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- 23-11 산업보조금의 글로벌 확산 현황과 시사점(Proliferation of Industrial Subsidies: Current State and Its Implications)
by Keum, Hyeyoon
- 23-10 동티모르의 아세안 가입 지원 및 개발협력 확대 방안(Plans for Korea to Support Timor-Leste’s Accession to ASEAN and Expand Development Cooperation)
by Cheong, Jaewan & Lee, Jaeho
- 22-18 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁 이후 유럽 주요국의 에너지 위기 대응 정책 분석(Europe’s Energy Crisis, National Policies and Industrial Production: Insights for South Korea)
by Kim , Yoonjung & Lim, You Jin
- 22-17 국제분쟁과 경제적 상호의존성: 경제안보에 대한 시사점(International Conflicts and Economic Interdependence: Implication for Economic Security)
by Park, Youngseok
- 22-16 국제사회의 산업부문 탄소중립 추진 동향과 대응방향: 중소기업을 중심으로(Global Efforts to Achieve Carbon Neutrality in the Industrial Sector and Implications: Focusing on SMEs)
by Kim, Eunmi & Lee, Sunghee
- 22-15 무역 자유화와 소비자 후생효과:품질 다양성을 중심으로(The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Consumer Welfare: A Focus on Quality Diversity)
by Chung, Chul & Kim, Bonggeun & Chung, Minchirl
- 22-14 최근 Mega FTA SPS 규범의국제 논의 동향 및 시사점(Recent Regulatory Trends in Mega FTA SPS Chapters)
by Kang, Minji
- 22-13 국제사회의 성평등 무역규범 도입 현황과 한국의 정책과제(Introduction of the ‘Trade and Gender’ Rules and its Policy Implications)
by Oh, Soo Hyun & Ko, Bomin
- 22-12 미중 전략경쟁 시기의 대만 문제와 한국의 경제안보(The Taiwan Issue and Korea's Economic Security in the Era of U.S.-China Strategic Competition)
by Heo, Jaichul
- 23-7 국내 전략산업 투자유치 인센티브 개편 방향(Reforming Incentive Policies to Increase FDI in Korea’s Strategic Industries)
by Kim, June Dong & Lee, Seong-Bong & Kim, Hyuck-Hwang
- 23-6 디지털 정책과 규제 변화 분석: Digital Policy Alert 통계를 중심으로(Analysis on Digital Policy and Regulations: Based on the Digital Policy Alert Database)
by Kim, Ji Hyeon
- 23-5 WTO 서비스 국내규제 규범의분석과 시사점(Analysis of WTO Discipline on Services Domestic Regulations and Its Policy Implications)
by Kim, June Dong & Koh, Joon Sung & Kang, Jungu
- 23-4 동남아·대양주 유권자들의 보호무역주의 성향 연구와 시사점: 필리핀, 태국, 호주, 뉴질랜드를 중심으로(Voters’Attitudes toward Protectionism in Southeast Asia and Oceania: Evidence from the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand)
by Kim, Nam Seok
- 23-3 동지중해 천연가스 개발 현황과 한국의 협력 방안(Natural Gas Development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Its Implications for Korea)
by Ryou, Kwang Ho & Lee, Jieun
- 23-2 클라우드 서비스 해외투자 동향과 국내 규제 분석(Cloud Services FDI and Regulatory Trends)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Eom, Jun Hyun
- 23-1 외국인 직접투자가 베트남의 성별 임금 격차에 미치는 영향과 시사점(Foreign Direct Investment and Gender Wage Gap: Vietnamese Evidence)
by Kim, Jegook
- 22-11 대러시아 제재가 중동부유럽 경제에 미치는 영향과 시사점(The Impact of Anti-Russian Sanctions and Implications for the Economy of Central and Eastern Europe)
