- _214 Explaining gender differences in migrant sorting: Evidence from Canada-US migration
by David Escamilla-Guerrero & Miko Lepistö & Chris Minns
- _213 Where is the Place in the History of Work? Worksites, Workspaces, and the Home-Work Nexus
by Benjamin Schneider & Jane Whittle - _212 All aboard! Railroad access and Mexico-US mass migration
by David Escamilla-Guerrero - _211 The Effects of Immigration in a Developing Country
by David Escamilla-Guerrero & Andrea Papadia & Ariell Zimran
- _210 The Thirty Years’ War and the Decline of Urban Germany
by Victoria Gierok - _209 European Business Cycles and Economic Growth, 1300-2000
by Stephen Broadberry & Jason Lennard - _208 The Empire Project: Trade Policy in Interwar Canada
by Markus Lampe & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke & Lorenz Reiter & Yoto V. Yotov - _207 Technological unemployment in the British industrial revolution: the destruction of hand spinning
by Benjamin Schneider - _206 The Last Free Traders? Interwar Trade Policy in the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies
by Pim de Zwart & Markus Lampe & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke - _205 Should history change the way we think about populism?
by Alan de Bromhead & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke
- _204 The Black Death and the origin of the European marriage pattern
by Jeremy Edwards & Sheilagh Ogilvie - _203 British economic growth and development
by Stephen Broadberry - _202 Good Jobs and Bad Jobs in History
by Benjamin Schneider - _201 African time travellers: what can we learn from 500 years of written accounts?
by Edward Kerby & Alexander Moradi & Hanjo Odendaal - _200 Economics and history: Analyzing serfdom
by Sheilagh Ogilvie - _199 States and wars: China’s long march towards unity and its consequences, 221 BC – 1911 AD
by Shuo Chen & Debin Ma - _198 British Business Cycles, 1270-1870
by Stephen Broadberry & Bruce M.S. Campbell & Alexander Klein & Mark Overton & Bas van Leeuwen - _197 Catching-up and Falling Behind: Russian Economic Growth, 1960s-1880s
by Stephen Broadberry & Elena Korchmina - _196 Regional Variation of GDP per head within China, 1080-1850: Implications for the Great Divergence Debate
by Stephen Broadberry & Hanhui Guan
- _195 Railways as Patient Capital
by Oliver Lewis & Avner Offer - _194 The distress of Italian commercial banks in 1926-1936: a new dataset from banking supervision archives
by Marco Molteni - _193 Anticipating financial crisis in the 1960s and 1980s: using the past to plan for the ‘Apocalypse’
by Catherine R. Schenk - _192 Russian Economic Growth during the Eighteenth Century
by Stephen Broadberry & Elena Korchmina - _191 Gender Equality, Growth, and How a Technological Trap Destroyed Female Work
by Jane Humphries & Benjamin Schneider - _190 Four great Asian trade collapses
by Alan de Bromhead & Alan Fernihough & Markus Lampe & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke - _189 The Irish economy during the century after Partition
by Cormac Ó Gráda & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke - _188 The Smoot-Hawley Trade War
by Kris James Mitchener & Kirsten Wandschneider & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke - _187 Accounting for the Great Divergence: Recent findings from historical national accounting
by Stephen Broadberry - _186 Capital and Economic Growth in Britain, 1270-1870: Preliminary Findings
by Stephen Broadberry & Alexandra M. de Pleijt
- _185 An annual index of Irish industrial production, 1800-1921
by Seán Kenny & Jason Lennard & Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke - _184 The Gravitational Constant?
