April 1964, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 500-507 News and Notes
by N/A
January 1964, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 179-202 Unions and the Negro Community
by Ray Marshall - 203-220 The U. S. Civil Service Learns to Live with Executive Order 10,988: An Interim Appraisal
by Wilson R. Hart - 221-237 The Supply of Physicians' Services
by Elton Rayack - 238-256 The Work Experience of Men in the Labor Force: An Occupational Study
by T. Aldrich Finegan - 257-275 The State Mediator: Background, Self-Image, and Attitudes
by Monroe Berkowitz & Bernard Goldstein & Bernard P. Indik - 276-288 Employment Effects of a Local Minimum Wage
by Maurice Benewitz & Robert E. Weintraub - 289-301 Financing and Coverage under Social Insurance in Soviet Russia
by Wladimir Naleszkiewicz - 302-316 Recent Publications
by Russell Duino & Grace Horton - 317-319 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The SKF Approach to Industrial Relations: A MAPI Study, the GE Approach to Industrial Relations: A MAPI Study
by Robert N. McMurry - 319-320 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Quest for Industrial Peace
by Morrison Handsaker - 320-322 Book Review: Labor Economics: The Economics of Labor
by Mark Perlman - 322-323 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: New Horizons for American Labor
by Albert A. Blum - 323-324 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Industrialization and Society
by Gayle D. Ness - 324-325 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Begegnung und Auftrag: Beiträge zur Orientierung im Zeitgenössischen Sozialismus. Encounter and Mission (Contributions to Orientation in Contemporary Socialism)
by Albert Lauterbach - 325-333 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Trade Union Monograph Series, the Retail Clerks, the Structure and Government of the Carpenters' Union, Labor's Paradox: The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employee's, AFL-CIO, Democracy in the International Association of Machinists, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters: Its Government and Structure, the Government of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union, the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: The Internal Political Life of a National Union, the Government of the Steel Workers' Union
by Philip Taft - 333-334 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Men, Management, and Mental Health
by Gerald Gordon - 334-335 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Social Security Perspectives: Essays by Edwin E. Witte
by Eveline M. Burns - 335-336 Book Review: Personnel: The Organizational Society: An Analysis and Theory
by David Rogers - 336-338 Book Review: Personnel: New Patterns of Management
by Thomas M. Lodahl - 338-339 Book Review: Human Relations: Aktivnost radnih ljudi u samoupravljanju radnom Organizacijom (Participation of Working People in the Self-Government of Work Organizations)
by Jiri Kolaja - 339-340 Book Review: Human Relations: Behavioral Science Research in Industrial Relations
by Cyril Curtis Ling - 341-345 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1963, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-19 Labor and Community Influentials: A Comparative Study of Participation and Imagery
by William H. Form & Warren L. Sauer - 20-38 On the Origins of Business Unionism
by Philip Taft - 39-59 Plant Labor Relations in Israel
by Milton Derber - 60-74 A Further Consideration of Wages, Unemployment, and Prices in the United States, 1948–1958
by Kenneth M. McCaffree - 75-95 The Impact of Atlantic-Gulf Unionism on the Relative Earnings of Unlicensed Merchant Seamen
by Leonard A. Rapping - 96-113 Loyalty and Security Cases in Arbitration
by Bruno Stein - 114-134 Fact-Finding in Labor Disputes: The States' Experience
by Herbert R. Northrup - 135-152 Recent Publications
by Russell Duino & Grace Horton - 153-154 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Industrial Peacemaking
by Charles M. Rehmus - 154-156 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Trade Unionism in Australia: Some Aspects
by D. C. Thomson - 156-158 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: The Fishermen
