- 1180 An Information Theoretic Comparison of Model Selection Criteria
by Dean P. Foster & Robert A. Stine - 1179 Explaining Positional Voting Paradoxes: The Simple Case
by Donald G. Saari - 1178 Random-Player Games
by Igal Milchtaich - 1177 Patterns, Types, and Bayesian Learning
by Matthew O. Jackson & Ehud Kalai & Rann Smorodinsky - 1176R On Transversals and Systems of Distinct Representatives
by L. Hurwicz & S. Reiter - 1175 Education Signaling with Preemptive Offers
by Jeroen M. Swinkels
- 1220 Experimentation in Markets
by Dirk Bergemann & Juuso Valimaki - 1219 Efficiency and Equilibrium with Dynamic Increasing Aggregate Returns Due to Demand Complementarities
by Antonio Ciccone & Kiminori Matsuyama - 1203 Growing Through Cycles
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1195 Abstention in Elections with Asymmetric Information and Diverse Preferences
by Timothy J. Fedderson & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1174 Pivotal Players and the Characterization of Influence
by Nabil Al-Najjar & Rann Smorodinsky - 1174R Pivotal Players and the Characterization of Influence
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Rann Smorodinsky - 1173 Asymptotic Efficiency for Discriminatory Private Value Auctions
by Jeroen M. Swinkels - 1172 Doing It Now or Later
by Ted O'Donoghue & Matthew Rabin - 1171 Disciplined Coalitions and Redistribution: The Effect of the Vote of Confidence Procedure on Legislative Bargaining
by Daniel Diermeier & Timothy J. Feddersen - 1170 Convicting the Innocent: The Inferiority of Unanimous Jury Verdicts
by Timothy Feddersen & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1168 Efficiency and Information Aggregation in Auctions
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer & Jeroen M. Swinkels - 1167 Monetary Policy Announcements and Lagged Effects of the Supply Shocks
by Carlos Usabiaga Ibanez & Jesus Rodriguez Lopez - 1166 A Theory of the Firm with Non-Binding Employment Contracts
by Asher Wolinsky - 1165 Developing Symbolic Dynamics to Measure The Complexity of Repeated Game Strategies by Topological Entropy
by Erik M. Bollt & Michael A. Jones - 1163 An Analysis of the New Keynesian Monopolistic Competition Model
by Carlos Usabiaga & Maria Angeles Caraballo - 1162 Fundamentals of Social Choice Theory
by Roger B. Myerson - 1161 How Proper is Sequential Equilibrium?
by George J. Mailath - 1160 Aggregation and the Law of Large Numbers in Economies with a Continuum of Agents
by Nabil Al-Najjar - 1159 Characterizing Uncertainty Aversion Through Preference for Mixtures
by Peter Kilbanoff - 1158 Simple and Clever Decision Rules in Single Population Evolutionary Models
by William H. Sandholm - 1157 Time-Consistent Protection of an Infant- Industry: The Symmetric Oligopoly Case
by Eugenio J. Miravete - 1156 Strategic Export Subsidies and Reciprocal Trade Agreements: The Natural Monopoly Case
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 1155 Economic Analysis of Political Institutions: An Introduction
by Roger B. Myerson - 1154 John Nash's Contribution to Economics
by Roger B. Myerson - 1153 Efficiency Wages and the Hours/Unemployment Trade-Off
by Boaz Moselle - 1150 Reciprocal Trade Liberalization
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 1149 Information Acquisition in Affiliated Decision Problems
by Nicola Persico - 1066R Order Independence for Iterated Weak Dominance
by Leslie M. Marx & Jeroen M. Swinkels
- 1164 On the Robustness of Factor Structures to Asset Repackaging
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar - 1152 Decomposition and Representation of Coalitional Games
by Massimo Marinacci - 1151 Recurring Bullies
by Matthew Jackson & Ehud Kalai - 1148 Coordination Economies
by Kyle Bagwell & Garey Ramey - 1147 The Loser's Curse and Information Aggregation in Common Value Auctions
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer & Jeroen M. Swinkels - 1146 History Dependent Brand Switching: Theory and Evidence
by Itzhak Gilboa & Amit Pazgal - 1145 Screening Consumers through Alternative Pricing Mechanisms
by Eugenio J. Miravete - 1144R Calibrated Forecasting and Merging
by Ehud Kalai - 1144 Calibrated Forecasting and Merging
by Ehud Kalai - 1142 Strategy-Proof Allotment Rules
by Salvador Barbera - 1141 Games
by Ehud Kalai - 1139 Threats Without Binding Commitment
by Steven Shavell & Kathryn Spier - 1138 Social Learning in Recurring Games
by Matthew Jackson & Ehud Kalai - 1137 The Classification of Continuation Probabilities
by Michael A. Jones - 1136 Cones of Cooperation for Indefinitely Repeated
by Michael A. Jones - 1135 Contract Renegotiation and Organizational Design
by Michel Poitevin - 1134 Lobbying and Incentives for Legislative Organization
by Daniel Diermeier & Roger B. Myerson - 1133 Dual Reduction and Elementary Games
