June 2012, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 413-439 Demand and Supply of Skilled Labour and Overeducation in Europe: A Country-level Analysis
by Giuseppe Croce & Emanuela Ghignoni
March 2012, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-3 Labour Market Institutions and Policies in Developed and Emerging Market Countries
by Zuzana Brixiova & Balázs Égert - 5-42 Policies to Facilitate the Return to Work
by Alain De Serres & Fabrice Murtin & Christine De La Maisonneuve - 43-64 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment: Does Finance Matter?
by Christophe Rault & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg - 65-101 Wage Differentials During Economic Reform and Crisis: Evidence from Egypt and Jordan
by Mona Said - 103-120 Labour Market Reforms and Outcomes in Estonia
by Zuzana Brixiova & Balázs Égert - 121-148 Diagnosing the ‘Russian Disease’: Growth and Structure of the Russian Economy
by Masaaki Kuboniwa - 149-172 Social Models in the Enlarged European Union: Policy Dimensions and Country Classification
by Michael Knogler & Fidelis Lankes - 173-201 Whither Corporate Russia?
by Nadia Vanteeva & Charles Hickson - 203-225 Efficiency of Trade Credit Finance in China
by Go Yano & Maho Shiraishi
December 2011, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 489-505 The Way We Were: Reflections on the Comparative History of Comparative Economics
by Peter Murrell - 507-509 Introduction to the Symposium on ‘Financial Risks and Economic Stability in Emerging Market Economies’
by Lucjan T Orlowski - 511-534 Extreme Risks in Financial Markets and Monetary Policies of the Euro-Candidates
by Hubert Gabrisch & Lucjan T Orlowski - 535-556 Real Exchange Rate Volatility in the Presence of Financial Fragility and Central Bank Intervention in Turkey
by Değer Eryar - 557-574 International Banking and Country Risk Calculus: The Experience of Greek Banks in Southeastern Europe
by Panayotis Kapopoulos & Sophia Lazaretou - 575-596 Relationship Lending in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Adam Geršl & Petr Jakubík - 597-620 Rent-Seeking, Hierarchy and Centralization: Why the Soviet Union Collapsed So Fast and What it Means for Market Economies
by Guinevere Liberty Nell - 621-646 Evaluation of Mass Privatization in Bulgaria
by Jeffrey B Miller & Vladimir Lazarov - 647-678 Cuba: From State Socialism to a New Form of Market Socialism?
by Alberto Gabriele - 679-693 Stock Market Reaction to Debt Financing Arrangements in Russia
by Christophe Godlewski & Zuzana Fungáčová & Laurent Weill - 695-720 The Gender Wage Gap during Serbia's Transition
by Milica Kecmanovic & Garry F Barrett - 721-755 Urban Public Transport in Post-Communist Transition: The Case of Tashkent, Uzbekistan
by Alexandr Akimov & David Banister
September 2011, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 333-347 Restoring Inclusive Growth in Advanced Economies: A Conversation with Economists and Policy Makers from the G20
by Michael Spence & Roberto Zagha - 349-353 Emerging Economies Perspectives
by Montek S Ahluwalia - 355-381 Euro and the Yuan: Different Peas in the Same Pod
by Surjit S Bhalla - 383-406 Crisis and Growth in the Advanced Economies: What We Know, What We Do not, and What We Can Learn from the 1930s
by Barry Eichengreen - 407-430 A Lesson from the South for Fiscal Policy in the US and Other Advanced Countries
by Jeffrey Frankel - 431-453 Learning from Developing Country Experience: Growth and Economic Thought before and after the 2008–2009 Crisis
by Ann Harrison & Claudia Sepúlveda - 455-474 Japan's Long-Term Economic Challenges
by Edward J Lincoln - 475-488 The Evolution of the Finance Growth Nexus
by Paul Wachtel
June 2011, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 163-164 16th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 165-197 Growing Together: Croatia and Latvia
by Thorvaldur Gylfason & Eduard Hochreiter - 199-221 The Anatomy of Household Debt Build Up in Croatia: Enlisting More Creditworthy Households or Relaxing Lending Standards?
