- 2025/321 Measuring time-varying fiscal cyclicality of the revenue side with a new cyclically-adjusted methodology: Does the European fiscal framework play a pivotal role?
by Giovanni Carnazza & Federica Lanterna & Paolo Liberati
- 2024/320 Tackling labour market inequalities through minimum and maximum wages
by Guilherme Spinato Morlin & Marco Stamegna & David Cano Ortiz & Simone D'Alessandro & Pietro Guarnieri - 2024/319 Political instability and international trade in the European Union: A network-based approach
by Giovanni Carnazza & Paolo Liberati & Agnese Sacchi - 2024/318 My Poor(er) Friend: (Non-)Economic Integration in Public Good Games
by Pietro Battiston & Simona Gamba & Sharon G. Harrison - 2024/317 Natural Language Processing Techniques for Long Financial Document
by Maria Saveria Mavillonio - 2024/316 The Role of Endogenous NAWRU in Reducing the "Space of Forgiveness": a Theoretical and Empirical Appraisal of the European Fiscal Framework
by Giovanni Carnazza & Emilio Carnevali & Matteo Sommacal - 2024/315 Crowdfunding Success: Human Insights vs Algorithmic Textual Extraction
by Caterina Giannetti & Maria Saveria Mavillonio - 2024/314 Teaming Up with Artificial Agents in Non-routine Analytical Tasks
by Lorenzo Cominelli & Federico Galatolo & Caterina Giannetti & Cristiano Ciaccio & Felice Dell’Orletta & Philipp Chaposkvi & Giulia Venturi - 2024/313 A Principal-Agent Model for Ethical AI: Optimal Contracts and Incentives for Ethical Alignment
by Dae-Hyun Yoo & Caterina Giannetti - 2024/312 Revealing the Link Between Air Pollution and Internal Migration: Evidence from Italy
by Giovanni Bernardo & Pasquale Commendatore & Giovanni Fosco - 2024/311 Emotions in hybrid financial markets
by Lorenzo Cominelli & Gianluca Rho & Caterina Giannetti & Federico Cozzi & Alberto Greco & Graziano A. Manduzio & Philipp Chapkovski & Michalis Drouvelis & Enzo Pasquale Scilingo - 2024/310 Identifying the collective reputation premium: a spatial discontinuity approach
by Stefano Castriota & Paolo Frumento & Francesco Suppressa - 2024/309 Voluntary Partnerships For Equally Sharing Contribution Costs - Theoretical Aspects and Experimental Evidence
by Irene Maria Buso & Daniela Di Cagno & Werner Gueth & Lorenzo Spadoni - 2024/308 Textual Representation of Business Plans and Firm Success
by Maria S. Mavillonio - 2024/307 Back to the Future: an Experiment on Ecological Restoration
by Virginia Cecchini Manara & Eleonora Ciscato & Pietro Guarnieri & Lorenzo Spadoni - 2024/306 Days of future past? The reform of the European fiscal framework, the (enduring) role of the structural balance and the pro-cyclical bias of potential GDP endogeneity
by Giovanni Carnazza & Emilio Carnevali - 2024/305 My Poor(er) Friend: (Non-)Economic Integration in Public Good Games
by Pietro Battiston & Simona Gamba & Sharon G. Harrison - 2024/304 Scenario discovery for a just low-carbon transition
by Nicola Campigotto & Marco Catola & Andrè Cieplinksi & Simone D'Alessandro & Tiziano Distefano & Pietro Guarnieri & Till Heydenreich - 2024/303 Norms and anti-coordination: elicitation and priming in an El Farol Bar Game experiment
by Pietro Guarnieri & Lorenzo Spadoni - 2024/302 Educational Take-off and the Role of Wealth
by Michele Battisti & Antonio Francesco Gravina & Andrea Mario Lavezzi & Giuseppe Maggio & Giorgio Tortorici
- 2023/301 Privatization in an International Mixed Oligopoly: the Role of Product Differentiation under Price Competition
