March 2018, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 54-68 Financial Development and Financial Fragility: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
by Svetlana Andrianova & Panicos O. Demetriades - 69-86 To What Extent Do Public Authorities Verify the Cost-Effectiveness of Guarantees for Credit to SMEs?
by Sebastian Schich - 87-104 Credit Growth, Rational Bubbles and Economic Efficiency
by Xavier Freixas - 105-114 Financial Development, Trade Openness and Growth in the First Wave of Globalization
by Alexandra D’Onofrio & Peter L. Rousseau - 115-130 The Financial Intermediation Role of the P2P Lending Platforms
by Olena Havrylchyk & Marianne Verdier - 131-143 Money, Finance and Climate: The Elusive Quest for a Truly Integrated Assessment Model
by Etienne Espagne - 144-160 Financial Literacy and Asset Behaviour: Poor Education and Zero for Conduct?
by Luc Arrondel - 161-180 The Literature on the Finance–Growth Nexus in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis: A Review
by Emmanuel Carré & Guillaume L’œillet
December 2017, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 429-432 CASE 25th Anniversary Symposium on the Future of Europe
by Christopher A. Hartwell - 433-471 The Evolving Architecture of Europe: Functioning or Dysfunctional for the Twenty-First Century?
by Paul Hare & Richard Stoneman - 472-497 The Forward-Discount Puzzle in Central and Eastern Europe
by Rob Hayward & Jens Hölscher - 498-519 The Choice of Reforms and Economic System in the Baltic States
by Karsten Staehr - 520-544 Phoenix from the Ashes: The Recovery of the Baltics from the 2008/2009 Crisis
by Bas B. Bakker & Marta Korczak - 545-560 Sensitivity of Interest Rates to Inflation and Exchange Rate in Poland: Implications for Direct Inflation Targeting
by Lucjan T. Orlowski - 561-584 Reading the Footprints: How Foreign Investors Shape Countries’ Participation in Global Value Chains
by Christian Buelens & Marcel Tirpák
September 2017, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 243-260 Exogenous Resource Shocks and Economic Freedom
by Colin O’Reilly & Ryan H. Murphy - 261-310 The Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese Living Standards 1952–1978
by Lein-Lein Chen & John Devereux - 311-344 The Impact of the Exchange Rate and Trade Composition on China’s Trade Balance Vis-à-Vis Selected Partner Countries
by Biswajit Banerjee & Haiyan Shi & Jan Radovan & Yingying Sheng & Xin Li - 345-381 Tariff-Induced (De)industrialization: An Empirical Analysis
by Marjan Petreski & Branimir Jovanovic & Igor Velickovski - 382-404 The Effects of Economic Integration on Croatian Merchandise Trade: A Gravity Model Study
by Nina Ranilović - 405-427 Market Socialism and Community Rating in Health Insurance
by H. E. Frech & Peter Zweifel
June 2017, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 127-128 22nd Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujčić - 129-148 The Interest Rate Unbound?
by Jean-Pierre Danthine - 149-168 From Double Diversification to Efficiency and Growth
by Thorvaldur Gylfason - 169-193 EU Membership, Mrs Thatcher’s Reforms and Britain’s Economic Decline
by Nauro F Campos & Fabrizio Coricelli - 194-209 Currency Unions and Regional Trade Agreements: EMU and EU Effects on Trade
by Reuven Glick - 210-242 Are Sovereign Credit Ratings Overrated?
by Davor Kunovac & Rafael Ravnik
March 2017, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-22 Trust in Government and Willingness to Pay Taxes in Transition Countries
by John E. Anderson - 23-54 Foreign Direct Investment Drivers and Growth in Central and Eastern Europe in the Aftermath of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis
by Ramona Jimborean & Anna Kelber - 55-76 Labour and Financial Crises: Is Labour Paying the Price of the Crisis?
