June 2007, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 326-329 The New Geography of Global Income Inequality
by Kathryn Anderson - 330-332 The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth
by Fred Pryor - 333-335 Living Standards and the Wealth of Nations: Successes and Failures in Real Convergence
by Paul Wachtel
March 2007, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-31 Shock Therapy versus Gradualism Reconsidered: Lessons from Transition Economies after 15 Years of Reforms1
by Vladimir Popov - 32-58 Was Shock Therapy Consistent with the Washington Consensus?
by John Marangos - 59-60 Shock Therapy and the Washington Consensus: A Comment
by John Williamson - 61-80 Determinants of Employment Growth at MNEs: Evidence from Egypt, India, South Africa and Vietnam
by Sumon Kumar Bhaumik & Saul Estrin & Klaus E Meyer - 81-100 Changing Preschool Enrolments in Post-Socialist Central Asia: Causes and Implications
by Lisa Giddings & Mieke Meurs & Tilahun Temesgen - 101-127 Is there a Gap in Bank Efficiency between CEE and Western European Countries?
by Laurent Weill - 128-155 What Drives Gender Differences in Unemployment?
by Jana Stefanová Lauerová & Katherine Terrell - 156-160 The Polish Miracle. Lessons for the Emerging Markets
by Fyodor I Kushnirsky - 161-163 Size, Causes and Consequences of the Underground Economy: An International Perspective
by Richard Lotspeich - 164-166 The Social Construction of Free Trade: The European Union, NAFTA and MERCOSUR
by Thomas E Schweigert - 167-169 How we Compete: What Companies around the World are doing to make it in today's Global Economy
by Robert R Ebert - 170-171 Nation States and the Multinational Corporation
by Gregory Brock - 172-175 Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil: Bad Luck or Bad Policy?
by Slavi T Slavov
December 2006, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 563-582 Political Competition and Financial Reform in Transition Economies1
by Cevdet Denizer & Raj M Desai & Nikolay Gueorguiev - 583-613 Overcoming the Curse of Hydrocarbon: Goals and Governance in the Oil Funds of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova - 614-618 Introduction to Symposium ‘Environmental Management in Transition’
by Dietrich Earnhart - 619-640 Explaining Environmental Management in Central and Eastern Europe
by Randall Bluffstone & Thomas Sterner - 641-661 The Adoption of Environmental Management Practices in a Transition Economy
by Irene Henriques & Perry Sadorsky - 662-681 Pollution, Production, and Sectoral Differences in a Transition Economy
by Dietrich Earnhart & Lubomir Lizal - 682-702 Voluntary Environmental Agreements when Regulatory Capacity is Weak1
by Allen Blackman & Thomas P Lyon & Nicholas Sisto - 703-705 Liberalization and Growth in Asia, 21st Century Challenges
by Chu-yuan Cheng - 706-710 Transition and Economic Development in India
by Subir Chakrabarti - 711-713 Embedded Politics: Industrial Networks and Institutional Change in Postcommunism
by John N Stevens - 714-716 What Has Happened to the Quality of Life in the Advanced Industrial Nations?
by Fred Pryor - 717-718 Managing European Union Enlargement
by Susan Glanz - 719-721 The French Economy in the Twentieth Century
by William James Adams - 722-724 Privatization in Latin America: Myths and Reality
by David Gordon
September 2006, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 391-407 Global Imbalances and Fund Surveillance1
by Vito Tanzi - 408-409 Introduction to the Symposium: Comparative Macroeconomic Measurement
by Randall K Filer - 410-434 From Transition Crises to Macroeconomic Stability? Lessons from a Crises Early Warning System for Eastern European and CIS Countries
by Kristina Kittelmann & Marcel Tirpak & Rainer Schweickert & Lúcio Vinhas De Souza - 435-457 Nonstandard Forms and Measures of Employment and Unemployment in Transition: A Comparative Study of Estonia, Romania, and Russia
by J David Brown & John S Earle & Vladimir Gimpelson & Rostislav Kapeliushnikov & Hartmut Lehmann & Álmos Telegdy & Irina Vantu & Ruxandra Visan & Alexandru Voicu - 458-479 Ex ante Dynamics of Real Effects of Monetary Policy: Theory and Evidence for Poland and Russia, 2001–2003
by Wojciech W Charemza & Svetlana Makarova - 480-496 From a Currency Board to the Euro: Public Attitudes Toward Unilateral Euroisation in Bulgaria1
by Neven T Valev - 497-522 Determinants of Commercial Bank Performance in Transition: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
by David A Grigorian & Vlad Manole - 523-544 How Much of the Macroeconomic Variation in Eastern Europe is Attributable to External Shocks?