by Joseph P. Goldberg - 158-159 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Foreign Trade and the National Economy
by Tom E. Davis - 159-160 Book Review: Labor History: American Labor in Journals of History: A Bibliography
by Robert E. Doherty - 160-161 Book Review: Labor Organizations: America's Forgotten Labor Organization
by George W. Brooks - 161-162 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Union Trusteeships: A Report to the Congress upon the Operation of Title III of the L.M.R.D.A. by the Secretary of Labor, September 1962
by Donald R. Anderson - 162-163 Book Review: Personnel: The Professional Scientist: A Study of American Chemists
by Earl B. French - 163-164 Book Review: Personnel: Cases in Supervision
by A. J. Kapp - 164-165 Book Review: Personnel: The Conduct of the Corporation
by Melville Dalton - 165-166 Book Review: Social Science: Simulation in Social Science: Readings
by Philip J. Stone - 167-172 News and Notes
by N/A
July 1963, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by Kurt L. Hanslowe - 504-508 The Founding of the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations: A Tribute to Irving M. Ives and Edmund Ezra Day
by Milton R. Konvitz - 511-522 Labor, Management, and the Public Interest
by E. Wight Bakke - 523-538 The New Economic Environment of the United States and its Meaning
by George H. Hildebrand - 539-545 Freedom and Public Policy: The Rule of Law and a “Court of Economics†for Price-Wage Problems
by Walter E. Oberer - 546-556 The Process of Collective Bargaining and the Question of its Obsolescence
by Vernon H. Jensen - 559-573 External Influences on Labor Organizations in Underdeveloped Countries
by John P. Windmuller - 574-582 The Economic and Administrative Environment
by Charles A. Myers - 583-594 Culture, Industrial Relations, and Economic Development: The Case of Peru
by William F. Whyte - 595-614 Recent Publications
by Russell Duino & Grace Horton - 615-616 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Industrial Relations: Contemporary Problems and Perspectives
by Morrison Handsaker - 616-618 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
by Fritz L. Hoffmann - 618-619 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: L'arbitrato Delle Controversie Di Lavoro Nel Sistema Contrattuale Nord-Americano
by Harold W. Davey - 619-621 Book Review: Labor Economics: Employer Concentration in Local Labor Markets
by T. Aldrich Finegan - 621-623 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Automation Funds and Displaced Workers
by Lincoln Fairley - 623-624 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Automation
by Richard C. Wilcock - 624-626 Book Review: Government and Labor: Staff Relations in the Civil Service: The Canadian Experience: A Model for Negotiation and Arbitration between the Canadian Government and its Civil Servants
by Sterling D. Spero - 626-627 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Economics of Public Health: Measuring the Economic Impact of Diseases
by Kenton E. Winter - 627-628 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Socialized Medicine in England and Wales: The National Service, 1948–1961
by Milton I. Roemer - 628-629 Book Review: Personnel: Business Organization and Management
by John L. Mastran - 629-630 Book Review: Human Relations: Scientists in Industry: Conflict and Accommodation
by Earl B. French - 630-631 Book Review: Human Relations: Reason in Society: Five Types of Decisions and Their Social Conditions
by Talcott Parsons - 632-644 News and Notes
by N/A
April 1963, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 343-365 The Integration of Seniority Lists in Transportation Mergers
by Dan H. Mater & Garth L. Mangum - 366-380 Work or Fight: The Use of the Draft as a Manpower Sanction during the Second World War
by Albert A. Blum - 381-404 The Craft-Industrial Issue Revisited: A Study of Union Government
by Arnold R. Weber - 405-427 Interpretive Problems of Title I of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
by Linda Rosenberg - 428-433 Worker Efficiency and Wage Differentials in a Clerical Labor Market
by Eaton H. Conant - 434-452 How Accurate are Estimates of State and Local Unemployment?