by Alessandra Chirco & Marcella Scrimitore - 2023/300 Measuring the attitude towards a European public budget: A cross-country experiment
by Marco Catola & Pietro Guarnieri & Veronica Pizziol & Chiara Rapallini - 2023/299 Curbing Energy Consumption through Voluntary Quotas: Experimental Evidence
by Nicola Campigotto & Marco Catola & Simone D’Alessandro & Pietro Guarnieri & Lorenzo Spadoni - 2023/298 Organized Crime, Corruption and Economic Growth
by Tamara Fioroni & Andrea Mario Lavezzi & Giovanni Trovato - 2023/297 How much is too much? A methodological investigation of the literature on alcohol consumption
by Stefano Castriota & Paolo Frumento & Francesco Suppressa - 2023/296 Credit during the pandemics: the case of Tuscany
by Luca Casolaro & Francesco Suppressa - 2023/295 "Lemons for machines" and "cabbages into the sea": international economic and commercial relations between Italy, Germany, and Great Britain at the dawn of the Second World War
by Alice Martini - 2023/294 Pollution Abatement and Lobbying in a Cournot Game. An Agent-Based Modelling approach
by Marco Catola & Silvia Leoni - 2023/293 Tax evasion in a Cournot duopoly with unions
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2023/292 A parsimonious model of optimal social distancing and vaccination during an outbreak
by Luca Gori & Piero Manfredi & Simone Marsiglio & Mauro Sodini - 2023/291 Product quality and product compatibility in network industries
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2023/290 Strategic product compatibility in network industries
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2023/289 Teenage parenthood, circumstances and educational mobility of children
by Giovanni Bernardo & Giuseppe Cinquegrana & Giovanni Fosco - 2023/288 Trade-offs in the design of financial algorithms
by Alexia GAUDEUL & Caterina GIANNETTI
- 2022/287 Environmental sustainability, nonlinear dynamics and chaos reloaded: 0 matters!
by Andrea Caravaggio & Mauro Sodini - 2022/286 Considerazioni critiche sul confronto tra decessi osservati e attesi dopo la vaccinazione nel 10° Rapporto AIFA sulla Sorveglianza dei vaccini COVID-19
by Michela Baccini & Bruno Cheli & Rachele Foschi & Alessio Iodice & Lorenzo Melacarne & Barbara Pinto & Eugenio Serravalle - 2022/285 Considerazioni critiche sul confronto tra decessi attesi e osservati dopo la vaccinazione contenuto nel 5° Rapporto AIFA sulla Sorveglianza dei vaccini COVID-19
by Bruno Cheli & Rachele Foschi & Alessio Iodice & Eugenio Serravalle
- 2021/284 Disability and happiness: the role of accessibility
by Asya Bellia & Lorenzo Corsini - 2021/283 How do different policy combinations affect the labour market attachment of disabled individuals? A review of the literatur
by Asya Bellia - 2021/282 R&D innovation with socially responsible firms
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2021/281 Estimations of local spatial price indices using scanner data, to be used for the comparisons of economic poverty measures
by Monica Pratesi & Stefano Marchetti & Caterina Giusti & Gaia Bertarelli & Francesco Schirripa Spagnolo & Luigi Biggeri - 2021/280 The multidimensional aspects of the educational poverty: a general overview on measures and lack of data in Italy
by Christian Morabito & Vincenzo Mauro & Monica Pratesi - 2021/279 Endowment effects at different time scenarios: the role of ownership and possession
