December 2004, Volume 31, Issue 4
September 2004, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 233-234 Introduction to the Special Issue on Risk Behaviour of Market Participants
by Olivier Mahul - 235-272 A selected review of agricultural commodity futures and options markets
by Philip Garcia - 273-287 Toward exploring the location-scale condition: a constant relative risk aversion location-scale objective function
by Carl H. Nelson - 289-307 Optimism and pessimism in commodity price hedging
by Jonathan Tuthill - 309-330 The joint effect of government crop insurance and loan programmes on the demand for futures hedging
by Keith H. Coble - 331-352 The impact of US commodity programmes on hedging in the presence of crop insurance
by H. Holly Wang - 353-368 Relationships among government payments, crop insurance payments and crop revenue
by Robert J. Hauser - 369-387 Trade exposure and income volatility in cash-crop exporting developing countries
by François Bourguignon - 389-408 Trading off health, environmental and genetic modification attributes in food
by Wuyang Hu
June 2004, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 111-123 Riskier product portfolio under decoupled payments
by Maurice J. Roche - 125-148 Impacts of alternative agricultural income support schemes on multiple policy goals
by Chantal Le Mouel - 149-178 Regional social accounting matrices for structural policy analysis in lagging EU
by Anna Daouli - 179-204 Effect of information about benefits of biotechnology on consumer acceptance of genetically modified food: evidence from experimental auctions in the United States, England, and France
by W. Bruce Traill - 205-223 Willingness-to-pay for safety improvements in the German meat sector: the case of the Q&S label
by Ulrich Enneking - 225-226 Review of K. D. Olson. Farm Management: Principles and Strategies
by Erik Mathijs - 226-229 Review of G. Van Huylenbroeck and G. Durand (eds). Multifunctional Agriculture: a New Paradigm for European Agriculture and Rural Development. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004. ISBN: 0-7546-3576-7, 256 pp., Price: $45 (hardback)
by Arild Vatn - 229-231 Review of W. S. Chern and K. Rickertsen (eds). Health, Nutrition and Food Demand. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, 2003. ISBN: 0-85199-647-7, 320 pp., Price: £55 (hardback)
by Wim Verbeke
March 2004, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-18 Biodiversity versus transgenic sugar beet: the one euro question
by Eric Tollens - 19-37 Stated preferences for imported and hormone-treated beef: application of a mixed logit model
by Frode Alfnes - 61-76 Uniform or discriminating payments for environmental production on arable land under asymmetric information
by Ing-Marie Gren - 77-101 A microeconometric analysis of credit rationing in the Polish farm sector
by Martin Petrick - 103-104 I. G. Malkina-Pykh and Y. A. Pykh. Sustainable Food and Agriculture. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 2003. ISBN: 1-85312-937-2, 366 pp., Price: £118/€192.05 (hardback)
by Anna Maria Haering - 104-107 M. Kherallah, C. Delgado, E. Gabre-Madhin, N. Minot and M. Johnson. Reforming Agricultural Markets in Africa. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2002. ISBN: 0-8018-7145-X, 201 pp., Price: $40 (hardback)
by Eric Tollens - 107-109 C. Kasimis and G. Stathakis (eds). The Reform of the CAP and Rural Development in Southern Europe. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2003. ISBN: 0-7546-3126-5, 191 pp., Price: £55 (hardback)
by Franco Sotte
December 2003, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 415-437 Environmental standard setting by a supra-regional authority: customisation or convergence?
