Lahne - 180-194 The Indeterminateness of Wages of Semiskilled Workers
by Robert L. Raimon - 195-205 Wage-Price Relations in the Basic Steel Industry 1945–1948
by Albert Rees - 206-219 The Local Union Meeting
by George Strauss & Leonard R. Sayles - 220-226 Prosperity versus Strikes
by Theodore Levitt - 227-238 The Repeal of the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act of 1927
by Ronald V. Sires
October 1952, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-19 Trade Union Wage Policy in Postwar Britain
by Jean Trepp McKelvey - 20-30 The Pressure Lever in Mediation
by Hugh G. Lovell - 31-43 Patterns of Participation in Local Unions
by George Strauss & Leonard R. Sayles - 44-66 Jewish Labor Movement in the United States: World War I to the Present
by Will Herberg - 67-78 Recent Developments in the North-South Wage Differential
by Wilfrid H. Crook - 79-87 Audio-Visual Materials in Industrial and Labor Relations
by J. James Jehring - 88-93 Industrial Peace in the Netherlands
by C. Westrate - 94-109 Kaiser-Frazer Uaw-Cio Social Security Program
by Jerome Pollack - 110-117 Lerner's Economics of Employment a Review
by W. S. Woytinsky - 117-118 Reply
by Abba P. Lerner
July 1952, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 483-500 A Range Theory of Wage Differentials
by Richard A. Lester - 501-523 Jewish Labor Movement in the United States: Early Years to World War I
by Will Herberg - 524-539 French Trade Unions since Liberation 1944–1951
by Val R. Lorwin - 540-559 Railroad Grievance Machinery a Critical Analysis — Ii
by Herbert R. Northrup & Mark L. Kahn - 560-568 Seniority and Defense Production
by Philomena Marquardt Mullady - 569-583 Operations of the New York State Board of Mediation
by Arthur Stark - 584-592 Discrimination in Industry: Extravagant Injustice
by Elmo Roper - 593-598 Prejudice and Scientific Method in Labor Relations
by Alfred J. Marrow - 599-603 Re: “Politics and Religion in the Italian Labor Movementâ€
by Vanni B. Montana - 603-604 Reply
by John Norman - 605-619 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller & I. Bradford Shaw - 620-623 Book Review: Wartime Manpower Mobilization
by William Haber - 623-624 Book Review: Pressures on Wage Decisions: A Case Study in the Shoe Industry
by Herbert G. Heneman Jr. - 624-626 Book Review: The Dynamics of a Labor Market — A Study of the Impact of Employment Changes on Labor Mobility, Job Satisfactions, and Company and Union Policies
by Gladys L. Palmer - 626-626 Book Review: Introduction to the Total Theory of Labor—New Positive Foundation of Economics
by Adolf Sturmthal - 626-627 Book Review: Collective Bargaining, Principles and Practices
by Jacob Seidenberg - 627-628 Book Review: Contemporary Collective Bargaining
by Glenn W. Miller - 628-629 Book Review: The Law of Labor Relations
by Louis Waldman - 629-631 Book Review: Government and Collective Bargaining
by Clyde Summers - 631-631 Book Review: The Economics of Collective Action
by Philip Taft - 631-633 Book Review: Industrial Management in the USSR
by M. Gardner Clark - 634-638 News and Notes
by N/A
April 1952, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 323-342 Collective Bargaining in Postwar Germany
by Clark Kerr - 343-364 Labor Union Lawyers: Professional Services of Lawyers to Organized Labor
by Robert M. Segal - 365-382 Railroad Grievance Machinery: A Critical Analysis
by Herbert R. Northrup & Mark L. Kahn - 383-392 An Administrative Appraisal of the New York State Board of Mediation
by Arthur Stark - 393-410 Legal Status of Union Work Permits
by Herbert J. Lahne - 426-438 Report of Board of Inquiry on Longshore Industry Work Stoppage, October—November 1951 Port of New York
by N/A - 439-446 Economic Aspects of Benefit Programs
by N/A
January 1952, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 163-172 Employment Statistics and Manpower
by Ernest J. Eberling & Charles S. Bullock Jr. - 173-194 Manpower Allocation in Great Britain during World War II
by Sidney E. Rolfe - 195-208 Do Wage Incentives Reduce Costs?