by Domenico Colucci & Chiara Franco & Vincenzo Valori - 2021/278 The R&D investment decision game with product differentiation
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2021/277 Delaying and Motivating Decisions in the (Bully) Dictator Game
by Ennio Bilancini & Leonardo Boncinelli & Pietro Guarnieri & Lorenzo Spadoni - 2021/276 Personal norms in the online public good game
by Marco Catola & Simone D'Alessandro & Pietro Guarnieri & Veronica Pizziol - 2021/275 Fostering the adoption of robo-advisors: A 3-weeks online stock-trading experiment
by Alexia Gaudeul & Caterina Giannetti - 2021/274 Citizen-Generated Data and Official Statistics: an application to SDG indicators
by Monica Pratesi & Claudio Ceccarelli & Stefano Menghinello - 2021/273 La divulgazione dei dati ufficiali sull'epidemia di Covid 19 in Italia
by Bruno Cheli & Beatrice Baldacci - 2021/272 Personal and social norms in a multilevel public goods experiment
by Marco Catola & Simone D'Alessandro & Pietro Guarnieri & Veronica Pizziol - 2021/271 Monopoly strategy with purchase dependent preferences and endogenous preference change
by Stéphane Lemarié & Cecilia Vergari - 2021/270 Alcune considerazioni sulla misura di efficacia del vaccino Comirnaty della Pfizer-BioNTech
by Bruno Cheli - 2021/269 Pro-environmental attitude and behaviours: an investigation on the role of pro-sociality
by Caterina Giannetti & Pietro Guarnieri & Tommaso Luzzati - 2021/268 Does Excellence Pay Off? Theory and Evidence from the Wine Market
by Stefano Castriota & Alessandro Fedele
- 2020/267 R&D subsidies in a duopoly market with outsourcing to the rival firm
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella & Luca Gori - 2020/266 Tax Evasion and Unions in a Cournot duopoly
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella - 2020/265 A theory of entry dissuasion
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti - 2020/264 Alternative monetary approaches and causal nexus breakdown in rate of interest and currency reserves in Italy, 1961-1990
by Giuseppe Conti & Luciano Fanti - 2020/263 Multilevel Public Goods Game: an Online Experiment
by Marco Catola & Simone D'Alessandro & Pietro Guarnieri & Veronica Pizziol - 2020/262 "Green" managerial delegation theory
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2020/261 To abate, or not to abate? A strategic approach on green production in Cournot and Bertrand duopolies
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2020/260 Intra-Country comparisons of Poverty Rate
by Gaia Bertarelli & Luigi Biggeri & Caterina Giusti & Stefano Marchetti & Monica Pratesi - 2020/259 Features of the hidden labour in Italy. An empirical analysis based on the matching of survey and administrative data
by Alessandra Coli & Francesca Tartamella - 2020/257 Local Environmental Quality and Heterogeneity in an OLG Agent-Based Model with Network Externalities
by Andrea Caravaggio & Mauro Sodini - 2020/256 Coupling environmental transition and social prosperity: a scenario-analysis of the Italian case
by André Gaspar Ciepliski & Simone D'Alessandro & Tiziano Distefano & Pietro Guarnieri
- 2019/255 Larger, more internationalized, better behaved? A configurational study of em erging market multinational enterprises' involvement in corporate wrongdoing
by Federica Nieri & Luciano Ciravegna & Ruth V. Aguilera & Elisa Giuliani - 2019/254 Investigating firms' involvement in corporate social irresponsibility: Are family owned MNEs better corporate citizens?
