- 1383 Foundations of Markov-Perfect Industry Dynamics. Existence, Purification, and Multiplicity
by Ulrich Doraszelski & Mark Satterthwaite - 1382 Approximate Versus Exact Equilibria
by Felix Kubler & Karl Schmedders - 1380 Entry Patterns over the Product Life Cycle
by Oscar Gutierrez Arnaiz & Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda - 1379 Strategic Commitment Versus Flexibility in a Duopoly with Entry and Exit
by Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda - 1378 Real Options with Unknown-Date Events
by Oscar Gutierrez Arnaiz & Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda - 1377 Afrait's Theorem and Negative Cycles
by Teo Chung Piaw & Rakesh V. Vohra - 1376 Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1375 Zero-sum Dynamic Games and a Stochastic Variation of Ramsey Theorem
by Ehud Lehrer & Eilon Solan - 1374 Excludability and Bounded Computational Capacity Strategies
by Ehud Lehrer & Eilon Solan - 1373 No-Regret with Bounded Computational Capacity
by Ehud Lehrer & Eilon Solan - 1372 Foundations of Dominant Strategy Mechanisms
by Kim-Sau Chung & Jeffrey C. Ely - 1371 Equilibrium Uniqueness with Perfect Complements
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1370 Undescribable Contingencies
by Nabil Al-Najjar & Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli - 1369 The One Who Controls the Information Appropriates Its Rents
by Peter Eso & Balazs Szentes - 1368 Ascending Auctions and Linear Programming
by Sushil Bikhchandani & Sven de Vries & James Schummer & Rakesh Vohra - 1367 Polyhedral Properties of the K -median Problem on a Tree
by Sven de Vries & Marc Posner & Rakesh Vohra - 1365 A Behavioral Characterization of Plausible Priors
by Marciano Siniscalchi - 1364 Characterization of Additive Cost Sharing Methods
by Herve Moulin & Rakesh Vohra - 1363 Continuous-time Games of Timing
by Rida Laraki & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1362 Redistribution in a Divided Society
by David Austen-Smith & Michael Wallerstein
- 1495 Tilting the Supply Schedule to Enhance Competition on Uniform-Price Auctions
by Marco LiCalz & Alessandro Pavan - 1361 Optimal Information Disclosures in Auctions: The Handicap Auction
by Peter Eso & Balazs Szentes - 1360 The Inferiority of Deliberation Under Unanimity
by David Austen-Smith & Tim Feddersen - 1359 Deliberation and Voting Rules
by David Austen-Smith & Tim Feddersen - 1358 When is Reputation Bad?
by Jeffery Ely & Drew Fudenberg & David Levine - 1357 Bribing and Signalling in Second Price Auctions
by Peter Eso & James Schummer - 1356 Subgame-Perfection in Quitting Games with Perfect Information and Differential Equations
by Eilon Solan - 1355 Deterministic Multi-Player Dynkin Games
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vielle - 1354 Stopping Games in Continuous Time
by Rida Laraki & Eilon Solan - 1353 Designing Optimal Benefit Rules for Flexible Retirement
by Peter Eso & Andras Siminovits - 1352 Peer Pressure and Job Market Signaling
by David Austen-Smith - 1350 Large Robust Games
by Ehud Kalai - 1349 Local Conventions
by Jeffrey C. Ely - 1348 Bad Reputation
by Jeffrey C. Ely & Juuso Valimaki - 1347 Two Player Non Zero-Sum Stopping Games in Discrete Time
by Eran Shmaya & Eilon Solan - 1346 Stochastic Games with a Single Controller and Incomplete Information
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1345 Approximating a Sequence of Approximations by a Simple Process
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1343 Optimal Rules for Patent Races
by Kenneth Judd & Karl Schmedders - 1342 Perturbed Markov Chains
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1341 Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1340 Price Caps and Uncertain Demands
by Robert L. Earle & Karl Schmedders & Tymon Tatur - 1339 Ex-Post Incentive Compatible Mechanism Design
by Jeffrey C. Ely & Kim-Sau Chung - 1338 Controlling Price Volatility Through Financial Innovation
by Alessandro Citanna & Karl Schmedders - 1336 Explaining Diversity: Symmetry-Breaking in Complementarity Games
by Kiminori Matsuyama
- 1366 Bayesian Updating for General Maxmin Expected Utility Preferences
by Marciano Siniscalchi - 1351 Ex-Post Stability in Large Games
by Ehud Kalai - 1344 On the MaxMin Value of Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1337 On the Max Min Value of Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring
by Eilon Solan & Dinah Rosenberg & Nicolas Vieille - 1335 Good and Bad Investment: An Inquiry into the Causes of Credit Cycles