by Michel Cavagnac - 439-460 A dynamic model of on-farm integrated nitrogen management
by Alban Thomas - 461-485 Biodiversity conservation by farmers: analysis of actual and contingent participation
by G. A. A. Wossink - 487-507 Co-ordination and performance of Spanish second-level agricultural co-operatives: the impact of relationship characteristics
by Narciso Arcas-Lario & Miguel Hern·ndez-Espallardo - 509-537 Public R&D investment and cost structure in Italian agriculture, 1960--1995
by Roberto Esposti - 539-558 Forecasting ability of theory-constrained two-stage demand systems
by Geir Wæhler Gustavsen - 559-562 D. W. Allen and D. Lueck. The Nature of the Farm: Contracts, Risk, and Organization in Agriculture. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2003. ISBN: 0-262-12253-7, 258 pp., Price: £23.50 (hardback)
by Volker Beckmann - 562-564 S. Davidova and K. J. Thomson (eds). Romanian Agriculture and Transition toward the EU. Lexington Books, Lanham, 2003. ISBN: 0-7391-0518-3, 232 pp., Price: US$65 (hardcover)
by Štefan Bojnec - 565-567 M. J. Moseley (ed.). Local Partnerships for Rural Development: The European Experience. CABI Publishing, 2003. ISBN: 0-85199-657-4, 256 pp., Price: £49.95 (hardback)
by George Baourakis - 567-569 M. Zeller and R. L. Meyer (eds). The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach, and Impact. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2003. ISBN: 0-8018-7226-X, 399 pp., Price: US$35 (paperback)
by Martin Petrick - 571-571 Modelling trade in processed food products: an econometric investigation for France
by Yves Surry & Nadine Herrard & Yves Le Roux
September 2003, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 281-303 International R&D spillovers and productivity growth in the agricultural sector. A panel cointegration approach
by L. Gutierrez & M. M. Gutierrez - 305-332 Allocating irrigation water: the impact of strategic interactions on the efficiency of rules
by Nicolas Faysse - 333-357 Urban influences on periurban farmland prices
by Jean CavailhËs & Pierre Wavresky - 359-387 Spatial disaggregation of agricultural production data using maximum entropy
by Richard Howitt & Arnaud Reynaud - 389-406 Agricultural price volatility spillover effects: the case of Greece
by Nicholas Apergis & Anthony Rezitis - 407-409 P. L. Kennedy and W. W. Koo (eds). Agricultural Trade Policies in the New Millennium. Food Products Press, Binghamton, NY, USA, 2002. ISBN: 1-56022-932-2, 396 pp., Price: $49.95 (softcover)
by Jean-Christophe Bureau - 409-412 Hagedorn, K. (ed.). Environmental Co-operation and Institutional Change. Theories and Policies for European Agriculture. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2002. ISBN: 1-84064-841-4, 416 pp., Price: £69.95 (hardback)
by Stefan B”ckmann - 412-414 Uphoff, N. (ed.). Agroecological Innovations. Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development. Earthscan, London, UK, 2002. ISBN: 1-85383-857-8, 306 pp., Price: £18.95 (paperback)
by Joost Dessein
June 2003, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 125-154 Who gains, who loses? Welfare effects of classical swine fever epidemics in the Netherlands
by M.-J. J. Mangen & A. M. Burrell - 155-172 Price transmission, BSE and structural breaks in the UK meat sector
by Ana I. Sanjuán & P. J. Dawson - 173-192 The effect of the BSE outbreak in Japan on consumers' preferences
by Hyun J. Jin & Won W. Koo - 193-215 The single-bid restriction on milk quota exchanges
by Peter Bogetoft & Kurt Nielsen & Henrik Ballebye Olesen - 217-239 Hedging price risk in the presence of crop yield and revenue insurance
by Olivier Mahul - 241-270 Time-varying coefficients in the Almost Ideal Demand System: an empirical appraisal
by Mario Mazzocchi - 271-273 A. de Janvry, G. Gordillo, J.-P. Platteau and E. Sadoulet (eds). Access to Land, Rural Poverty and Public Action. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2001. ISBN: 0-19-924217-8, 630 pp., £67.50 (hardback)
by Kees Burger - 273-276 L. Roberts and D. Hall (eds). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon and New York, 2001. ISBN: 0-85199-540-3, 231 pp., Price: £27.50 (paperback)
