- 781 Similarity of Correlated Equilibria
by Kevin Cotter - 780 Public Utility Pricing and Capacity Choice Under Risk: A Rational Expectations Approach
by Stephen Coate & John C. Panzer - 779 On Existence of a Nash Equilibrium Point in N-Person Nunzero Sum Stochastic Jump Differential Games
by Birger Wernerfelt - 778 Market Frictions and Posted Prices
by Birger Wernerfelt - 777 Nash and Correlated Equilibria: Some Complexity Considerations
by Itzhak Gilboa & Eitan Zemel - 776 Resale-Proof Trades of Information
by Mikio Nakayama - 775 Bargaining with Common Values
by Daniel R. Vincent - 774 Partially-Revealing Rational Expectations Equilibrium In A Competitive Economy
by Lawrence M. Ausubel - 773 Price Leadership
by Raymond Deneckere & Dan Kovenock - 772 Dynamic Monopoly Power When Search is Costly
by Kyle Bagwell & Michael Peters - 771 Quality vs. Quantity in Military Procurement: An Organizational Theory of Decision Bias
by William P. Rogerson - 770 Dynamic Auctions
by Daniel R. Vincent - 769 Managerial Incentives in An Entrepreneurial Stock Market Model
by R. E. Kihlstrom & Steven A. Matthews - 768 Testing Between Competing Models of Business Cycles: The Efficient Long-Term Contract Hypothesis Versus the Intertemporal Substitution Hypothesis
by H. Osano & T. Inoue - 767 Sustainable Matching Plans with Adverse Selection
by Roger B. Myerson - 766 Efficient Investment and Trade with Asymmetric Information
by William P. Rogerson - 765 A Strategic Form for a Convex Game
by M. Nakayama - 764 Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium Points in Bimatrix Games
by L. G. Quintas - 763 Equilibrium of Repeated Games With Cost of Implementation
by Alejandro Neme & Luis Quintas - 762 A Note on Polymatrix Games
by L. G. Quintas - 760 Efficiency in Partnership When The Joint Output is Uncertain
by Steven R. Williams & Roy Radner - 759 Profit Regulation of Defense Contractors and Prizes for Innovation : Theory and Evidence
by William P. Rogerson - 757 A Cooperative Game of Information Trading: The Core and the Nucleolus
by S. Muto & M. Nakayama - 755 Nonlinear Dynamics Applied to Numerical Analysis and Economics
by Donald G. Saari - 741 The Rate of Convergence to Efficiency In The Buyer's BidDouble Auction As The Market Becomes Large
by Mark A. Satterthwaite & Steven R. Williams - 740 The Core of Resale-Proof Information Trades
by Mikio Nakayama & Luis Quintas
- 980 Acyclicity and Dynamic Stability: Generalizations and Applications
by Michele Boldrin & Luigi Montrucchio - 798 Consumer-Benefited Cartels Under Strategic Capital Investment Competition
by Akihiko Matsui - 790 Equilibrium, Price Formation and the Value of Information in Economies with Privately Informed Agents
by Matthew O. Jackson - 783 Bounded Rationality and Strategic Complexity in Repeated Games
by Ehud Kalai - 758 The Role of Export Subsidies When Product Quality is Unknown
by Kyle Bagwell & R. Staiger - 756 Optimal Orderings for Parallel Search
by Tara Vishwanath - 754 The Limits of Monopolization Through Acquisition
by Morton I. Kamien & Israel Zang - 753 The Coordination Problem and Equilibrium Theories of Recessions
by Larry E. Jones & R. E. Manuelli - 752 The Logit as a Theoretical Model of Product Differentiation: Market Equilibrium and Social Optimum
by Simon Anderson & Andre de Palma - 751 The Polytope of Degree Sequences
by Uri N. Peled & Murali L Srinivasan - 750 Competition, Relativism, and Market Choice
by Debra J. Aron & Edward P. Lazear - 749 Ignoring Ignorance and Agreeing to Disagree
by D. Samet - 748 Is Approval Voting an 'Unmitigated Evil?' A Response to Brams
by Donald G. Saari & Jill Van Newenhizen - 747 Symmetry and Extensions of Arrow's Theorem
by Donald G. Saari - 746 Turnpike Properties in a Finite Horizon Differential Game: Dynamic Duopoly with Sticky Prices
by Chaim Fershtman & Morton I. Kamien - 745 A Dictionary for Voting Paradoxes