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1334 Financial Market Globalization and Endogenous Inequality of Nations
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1333 Majority Preference for Subsidies over Redistribution
by David Austen-Smith - 1332 Implementation with Near-Complete Information
by Kim-Sau Chung & Jeffrey C. Ely - 1331 Precautionary Bidding in Auctions
by Peter Eso & Lucy White - 1330 Demand Uncertainty and Risk-aversion: Why Price Caps May Lead to Higher Prices
by Robert L. Earle & Karl Schmedders - 1329 The Strategic Decentralization of Reverse Channels and Prince Discrimination Through Buyback Payments
by Canan Savaskan & Luk N. van Wassenhove - 1328 Channel Choice and Coordination in a Remanufacturing Environment
by Canan Savaskan - 1327 Contracting and Coordination in Closed-Loop Supply Chains
by Canan Savaskan & Charles J. Corbett - 1326 On the Rise and Fall of Class Societies
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1325 Ordinal Nash Social Welfare Function
by Eran Hanany - 1324 Rationalizabilty and Approximate Common-Knowledge
by Jeffrey C. Ely - 1323 An Application of Ramsey Theorem to Stopping Games
by Eran Shmaya & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1321 Rationalizable outcomes of large independent private-value first-price discrete auctions
by Eddie Dekel & Asher Wolinsky - 1319 Stationary Equilibria in Asset-Pricing Models with Incomplete Markets and Collateral
by Felix Kubler & Karl Schmedders - 1318 Computing Equilibria in Finance Economies with Incomplete Markets and Transaction Costs
by P. Jean-Jacques Herings & Karl Schmedders - 1317 Evolution with Diverse Preferences
by Jeffery C. Ely & William H. Sandholm - 1316 Integer Programming and Arrovian Social Welfare Functions
by Teo Chung Piaw & Jay Sethuraman & Rakesh V. Vohra - 1314 Quitting Games - An Example
by Eilon Solan & Nicholas Vieille
- 1322 Learning to Play Bayesian Games
by Eddie Dekel & Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 1320 A Market Based Approach to Property Tax
by Asher Wolinsky - 1315 Asymptotically Optimal Market Mechanisms
by Tymon Tatur - 1313 Efficient and Dominance Solvable Auctions with Interdependent Valuations
by Kim-Sau Chung & Jeffrey C. Ely - 1312 Private Information in Large Games
by Ehud Kalai - 1311 The Dynamics of the Nash Equilibrium Correspondence and n-Player Stochastic Games
by Eilon Solan - 1310 Continuity of the Value in Stochastic Games
by Eilon Solan - 1309 Coordination in Turnout Games
by Daniel Diermeier & Jan A. Van Mieghem - 1308 Rationalizable Outcomes of Large Independent Private-Value First Price Discrete Auctions
by Eddie Dekel & Asher Wolinsky - 1307 Game Theory and Industrial Organization
by Kyle Bagwell & Asher Wolinsky - 1306 Second Opinions and Price Competition: Inefficiency in the Market for Expert Advice
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer & Asher Wolinsky - 1305 A Market Based Approach to Property Tax
by Asher Wolinsky - 1304 On the Evolutionary Emergence of Optimism
by Aviad Heifetz & Yossi Spiegel - 1303 An Optimal Auction When Resale Cannot Be Prohibited
by Charles Zheng - 1302 Spontaneous Collective Action
by Daniel Diermeier & Jan A. Van Mieghem - 1301 Coordination, Spillovers, and Cheap Talk
by Sandeep Baliga & Stephen Morris - 1300 Financial Market Globalization and Endogenous Inequality of Nations
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1299 Optimal Multiproduct Nonlinear Pricing with Correlated Consumer Types
by Yossi Spiegel & Simon Wilkie - 1298 Rationality and Extensive Form Correlated Equilibria in Stochastic Games
by Eilon Solan - 1297 A Structural Model of Government Formation
by Sven de Vries & Rakesh Vohra - 1296 Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey
by Sven de Vries & Rakesh Vohra - 1294 Asset Trading Volume with Dynamically Complete Markets and Heterogeneous Agents
by Kenneth L. Judd & Felix Kubler & Karl Schmedders - 1293 Uniform Value in Recursive Games
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1292 Blackwell Optimality in Markov Decision Processes with Partial Observation
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1291 Economic Analysis of Constitutions
by Roger B. Myerson - 1288 Monopolistic Security Design in Finance Economies
by Karl Schmedders - 1287 Evaluating the Costs of Business Cycles in Models of Endogenous Growth
by Gadi Barlevy - 1285 Incomplete Markets, Transitory Shocks, and Welfare