by Federica Nieri & Luciano Ciravegna - 2019/253 Considerazioni preliminari per un approccio sfocato all'analisi delle forze di lavoro
by Bruno Cheli & Alessandra Coli - 2019/252 From the TFR to the IFR approach for the multidimensional analysis of poverty and living conditions
by Bruno Cheli & Achille Lemmi & Nicoletta Pannuzi & Andrea Regoli - 2019/251 DRIFTING ON A CALMA CHICHA AFTER COUNTLESS STORMS: How macroeconomic uncertainty affects firms' de cisions to innovate in emerging countries
by Valeria Arza & Elisa Giuliani & Federica Nieri - 2019/250 BEST IN CLASS BUT BIG WRONGDOERS: Exploring the financial performance and human rights infringe ments nexus in large emerging country companies
by Elisa Giuliani & Federica Nieri & Andrea Vezzulli - 2019/249 Polycentricity and regional development: an analytical framework and some evidence from Italy
by David Burgalassi & Chiara Agnoletti & Leonardo Piccini - 2019/248 Information revelation in procurement auctions: an equivalence result
by Domenico Colucci & Nicola Doni & Vincenzo Valori - 2019/247 Contribution and bribe: lobbying in presence of incumbent and bureaucrat
by Marco Catola - 2019/246 An experiment on coordination in a modified stag hunt game
by Pietro Guarnieri & Tommaso Luzzati & Stefano Marchetti - 2019/245 Information overload and environmental degradation: learning from H.A. Simon and W. Wenders
by Tommaso Luzzati & Ilaria Tucci & Pietro Guarnieri - 2019/244 Collective Actions: a Network Approach
by Tiziano Distefano & Pietro Guarnieri - 2019/243 Partial decentralisation and inter-governmental electoral competition in local public good provision
by Marco Catola - 2019/242 The Economics of Extortion: Theory and Evidence on the Sicilian Mafia
by Luigi Balletta & Andrea Mario Lavezzi - 2019/241 Assessing job quality in the French labour market: decompositions of the native/migrant wage gap
by Ilaria Benedetti & Andrea Regoli
- 2018/240 Private vs Public incentives: an experiment on motivation crowding and social trust
by Simone D'Alessandro & Caterina Giannetti & Pietro Guarnieri - 2018/239 Some reflections on the "battle of the sexes"
by Pietro Guarnieri & Tommaso Luzzati - 2018/238 Smart contracts and transaction costs
by Massimiliano Vatiero - 2018/237 Riflessioni intorno al tema della razionalità in economia
by Pietro Guarnieri & Tommaso Luzzati - 2018/236 Social Investment and youth labour market participation: a EU regional analysis
by Giulio Ecchia & Francesca Gagliardi & Caterina Giannetti - 2018/235 The Determinants of Resilience in European Regions During the Great Recession: a Bayesian Model Averaging Approach
by Lisa Gianmoena & Vicente Rios - 2018/234 The Determinants of CO2 Emissions Differentials with Cross-Country Interaction Effects: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Bayesian Model Averaging Approach
by Lisa Gianmoena & Vicente Rios - 2018/233 School-to-work transition and vocational education: a comparison across Europe
by Irene Brunetti & Lorenzo Corsini - 2018/232 Optimal taxation, environment quality, socially responsible firms and investors
by Thomas Renström & Luca Spataro - 2018/231 Some Stylized Facts on Italian Inter-regional Migration
by Davide Fiaschi & Cristina Tealdi
- 2017/230 Savings, fertility and public policy in an OLG small open economy
by Luca Spataro & Luciano Fanti & Pier Mario Pacini - 2017/229 Risk taking for others: an experiment on ethics meetings
by Francesco Feri & Caterina Giannetti & Pietro Guarnieri - 2017/228 Communicating the uncertainty of synthetic indicators: a reassessment of the HDI ranking
by Tommaso Luzzati & Bruno Cheli & Gianluca Gucciardi - 2017/227 Commitment to norms and the formation of institutions
by Pietro Guarnieri - 2017/226 The effect of time preferences on altruism
by Davide Dottori & Caterina Giannetti - 2017/225 Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET), social influence dynamics, and teachers' choices: An evolutionary model
by Angelo Antoci & Irene Brunetti & Pierluigi Sacco & Mauro Sodini - 2017/224 L'ascesi intramondana e gli spazi di mercato
by Giuseppe Conti - 2017/223 A product innovation game with managerial delegation
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2017/222 Product innovation and two-part tariff vertical contracts
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2017/221 How to compete? Cournot vs. Bertrand in a vertical structure with an integrated input supplier
by Luciano Fanti & Marcella Scrimitore - 2017/220 Hiring a manager or not? When asymmetric equilibria arise under outsourcing to a rival
by Luciano Fanti & Marcella Scrimitore - 2017/219 The endogeneous choice of delegation in a duopoly with outsourcing to the rival