by Anne Moxnes Jervell - 276-278 F. Brouwer and D. E. Ervin (eds). Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade. CABI Publishing, Oxon and New York, 2002. ISBN: 0-85199-586-1, 352 pp., Price: £49.95 (hardback)
by Peter Walkenhorst - 278-280 W. Buhler, S. Morse, E. Arthur, S. Bolton and J. Mann. Science, Agriculture and Research, a Compromised Participation? Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 2002. ISBN: 1-85383-691-5, 163 pp., Price: £17.95 (paperback)
by Ludwig Lauwers
March 2003, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-26 Reform of EU sugar policy: price cuts versus quota reductions
by S¯ren E. Frandsen & Hans G. Jensen & Wusheng Yu & Aage Walter-J¯rgensen - 27-50 Estimation of constrained optimisation models for agricultural supply analysis based on generalised maximum entropy
by Thomas Heckelei & Hendrik Wolff - 51-75 Agri-environmental externalities: a framework for designing targeted policies
by Jussi Lankoski & Markku Ollikainen - 77-98 Grain price volatility in a small open economy
by Maurice J. Roche & Kieran McQuinn - 99-116 Timing and type of exit from farming: farmers' early retirement programmes in Finland
by Ky–sti Pietola & Minna V”re & Alfons Oude Lansink - 117-119 P. Pinstrup-Andersen and E. Schi¯ler. Seeds of Contention: World Hunger and the Global Controversy of GM Crops. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2001. ISBN: 0-8018-6826-2, 176 pp., Price: $13.95
by Hugo De Groote - 119-121 V. Santaniello, R. E. Evenson and D. Zilberman (eds). Market Development for Genetically Modified Foods. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2002. ISBN: 0-85199-573-X, 336 pp., Price: £55.00
by Roelof A. Jongeneel - 121-124 G. E. Isaac. Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2002. ISBN: 0-85199-580-2, 320 pp., Price: £49.95
by Alan Matthews
December 2002, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 423-443 Environmental policies for a multifunctional agricultural sector in open economies
by Jeffrey M. Peterson & Richard N. Boisvert & Harry de Gorter - 445-470 The Agenda 2000 CAP reform, world prices and GATT--WTO export constraints
by Hans van Meijl & Frank van Tongeren - 471-500 Combining time-varying and dynamic multi-period optimal hedging models
by Michael S. Haigh & Matthew T. Holt - 501-522 On government credibility, compensation and under-investment in public research
by Johan F. M. Swinnen & Harry de Gorter - 523-531 The validity of parametric link functions in discrete choice models of food purchases: empirical evidence from Greek microdata
by Panos Fousekis & Panagiotis Lazaridis - 533-534 R. E. Just and R. D. Pope (eds). A Comprehensive Assessment of the Role of Risk in U.S. Agriculture. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2002. ISBN: 0-7923-7567-X, 586 pp., Price: Euro
by Paul Webster - 534-536 J. D. Gaisford and W. A. Kerr. Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations. The WTO and Agricultural Trade. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2001. ISBN: 1-84064-535-0, 224 pp., Price: £49.95
by Giovanni Anania - 536-539 F. Pavel. Success and Failure of Post-Communist Transition. Theory and Application to Bulgaria Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 2. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 2001. ISBN: 3-8265-8774-X, 210 pp., Price: Euro28.00
by Martin Banse
July 2002, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 287-288 Special issue containing the plenary papers of the Xth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists
by J. C. Bureau - 289-307 Valuing the outputs of multifunctional agriculture
by Alan Randall - 309-327 Multifunctional agriculture: some consequences for international trade regimes
by Arild Vatn - 329-348 Economic issues related to quarantine in international trade
by J. D. Mumford - 349-371 Why should imperfect competition matter to agricultural economists?
by Steve McCorriston - 373-397 Competition policy and the agribusiness sector in the European Union
by Paolo Buccirossi & StÈphan Marette & Alessandra Schiavina - 399-422 Agricultural trade and the Barcelona Process: is full liberalisation possible?