by David S. Jacks & Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Alan M. Taylor - _183 Life after Crossing the Border: Assimilation during the First Mexican Mass Migration
by David Escamilla-Guerrero & Edward Kosack & Zachary Ward - _182 The Jobless Recovery After the 1980-1981 UK Recession
by Meredith M. Paker - _181 The Voice of Radio in the Battle for Equal Rights: Evidence from the U.S. South
by Andrea Bernini - _180 The Impact of Interwar Protection: Evidence from India
by Vellore Arthi & Markus Lampe & Ashwin Nair & Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke - _179 Migrant self-selection in the presence of random shocks. Evidence from the Panic of 1907
by David Escamilla-Guerrero & Moramay Lopez-Alonso - _178 Aristocracy and Inequality in Italy, 1861-1931
by Brian A'Hearn & Stefano Chianese & Giovanni Vecchi - _177 A Noi! Income Inequality and Italian Fascism: Evidence from Labour and Top Income Shares
by Giacomo Gabbuti - _176 International Banking and Financial Fragility: The Contrasting Experience of Brazil and Mexico in the Lead-up to the 1982 Crisis
by Sebastian Alvarez
- _175 History from Underneath: Girls Experience in an Era of Economic Change
by Jane Humphries - _174 Wages at the Wheel: Were Spinners Part of the High Wage Economy?
by Jane Humphries & Benjamin Schneider - _173 Revisiting Mexican migration in the Age of Mass Migration. New evidence from individual border crossings
by David Escamilla-Guerrero - _172 Working for a Living? Women and Children’s Labour Inputs in England, 1260-1850
by Sara Horrell & Jane Humphries & Jacob Weisdorf - _171 German trade finance in South America during the second industrial revolution. La Batalla de Buenos Aires, 1875-1913
by Wilfried Kisling & Antonio Tena Junguito - _170 The Industrial Revolution in General Equilibrium
by C. Knick Harley - _169 Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1885-2008
by Stephen Broadberry & Leigh Gardner - _168 Death of a Dream: liberal values and the crisis of the British Welfare State, 1945-2014
by Harold Carter
- _166 Spinning their Wheels: A Reply to Jane Humphries and Benjamin Schneider
by Robert C. Allen - _165 Patient and impatient capital: time horizons as market boundaries
by Avner Offer - _164 Working Time, Dinner Time, Serving Time: Labour and Law in Industrialization
by Douglas Hay - _163 Children’s work and Wages, 1270-1860
by Sara Horrell & Jane Humphries - _162 Looking for work? Or looking for workers? Days and hours of work in London construction in the eighteenth century
by Judy Stephenson - _161 Skill Selection and American Immigration Policy in the Interwar Period
by Alexander A. J. Wulfers - _160 The anatomy of a trade collapse: The UK, 1929-33
by Alan de Bromhead & Alan Fernihough & Markus Lampe
- _158 Russian Real Wages Before and After 1917: in Global Perspective
by Robert Allen & Ekaterina Khaustova - _157 Toddlers, teenagers & terminal heights: The determinants of adult male stature Flanders 1800-76
by Ewout Depauw & Deborah Oxley - _156 Japan and the Great Divergence, 730-1874
by Stephen Broadberry & Jean-Pascal Bassino & Kyoji Fukao & Bishnupriya Gupta & Masanori Takashima - _155 China, Europe and the Great Divergence: A Study in Historical National Accounting, 980-1850
by Stephen Broadberry & Hanhui Guan & David Daokui Li - _154 Growing, Shrinking and Long Run Economic Performance: Historical Perspectives on Economic Development
by Stephen Broadberry & John Wallis - _153 Real Wages and Skill Premiums during Economic Development in Latin America
by Pablo Astorga Junquera - _152 When Britain turned inward: Protection and the shift towards Empire in interwar Britain
by Alan de Bromhead & Alan Fernihough & Markus Lampe - _151 Heights Across the Last 2000 Years in England
by Gregori Galofré-Vilà & Andrew Hinde & Aravinda Guntupalli - _149 The Market Turn: From Social Democracy to Market Liberalism
by Avner Offer
- _148 Rethinking Age-heaping, a Cautionary Tale From Nineteenth Century Italy
by Brian A'Hearn & Alexia Delfino & Alessandro Nuvolari - _147 Unreal Wages? A New Empirical Foundation for the Study of Living Standards and Economic Growth in England, 1260-1860
by Jane Humphries & Jacob Weisdorf - _146 Revising England's Social Tables Once Again
by Robert Allen - _145 Spinning the Industrial Revolution
by Jane Humphries & Benjamin Schneider - _144 On Historical Household Budgets
by Brian A'Hearn & Nicola Amendola & Giovanni Vecchi - _143 Perception vs Reality: How Does The British Electorate Evaluate Economic Performance of Incumbent Governments In The Post War Period?