by Robert H. Roy - 209-220 Economics of Industrial Engineering
by William H. Knowles - 221-230 The Scope, Functions, and Limitations of University Workers' Education Programs
by Vidkunn Ulriksson - 230-235 Comments
by N/A - 236-246 Union Stabilization Programs and Competition
by Abraham L. Gitlow - 246-248 Comments
by John Slocum - 249-257 The British Disabled Persons (Employment) Act
by Harry Malisoff - 258-264 World Labor Manifesto
by Adolf Sturmthal - 265-285 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller & I. Bradford Shaw - 286-287 Book Review: Pattern for Industrial Peace
by Charles A. Myers - 287-289 Book Review: A Philosophy of Labor
by Jack Barbash - 289-291 Book Review: Collective Bargaining
by Vernon H. Jensen - 291-292 Book Review: Motion and Time Study: Principles and Practice
by William Gomberg - 292-293 Book Review: Sources of Economic Information for Collective Bargaining
by J. G. Miller - 294-295 Book Review: The Growth and Development of Executives
by Paul Pigors - 295-295 Book Review: American Labor Unions — Organization, Aims, and Power
by Philomena Mullady - 295-296 Book Review: Communication within Industry: Principles and Methods of Management-Employee Interchange
by King MacRury - 296-297 Book Review: Handbook of Employee Selection
by Patricia Cain Smith - 297-298 Book Review: Industry's Unfinished Business: Achieving Sound Industrial Relations and Fair Employment
by Lester B. Granger - 298-299 Book Review: Labor Relations in the Laundry Industry in Greater New York
by Jesse T. Carpenter - 299-300 Book Review: Code du Travail Annoté, Les Conventions Collectives de Travail
by Arthur Lenhoff - 300-300 Book Review: Learning through Discussion
by Temple Burling - 300-301 Book Review: The Right to Organize and its Limits
by Ludwig Teller - 302-303 Book Review: Freedom of Association and Conditions of Work in Venezuela
by Kurt Braun - 303-304 Book Review: The Cost and Financing of Social Security
by Nathan Belfer - 304-305 Book Review: Administration of Old Age Security in California
by Duncan MacIntyre - 305-306 Book Review: Labor Relations Guide for Massachusetts
by Paul Pigors - 306-307 Book Review: The Saco-Lowell Shops — Textile Machinery Building in New England, 1913–1949
by John G. B. Hutchins - 307-307 Book Review: Management and Management's Rights to Manage in Industrial Relations, a Study in Differences
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 308-308 Book Review: Effective Communication in Industry
by Ernest De La Ossa - 308-308 Book Review: Psychology of Personnel in Business and Industry
by J. E. Walters - 308-309 Book Review: Congress Makes a Law: The Story behind the Employment Act of 1946
by Harold L. Sheppard - 309-310 Book Review: Steeltown, an Industrial Case History of the Conflict between Progress and Security
by George P. Shultz - 310-310 Book Review: Personnel Management: Principles, Practices, and Point of View
by Robert Y. Walker - 311-317 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1951, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-19 Thirty-Six Years of “National Emergency†Strikes
by Edgar L. Warren - 20-32 Codetermination: Germany's Move toward a New Economy
by William H. McPherson - 33-49 Wage Differentials in Pacific Coast Longshoring
by F. Theodore Malm - 50-61 An Evaluation of the American Flint Glass Workers' Apprenticeship Program
by H. Ellsworth Steele - 62-72 Trade Union Structure and Private Pension Plans
by William Goldner - 73-91 Politics and Religion in the Italian Labor Movement
by John Norman - 92-107 Management's Attitude toward Wage Incentive Systems
by Solomon Barkin - 108-117 Objective Procedures for Estimating Industrial Productivity
by Adam Abruzzi
July 1951, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 483-496 Comments on Selig Perlman's: A Theory of the Labor Movement