by JosÈ-MarÌa GarcÌa-Alvarez-Coque
June 2002, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 185-204 Ten rules of thumb in contract design: lessons from Danish agriculture
by Peter Bogetoft & Henrik Ballebye Olesen - 205-217 Optimal linear contracts with heterogeneous agents
by Armando Levy & Tomislav Vukina - 219-236 Informal insurance in renewable resource harvesting
by Rabindra Nath Chakraborty - 237-253 Estimation of an efficient tomato contract
by Brent Hueth & Ethan Ligon - 255-269 On the emergence of new growers' associations: self-selection versus countervailing power
by George Hendrikse & Jos Bijman - 271-279 Moral hazard, vertical integration, and public monitoring in credence goods
by Henrik Vetter & Kostas Karantininis - 281-282 O.-F. van Bekkum. Cooperative Models and Farm Policy Reform. Exploring Patterns in Structure--Strategy Matches of Dairy Cooperatives in Protected Versus Liberalized Markets. Koninklijke Van Gorcum, Assen, The Netherlands, 2001. ISBN: 90-232-3705-6, Price: 49.50 NLG
by Dirk van der Krogt - 282-284 J. S. Shortle and D. Abler (editors). Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, 2001. ISBN: 0-85199-399-0, 240 pp., Price: £45
by Jutta Roosen - 285-286 J. D. Gaisford, J. E. Hobbs, W. A. Kerr, N. Perdikis and M. D. Plunkett. The Economics of Biotechnology. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2001. ISBN: 1-84064-595-4, 264 pp., Price: £55.00
by Justus Wesseler
March 2002, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-28 Modelling trade in processed food products: an econometric investigation for France
by Yves Surry & Nadine Herrard - 29-50 Consumer response to a food safety incident: exploring the role of supplier differentiation in an experimental study
by Andreas B–cker - 51-66 Effciency and productivity of conventional and organic farms in Finland 1994--1997
by Alfons Oude Lansink & Ky–sti Pietola - 67-84 Identification by full adjustment: evidence from the relationship between futures and spot prices
by W. Erno Kuiper & Joost M. E. Pennings - 85-104 Beverage consumption among US children and adolescents: full-information and quasi maximum-likelihood estimation of a censored system
by Steven T. Yen - 105-108 Introduction: old and new challenges in international agricultural trade
by Panu K. S. Kallio - 109-130 Tariff-rate quotas: failed market access instruments?
by Philip C. Abbott - 131-154 Perspectives on the state trading issue in the WTO negotiations
by Steve McCorriston - 155-176 Regulation of biotechnology: will we ever 'freely' trade GMOs?
by Ian M. Sheldon - 177-180 L.-P. MahÈ and F. Ortalo-MagnÈ. Politique Agricole: Un ModËle EuropÈen. Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 2001. ISBN: 2-7246-0833-X, 240 pp
by Michel Petit - 180-182 J. Bennet and R. Blamley. The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2001. ISBN: 1-84-064304-8, 269 pp., Price: £55
by Jesús Barreiro HurlÈ - 182-184 A. L. Cartwright. The Return of the Peasant. Land Reform in post-Communist Romania. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, 2001. ISBN: 0-7546-2166-9, 228 pp., Price: £50
by Luiza Toma
December 2001, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 389-392 Special issue on the food consumer in the early 21st century
by José M. Gil - 393-420 Infrequency of purchase and double-hurdle models of Irish households' meat expenditure
by Carol Newman & Maeve Henchion - 421-432 Greek household consumption of food away from home: a microeconometric approach
by Vasilis G. Mihalopoulos - 433-450 Assessing consumer response to Protected Designation of Origin labelling: a mixed multinomial logit approach
by Céline Bonnet - 451-478 The role of the region of origin and EU certificates of origin in consumer evaluation of food products
by Ivo A. van der Lans & Koert van Ittersum & Antonella De Cicco - 479-498 Consumer attitudes to genetically modified organisms in food in the UK
by Michael Burton & Dan Rigby & Trevor Young - 499-518 Health information and the demand for meat in Spain
by Monia Ben Kaabia & Ana M. Angulo
October 2001, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 241-262 Quality and contractual choice: a transaction cost approach to the polish hog market
by Silke Boger - 263-284 What price precaution? European harmonisation of aflatoxin regulations and African groundnut exports
by Tsunehiro Otsuki & John S. Wilson - 285-306 Estimating confidence intervals for technical efficiency: the case of private farms in slovenia
by Bernhard Brümmer - 307-328 The effects of dollar-sterling exchange rate volatility on futures markets for coffee and cocoa
