January 1973, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 778-792 Fundamental Soviet Labor Legislation
by Emily Clark Brown - 793-804 The British Experiment with Industrial Relations Reform
by Joseph W. Garbarino - 805-819 The Rejection of Voluntarism
by Gary M. Fink - 820-833 Is Contract Rejection a Major Collective Bargaining Problem?
by Donald R. Burke & Lester Rubin - 834-841 The Effect of Teachers' Organizations on Salaries and Class Size
by W. Clayton Hall & Norman E. Carroll - 842-850 Recruiting and Retaining Participants in a Manpower Program
by Morgan V. Lewis & Elchanan Cohn - 851-853 Worker Background and Job Satisfaction
by Randall Schuler - 853-855 Reply
by Charles L. Hulin - 856-859 Reply
by Jon M. Shepard - 860-862 Blacksmiths and Welders
by Herbert J. Lahne - 862-864 Reply
by Bernard Mergen - 865-880 Recent Publications
by Philip Dankert - 881-882 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Public Workers and Public Unions: Collective Bargaining in Government: Readings and Cases
by Harold W. Davey - 882-883 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Sociology of Industrial Relations: Studies in Method
by Arthur Kruger - 883-884 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining and Labor Arbitration
by Byron Yaffe - 884-886 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Bargaining: Monopoly Power versus Union Power
by Pao Lun Cheng - 886-887 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labor Economics
by Robert Evans Jr. - 887-888 Book Review: Labor Economics: Fringe Benefits and Overtime Behavior: Theoretical and Econometric Analysis
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 888-889 Book Review: Labor Organizations: American Labor since the New Deal
by Fred H. Schmidt - 889-890 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Soviet Agricultural Trade Unions, 1917–1970
by Emily Clark Brown - 890-892 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Paternalism and Protest: Southern Cotton Mill Workers and Organized Labor, 1875–1905
by Anthony J. Bryski - 892-893 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: The British Prices and Incomes Board
by Laurence C. Hunter - 893-895 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: The Bonus March: An Episode of the Great Depression
by James. O. Morris - 895-896 Book Review: Manpower: The Market for College-Trained Manpower: A Study in the Economics of Career Choice
by Robert J. Flanagan - 897-898 Book Review: Manpower: Human Resources and Labor Markets: Labor and Manpower in the American Economy
by Herbert S. Parnes - 898-899 Book Review: Manpower: Economic Minorities in Manpower Development
by Ted E. Newman - 899-900 Book Review: Personnel: Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management
by Warren C. Waterhouse - 900-901 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: Transnational Industrial Relations: The Impact of Multi-National Corporations and Economic Regionalism on Industrial Relations
by John P. Windmuller - 902-912 Research Notes
by N/A
October 1972, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 615-630 Permanent Employment in Japan: Facts and Fantasies
by Robert E. Cole - 631-645 Differentials in Wage Rates of Unskilled Labor in Canadian Manufacturing Industries
by Pradeep Kumar - 646-659 Unions and White-Collar Workers in Mexico
by Albert A. Blum & Mark Thompson - 660-669 Production and Nonproduction Workers in U.S. Manufacturing Industries
by Damodar Gujarati & Lewis Dars - 670-679 The Worker and the Profitability of the Strike
by B. Curtis Eaton - 680-685 Student Choice of Undergraduate Major Field of Study and Private Internal Rates of Return
by James V. Koch
July 1972, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 479-495 Job Search and the Effectiveness of Job-Finding Methods
by Graham L. Reid - 496-511 Impasse Resolution in Public Employment: A Current Assessment
by Thomas P. Gilroy & Anthony V. Sinicropi - 512-523 The Effectiveness of the Union Label and “Buy Union†Campaigns
by Monroe M. Bird & James W. Robinson - 524-532 Causes and Frequency of Strikes in New Zealand
by John M. Howells - 533-544 Mandatory Contract Arbitration—Is it a Viable Process?
