2009, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-11 The Political Economy of Fiscal Reform in Central and Eastern Europe
by George Kopits
2008, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-9 Reforming Fiscal Institutions: The Elusive Art of the Budget Advisor
by Richard Allen - 1-50 Budgeting in Greece
by Ian Hawkesworth & Daniel Bergvall & Richard Emery & Joachim Wehner - 1-60 Budgeting in Portugal
by Teresa Curristine & Chung-Keun Park & Richard Emery
2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-27 The role of the state and public finance in the next generation
by Vito Tanzi - 1-40 Budgeting in Estonia
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Joachim Wehner & Kirsten Richter - 1-58 Budgeting in Russia
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Daniel Bergvall & Ian Hawkesworth & Valentina Kostyleva & Matthias Witt - 1-64 Budgeting in Australia
by Jón R. Blöndal & Daniel Bergvall & Ian Hawkesworth & Rex Deighton-Smith
2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-11 Performance budgeting in Sweden
by Thomas Küchen & Pertti Nordman - 1-13 Performance budgeting in the United States
by Robert J. Shea - 1-16 Performance budgeting in the United Kingdom
by Zafar Noman - 1-31 The new accounting model of the Swiss confederation
by Oecd - 1-42 The Dutch fiscal framework: History, current practice and the role of the central planning bureau
by Frits Bos
2008, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-11 Performance Budgeting in Korea
by John M. Kim & Nowook Park - 1-18 Performance Budgeting in Canada
by Lee McCormack - 1-20 Performance Budgeting in the Netherlands
by Raphael Debets - 1-24 Performance Budgeting in Denmark
by Rikke Ginnerup & Thomas Broeng Jørgensen & Anders Møller Jacobsen & Niels Refslund - 1-40 Ageing and the Public Sector: Challenges for Financial and Human Resources
by Elsa Pilichowski & Emmanuelle Arnould & Edouard Turkisch - 1-41 Programme Budgeting in OECD countries
by Dirk-Jan Kraan
2007, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-15 Performance Budgeting in Australia
by Lewis Hawke - 1-26 Role of the Legislature in the Budget Process: Recent Trends and Innovations
by Paul L. Posner & Chung-Keun Park - 1-29 A Principal-Agent Theory Approach to Public Expenditure Management Systems in Developing Countries
by Luc Leruth & Elisabeth Paul - 1-32 Off-budget Expenditure: An Economic and Political Framework
by Allen Schick - 1-37 Budgeting in Austria
by Jón R. Blöndal & Daniel Bergvall
2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 7-58 Budgeting in Turkey
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Daniel Bergvall & Ian Hawkesworth - 59-92 Structural Balance Policy in Chile
by Jorge C. Rodriguez & Carla R. Tokman & Alejandra C. Vega - 93-107 Integrating Current and Development Budgets: A Four-Dimensional Process
by David Webber - 109-138 Performance Budgeting and Accrual Budgeting: Decision rules or Analytic Tools?
by Allen Schick - 139-177 Engaging the Public in National Budgeting: A Non-governmental Perspective
by Susan Tanaka
2007, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-24 Budget Reform in China
by Christine Wong - 1-25 Comparing Budget and Accounting Measures of the Federal Government's Fiscal Condition
by Oecd - 1-25 Civil Service Reform in China
by John P. Burns - 1-37 Budgeting in Latin America: Results of the 2006 OECD Survey
by Teresa Curristine & Maria Bas - 1-40 Implementing OMB's Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART): Meeting the Challenges of Integrating Budget and Performance
by John B. Gilmour - 1-41 Improving Public Sector Efficiency: Challenges and Opportunities
by Teresa Curristine & Zsuzsanna Lonti & Isabelle Joumard
2007, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 7-36 Managing and Controlling Extrabudgetary Funds
by Richard Allen & Dimitar Radev - 37-62 Performance Budgeting in the Netherlands: Beyond Arithmetic
by Frans K. M. van Nispen & Johan J. A. Posseth - 63-102 Public Investment in the United Kingdom
by Pietro Toigo & Robert Woods - 103-121 Public Expenditure and Fiscal Consolidation in Portugal
by Jorge C. Cunha & Cláudia R. Braz - 123-148 Framework for Fiscal Consolidation: Successes and Failures in Japan
by Masato Miyazaki
2007, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-11 Fiscal Rules for Subnational Governments: Can They Promote Fiscal Discipline?