by Joseph C. Ullman - 453-474 Recent Publications
by Russell Duino & Grace Horton - 475-476 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: The Development of the Social Security Act: A Memorandum on the History of the Committee on Economic Security and Drafting and Legislative History of the Social Security Act
by J. Douglas Brown - 476-477 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Voluntary Health Insurance and Rate Making
by Earl F. Cheit - 477-479 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Economic Security in the United States
by C. Arthur Williams Jr. - 479-480 Book Review: Labor Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in Sweden: A Study of the Labor Market and its Institutions
by Walter Galenson - 480-481 Book Review: Labor Management Relations: Stratégie de la lutte sociale
by Jacques Dofny - 481-483 Book Review: Labor Management Relations: Traité de sociologie du travail
by William F. Whyte - 483-484 Book Review: Labor Management Relations: Zwischenbilanz der Mitbestimmung
by Hedwig Wachenheim - 484-485 Book Review: Labor Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in the Steel Industry: Pattern Setter or Pattern Follower?
by Edward Handler - 485-486 Book Review: Labor Economics: The Choice of Wage Comparisons
by Ned A. Rosen - 486-488 Book Review: Labor Economics: The Employment Forecast Survey
by Maurice I. Gershenson - 488-490 Book Review: Labor Economics: Economic Development in Bituminous Coal: The Special Case of Technological Advance in United States Coal Mines, 1930–1960
by Gerald G. Somers - 490-490 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Die durchlaufende Arbeitsweise: Sonntagsarbeit im Urteil der Stahlarbeiter
by Nels Anderson - 491-491 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Ouvriers d'origine agricole
by Elliot J. Berg - 491-492 Book Review: Government and Labor: Flags of Convenience: An International Legal Study
by Elmo P. Hohman - 493-493 Book Review: Human Relations: Conflict Management in Organizations
by Lewis A. Coser - 494-495 Book Review: Human Relations: Occupations and Social Status
by Robert A. Feldmesser - 495-496 Book Review: Human Relations: Organization Theory in Industrial Practice: A Symposium of the Foundation for Research on Human Behavior
by R. R. Ritti - 497-499 News and Notes
by N/A
January 1963, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 183-183 Management Rights and Labor Arbitration: A Symposium
by N/A - 184-192 The Union Challenge to Management Control
by Neil W. Chamberlain - 193-199 The Arbitration of Work Assignment Disputes
by Saul Wallen - 200-204 The Right to Assign Employees in One Job Classification to Jobs in Another Classification
by Lloyd H. Bailer - 205-207 The Right of Management to Split Jobs and Assign Work to other Jobs
by Milton Rubin - 208-215 The Arbitration of Subcontracting Disputes
by G. Allan Dash Jr. - 215-218 Comment
by David S. Lindau - 218-220 Comment
by Stephen C. Vladeck - 221-234 The Arbitration of Subcontracting Disputes: An Addendum
by Marcia L. Greenbaum - 235-239 Arbitration and the Functions of Management
by Ralph T. Seward - 240-253 The Question of Managerial Prerogatives
by Stanley Young - 254-278 Interests and Rights of Soviet Industrial Workers and the Resolution of Conflicts
by Emily Clark Brown - 279-281 Property Right in Work: A Comment
by Bruno Stein - 281-284 Property in Work versus Property in Jobs: A Comment
by Sanford Cohen - 284-288 Reply
by Simon Rottenberg - 289-291 Correction and Rejoinder
by John M. Court - 292-307 Recent Publications
by Russell Duino & Grace Horton - 308-309 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Bargaining in Grievance Settlement: The Power of Industrial Work Groups
by George Strauss - 309-310 Book Review: Labor Economics: Wage Policy and Long-Term Contracts
by Robert L. Raimon - 310-311 Book Review: Labor Economics: Employment Objectives in Economic Development: Report of a Meeting of Experts
by G. E. Cumper - 311-312 Book Review: Labor Economics: Nihon-Gata chingin-Közö no Kenkyü (Studies in Japanese Wage Structure)
by Koji Taira - 312-314 Book Review: Labor Economics: Pricing Power and the Public Interest: A Study Based on Steel
by Albert Rees - 314-315 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labor Economics
by N. Arnold Tolles - 315-316 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: The other America: Poverty in the United States
by Robert H. Bremner - 316-317 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: The Decline of the Labor Movement and What Can Be Done about it?