by Robert J. Hines - 545-555 Two Income Maintenance Plans, Work Incentives and the Closure of the Poverty Gap
by C. Russell Hill
April 1972, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 315-335 Incomes Policy and the Labor Market in France
by Daniel J. B. Mitchell - 336-353 The Job Corps Transition
by Joseph A. Pichler - 354-362 Blacksmiths and Welders: Identity and Phenomenal Change
by Bernard Mergen - 363-375 Trade Unions and the Rate of Change of Money Wages in Canada, 1953–1970
by Robert Swidinsky - 376-382 Some Factors Affecting Employment and Earnings of Disadvantaged Youths
by Markley Roberts - 383-398 Estimated Seasonal Components in Recorded Unemployment in 1970
by Joseph M. Bonin & William Y. Davis Jr. - 399-409 Evaluating and Forecasting Progress in Racial Integration of Employment
by Barbara R. Bergmann & William R. Krause - 410-417 The Effects of Collective Bargaining on Public School Teachers' Salaries
by Robert N. Baird & John H. Landon - 417-423 Reply
by Hirschel Kasper - 424-440 Recent Publications
by Philip Dankert & Elizabeth Frick - 441-442 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Decasualization and Modernization of Dock Work in London
by John Schmidman - 442-443 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Issues in Labor Policy: Papers in Honor of Douglass Vincent Brown
by Robbin R. Hough - 443-444 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Labor Sector
by Leon Applebaum - 444-445 Book Review: Labor Economics: Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory
by Robert J. Thornton - 445-447 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Paper Rebellion: Development and Upheaval in Pulp and Paper Unionism
by Russell Allen - 447-448 Book Review: Manpower: The Economic Benefits and Costs of Retraining
by Kenneth O. Alexander - 448-449 Book Review: Manpower: Manpower Planning and the Development of Human Resources
by Harold D. Janes - 449-450 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: On Relief: The Economics of Poverty and Public Welfare
by Andrew C. Gross - 450-451 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Man and His Work: A Sociological Study
by Harold L. Sheppard - 451-452 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Pay and Organizational Effectiveness: A Psychological View
by Harold Lazarus - 452-453 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Professions and Professionalization
by Alice H. Cook - 454-455 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: The World of the Office Worker
by George Strauss - 456-470 Research Notes
by N/A
January 1972, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 179-185 Wages, Wage Supplements, and the Interaction of Union Bargains in the Construction Industry
by Alan L. Gustman & Martin Segal - 186-199 Boycotts of Prefabricated Building Products and the Regulation of Technological Change on Construction Jobsites
by Arthur B. Smith Jr. - 200-206 Minority Membership in Apprenticeship Programs in the Construction Trades
by Alex Maurizi - 207-212 Wage-Rate Analysis: Differentials and Indeterminacy
by Paul K. Gatons & Richard J. Cebula - 213-222 Toward a Public Employment Wage Theory: Some Econometric Evidence on Teacher Quality
by John D. Owen - 223-233 Disability Behavior: Income Change and Motivation to Work
by Saad Z. Nagi & Linda W. Hadley - 234-245 Problems and Issues in the Evaluation of Manpower Programs
by Michael E. Borus & Charles G. Buntz - 246-251 Interstate Migration of Labor-Force Age Population
by Leonard G. Bower - 251-252 Reply
by David F. Bramhall & Herrington J. Bryce - 253-268 Recent Publications
by Philip Dankert & Elizabeth Frick - 269-270 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Brandon Packers Strike: A Tragedy of Errors