by Adusei Jumah - 329-348 Moral hazard, risk aversion and compliance monitoring in agri-environmental policy
by Adam Ozanne & Tim Hogan - 349-370 Estimation and inference in cointegrated demand systems: an application to Tunisian meat consumption
by M. Ben Kaabia - 371-373 Book review. T. Heckelei, H. P. Witzke and W. Henrichsmeyer. Agricultural Sector Modelling and Policy Information Systems. Proceedings of the 65th European Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, 29--31 March 2000, Bonn (Germany). Vauk, Kiel, Germany, 2001. ISBN: 3-8175-0329-6, 331 pp., Price: Euro71.58
by Ludwig Lauwers - 373-375 Book review. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Income Risk Management in Agriculture. OECD Publications, Paris, France, 2000. ISBN: 92-64-18534-8, 152 pp., Price: Euro46, US$42
by Miranda Meuwissen - 375-377 Book review. M. A. Clark. Teleworking in the Countryside. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, 2000. ISBN: 0-7546-1061-6, 189 pp., Price: £27.50
by Caspian Richards - 377-379 Book review. D. J. O'Brien, V. V. Patsiorkovski and L. D. Dershem. Household Capital and the Agrarian Problem in Russia. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, 2000. ISBN: 0-7546-1059-4, 310 pp., Price: £39.95
by Štefan Bojnec - 380-382 Book review. International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rural Poverty Report 2001. The Challenge of Ending Rural Poverty. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2001. ISBN: 0-19-924507-X, 284 pp. Price: £15.99
by Johannes Jütting - 382-384 Book review. W.-R. Poganietz, A. Zezza, K. Frohberg and K. Stamoulis. Perspectives on Agriculture in Transition: Analytical Issues, Modeling Approaches, and Case Study Results. Vauk, Kiel, Germany, 2000. ISBN: 3-8175-0325-3, 485 pp., Price: Euro94.08
by Silvia Weyerbrock - 384-386 Book review. B. A. M. Bouman, H. G. P. Jansen, R. A. Schipper, H. Hengsdijk and A. Nieuwenhuyse. Tools for Land Use Analysis on Different Scales, with Case Studies for Costa Rica. System Approaches for Sustainable Agricultural Development, Volume 8. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. ISBN: 0-7923-6479-1, 272 pp., Price: NLG 240.00
by Wolfgang Britz - 386-388 Book review. R. Challen. Institutions, Transaction Costs and Environmental Policy. Institutional Reform for Water Resources. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA, 2000. ISBN: 1-84064-250-5, 233 pp., Price: £55.00
by Dieter Hecht
June 2001, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 95-115 Testing for speculation in agricultural land in Ireland
by MJ Roche & K McQuinn - 117-142 Endogenous technology switches in Dutch dairy farming under environmental restrictions
by MHC Komen & JHM Peerlings - 143-159 Price transmission: the interaction between market power and returns to scale
by S McCorriston & CW Morgan & AJ Rayner - 161-185 Optimal fleet size in the English Channel: a multi-objective programming approach
by S Pascoe & S Mardle - 187-206 The impact of management regulation on the technical efficiency of vessels in the Dutch beam trawl fishery
by S Pascoe & JL Andersen & J-W de Wilde - 207-226 CAP reform and the rebalancing of support for cereals and oilseeds: a farm-level analysis
by RW Ackrill & SJ Ramsden & JM Gibbons - 227-229 Book review. The Politics of Agriculture in Japan. AG Mulgan
by P Riethmuller - 229-231 Book review. Employment Dynamics in Rural Europe. IJ Terluin, JH Post
by JM Bryden - 231-234 Book review. Econometric Foundations. RC Mittlehammer, GG Judge, DJ Miller
by A Burrell & C Gardebroek - 235-237 Book review. Industrial Location and Economic Integration: Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces in the New Europe. B Dluhosch
by Y Léon - 237-239 Book review. Stochastic Frontier Analysis: an Econometric Approach. S Kumbhakar, CAK Lovell
by RÁ Cuesta
March 2001, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-15 Farmer response to policies promoting organic farming technologies in Finland
by KS Pietola & AO Lansink - 17-36 Whole-farm planning under uncertainty: impacts of subsidy scheme and utility function on portfolio choice in Norwegian agriculture
by G Lien & JB Hardaker - 37-56 Hurdle count-data models of meat consumption in Bulgaria
by W Moon & WJ Florkowski & LR Beuchat & P Paraskova & AVA Resurreccion & MS Chinnan & J Jordanov - 57-78 Sugar sector restructuring in Poland: some benefits and costs of EU accession
by P Walkenhorst - 79-81 Book review. A History of Farming Systems Research. M Collinson [ed]