by Donald G. Saari - 744R Pre-Play Communication in Two-Person Sealed-Bid Double Auctions
by Steven A. Matthews & Andrew Postlewaite - 743 Market Frictions and Hierarchical Trading Institutions
by Birger Wernerfelt - 742 Infinite Horizon Games With Perfect Equilibrium Points
by Subir K Chakrabarti - 739 On the Perniciousness of Direct Elections in Organizations Democratically Ruled by Imperfectly Informed Members: A single-agent multiple-principal agency problem
by Virgilio Rodriguez - 738 Perfect Equilibria in a Trade Liberalization Game
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 736 On the Approximation of Upper Semi-Continuous Correspondences and the Equilibriums of Generalized Games
by C. Ionescu Tulcea - 735 Susceptibility to Manipulation
by Donald G. Saari - 733 Quantity Discount Schemes for Channel Coordination
by Mark Parry & Dipak Jain - 732 A Stochastic Model of Household Brand Switching Behavior
by Dipak Jain & Shun- Chen Niu - 731 Cooperation Through Delegation
by Chaim Fershtman - 730 Optimality of a General Ad Valorem Tax
by Lars Thorlund-Petersen - 729 Advertising and Limit Pricing
by Kyle Bagwell & Garey Ramey - 728 A Direct Mechanism Characterization of Sequential Bargaining With One-Sided Incomplete Information
by Lawrence M. Ausubel & Raymond J. Deneckere - 727 Commuters' Paths With Penalties for Early or Late Arrival Time
by Andre de Palma & Pierre Hansen & Martine Labbe - 726 Demand for Differentiated Products
by Simon P. Anderson & Andre de Palma & Jacques-Francois Thisse - 725 Schur-Convex Homogenous Difference Equations
by Lars Thorlund-Petersen - 724R Cash Versus Direct Food Relief
by Stephen Coate - 723R Bilateral Trade With The Sealed Bid K-Double Action: Existence And Efficiency
by Mark A. Satterthwaite & Steven R. Williams - 722 Introductory Price as a Signal of Cost in a Model of Repeat Business
by Kyle Bagwell - 721 Dynamic Matching Problems With Incentive Constraints
by Roger B. Myerson - 719 Lexicographic Domination in Extensive Games
by Akira Okada - 718 Approximation of Third-Degree Stochastic Dominance by Cone Orderings
by Lars Thorlund-Petersen - 717 The Value of Infommation in a Strategic Conflict
by MortonI. Kamien - 716 Strong, Perfect Equilibrium Payoffs of Inertia Supergames
by Subir K Chakrabarti - 714 On the Optimality of Menus of Linear Contracts
by William P. Rogerson - 709 Convergence of Games With Asymmetric Information
by Kevin D. Cotter
- 788 Information and Time-Of-Use Decisions in Stochastically Congestable Facilities
by Richard Arnott - 737 Immiserizing Growth in Diamond's Overlapping Generations Model: AGeometrical Exposition
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 734 Cyclical and Chaotic Behavior in a Dynamic Equilibrium Model
by Raymond Deneckere & Kenneth Judd - 720 Competitive Location in the Plane
by Zvi Drezner & Eitan Zemel - 715 Umbrella Branding as a Signal of New Product Quality: An Example of Reputational Economies of Scope
by Birger Wemerfelt - 713 On Thc Computational Complexity of Facets of the Knapsack Problem
by Eitan Zemel - 712 Symmetry, Voting, and Social Choice
by Donald G. Saari - 711 Informational Product Differentiation as a Barrier to Entry
by Kyle Bagwell - 710 We Eventually Agree
by James Bergin - 706 A Two-Person Repeated Bargaining Game with Long-Term Contracts
by Akira Okada - 705 Equilibrium Price Dynamics for an Experience Good
by Kyle Bagwell & Michael Riordan - 704 Advertising as a Signal When Price Guarantees Quality
by William P. Rogerson - 703 Internal Pricing and Cost Allocation for Efficient Decentralized Control
by Avraham Beja & Israel Zang - 702 Partially-Revealing Rational Expectations Equilibria in a General Equilibrium Economy: An Example Without Noise
by Lawrence M. Ausubel - 701 Should Food Aid Be Given Away or Sold During a Famine?
