June 2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 93-99 Applying Maritime Economics to Set Foundations for Port and Shipping Policies
by Jan Hoffmann - 100-115 Excess Capacity and Entry Deterrence: The Case of Ocean Liner Shipping Markets
by Mike Fusillo - 116-132 Port Infrastructure: An Access Model for the Essential Facility
by Lincoln Flor & Enzo Defilippi - 133-157 Measuring the Economic and Transportation Impacts of Maritime-related Trade
by Leigh B Boske & John C Cuttino - 158-178 A Spatial-Economic Multimodal Transportation Simulation Model For US Coastal Container Ports
by M Luo & T A Grigalunas - 179-198 Impact of Transport Costs on International Trade: The Case of Spanish Ceramic Exports
by I Martínez-Zarzoso & L García-Menéndez & C Suárez-Burguet - 199-218 Port Efficiency and International Trade: Port Efficiency as a Determinant of Maritime Transport Costs
by Ricardo J Sánchez & Jan Hoffmann & Alejandro Micco & Georgina V Pizzolitto & Martín Sgut & Gordon Wilmsmeier - 219-223 Economic Forces in the Decision-making Process of the Panama Canal
by Ricaurte Vásquez - 224-226 Maritime Transportation in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Jan Hoffmann
March 2003, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Hercules E Haralambides - 3-22 A Model on Container Port Competition: An Application for the West European Container Hub-Ports
by Simme J Veldman & Ewout H Bückmann - 23-39 Shippers' Port and Carrier Selection Behaviour in China: A Discrete Choice Analysis
by Piyush Tiwari & Hidekazu Itoh & Masayuki Doi - 40-54 Corporate Governance and Board Effectiveness in Maritime Firms
by Trond RandØy & Jon Down & Janinge Jenssen - 55-69 Incentive Regulation and Efficiency of Portuguese Port Authorities
by Carlos Pestana Barros - 70-89 Reflections on the History of US Cargo Liner Service (Part II)1
by Douglas K Fleming - 90-91 “User Charges for Port Cost Recovery: the US Harbor Maintenance Tax Controversy” (International Journal of Maritime Economics, 2002, 4:149–163)
by Asaf Ashar
December 2002, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 307-322 Vessel Damage Cost Differentials: Bulk, Container and Tanker Accidents
by Wayne K Talley - 323-347 Competition, Excess Capacity, and the Pricing of Port Infrastructure
by H E Haralambides - 348-368 Productivity, Efficiency and Technological Change in Indian Ports
by Prabir De & Buddhadeb Ghosh - 369-389 Reflections on the History of US Cargo Liner Service (Part I)
by Douglas K Fleming - 390-404 An Early History of Maritime Economics
by Richard O Goss - 405-406 Maritime Transport
by A W Veenstra - 407-407 The Role of States in Maritime Employment and Safety: A Legal and Economic Study
by R O Goss
September 2002, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 189-209 Competitive Advantage in Liner Shipping: A Review and Research Agenda
by Photis M Panayides & Kevin Cullinane - 210-230 The Evolving Roles of Shipping Lines in International Logistics
by Trevor D Heaver - 231-248 Interconnection and Co-ordination: An Application of Network Theory to Liner Shipping
by Angela S Bergantino & Albert W Veenstra - 249-280 The Economics of Container Transhipment in Northern Europe
by Alfred J Baird - 281-300 Liner Shipping Regulation in North America: A Canadian Perspective
by Mary R Brooks - 301-303 Risk and Return in Transportation and Other US and Global Industries
by A W Veenstra - 304-305 The Productive Efficiency of Container Terminals
by A J Baird
June 2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 103-125 A GARCH Approach to Modelling Ocean Grain Freight Rates
by Sneha Jonnala & Stephen Fuller & David Bessler - 126-148 The Containership Loading Problem
by Akio Imai & Etsuko Nishimura & Stratos Papadimitriou & Kazuya Sasaki - 149-163 User Charges for Port Cost Recovery: the US Harbour Maintenance Tax Controversy
by Shashi Kumar - 164-184 Climate Policy: Analysis of Ecological, Technical and Economic Implications for International Maritime Transport
by Sven Bode & Jürgen Isensee & Karsten Krause & Axel Michaelowa - 185-187 Essays on Strategy Analysis for Seaports
by Chris Coeck
March 2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 Investments in Container Terminals: Public Private Partnerships in Europe
by Bart W Wiegmans & Barry Ubbels & Piet Rietveld & Peter Nijkamp - 21-34 Costs, Benefits and Pricing of Dedicated Container Terminals
by Hercules E Haralambides & Pierre Cariou & Marco Benacchio - 35-54 Crude Carrier Consolidation and Capital Cost
by T T Gilje & J Dinwoodie & J Challacombe - 55-80 The Stock Market Reaction to Merger and Acquisition Announcements in Liner Shipping
by Photis M Panayides & Xihe Gong - 81-99 Macroeconomic Factors and International Shipping Stock Returns
by Costas TH Grammenos & Angelos G Arkoulis - 100-102 Operating Panamax Dry Bulk Carriers on the Seven Seas
by S D Tsolakis
December 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 333-350 The End of National Shipping Policy? A Historical Perspective on Shipping Policy in a Global Economy
by Gunnar K Sletmo - 351-367 Ocean Shipping Alliances: The Wave of the Future?