by G Flichman - 81-83 Book review. Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union. S Tangermann, M Banse [eds]
by CE Stofors - 84-85 Book review. Valuing Nature with Travel Cost Models: A Manual. FA Ward, D Beal
by C Kling - 85-88 Book review. Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights: Economic, Institutional and Implementation Issues in Biotechnology. V Santaniello, RE Evenson, D Zilberman, GA Carlson [eds]
by PB Joly - 88-90 Book review. Die private Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln im Transformationsprozess Tschechiens und Polens. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 4. S Brosig
by J Michalek - 90-93 Book review. The Economics of World Wheat Markets. JM Antle, VH Smith [eds]
by M von Lampe
December 2000, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 409-430 Analysis of EU dairy policy reform
by Z Bouamra Mechemache & V Réquillart - 431-447 The value of price- and quantity-fixing contracts for piglets in Finland
by KS Pietola & HH Wang - 449-471 Short- and long-run effects of macroeconomic variables on the Spanish agricultural sector
by MB Kaabia & JM Gil - 473-495 The decomposition of cost inefficiency into technical and allocative components with panel data of Italian dairy farms
by OW Maietta - 497-518 Decomposing productivity growth allowing efficiency gains and price-induced technical progress
by A Oude Lansink & E Silva & S Stefanou - 519-532 A hedonic analysis of agricultural land prices in England and Wales
by D Maddison - 533-534 Book review. Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling under Rational Expectations. With an Application to Tariff Reform in Australia. M Malakellis
by L van Wesenbeeck - 534-536 Book review. Russia's Agro-food Sector: Towards Truly Functioning Markets. P Wehrheim, K Frohberg, E Serova, J von Braun
by WM Liefert - 537-539 Book review. Farm Incomes, Wealth and Agricultural Policy, Third Edition. B Hill
by G Schmitt
September 2000, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 259-280 Comparing EU and US trade liberalisation under the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
by J-C Bureau & L Fulponi & L Salvatici - 281-303 Emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture: the heterogeneity of abatement costs in France
by S De Cara & P-A Jayet - 305-323 Heterogeneous preferences in household food consumption in Italy
by D Moro & P Sckokai - 325-345 Transaction cost analysis of outsourcing farm administration by Belgian farmers
by T Vernimmen & W Verbeke & G van Huylenbroeck - 347-364 Oligopsony power with uniform spatial pricing: theory and application to milk processing in Spain
by AM Alvarez & EG Fidalgo & RJ Sexton & M Zhang - 365-384 The impact of public R&D and extension expenditure on Italian agriculture: an application of a mixed parametric-nonparametric approach
by R Esposti - 385-398 Measuring the recreational value of agricultural landscape
by A Fleischer & Y Tsur - 399-401 Book review. Future Impacts of Biotechnology on Agriculture, Food Production and Food Processing: A Delphi Survey. K Menrad, D Agrafiotis, CM Enzing, L Lemkow, F Terragni
by N Gotsch - 401-403 Book review. Paying for Agricultural Productivity. JM Alston, PG Pardey, VH Smith (edd)
by H Hockmann - 403-405 Book review. Quality Policy and Consumer Behaviour in the European Union. T Becker (ed)
by V Réquillart - 406-408 Book review. Transaktionskosten und Institutionelle Wahl in der Landwirtschaft: Zwischen Markt, Hierarchie und Kooperation. V Beckmann
by C Weiss
June 2000, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 109-126 Hedging crop risk with yield insurance futures and options
by I Mahul & D Vermersch - 127-151 True state dependence and heterogeneity in off-farm labour participation
by A Corsi & JL Findeis - 153-166 Estimating the long-run supply and demand for agricultural labour in the UK
by K Balcombe & A Prakash - 167-186 Nitrogen efficiency of Dutch dairy farms: a shadow cost system approach
by S Reinhard & G Thijssen - 187-206 Convergence in US and EU agriculture
by L Gutierrez - 207-226 The economics of soil nutrient stocks and cattle ranching in the tropics: optimal pasture degradation in humid Costa Rica
by EH Bulte & BAM Bouman & RAJ Plant & A Nieuwenhuyse & HGP Jansen - 227-244 African wildlife policy: protecting wildlife herbivores on private game ranches
by PID Kinyua & G Cornelis van Kooten & EH Bulte - 245-247 Book review. Valuing Environmental Preferences. Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU and Developing Countries. I Bateman, K Willis [edd]