by Luciano Fanti & Marcella Scrimitore - 2017/218 Spatial error regressions for testing the Cancer-EKC
by Tommaso Luzzati & Angela Parenti & Tommaso Rughi - 2017/217 Does EU Cohesion Policy Work? Theory and Evidence
by Davide Fiaschi & Andrea Mario Lavezzi & Angela Parenti - 2017/216 Profitability of corporate social responsibility in network industries
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella - 2017/215 Firms controlled by owners and managerial firms: the "strategic" trade policy game revisited
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella - 2017/214 A game-theoretic approach to the choice of union-oligopoly baargaining agenda
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti - 2017/213 Does the abolition of border controls boost cross-border commuting? Evidence from Switzerland
by Angela Parenti & Cristina Tealdi
- 2016/212 The effect of network externalities on entry in a Spence-Dixit model
by Domenico Buccella & Luciano Fanti - 2016/211 Debt concentration and performance of European firms
by Caterina Giannetti - 2016/210 Who owns stocks in England: A panel analysis
by Thomas Ashok & Luca Spataro - 2016/209 The Challenge of Measuring Corporate Social Irresponsibility
by Davide Fiaschi & Elisa Giuliani & Nicola Salvati - 2016/208 Is there a cancer Environmental Kuznets Curve?
by Tommaso Luzzati & Tommaso Rughi - 2016/207 Green purchases: an analysis on the antecedents of eco-friendly consumer's choices
by Luisa Caluri & Tommaso Luzzati
- 2015/206 Resisting the Extortion Racket: an Empirical Analysis
by Michele Battisti & Andrea Mario Lavezzi & Lucio Masserini & Monica Pratesi - 2015/205 Occupational Mobility across Generations: a Theoretical Model with an Application to Italy
by Irene Brunetti & Davide Fiaschi - 2015/204 Intragenerational Mobility in Italy: a Non-parametric Estimates
by Irene Brunetti & Davide Fiaschi - 2015/203 Regional Commuting in Italy: Do Temporary Contracts Affect the Decision?
by Angela Parenti & Cristina Tealdi - 2015/202 Local government cooperation at work: A control function approach
by Zineb Abidi & Edoardo Di Porto & Angela Parenti & Sonia Paty - 2015/201 Volatility in European Regions
by Irene Brunetti & Davide Fiaschi & Lisa Gianmoena & Angela Parenti - 2015/200 Labour market regulation and fiscal parameters: a structural model for European regions
by Roberto Martino & Phu Nguyen-Van - 2015/199 Urban spatial structure and environmental emissions: a survey of the literature and some empirical evidence for Italian NUTS-3 regions
by Davide Burgalassi & Tommaso Luzzati - 2015/198 How Reliable Are the Geographical Spatial Weights Matrices?
by Davide Fiaschi & Angela Parenti - 2015/197 Local Directional Moran Scatter Plot - LDMS
by Davide Fiaschi & Lisa Gianmoena & Angela Parenti - 2015/196 Spatial Clubs in European Regions
by Davide Fiaschi & Lisa Gianmoena & Angela Parenti - 2015/195 The two "third ways" of capitalism: macroeconomic versus microeconomic regulation. A critical view
by Giuseppe Conti - 2015/194 Financial Literacy, Human Capital and Stock Market Participation in Europe: An Empirical Exercise under Endogenous Framework
by Ashok Thomas & Luca Spataro
- 2014/193 Stima delle ricadute economiche della Solvay sul territorio della Val di Cecina dal 2006 al 2012
by Bruno Cheli & Alessandra Coli & Valentina Del Soldato & Tommaso Luzzati - 2014/192 Life satisfaction and environmental conditions in Italy: a pseudo-panel approach
by Tiziana Laureti - 2014/191 The Shaping Power of Market Prices and Individual Choices on Preferences. An Experimental Investigation
by Sergio Beraldo & Valerio Filoso & Marco Stimolo - 2014/190 Standardization of Credit Default Swaps Market
by Tommaso Colozza - 2014/189 Labour Market and Flexibility. A logistic regression model to estimate the likelihood of being atypical for a woman employed in Pisa
by Paola Meozzi - 2014/188 Does Local Politics Matter? Quasi-experimental Evidence from Italian Municipal Elections
by Roberto Basile & Valerio Filoso - 2014/187 Measuring the sustainability performances of the Italian regions
by Tommaso Luzzati & Bruno Cheli & S. Arcuri - 2014/186 Transition to Modern Growth: the Role of Technological Progress and Adult Mortality
by Davide Fiaschi & Tamara Fioroni - 2014/185 Motivations for gambling and the choice between skill and luck gambling products: an exploratory study
by Alessandro Gandolfo & Valeria De Bonis - 2014/184 World Interest Rates, Inequality and Growth: an Empirical Analysis of the Galor-Zeira Model
by Michele Battisti & Tamara Fioroni & Andrea Mario Lavezzi - 2014/183 Bric Companies Seeking Legitimacy Through Corporate Social Responsibility
by Davide Fiaschi & Elisa Giuliani & Federica Nieri - 2014/182 Union-Firm Bargaining agenda: Right-to manage or Efficient Bargaining?