by Roger B. Myerson - 1132 Connecting and Resolving Sen's and Arrow's Theorems
by Donald G. Saari - 1130 Protection and the Business Cycle
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 1129 Rational Reasoning and Rationalizable Sets
by Geir B. Asheim & Martin Dufwenberg - 1128 Individual and Collective Time-Consistency
by Geir B. Asheim - 1127 Case-Based Knowledge and Planning
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1126 Satisficing Leads to Cooperation in Mutual Interests Games
by Amit Pazgal - 1124 New Goods
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1123 Economic Development as Coordination Problems
by Kiminiori Matsuyama - 1122 On the Relationship Between Risk-Dominance and Stochastic Stability
by Toshimasa Maruta - 1121 Coordination and the Structure of Firms
by Stanley Reiter - 1120 Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium In First Place Auctions and War of Attrition with Affiliated Values
by Alessandro Lizzeri & Nicola Persico - 1119 A Linear Programming Framework for Network Games
by A.B. Gamble & A.I. Pazgal - 1118 Collusion Over the Business Cycle
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 1114 When Are Non-Anonymous Players Negligible?
by Drew Fudenberg - 1098R A Strategic Model of Social and Economic Networks
by Matthew O. Jackson & Asher Wolinsky - 1096 A Technical Primer on Auction Theory I: Independent Private Values
by Steven A. Matthews - 1064 The Swing Voter's Curse
by Timothy J. Feddersen & Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- 1140 Factor Structures and Arbitrage Pricing in Large Asset Markets
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar - 1125 Negativity Effect and the Emergence of Ideologies
by Enriqueta Aragones - 1117 Voting Behavior and Information Aggregation in Elections with Private Information
by Timothy Feddersen & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1116 Regulation of Duopoly: Managed Competition vs. Regulated Monopolies
by Asher Wolinsky - 1113 The Generic Existence of a Core for q-Rules
by Donald G. Saari - 1110 Reaction to Price Changes and Aspiration Level Adjustments
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1109 e-Consistent Equilibrium
by Ehud Lehrer & Sylvain Sorin - 1108 One-Shot Public Mediated Talk
by Ehud Lehrer & Sylvain Sorin - 1107 Bid-Ask Spreads with Indirect Competition Among Specialists
by Thomas Gehrig & Matthew Jackson - 1106 Complementaries and Cumulative Processes In Models of Monopolistic Competition
by Kiminiori Matsuyama - 1105 Research Joint Ventures and Optimal R&D Policy with Asymmetric Information
by Bruno Cassiman - 1104 Sequentially Optimal Auctions
by R. Preston McAfee & Daniel Vincent - 1103 Extended Poisson Games and the Condorcet Jury Theorem
by Roger B. Myerson - 1102R Population Uncertainty and Poisson Games
by Roger B. Myerson - 1102 Population Uncertainty and Poisson Games
by Roger B. Myerson - 1101 Approximate Competitive Equilibria in Large Economies
by Matthew O. Jackson & Alejandro M. Manelli - 1100 A Characterization of Efficient
by Steven R. Williams - 1099 Competition in Markets for Credence Goods
by Asher Wolinsky - 1098 A Strategic Model of Social and Economic Networks
by Matthew O. Jackson & Asher Wolinsky - 1095 Analysis of Democratic Institutions: Structure
by Roger B. Myerson - 1093 A Criterion for Evolutionary Stability in Repeated Games Played by Finite Automata
by Xavier Vila - 1092 Property Rights and Efficiency of Public-Good Mechanisms under Asymmetric Information
by Zvika Neeman - 1091 A Chaotic Exploration of Aggregation Paradoxes
by Donald G. Saari - 1089 Bargaining
by Daniel Diermeier & Roger B. Myerson - 1088 Bayes Without Bernoulli: Simple Conditions for Probabilistically Sophisticated Choice
by Mark J. Machina & David Schmeidler - 1085 A Lower Bound on Computational Complexity Given by Revelation Mechanisms
by Kenneth R. Mount & Stanley Reiter - 1084 A Model of Electoral Competition with Outside Options
by Leonard M. Houantchekon - 1083 Strategic Ambiguity in Electoral Competition
by Enriqueta Aragones & Zvika Neeman - 1081 Act-Similarity in Case-Based Decision Theory
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1080 On Modeling Computing with Human Agents
by Kenneth R. Mount & Stanley Reiter - 1068 Labor Contracts and Business Cycles
by Michele Boldrin & Michael Horvath
- 1143 Incentive Contracts in Two-Sided Moral Hazards with Multiple Agents
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar - 1115 Dynamic Retail Price and Investment Competition
by Kyle Bagwell - 1097 Learning by Doing and Protection of an Infant-Industry
by Eugenio J. Miravete - 1094 Information and Revelation and Certification Intermediaries
by Alessandro Lizzeri - 1087 Costly Information Acquisition
by Matthew O. Jackson & James Peck - 1086 Self-Defeating Regional Concentration