by Irving Bernstein - 317-319 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Employment Opportunities in the Later Years
by Earl T. Klein - 319-321 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Economics of Trade Unions
by Solomon Barkin - 321-323 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Retirement Preparation Programs: A Study of Company Responsibilities
by Roger W. Walker - 323-324 Book Review: Personnel: Performance Appraisal: Research and Practice
by Emil A. Mesics - 324-324 Book Review: Personnel: Performance Appraisal: Creative Management
by Chris Argyris - 325-334 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1962, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-4 Professional Education in Industrial and Labor Relations: A Symposium
by N/A - 5-15 The Personnel Manager and His Educational Preparation
by Malcolm L. Denise - 16-29 The Professional in Unions and His Educational Preparation
by Russell Allen - 30-44 Public Employment: A Neglected Area of Research and Training in Labor Relations
by Russell A. Smith & Doris B. McLaughlin - 45-62 Expected Ability to Pay and Interindustry Wage Structure in Manufacturing
by David G. Brown - 63-85 Prosperity and Labor Relations in Western Europe: Italy and France
by Arthur M. Ross - 86-110 The Gandhian Model of Unionism in a Developing Economy: The Tla in India
by Subbiah Kannappan - 111-121 The Economics of Featherbedding
by Norman J. Simler - 122-125 The Wage Pattern in the United States, 1946–1957
by Maurice C. Benewitz & Alan Spiro - 125-133 Reply
by John E. Maher - 134-135 West Coast Longshore Work Rules
by Lincoln Fairley - 135-136 Reply
by Charles C. Killingsworth - 137-156 Recent Publications
by Russell Duino & Grace Horton - 157-158 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Arbitration and Industrial Discipline
by Orme W. Phelps - 158-160 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Structure of Collective Bargaining: Problems and Perspectives
by Jean T. McKelvey - 160-161 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in the Federal Civil Service: A Study of Labor-Management Relations in United States Government Employment
by Murray B. Nesbitt - 162-163 Book Review: Labor Economics: Changes in the Industrial Distribution of Employment, 1919–1959
by Gladys L. Palmer - 163-163 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Location Decisions and Industrial Mobility in Michigan 1961
by Lowell E. Gallaway - 164-166 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Labor in Finland
by W. Ellison Chalmers - 166-167 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Glasgow, Limited: A Case Study in Industrial War and Peace
by Seymour Melman - 167-170 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Legal Protection of Private Pension Expectations: Legal Status of Employee Benefit Rights under Private Pension Plans
by Paul P. Harbrecht S.J. - 170-171 Book Review: Personnel: Organizational Change; The Effect of Successful Leadership
by Jiri Kolaja - 172-178 News and Notes
by N/A
July 1962, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 463-473 Delegate Attitudes toward the Convention in the Uaw
by William A. Faunce - 474-499 Grievance Procedures for Railroad Operating Employees
by Garth L. Mangum - 500-509 An Economic Analysis of Public Policy for the Depressed Areas
by Lowell E. Gallaway - 510-520 The Independent Public Employee Association: Characteristics and Functions
by Joseph Krislov - 521-535 Voluntarism: The Political Functions of an Antipolitical Doctrine
by Michael Rogin - 548-553 Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service
by John F. Kennedy
April 1962, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 295-306 The Modernization of West Coast Longshore Work Rules
by Charles C. Killingsworth - 307-322 Shorter Hours—In Theory and Practice
by Clyde E. Dankert - 323-349 Dual Government in Unions: A Tool for Analysis
by Alice H. Cook - 350-375 Union Wage Impact: A Nineteenth-Century Case