by Luciano Fanti - 2014/181 When do firms and unions agree on a monopoly union or an efficient bargaining arrangement?
by Luciano Fanti - 2014/180 Istituzioni del mercato del lavoro e disoccupazione:un modello per l'analisi degli effetti delle politiche del lavoro sui livelli di disoccupazione nei paesi UE
by Elisabetta Bilotta & Paola Meozzi & Christian Nardella - 2014/179 The sectoral pro-trade effects of ethnic networks within a Ricardian model of trade
by Mauro Lanati - 2014/178 Self-fulfilling and fundamentals based speculative attacks on public debt
by Pompeo Della Posta - 2014/177 Giuseppe Toniolo: alle origini del principio di sussidiarieta
by Alice Martini & Luca Spataro - 2014/176 Capacity choice and welfare under alternative unionisation structures
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 2014/175 Global public spending efficiency in Tuscan municipalities
by Laura Carosi & Giovanna D'Inverno & Letizia Ravagli - 2014/174 A statistical analysis of reliability of audit opinions as bankruptcy predictors
by Carlo Caserio & Delio Panaro & Sara Trucco
- 2013/173 The Italian model of gambling taxation: fiscal policy guidelines for the "sustainable development" of an important and controversial market
by Alessandro Gandolfo & Valeria De Bonis - 2013/172 Characterizing the pseudoconvexity of a wide class of generalized fractional functions
by Laura Carosi & Laura Martein - 2013/171 An Estimate of the Degree of Interconnectedness between European Regions: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach
by Davide fiaschi & Angela Parenti - 2013/170 The Determinants of Growth Rate Volatility in European Regions
by Davide fiaschi & Lisa Gianmoena & Angela Parenti - 2013/169 An Index of Growth Rate Volatility: Methodology and an Application to European Regions
by Irene Brunetti & Davide fiaschi & Lisa Gianmoena - 2013/168 Simplex-like sequential methods for a class of generalized fractional programs
by Laura Carosi & Laura Martein & Ezat Valipour - 2013/167 Non-rigid wages and merger profitability reversal under convex costs and centralised unionisation
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 2013/166 The Interrupted Power Law and The Size of Shadow Banking
by Davide Fiaschi & Imre Kondor & Matteo Marsili - 2013/165 On the Determinants of Distribution Dynamics
by Davide Fiaschi & Andrea Mario Lavezzi & Angela Parenti - 2013/164 Pension funds and Market Efficiency: A review
by Ashok Thomas & Luca Spataro - 2013/163 From Malthusian to Modern fertility: When intergenerational transfers matter
by Luca Spataro & Luciano Fanti - 2013/162 Pension funds and Stock Market Volatility: An Empirical Analysis of OECD countries
by Thomas Ashok & Luca Spataro & Mathew Nanditha - 2013/161 Drivers of Firm Growth: Micro-evidence from Indian Manufacturing
by Mathew Nanditha - 2013/160 Job polarization in Britain from a task-based perspective.Evidence from the UK Skills Surveys
by Martina Bisello - 2013/159 Estimating the elasticity of trade: the trade share approach
by Mauro Lanati - 2013/158 Multinational Corporations' Economic And Human Rights Impacts On Developing Countries: A Review And Research Agenda
by Elisa Giuliani & Chiara Macchi
- 2012/157 La competitivita del sistema logistico portuale nella provincia di Livorno.Una analisi SWOT
by Alga Foschi - 2012/156 Tax policy response to market changes: the case of the gaming services sector
by Valeria De Bonis & Alessandro Gandolfo - 2012/155 The Impact Of Business On Society: Exploring Csr Adoption And Alleged Human Rights Abuses By Large Corporations
by Davide Fiaschi & Elisa Giuliani - 2012/154 Environmental standards and Cournot duopoly: a stability analysis
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/153 Growth, PAYG pension systems crisis and mandatory age of retirement