by JB Hurle - 247-250 Book reviews. Organic Farming in Europe: Economics and Policy, vols 1-4 and vol. 7. N Lampkin, C Foster, S Padel, P Midmore, R Zaniole, D Gambelli, J Nichelsen, U Hamm, E Wynen, E Roth
by AM Jervell - 250-252 Book review. Agricultural Policy in Western Europe and the United States. K Ingersent, A Rayner
by A Matthews - 252-254 Book review. Managing Nitrogen Pollution From Intensive Livestock Production in the EU: Economic and Environmental Benefits of Reducing Nitrogen Pollution by Nutritional Management in Relation to the Changing CAP Regime and the Nitrate Directive. F Brouwer, P Hellegers, M Hoogeveen, H Luesink
by G Haxsen - 254-256 Book review. Efficiency Issues in Transitional Economies. An Application to Hungary. J Piesse
by H Thiele - 256-258 Book review. Famine in Africa: Causes, Responses, and Prevention. J von Braun, T Teklu, P Webb
by TL Roe
March 2000, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-16 Incomplete Transmission of Coffee Bean Prices: Evidence from the Netherlands
by Bettendorf, L & Verboven, F - 17-37 Site-Specific Management of Agricultural Inputs: An Illustration for Variable-Rate Irrigation
by Feinerman, Eli & Voet, Hillary - 39-57 Optimal Advertising Levies with Application to the Norway-EU Salmon Agreement
by Kinnucan, Henry W & Myrland, Oystein - 59-73 Productivity Growth and Efficiency Measurement: A Dual Approach
by Lansink, Alfons Oude - 75-90 The Economic Benefits to Agriculture of a Reduction of Low-Level Ozone Pollution in the Netherlands
by Kuik, O J, et al - 91-93 Book review. The reform of the common agricultural policy: the case of the MacSharry reforms. A Kay
by M Petit - 93-96 Book review. Policy networks under pressure: pollution control, policy reform and the power of farmers. C Daugbjerg
by E Rabinowicz - 96-98 Book review. Conservation of genetic resources - costs and implications for a sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. D Virchow
by T Göschl - 99-100 Book review. Restructuring the sugar industry in Poland: transition from state socialism to the common agricultural policy. P Walkenhorst
by S Harris - 101-102 Book review. Dekollektivierung und Umstrukturierung des Agrarsektors der Neuen Bundesländer: eine Gesamtwirtschaftliche und Sektorale Analyse von Politikmaßnahmen. H Thiele
by E Mathijs - 103-104 Book review. Economics of Marketable Surplus Supply: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for China. P Zong, J Davis
by C Benjamin - 105-107 Book review. Networking the Farm. The Social Structure of Cooperation and Competition in Iowa Agriculture. R Ziegenhorn
by V Beckmann
December 1999, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 425-442 Double-Hurdle and Purchase-Infrequency Demand Analysis: A Feasible Integrated Approach
by Kimhi, Ayal - 443-460 Co-ordinating Economic, Behavioural and Spatial Aspects of Wildlife Preservation in Agriculture
by Wossink, Ada, et al - 461-477 Testing Regularity Properties in Static and Dynamic Duality Models: The Case of Greek Agriculture
by Reziti, Ioanna & Ozanne, Adam - 479-492 A Risk Programming Approach for Analysing Contractual Choice in the Presence of Transaction Costs
by Dorward, Andrew - 493-510 On Dynamic Arbitrage Pricing and Information: The Case of the US Broiler Sector
by Chavas, Jean-Paul - 511-532 Cyprus in the EU: A Quantitative Analysis of Adopting the CAP
by Pattichis, Charalambos A - 533-548 Output Counts: Comparing the Published Contributions by Agricultural Economists across Countries
by Mueller, Rolf A E & Sumner, Daniel A
August 1999, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 265-281 Redesigning the CAP to Meet the Challenges of EU Enlargement and the WTO: What Can Agricultural Economic Research Contribute?
by Rabinowicz, Ewa - 283-304 A Decade of Transition in Central and Eastern European Agriculture
by Trzeciak-Duval, Alexandra - 305-329 Agricultural Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe: Implications for Competitiveness and Rural Development
by Sarris, Alexander H & Doucha, Tomas & Mathijs, Erik - 331-347 Differences in Farm Efficiency in Market and Transition Economies: Empirical Evidence from West to East Germany
by Thiele, Holger & Brodersen, Claus M - 349-370 The Impact of Financial Crisis on Russia's Agro-Food Sector
by Serova, Eugenia & von Braun, Joachim & Wehrheim, Peter - 371-388 Implementation of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and Developments for the Next Round of Negotiations
by Josling, Tim & Tangermann, Stefan