by Bartosz Maćkowiak - 545-549 The Economics of Russian Transition
by Gur Ofer - 550-552 The Economic Sociology of Capitalism
by Martin C Spechler - 553-555 The Third Sector in Europe
by Hans C Palmer - 556-557 Regulation and Development
by Roy J Gardner - 558-559 Enterprise Restructuring and the Role of Managers in Russia
by Donald Bowles - 560-561 Theory in Economic Anthropology
by Frederic L Pryor
June 2006, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 195-212 Transition from the Bottom-Up: Institutional Change in North Korea
by Marcus Noland - 213-213 Practitioner's Corner
by Jeffrey Miller - 214-228 Organisational Structures Do Matter for Good Governance and Good Performance
by Peter Nicholl - 229-251 Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth in the Ukrainian Transition
by J David Brown & John S Earle - 252-276 Fiscal Challenges Facing the New Member States
by Marek Dabrowski & Malgorzata Antczak & Michal Gorzelak - 277-301 Market Reform, Incentives and Economic Development in Vietnamese Rice Production
by Tuong Nhu Che & Tom Kompas & Neil Vousden - 302-325 Income Distribution and Convergence in the Transition Process – A Cross-Country Comparison
by Jens Hölscher - 326-350 Is Privatisation in Post-conflict Kosovo Possible?
by James P Korovilas - 351-376 The Distribution of Wages in Belarus
by Francesco Pastore & Alina Verashchagina - 377-379 Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies
by James Angresano - 380-381 A New Capitalist Order: Privatization and Ideology in Russia and Eastern Europe
by Anders Åslund - 382-384 Emerging Market Economies and European Economic Integration
by Stuart Brown - 385-386 Korea after Kim Jong-IL
by Paul Kuznets - 387-389 Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets
by Catherine Sokil-Milnikiewicz
March 2006, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-5 Development Opportunities for the Roma in Central and Southeast Europe – Impediments and Challenges
by Kalman Mizsei - 6-19 Education and Employment Opportunities for the Roma
by Niall O'Higgins & Andrey Ivanov - 20-35 Poverty and the Determinants of Welfare for Roma and Other Vulnerable Groups in Southeastern Europe
by Susanne Milcher - 36-49 Microlending to the Roma in Central and Southeastern Europe: Mixed Results, New Approaches
by Andrey Ivanov & Sanjar Tursaliev - 50-76 Command Versus ‘Shadow’: The Conflicted Soul of the Soviet Economy1
by Richard E Ericson - 77-99 Economic Systems of Developing Nations
by Frederic L Pryor - 100-131 The Challenge of Fiscal Decentralisation in Transition Countries
by Era Dabla-Norris - 132-155 Trusted Markets: The Exchanges of Islamic Companies
by Gül Berna Özcan & Murat Çokgezen - 156-182 Decline of Corporate Enterprises in Transitional Agriculture: Evidence from Lithuania
by Dirk J Bezemer & Donatas Stanikunas & Romualdas Zemeckis - 183-185 Beyond Transition. Development Perspective and Dilemmas
by Jan S Prybyla - 186-187 The Size of Nations
by Roy Gardner - 188-188 Biographical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Economists
by Martin C Spechler - 189-191 The Economics of Sport: An International Perspective
by Roger Skurski - 192-194 Korea's New Economic Strategy in the Globalization Era
by Paul Kuznets
December 2005, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 595-614 Transition: Intended and Unintended Processes
by Michael Ellman - 615-651 Unemployment Benefit Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: A Review of the 1990s1
by Milan Vodopivec & Andreas Wörgötter & Dhushyanth Raju - 652-674 Farm Productivity and Profitability: A Comparative Analysis of Selected New and Existing EU Member States1
by Sophia Davidova & Matthew Gorton & Tomas Ratinger & Katarzyna Zawalinska & Belen Iraizoz - 675-695 Individual Farming as a Labour Sink: Evidence from Poland and Russia
by Zvi Lerman & Pepijn Schreinemachers - 696-697 Managing FDI in a Globalizing Economy. Asian Experiences
by Carl McMillan - 698-701 Disinflation in Transition Economics
by Ali M Kutan - 702-703 The Economic Prospects of the CIS: Sources of Long Term Growth
by Roy Gardner - 704-704 Historical Dictionary of Kyrgyzstan
by Martin C Spechler - 705-706 The Handbook of Economic Sociology
by Martin C Spechler - 707-709 Russia in the 21st Century: The Prodigal Superpower
by Vladimir Kontorovich - 710-712 Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Comparison of Banks, Markets and Development
by David M Kemme - 713-715 State-Directed Development: Political Power and Industrialisation in the Global Periphery
by J E Weaver
September 2005, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 503-519 Economic Pathology and Comparative Economics: Why Economies Fail to Succeed1