by Stephen Coate - 700 Discrete Versus Continuous Trading in Securities Markets with Net Worth Constraints
by Kerry Back & Stanley R. Pliska - 699 Learning-by-Doing and the Introduction of New Goods
by Nancy L Stokey - 698 A Note on the Existence of Single Price Equilibrium Price Distributions in Sequential Search Models
by William P. Rogerson - 696 On the Equilibriums of Generalized Games
by C. Ionescu Tulcea - 695 Reputation in Bargaining and Durable Goods Monopoly
by Lawrence M. Ausubel & Raymond J. Deneckere - 694 Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium for Linear-Convex Stochastic Differential Games
by Birger Wernerfelt - 693 Tacit Collusion and Product Differentiation
by Birger Wernerfelt - 692 Information Revelation in Infinitely Repeated Incomplete Information Games
by James Bergin - 691 Credible Negotiation Statements and Coherent Plans
by Roger B. Myerson - 690 The Shadow Price of Information in Continuous Time Decision Problems
by Kerry Back & Stanley R. Pliska - 689 The Importance of the Agenda in Bargaining
by Chaim Fershtman - 688 Preemptive Bidding and the Role of the Medium of Exchange in Acquisitions
by Michael J. Fishman - 686 A Characterization of Sequential Equilibrium Strategies in Infinitely Repeated Incomplete Information Games
by James Bergin - 684 Monopolistic Competition and Preference Diversity
by Raymond Deneckere & Michael Rothschild - 683 Securities Market Equilibrium Without Bankruptcy: Contingent ClaimValuation and the Martingale Property
by Kerry Back - 681 Capital Gains Taxation by Realization in Dynamic General Equilibrium
by Kenneth L. Judd - 680 Are Bayesian-Nash Incentives and Implementations Perfect?
by Ehud Kalai & Dov Samet - 679 Finite Rationality and Interpersonal Complexity in Repeated Games
by Ehud Kalai & William Stanford - 678 On the Existence of Sunspot Equilibria in an Overlapping Generations Model
by James Peck - 677 The Kinked Demand Curve
by Ehud Kalai & Mark A. Satterthwaite - 676 Strategic Behavior and Competition: An Overview
by Ehud Kalai - 674 Efficient Allocation
by Stanley Reiter - 671 Axiomatic Foundations of Bayesian Decision Theory
by Roger B. Myerson - 633 Structure of Consumption Sets and Existence of Equilibria in Infinite Dimensional Spaces
by Kerry Back
- 708 The Rate At Which a Simple Market Becomes Efficient as the Number of Traders Increases: An Asymptotic Result for Optimal Trading Mechanisms
by Thomas A. Gresik & Mark A. Satterthwaite - 707 Price Advertising and the Deterioration of Product Quality
by William P. Rogerson - 697 The Dissipation of Profits by Brand Name Investment and Entry When Price Guarantees Quality
by William P. Rogerson - 687 The Use of Options in Generating and Pricing Return Streams
by James Bergin - 685 On Communication, Bounded Complexity, and Cooperation
by Eitan Zemel - 673 Optimal Consumption Plans and Portfolio Management with Duration- Dependent Returns
by Yves Balcer & Kenneth L. Judd - 672 Inference in the Explosive First-Order Linear Dynamic Regression Model
by Ian Domowitz & Lars Muus - 670 A Theory of Preemptive Takeover Bidding
by Michael J. Fishman - 669 One is Almost Enough for Monopoly
by Lawrence Ausubel & Raymond Deneckere - 668 Reputation Effect in Equilibrium Search and Bargaining- A Stigma Theory of Unemployment Duration