by Teresa Ter-Minassian - 1-17 The Medium-Term Fiscal Framework in Sweden
by Gösta Ljungman - 1-24 Competitiveness and Modernisation of Public Finances: Selecting an Action Scenario in Hungary Following EU Accession
by Árpád Kovács - 1-33 Allocation of Taxing Powers
by David King - 1-61 Budgeting in Hungary
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Daniel Bergvall & Ian Hawkesworth & Philipp Krause
2006, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-7 Aspects of the New Public Finance
by Andrew R. Donaldson - 1-12 Economic Reforms in Angola in the General Context of Africa
by Adriano Neto & Ilda Jamba - 1-13 Mozambique: Better Budget Machinery: First Focus of Reforms
by José Sulemane - 1-16 African Experience with Budget Reform: Introduction
by Alta Fölscher - 1-20 A Balancing Act: Fiscal Responsibility, Accountability and the Power of the Purse
by Alta Fölscher - 1-22 Malawi: Lessons Learnt from First Reforms Lead to New Approach
by Chauncy Simwaka - 1-25 Uganda: A Decade of Budget Reform and Poverty Reduction
by Florence Kuteesa & Ishmael Magona & Maris Wanyera & James Wokadala - 1-37 South Africa: Transition to Democracy Offers Opportunity for Whole System Reform
by Alta Fölscher & Neil Cole
2006, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-43 Budgeting in Norway
by Barry Anderson & Teresa Curristine & Olaf Merk - 45-85 Budgeting in Singapore
by Jón R. Blöndal - 87-125 Top-down Budgeting as a Tool for Central Resource Management
by John M. Kim & Chung-Keun Park - 127-187 Assessing Fiscal Risks through Long-term Budget Projections
by Pål Ulla
2006, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 7-60 Budgeting in Croatia
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Daniel Bergvall & Iris Müller & Joachim Wehner - 61-109 Budgeting in Georgia
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Daniel Bergvall - 111-158 Intergovernmental Transfers and Decentralised Public Spending
by Daniel Bergvall & Claire Charbit & Dirk-Jan Kraan & Olaf Merk - 159-208 Design Choices for Fiscal Policy Rules
by Barry Anderson & Joseph J. Minarik
2006, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 7-36 Budgeting in Thailand
by Jón R. Blöndal & Sang-In Kim - 37-55 The United Kingdom Private Finance Initiative: The Challenge of Allocating Risk
by David Corner - 57-70 The “Control” of Public Social Security Institutions in Belgium
by Marc Evrard & Philippe Scutnaire - 71-96 Accountability Institutions and the Policy Process: The United States Experience
by Paul L. Posner - 97-132 Introducing Financial Management Information Systems in Developing Countries
by Jack Diamond & Pokar Khemani
2006, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 7-21 Accountability and Control of Public Spending in a Decentralised and Delegated Environment
by Joaquin Sevilla - 23-37 Fiscal Discipline between Levels of Government in Germany
by Astrid Lübke - 39-54 Fiscal Discipline in a Decentralised Administration: The Spanish Experience
by Miguel Miaja - 55-67 Accountability and Control in the Financing of Local Government in Denmark
by Jorgen Lotz - 69-86 Enhancing Public Accountability in the Netherlands
by Freek Hoek & Cor van Montfort & Cees Vermeer - 133-162 Lessons from Australian and British Reforms in Results oriented Financial Management
by Bram Scheers & Miekatrien Sterck & Geert Bouckaert
2006, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-36 Opening Budgets to Public Understanding and Debate: Results from 36 Countries
by Pamela Gomez & Joel Friedman & Isaac Shapiro - 37-78 Budgeting in Switzerland
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Michael Ruffner - 79-106 Market-type Mechanisms and the Provision of Public Services
by Jón R. Blöndal - 107-126 Sustainable Budget Policy: Concepts and Approaches
by Allen Schick - 127-151 Government Performance: Lessons and Challenges
by Teresa Curristine
2006, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 7-25 Agencies: Their Benefits and Risks
by Rob Laking - 27-54 Budgeting in Romania
by Michael Ruffner & Joachim Wehner & Matthias Witt - 55-98 Budgeting in Slovenia
by Dirk-Jan Kraan & Joachim Wehner - 99-102 Introductory Speech for the Meeting of Senior Budget Officials of Central and Eastern European Countries
by Gerrit Zalm - 103-125 Typically Dutch
by Dirk-Jan Kraan
2006, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 23-57 Comparative Law, Constitutions, Politics and Budget Systems
by Oecd - 59-123 Comparisons of OECD Country Legal Frameworks for Budget Systems
by Oecd - 125-154 Is There an Optimum Legal Framework for the Budget System?