by Remi Bazillier & Boris Najman - 77-106 Delving into the Secular Stagnation Hypothesis: A Firm-Level Analysis of the Private Sector’s Excess Savings in Advanced Economies
by Rodrigo Pérez Artica & Leandro Brufman & Lisana Belén Martinez - 107-125 The Impact of Regime Type on Food Consumption in Low Income Countries
by Kolleen J. Rask & Norman Rask
December 2016, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 485-506 Fiscal Incentives in Federations: Russia and the US Compared
by Michael Alexeev - 507-538 The Middle-Income Trap: Definitions, Theories and Countries Concerned—A Literature Survey
by Linda Glawe & Helmut Wagner - 539-569 Capital Buffer, Credit Risk and Liquidity Behaviour: Evidence for GCC Banks
by Saibal Ghosh - 570-605 The Macro-Stability of Swiss WIR-Bank Credits: Balance, Velocity, and Leverage
by James Stodder & Bernard Lietaer - 606-637 Peoples of the Enemy? Ukrainians and Russians 1995–2011
by Louise Grogan - 638-671 A Brief Future of Time in the Monopoly of Scientific Knowledge
by Simplice A. Asongu & Jacinta C. Nwachukwu
September 2016, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 315-316 21st Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujčić - 317-334 What Role for Financial Supervisors in Addressing Environmental Risks?
by Dirk Schoenmaker & Rens Van Tilburg - 335-358 What is the Effect of Credit Standards and Credit Demand on Loan Growth? Evidence from the Croatian Bank Lending Survey
by Martin Pintaric - 359-386 On the Shock-Absorbing Properties of a Banking Union: Europe Compared with the United States
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 387-408 Total Factor Productivity, Health and Spatial Dependence in Some European Regions
by Diana Alexa & Monica Pop-Silaghi & Laura Mariana Cismaṣ - 409-429 Does Greater Capital Hamper the Cost Efficiency of Banks? A Bi-causal Analysis
by Jitka Lešanovská & Laurent Weill - 430-454 Large-Scale Transition of Economic Systems – Do CEECs Converge Toward Western Prototypes?
by Markus Ahlborn & Joachim Ahrens & Rainer Schweickert - 455-483 Foreign Direct Investment in the Western Balkans: What Role Has it Played During Transition?
by Saul Estrin & Milica Uvalic
June 2016, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 147-151 Introduction: Recent Monetary and Financial Developments in Europe
by Alberto Bagnai & Camélia Turcu - 152-173 Current Accounts in the European Union and the Sectoral Influence: An Empirical Assessment
by Agnieszka Gehringer - 174-195 Does Bank Performance Contribute to Economic Growth in the European Union?
by Cândida Ferreira - 196-225 Structural and Cyclical Determinants of Bank Interest-Rate Pass-Through in the Eurozone
by Aurélien Leroy & Yannick Lucotte - 226-253 Fiscal Forecasts and Slippages: The Role of the SGP and Domestic Fiscal Frameworks
by Patrícia Martins & Leonida Correia - 254-278 Labor-Market Volatility and Financial Development in the Advanced OECD Countries: Does Labor-Market Regulation Matter?
by Thibault Darcillon - 279-314 Foreign Aid Fiscal Policy: Theory and Evidence
by Simplice Asongu & Mohamed Jellal
March 2016, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-16 Knowledge Spillover Effects: A Patent Inventor Approach
by Luigi Aldieri & Concetto Paolo Vinci - 17-42 Integrating the Neighbors: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the EU-ENP Countries’ Trade Relations
by Ageliki Anagnostou & Dimitris Kallioras & George Petrakos - 43-59 Are there Swift Transitions in the Smooth Transition Regressions of the Exchange Rate Volatility of Dollarized Versus Non-Dollarized Economies?