by Jonathon M. Clegg - _142 The Hand-Loom Weaver and the Power Loom: A Schumpeterian Perspective
by Robert Allen - _141 Absolute Poverty: When Necessity Displaces Desire
by Robert Allen - _140 Achieving the American Dream: Cultural Distance, Cultural Diversity and Economic Performance
by Valeria Rueda & Guillaume Laval & Etienne Patin
- _139 Economic Impossibilities For Our Grandchildren?
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke - _138 To Claim or Not Claim? Friendly Societies In New Zealand, 1879-1884
by Arthur Downing - _137 Land Access Inequality and Education in Pre-Industrial Spain
by Julio Martinez-Galarraga & Francisco Beltrán Tapia - _136 Feast or Famine: The Welfare Impact of Food Price Controls in Nazi Germany
by Robin Winkler - _135 Functional Inequality in Latin America: News from the Twentieth Century
by Pablo Astorga - _134 Indices of House Prices and Rent Prices of Residential Property in London, 1895-1939
by Luke Samy - _133 Gender discrimination in 19thc England: evidence from factory children
by Sara Horrell & Deborah Oxley
- _132 Growth, Import Dependence and War
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Roberto Bonfatti - _131 Health, Gender and the Household: Children's Growth in the Marcella Street Home, Boston, MA and the Ashford School, London, UK
by Eric B. Schneider - _130 Children's Growth in an Adaptive Framework: Explaining the Growth Patterns of American Slaves and Other Historical Populations
by Eric B. Schneider - _129 "The Dust was Long in Settling": Human Capital and the Lasting Impact of the American Dust Bowl
by Vellore Arthi - _128 Urbanization in Southeast Asia during the World War II Japanese Occupation and Its Aftermath
by Gregg Huff & Gillian Huff - _127 The Wages of Women in England, 1260-1850
by Jane Humphries & Jacob Weisdorf - _126 The growing dependence of Britain on trade during the Industrial Revolution
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Gregory Clark & Alan M. Taylor - _125 Risk and Success: Re-assessing Female Entrepreneurship in Late Victorian and Edwardian England
by Jennifer Aston & Paolo Di Martino - _124 Coal and the European Industrial Revolution
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Alan Fernihough
- _123 The Bank of England and the British Economy, 1890-1913
by Nicholas Dimsdale - _122 The Dynamics of Consumption and Investment in the Victorian Economy
by Nicholas Dimsdale - _120 A monthly stock exchange index for Ireland, 1864-1930
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Richard S. Grossman & Madalina A. Ursu & Ronan Lyons - _119 Did Nazis save more? Household saving and ideology in pre-war National Socialist Germany
by Robin Winkler - _118 Blood and bone: Body mass, gender and health inequality in 19th century British families
by David Meredith & Deborah Oxley - _117 Twentieth Century Growth
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Nicholas Crafts - _116 Narrow Banking, Real Estate, and Financial Stability in the UK, c.1870-2010
by Avner Offer - _115 The High wage Economy and the Industrial Revolution: A Restatement
by Robert Allen - _114 Labour and Health in Colonial Nigeria
by James Fenske & Vellore Arthi - _113 Slavery, the British Atlantic Economy and the Industrial Revolution
by C. Knick Harley - _112 'The curse of the Caribbean'? Agency's impact on the efficiency of sugar estates in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 1814-1829
by S.D.Smith & Martin Forster - _111 British and European Industrialization
by C. Knick Harley - _110 War, Blockades, and Hunger: Nutritional Deprivation of German Children 1914-1924
by Mary Elisabeth Cox
- _109 Financing Japan's World War II Occupation of Southeast Asia
by Gregg Huff & Shinobu Majima - _108 "Rubber will not keep in this country": Failed Development in Benin, 1897-1921