by Felix Kubler & Karl Schmedders - 1284 To Merge or to License: Implications for Competition Policy
by Ramon Fauli-Oller & Joel Sandonis - 1283 Randomization and Simplification
by Ehud Kalai & Eilon Solan - 1282 Optimal Auction in a Multidimensional World
by Charles Z. Zheng - 1265 Correlated Equilibrium and Private Monitoring
by Jeffrey C. Ely
- 1295 Multiple Referrals and Multidimensional Cheap Talk
by Marco Battaglini - 1290 Optimal Design of Peer Review and Self-Assessment Schemes
by Sandeep Baliga & Tomas Sjostrom - 1289 The Rise of Mass Consumption Societies
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1281 Reciprocity and the Costs of Authority Relationships
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Chris Forman - 1280 Growing Through Cycles in an Infinitely -lived Agent Economy
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1278 Almost-dominant Strategy Implementation
by James Schummer - 1277 Eliciting Information From Multiple Experts
by Asher Wolinsky - 1276R Deliberations with Double-Sided Information
by Ulrich Doraszelski - 1275 Imitation and Experimentation in a Changing Environment
by Francesco Squintani & Juuso Valimaki - 1274 On-the-Job Signaling and Self-Confidence
by Francesco Squintani - 1273 Games with Small Forgetfulness
by Francesco Squintani - 1272 Correlated Equilibrium, Public Signaling and Absorbing Games
by Eilon Solan & Rakesh V. Vohra - 1271 Some Surprising Properties of Power Indices
by Donal G. Saari & Katri K. Sieberg - 1269 Moral Hazard
by Francesco Squintani - 1268 Enforceable Contracts under Generalized Information of the Court
by Francesco Squintani - 1267 An Empirical Investigation of Coalitional Bargaining Procedures
by Daniel Diermeier & Antoni Merlo - 1266 Strategic Polarization
by Adam Kalai & Ehud Kalai - 1264 A Robust Folk Theorem for the Prisoner's Dilemma
by Jeffrey C. Ely & Juuso Valimaki - 1263 Coordination of Economic Activity: An Example
by Stanley Reiter - 1262 Equilibrium Existence in Incomplete Information Games with Atomic Posteriors
by Nabil Al-Najjar & Eilon Solan - 1260 Entry and Innovation in Vertically Differentiated Markets
by Dirk Bergemann & Juuso Valimaki - 1258 Stopping Games with Randomized Strategies
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1256 The Optimality of a Simple Market Mechanism
by Mark A. Satterthwaite & Steven R. Williams - 1255 Strategy-proofness and Markets
by Mark A. Satterthwaite - 1254 Calibration, Expected Utility and Local Optimality
by Dean P. Foster & Rakesh V. Vohra - 1253 Strategy-proof Location on a Network
by James Schummer & Rakesh V. Vohra - 1252 On the Possibility of Stock Market Crashes in the Absence of Portfolio Insurance
by Gadi Barlevy & Pietro Veronesi - 1251 Credit Market Frictions and the Reallocation Process
by Gadi Barlevy - 1249 Subjective Representation of Complexity
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Ramon Casadesus-Masanell & Emre Ozdenoren - 1248 Cooperation, Secret Handshakes, and Imitation in the Prisoners' Dilemma
by Thomas Wiseman & Okan Yilankaya - 1241 A Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods under Non-homothetic Preferences: Demand Complementarities, Income Distribution, and North-South Trade
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1240 Playing Multiple Complementarity Games Simultaneously
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1239 Geography of the World Economy
by Kiminori Matsuyama
- 1286 On the Optimal Number of Representatives
by Emmanuelle Auriol & Robert J. Gary-Bobo - 1270 Redistributing Income under Proportional Representation
by David Austen-Smith - 1261 Theoretical Comparisons of Electoral Systems
by Roger B. Myerson - 1259 Dynamic Common Agency
by Dirk Bergemann & Juuso Valimaki - 1257 Games with Espionage
by Eilon Solan & Leeat Yariv - 1250 Large Non-Anonymous Repeated Games
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Rann Smorodinsky - 1247 Stable Matchings and the Small Core in Nash Equilibrium in the College Admissions Problem
by Jinpeng Ma - 1246 Cycling of Simple Rules in the Spatial Model
by David Austen-Smith & Jeffrey S. Banks - 1245 Cheap Talk and Burned Money
by David Austen-Smith & Jeffrey S. Banks - 1244 Efficient Design with Interdependent Valuations
by Philippe Jehiel & Benny Moldovanu - 1243 Auctions with Downstream Interaction
by Philippe Jehiel & Benny Moldovanu - 1242 Informational Origins of Political Bias Towards Critical Groups of Voters
by Roger B. Myerson - 1238 Endogenous Inequality
