April 1950, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 445-448 Review: Unemployment Insurance, Public Assistance
by Eveline M. Burns - 448-449 Review: Company Annual Reports to Stockholders, Employees, and the Public
by Lazare Teper - 449-450 Review: Collective Bargaining: Principles and Cases
by Philomena Marquardt Mullady - 450-452 Review: Workers Wanted: A Study of Employers' Hiring Policies, Preferences, and Practices in New Haven and Charlotte
by Gladys L. Palmer - 452-453 Review: Industrial Psychology and its Social Foundations
by F. J. Roethlisberger - 453-454 Review: The Film in Industrial Safety Training
by J. J. Jehring - 454-455 Review: Group Medicine and Health Insurance in Action
by Adolph Held - 455-457 Review: Government Regulation of Industrial Relations
by Julie Meyer - 457-458 Review: Cotton Textile Wages in the United States and Great Britain
by Julie Meyer - 458-459 Review: Management Survey
by Ronald B. Shuman - 459-460 Review: Bargaining with Organized Labor
by Paul Pigors - 461-461 Review: Industrial Environment and its Control
by Leonard Greenburg - 461-462 Review: Industrial Psychology
by Temple Burling - 462-463 Review: Organization and Management
by Schuyler Dean Hoslett - 463-464 Review: Education for an Industrial Age
by Harry Dexter Kitson - 464-466 Review: People and Process in Social Security
by Peter Kasius - 466-467 Review: First Annual Report of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 1948
by Irving Bernstein - 468-477 News and Notes
by N/A
January 1950, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 163-186 The Fur Workers Union
by Robert D. Leiter - 187-212 The Unlicensed Seafaring Unions
by Philip Taft - 213-220 Reasons for the Growth of the Knights of Labor in 1885–1886
by Donald L. Kemmerer & Edward D. Wickersham - 221-228 The School at Cornell University
by Edmund Ezra Day - 229-241 Management-Labor Committees
by Charles E. Shaw - 242-253 The Search for New Incentives
by Mark Starr - 254-278 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 279-285 Review: Industry-Wide Collective Bargaining Series
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 285-287 Review: Management-Union Arbitration
by Clark Kerr - 287-288 Review: Labor in the American Economy
by Nathan Belfer - 288-289 Review: The Social Politics of FEPC
by Charles Garside - 290-291 Review: The Firemen's and Patrolmen's Unions in the City of New York
by Sterling D. Spero - 291-292 Review: Beyond Collective Bargaining
by Clyde W. Summers - 292-293 Review: Human Relations in Action
by A. A. Liveright - 293-294 Review: Joint Safety Program of the Forstmann Woolen Company and Local 656 Textile Workers Union of America, CIO
by Harold C. Zulauf - 294-295 Review: Training Employees and Managers for Production and Teamwork
by Carl S. Coler - 295-296 Review: Your Job
by Ruth M. Kellogg - 296-298 Review: State Labor Relations Acts: A Study of Public Policy
by J. J. Manson - 299-299 Review: Counseling Employees
by Milton C. Towner - 299-300 Review: American Labor and the Government
by Harold W. Davey - 301-302 Review: Gene Debs—The Story of a Fighting American
by John Newton Thurber - 302-303 Review: Catholic Social Action
by Mary Thomasine - 303-304 Review: Psychosocial Medicine: A Study of the Sick Society
by Temple Burling - 305-316 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1949, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-16 Aspects of Joint Bargaining in the Rubber Industry
by Robert A. Winters - 17-32 Collective Bargaining in the Motor Freight Industry
by Martin A. Cohen & Martin Lieberman - 33-44 Increasing Productivity through Labor-Management Co-Operation
by Ernest Dale - 45-53 Wages, Income, and Compensation under Unemployment Insurance
by Peter D. Shilland - 54-69 Trends in University Programs for Labor Education, 1946–1948
by Caroline F. Ware - 70-75 The Study of Industrial and Labor Relations in Catholic Colleges
by Brother Justin - 75-79 Communication
by A. L. Gitlow - 80-98 Audio-Visual Materials in Industrial and Labor Relations