by James Fenske - _107 The Battle for Rubber in Benin
by James Fenske - _106 From Empire to Europe: Britain in the World Economy
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke - _105 Social Capital in Decline: Friendly Societies in Australia, 1850-1914
by Arthur Downing - _104 The Evolution of British Monetarism: 1968-1979
by Aled Davies - _103 The Economy of Obligation: Incomplete Contracts and the Cost of the Welfare State
by Avner Offer - _102 A Warrant for Pain: Caveat Emptor vs. the Duty of Care in American Medicine, c. 1970-2010
by Avner Offer - _101 Self-interest, Sympathy and the Invisible Hand: From Adam Smith to Market Liberalism
by Avner Offer - _099 Real Wages and the Family: Adjusting Real Wages to Changing Demography in Pre-Modern England
by Eric B. Schneider - _098 From Slums to Slums in Three Generations; Housing Policy and the Political Economy of the Welfare State, 1945-2005
by Harold Carter - _097 Prices and Production: Agricultural Supply Response in Fourteenth-Century England
by Eric Schneider - _096 Gateway Cities and Urbanisation in Southeast Asia Before World War II
by Gregg Huff - _095 Right Wing Political Extremism in the Great Depression
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Alan de Bromhead & Barry Eichengreen - _094 Italy and the First Age of Globalization, 1861-1940
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Harold James - _093 Bank on Steel? Joint-Stock Banks and the Rationalisation of the British Interwar Steel Industry
by Florian Ploeckl & Simon C. Holmes
- _092 Coping with Shocks and Shifts: The Multilateral Trading System in Historical Perspective
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Douglas A. Irwin - _091 The Lure of Aggregates and the Pitfalls of the Patriarchal Perspective: A Critique of the High Wage Economy Interpretation of the British Industrial Revolution
by Jane Humphries - _090 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Yield-Raising Strategies in Medieval England: An Econometric Approach
by Eric B. Schneider - _089 The Political Economy of Global Financial Liberalisation in Historical Perspective
by Rui Esteves - _088 The determinants of Italy's regional imbalances over the long run: exploring the contributions of human and social capital
by Emanuele Felice - _087 The Importance of Ideology: the Shift to Factory Production and its Effect on Women's Employment Opportunities in the English Textile Industries
by Paul Minoletti - _086 'The Paradox of Success': The Effect of Growth, Competition and Managerial Self-Interest on Building Society Risk-Taking and Market Structure, c.1880-1939
by Luke Samy
- _085 Medics, Monarchs and Mortality, 1600-1800: Origins of the Knowledge-Driven Health Transition in Europe
by S. Ryan Johansson - _084 The Zollverein and the Formation of a Customs Union
by Florian Ploeckl - _083 The Demography of an Early Mortality Transition: Life Expectancy, Survival and Mortality Rates for Britain's Royals, 1500-1799
by Paul David & S. Ryan Johansson & Andrea Pozzi - _082 Obesity under affluence varies by welfare regimes: The effect of fast food, insecurity, and inequality
by Avner Offer & Rachel Pechey & Stanley Ulijaszek - _081 Prices and Profits in Cotton Textiles During the Industrial Revolution
by C. Knick Harley - _080 Mean Reversion in Long-Horizon Real Exchange Rates: Evidence from Latin America
by Pablo Astorga
- _079 Risk, Asset Markets and Inequality: Evidence from Medieval England
by Cliff T. Bekar & Clyde Reed - _078 The Price of Time and Labour Supply: From the Black Death to the Industrious Revolution
by Mark Koyama - _077 Medical Liability Litigation: An Historical Look at the Causes for Its Growth in the United Kingdom
by David Chacko - _076 The Name of the Rose: Classifying 1930s Exchange-Rate Regimes
