2016, Issue 2
- 140-153 Philosophy-Educational Dimensions of Other
by Luchiyan Milkov
2016, Issue 1
- 5-12 The Processes of Globalization for Emerging Markets and Growth Prospects
by Maria Marikina - 13-23 Possibilities for Improvement of the Statistical Confidentiality Methods and Approaches
by Aleksandar Naydenov - 24-40 The Role of Exchange-Rate Regimes for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Central and Eastern Europe
by Elena Spasova - 41-50 Ecological Risk Insurance in the System of Mechanisms for Environment Quality Management
by Irena Misheva - 51-75 Rhetorics of Bulgarian Advertising – an Empirical Study of the Use of Rhetorical Figures in Advertising Slogans
by Hristo Katrandzhiev & Ivo Velinov & Kamelia Radova - 76-86 Collaboration between Logistics Service Providers and the Bulgarian Manufacturing and Trade Enterprises
by Nikolay Dragomirov - 87-98 Environmental Impact Analysis and Comparative Assessment of the Interurban Passenger Transport Modes
by Elisaveta Malinova - 99-113 Interdependencies between Political and Economic Power in Bulgaria (Conceptual References for Debate)
by Ivka Tsakova - 114-132 Professional and Economic Transformations in Convergent Media Environment
by Svetla Tsankova & Bilyana Tomova & Stella Konstantinova & Martin Ossikovski & Mariya Nikolova & Diana Andreeva & Gergina Mancheva & Ivan Valchanov - 133-151 The “New Clothes” of the European Union
by Emilia Georgieva
2015, Issue 4
- 5-20 Changes in International Business Operations within the Global Efforts for Environmental Protection
by Bistra Boeva & Antoaneta Vasileva & Veselka Pavlova & Ivan Stoychev & Stela Zhivkova - 21-33 Effects of Deficit Finance on Consumption: A Study of Central and Eastern European Countries
by Anton Gerunov - 34-47 The Expansion of the E-business Information Systems in the Cloud- Problems and Solutions
by Vanya Lazarova - 48-60 Intercultural Communication in International Business through Transactional Culture Building
by Antoaneta Daneshka - 61-76 Impact Assessment of the Key Quantitative Indices for Road Transport Performance on Its Energy Efficiency
by Hristina Nikolova & Petya Koralova - 77-85 National Security and Defense Research as a Public Good
by Nikolay Pavlov - 86-98 Factoring as an Alternative Source of Financing for Bulgarian Enterprises
by Ivan Kostov - 99-113 The Use of Payment Cards and the Prevention of Payment Card Fraud in Europe and Bulgaria
by Silvia Parusheva - 114-145 Projection of the Profitability of Exchange – Traded Assets for the Accounting for the Behavioral Peculiarities of Investors
by Alexander Apostolov - 146-152 Civil Protests Transformation in the Internet
by Boyan Hadzhiev
2015, Issue 3
- 5-25 Economic Growth and Fertilityin the EU Members During the Period 2002-2012
by Todor Kaloyanov - 26-39 Has The Relative Share of Shadow Economy in Bulgaria Been Reduced: Labour Force Evaluations
by Emilia Chengelova - 40-61 The “New Silk Road” and the Black Sea Region
by Georgi Chankov - 62-73 Economic Integration Theories: Application to Integration Agreements among Developing Countries
by Eduard Marinov - 74-90 Bulgaria’s Economic Growth under a Currency Board Arrangement
by Ivan Todorov - 91-105 Competitiveness of Bulgarian Grain Producers
by Anton Kostadinov & Dobroslav Mollov - 106-116 Industrial Sectors of the Bulgarian Economy Creating Products with High Added Value
by Yordanka Angelova - 117-127 Municipal Administrations Face Challenges in the Absorption of European Funds
by Silvia Georgieva - 128-142 Dynamics of the Main Economic Indicators in the Construction Sector in Bulgaria, 2009-2013
by Nikolinka Ignatova - 143-153 Concept of the Legal State of Personality
by Vladislav Gruzdev
2015, Issue 2
- 5-15 Thermodynamics and Economics of Resources
by Yuli Radev - 16-34 Guidelines for Enhancing Competitiveness of Bulgarian Transport Enterprises
by Violeta Mutafchieva-Bakalova - 35-51 Global Retail Banking Trends: Marketing Perspectives
by Galina Mladenova - 52-59 Structural Changes in the Tax Revenue in Bulgaria During 2003-2014
by Vasil Bozev - 60-72 Analyzing University Data with Business Intelligence Systems for Management Decision Support
by Kamelia Stefanova & Dorina Kabakchieva - 73-100 Model for Establishment of Intellectual Property Insurance