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1237 Economic Development with Endogenous Retirement
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1236 Information and Congressional Hearings
by Daniel Diermeier & Timothy J. Feddersen - 1235 Risk Sharing and the Dynamics of Inequality
by Ezra Friedman - 1234 Public Debate Among Experts
by Ezra Friedman - 1233 Real-Time Decentralized Information Processing and Returns to Scale
by Timothy Van Zandt & Roy Radner - 1232 Government Turnover in Parliamentary Democracies
by Daniel Diermeier & Antonio Merlo - 1230 Job Matching and Coalition Formation with Utility or Disutility of Co-workers
by Jinpeng Ma - 1229 Second Opinions and Price Competition Inefficiency in the Market for Expert Advice
by Wolfgang Pesendorfer & Asher Wolinsky - 1228 Bayesian Representation of Stochastic Processes under Learning: de Finetti Revisited
by Matthew O. Jackson & Ehud Kalai & Rann Smorodinsky - 1227 Quitting Games
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1226 Correlated Equilibrium in Stochastic Games
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 1225 Strategic Formation of Coalitions
by Jinpeng Ma - 1224 The Equivalence of Price and Quantity Competition with Incentive Scheme Commitment
by Nolan H. Miller & Amit Pazgal - 1223 A Reputational Model of Authority
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar - 1222 Postponement and Information in a Supply Chain
by Krishnan S. Anand & Haim Mendelson - 1221 Banks Versus Bonds: the Emergence and Persistence of Two Financial Systems
by Sandeep Baliga & Ben Polak - 1218 Maximum Expected Utility over Savage Acts with a Set of Priors
by Ramon Casadesus-Masanell & Peter Klibanoff & Emre Ozdenoren - 1217 Interdependent Preferences and Groups of Agents
by Stanley Reiter - 1216R Political Economics and the Weimar Disaster
by Roger B. Myerson - 1214 Comparison of Scoring Rules in Poisson Voting Games
by Roger B. Myerson - 1212 Stochastic Independence and Uncertainty Aversion
by Peter Klibanoff - 1211 Factorization and Decomposition of Relations
by Peter S. Faynzilberg - 1210 Decentralization and Collusion
by Sandeep Baliga & Tomas Sjostrom - 1209 An Instrumental Theory of Political Correctness
by Stephen Morris - 1208 Capacity Investment under Demand Uncertainty: The Option Value of Subcontracting
by Jan A. Miegham
- 1279 Participation Rights and Mechanism Design
by Peter S. Faynzilberg - 1231 Real-Time Hierarchical Resource Allocation
by Timothy Van Zandt - 1213 Not Invented Here
by Sandeep Baliga & Tomas Sjostrom - 1207 Manipulation Through Bribes
by James Schummer - 1206 On the Equivalence of Simultaneous and Sequential Binary Elections
by Eddie Dekel & Michele Piccione - 1205 Repeated Implementation
by Ehud Kalai & John O. Ledyard - 1204 Capacity Investment under Demand Uncertainty: Price vs. Quantity Competition
by Jan A. Miegham & Maqbool Dada - 1202 A Unique Subjective State Space for Unforeseen Contingencies
by Eddie Dekel - 1201 Investment Strategies for Flexible Resources
by Jan A. Van Miegham - 1200 Reciprosity and Cooperation in Repeated Coordination Games: The Blurry Belief Approach
by Alvaro Sandroni - 1199 Learning Rare Events
by Alvaro Sandroni - 1198 An Evolutionary Approach to Congestion
by William H. Sandholm - 1197 Refinements and Social Order Beliefs: A Unified Survey
by Atsushi Kajii & Stephen Morris - 1196 Social Choice Theory
by David Austen-Smith & Jeffrey S. Banks - 1194 A Theory of the Firm with Non-Binding Employment Contracts
by Asher Wolinsky - 1193R Payoff Continuity in Incomplete Information Games
by Atsushi Kajii & Stephen Morris - 1192 The Speed of Rational Learning
by Alvaro Sandroni - 1191 Nash Equilibrium and the Evolution of Preferences
by Jeffrey C. Ely & Okan Yilankaya - 1190 Switching Costs in Frequently Repeated Games
by Barton L. Lipman & Ruqu Wang - 1189 Large Poisson Games
by Roger B. Myerson - 1188 Dynamic Voluntary Contribution to a Public Project
by Leslie M. Marx & Steven A. Matthews - 1187 Explaining Positional Voting Paradoxes II: The General Case
by Donald G. Saari - 1186 The Optimal Design of a Market
by Matthew O. Jackson & Sandro Brusco - 1185 A Patentability Requirement For Sequential Innovation
by Ted O'Donoghue - 1184R False Reputation in a Society of Players
by Matthew O. Jackson & Ehud Kalai - 1183 Complementarity
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 1182 A Proof of Calibration Via Blackwell's Approachability Theorem
by Dean P. Foster - 1181 Incentives for Procrastinators
by Ted O'Donoghue & Matthew Rabin