by Robert Ozanne - 376-401 The Communist Labor Offensive in Former Colonial Countries
by George E. Lichtblau
January 1962, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 171-190 Wages, Unemployment, and Prices in the United States, 1890–1932, 1947–1957
by Robert R. France - 191-208 The Semi-Strike
by David B. McGalmont - 209-220 Discrimination against Women in Bombay Textiles
by Ralph C. James - 221-229 Work and Wages of American Merchant Seamen
by Elmo P. Hohman
October 1961, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-20 The Wage Pattern in the United States, 1946–1957
by John E. Maher - 21-32 Turnover, Absence, and Transfer Rates as Indicators of Employee Dissatisfaction with Repetitive Work
by Maurice D. Kilbridge - 33-51 Japanese “Enterprise Unionism†and Interfirm Wage Structure
by Koji Taira - 52-66 The Evolution of Wage Structure in Japan
by Rokuro Hotani & Takashi Hayashi - 67-74 Sources of Occupational Wage and Salary Rate Dispersion within Labor Markets
by H. M. Douty - 75-82 A Test of the Theory of Geographic Mobility
by Robert L. Bunting - 83-101 Union Participation in Plant Decision-Making
by Milton Derber & W. E. Chalmers & Milton T. Edelman
July 1961, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 515-527 Unionism among Retail Clerks in Postwar Britain
by Robert E. L. Knight - 528-547 Compulsory Retirement of Air Line Pilots
by Karl M. Ruppenthal - 548-555 Our Future Industrial Society: A Global Vision
by Solomon B. Levine - 556-562 Further Experience of the Umwa Welfare and Retirement Fund
by Robert J. Myers - 563-577 Factors Determining the Labor-Force Participation of Married Women
by Thomas A. Mahoney - 578-586 On the Folklore of the Backward-Sloping Supply Curve
by Harold G. Vatter
April 1961, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 331-349 Local Independent Unions and the American Labor Movement
by Leo Troy - 350-362 An Analytical Framework for Labor Relations Law
by Sanford Cohen - 363-378 Proposals for Federal Aid to Depressed Industrial AREAS: A Critique
by Lowell E. Gallaway - 379-396 The Workers' Councils in Poland
by Adolf Sturmthal - 397-418 The Trade Union in Soviet Social Insurance: Historical Development and Present Functions
by Gaston V. Rimlinger - 419-431 A Problem for Union Democracy: Officers' Attitudes toward Union Members
by Henry A. Landsberger & Charles L. Hulin - 432-445 Labor Mobility in Three Southern States
by Robert L. Bunting & Lowell D. Ashby & Peter A. Prosper Jr.
January 1961, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 185-205 Local Union Trusteeship and Public Policy
by Arnold R. Weber - 206-226 The New Industrial Relations in Ghana
by Douglas Rimmer - 227-234 Union Membership Policies and Labor Productivity among Asbestos Workers
by Kenneth M. McCaffree - 235-256 The Legal Ancestry of the Pullman Strike Injunctions
by Donald L. McMurry - 257-272 Icftu after Ten Years: Problems and Prospects
by John P. Windmuller - 273-276 Smith and Marshall on the Individual's Supply of Labor: A Note
by James O'Connor
October 1960, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-6 Our Developing Social Security System
by N/A - 7-9 Edwin E. Witte (1887–1960): Father of Social Security
by Wilbur J. Cohen - 10-23 Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance: Twenty-Five Years of Progress
by Alvin M. David - 24-34 Social and Economic Implications of Private Pensions
by Robert Tilove - 35-51 The Challenge of Unemployment Insurance
by Harry Malisoff - 52-67 Financing of Unemployment Compensation
by Richard A. Lester - 68-82 Controlling Unemployment at the Company Level
by Edward D. Wickersham - 83-93 Public Assistance under the Social Security Act
by Jules H. Berman - 94-106 Social Security and Voluntary Social Welfare
by Elizabeth Wickenden - 107-112 The Role of Social Insurance in the United States
by J. Douglas Brown - 113-118 Social Security at the Crossroads
by Allen D. Marshall
July 1960, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 501-518 A Theory of Conflict and Power in Union-Management Relations
by Robert Dubin