by Lula G Mengesha - 60-92 Two Forms of Trade Credit Finance in China
by Go Yano & Maho Shiraishi - 93-118 Kazakhstan: Long-Term Economic Growth and the Role of the Oil Sector
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & Kerry Patterson - 119-138 The Paradox of New Traditional Confucian Economics in the Two Koreas
by J Barkley Rosser & Marina V Rosser
December 2015, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 569-597 Breaking the Curse of Sisyphus: An Empirical Analysis of Post-Conflict Economic Transitions
by Serhan Cevik & Mohammad Rahmati - 569-597 Breaking the Curse of Sisyphus: An Empirical Analysis of Post-Conflict Economic Transitions
by Serhan Cevik & Mohammad Rahmati - 598-622 Financial Development and Economic Growth in the MENA Region
by Hassan Hamadi & Charbel Bassil - 598-622 Financial Development and Economic Growth in the MENA Region
by Hassan Hamadi & Charbel Bassil - 623-654 Is It Possible to Adjust ‘With a Human Face’? Differences in Fiscal Consolidation Strategies between Hungary and Iceland
by Bruno Martorano - 623-654 Is It Possible to Adjust ‘With a Human Face’? Differences in Fiscal Consolidation Strategies between Hungary and Iceland
by Bruno Martorano - 655-668 International Assessment Surveys of Educational Achievement in Developing Countries: Why Education Economists Should Care
by Gérard Lassibille - 655-668 International Assessment Surveys of Educational Achievement in Developing Countries: Why Education Economists Should Care
by Gérard Lassibille - 669-692 The Military Origins of Soviet Industrialization
by Vladimir Kontorovich - 669-692 The Military Origins of Soviet Industrialization
by Vladimir Kontorovich - 693-710 Russia’s Current Economic System: From Delusion to Glasnost
by Michael Ellman - 693-710 Russia’s Current Economic System: From Delusion to Glasnost
by Michael Ellman - 711-734 Innovations in Mortgage Finance and the Onset of the Great Recession in a Small Open Economy with a Euro Peg
by Thomas Barnebeck Andersen & Nikolaj Malchow-Møller - 711-734 Innovations in Mortgage Finance and the Onset of the Great Recession in a Small Open Economy with a Euro Peg
by Thomas Barnebeck Andersen & Nikolaj Malchow-Møller
September 2015, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 365-368 Introduction: Central Banks in Latin America: In Search for Stability and Development
by Roberto Frenkel - 369-400 Macroeconomic Policy in Argentina During 2002–2013
by Mario Damill & Roberto Frenkel & Martín Rapetti - 401-425 Monetary Policy with a Volatile Exchange Rate: The Case of Brazil since 1999
by Nelson H Barbosa-Filho - 426-453 Chile Since 1999: From Counter-Cyclical to Pro-Cyclical Macroeconomics
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - 454-482 Colombian Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Over the Past Decade
by José Antonio Ocampo & Jonathan Malagón - 483-510 Central Bank Policies in Mexico: Targets, Instruments, and Performance
by Jaime Ros - 511-538 Inflation Targeting in Peru: The Reasons for the Success
by Oscar Dancourt - 539-568 Venezuela 1999–2014: Macro-Policy, Oil Governance and Economic Performance
by Leonardo Vera
June 2015, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 203-204 Introduction: 20th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 205-221 The Eurocrisis: Muddling through, or on the Way to a More Perfect Euro Union?
by Joshua Aizenman - 222-242 Macroeconomic Implications of Financial Frictions in the Euro Zone
by Pierre L Siklos - 243-275 Fiscal and Monetary Policies During the Great Recession: A Critical Evaluation
by Vito Tanzi - 276-299 Global Monetary Policies and the Markets: Policy Dilemmas in the Emerging Markets
by Philip Turner - 300-304 Introduction: Managing Natural Resource Wealth for Development
by Nadia Doytch & Ronald U Mendoza - 305-325 Riding the Commodity Rollercoaster: Natural Resource Management in the Context of Increasing Commodity Price Volatility
by Yanchun Zhang & Viridiana Garcia-Quiles & Nina Thelen - 326-344 Does Mining FDI Crowd in Other Investments? Investigation of FDI Intersectoral Linkages
by Nadia Doytch & Ronald U Mendoza & Charles I Siriban - 345-360 Papua New Guinea and the Natural Resource Curse
by Nayda Avalos & Veronica Gonzales Stuva & Adam Heal & Kaoru Lida & Naohito Okazoe - 361-364 In Memoriam Robert C Stuart
by Paul Gregory
March 2015, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-30 Informal Employment in Transition Countries: Empirical Evidence and Research Challenges
by Hartmut Lehmann - 31-54 The Effects of Bank Regulation on the Relationship Between Capital and Risk