by Barry W Ickes - 520-542 An Analysis of the Determinants of Provincial-Level Performance in China's Economy
by Katsuhiro Miyamoto & Huangjin Liu - 543-560 How Much Restructuring did the Transition Countries Experience? Evidence from Quality of their Exports
by Yener Kandogan - 561-578 The Transition between the Old and New Traditional Economies in India
by J Barkley Rosser & Marina V Rosser - 579-581 Constructing a Market Economy: Diverse Paths from Central Planning in Asia and Europe
by James Angresano - 582-585 Agriculture in Transition: Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Post-Soviet Countries
by Mieke Meurs - 586-588 Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policies, and Labour Markets: Macroeconomic Policymaking in the EMU
by David VanHoose - 589-590 Globalization in the Asian Region: Impacts and Consequences
by Steven Rosefielde - 591-593 Global Capital Markets, Integration, Crisis and Growth
by George M von Furstenberg
June 2005, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 239-239 Introduction
by Paul R Gregory & Marshall Goldman - 240-258 Abram Bergson: The Life of a Comparativist1,2
by Gur Ofer - 259-273 Tea Leaves and Productivity: Bergsonian Norms for Gauging the Soviet Future
by Steven Rosefielde - 274-288 Closing the ‘Bergson Gap’: New Data on a Problem in Soviet Statistics1
by R W Davies - 289-295 Bergson's Structure of Soviet Wages
by James Millar - 296-314 The Fundamental Problem of Command: Plan and Compliance in a Partially Centralised Economy
by Mark Harrison - 315-332 A Reassessment of the Soviet Industrial Revolution1
by Robert C Allen - 333-345 The ‘Welfare Standard’ and Soviet Consumers
by Irwin L Collier - 346-363 Economics of One-Party State: Promotion Incentives and Support for the Soviet Regime1
by Valery Lazarev - 364-386 Soviet Planning Archives: the Files that Bergson could not see1
by Andrei Markevich - 387-401 Legal Contract Enforcement in the Soviet Economy1
by Eugenia Belova - 402-417 The Political Economy of Stalinism: A Bergson Retrospective
by Paul Gregory - 418-436 Forced Labour and the Need for Motivation: Wages and Bonuses in the Stalinist Camp System
by Leonid Borodkin & Simon Ertz - 437-455 Before Stalinism: The Defence Industry of Soviet Russia in the 1920s1
by Andrei Sokolov - 456-475 Corruption in the Gulag: Dilemmas of Officials and Prisoners
by James Heinzen - 476-491 Trading Effort for Freedom: Workday Credits in the Stalinist Camp System1
by Simon Ertz - 492-502 Testimonials
by Marshall Goldman & Jeffrey Sachs & Paul Samuelson & Martin Weitzman
March 2005, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction to Special Issue: Symposium Part II
by Ali M Kutan - 4-22 IMF Programmes in Emerging Countries
by Ayşe Y Evrensel - 23-40 IMF-Supported Programmes in Transition Economies: Are They Effective?
by Burcu Eke & Ali M Kutan - 41-79 IMF Programmes, Fiscal Policy and Growth: Investigation of Macroeconomic Alternatives in an OLG Model of Growth for Turkey1
by Ebru Voyvoda & Erinç Yeldan - 80-84 Factor Market Constraints on Economic Growth in Russian Agriculture – Golitsino Papers: An Introduction to Special Issue
by Zvi Lerman - 85-100 Large and Small Business in Russian Agriculture: Adaptation to Market
by Vasilii Uzun - 101-114 Development of Peasant Farms in Central Russia
by Sergei Sazonov & Damira Sazonova - 115-126 Russia's New Agricultural Operators: Their Emergence, Growth and Impact
by Dmitri Rylko & Robert W Jolly - 127-140 Agricultural Land Market in Russia: Living with Constraints
by Natalya Shagaida - 141-153 Agricultural Employment in Russia 1990–2003
by Vladimir Bogdanovskii - 154-166 Markets for Purchased Farm Inputs in Russia
by Evgeniya Serova & Olga Shick - 167-180 Nonpayments, Bankruptcy and Government Support in Russian Agriculture
by Olga Yastrebova - 181-187 Determinants of Access to Credit for Corporate Farms in Russia
by Aleksandr Subbotin - 188-199 Financial Performance and Efficiency of Corporate Farms in Northwest Russia
by David Epshtein - 200-213 Allocative and Technical Efficiency of Corporate Farms in Russia
by Margarita Grazhdaninova & Zvi Lerman - 214-223 The Allocative Efficiency of Material Input Use in Russian Agriculture
by William M Liefert - 224-228 Golitsino Papers: Summary of Findings and Implications
by Bruce Gardner - 229-231 The New Political Economy of Russia
by Robert Campbell - 232-234 The Limits of Protectionism: Building Coalitions for Free Trade
by Richard Pomfret - 235-238 Democracy, Governance, and Economic Performance: Theory and Evidence
by Joachim Ahrens
December 2004, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 487-514 Private Savings in Transition Economies: Are there Terms of Trade Shocks?