by Scott Andrew Urban - _075 A Century of Economic Growth in Latin America
by Pablo Astorga
- _074 British Manual Workers: From Producers to Consumers, c. 1950-2000
by Avner Offer - _073 To Take or to Make? Contracting for Legitimacy in the Emerging States of Twelfth-Century Britain
by Leigh A. Gardner - _072 The Building Society Promise: Building Societies and Home Ownership, c.1880-1913
by Luke Samy - _071 When Smaller Families Look Contagious: A Spatial Look at the French Fertility Decline Using an Agent-Based Simulation Model
by Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon & Tommy Murphy - _070 Charles Feinstein (1932-2005), and British Historical National Accounts
by Avner Offer - _069 Domestic Trade and Market Size in Late Eighteenth-Century France
by Guillaume Daudin
- _068 India and the Great Divergence: Assessing the Efficiency of Grain Markets in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century India
by Roman Studer - _067 From Preventive to Permissive Checks: The Changing Nature of the Malthusian Relationship Between Nuptiality and the Price of Provisions in the Nineteenth Century
by Paul Sharp & Jacob Weisdorf - _066 Cities, Market Integration and Going to Sea: Stunting and the Standard of Living in Early Nineteenth-Century England and Wales
by Jane Humphries & Tim Leunig
- _065 Bargaining for Absolutism: A Spanish Path to Nation State and Empire Building
by Regina Grafe & M.A. Irigoin - _064 `Because they are too menny...` children, mothers, and fertility decline: The evidence from working-class autobiographies of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
by Jane Humphries - _063 Educational Disparity in East and West Pakistan, 1947-71: Was East Pakistan Discriminated Against?
by Mohammad Niaz Asadullah - _062 The Quiet Transport Revolution: Returns to Scale, Scope and Network Density in Norway`s Nineteenth-Century Sailing Fleet
by Regina Grafe & Camilla Brautaset - _061 Exploring Changes in Earnings Inequality during Industrialization: Barcelona, 1856-1905
by Natalia Mora-Sitja
- _060 The Markup for Lemons: Quality and Uncertainty in American and British Used-Car Markets c.1953-1973
by Avner Offer - _059 How Mafias Migrate: The Case of the `Ndrangheta in Northern Italy
by Federico Varese - _058 Fluctuations in a Dreadful Childhood: Synthetic Longitudinal Height Data, Relative Prices, and Weather in the Short-Term Health of American Slaves
by Richard H. Steckel - _057 Endogenous Growth and Exogenous Shocks in Latin America During the Twentieth Century
by Pablo Astorga & Ame R. Bergés & Valpy Fitzgerald
- _056 Unemployment and Real Wages in Weimar Germany
by Nicholas Dimsdale & N.H. Horsewood & A. van Riel - _055 Popish habits vs. nutritional need: Fasting and fish consumption in Iberia in the early modern period
by Regina Grafe - _054 The Standard of Living in Latin America During the Twentieth Century
by Ame R. Bergés & Valpy Fitzgerald - _053 Evolution of Corporate Governance in Global Industries: The Case of Multinationals in Alcoholic Beverages
by Teresa da Silva Lopes
- _052 Productivity Growth in Latin America during the Twentieth Century
by Valpy Fitzgerald & Pablo Astorga & Ame R. Bergés - _051 Risk and risk management in English agriculture, c.1750-1850
by David R. Stead - _050 Individual, Illegal, and Unjust Purposes`: Overseers, Incentives, and the Old Poor Law in Bolton, 1820-1837
by Robert Dryburgh - _049 The Source of Walras`s Idealist Bias: A Review of Koppl`s Solution to the Walras Paradox
by Alexandre Debs
- _048 Does Industrialisation Push up Inequality? New Evidence on the Kuznets Curve from Nineteenth-Century Prussian Tax Statistics
by Oliver Grant - _047 Productivity in German Agriculture: Estimates of Agricultural Productivity from Regional Accounts for 21 German Regions: 1880/4, 1893/7 and 1905/9