by Kiminori Matsuyama & Takaaki Takahashi - 1082 On Endogenous Economic Regulation
by Stanley Reiter - 1079 Toward an Economic Theory of Pattern Formation
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1078 Economic Incentives and the Defense Procurement Process
by William P. Rogerson - 1077 Subjective Games and Equilibria: I+
by Ehud Kalai & Ehud Lehrer - 1076 Independence for Conditional Probability Systems
by Jeroen M. Swinkels - 1075R Maintaining a Reputation Against A Long-Lived Opponent
by Marco Celentani - 1074 Sequential Equilibria and Cheap Talk in Infinite Signaling Games. Part 2: Cheap Talk
by Karl Iorio & Alejandro M. Manelli - 1073 Sequential Equilibria and Cheap Talk in Infinite Signaling Games. Part 1: Sequential Equilibria
by Kark Iorio & Alejandro M. Manelli - 1071 A Chaotic Map Arising in the Theory of Endogenous Growth
by Michele Boldrin & Nicola Perisco - 1070 Miltilateral Tariff Cooperation During the Formation of Customs Unions
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 1069 Choice of Treatment Intensities by a Nonprofit Hospital Under Prospective Pricing
by William P. Rogerson - 1063 Axiomatic Derivation of Scoring Rules Without the Ordering Assumption
by Roger B. Myerson - 1062 Is there Always a 'Right' Extensive Form?
by George J. Mailath - 1061 Regulation of Duopoly Under Asymmetric Information: Prices VS Quantities
by Asher Wolinsky - 1060 Inter-temporal Cost Allocation and Managerial Investment Incentives
by William P. Rogerson - 1059 Binary Lottery Payoffs: Do They Control Risk Aversion?
by Vesna Prasnikar - 1058 Intermediation in Search Markets
by Thomas Gehrig - 1057 Quacks, Lemons, and Self-Regulation: A Welfare Analysis
by Thomas Gehrig & Peter-J. Jost - 1056 To be The First or to be The Best: New Product Quality and Timing in R&D Competition
by Shirish D. Chikte & Sudhakar D. Deshmukh - 1055 Can Free Choice Be Known?
by Itzhak Gilboa - 1054 Social Status
by Chaim Fershtman - 1053 Case-Based Knowledge Representation
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1052 Common Beliefs and the Existence of Speculative Trade
by Zvika Neeman - 1051 Renegotiation of Sales Contracts
by Steven A. Matthews - 1050 Self-Defeating Regional Concentration
by Kiminori Matsuyama & Takaaki Takahashi - 1049 Design Innovation and Fashion Cycles
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1048 Multilateral Tariff Cooperation During the Formation of Free Trade Areas
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 1047 Essential Revelation Mechanisms and Computational Complexity
by K.R. Mount & Stanley Reiter - 1046 An Integral Representation for Non Simple Acts with Certainty Equivalents
by Massimo Marinacci - 1045 Hempel, Good and Bayes
by Itzhak Gilboa - 1044 A Dynamic Model of Multiparty Competition
by Enriqueta Aragones - 1043 Unobserved Delegation
by Chaim Fershtman & Ehud Kalai - 1042 Structural Indifference in Normal Form Games
by George J. Mailath - 1041 Normal Form Structures in Extensive Form Games
by George J. Mailath - 1040 Order Independence for Iterated Weak Dominance
by Leslie McFarland-Marx & Jeroen M. Swinkels - 1039 Case-Based Optimization
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1038 Optimal Selling Strategies for Oil and Gas Leases with an Informed Buyer
by Kenneth Hendrix - 1036 Cooperation by Indirect Revelation Through Strategic Behavior
by Robert Lapson - 1033 On the Ranges of Baire and Borel Measures
by Massimo Marinacci - 1032 Residual Measures and the Existence and Range of Probability Measures n Boolean Algebras
by Massimo Marinacci - 1029 A Note on Approximating Agreeing to Disagree Results with Common p-Beliefs
by Zvika Neeman - 1028 Modeling Complementarity in Monopolistic Competition
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1027 Natural Oligopoly in Intermediated Markets
by Thomas Gehrig - 1026 Strategic Behavior in Multi-Alternative Elections: A Review of Some Experimental Evidence
by Thomas A. Rietz - 1025 Case-Based Consumer Theory
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1021 Strategy-Proof Exchange
by Salvador Barbera & Matthew O. Jackson - 1020 On the Value of Incumbency: Managerial Reference Point and Loss Aversion
by Chaim Fershtman - 1019 Small Deviations from Maximizing Behavior in a Simple Dynamic Model
by Asher Wolinsky
- 1037 Expected Value
by Robert Lapson - 1034 Coordination Economies
by Kyle Bagwell & Garey Ramey - 1031 Start-up Costs and Pecuniary Externalities as Barriers to Economic Development
by Antonio Ciccone & Kiminori Matsuyama - 1024 Wealth Effects
by Patrick Legros & Andrew F. Newman - 1023 Campaign Spending with Impressionable Voters
by Rebecca B. Morton & Roger B. Myerson - 1022 The Diffusion of Consumer Durables in a vertically Differentiated Oligopoly
by Raymond J. Deneckere & Andre de Palma - 1018 When are Agents Negligible?