by Abdur R Chowdhury - 515-541 Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Rules versus Electoral Politics
by Vladimir Popov - 542-569 Reaching Turning Points in Economic Transition: Adjustments to Distortions in Resource-based Consumption of Food
by Kolleen Rask & Norman Rask - 570-571 Economic Lessons from the Transition. The Basic Theory Re-examined
by Michael Ellman
September 2004, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 371-372 IMF Conditionality and Programme Ownership in Developing and Emerging Economies – Implementation and Research Agenda: An Introduction to Special Issue: Symposium Part I
by Ali M Kutan - 373-399 Is Fiscal Adjustment More Durable When The IMF is Involved?1
by Aleš Bulíř & Soojin Moon - 400-422 IMF Conditionality and the Theory of Special Interest Politics1
by Wolfgang Mayer & Alex Mourmouras - 423-450 IMF Conditionality, Implementation and the New Political Economy of Ownership
by Graham Bird & Thomas D Willett - 451-467 Adoption, Implementation and Impact of IMF Programmes: A Review of the Issues and Evidence1
by Joseph P Joyce - 468-486 Financing Balance of Payments Adjustment: Options in the Light of the Elusive Catalytic Effect of IMF-Supported Programmes
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands
June 2004, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 193-220 Competition and Solidarity
by Lajos Bokros - 221-244 Price and Exchange Rate Transmission in Russian Meat Markets
by Stefan R Osborne & William M Liefert - 245-271 Lending of First versus Lending of Last Resort: The Bulgarian Financial Crisis of 1996/19971
by Michael Berlemann & Nikolay Nenovsky - 272-310 How Flexible are Labour Markets in the EU Accession Countries Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic?
by Horst Feldmann - 311-340 Efficiency of Chinese Township and Village Enterprises and Property Rights in the 1990s: Case Study of Wuxi1
by Go Yano & Maho Shiraishi - 341-370 Effect of Enterprise Ownership and Foreign Competition on Internet Diffusion in the Transition Economies
by George R G Clarke
March 2004, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction to the symposium
by Ali M Kutan & István P Székely - 4-22 Exchange Rate Arrangements in the Accession to the EMU
by Fabrizio Coricelli & Boštjan Jazbec - 23-44 Exchange Rate Management Strategies in the Accession Countries: The Case of Hungary
by Garett Jones & Ali M Kutan - 45-62 The Euro goes East: Implications of the 2000–2002 Economic Slowdown for Synchronisation of Business Cycles between the Euro area and CEECs
by Jarko Fidrmuc & Iikka Korhonen - 63-94 The Balassa–Samuelson Effect in Central Europe: A Disaggregated Analysis1
by Dubravko Mihaljek & Marc Klau - 95-103 Adopting the Euro: an Introduction to Four Country Studies
by C Maxwell Watson - 104-126 Convergence Expectations and Convergence Strategies. Lessons from the Hungarian Experiences in the pre-EU period1
by Agnes Csermely - 127-145 Costs and Benefits of Poland's EMU Accession: a Tentative Assessment
by Jakub Borowski - 146-158 EMU Accession Issues in Estonia
by M&aauml;rten Ross & Raoul Lättemäe - 159-176 Euro adoption: views from the third row
by Boris Vujcic - 177-190 From Transition to Monetary Integration: Central and Eastern Europe on its Way to the Euro Comments on the Country Papers1
by Peter Backé & Peter Mooslechner
December 2003, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 437-441 The First Decade of Economic Transition in Central Asia: An Introduction to the Symposium
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova - 442-465 Economic Performance in Central Asia Since 1991: Macro and Micro Evidence1
by Richard Pomfret - 466-492 Recent Developments in the Short-term Employment in Kazakhstani Firms
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & Maria Vagliasindi & Mark Casson - 493-519 Kyrgyz Labour Market in the Late 1990s: The Challenge of Formal Job Creation
by Ian Babetskii & Alexandre Kolev & Mathilde Maurel - 520-536 Determinants of the Negative Impact of Being Landlocked on Trade: An Empirical Investigation Through the Central Asian Case
by Gaël Raballand - 537-553 Former Socialist Economies and the Undergraduate Curriculum
by Mark Foley & William Pyle - 554-576 Transition Economies: How Appropriate is the Size and Scope of Government?