by Oecd - 155-479 Case Studies of Selected OECD Countries
by Oecd
2006, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 7-45 Budgeting in Chile
by Jón R. Blöndal & Teresa Curristine - 47-76 Legislatures and Budget Oversight in Latin America: Strengthening Public Finance Accountability in Emerging Economies
by Carlos Santiso - 77-100 Estimates for the Structural Deficit in Switzerland, 2002 to 2007
by Frank Bodmer & Alain Geier - 101-121 Managing the Public's Money: From Outputs to Outcomes – and Beyond
by David Webber - 123-141 Public Sector Modernisation: Modernising Accountability and Control
by Michael Ruffner & Joaquin Sevilla
2006, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-48 Budget System Reform in Transition Economies: The Case of the Former Yugoslav Republics
by Jack Diamond & Duncan Last - 49-79 Budgeting in Denmark
by Jón R. Blöndal & Michael Ruffner - 81-102 Twenty-five Years of Budgeting Reform
by Allen Schick - 103-119 Issues in Accrual Budgeting
by Jón R. Blöndal - 121-142 Off-budget and Tax Expenditures
by Dirk-Jan Kraan
2004, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 7-40 The Impact of GAAP on Fiscal Decision Making: A Review of Twelve Years' Experience with Accrual and Output-based Budgets in New Zealand
by Cheryl Barnes & Ken Warren - 41-69 Funding of Public Research and Development: Trends and Changes
by Gudrun Maass - 71-105 Greener Public Purchasing as an Environmental Policy Instrument
by Donald Marron - 107-152 International Procurement Regimes and the Scope for the Inclusion of Environmental Factors in Public Procurement
by Peter Kunzlik
2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 87-131 Performance Information in the Budget Process: Results of the OECD 2005 Questionnaire
by Teresa Curristine
2003, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 7-34 The Role of Fiscal Rules in Budgeting
by Allen Schick - 35-66 A Comparison Between Two Public Expenditure Management Systems in Africa
by Ian Lienert - 67-85 The Role of Evaluations in Political and Administrative Learning and the Role of Learning in Evaluation Praxis
by Jan-Eric Furubo - 87-103 Can Public Sector Organisations Learn?
by Maria Barrados & John Mayne - 105-120 Knowledge Management in Government: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
by Jean-Michel Saussois - 121-134 Public Management Reform: Reliable Knowledge and International Experience
by Christopher Pollitt
2003, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 7-53 Budgeting in the United States
by Jón R. Blöndal & Dirk-Jan Kraan & Michael Ruffner - 55-69 The Learning Government
by Graham Scott - 71-103 The Performing State: Reflection on an Idea Whose Time Has Come but Whose Implementation Has Not
by Allen Schick - 105-137 Fiscal Consolidation and Medium-term Fiscal Planning in Japan
by Hideaki Tanaka - 139-151 Countering Uncertainty in Budget Forecasts
by Dan Crippen
2003, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 7-23 Public Sector Modernisation: A New Agenda
by Alex Matheson & Hae-Sang Kwon - 25-42 Improving Government Decision-making Practices for Risk Management
by Frédéric Bouder & Elodie Beth - 43-59 Accrual Accounting and Budgeting: Key Issues and Recent Developments
by Jón R. Blöndal - 61-96 The Case for e-government: Excerpts from the OECD Report “the e-government Imperative”
by Oecd - 97-131 Budgeting in Brazil
by Jón R. Blöndal & Chiara Goretti & Jens Kromann Kristensen
2003, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 7-25 Budget reform in OECD member countries: Common trends
by Jón R. Blöndal - 27-47 Controlling public expenditure: The theory of expenditure limitation
by Aaron Wildavsky - 49-83 How do treasury systems operate in sub-Saharan francophone Africa?