by Adolf Sturmthal - 497-508 Russian Labor Productivity Statistics
by Walter Galenson - 509-526 Tulamusa: A Study of the Place of the Public Employment Service
by George B. Baldwin - 527-542 The Catholic Church and the Political Development of American Trade Unionism (1900–1918)
by Marc Karson - 581-588 Constitution of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (1949)
by N/A
April 1951, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 323-342 Strike Experience in Five Countries, 1927–1947: An Interpretation
by Arthur M. Ross & Donald Irwin - 343-355 Criteria in the Making of Wage Decisions by “Neutrals†: The Railroads as a Case Study
by Frederic Meyers - 356-366 The Legend of Joe Hill
by Vernon H. Jensen - 367-385 The Printing Pressroom Foreman — Union Man: A Case Study
by Elizabeth Faulkner Baker - 386-392 Foremen and Their Social Adjustment
by Sidney C. Sufrin
January 1951, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 163-172 First National Conference on Aging: A Preview of Maturity
by John L. Thurston - 173-186 Changing Trends under Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, 1935–1950
by Jacob Perlman - 187-199 Aspects of Legislative History of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950
by Wilbur J. Cohen - 200-222 A Profile of Labor Arbitration
by Edgar L. Warren & Irving Bernstein - 223-235 The Printing Foreman — Union Man: A Historical Sketch
by Elizabeth Faulkner Baker - 236-248 Collective Bargaining in France
by Adolf Sturmthal - 249-256 A Union's Steward-Training Program
by George W. Brooks & Sara Gamm - 257-264 Maturity in Industrial Relations: A Case Study
by Morton J. Baum - 265-268 Exclusion of Nonunion Members from Employee Benefit Plans
by Herman A. Gray - 268-274 Union Attitudes toward Job Evaluation and Ingrade Progression
by Sar A. Levitan - 274-278 Collective Bargaining and Fact-Finding Boards
by A. L. Gitlow - 279-295 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 296-296 Book Review: Movements for Economic Reform
by Max Nomad - 296-298 Book Review: Labor in Norway
by Kirk R. Petshek - 298-299 Book Review: Making Work Human
by Nathaniel Cantor - 299-300 Book Review: Personnel Policies and Unionism
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 300-301 Book Review: How to Take a Case before the National Labor Relations Board
by Clyde W. Summers - 301-302 Book Review: Problems in Personnel Administration
by C. H. Lawshe - 302-303 Book Review: The Problem of Employment Stabilization
by Abba P. Lerner - 303-304 Book Review: Heritage of Conflict: Labor Relations in the Nonferrous Metals Industry up to 1930
by D. Van Kennedy - 304-305 Book Review: Rothenberg on Labor Relations
by Daniel C. Williams - 305-306 Book Review: Human Relations in Modern Industry
by Robert Dubin - 306-307 Book Review: The Power of People
by Paul J. Gordon - 307-307 Book Review: The Handbook of Advanced Time-Motion Study
by Adam Abruzzi - 308-316 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1950, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-14 Role of the Unions in Contemporary Society
by Edwin E. Witte - 15-32 Disciplinary Procedures of Unions
by Clyde Summers - 33-43 Role of the Ilgwu in Stabilizing the Women's Garment Industry
by Theresa Wolfson - 44-54 The Labor Union Link between Canada and the United States
by Paul H. Norgren - 55-69 Labor Policy of the Communist Party during World War II
by Joel Seidman - 102-109 Executive Order Governing Procedures of Departments and Agencies of New York State for Resolution of Employee Complaints
by David M. Schneider - 110-119 Audio-Visual Materials in Industrial and Labor Relations
by J. J. Jehring
July 1950, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 483-513 Disciplinary Powers of Unions
by Clyde Summers - 514-541 Labor Agreements in the West Coast Fishing Industry: Restraint of Trade or Basis of Industrial Stability?