by Sanjeev Gupta & Luc Leruth & Luiz de Mello & Shamit Chakravarti - 577-579 Modernizing Infrastructure in Transformation Economies: Paving the Way to European Enlargement
by Anders Åslund
September 2003, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 213-214 Editorial
by Boris Vujić & Paul Wachtel - 215-231 The Euro Goes East1
by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - 232-255 Original Sin and the Exchange Rate Regime Debate: Lessons from Latin American and Transition Countries
by Jiří Jonáš - 256-277 Monetary Policy under Dollarisation: The Case of Croatia
by Evan Kraft - 278-305 Dollarisation and Indexation in Israel's Inflation and Disinflation: ‘There's more than one way to skin a cat’
by Akiva (Edward) Offenbacher & Roy Stein - 306-328 On the Link between Dollarisation and Inflation: Evidence from Turkey1
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Ilker Domaç - 329-357 Dollarisation in the Former Soviet Union: from Hysteria to Hysteresis
by Oleh Havrylyshyn & Christian H Beddies - 358-383 Dynamics of Currency Substitution, Asset Substitution and De facto Dollarisation and Euroisation in Transition Countries
by Edgar L Feige - 384-420 Prospects for Regional Monetary Integration in Latin America: A View from the EU(1)
by Helidoro Temprano-Arroyo - 421-436 On the Sustainability of Euroisation/Dollarisation Regimes: How Important are Fiscal Transfers, Offshore Finance and Tourism Receipts?
by Francesco Mazzaferro & Christian Thimann & Adalbert Winkler
June 2003, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 109-116 Measuring the Impact of Russian Privatisation at the Turn of the Century: An Introduction to the Symposium
by Saul Estrin - 117-147 Finance, Restructuring and Performance in Privatised Russian Enterprises
by Alan A Bevan & Julian Fennema - 148-172 Turnover of Senior Managers in Russian Privatised Firms
by Alexander Muravyev - 173-191 Ownership, Competition and Enterprise Performance
by Saul Estrin & Manuela Angelucci - 192-203 Determinants of Russian enterprise performance: conclusions from the symposium
by Saul Estrin & Alan Bevan - 204-212 Appendix: Survey Methodology
by Boris Kuznetsov & Saul Estrin
March 2003, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by Jeffrey B Miller - 2-24 Institutions Matter in Transition, But So Do Policies
by Oleh Havrylyshyn & Ron van Rooden - 25-43 Credit Allocation and Farm Structures in the Czech Republic, 1993–1997
by Dirk J. Bezemer - 44-62 Moral Hazard in Property Tax Administration: A Comparative Analysis of the Czech and Slovak Republics
by Phillip J Bryson & Gary C Cornia - 63-86 East and West German Family Policy Compared: The Distribution of Childrearing Costs
by Lynn Duggan - 87-103 Smoking in Russia: The ‘Marlboro Man’ Rides but Without ‘Virginia Slims’ for Now
by Constantin Ogloblin & Gregory Brock - 104-108 Lending Credibility: The International Monetary Fund and the Post-Communist Transition
by David D Laitin
December 2002, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 1-2 IMF and the Ruble Zone
by The Editors - 3-29 The IMF and the Ruble Area, 1991–93
by John Odling-Smee & Gonzalo Pastor - 31-35 A Political Decision
by Yegor Gaidar - 37-47 The IMF and the Ruble Zone
by Richard Pomfret - 49-57 The IMF and the Ruble Zone
by Anders Åslund - 59-80 The IMF and the Ruble Zone: Response to Odling-Smee and Pastor
by Brigitte Granville - 81-84 The IMF and the Ruble Area: Response to Comments
by John Odling-Smee & Gonzalo Pastor - 85-117 Exchange Rate Regime Choice in Central and Eastern European Transitional Economies
by Vladimir Klyuev - 119-136 Globalisation and Development: New Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
by Lucian Cernat & Radu Vranceanu - 137-140 Assessing the Value of Law in Transition Countries
by Kenneth Koford