by Lee, Cheolwon & Kim, Cho Rong
- 22-10 한-호주 공급망 협력 방향: 핵심광물과 수소를 중심으로(Korea-Australia Supply Chain Cooperation: Focus on Critical Minerals and Hydrogen)
by Cho, Seung Jin & Shin, Minlee
- 21-10 인도네시아 탄소 중립 대응 정책과 한국의 그린뉴딜과의 협력 방안(Analysis on Net-Zero Policy of Indonesia and It’s Implication for Korean Green New Deal Policy)
by Lee, Jaeho
- 22-9 무역과 노동의 연계에 관한 글로벌 규범 현황과 시사점(The Linkage between International Trade and Labour Standards: Current Status and Implications)
by Koo, Kyong Hyun
- 22-8 시진핑 3기의 경제체제 개혁 과제와 시사점: ‘사회주의 시장경제 체제’ 구축을 중심으로(Challenges and Implications for China’s Economic System Reform in the Third Term of Xi Jinping: Focusing on Establishing a Socialist Market Economy System)
by Pyoung Seob Yang, Pyoung Seob Yang & Hongwon Kim, Hongwon Kim
- 22-7 국내외 ESG 평가사별 점수 비교: 국내 기업을 중심으로(Comparison of ESG Raters and Rating Scores: Focusing on Korean Firms)
by Park, Jiwon & Lee, Yerim
- 22-6 방글라데시 기후변화 영향 분석 및 시사점(Climate Change and its Impact on Bangladesh)
by Ro, Yoon Jae & Kim, Minhee & Kim, Soeun
- 22-5 중국의 녹색금융 발전전략과 주요내용(China’s Green Finance Strategy:the Policy and the Market )
by Moon , Jiyoung & Lee, Hyojin
- 22-4 DDA 서비스협상의 주요 쟁점 평가와 시사점(Major Issues of DDA Services Negotiations and Implications for Korea)
by Kim, June Dong
- 22-3 Global Supply Chains in a Post-Covid Multipolar World: Korea’s Options
by Leipziger, Danny & Yusuf , Shahid
- 22-2 주요 선진국의 외국인직접투자 정책변화와 시사점 (Changes and Implications of FDI Policies in Major Developed Countries)
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Lee, Ara
- 22-1 일본 디지털전환 정책의 평가와 시사점(Japan’s Digital Transformation Policy and Implications for Korea)
by Kim, Gyupan
- 21-9 유럽 주요국 녹색당의 성공 및 실패 요인 분석(Determinants of Success and Failure of Green Parties in Europe)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Jang, Youngook & Lee, Hyun Jean & Yoon, Hyung Jun
- 21-8 미국과 EU의 농업보조 변화와 정책 시사점 (Trade–Distorting Subsidies of the U.S. and the EU: What Can We Learn?)
by Suh, Jin Kyo
- 21-7 코로나19가 무역에 미치는 영향 (Analysis of Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Trade)
by Park, Soon Chan
- 21-6 탄소국경조정제도(CBAM)에 대한 중소기업 대응방안 연구 (A Study on Korean Smes Policies for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM))
by Park, Hyeri & Park, Ji Hyun
- 21-5 미국의 스위스 환율조작국 지정 원인 분석 및 평가 (On the U.S. 2020 Designation of Switzerland a Currency Manipulator)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Oh, Taehyun & Lee, Hyun Jean
- 21-4 북한 대외 채무의 쟁점과 과제: 국제 규범과 해외 사례를 중심으로 (Issues and Tasks Regarding External Debt of the DPRK: Centering around International Rules and Cases Abroad)
by Choi, Yoojeong & Han, Halin