by Ivana Herceg & Vedran Šošić - 223-238 Purchasing Power Parity in a Transition Country: The Case of Croatia
by Marina Tkalec & Maruška Vizek - 239-260 Did Post-communist Privatization Increase Mortality?
by John S Earle & Scott Gehlbach - 261-290 Beyond the Crisis: Prospects for Emerging Europe
by Zsolt Darvas - 291-306 Do Islamic Banks Have Greater Market Power?
by Laurent Weill - 307-331 What Drives Bank Lending in Domestic and Foreign Currency Loans in a Small Open Transition Economy with Fixed Exchange Rate? The Case of Macedonia
by Jane Bogoev
March 2011, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-4 Eurasia: Natural Resources and Economies – An Introduction to the Symposium
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova - 5-33 Exploiting Energy and Mineral Resources in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia
by Richard Pomfret - 35-56 Stabilization and Savings Funds to Manage Natural Resource Revenues: Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan versus Norway
by Matthias Luecke - 57-77 Special Vehicles of State Intervention in Russia and Kazakhstan
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & Christian A Nygaard - 79-82 Eurasia: Natural Resources and Economies – Conclusion to the Symposium
by Rosanna Sarkeyeva - 83-147 Was the Gradual Approach Not Possible in the USSR? A Critique of the Sachs-Woo ‘Impossibility Hypothesis’
by Nazrul Islam - 149-162 Coalitional Approach: An Analysis of Mexico's Political Change
by Regina Trevino
December 2010, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 465-494 From Reputation amidst Uncertainty to Commitment under Stress: More than a Decade of Foreign-Owned Banking in Transition Economies
by John P Bonin - 495-496 Introduction to the Symposium on China's Exchange Rate
by Aaron Mehrotra - 497-514 China's Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate
by Aaron Mehrotra & José R Sánchez-Fung - 515-529 Time-Varying Exchange Rate Basket in China from 2005 to 2009
by Jarko Fidrmuc - 531-548 The Yuan's Exchange Rates and Pass-through Effects on the Prices of Japanese and the US Imports
by Yuqing Xing - 549-574 Interest Rate Setting by the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England Compared
by Dieter Gerdesmeier & Francesco Mongelli & Barbara Roffia - 575-588 A Reassessment of the Werner Plan and the Delors Report: Why did they Experience a Different Fate?
by Dimitrios Syrrakos - 589-609 Mexico and the IMF in the 1990s. Old and New Issues on Capital Account Liberalization and Emerging Market Countries
by Manuela Moschella - 611-636 Employment Protection Legislation in Russia: Regional Enforcement and Labor Market Outcomes
by Vladimir Gimpelson & Rostislav Kapelyushnikov & Anna Lukyanova - 637-670 Unreported Employment and Envelope Wages in Mid-Transition: Comparing Developments and Causes in the Baltic Countries
by Jaanika Meriküll & Karsten Staehr
September 2010, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 287-323 Ownership Structure and Bank Performance: Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa Region
by Nada Kobeissi & Xian Sun - 325-350 The Role of the State in China's Industrial Development: A Reassessment
by Alberto Gabriele - 351-378 Corruption and the Institutional Environment for Growth
by Jac C Heckelman & Benjamin Powell - 379-403 Economic Growth and Regional Disparities in the Slovak Republic
by Biswajit Banerjee & Mariusz Jarmuzek - 405-427 Vietnam's Export Performance in the Face of China's Competitive Challenge
by Tran Thi Anh-Dao - 429-463 Gender Wage Discrimination in the Turkish Labor Market: Can Turkey Be Part of Europe?