by D. Bouley & J. Fournel & Luc Leruth - 85-154 Privatisation, public purpose and private service: The twentieth century culture of contracting out and the evolving law of diffused sovereignty
by Daniel Guttman
2003, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 7-34 Opportunity, strategy and tactics in reforming public management
by Allen Schick - 35-55 Building a consensus for fiscal reform: The Chilean case
by Mario Marcel & Marcelo Tokman - 57-118 Regulatory governance: Improving the institutional basis for sectoral regulators
by César Córdova-Novion & Deirdre Hanlon - 119-147 The new Russian budget system: Critical assessment and future reform agenda
by Jack Diamond - 149-194 Government procurement: A synthesis report
by Denis Audet
2003, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 7-48 Does budgeting have a future?
by Allen Schick - 49-76 Modern financial management practices
by Ian Ball - 77-103 Time horizons in budgeting
by Daniel Tarschys - 105-117 Investing in private financial assets to address longer-term needs
by Jón R. Blöndal - 119-152 Budgeting in Finland
by Jón R. Blöndal & Jens Kromann Kristensen & Michael Ruffner
2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 7-26 Agencies in search of principles
by Allen Schick - 27-79 Signposting the zoo: From Agencification to a More Principled Choice of Government Organisational Forms
by Derek Gill - 81-102 Distributed Public Governance: Agencies, Authorities and Other Autonomous Bodies in Canada
by Tom Fitzpatrick & Toby Fyfe - 103-120 Distributed Public Governance: Agencies, Authorities and Other Autonomous Bodies in the Netherlands
by Ronald van Oosteroom - 121-139 Understanding the waves of agencification and the governance problems they have raised in Central and Eastern European Countries
by Miroslav Beblavý
2002, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 7-34 Outcome-focused Management and Budgeting
by Jens Kromann Kristensen & Walter Groszyk & Bernd Bühler - 35-69 Australia
by Matthew Chan & Mark Nizette & Lisa La Rance & Charles Broughton & Derek Russell - 71-83 The Japanese Attempt at Reinforcing the Policy Management Cycle through Policy Evaluation
by Hironobu Yamanaka - 85-109 Outcome-focused Management in New Zealand
by Andrew Kibblewhite & Chris Ussher - 111-128 Outcome-focused Management in the United Kingdom
by Kevin Ellis & Stephen Mitchell - 129-150 Outcome-focused Management in the United States
by Walter Groszyk
2002, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 7-14 OECD Best Practices for Budget Transparency
by Oecd - 15-42 Can National Legislatures Regain an Effective Voice in Budget Policy?
by Allen Schick - 43-80 Budgeting in the Netherlands
by Jón R. Blöndal & Jens Kromann Kristensen - 81-116 The Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact
by Ludger Schuknecht - 117-153 A Framework for Public Sector Performance Contracting
by Murray Petrie - 155-171 The OECD Budgeting Database
by Oecd
2001, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 7-37 Integrating Financial Management and Performance Management
by Christopher Pollitt - 39-82 Budgeting in Canada
by Jón R. Blöndal - 83-140 Re-Allocation: Aligning Political Priorities and Budgetary Funding
by Oecd - 141-212 Public Management Reform and Economic and Social Development
by Michael Keating - 213-260 Public Investment and Discounting in European Union Member States
by Michael Spackman
2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 9-26 The Changing Role of the Central Budget Office
by Allen Schick - 27-57 Budgeting in Sweden
by Jón R. Blöndal - 59-88 Voucher Programmes and their Role in Distributing Public Services
by Martin Cave - 89-115 Greater Independence for Fiscal Institutions
by Nicholas Gruen - 117-137 The Chilean Pension System
by Joaquin Vial Ruiz-Tagle & Francisca Castro