by Elazar Berkovitch - 667 A Theory of Acquisition Markets - Mergers vs. Tender Offers
by Elazar Berkovitch & Naveen Khanna - 666 Negotiation and Arbitration: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
by Robert J. Weber - 665 Optimal License Fees for a New Product
by Morton I. Kamien - 664R Comparing Auctions for Risk Averse Buyers: A Buyer's Pointof View
by Steven A. Matthews - 663 Game Forms with Minimal Strategy Spaces
by Stefan Reichelstein & Stanley Reiter - 662 Implicit Labor Contracts to Explain Turnover
by Elazar Berkovitch - 661 Monopoly Provision of Quality and Warranties: An Exploration in the Theory of Multidimensional Screening
by Steven Matthews & John Moore - 660 Probabilistic Analysis of the Capacitated Transportation Problem
by Refael Hassin & Eitan Zemel - 659 The Role of External Search in Bilateral Bargaining
by S. D. Chikte & S.D. Deshmukh - 658 Negotiation in Games: A Theoretical Overview
by Roger B. Myerson - 656 Average Waiting Time in Queues with Scheduled Batch Services
by Suleyman Ozekici - 655 Minimal Euclidean Networks with Flow Dependent Costs--The Generalized Steiner Case
by Dan Trietsch - 654 Optimal Motion Towards a Stochastic Destination
by Dan Trietsch - 653 Convergence of Information
by Kevin D. Cotter - 652 A Measure for Crisis Instability
by Barry O'Neill - 651 Applications of a Crisis Instability Index: Arms Control Agreements and Space-Based Missile Defenses
by Barry O'Neill - 650 International Escalation and the Dollar Auction
by Barry O'Neill - 649 On Neighboring Consumers
by Kerry Back - 648 Incentive Compatibility Ten Years Later
by Theodore Groves & John O. Ledyard - 647 Closed-Loop Equilibrium in a Multi-Stage Innovation Race
by Kenneth L. Judd - 646 Comprehensive Design of Highway Networks
by Dan Trietsch - 645 A Family of Methods for Preliminary Highway Alighnment
by Dan Trietsch - 644 Optimum Product Diversity and the Incentives for Entry in Large Economies
by Larry E. Jones - 641 The Rate at Which a Simple Market Becomes Efficient as the Number of Traders Increases: An Asymptotic Result for Optimal Trading Mechanisms
by Thomas A. Gresik & Mark A. Satterthwaite - 640 Connecting Euclidean Networks---The Steiner Case
by Dan Treitsch - 639R Some Notes on Natural Cubic Spline Functions, Nonlinear Regression and the Elastica
by Dan Treitsch - 638 The Optimal Ranking Method is the Borda Count
by Donald G. Saari - 637 A Case Against Bullet, Approval and Plurality Voting
by Donald G. Saari & Jill Van Newenhizen
- 682 The Macroeconomic Effects of Uncertain Fiscal Policy
by Kenneth L. Judd - 675 Excess Capacity and Collusion
by Carl Davidson & Raymond Deneckere - 657 Incentive Compatibility Problems in Soviet-Type Economies
by Richard Ericson - 643 The Welfare Cost of Factor Taxation in a Perfect Foresight Model
by Kenneth L. Judd - 642 Equilibrium Incentives in Oligopoly
by Chaim Fershtman & Kenneth L Judd - 636 Random Behavior in Numerical Analysis, Decision Theory, and Macrosystems: Some Impossibility Theorems
by Donald G. Saari - 635 An Improved Algorithm for Steiner Trees
by Dan Trietch - 634 The Economics of Quality Testing and Disclosure
by Steven A. Matthews & Andrew Postlewaite - 632 Augmenting Euclidean Networks--The Steinter Case
by Dan Trietsch - 630 Quit Probabilities and Job Tenure- On the Job Training or Matching?