by Elisabeth Cudeville & Leman Yonca Gurbuzer
June 2010, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 131-132 15th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 133-157 Euro Membership and Bank Stability – Friends or Foes? Lessons from Ireland
by Patrick Honohan - 159-179 How Would Have Monetary Policy During the Great Inflation Differed, if it Had Been Conducted in the Styles of Volcker and Greenspan and with Perfect Foresight?
by Alex Cukierman - 181-205 EU Accession: A Road to Fast-track Convergence?
by Uwe Böwer & Alessandro Turrini - 207-224 The Nature of US–China Trade in Advanced Technology Products
by Michael J Ferrantino & Robert B Koopman & Zhi Wang & Falan Yinug - 225-247 How Viable are Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts? Simulation Results for Slovenia
by Milan Vodopivec - 249-272 Foreign Direct Investment in the Czech Republic: The Role of Origin Effects and Government Promotion Abroad
by Joel I Deichmann - 273-285 Does Fisher Hypothesis Hold for the East Asian Economies? An Application of Panel Unit Root Tests
by Tai-Hu Ling & Venus Khim-Sen Liew & Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa
March 2010, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Five Biggest Questions about the Chinese Economy
by Martin C Spechler - 18-37 New Evidence on Fiscal Adjustment and Growth in Transition Economies
by Alex Segura-Ubiergo & Alejandro Simone & Sanjeev Gupta & Qiang Cui - 38-61 Impact of Apartheid on Economic Growth: Implications and Empirical Evidence from South Africa
by Radha Bhattacharya & Anton D Lowenberg - 62-81 Institutional Determinants of Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities in Transition Economies
by Klaus Gugler & Evgeni Peev - 82-103 Corporate Governance and Liquidity Constraints: A Dynamic Analysis
by Bersant Hobdari & Derek C Jones & Niels Mygind - 104-129 Currency Allocation of Public External Debt and Synchronization Indicators of Exchange Rate Volatility
by Martin Melecky
December 2009, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 419-420 14th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 421-446 Total Factor Productivity Growth, Structural Change and Convergence in the New Members of the European Union
by El-hadj M Bah & Josef C Brada - 447-466 TFP Growth in Old and New Europe
by Michael C Burda & Battista Severgnini - 467-499 The Determinants of Cross-Border Lending in the Euro Zone
by Sylvia Heuchemer & Stefanie Kleimeier & Harald Sander - 500-519 Speed of Adjustment to Selected Labour Market and Tax Reforms
by Annabelle Mourougane & Lukas Vogel - 520-539 Modelling the Lisbon Strategy: Analysing Policies to Promote Knowledge Investment with an Endogenous Growth Model
by Werner Roeger & Janos Varga & Jan In't Veld - 540-557 Regulatory Reform and Competition: How to Push the Agenda Forward. A European Perspective
by Alberto Heimler
September 2009, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 281-283 Economic Consequences of Urbanisation and Urbanisation Policy in China
by Josef C Brada & Belton M Fleisher & Scott Rozelle & Johan Swinnen - 284-301 Productivity and Agglomeration Economies in Chinese Cities
by Zelai Xu - 302-322 Market Segmentation and the Location of Production Activities
by Haoming Liu & Sarah Yueting Tong - 323-343 Effect of Migration on Children's Educational Performance in Rural China
by Xinxin Chen & Qiuqiong Huang & Scott Rozelle & Yaojiang Shi & Linxiu Zhang - 344-366 Attitudes to Income Equality: The ‘Socialist Legacy’ Revisited
by Mamta Murthi & Erwin R Tiongson - 367-383 Happiness and Economic Systems
by Frederic Pryor - 384-400 What Ails Primary Credit Cooperatives in India?: A State Level Analysis
by Biswa Swarup Misra - 401-418 Government Expenditure, Governance and Economic Growth
by Arusha Cooray
June 2009, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 161-164 Energy Issues and Challenges in Emerging Economies
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova - 165-180 Corruption and Economic Development in Energy-rich Economies
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & Ali M Kutan & Taner Yigit - 181-212 Using Energy Resources to Diversify the Economy: Agricultural Price Distortions in Kazakhstan
by Richard Pomfret - 213-241 Russia from Bust to Boom and Back: Oil Price, Dutch Disease and Stabilisation Fund
by Bruno Merlevede & Koen Schoors & Bas Van Aarle - 242-264 Rationality as a Barrier to Peace: Micro-evidence from Kosovo
by Sumon Kumar Bhaumik & Ira N Gang & Myeong-Su Yun - 265-268 The European Economy Since 1945. Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond
by Martin C Spechler - 269-270 Federalism and Economic Reform: International Perspectives
by John E Anderson - 271-273 By Force of Thought: Irregular Memoirs of an Intellectual Journey
by Robert Campbell - 274-277 International Perspectives on Household Wealth
by Kathryn H Anderson - 278-280 From Communists to Foreign Capitalists
by Eva Marikova Leeds
March 2009, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-19 What Did the Study of the Soviet Economy Contribute to Mainstream Economics?
by Michael Ellman - 20-50 Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Growth: Evidence from Transition Economies
by Hiranya K Nath - 51-74 Worker Mobility within Polish Agriculture
by Hilary Ingham & Mike Ingham - 75-99 Fertility, Money Holdings, and Economic Growth: Evidence from Ukraine
by Svitlana Maksymenko - 100-117 Is Inflation Perceived by Polish Consumers Driven by Prices of Frequently Bought Goods and Services?
by Tomasz Łyziak - 118-137 Impact of Derivatives Trading on Emerging Stock Markets: Some Evidence from India
by Sumon Kumar Bhaumik & Suchismita Bose - 138-139 Masters of Illusion. American Leadership in the Media Age
by James Millar - 140-142 Institutions and Norms in Economic Development
by Richard Lotspeich - 143-145 The New Political Economy of Emerging Europe
by Phillip J Bryson - 146-148 Russia's Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed
by Michael Alexeev - 149-151 The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform
by Martin C Spechler - 152-153 French Welfare State Reform: Idealism versus New Zealand and Dutch Pragmatism
by Marina V Rosser - 154-155 Equality and Economy: The Global Challenge
by Ara Khanjian - 156-157 Economic Transition in Central Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
by Anders Åslund - 158-159 The Arab Economies in a Changing World
by Robert M Fearn
December 2008, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 535-536 13th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 537-563 Bank Regulations are Changing: For Better or Worse?
by James R Barth & Gerard Caprio & Ross Levine - 564-598 Lessons from Financial Liberalisation in Scandinavia
by Lars Jonung - 599-619 Are Weak Banks Leading Credit Booms? Evidence from Emerging Europe
by Natalia T Tamirisa & Deniz O Igan - 620-645 Central Bank Institutional Structure and Effective Central Banking: Cross-Country Empirical Evidence
by Iftekhar Hasan & Loretta J Mester - 646-662 The Impact of the USD/EUR Exchange Rate on Inflation in the Central and East European Countries
by Ljubinko Jankov & Ivo Krznar & Davor Kunovac & Maroje Lang - 663-696 From Illyria towards Capitalism: Did Labour-Management Theory Teach Us Anything about Yugoslavia and Transition in Its Successor States?
by Saul Estrin & Milica Uvalic - 697-700 The Piratisation of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry
by Nicholas W Balabkins - 701-702 Performance and Strategies of Banks in Transition Economies
by Wojciech J Florkowski - 703-706 External Liberalization in Asia, Post-Socialist Europe, and Brazil
by Slavi T Slavov - 707-709 Institutions, Development and Economic Growth
by John Marangos - 710-712 Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity
by Frederic L Pryor - 713-716 The Russian Economy: From Lenin to Putin
by Richard E Ericson - 717-718 The Challenges of Sustained Development: The Role of Socio-Cultural Factors in East-Central Europe
by Mark Klinedinst - 719-721 The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship
by Marc Dollinger - 722-724 Famine in North Korea. Markets, Aid, and Reform
by Paul Kuznets - 725-726 Inequality, Cooperation and Environmental Sustainability
by Roy Gardner
September 2008, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 353-380 Reforming China's SOEs: An Overview
by Weiye Li & Louis Putterman - 381-415 Information Sharing in Credit Markets: Incentives for Incorrect Information Reporting
by Maria Semenova - 416-420 Introduction to the Symposium: Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies: Prerequisites, Policies and Outcomes
by David M Kemme - 421-437 Inflation Targeting in Armenia: Monetary Policy in Transition
by King Banaian & David M Kemme & Grigor Sargsyan - 438-459 Advancing Inflation Targeting in Central Europe: Strategies, Policy Rules and Empirical Evidence
by Lucjan T Orlowski - 460-493 Inflation Targeting, Policy Rates and Exchange Rate Volatility: Evidence from Turkey
by Cem Akyurek & Ali M Kutan - 494-510 Credibility of Inflation Targets in Poland
by Wojciech S Maliszewski - 511-534 From Rhetorics to Practice in Monetary Policy: A Romanian Perspective
by Daniela Gabor
June 2008, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 165-166 Egon Neuberger: In Memoriam
by Avner Ben-Ner & Estelle James - 167-209 How Has China's Economic Emergence Contributed to the Field of Economics?
by Gary H Jefferson - 210-216 Risk, Regulation and Competition in Banking and Finance in Transition Economies
by David M Kemme & Koen Schoors & Rudi Vander Vennet - 217-252 Inside the Credit Boom: Competition, Segmentation and Information – Evidence from the Serbian Credit Market
by Jasna Dimitrijevic & Boris Najman - 253-273 Banking Competition and Efficiency: A Micro-Data Analysis on the Czech Banking Industry
by Anca Pruteanu-Podpiera & Laurent Weill & Franziska Schobert - 274-296 The Search for Value: Cross-border Bank M&A in Emerging Markets
by Jonathan Williams & Angel Liao - 297-317 The Sequence of Bank Liberalisation: Financial Repression versus Capital Requirements in Russia
by Sophie Claeys & Koen Schoors & Rudi Vandervennet - 318-340 Trade Liberalisation and Employment Effects in Ukraine
by Atanas Christev & Olga Kupets & Hartmut Lehmann - 341-351 The S-Curve in Emerging Markets
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Ali Kutan & Artatrana Ratha
March 2008, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-29 China's Agricultural Crisis and Famine of 1959–1961: A Survey and Comparison to Soviet Famines
by Dennis Tao Yang - 30-52 The Economies of Central Asia: A Survey
by Martin C Spechler - 53-78 Growth Recovery in CIS Countries: The Sufficient Minimum Threshold of Reforms
by Oleh Havrylyshyn - 79-110 Old Capital vs. New Investment in Post-Soviet Economies: Conceptual Issues and Estimates
by Alexei Izyumov & John Vahaly - 111-157 Vietnam's Lesson for China: An Examination of the Sachs–Woo Hypothesis
by Nazrul Islam - 158-160 Decentralization and Local Governance in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective
by Zuzana Brixiova - 161-163 The Future of Europe: Reform or Decline
by Dimitri B Papadimitriou
December 2007, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 491-492 Memoriam
by Michael Marrese & Jan Vanous & Richard E Ericson - 493-494 Introduction to the Symposium
by Jeffrey Miller - 495-513 The Illusion of Westernisation in Russia and China
by Steven Rosefielde - 514-542 Fiscal Centralisation and Decentralisation in Russia and China
by Elliott Parker & Judith Thornton - 543-571 On the Role of Government in Transition: The Experiences of China and Russia Compared
by Jeffrey B Miller & Stoyan Tenev - 572-602 The Challenges of Governance Structure, Trade Disputes and Natural Environment to China's Growth
by Wing Thye Woo - 603-608 Comments on Rosefielde, Parker/Thornton and Woo
by John P Bonin - 609-631 Measuring the Non-observed Economy in a Transition Economy: The Case of Bosnia–Herzegovina
by Roberto Dell'Anno & Marje Piirisild - 632-641 Black Market Exchange Rate versus the Official Rate in Testing the PPP: An Application of a Non-Linear Test
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Altin Tanku - 642-659 Compounded Effects of External Crises on GDP Growth
by Martin Melecky - 660-682 A Development Club and Groupings in Europe, and Growth Strategies
by Marjan Senjur - 683-698 The Rise of the Transaction Sector in the Bulgarian Economy
by George Chobanov & Henrik Egbert - 699-701 The Political Future of Social Security in Aging Societies
by James Angresano - 702-705 Divergent Paths in Post-Communist Transformation. Capitalism for All or Capitalism for the Few?
by Martin C Spechler - 706-708 Latin America's Political Economy of the PossibleVanishing Growth in Latin America: The Late Twentieth Century Experience
by Thomas E Schweigert - 709-711 The Successes and Failures of Economic Transition: The European Experience
by Robert R Ebert
September 2007, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 337-338 12th Dubrovnik Economic Conference Symposium
by Paul Wachtel & Boris Vujcic - 339-344 Asset Prices, Globalisation, and Implications for Monetary Policy
by Mario I Blejer - 345-366 The Boom in Household Lending in Transition Countries: A Croatian Case Study and a Cross-Country Analysis of Determinants
by Evan Kraft - 367-388 Determinants of House Prices in Central and Eastern Europe
by Balázs Égert & Dubravko Mihaljek - 389-410 The Euro and Cross-Border Banking: Evidence from Bilateral Data
by Sven Blank & Claudia M Buch - 411-429 Risk Taking by Banks in the Transition Countries
by Rainer Haselmann & Paul Wachtel - 430-445 Foreign Direct Investment and Export Performance: Empirical Evidence
by Ali M Kutan & Goran Vukšić - 446-466 Electoral Fiscal Policy in New, Old, and Fragile Democracies
by Adi Brender & Allan Drazen - 467-469 The Central Asian Economies Since Independence
by Joachim Ahrens - 470-472 Foreign Direct Investment. Six Country Case Studies
by Renáta Kosová - 473-475 Confronting Income Inequality in Japan: A Comparative Analysis of Causes, Consequences, and Reform
by Gregory J Kasza - 476-479 The Institutional Economics of Russia's Transformation
by Michael Alexeev - 480-481 Economic Reform in China and India
by Subir Chakrabarti - 482-484 Understanding Institutional Diversity
by Mieke Meurs - 485-486 The State After Statism: New State Activities in the Age of Liberalization
by Zdenek Drabek - 487-489 Multinational Firms in the World Economy
by Jeffrey A Hart
June 2007, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 177-200 Market-Based Fiscal Discipline Under Evolving Decentralisation: The Case of Russian Regions
by Andrey Timofeev - 201-231 Private-Sector Credit in Central and Eastern Europe: New (Over)Shooting Stars?
by Balázs Égert & Peter Backé & Tina Zumer - 232-258 Trade Specialisation Dynamics in Russia
by Bernardina Algieri - 259-284 Filling the Gap – An International Comparison of the Cyclical Adjustment of Budget Balances
by Gábor P Kiss & Gábor Vadas - 285-312 Contract Farming in China: Perspectives of Farm Households and Agribusiness Firms
by Hongdong Guo & Robert W Jolly & Jianhua Zhu - 313-316 Evolution of the Economic System in Japan
by Hiroyuki Imai - 317-319 The Eastern Enlargement of the Eurozone
by Jacek Cukrowki - 320-321 Laws and Customs: Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Gender During Economic Transition
by John B Hall - 322-323 Global Capital Markets: Integration, Crisis and Growth
by Patrick Conway - 324-325 Economic Geography and Public Policy
by Francois K Doamekpor