by Alessandra Tanda - 55-74 Reestimating China’s Underestimated Consumption
by Jun Zhang & Tian Zhu - 75-102 Output Recovery After Currency Crises
by Sheida Teimouri & Taggert J Brooks - 103-135 Do Indirect Questions Reduce Lying about Corruption? Evidence from a Quasi-Field Experiment
by George RG Clarke & Klaus S Friesenbichler & Michael Wong - 136-167 Technology Adoption and Growth in sub-Saharan African Countries
by Evelyn Wamboye & Kiril Tochkov & Bruno S Sergi - 168-182 Estimating Sustainable Output Growth in Emerging Market Economies
by Anna Krupkina & Elena Deryugina & Alexey Ponomarenko - 183-202 Strength in Diversity: A Spatial Dynamic Panel Analysis of Mexican Regional Industrial Convergence, 1960–2003
by Vicente German-Soto & Gregory Brock
December 2014, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 491-492 Introduction: Pacific Rim Economic Conferences
by Josef C Brada - 493-516 Impact and Implementation Challenges of the Basel Framework for Emerging, Developing and Small Economies
by Jan Frait & Vladimír Tomšík - 517-535 The Effect of Oil on Regional Growth in Russia and the United States: A Comparative Analysis
by Michael Alexeev & Andrey Chernyavskiy - 536-555 Effects of Privatization on Exporting Decisions: Firm-level Evidence from Chinese State-owned Enterprises
by Yasuyuki Todo & Tomohiko Inui & Yuan Yuan - 556-566 Introduction: Young People and the Labor Market: Key Determinants and New Evidence
by Josef C Brada & Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli - 567-580 Age- and Gender-Specific Unemployment in Scandinavian Countries: An Analysis based on Okun’s Law
by Oliver Hutengs & Georg Stadtmann - 581-591 Youth Unemployment in Europe: Persistence and Macroeconomic Determinants
by Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Luis Gil-alana - 592-615 The Rise of NEET and Youth Unemployment in EU Regions after the Crisis
by Giovanni S F Bruno & Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli - 616-634 Transitions In and Out of Unemployment among Young People in the Irish Recession
by Elish Kelly & Seamus McGuinness & Philip J O’connell & David Haugh & Alberto GonzÁlez Pandiella - 635-656 Structural Public Balance Adjustment Effects on Growth in 25 OECD Countries and the Eurozone
by Rosaria Rita Canale & Giorgio Liotti & Oreste Napolitano - 657-675 The Term Structure of Sovereign Default Risk in an Emerging Economy
by Jair N Ojeda-Joya & José E Gómez-González - 676-695 The Yugoslav Firm versus a Wardian LMF, a Socialist Firm and a LMF in a Capitalist Market
by Michael Keren - 696-719 Some Observations on the Convergence Experience of Turkey
by Murat Üngör
September 2014, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 335-336 Introduction: Financial Markets (Re) Segmentation in the Euro Area
by Lúcio Vinhas de Souza - 337-350 Voltar a Empezar: Crisis and the Renationalization of the Iberian Financial Systems
by Lucio Vinhas De Souza & Merxe Tudela - 351-375 The Center Still Holds: Financial Integration in the Euro Area
by Indermit S Gill & Naotaka Sugawara & Juan Zalduendo - 376-395 Integration of Central and Eastern European and the Euro-Area Financial Markets: Repercussions from the Global Financial Crisis
by Lucjan T Orlowski & Anna Tsibulina - 396-423 The ECB’s Experience of Monetary Policy in a Financially Fragmented Euro Area
by Alain Durré & Angela Maddaloni & Francesco Paolo Mongelli - 424-451 Conflict and Social and Political Preferences: Evidence from World War II and Civil Conflict in 35 European Countries
by Pauline Grosjean - 452-468 Safety in Numbers: Bailouts and the Decision to Join the EMU
by Menna Bizuneh & Neven Valev - 469-489 Intra-regional Equalization and Growth in Russia
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev
June 2014, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 155-156 Introduction: 19th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujčiɣ - 157-175 Early US Struggles with Fiscal Federalism: Lessons for Europe?
by Richard Sylla - 176-199 Can We Expect Convergence through Monetary Integration? (New) OCA Theory versus Empirical Evidence from European Integration
by Helmut Wagner - 200-228 Debt Markets in Emerging Economies: Major Trends
by Tatiana Didier & Sergio L Schmukler - 229-252 Exchange Rate Implications of Reserve Changes: How Non-EZ European Countries Fared during the Great Recession
by Kathryn Dominguez - 253-256 Introduction: Global Banking, Financial Stability, and Post-Crisis Policy Challenges Symposium
by Harald Sander & Stefanie Kleimeier - 257-270 De-internationalizing Global Banking?
by Robert McCauley - 271-282 The Dark and the Bright Side of Global Banking: A (Somewhat) Cautionary Tale from Emerging Europe
by Ralph De Haas - 283-294 Can We Make Global Banks Safer? A Practitioner’s View
by Freddy Van Den Spiegel - 295-312 Learning from the Irish Experience – A Clinical Case Study in Banking Failure
by Brian M Lucey & Charles Larkin & Constantin Gurdgiev - 313-334 The Low-Interest-Rate Environment, Global Liquidity Spillovers and Challenges for Monetary Policy Ahead
by Ansgar Belke & Florian Verheyen
March 2014, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-24 Investment and Institutions in Post-Civil War Recovery
by Colin O’Reilly - 25-41 Individual Perceptions of Distributional Fairness in China
by John A Bishop & Haiyong Liu & Zichong Qu - 42-51 A Note on Income Inequality in East and Central Europe
by Frederic L Pryor - 52-76 Institutional Resilience and Economic Systems: Lessons from Elinor Ostrom’s Work
by Paul Dragos Aligica & Vlad Tarko - 77-109 Dynamics of Firm-level Job Flows in Slovenia, 1996–2011
by Biswajit Banerjee & Manca Jesenko - 110-131 Information Asymmetry and Foreign Currency Borrowing by Small Firms
by Martin Brown & Steven Ongena & Pinar Yeşin - 132-153 Why Do Large Firms Opt for Islamic Loans?
by Laurent Weill & Christophe Godlewski
December 2013, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 549-556 Living on the Border of a Currency Union
by Pekka Sutela - 557-581 Asymmetry in the Unemployment–Output Relationship Over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Transition Economies
by Emrah Ismail Cevik & Sel Dibooglu & Salih Barişik - 582-605 Sectoral Productivity and Regional Disparities in China, 1978–2006
by Kiril Tochkov & Wenting Yu - 606-635 Relating Debt to Inflation among Transition Economies: A Blueprint from Mature Economies?
by Trond-Arne Borgersen & Roswitha M King - 636-671 Firm-Level Determinants of Board System Choice: Evidence from Russia
by Ichiro Iwasaki - 672-686 The Impact of Natural Disasters on Stock Markets: Evidence from Japan and the US
by Lin Wang & Ali M Kutan - 687-704 Inflation and Sectoral Output Growth Variability in Bulgaria
by Muhammad Khan - 705-720 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in CIS Countries
by Elisabeth Beckmann & Jarko Fidrmuc - 721-736 Challenges to China’s Policy: Structural Change
by Helmut Wagner
September 2013, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 381-386 Introduction: The Euro: Manage It or Leave It!
by Alberto Bagnai - 387-403 EMU's Problems: Asymmetric Shocks or Asymmetric Behavior?
by Andrea Boltho & Wendy Carlin - 405-430 Lessons from a Comparative Analysis of Financial Crises
by Roberto Frenkel - 431-453 The Origins and Resolution of Debt Crises: It Is Not Always Fiscal!
by U G O Panizza - 455-457 Introduction: New American Finance
by Esther Jeffers - 459-477 The Payment System and Liquidity Provision during the US National Banking Era
by Laurent Le Maux - 479-500 Banking Deregulation and the Financial Crisis in the US and France
by Esther Jeffers - 501-517 Changes in the American Private Equity Industry in the Aftermath of the Crisis
by Xavier Mahieux - 519-534 Derivatives Markets in Bankruptcy
by Mark J Roe - 535-548 The New Regulation of Swaps: A Lost Opportunity
by Annette L Nazareth & Gabriel D Rosenberg
June 2013, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 199-200 18th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 201-231 Economy of Ragusa, 1300–1800: The Tiger of Medieval Mediterranean
by Oleh Havrylyshyn & Nora Srzentic - 233-265 Was Unofficial Dollarisation/Euroisation an Amplifier of the ‘Great Recession’ of 2007–2009 in Emerging Economies?
by Livia Chitu - 267-285 Three Decades of Current Account Adjustments
by Dubravko Mihaljek - 287-313 Economic Growth, Law, and Corruption: Evidence from India
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Raghbendra Jha - 315-341 House Price Determinants: Fundamentals and Underlying Factors
by Bernardina Algieri - 343-357 Sweatshop Working Conditions and Employee Welfare: Say It Ain’t Sew
by J R Clark & Benjamin Powell - 359-379 Wage Arrears and Protest Behavior: What Do We Learn from Russia's Financial Crisis?
by Paul Mosley & Altay Mussurov
March 2013, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-41 Monetary Policy Conduct in Seven CESEE Countries on Their Road to the Euro
by Marjan Petreski - 43-58 Bureaucratic Monopoly and the Nature and Timing of Bribes: Evidence from Croatian Data
by Rajeev K Goel & Jelena Budak & Edo Rajh - 59-75 Decomposition of Ethnic Heterogeneity on Growth
by Eiji Yamamura & Inyong Shin - 77-98 Non-Positive Scaling Factor in Probability Quantification Methods: Deriving Consumer Inflation Perceptions and Expectations in the Whole Euro Area and Ireland
by Tomasz Łyziak - 99-119 The Penn Effect and Transition: The New EU Member States in International Perspective
by Richard Frensch & Achim Schmillen - 121-143 The Supply and Demand Factors Behind the Relative Earnings Increases in Urban China at the Turn of the 21st Century
by Hang Gao & Joseph Marchand & Tao Song - 145-166 Information Misreporting in the Credit Market: Analysis of a Credit Bureau's Disciplinary Role
by Mahmoud Sami Nabi & Souraya Ben Souissi - 167-197 Soviet Banking, 1922–1987: An Analysis of Gosbank Balance Sheets
by Yasushi Nakamura
December 2012, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 689-701 Employment: Global and Country Perspectives
by Michael Spence & Roberto Zagha - 703-738 The Evolving Structure of the American Economy and the Employment Challenge
by Michael Spence & Sandile Hlatshwayo - 739-764 Addressing the Problem of Stagnant Wages
by Frank Levy & Thomas Kochan - 765-786 Employment: The Fault Line in India's Emerging Economy
by Ajit K Ghose - 787-807 The Two German Labour Market Miracles: Blueprints for Tackling the Unemployment Crisis?
by Holger Bonin - 809-842 The Cost of Rigidity: The Case of the South African Labor Market
by Johannes Fedderke - 843-861 Education, Jobs, and Equity in the Middle East and North Africa
by Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
September 2012, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 441-442 17th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 443-470 Monetary and Financial Policies for ‘De-Euroization’ – A Case Study of Recent Croatian Experience
by Tomislav Galac & Evan Kraft - 471-505 Credit Euroization in Eastern Europe: The ‘Foreign Funds’ Channel at Work
by Peter R Haiss & Wolfgang Rainer - 507-530 Do Foreign Banks Stabilize Cross-Border Bank Flows and Domestic Lending in Emerging Markets? Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis
by Ursula Vogel & Adalbert Winkler - 531-552 Competition and Inflation in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe: A Sectoral Analysis
by Reiner Martin & Julia Wörz - 553-579 Disentangling the Impact of Wars and Sanctions on International Trade: Evidence from Former Yugoslavia
by Olivier Lamotte - 581-596 The Law of One Price in Six Central and Eastern European Economies
by Ilir Miteza - 597-632 FDI Flows to Sub-Saharan Africa: The Impact of Finance, Institutions, and Natural Resource Endowment
by Abel E Ezeoha & Nicolette Cattaneo - 633-660 Inter-regional Insurance and Redistribution – A Non-parametric Application to Russia
by Simo Lepp&aauml;nen - 661-688 Cities in Transition
by Oleksandr Shepotylo
June 2012, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 231-250 Comparing Labor Market Performance: Some Stylized Facts and Key Findings
by Josef C Brada & Marcello Signorelli - 251-273 Labor Market Flexibility and Unemployment: New Empirical Evidence of Static and Dynamic Effects
by Lorenzo E Bernal-Verdugo & Davide Furceri & Dominique Guillaume - 275-297 Was Short-Time Work a Miracle Cure During the Great Recession? The Case of Germany and Italy
by Fabio R Arico & Ulrike Stein - 299-320 Short-Time Working Arrangements in France During the Crisis: An Empirical Analysis of Firms and Employees
by Oana Calavrezo & François Lodin - 321-340 Unemployment Insurance Schemes, Liquidity Constraints and Re-employment: A Three Country Comparison
by Lorenzo Corsini - 341-359 Innovation and Employment in Economic Cycles
by Matteo Lucchese & Mario Pianta - 361-394 Crises and Joint Employment–Productivity Dynamics: A Comparative Perspective for European Countries
by Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli & Joanna Tyrowicz - 395-412 This Time It's Different? Youth Labour Markets during ‘The Great Recession’
by Niall O'Higgins