by Robert Rogow - 270-271 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Negotiations: A Guide to School Board-Teacher Relations
by Allan J. Harrison - 271-272 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations Law
by John E. Drotning - 272-273 Book Review: Labor Economics: How to Run an Incomes Policy and Why We Made Such a Mess of the Last One
by Robert Kilroy-Silk - 273-274 Book Review: Labor Economics: Internal Labor Markets and Manpower Analysis
by Judith Stoikov - 275-276 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labour Markets in Canada: Processes and Institutions
by Edward Saraydar - 276-277 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Airline Pilots: A Study in Elite Unionization
by Mark L. Kahn - 277-278 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Imperfect Union: A History of Corruption in American Trade Unions
by Joel Seidman - 278-279 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Indispensable Enemy: Labor and the Anti-Chinese Movement in California
by Colston E. Warne - 279-280 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Labor Radical: From the Wobblies to CIO
by Irvine L. H. Kerrison - 280-281 Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: The Mexican-American People: The Nation's Second Largest Minority
by Vernon M. Briggs Jr. - 281-283 Book Review: Manpower: The Federal-State Employment Service: A Critique
by Daniel H. Kruger - 283-284 Book Review: Manpower: Rehabilitation, Sheltered Workshops, and the Disadvantaged: An Exploration in Manpower Policy
by Leonard J. Hausman - 284-285 Book Review: Manpower: The Unemployed: A Social-Psychological Portrait
by Joseph A. Alutto - 285-286 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: The Social Scientist in American Industry: The Self-Perception of Role, Motivation, and Career
by John R. Hinrichs - 286-287 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: The Structure of Organizations
by Walter F. Hubner - 287-288 Book Review: Personnel: Computers in Knowledge-Based Fields
by Leonard Rico - 288-289 Book Review: Personnel: Frederick Taylor: A Study in Personality and Innovation
by Orlando C. Behling - 289-290 Book Review: Personnel: Managing People at Work: Readings in Personnel
by Herbert L. Marx Jr. - 290-292 Book Review: Personnel: Orientation and Conflict in Career
by Thomas H. Jerdee - 292-293 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Launching Social Security: A Capture-and-Record Account, 1935–1937
by Gordon S. Skinner - 293-294 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Protecting Purchasing Power in Retirement: A Study of Public Employee Retirement Systems
by Fred Slavick - 294-295 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Survivor Benefits of Blue Collar Workers
by Melvin J. Segal - 295-297 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: The Legal Status of Collective Agreements in England, the United States and Canada
by Morrison Handsaker - 297-298 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: Relationships between Canadian-American Wage Settlements: An Empirical Study of Five Industries
by Mahmood A. Zaidi - 299-306 Research Notes
by N/A
October 1971, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-31 The Railway Labor Act: A Critical Reappraisal
by Herbert R. Northrup - 32-52 Union Fragmentation: A Major Cause of Transportation Labor Crises
by Edward B. Shils - 53-70 Procedures versus Collective Bargaining in Railroad Labor Disputes
by Jacob J. Kaufman - 71-84 Alternatives to the Railway Labor Act: An Appraisal
by John G. Kilgour - 85-94 Railway Labor Act Modifications: Helpful or Harmful?
by Charles M. Rehmus - 95-115 From Private to Public: Labor Relations in Urban Transit
by Darold T. Barnum - 116-123 The Negro in American Industries
by Raymond Wolters - 124-124 Wages and Plant Size: A Spillover Effect?