by Edward J Sheppard & David Seidman - 368-386 Port Financing and Pricing in the European Union: Theory, Politics and Reality
by H E Haralambides & A Verbeke & E Musso & M Benacchio - 387-401 Russian Port-Projects in the Baltic Sea: A Brief Analysis of Russian Ports and Projected Ports in the Baltic Sea Fringe
by Alf Brodin - 402-403 The Essential Guide to Chartering and the Dry Freight Market
by S P Strandenes - 404-404 Letter to the Editor
by C J Parker
September 2001, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 261-261 Iame & Wctr 2001
by H E Haralambides - 262-277 A Scheduling Model for a High Speed Containership Service: A Hub and Spoke Short-Sea Application
by H B Bendall & A F Stent - 278-297 Identifying Relevant Variables and Modelling the Choice Process in Freight Transportation
by John Mangan & Chandra Lalwani & Bernard Gardner - 298-317 Internationalisation and Foreign Direct Investment in Shipping: A Study of Norwegian Firms
by Trond Randøy - 318-332 Serving Tomorrow's Mega-Size Containerships: The Canadian Solution
by Michael C Ircha
June 2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 125-127 Guest Editorial
by Alfred J Baird - 128-138 Marginal Cost Pricing in Seaports
by Richard Goss & Henrik Stevens - 139-174 Globalisation, Privatisation and Restructuring of Ports
by Marc H Juhel - 175-197 The Administrative and Ownership Structure of Asian Container Ports
by Kevin Cullinane & Dong-Wook Song - 198-220 North American Port Reform: the Canadian and American Experience
by Michael C Ircha - 221-241 Latin American Ports: Results and Determinants of Private Sector Participation
by Jan Hoffmann - 242-259 Reassessing Public Sector Involvement in European Seaports
by Theo E Notteboom & Willy Winkelmans
March 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by H E Haralambides - 3-26 Developments in Global Seatrade and Container Shipping Markets: Their Effects on the Port Industry and Private Sector Involvement
by Hans J F Peters - 27-51 Port Competition Regulation: A Tool for Monitoring for Anti-Competitive Behaviour
by Paul E Kent & Asaf Ashar - 52-78 Strategic Pricing in Newly Privatised Ports
by Asaf Ashar - 79-101 Quality Shipping in the Asia Pacific Region
by Jeff Hawkins - 102-120 State Subsidy System for Remote Island Liner Services in Japan
by Alfred J Baird - 121-123 The Abandoned Ocean: A History of United States Maritime Policy
by D K Fleming
December 2000, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-1 The Origin of the Term ‘Maritime Economics’
by Richard O Goss - 259-281 Impact of Performance Indicators and Labour Endowment on Traffic: Empirical Evidence from Indian Ports
by Buddhadeb Ghosh & Prabir De - 283-311 Ports and Employment in Port Cities
by Enrico Musso & Marco Benacchio & Claudio Ferrari - 313-330 The Use of Capital Budgeting Techniques among UK-based Ship Operators
by Kevin Cullinane & Photis M Panayides - 331-350 Sustainable Financing for Controlling Transboundary Pollution by Shipping in the Malacca Straits - Options and Implications
by Thomas A Grigalunas & Young-Tae Chang & James Opaluch - 351-354 Mediterranean and Northern Terminals: How is the Competition Developing?