by Dale T. Mortensen - 629 The Dynamics of Industry-Wide Learning
by Nancy L. Stokey - 628 Money and Interest in Cash-In-Advance Economy
by Robert E. Lucas Jr. & Nancy L. Stokey - 627 The Theory of Principal and Agent: Part 1
by Ray Rees - 625 Euler's Problem of Polygon Division and Full Steiner Topologies--A Duality
by Dan Trietsch - 624 General Equilibrium and Growth Under Uncertainty: The Turnpike Theory
by Ramon Marimon - 623 An Introduction to Game Theory
by Roger B. Myerson - 622 Market Structure and International Technology Transfer
by Kisang Lee - 621 International Technology Transfer and Technology Diffusion Effects
by Kisang Lee - 620 Price Adjustment Speed and Dynamic Duopolistic Competitors
by Chaim Fershtman & Morton I. Kamien - 619 Random Binary Search: A Randomizing Algorithm for Global Optimization in R1
by Eitan Zemel - 618 Banking Panics
by V.V. Chari & Ravi Jagannathan - 617 Layoffs and Unemployment Compensation as Social Instruments
by V.V. Chari - 616 Stochastic Specification of Cost and Production Relationships
by Peter E. Rossi - 615 A Stochastic Theory of Monopolistic Firms
by Lode Li - 613 An O (n log n) Randomizing Algorithm for the Weighted Euclidean l-Center Problem
by Nimrod Megiddo & Eitan Zemel - 612 Monopoly Bundling of Warranty and Quality When Quality is Unobservable
by Thomas J. Holmes - 611 Money and Prices in a Small Economy
by Bjorn Wahlroos - 609 The Source of Some Paradoxes from Social Choice and Probability
by Donald G. Saari - 608 A Stochastic Calculus Model of Continuous Trading: Optimal Portfolios
by Stanley R. Pliska - 607 The Representation Problem and the Efficiency of the Price Mechanism
by Donald G. Saari - 606 Efficiency, Adverse Selection, and Production
by Kenneth L. Judd - 605 How a Network of Processors Can Schedule its Work
by Stanley Reiter - 604 Turnpike Properties of Capital Accumulation Games
by Chaim Fershtman & Eitan Muller - 603S Dynamic Limit Pricing and Internal Finance
by Kenneth L. Judd & Bruce C. Petersen - 601 Competition and Two-Part Tarriffs
by Beth Hayes - 600 A Note on the Price Equilibrium Existence Problem in Banach Lattices
by Larry E. Jones - 598 Stock Returns
by Bjorn Wahlroos & Tom Berglund - 597 The Nash Bargaining Solution is Optimal
by Eric van Damme - 596 Special Problems Arising in the Study of Economies with Infinitely Many Commodities
by Larry E. Jones - 595S Managerial Task Assignment and Promotions
by Joan E. Ricarti Costa - 594 Job Search and Labor Market Analysis
by Dale Mortensen - 593 On Shortest Paths in Graphs with Random Weights
by Refael Hassin & Eitan Zemel - 592 The Slow Server Problem: A Queue with Stalling
by Michael Rubinovitch - 591 Acceptable and Predominant Correlated Equilibria
by Roger B. Myerson - 590 Multistage Games with Communication
by Roger B. Myerson - 589 Anomalies and Equilibrium Returns in a Small Stock Market
by Bjorn Wahlroos & Tom Berglund - 588 Convergence of Integrals Encountered in Dichotomous Dependent Variable Problems
by Peter E. Rossi - 587 The Characteristics Model
by Larry E. Jones - 586 Comparison of Alternative Functional Forms in Production
by Peter E. Rossi - 585R Monopoly Provision of Product Quality and Warranties
by Steven Matthews & John Moore - 583 Fees Versus Royalties and the Private Value of a Patent
by Morton I. Kamien & Yair Tauman
- 631 Continuity of the Fenchel Transform of Convex Functions
by Kerry Back - 614 A Linear Time Randomizing Algorithm for Local Roots and Optima of Ranked Functions
by Eitan Zemel