by Stanley H. Masters - 125-126 Reply
by Ephraim Kleiman - 127-139 Recent Publications
by Philip Dankert - 140-141 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Andrew Carnegie
by Ray Ginger - 141-142 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Australian Industrial Relations Systems
by Orwell de R. Foenander - 142-143 Book Review: Labor Economics: The Metropolitan Economy: The Process of Employment Expansion
by Carl D. Snyder - 143-144 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Indian Trade Unions: Structure and Function
by Anthony S. Luchek - 144-145 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Reuther-Meany Foreign Policy Dispute: Union Leaders and Members View World Affairs
by John P. Windmuller - 145-146 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria
by Philip Ehrensaft - 146-147 Book Review: Manpower: Education and Jobs: The Great Training Robbery
by Worth C. Summers - 147-149 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations
by William H. Miernyk - 149-150 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: Western European Labor and the American Corporation
by Leonard F. Cain - 150-150 Book Review: Personnel: Training by Objectives: An Economic Approach to Management Training
by Harrison M. Trice - 151-153 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Incentives and the Structure of Interest and Power in the Plant
by Julius Rezler - 153-154 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Men in Mid-Career: A Study of British Managers and Technical Specialists
by Bernard P. Indik - 154-156 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Mental Health and Work Organizations
by W. B. Nelson - 156-157 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Organizational Decision Making
by Winston Oberg - 158-168 Research Notes
by N/A
July 1971, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 515-525 Measures of U.S. Strike Activity
by Jack W. Skeels - 526-540 Discharge-Reinstatement: What Happens Thereafter
by Thomas J. McDermott & Thomas H. Newhams - 541-553 Obstacles to the Introduction of Efficient Money Incentives in a Hungarian Factory
by Lajos Héthy & Csaba Makó - 554-571 Employing the Training-Program Enrollee: An Analysis of Employer Personnel Records
by David H. Greenberg - 572-587 African Provident Funds
by Victor Gerdes - 588-602 Labor's Share by Sector and Industry, 1948–1965
by Frank A. Close & David E. Shulenburger - 603-618 Recent Publications
by Philip Dankert - 619-620 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in Agriculture
by Lamar B. Jones - 620-621 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in Public Employment
by Roy B. Helfgott - 621-622 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining Today: Proceedings of the Collective Bargaining Forum-1969
by David B. Johnson - 622-624 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Impact of Computers on Collective Bargaining: Computers and Management
by Ralph I. Thayer - 624-625 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor and the American Community
by Karl F. Simpson Jr. - 625-626 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor-Management Relations in the Public Service
by Ronald Donovan - 626-627 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations in the Performing Arts: An Introductory Survey
by Henry L. Sisk - 627-628 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Management and Unions: The Theory and Reform of Industrial Relations
by Frances Bairstow - 628-630 Book Review: Labor Economics: Economic Development and the Labor Market in Japan
by Solomon B. Levine - 630-631 Book Review: Labor Economics: Workers and Wages in an Urban Labor Market
by H. M. Douty - 631-632 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The American Idea of Industrial Democracy, 1865–1965
by Robert Ozanne - 632-634 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Labor and the Left: A Study of Socialist and Radical Influences in the American Labor Movement, 1881–1924
by George G. Higgins - 634-636 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: The Politics of American Labor: The Indiana Microcosm
by James O. Morris - 636-637 Book Review: Manpower: The Hard-To-Employ: European Programs
by Milton T. Edelman - 637-639 Book Review: Manpower: Migrants in Europe: Problems of Acceptance and Adjustment
by Solomon Barkin - 639-640 Book Review: Manpower: Regional Unemployment and the Relocation of Workers: The Experience of Western Europe, Canada, and the United States
by Arthur Kruger - 640-641 Book Review: Manpower: The Shortage of Skilled and Technical Workers
by Paul B. Miller - 642-642 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Current Perspectives for Managing Organizations
by Louis E. Davis - 643-644 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Every Employee a Manager: More Meaningful Work through Job Enrichment
by James H. Jordan - 644-645 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Industrial Organization: Behavior and Control
by Karl Magnusen - 645-646 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Management in the Modern Organization
by Charles E. Summer - 646-647 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: New Perspectives on Organization Theory
by Alan H. Leader - 647-649 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: The Changing Patterns of Industrial Relations in Asian Countries: Proceedings of the Asian Regional Conference on Industrial Relations, Tokyo, Japan, 1969
by John R. Niland - 650-662 Research Notes
by N/A - 662-662 Correction
by N/A
April 1971, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 335-353 Sex and the Single Arbitrator
by Jean T. McKelvey - 354-374 Conglomerate Mergers and Collective Bargaining
by Kenneth O. Alexander - 375-388 Labor-Force Behavior in a Full Employment Economy
by Arthur D. Butler & George D. Demopoulos - 389-406 Collective Bargaining under Incomes Legislation: The Case of Britain's Buses
by Andrew W. J. Thomson - 407-419 Interindustry Wage Structure Variation in Manufacturing
by Pawan K. Sawhney & Irwin L. Herrnstadt - 420-431 Rate of Return to the Ph.D. in Economics
by John J. Siegfried
January 1971, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 159-170 White-Collar Unions, Blue-Collar Unions, and Wages in Manufacturing
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 171-179 Union Relative Wage Effects by Age and Education
by George E. Johnson & Kenwood C. Youmans - 180-190 The Demand for Union Services: An Exercise
by John H. Pencavel - 191-202 The Effect of Unionization on Wages in the Public Sector: The Case of Fire Fighters
by Orley Ashenfelter - 203-215 Measuring the Imaginary: The Employment Effect of Imported Steel
by A. F. Shorrocks - 216-225 Education, Occupation, and Earnings
by Anne Mayhew - 226-242 Fact Finding and Teacher Salary Disputes: The 1969 Experience in New York State
by Richard Pegnetter - 243-248 Wages and Plant Size: A Spillover Effect?