- 21-3 미ㆍ중 마찰의 주요 쟁점과 한ㆍ중 경제협력 방향 (Major Issues of Friction between the U.S. And China and New Directions of Economic Cooperation between Korea and China)
by Yang, Pyoung Seob & Choi, Jiwon
- 21-2 디지털 전환 시대의 국경간 전자조달 논의 동향과 시사점 (Cross-Border e-Procurement in the Digital Transformation: Discussions and Implications)
by Park, Ji Hyun
- 21-1 유럽 친환경자동차산업 정책분석과 시사점: e-모빌리티를 중심으로 (European e-Mobility Focusing on Automobile Industry)
by Lee, Hyun Jean & Lee, Cheolwon & Yoon, Hyung Jun
- 20-6 대외자산 수익률 결정요인 분석 (The Determinants of Return on External Assets)
by Kim, Hyosang & Yang, Da Young & Kim, Soyoung
- 20-5 EU GDPR 위반사례의 분석과 시사점 (A Study on CJEU Cases on GDPR and Their Implications for Korea)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Eom, Jun Hyun
- 20-4 디지털세 논의에 관한 경제학적 고찰 (A Survey of Digital Tax)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Kim, Hyunsoo
- 20-3 중국의 사이버보안 정책 연구 (A Study on China's Cybersecurity Policy)
by Park, Minsuk & Lee, Hyo Jin
- 20-2 일본의 개방형 혁신전략: 산학협력을 중심으로(Open Innovation in Japan: Focusing on Cooperation between Businesses and National Universities)
by Jung, Sung Chun
- 20-1 중국 제조업 혁신 네트워크 구축과 사례연구(The Establishment of a Manufacturing Innovation Network in China: Review and Case Studies)
by Kim, Hongwon & Kim, Joohye
- 18-8 Economic Development after German Unification and Implications for Korea
by JEONG, Hyung-Gon & Heimpold, Gerhard
- 19-9 주요 선진국 근로장려금 제도의 영향평가 및 시사점(Evaluation of In-work Benefits in Korea, the U.S. and the U.K.)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Yoon, Yeo Joon & Moon, Seongman
- 19-8 한·일 및 한·중·일 투자협정의 투자자-국가 분쟁해결제도 연구:국내법원판결에 관한 판정례를 중심으로(A Study on Investor-State Dispute Settlement System of the Korea-Japan and the Korea-China-Japan Investment Treaty: Denial of Justice in Cases)
by Eom, Jun Hyun
- 19-7 한·중·일의 스마트시티 해외진출 전략 비교 연구(An Analysis of Strategies for Overseas Advancement of Smart Cities in Korea, China, and Japan)
by Lee, Hyong-Kun & Na, Suyeob
- 19-6 미얀마의 대외관계 정상화 경험과 북한에 대한 시사점(Myanmar’s Experience of Normalization of Foreign Relations and Its Implications for North Korea)
by Choi, Jangho & Choi, Yoojeong & Kim, Bumhwan & Kim, Mi Lim
- 19-5 외화예금의 역할과 정책적 시사점(The Role of Foreign Currency Deposits and Its Policy Implications)
by Kang, Tae Soo & Kim, Kyunghun & Yang, Da Young
- 19-4 상품공간모형을 활용한 한・중・일 산업구조 분석 및 시사점(A Comparative Analysis of Structural Changes of Korea, China, and Japan in Product Space)
by Lee, Boram & Son, Wonju
- 19-3 2000년 이후 러시아 경제성장 요인 분석과 지속성장을 위한 과제(Russian Economic Growth after 2000: Assessment and Suggestions)
by Jeong, Minhyeon & Min, Jiyoung
- 19-2 How to Position South Korea in a Dramatically Changing World
by Leipziger, Danny & Dahlman, Carl
- 19-1 일본 임금정체의 요인 분석과 정책적 시사점(What’s up with Wage Growth in Japan?)