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer & David Levine - 1017 Public Education and Capital Accumulation
by Michele Boldrin - 1016 Sovereign Debt: Forgiving and Forgetting Reconsidered
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1015 Learning about Variable Demand in the Long Run
by Aldo Rustichini & Asher Wolinsky - 1014 Commitment and Observability in Games
by Kyle Bagwell - 1013 The Diamond Paradox: A Dynamic Resolution
by Kyle Bagwell & Garey Ramey - 1011 Knowledge, Discovery and Growth
by Stanley Reiter - 1009 Reputation in Dynamic Games
by Marco Celentani & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1008 The Role of Information in U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auctions
by Robert H. Porter - 1006 Specialized Elections
by Scott E. Page - 1005 Advertising as Information: Matching Products to Buyers
by Kyle Bagwell & Garey Ramey - 1004 Characterizations of Game Theoretic Solutions which Lead to Impossibility Theorems
by Matthew O. Jackson & Sanjay Srivastava - 1003 Proof of the Existence of Speculative Equilibria
by Matthew O. Jackson - 1002 On Determining the Importance of Attributes with a Stopping Problem
by Zvika Neeman - 1000 Incentives to Cultivate Favored Minorities under Alternative Electoral Systems
by Roger B. Myerson - 999 Optimal Procurement Mechanisms
by Alejandro M. Manelli & Daniel R. Vincent - 997 Political Parties and Electoral Landscapes
by Scott E. Page - 996 An Analysis of Post-Product Development Market Research and its Effects on Firms and Consumers
by Randal Reed - 995 Convergence to Efficiency in a Simple Market with Incomplete Information
by Aldo Rustichini - 994 Case-Based Decision Theory
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 993 Implementing and Testing Risk Preference Induction Mechanisms in Experimental Sealed Bid Auctions
by Thomas A. Rietz - 992 On Modeling Cheap Talk in Bayesian Games
by Steven A. Matthews & Andrew Postlewaite - 991R Efficient and Nearly Efficient Partnerships
by Patrick Legros & Steven A. Matthews - 990 Competition over Price and Service Rate when Demand is Stochastic: A Strategic Analysis
by Raymond Deneckere & James Peck - 989 A Remark on Infinitely Repeated Extensive Games
by Ariel Rubinstein & Asher Wolinsky - 988 Credible Equilibria in Games with Utilities Changing During the Play
by J.L. Ferreira - 987 Why the Empty Shells Were Not Fired: A Semi-Bibliographical Note
by Itzhak Gilboa - 986 Canonical Representation of Set Functions
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 985 Additive Representation of Non-Additive Measures and the Choquet Integral
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 984 A Solution to the Envy-Free Selection Problem in Economies with Indivisible Goods
by Enriqueta Aragones - 983 Weak and Strong Merging of Opinions
by Ehud Kalai & Ehud Lehrer - 982 The Cyclical Behavior of Job Creation and Job Destruction
by Dale Mortensen & Christopher Pissarides - 978 Credit Cards and Buyer Price Protection
by Gail Cohen - 977 Updating the Reserve Price in Common Value Auctions
by R. Preston McAfee & Daniel Vincent - 974 Information and Usage of Congestible Facilities Under Free Access
by Richard Arnott
- 1067 Monotonicity of Solution Sets for Parameterized Optimization Problems
by Leslie M. Marx - 1065 An Approach to Equilibrium Selection
by Akihiko Matsui & Kiminori Matsuyama - 1030 Custom Versus Fashion: Path-Dependence and Limit Cycles in a Random Matching Game
by Kiminori Matsuyama