by Ephraim Kleiman
October 1970, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-13 Women Workers: Protection or Equality?
by Raymond Munts & David C. Rice - 14-31 The Income-Maintenance Objective in Workmen'S Compensation
by Monroe Berkowitz & John F. Burton Jr. - 32-46 The Workmen'S Compensation and Pension Proposal in the Brewing Industry, 1910–1912: A Case Study in Conflicting Srelf-Interest
by Nuala McGann Drescher - 47-56 Lifetime Earnings and Physicians' Choice of Specialty
by Frank A. Sloan - 57-72 The Effects of Collective Bargaining on Public School Teachers' Salaries
by Hirschel Kasper - 73-83 The Politics of Organizational Underdevelopment: Chile
by Stanley M. Davis - 84-94 Participation Functions and Potential Labor Force
by Stanley W. Black & R. Robert Russell - 95-112 Recent Publications
by Grace Horton & Philip Dankert - 113-115 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Broadcasting and Bargaining: Labor Relations in Radio and Television
by Paul Prasow - 115-115 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Collective Dilemma: Negotiations in Education
by Francis X. Quinn S.J. - 115-116 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Japanese Employee
by Alice H. Cook - 116-117 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Management Faces Unionization
by Harold D. Janes - 117-118 Book Review: Labor Economics: Industrialization in an Open Economy: Nigeria 1945–1966
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 118-119 Book Review: Labor Economics: Paying the Doctor: Systems of Remuneration and Their Effects
by Mark W. Leiserson - 120-120 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Bread and Roses Too: Studies of the Wobblies
by H. M. Gitelman - 120-121 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Communism and the British Trade Unions, 1924–1933: A Study of the National Minority Movement
by Abraham A. Desser - 121-122 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Development of the Colombian Labor Movement
by John L. Ohmans - 122-124 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Joe Hill
by William G. Whittaker - 124-125 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Teacher Unions and Associations: A Comparative Study
by Julius Rezler - 125-126 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Bolshevik Ideology and the Ethics of Soviet Labor 1917–1920: The Formative Years
by Herbert A. Perry - 126-127 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: British Unions and Economic Planning
by Robert Kilroy-Silk - 127-128 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Government Employees' Strike: A Study in White Collar Unionism in India
by Sahab Dayal - 129-130 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Social Security in International Perspective—Essays in Honor of Eveline M. Burns
by Robert L. Robertson - 130-131 Book Review: Personnel: The Personnel Process: Line and Staff Dimensions in Managing People at Work
by Walter H. Powell - 131-132 Book Review: Personnel: Personnel Psychology
by Olin W. Smith & Patricia C. Smith - 132-133 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Emerging Concepts in Management
by William B. Wolf - 133-134 Book Review: Manpower: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Manpower Policies: Proceedings of a North American Conference, May 14–15, 1969
by Loren C. Scott