by Roger L. Randall - 542-547 University of Wisconsin School for Workers
by Ernest E. Schwarztrauber - 548-560 Problems of Method in the Study of Human Relations
by John W. McConnell - 561-566 The Consolidation Issue in the American Glass Worker Unions
by H. Ellsworth Steele - 567-574 Measurement of Secondary Unemployment: An Evaluation of Woytinsky's Methods
by Herbert G. Heneman Jr. - 575-580 Re: “Education in Industrial and Labor Relationsâ€
by Edmund Ezra Day - 581-599 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 600-601 Review: Cases on Labor Relations
by Henry Weihofen - 601-602 Review: Left, Right and Center. Conflicting Forces in American Labor
by George Soule - 602-603 Review: Working with People
by Alfred J. Marrow - 603-604 Review: Job Horizons
by Lazare Teper - 604-608 Review: Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (S Doc 149). Permanent and Total Disability Insurance (S Doc 162)
by C. A. Kulp - 608-609 Review: Writings and Speeches of Eugene V. Debs
by Harry W. Laidler - 610-611 Review: Motion and Time Study
by William Gomberg - 611-612 Review: Transmitting Information through Management and Union Channels: Two Case Studies
by William Foote Whyte - 612-613 Review: Frank and Lillian Gilbreth: Partners for Life
by Sebastian B. Littauer - 613-614 Review: Teamwork in Industry, Free Expression in Industry
by Temple Burling - 614-615 Review: Wage Policy for Management
by Glenn Gardiner - 615-617 Review: Labor in America, the Labor Story, a Popular History of American Labor, 1786–1949
by John Newton Thurber - 617-618 Review: Management of Industrial Enterprises
by R. Presgrave - 618-620 Review: Problems of Hourly Rate Uniformity, the Philadelphia Printing Industry, Multi-Employer Bargaining and the Anti-Trust Laws
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 620-621 Review: Bottom-up Management
by Paul J. Gordon - 621-622 Review: Social Adjustment in Old Age: A Research Planning Report
by I. S. Falk - 623-623 Review: Practical Job Evaluation
by C. C. Balderston - 623-624 Review: Company-Wide Understanding of Industrial Relations Policies
by King MacRury - 624-625 Review: The Labor Force in the United States, 1890–1960
by Robert Morse Woodbury - 626-639 News and Notes
by N/A
April 1950, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 323-340 Unfair Labor Practice Prevention under the Railway Labor Act
by Herbert R. Northrup - 341-361 Prospects for Industry-Wide Bargaining
by Frank C. Pierson - 362-374 Early Federal Regulation of Hours of Labor in the United States
by Matthew A. Kelly - 375-382 The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
by Adolf Sturmthal - 383-401 Framework for the Analysts of Industrial Relations: Two Views
by F. L. W. Richardson Jr. - 402-412 Comments
by N/A - 413-420 ILO Convention (No. 98) concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and to Bargain Collectively
by David A. Morse - 421-443 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 444-445 Review: Labor Economics and Labor Relations, Economics of the Labor Market
by N. Arnold Tolles - 445-448 Review: Unemployment Insurance, Public Assistance
by Eveline M. Burns - 448-449 Review: Company Annual Reports to Stockholders, Employees, and the Public
by Lazare Teper - 449-450 Review: Collective Bargaining: Principles and Cases
by Philomena Marquardt Mullady - 450-452 Review: Workers Wanted: A Study of Employers' Hiring Policies, Preferences, and Practices in New Haven and Charlotte
by Gladys L. Palmer - 452-453 Review: Industrial Psychology and its Social Foundations
by F. J. Roethlisberger - 453-454 Review: The Film in Industrial Safety Training
by J. J. Jehring - 454-455 Review: Group Medicine and Health Insurance in Action
by Adolph Held - 455-457 Review: Government Regulation of Industrial Relations
by Julie Meyer - 457-458 Review: Cotton Textile Wages in the United States and Great Britain
by Julie Meyer - 458-459 Review: Management Survey
by Ronald B. Shuman - 459-460 Review: Bargaining with Organized Labor
by Paul Pigors - 461-461 Review: Industrial Environment and its Control
by Leonard Greenburg - 461-462 Review: Industrial Psychology
by Temple Burling - 462-463 Review: Organization and Management
by Schuyler Dean Hoslett - 463-464 Review: Education for an Industrial Age
by Harry Dexter Kitson