by Oliver Grant - _046 Bull is Half the Herd: Property Rights and Enclosures in England, 1750-1850
by Elaine Tan - _045 Labour and Wages in Pre-Industrial Catalonia
by Natalia Mora Sitja - _044 Why has the Public Sector Grown so Large in Market Societies? The Political Economy of Prudence in the UK, c. 1870-2000
by Avner Offer - _043 Top Incomes in the United Kingdom Over the Twentieth Century
by Tony Atkinson
- _042 Lord Overstone and the Establishment of British Nineteenth-Century Monetary Orthodoxy
by Walter  Eltis - _041 A Plea for Errors
by Charles H. Feinstein & Mark Thomas - _040 Positive Feedback in Collective Mobilization: The American Strike Wave of 1886
by Michael Biggs - _039 A Market Economy in the Early Roman Empire
by Peter Temin - _023 From Keeping Natures Secrets to the Institutionalization of Open Science
by Paul David
- _038 Who Bought the Inter-War Semi? The Socio-Economic Characteristics of New-House Buyers in the 1930s
by George Speight - _037 State Intervention in English Education, 1833-1891: A Public Goods and Agency Approach
by Martin West - _036 Variations in Churchgoing Rates in England in 1851: Supply-side Deficiency or Demand-led Decline?
by Alasdair  Crockett - _035 Where theres Muck theres Brass The Market for Manure in the Industrial Revolution
by Liam Brunt - _034 Economic Welfare Measurements and Human Well-Being, [revised version, March 2000]
by Avner Offer
- _033 Early Twentieth Century Productivity Growth Dynamics: An Inquiry into the Economic History of Our Ignorance
by Paul David & Gavin Wright - _032 An Arbitrage Model in Crop Rotation in 18th Century England
by Liam Brunt - _031 General Purpose Technologies and Surges in Productivity: Historical Reflections on the Future of the ICT Revolution
by Paul David & Gavin Wright - _030 Volunteers for Development: A Test of the Post-Materialist Hypothesis in Britiain, c. 1965-1987
by Matthew Braham - _029 Estimating English Wheat Production in the Industrial Revolution
by Liam Brunt - _028 London Clubs in the Late Nineteenth Century
by Antonia Taddei
- _027 The Diffusion of the Herringbone Parlour: A Case Study in the History of Agricultural Technology
by Oliver Grant - _026 An Arduous and Unprofitable Undertaking: The Enclosure of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire
by David Stead - _025 Epidemics of Abundance: Overeating and Slimming in the USA and Britain since the 1950s
by Avner Offer - _024 Altruism:The Importance of Being Asked. The Rescue of Jews in Nazi Europe
by Federico Varese & Meir Yaish - _022 New Answers to Old Questions: Transport Costs and the Slow Adoption of Ring Spinning in Lancashire
by Tim Leunig
- _021 Time and Work in Eighteenth-Century London
by Hans-Joachim Voth - _020 Path Dependence and the Quest for Historical Economics: One More chorus of Ballad of QWERTY
by Paul David - _019 Nature or Nurture? Explaining English Wheat Yields in the Agricultural Revolution
by Liam Brunt - _018 Neutrality and Mediterranean Shipping Under Danish Flag, 1750-1807
by Hans-Joachim Voth & Dan H. Andersen - _017 Human Bonding: Parents and Their Offspring in Early Modern England
by Ilana Krausman Ben-Amos - _016 Unemployment and Non-Employment in Interwar Britain
by Ed Butchart - _015 Business men and Land Purchase in Late Nineteenth Century England
by Tom Nicholas - _014 1935 Sanctions Against Italy: Would Coal and Crude Oil Have Made a Difference
by Cristiano Andrea Ristuccia - _013 The German Railways - The Economic and Political Feasibility of Fiscal Reforms During the Inflation of the Early 1920s
by Norbet Paddags - _012 The Economic Determinants of Ethnic Segregation in Post-War Britain
by David M. Engstrom
- _011 The American Automobile Frenzy of the 1950s
by Avner Offer