by Jung, Sung Chun & Kim, Hyeog Ug
- 17-12 한·중 FTA를 활용한 중국 산둥성과의 경제협력 확대방안 (A Research on Expansion of Economic Cooperation with Shandong Province in China Through Utilizing the Korea-China FTA)
by lee, Sanghun & Kim, Joo Hye
- 18-9 KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY PYRAMID: Transforming Knowledge Value in Increasing Productivity and Competitiveness
by SERBAN , Octavian
- 18-6 일본의 산업경쟁력강화법 시행 성과: 사업재편을 중심으로(A Study on the Effects of the Japanese Government Support System on the Business Restructuring)
by KIM, Gyu-Pan
- 18-5 중·EU 통상현안 분석과 한국에 대한 시사점(An Analysis on China-EU Trade Issues and Implications for Korea)
by Lee, Cheolwon & Na, Suyeob & Lim, You Jin
- 18-3 중·미 간 경상수지 불균형과 위안화 환율의 관계(China-US Current Account Imbalance and the RMB Exchange Rate)
by Shin, Kotbee & Na, Suyeob & Park, Min Suk
- 18-2 체제전환국의 WTO 가입경험과 북한 경제(Transition Economies’ Experience of WTO Accession and its Implication for DPRK)
by Choi, Jangho & Choi, Yoojeong
- 18-1 호주·뉴질랜드의 대아시아 경제협력 현황과 시사점 (Australia and New Zealand’s Ties with Asia and Their Implications)
by La, Meeryung & Shin, Mingeum & Shin, Minlee
- 17-13 Economic Transition in Unified Germany and Implications for Korea
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Heimpold, Gerhard
- 17-10 국제사회의 공유경제 추진현황과 시사점 (Current status and implications of the sharing economy in the US, Europe, and China)
by Na, Seung Kwon & Kim, Eunmi & Choi, Eun Hye
- 17-9 13·5 규획 시기 한국의 중국 동북지역 경제협력 과제와 전략(Korea's Economic Cooperation Tasks and Strategy for Northeast China in the 13th Five-Year Plan Period)
by Lee, Hyun-Tai & Lee, Sanghun & KIM, Junyoung & Yoon, Gyusop
- 17-8 RCEP 역내 생산ㆍ무역구조 분석과 시사점(An Analysis of RCEP Value Chains and Policy Implications)
by LA, Meeryung
- 17-7 자유무역협정(FTA)의 금융서비스 규정 및 협상 동향 연구: 건전성 조치 조항을 중심으로(Study on Financial Services Regulations and Negotiation Trends of Free Trade Agreement (FTA): Focused on the Provision of Prudential Measures)
by Eom, Jun Hyun
- 17-6 The EU’s Investment Court System and Prospects for a New Multilateral Investment Dispute Settlement System
by YANG, Hyoeun
- 17-5 중국의 동남아 경제협력 현황과 시사점(China and Southeast Asia: Expanding Economic Engagement)
by Oh, Yoon Ah & Shin, Minlee & Kim, Mi Lim & Lee, Sinae
- 17-4 한국과 중국 연변조선족자치주 경제협력과 향후 발전방안(Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in China and Development Plans)
by Lim, Sooho & Kim, Junyoung & Park, Jongsang & An, Guo-shan & Piao, Yi-Feng
- 17-3 한국의 비관세조치 현황 분석: Ntm-Hs코드 연계를 중심으로(An Analysis of Korea's Non-Tariff Measures: Focusing on Link between NTM and HS)
by Kim, Jong Duk & Choi, Bo Young & Cho, Moon hee & Chung, Min-Chirl
- 17-2 APEC 경제통합 논의와 정책 시사점(APEC Regional Economic Integration and Policy Implication)
by KIM, Sangkyom
- 17-1 Towards Deeper Integration Among China, Japan and Korea