by Manlio Trotta - 355-356 Ports in Transition in Countries in Transition: The changing situation for ports in Russia and the Baltic states in times of geopolitical and economic transition
by Stig Svallhammar
September 2000, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 163-176 A Geographical Perspective of the Transhipment Function
by Douglas K Fleming - 177-194 Port Privatisation: Objectives, Extent, Process, and the UK Experience
by Alfred J Baird - 195-216 Historical Performance of Shipyards in the United States: A Dynamic Shift-Share Analysis
by Di Jin & Hauke L Kite-Powell - 217-234 Oil Spillage and Damage Costs: U.S. Inland Waterway Tank Barge Accidents
by Wayne K Talley - 235-256 The Stock Market Perception of Industry Risk and Macroeconomic Factors: The Case of the US Water and Other Transportation Stocks
by Manolis G Kavussanos & Stelios N Marcoulis - 257-258 Sea Change in Liner Shipping: Regulation and Managerial Decision-Making in a Global Industry
by Bernhard J Abrahamsson
June 2000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Contributions in this Issue
by Ernst G Frankel & Alain Verbeke - 69-82 The Competitive Advantage of Seaports
by Elvira Haezendonck & Greet Pison & Peter Rousseeuw & Anja Struyf & Alain Verbeke - 83-106 Measuring and Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Container Terminals by Means of Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Models
by Theo Notteboom & Chris Coeck & Julien Van Den Broeck - 107-118 The Competitive Position of Seaports: Introduction of the Value Added Concept
by Elvira Haezendonck & Chris Coeck & Alain Verbeke - 119-140 Functional Analysis of Port Performance as a Strategic Tool for Strengthening a Port’s Competitive and Economic Potential
by Diego Teurelincx - 141-160 Efficient Port Pricing: A New Methodology Applied to Spanish Commercial Ports
by C Perez-Labajos & J Esteban García - 161-161 The Institutional Position of Seaports: An International Comparison
by Bernhard J Abrahamsson
March 2000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Hercules E Haralambides - 1-1 The Contributions in this Issue
by H Thanopoulou & M G Kavussanos - 1-16 Cooperative Strategies in International and Italian Liner Shipping
by Pietro Evangelista & Alfonso Morvillo - 17-26 The Shipbroking Function and Market Efficiency
by Siri Pettersen Strandenes - 27-47 A Proposed Shipping Policy to Counteract Flagging-Out: The Paradigm of Greece
by Alexander M Goulielmos - 49-67 Maritime Transport as an Area of Competitive Advantage in International Marketing
by A Güldem Cerit
December 1999, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial
by Hercules E Haralambides - 1-1 The Contributions in this Issue
by M G Kavussanos & H Thanopoulou - 1-14 Determinants of Ship Accident Seaworthiness
by Wayne K Talley - 15-39 A Comparison of Models for Forecasting the Baltic Freight Index: Box-Jenkins Revisited
by K P B Cullinane & K J Mason & M Cape - 41-55 Time Centrality in Transport
by P W De Langen - 57-71 Making Strategic Choices for Asia-Pacific Shipping
by J E Hawkins & R Gray - 73-86 Operationalisation of a Positioning Model in Ferry Services: an Eastern Mediterranean Case
by Funda Yercan & Michael Roe
September 1999, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Hercules E Haralambides - 1-9 On the Distribution of Economic Rent in Seaports
by Richard O Goss - 11-37 Port Life Cycles: Policy and Strategy in the Global Economy
by Gunnar K Sletmo - 39-59 The Size Economies and Network Efficiency of Large Containerships
by Sidney Gilman - 61-69 The Economics of Total Trans-ocean Supply Chain Management
by Ernst G Frankel - 71-93 The Long Run Performance of Shipping Initial Public Offerings
by C TH Grammenos & A Arkoulis