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/152 Prices, productivity and irregular cycles in a walrasian labour market
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/151 The dynamics of a banking duopoly with capital regulations
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/150 Returns to labour and chaotic cycles of wage and employment
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/149 Consequences of a boost of mandatory retirement age on long run income and PAYG pensions
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/148 Child rearing subsidies and fertility in small open economies with life uncertainty
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/147 PAYG pensions and fertility drop: some (pleasant) arithmetic
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/146 PAYG pensions and fertility drop: some (pleasant) arithmetic
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/145 Fertility and money in an OLG model
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/144 Endogenous labour supply, habits and aspirations
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/143 Habits, aspirations and endogenous fertility
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/142 Habits, aspirations and endogenous fertility
by Luciano Fanti - 2012/141 Una classifica robusta della sostenibilita delle regioni italiane
by Tommaso Luzzati & Gianluca Gucciardi - 2012/140 Una classifica robusta della sostenibilita delle regioni italiane
by Tommaso Luzzati & Gianluca Gucciardi - 2012/139 Informal incentive labour contracts and product market competition
by Nicola Meccheri & Luciano Fanti - 2012/138 Managerial delegation under alternative unionization structures
by Nicola Meccheri & Luciano Fanti - 2012/137 Managerial delegation schemes in a duopoly with endogenous production costs: a comparison of sales and relative profit delegation under centralised unionisation
by Nicola Meccheri & Luciano Fanti - 2012/136 Price competition, merger and welfare under firm-specific unions: on the role of unions' preference towards wages
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 2012/135 Merger results under price competition and plant-specific unions
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 2012/134 Differentiated duopoly and horizontal merger profitability under monopoly central union and convex costs
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 2012/133 Profits and competition in a unionized duopoly model with product differentiation and labour decreasing returns
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri
- 2011/132 Italian print magazines and subscription discounts
by Andrea Mangani - 2011/131 When an efficient bargaining is more "efficient" than a competitive labour market
by Luciano Fanti - 2011/130 When do firms prefer either monopolistic unions or an efficient bargaining?
by Luciano Fanti - 2011/129 Product differentiation and duopoly: when social welfare benefits from cross-shareholding
by Luciano Fanti - 2011/128 Cross-ownership and unions in a Cournot duopoly: when profits reduce with horizontal product differentiation
by Luciano Fanti - 2011/127 Cross-participated firms and welfare
by Luciano Fanti - 2011/126 Stakeholder protection in corporate governance and in the legal system, the varieties of capitalism, and long term unemployment
by Alberto Chilosi - 2011/125 Welfare effects of cross-ownership in a unionised duopoly
by Luciano Fanti - 2011/124 On the implication of trade openness
by Daniel Sakyi - 2011/123 Stability in a Cournot duopoly under asymmetric unionism
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 2011/122 Stability analysis in a Bertrand duopoly with different product quality and heterogeneous expectations
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori