December 1995, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 148-150 Ecological Disaster: Cleaning Up the Hidden Legacy of the Soviet Regime
by Robert C Stuart - 150-152 Brazil and the Challenge of Economic Reform
by Richard C Harmstone & Darius Compton - 152-154 The Road to Capitalism: Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
by Kerry Ellen Pannell
September 1995, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 1-10 Privatization in Kazakhstan
by Marat Rysbekov - 11-26 Transition in Tajikistan: Impact on the Construction Materials Industry
by Olga Vasilenko - 27-38 Economic Reform and Investment Priorities in the Republic of Uzbekistan
by Akhad Agzamov & Alisher Anvarov & Kahramon Shakirov - 39-47 Monetary Reform: A Comparison of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan
by Makkamjan Abdoulkadyrov - 49-56 Formation and Stabilization of a Financial Market in Kyrgyzstan
by Abdykaly Imanaliev - 57-75 Survey Article: Privatization in Poland: Performance, Problems and Prospects
by Ryszard Rapacki - 77-80 Marketization, Restructuring and Competition in Transition Industries of Central and Eastern Europe
by James Angresano - 80-81 Firms Afloat and Firms Adrift: Hungarian Industry and the Economic Transition
by László Csaba - 81-83 Japan, Europe and International Financial Markets
by Vittorio Valli - 84-88 Capital Markets and Financial Intermediation
by Barbara Fakin - 88-88 Democracy and Welfare Economics
by Judyth L Twigg - 89-92 Beyond Capitalism: Towards a New World Economic Order
by James Stoder - 93-95 Monetary Regimes in Transition
by Evan Kraft - 95-96 Ecological Disaster: Cleaning Up the Hidden Legacy of the Soviet Regime
by Robert C Stuart - 97-99 Are Economic Reforms Propelling Cuba to the Market?
by Carmen Diana Deere - 100-102 Asian Market Economies: Challenges of a Changing International Environment
by Christopher Lingle - 102-104 The Role of the State in Taiwan's Development
by Kolleen J Rask - 104-107 The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary's Road to Capitalism
by Richard C Harmstone & David E Dunn - 107-108 Privatization in the Transition Process. Recent Experiences in Eastern Europe
by Iliana Zloch-Christy - 108-108 Interactions Between the Planner, Managers and Workers in Centrally Planned Economies: The Example of the Soviet Union
by Holland Hunter
July 1995, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 1-27 The Warsaw Stock Exchange: A Test of Market Efficiency
by Barry Gordon & Libby Rittenberg - 29-48 Social Safety Nets in Central Europe: Preparation for Accession to the European Union?
by Lucjan T Orlowski - 49-69 Cash Benefits and Poverty Alleviation in an Economy in Transition: The Case of Lithuania
by Peter K Cornelius - 71-96 Liberalization of East-West Trade
by Margarida Ponte Ferreira - 111-112 Environmental and Resource Policies for the World Economy
by William Moskoff - 112-115 The Economics of Collective Choice
by Jozef M van brabant - 115-118 Towards an Integrated Europe
by Nathan Wajsman - 118-121 Economic Transformation in East-Central Europe and in the Newly Independent States
by Richard C Harmstone & John F Patackas - 121-123 Explaining Economic Policy Reversals
by Ioannis S Vavouras
April 1995, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-17 Dual-Track and Mandatory Quota in China's Price Reform*
by Anthony Y C Koo & Norman P Obst - 19-37 Elderly Support and In-Kind Transfers: Taxation Options in Rural Russia*
by Cynthia Buckley & Wayne Hickenbottom - 39-53 Labor-Managed Firms in Transition Economies*
by Yochanan Shachmurove & Uriel Spiegel - 55-77 Survey Article: Progress on Privatization in Bulgaria
by Jean M Due & Stephen C Schmidt - 87-89 Dismantling the Cold War Economy
by Martin C Spechler
December 1994, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 1-19 Chinese Industrial Structure in Transition: The Emergence of Stock-offering Firms
by Aimin Chen - 21-39 Survey Article: Ukraine's Industrial Enterprise: Surviving Hard Times
by Fyodor I Kushnirsky - 41-46 Essays on Efficiency and the Economic Recovery Potential of Russia
by Steven Rosefielde - 47-77 Industrial Growth and Efficiency in the United States and the Former Soviet Union
by Robert S Whitesell - 79-99 Efficiency at Different Stages of Production in the Soviet Union
by Joseph M Nowakowski - 101-117 Russian Management: An Elasticity Test for Incomplete Profit Maximization
by George B Kleiner - 119-142 Russia's Economic Recovery Potential: Optimizing the Residual Productivity of the Soviet Capital Stock
by Steven Rosefielde - 143-145 Conference on Efficiency and Economic Recovery Potential of the Former Soviet Union
by Evsey D Domar - 147-148 Efficiency and the Economic Recovery Potential of Russia: Comment
by Ralph W Pfouts - 149-160 Decentralization of Intergovernmental Finance in Transition Economies
by Richard Bird & Caroline Freund & Christine Wallich - 161-171 The Black Market for Foreign Exchange in the Former Soviet Union
by Anna Meyendorff - 173-183 Private Sector Development in Poland: Shock Therapy and Starting Over*
by Simon Johnson & Gary Loveman
September 1994, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 1-14 Politics, Military Spending, and the National Welfare
by Franklyn D Holzman - 15-18 A Comment on “Politics, Military Spending, and the National Welfare”
by James R Millar - 19-32 Wage Policy in East Germany
by Matthew Creagan Courtnage & Libby Rittenberg - 33-50 Intercountry Income Inequality: World Levels and Decomposition Between and Within Developmental Clusters and Regions
by Amnon Levy & Khorshed Chowdhury - 51-78 Endogenous Policy Formation and the Principle of Optimal Obfuscation: Theory and Some Evidence from Haiti and Jamaica*
by Anders Danielson & Mats Lundahl - 79-80 The Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations, Growth, Distribution, and Structural Change
by Martin C Spechler - 81-83 Making Markets
by Hans Aage - 83-85 Privatization in Eastern Europe: A Critical Approach
by Gulshan Sachdeva - 85-88 External Economic Relations of the Central and East European Countries
by Richard Harmstone - 88-91 Transformation in Mittel-und Osteuropa
by László Csaba - 91-94 A World Fit for People
by James W Brock - 94-95 The Economic Dynamics of Australian Industry
by Keith Hitchens - 95-98 Privatization, Liberalization and Destruction—Recreating the Market in Central and Eastern Europe
by Jozef M van Brabant - 98-99 Economics and World History: Myths and Paradoxes
by Evan Kraft - 100-103 Planning and Market in Soviet and East European Thought 1960s–1992
by Gary Krueger - 105-114 Production and Employment in Privatized Firms in Russia
by Susan J Linz - 115-121 Fiscal Decentralization in the Russian Federation
by Jean Tesche - 123-126 A Turning Point for Monetary and Financial Policy in Ukraine?
by Perry L Patterson
July 1994, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 1-15 Employee Buyouts and the Transformation of Russian Industry
by Trevor Buck & Igor Filatotchev & Mike Wright - 17-32 Romanian Land Reform: 1991–1993*
by Karen Brooks & Mieke Meurs - 33-50 Collective Farms in Transition in the Former German Democratic Republic
by Leila Sfeir Lueschen - 51-72 A Note on Economic Liberalization and Privatization in Hungary and Egypt*
by Jean Tesche & Sahar Tohamy - 73-75 The “Farmer Threat.” The Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Post-Soviet Russia
by Karl-Eugen W&aauml;dekin - 75-81 Trials of Transition: Economic Reform in the Former Communist Bloc
by Richard Lotspeich - 81-83 Hungary: An Economy in Transition
by Albert N Oosthoek - 83-85 Birth Weight and Economic Growth, Women's Living Standards in the Industrialized West
by Bozena Leven - 85-88 Understanding China's Socialist Market Economy
by Christopher Lingle - 88-90 Economic Reforms in New Democracies—A Social Democratic Approach
by Josef Poesche & Kazimierz Laski - 90-91 Open-Economy Macroeconomics
by John P Farrell - 91-92 The End of the East German Economy
by David Hitchins - 92-95 The Political Economy of Policy Reform
by Jozef van Brabant - 95-96 Making Trade Policy in the European Community
by Evan Kraft
April 1994, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Communist Efficiency Gap: Alternative Measures*
by Abram Bergson - 13-32 Constraints on Enterprise Liquidity and Its Impact on the Monetary Sector in Formerly Centrally Planned Economies*
by István Ábel & Pierre L Siklos - 33-53 Agricultural Productivity in Volgograd Province*
by Gregory J Brock - 55-67 Evaluating the Russian Voucher Privatization Program*
by Lynn D Nelson & Irina Y Kuzes - 69-81 Reflections on the Non-Profit Sector
by Frederic Pryor - 83-93 Survey Article: Cooperate or Defect? Russian and American Students in a Prisoner's Dilemma
by Michael Hemesath - 95-97 Canada-U.S. Tax Comparisons
by Leslie E Papke
December 1993, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 1-19 Industrial Restructuring and Microeconomic Adjustment in Poland: A Cross-Sectoral Approach*
by Saul Estrin & Xavier Richet - 21-31 Trade Effects of Dismantling the Socialized Agriculture of the Former Soviet Union
by D Gale Johnson - 33-48 Economic Reform and World Agricultural Markets
by Stefan Tangermann - 49-68 Agricultural Reform in the Former USSR*
by William M Liefert & Robert B Koopman & Edward C Cook - 69-71 Declining Soviet/Russian Per Capita Meat Consumption: A Comment
by Don Van Atta - 73-102 Survey Article: Lessons from the Wholesale Transformations in the East
by Jozef M Van Brabant - 103-119 On the Way to Privatizing Commercial Banks: Poland and Hungary Take Different Roads
by John P Bonin - 121-134 The Emergence of Unemployment in the Czech and Slovak Republics*
by John Ham & Jan Svejnar & Katherine Terrell - 135-145 Unemployment Among Polish Women
by Bozena Leven - 147-157 A Note on Industrial Adjustment and Regional Labor Markets in Russia
by Annette N Brown
September 1993, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 1-18 Goszakazy and the Soviet Economic Collapse
by Gary Krueger - 19-37 Voucher Privatization in Czechoslovakia
by Eva Marikova Leeds - 39-48 A Note on Soviet Per Capita Meat Consumption
by David J Sedik - 49-52 Asymmetric “Min” Condition and Estimation for Disequilibrium Markets: Comment
by John P Burkett - 53-56 Reply: Econometric Approach to Disequilibrium Estimation
by Gene Hsin Chang - 57-58 Trade and the Poor
by J E Weaver - 58-60 Industrialization and China's Rural Modernization
by Beth Mitchneck - 61-63 The Transition from Command to Market Economies in East-Central Europe
by John P Bonin - 64-65 Economic Transformation in Central Europe: A Progress Report
by Scott Hunt - 65-68 The Economics of Secession
by Daniel Berkowitz - 68-70 Adam Smith Goes to Moscow. A Dialogue on Radical Reform
by Martin C Spechler - 70-72 Cuomo Commission on Competitiveness
by Gary C Anders - 72-75 Contrasting Styles of Industrial Reform: China and India in the 1980s
by Eva Marikova Leeds - 75-78 From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation
by Evan Kraft
July 1993, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 1-17 A Macro Model of Queuing and Resale in a Transition Economy
by John Fender & Derek Laing - 19-32 Privatization Debates in Russia: 1989–1992
by Vladimir Shlapentokh - 33-57 Survey Article: An Evaluation of the CIA's Analysis of Soviet Economic Performance, 1970-90
by Daniel M Berkowitz & Joseph S Berliner & Paul R Gregory & Susan J Linz & James R Millar - 59-60 The Soviet Union and Western Europe in the Global Economy
by Martin C Spechler - 60-62 The Agrarian Origins of Commerce and Industry, A Study of Peasant Marketing in Indonesia
by Craig L Infanger - 62-62 Comparative Development Studies
by J E Weaver - 63-65 Systemic Change and Stabilization in Eastern Europe
by Xavier Richet - 65-66 Economic Reform in Eastern Europe
by Robert Campbell - 66-68 Trade, Payments and Adjustment in Central and Eastern Europe
by George J Viksnins - 70-71 The Failure of Soviet Economic Planning: System, Performance, Reform
by Gary Krueger - 72-73 The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe (Views from Within)
by Robert R Ebert
April 1993, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-37 Hybrid Forms of Enterprise Organization in the Former USSR and the Russian Federation
by Alexander S Bim & Derek C Jones & Thomas E Weisskopf - 39-57 Incomes Policy During Stabilization: A Review and Lessons from Bulgaria and Romania
by Zeljko Bogetic & Louise Fox - 59-84 Review Article: Financial Liberalization, Development, and Marketization: A Review of McKinnon's The Order of Economic Liberalization: Financial Control in the Transition to a Market Economy (1991)
by Paul Burkett & Richard Lotspeich - 85-117 Survey Article: Optimal Tautness and the Economics of Incentives in Bureaucracies
by Michael Keren - 118-119 The United Kingdom Financial System in Transition: Theory and Practice
by Rowena A Pecchenino - 119-121 Organization, Performance, & System Choice: East European Agricultural Development
by Gregory J Brock - 121-123 Socialism Revised and Modernized: The Case for Pragmatic Market Socialism
by Holland Hunter
December 1992, Volume 34, Issue 3-4
- 1-10 Privatization: An Analysis of the Absorption Problem
by Andras Simon - 11-33 Evaluating Regional Policy in Yugoslavia, 1966–1990
by Evan Kraft - 34-53 Trade Liberalization in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland Through 1991: A Survey
by Petr Hanel - 54-67 Asymmetric “Min” Condition and Estimation for Disequilibrium Markets in Centrally Planned Economies
by Gene Hsin Chang - 68-80 Transforming the Former GDR Into a Market Economy
by Roy Vogt - 81-95 The Phantom of the Transition: Privatization of Agriculture in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
by Robert J McIntyre - 96-106 Survey Article: From Reforming to Transforming the Economic System in Hungary
by Laszlo Csaba - 107-109 Eastern Europe in the World Economy
by Ryszard Rapacki - 109-111 Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Post-socialist Economies
by Gulshan Sachdeva - 111-114 Economic Management and Economic Development in Peru and Colombia
by W Paul Strassmann - 114-115 The Economies of Africa
by Michael McPherson - 115-116 East Central Europe from Reform to Transformation
by Gregory J Brock - 116-117 Dismantling the Command Economy in Eastern Europe
by Holland Hunter - 117-118 Economic Development and Environmental Protection in Latin America
by Michael McPherson
July 1992, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 1-18 Fiscal Decentralization in the Soviet Economy*
by Daniel Berkowitz & Beth Mitchneck - 19-37 Russian Industry and Air Pollution; What Do the Official Data Show?*
by Judith Thornton & Andrea Hagan - 38-49 Transboundary Pollution: Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in the Republics of the USSR
by R Caron Cooper - 50-62 The USSR's Experience with Economic Incentive Approaches to Pollution Control
by John Palmisano & Brent Haddad - 63-66 Environmental Management in the Former Soviet Union: A Comment*
by Randolph M Lyon - 67-81 Survey Article: Economic Stabilization in the Former Soviet Union: Lessons from Argentina and Brazil
by William Moskoff & Nader Nazmi - 82-83 Understanding Contemporary Ireland State, Class and Development in the Republic of Ireland
by Loraine Donaldson - 84-86 The Legacy of Karl Polanyi
by Warren J Samuels
April 1992, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-12 Integration Versus Independence for the Successor States of the USSR: When Might Economics' “Right Answers” Be Wrong?
by L V Palei & Jerry L Petr - 13-25 Choosing Hypotheses in Comparative Economic Studies: Lessons from a Current Case Study
by Gavin Peebles - 26-40 How Rational is the Behavior of Economic Agents in Russia?*
by Leonid P Malkov - 41-57 A Mixed Economy in Hungary? Lessons from the Swedish Experience*
by James Angresano - 58-85 The Polish State-Owned Enterprise Sector and the Recession in 1990*
by Mark E Schaffer - 86-92 Survey Article: Agricultural Privatization in Transition Economies
by Elizabeth Clayton - 93-94 The Nature of Socialist Economies: Lessons from Eastern European Foreign Trade
by Carl McMillan - 94-97 Foreign Economic Relations of the European Community: The Impact of Spain and Portugal
by Dale L Cramer - 98-101 Soviet Non-Capitalist Development: The Case of Nasser's Egypt
by Ghada Hashem Talhami - 101-103 The World Economic Crisis and Japanese Capitalism
by James Angresano - 104-104 Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
by Leonore S Taga - 105-108 Chinese State Enterprises: A Regional Property Rights Analysis
by William Byrd
December 1991, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 1-26 Yugoslavia: Costs and Benefits of Union and Interdependence of Regional Economies
by Wei Ding - 27-45 Workers' Participation in Management vs. Social Ownership and Government Policies: Yugoslav Lessons for Transforming Socialist Economies*
by Janez Prasnikar & Jan Svejnar - 47-82 Worker Participation and Worker Self-Management in Bulgaria
by Derek C Jones & Mieke Meurs - 83-120 Explaining Narrow Money Growth in China
by Gavin Peebles - 121-126 Must Soviet Factor Cost Be Adjusted?
by Abram Bergson - 127-129 Understanding the UK Economy
by D L LeMahieu - 130-134 The Soviet Economic Experiment
by Earl Brubaker - 135-138 Politics, Economic Development and Industrial Management in India. The Case of Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers
by Ashok Bhargava - 139-141 A New Economic Policy for Britain: Essays on the Development of Industry
by D L LeMahieu
September 1991, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 1-1 To an Inconvertible Friend
by Joe Berliner - 3-66 Moving Toward Ruble Convertibility
by Franklyn D Holzman - 67-93 Has Socialism Really Failed?*
by Alan Abouchar - 95-125 The Performance of Agricultural Production in Marxist and Non-Marxist Nations
by Frederic L Pryor - 127-151 Did Socialism Fail in Poland?
by Simon Johnson - 153-166 Has Socialism Really Failed? Abouchar, Johnson, and Pryor and Reflections on Sub-Saharan Africa
by Malcolm F McPherson - 167-177 On the Decline of Socialism
by Richard L Carson - 179-184 Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics
by Miguel D Ramirez - 185-187 Economic Integration in Eastern Europe: A Handbook
by Marie Lavigne - 188-191 Inequality in Africa: Political Elites, Proletariat, Peasants and the Poor
by Lisa Brock - 192-196 Restructuring the French Economy: Government and the Rise of Market Competition Since World War II
by W Rand Smith
July 1991, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 1-8 Introduction
by John P Farrell - 9-28 Monitoring the Great Transition
by John P Farrell - 29-52 Polish Economic Reforms and the Dilemma of Privatization
by Jan Mujzel - 53-70 Polish Privatization Policy
by Zbigniew M Fallenbuchl - 71-90 The Causes of Recession Following Stabilization
by Stanislaw Gomulka - 91-95 A Model of Wage Spiral Tragedy Under Repressed Inflation
by Michal Rutkowski - 97-122 Inflation Stabilization in Reforming Socialist Economies: The Myth of the Monetary Overhang
by John H Cochrane & Barry W Ickes - 123-158 The Labor Market and the Transition of Socialist Economies
by Milan Vodopivec - 159-177 Progress in Transforming Hungarian Agriculture
by Michael Marrese
April 1991, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-3 David Granick: In Memoriam
by Robert C Stuart - 5-22 Education, Job Experience and the Gap Between Male and Female Wages in the Soviet Union
by Elizabeth Clayton & James R Millar - 23-56 Conversion, Civilian Production, and Goods Quality in the Soviet Economy*
by F I Kushnirsky - 57-102 The Impact of Austerity in Latin America, 1983-89: A Critical Assessment
by Miguel D Ramirez - 103-127 An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Investment Growth Fluctuations in the Soviet Union: 1962-1988
by Jeffrey A Summers