by J. J. Jehring - 99-101 Current Research in Labor Arbitration
by N/A - 102-121 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 122-124 Review: Reports of Joint Committee on Labor Management Relations
by Edwin E. Witte - 124-125 Review: Labor in America
by Philip Taft - 126-128 Review: Unions, Management, and the Public
by Harold W. Davey - 128-129 Review: Trade Unions in Canada: Their Development and Functioning
by Paul H. Norgren - 129-130 Review: Principles of Personnel Testing
by Milton C. Towner - 130-131 Review: Tested Techniques in Labor Arbitration
by Paul Abelson - 131-132 Review: Therapeutic and Industrial Uses of Music
by John B. Gibson - 132-133 Review: Conference Guide to Basic Management Training
by Glenn Gardiner - 133-134 Review: The Issue of Compulsory Health Insurance
by Mary Van Kleeck - 134-135 Review: History of Factory and Mine Hygiene
by A. J. Lanza - 135-136 Review: The Impact of the Undistributed Profits Tax, 1936–1937
by Harold M. Groves - 136-137 Review: Human Relations in an Expanding Company
by Temple Burling - 137-138 Review: Public Relations in Management
by Dave Hyatt - 138-140 Review: German Experience with Social Insurance
by Frederick G. Reuss - 140-141 Review: How to Make a Wage Survey
by H. M. Douty - 141-143 Review: American Arbitration: Its History, Functions and Achievements
by Thomas Kennedy - 143-144 Review: British Trade Unionism
by Jean A. Flexner - 144-145 Review: Getting Results from Suggestion Plans
by C. Kenneth Beach - 145-147 Review: Accounting Methods for Local Unions
by George Kozmetsky - 148-157 News and Notes
by N/A
July 1949, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 477-501 Industrial Peace and Conflict: A Study of Two Pacific Coast Industries
by Paul Eliel - 502-526 Experimental Criteria for Evaluating Workers and Operations
by Sebastian B. Littauer & Adam Abruzzi - 527-545 Economic Function of Strikes
by Ernest H. Jurkat & Dorothy B. Jurkat - 546-557 The Closed Shop is Not a Closed Issue
by George F. Jansen - 558-575 The Function of Management in Achieving Sound Labor Relations
by Lazare Teper - 576-597 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 598-600 Review: Patterns of Union-Management Relations
by Royal E. Montgomery - 600-601 Review: The New Industrial Relations
by Charles A. Myers - 602-603 Review: The New Men of Power — America's Labor Leaders
by Merlyn S. Pitzele - 603-604 Review: Local Labor Market Research — A Case Study
by Leonard P. Adams - 604-606 Review: British Trade Unions
by Philip Taft - 606-608 Review: All Manner of Men
by William Foote Whyte - 608-609 Review: Constructive Labor Relations: Experience in Four Firms
by William H. McPherson - 609-610 Review: Human Relations in the Restaurant Industry
by Robert Dubin - 610-610 Review: Personnel and Industrial Psychology
by Temple Burling - 610-611 Review: The Impact of the New Labor Law on Union-Management Relations
by Beryl Harold Levy - 611-612 Review: Economics, An Introductory Analysis
by Sar A. Levitan - 613-613 Review: Contemporary Unionism in the United States
by Nathan Belfer - 614-614 Review: Discharge for Cause
by C. Arnold Hanson - 615-630 News and Notes
by N/A
April 1949, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 319-334 The Meaning of the Union Shop Elections
by John A. Hogan - 335-359 The Settlement of Work Jurisdictional Disputes by Governmental Agencies
by Paul Fisher - 360-371 The Problem of Jurisdiction of National and State Labor Relations Boards
by Jerome Ackerman - 372-390 Tripartitism in the National War Labor Board
by Robert G. Dixon - 391-402 Advancing the Public Interest in Labor Relations
by Ordway Tead - 403-406 The Taft-Hartley Act in Operation: A Brief Appraisal
by Edwin E. Witte - 406-410 Statistical Procedures in Union Administration
by Solomon Barkin - 411-415 The Agreement Establishing a National Joint Board for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in Building and Construction Industries
by N/A - 416-433 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 434-436 Book Review: Government as Employer
by H. Eliot Kaplan - 436-437 Book Review: The Labor Leader: An Exploratory Study
by Beryl Harold Levy - 437-439 Book Review: Employees are People
by William Foote Whyte - 439-440 Book Review: A Trade Union Analysis of Time Study
by R. Presgrave - 441-442 Book Review: Job Evaluation, a Basis for Sound Wage Administration
by John M. Brophy - 442-443 Book Review: Voluntary Medical Care Insurance in the United States
by Adolph Held - 443-445 Book Review: Collective Bargaining in the Office
by Sar A. Levitan - 445-446 Book Review: Public Relations at Work
by Whitman Daniels - 446-447 Book Review: The Foreman in Industrial Relations
by Herbert R. Northrup - 447-448 Book Review: Insights into Labor Issues
by William H. McPherson - 449-452 Book Review: Wobbly: Rough and Tumble Story of an American Radical
by Vernon H. Jensen - 452-454 Book Review: The Politics of Equality: New Zealand's Adventures in Democracy
by Frieda Wunderlich - 454-455 Book Review: Managerial Enterprise, its Growth and Methods of Operation
by Ronald B. Shuman - 455-456 Book Review: How to Take Industrial Photographs
by J. James Jehring - 456-458 Book Review: Methods-Time Measurement
by William Gomberg - 458-459 Book Review: Why Men Work
by Charles A. Myers - 460-473 News and Notes
by N/A
January 1949, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 163-194 Productivity: Productivity and Living Standards
by Jules Backman & M. R. Gainsbrugh - 195-209 Productivity: Union-Management Co-Operation and Productivity
by Robert Dubin - 210-218 The Association of Catholic Trade Unionists
by Philip Taft - 219-226 Employee Adjustment to Technological Displacement: The Fifth Avenue Coach Company Case
by John W. McConnell & Bernard P. Lampert - 227-236 Pensions and Retirement Plans as a Subject of Collective Bargaining
by Vernon H. Jensen - 237-247 Employee Morale: Analyses of Absence Records and Opinion Polls
by King MacRury - 247-252 Communications
by N/A - 253-254 Industrial Relations Consultants are Not Engaged in Unauthorized Practice of Law: A Court Opinion
by N/A - 255-278 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 279-281 Book Review: Personnel Manual for Executives
by Harold B. Maynard - 281-283 Book Review: Hours of Work and Output
by C. A. Pearce - 283-285 Book Review: Labor Relations and Human Relations
by Alexander H. Leighton - 285-286 Book Review: The American Farmer
by Glen T. Barton - 286-288 Book Review: Basic Criteria Used in Wage Negotiations
by Robert Satter - 288-289 Book Review: Wartime Shipyard
by Robin M. Williams Jr. - 289-290 Book Review: Soil and Steel
by Vernon H. Jensen - 291-291 Book Review: The Role of Government in Labor-Management Production Committees
by Harold W. Metz - 292-293 Book Review: Labor Problems in Southeast Asia
by Patricia G. Barnett - 293-294 Book Review: Adequacy of Workmen's Compensation
by Frank D. Maurin - 294-294 Book Review: Work Relief in New York State, 1931–1935
by Philip Taft - 294-295 Book Review: Union-Management Co-Operation: Experience in the Clothing Industry
by Donald M. Landay - 296-296 Book Review: Personnel Management
by Russell J. Greenly - 296-297 Book Review: The Functional Operating Report
by Edward A. Keller - 297-298 Book Review: Essentials of Management for Supervisors
by Harold W. Davey - 298-299 Book Review: Foremen's Unions — A New Development in Industrial Relations
by Robert H. Ferguson - 300-301 Book Review: Control Charts and Factory Management
by John B. Joynt - 301-301 Book Review: The Management Leader's Manual
by Donald E. Lundberg - 302-316 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1948, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-32 Union-Management Co-Operation in Millinery Manufacturing in the New York Metropolitan Area
by Paul F. Brissenden & John M. Keating - 33-49 The Small Business Enterprise and the Management Prerogative Issue
by John G. Turnbull - 50-57 Equal Pay for Equal Work Legislation
by Marguerite J. Fisher - 58-75 Profit-Sharing Plans: Profit Sharing under Collective Bargaining: Three Case Studies
by Joseph N. Scanlon - 76-89 Profit-Sharing Plans: Economic and Legal Aspects of Profit-Sharing Plans
by Gustave Simons - 90-98 Labor's Attitude toward Health Insurance
by Franz Goldmann - 98-105 Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia and Mew Zealand: Recent Developments in Australian Industrial Relations
by Lloyd Ross - 105-112 Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia and New Zealand: An Analysis of Results
by Morris Weisz - 112-115 Letters to the Editor
by N/A - 116-120 Selected Annotated Bibliography on Union Accounting and Financial Reports
by Robert H. Sexton & Herbert G. Heneman Jr. - 121-137 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 138-139 Book Review: Twelfth Annual Report of the National Labor Relations Board
by Theodore M. Kheel - 139-141 Book Review: Labor Unions in Action, a Study of the Mainsprings of Unionism
by Edwin E. Witte - 141-143 Book Review: America's Needs and Resources
by Maurice F. Neufeld - 143-144 Book Review: History of the Labor Movement in the United States
by Philip Taft - 144-144 Book Review: Labor Standards and Metal Mining
by Vernon H. Jensen - 144-146 Book Review: Fatigue and Impairment in Man
by William Gomberg - 146-148 Book Review: Management Functions under Collective Bargaining
by Emanuel Stein - 148-149 Book Review: An American Dynasty—The Story of the McCormicks, Medills and Pattersons
by Paul W. Gates - 149-150 Book Review: Personnel Administration
by George D. Halsey - 150-151 Book Review: Light Metals Monopoly
by Dudley Dillard - 151-152 Book Review: Industrial Health Engineering
by Keeve Brodman - 152-153 Book Review: Readings in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
by Nathaniel Cantor - 154-160 News and Notes
by N/A
July 1948, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 553-572 Labor's Attitude toward Wage Incentive Plans
by Solomon Barkin - 573-579 British Trade Unions and the Labour Government
by Margaret Cole - 580-592 Attempts to “Radicalize†the Labor Movement
by Philip Taft - 593-608 The Government of Trade Unions
by Frank C. Pierson - 609-623 Union Wage Policy in Bituminous Goal
by Carrie Glasser - 624-638 The Crisis of the WFTU
by Adolf Sturmthal - 638-647 Hollywood's Labor Troubles
by Anthony A. P. Dawson - 648-656 The National Labor Relations Board in Retrospect
by Julius Cohen & Lillian Cohen - 657-663 Labor Extension Bill (1948)
by Wayne Morse - 664-684 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 685-686 Book Review: Union Challenge to Management Control
by Richard A. Lester - 687-687 Book Review: Or Forfeit Freedom
by Ordway Tead - 687-689 Book Review: The Second Annual Report to the President by the Council of Economic Advisers
by Charles A. Welsh - 689-691 Book Review: Symposium, Labor Relations and Labor Law. University of Chicago Law Review
by Arthur E. Sutherland Jr. - 691-692 Book Review: Forced Labor in Soviet Russia
by William Henry Chamberlin - 692-693 Book Review: Jobs for Women over 35
by Mary B. Gilson - 693-696 Book Review: The Guarantee of Annual Wages, the Guarantee of Work and Wages
by C. V. Kidd & Irving Ladimer - 696-697 Book Review: Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped
by Howard A. Rusk - 697-698 Book Review: Modern Pension Plans
by Frieda Wunderlich - 698-698 Book Review: Handbook of Personnel Management
by J. E. Walters - 698-699 Book Review: Cloud by Day
by Vernon H. Jensen - 699-700 Book Review: A Labor Union Manual on Job Evaluation
by Helen Baker - 700-701 Book Review: The Progressive Movement of 1924
by Paul W. Gates - 701-702 Book Review: Applied Job Evaluation
by Charles W. Lytle - 703-711 News and Notes
by N/A
April 1948, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 337-350 The Conciliation Process
by W. Ellison Chalmers - 351-362 The Conciliation Service: V-J Day to Taft-Hartley
by Edgar L. Warren - 363-385 Principles of Arbitration in Wage Rate Disputes
by Robert Salter