by Choi , Bo Young & Lee , Seo Young
- 16-13 중국 지역별 창업 생태계 분석 및 시사점: 청두, 우한을 중심으로 (Analysis of the Chinese Regional Startup Eco-System and its Implications: With a Focus on Chengdu and Wuhan)
by Oh , Jonghyuk & Pak , Jinhee & Kim , Hongwon
- 16-12 대북제재로 인한 북·중 접경지역에서의 무역 거래관행 변화 분석 (Analyzing the Changes in Trading Practices in North Korea-China Border Region Due to North Korea Sanctions)
by Rhee , Jung-kyun & Kim , Junyoung & Im , So Jeong & An , Guo-shan & Mimura , Mitsuhiro
- 16-11 한국의 비관세조치 현황 분석: 비관세조치 식별 DB구축을 중심으로 (An Analysis of Korea's Non-tariff Measures: Focused on Data Collection and Classification)
by Kim , Jong Duk & Choi , Bo Young & Eom , Jun Hyun & Chung , Min-Chirl
- 16-10 일본 전자상거래 시장 현황 분석 및 정책 시사점 (An Analysis on Japan's E-Commerce Market and Its Policy Implications)
by Lee , Hyong-Kun
- 16-9 동북아 초국경 인프라 개발과 재원조달: 중국 동북지역을 중심으로 (Cross-Border Projects and Financial Cooperation in the Northeast Asia: Focusing on the Northeastern Chinese Province )
by Choi , Jangho & Kim , Junyoung & Lee , Boram
- 16-8 WTO SPS 분쟁 사례 연구 (Study of WTO SPS Disputes)
by Kang , Minji
- 16-7 원화 국제화를 위한 국내 제도개선 방안 (Institutional Requirements for the Internationalization of the Korean Won)
by Lee , Jang Yung
- 16-6 2000년대 이후 중국의 대북투자 추정 (Estimation of China's Investments on North Korea after 2000s)
by Lim , Sooho & Kim , Junyoung & Hong , Seokki
- 16-5 우크라이나 위기 발발 이후 러시아 경제상황 변화와 정책 시사점 (A Study on Changes in the Russian Economy Following the Outbreak of the Ukrainian Crisis and Its Implications )
by Park , Joungho & Sung , Weon-Yong & Kang , Boogyun
- 16-4 Mega FTA 대응전략 연구: TBT 협정을 중심으로 (Study on the Strategies for Mega FTAs: A Comparative Analysis of TBT Chapters of Korea's FTAs)
by Yoo , Saebyul
- 16-3 신흥국 건설시장 진출 관련 국가 리스크와 대응 방안 (Country Risk Management for Construction Projects in Emerging Countries)
by Eom , Jun Hyun & Son , Sung Hyun & Gwun, Ka Woen
- 16-2 주요국의 대베트남 진출전략과 시사점 (Overseas Expansion Strategy of Major Countries’ Firms Toward Viet Nam and the Implications for Korea)
by Kwak , Sungil & Lee , Jae-Ho
- 16-1 한국 중소기업의 글로벌 가치사슬 진입전략 및 정책적 시사점 연구 (Strategies for Korean Small and Medium Enterprises’ Participation in Global Value Chains and Policy Implications)
by Kim , Zukweon
- 15-12 국제사회의 재생에너지 사업 자금 조달 현황과 시사점 (Catalyzing Investment for Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: Experiences and Future Tasks)
by Moon , Jin-Young & Song , Jihei & Lee , Seojin
- 15-11 아시아 취약국 ODA 지원전략과 CPS 개선방향 (Study on Korea's ODA for Fragile States in Asia)
by Kwon , Yul & Lee , Sang Mi & Yoo , Aila
- 15-6 남아시아 국가 간 주요 경제지표 연관성과 시사점 (Co-movement of Key Economic Indicators Among South Asian Countries)
by Lee , Woong & Lee , Jung Mi
- 15-5 인도 경상수지 적자의 장단기 요인과 시사점 (Short- and Long-Term Causes of Current Account Deficit in India and its Implications)
by Lee , Woong
- 15-4 이스라엘의 기술창업 지원정책과 한-이스라엘 협력 확대방안 (Israeli Hightech Startup Promotion Policies and Bilateral Cooperation between Korea and Israel)
by Lee , Kwon Hyung & Son , Sung Hyun & Jang , Yun Hee
- 15-3 The Effect of Changes in the U.S. Monetary Policy on China's Capital Market Stability and Trade between China and Korea
by Gang , Jianhua & Qian , Zongxin & Zhang , Chao & Zhang , Jiarui
- 15-2 북한 경제개혁의 재평가와 전망: 선군경제노선과의 연관성을 중심으로 (A Reassessment and Prospect of Economic Reform in North Korea: Focus on the Connection with Military-First Economic Policy)
by Lim , Sooho & Choi , Yoojeong & Hong , Seokki
- 15-1 중국의 내수용 수입구조 변화와 한국의 대응 (The Structural Changes in China's Import Market for Domestic Demand and its Implications for Korea)
by Jung , Jihyun & Jin , Furong
- 14-13 마그레브 지역의 ICT 산업 동향 및 시사점: 모로코・튀니지를 중심으로 (Industrial Development in the Maghreb ICT Sector and Its Policy Implications: With a Focus on Morocco and Tunisia)
by Lee , Kwon Hyung & Jang , Jong-Moon & Son , Sung Hyun & Sung , Tae-Eung
- 14-12 한국의 대중남미 수출부진요인 분석과 과제 (The Factors of Underperformance of Korea's Exports to Latin America and Policy Implications)
by Kwon , Ki-Su & Park , Misook
- 14-11 인도 문화산업의 경쟁력 분석과 한·인도 협력방안: 방송·영화·애니메이션을 중심으로(Competitiveness of India's Cultural Industry and Korea-India Cooperation -- Focus on Broadcasting, Film and Animation)
by Choi , Yoon-Jung & Lee , Jung Mi
- 14-9 도시의 기후변화 대응을 위한 개발협력: 논의 동향 및 시사점 (International Development Cooperation for Urban Response to Climate Change: Issues and Implications)
by Jung , Jione & Song , Jihei
- 14-8 Aid for Trade: 현황과 주요 이슈 (Recent Trends and Major Issues in Aid for Trade)
by Jung , Jione & Yoo , Aila
- 14-7 미국 하원의 통상정책 결정요인과 시사점 (U.S. Congressional Trade Votes: Panel Analysis)
by Ko , Hee-Chae & Choi , Horag
- 14-6 북극이사회의 정책동향과 시사점 (A Study on the Governance of Arctic Council and its Implications for Korea)
by Moon , Jin-Young & Kim , Yun-ok & Seo , Hyun-Kyo
- 14-5 개성공단의 국제경쟁력 강화방안 연구 (Study on the Strategies for the Enhancement of International Competitiveness of the Kaesong Industrial Complex)
by Na , Seung Kwon & Hong , Yi Kyung
- 14-4 중국의 지식산업화 분석과 시사점:대학과 중국과학원의 특허 라이선싱을 중심으 (Analysis of Chinese Knowledge Industrialization and its Implication: Focus On Patent Licensing of the University and Chinese Academy of Sciences)
by Park , Hyun Jung & Lee , Hyo-jin
- 14-3 주요 기간산업 관련 WTO 보조금 분쟁 연구 (Analysis of WTO Subsidy Disputes Involving Major Basic Industries)
by Lee , Hyo-young & Eom , Jun Hyun
- 14-2 통상협상에서 Mode 4 논의 동향 및 대응방향 (Mode 4 Issues in the Trade Negotiations: Progress and Policy Implications for Korea)
by Kang , Jungu
- 14-1 중국 서부지역 It제조 클러스터 분석 및 시사점: 충칭(重慶)시,청두(成都)시, 시안(西安)시를 중심으로 (Comparative Analysis of Chinese Western IT Manufacturing Cluster and its Implications: With Focus on the Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi’An)
by Oh , Jonghyuk & Park , Hyun Jung
- 13-44 미얀마의 개발과제와 한-미얀마 개발협력방향 (Myanmar: Development Challenges and Opportunities)
by Oh , Yoon Ah & Park , Na Ri
- 13-43 국제사회의 기후변화 대응 역량개발 지원 현황과 시사점 (International Support for Climate Change Capacity Development and Policy Implications for Korea)
by Jung , Jione & Song , Jihei
- 13-42 금융포용과 마이크로파이낸스: ODA 지원사례 및 빈곤감소 효과분석을 중심으로 (Microfinance and Financial Inclusion: Focusing on the Analysis of ODA Support Cases and Poverty Reduction Effects)
by Kwak , Sungil & Lee , JuYoung
- 13-41 ODA 국별 성과관리체제 및 평가방법에 관한 연구 (Country Results Management and Country Evaluation: Approaches, Donor Practices and Implications for South Korea)
by Jeong , Jisun & Oh , Tae Hyun
- 13-40 원조예측성 강화를 위한 Oda 예산제도 연구: 호주사례를 중심으로 (A Study on Aid Predictability: Focusing on Multi-Year Rolling Planning and Budgeting Framework)
by Kwon , Yul & Lee , Juyoung
- 13-28 주요국의 창조산업 해외진출전략과 시사점 (Creative Industries' Export and Internationalization Strategies of Selected Countries and Their Policy Implications)
by Kim , Jeong-Gon & Kim , Eunji
- 13-27 신흥국의 국가리스크 비교분석 및 시사점 (Comparative Analysis and Implications of Developing Country Risk)
by Moon , Jin-Young & Kim , Yun-ok & Lee , Minyoung
- 13-26 국제사회의 대이란 경제제재 이후 중·이란 관계 동향 및 시사점 (China and Iran: Current Relations and Implications)
by Choi , Philip Pilsoo & Lim , Minkyung & Park , Jaeeun
- 13-25 주요국의 대아프리카 환경 ODA 공여정책과 결정요인 분석 및 시사점 (Environmental ODA to Africa: Policies, Determinants and Implications)
by Kwak , Sungil & Jeon , Hyelin
- 13-24 태평양 동맹의 발전 전망과 시사점 (Prospects and Implications of the Pacific Alliance)
by Lim , Taekyoon & Yi , Siun
- 13-23 키르기스스탄 광산업 투자환경의 변화와 시사점 (The Investment Environment Changes in the Mining Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and Implications)
by Joo , Jinhong
- 13-22 한·벨라루스 Ict산업 협력방안 (Toward Korea-Belarus Cooperation in the ICT Sector)
by Min , Jiyoung
- 13-21 3기 푸틴 정부의 ‘대외정책개념’과 정책적 시사점 (Third-Term Putin Government's ‘Concept of Foreign Policy’ and Korea-Russia Cooperation)
by Jeh , Sung Hoon & Kang , Boogyun
- 13-20 러시아의 북극개발전략과 한·러 협력의 새로운 가능성 (Russian Arctic Development Strategy and New Possibility for Korea-Russia Cooperation)
by Jeh , Sung Hoon & Min , Jiyoung
- 13-19 한·인도 수교 40주년: 투자 부문 성과와 과제 (The 40th Anniversary of Korea-India Amity: Evaluation and Prospects for Investment Cooperation)
by Cho , Choong Jae & Choi , Yoon-Jung
- 13-18 한·인도 수교 40주년: 교역 부문 성과와 과제 (The 40 Year Anniversary of Korea-India Amity: Evaluation and Prospects of Trade Sector)
by Lee , Woong & Song , Young Chul & Lee , Jung Mi
- 13-17 중ㆍASEAN 분업구조 및 결정요인 분석 (Trade Patterns and Determinants of Vertical and Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade between ASEAN and China)
by Cheong , Jae Wan & Bang , Ho-Kyung
- 13-16 필리핀 경제의 구조적 문제점과 한국-필리핀 경제 협력 방향 (The High Growth Economy of the Philippines and its Implications)
by Oh , Yoon Ah & Shin , Mingeum
- 13-15 비이슬람 국가의 이슬람 금융 정책과 시사점: 영국, 싱가포르. 일본의 사례 (The Policy and Implications of Islamic Finance in Non-Islamic States: Cases of the UK, Singapore, and Japan)
by Kang , Daechang & Son , Sung Hyun & Suh , Young Kyoung
- 13-14 인도네시아 공공민간협력제도의 구조와 정책적 시사점 (The Structure and Policy Implications of Indonesian Public-Private Partnership)
by Kang , Daechang & Kim , Yoomi
- 13-13 한국의 기체결 FTA 서비스 및 투자 협정문 분석- 한-미 Fta와 한-EU FTA를 중심으로 (Analysis on the Service and Investment Chapters of Korea's FTAs: A Comparative Analysis of the Korea-US FTA vs. The Korea-EU FTA)
by Kim , Jong Duk & Eom , Jun Hyun
- 13-12 한·중·일 3국 IT 서비스산업의 비교우위 검토: 생산성 분석을 중심으로 (A Review on a Comparative Advantage in IT Service Sector Among Korea-China-Japan: Focusing on Productivity Analysis)
by Na , Seung Kwon & Bang , Ho-Kyung & Lee , Boram
- 13-11 북·중 관광협력의 현황과 시사점 (Cooperation between North Korea and China in Tourism and Policy Implication)
by Kim , Jiyeon & Choi , Philip Pilsoo & Lim , Minkyung & Na , Seung Kwon
- 13-10 국제행사타당성조사 일반지침 수립을 위한 방법론 연구 (Methods for Evaluating International Expositions in Korea)
by Kim , Heung Chong & Jung , Sung Chun & Kim , Taeyoon & Kwak , Sungil & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Lee , Hyun Jean
- 13-9 한·러 비자면제협정 체결의 경제적 효과와 활용 방안 (The Economic Impact and Application Plan of the Visa-Free Regime between Korea and Russia)
by Jeong , Yeo-Cheon & Park , Soonchan & Kang , Boogyun
- 13-8 중국 농촌 소비시장 특징과 진출방안: 베이징시 근교를 중심으로 (China's Rural Consumption Market: With Focus on the Suburbs of Beijing)
by Jin , Furong & Oh , Jonghyuk
- 13-7 한·캐나다 수교 50주년: 경제협력 성과와 과제 (50 Years of Korea-Canada Relations: Achievements in Economic Cooperation and Tasks Ahead)
by Ko , Hee-Chae & Kim , Jonghyuk
- 13-6 상하이 시 문화산업 현황과 시사점 (Culture Industry in Shanghai: The Current Snapshot, Industrial Policies, and the Implications to Korea)
by No , Su Yeon & Kwak , Jooyoung
- 13-5 한·중·일 3국 환경상품 교역의 특성: 경쟁력 패턴분석을 중심으로 (Characteristics of the Environment Trilateral --Trilateral Merchandise Trade: Focusing on the Competitive Pattern Analysis
by Bang , Ho-Kyung & Na , Seung Kwon & Lee , Boram
- 13-4 북·중 접경지역 경제교류 실태와 거래관행 분석 (Economic Cooperation and Practices of Economic Transactions in Border Areas of North Korea and China)
by Lee , Jong-Woon & Hong , Yi Kyung
- 13-3 중국 진출 한국기업의 유턴 유형화 및 유턴정책 개선방안 (Reshoring Pattern-Analysis of China Based Korean Firms and Its Policy Implications)
by Lim , Minkyung & Yeo , Jina
- 13-2 중국 토지공급체계의변화와 개혁과제 (China's Land Supply System and its Reform)
by Choi , Pil Soo & Cho , Sungchan
- 13-1 APEC 환경상품 논의동향과 한국의 대응방안: 2012 환경상품 리스트를 중심으로 (APEC Discussions on Environmental Goods and its Policy Implications for Korea)
by Lim , Kyong Su & Park , Hyeri