by Georgi Draganov - 101-112 Guidelines for Institutional Changes in the Residential Real Estates Market
by Nadya Gilina - 113-126 Corporate Social Responsibility in Bulgaria: Development, Constraints and Challenges
by Irena Slavova - 127-132 European Cross-cultural Competency for Foreign Language
by Mina Hubenova - 133-140 The Civil Society and Internet – a Process of Adaptation
by Boyan Hadzhiev - 141-152 Legal Issues Relating to the Liability of the Carrier for the Air Carriage of Passengers
by Viktoria Rusanova
2015, Issue 1
- 5-31 Financial Crisis in Terms of the Market Disequilibrium
by Yuli Radev - 32-46 Crises and Liquidity – Institutional Alternatives
by Kalin Gospodinov - 47-63 Problems in the Absorption of the EU Structural Funds Resources in Bulgaria
by Aglika Kaneva - 64-80 Application of Derivatives in Portfolio Management by the Insurance
by Stoimenka Tonova - 81-98 Social Aspects of Public Administration
by Rumyana Milkova & Luchiyan Milkov - 99-107 Socialization as Individualization through Access to Money through Work
by Vyara Stoilova - 108-117 Impact of Corruption on Assessments for Bulgaria in International Rankings
by Milka Yosifova - 118-129 Key Trends of Study in the Sphere of Nonprofit Marketing
by Emil Hristov - 130-141 Approaches to Estimation the Scale of Money Laundering
by Georgi Petrunov - 142-152 Collective Claims: Ex Ante Analysis of Their Filing in Bulgaria
by Tatiana Markova
2014, Issue 4
- 5-16 The Recent Records on the US Stock Market – High Intrinsic Value or Just Another Bubble?
by Dimiter Nenkov - 17-24 Bank Efficiency in Bulgaria, International Financial Crisis and Eurozone Debt Crisis
by Gergana Mihaylova-Borisova - 25-40 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Income Inequality in Bulgaria
by Svilena Mihaylova - 41-53 Tendencies in the Structure of Inward Foreign Direct Investments Entering the Bulgarian Economy
by Milen Velushev - 54-68 Bonus-Malus System in Insurance
by Tzvetelina Andreeva - 69-84 Healthcare Expenditure in Times of Crisis
by Dimitar At. Dimitrov & Magdalena Baymakova & Georgi T. Popov - 85-98 Implementation of the Competence-based Approach in Sector “Tourism”
by Ivanka Nikolova - 99-116 Electronic Services in the Public Sector - Status and Trends
by Katia Kirilova - 117-134 Integrating Social Status into Economic Theory: The Social Status Economics of Robert Frank
by Teodor Sedlarski - 135-143 Why is Necessary the Knowledge of Morality Nowadays
by Valentina Dramalieva - 144-152 Tourism Activities-a Catalyst for Changes in the Environment
by Todorka Toncheva
2014, Issue 3
- 5-22 Shadow Economy in Perception of the Bulgarian Society
by Emilia Chengelova - 23-42 Endogenous Model of Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
by Yuli Radev - 43-57 Predicted Number of the Rural Population by 2020 by Planning Regions
by Minka Anastasova – Chopeva - 58-71 Linkages between Public Sentiments and Stock Market Dynamics in the Context of the Efficient Market Hypothesis
by Anton Gerunov - 72-81 Rail Transport in Bulgaria – Upcoming Challenges
by Borislav Arnaudov - 82-95 Possible Measures to Improve Science Funding
by Albena Vutsova & Emil Mitov - 96-108 Problems of Positioning the Bulgarian Tourism Product
by Nikolay Tsonev - 109-119 Evaluation of the Efficiency of Economic Activity of Inland Ports at the Bulgarian Section of the Danube River
by Petya Koralova - 120-126 Risks and Opportunities for the Supplementary Compulsory Pension Funds in Bulgaria
by Jeko Milev - 127-137 Directions for Development of Corporate Communications through Social Network Tools
by Veselin Georgiev - 138-151 Projects to Increase Physical Security at Commercial Banks
by Petya Biolcheva
2014, Issue 2
- 5-17 Industrial Growth in Bulgaria – Problems, Prerequisites, Opportunities
by Yosif Iliev - 18-32 Economic Growth and Resource Amenity
by Yuli Radev - 33-44 Comparative Analysis of Sovereign Debt between Eastern and Southern European Countries
by Nilolay Nenovski & Tsvetelina Marinova - 45-55 Online Resources and Tools for Digital PR
by Nikolay Vankov - 56-69 Implementation of ERP Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises
by Natalia Futekova - 70-82 Stimulating Mobility through Intermodal Passenger Transport
by Hristina Nikolova - 83-93 Objectives Setting Problems in the Development Plans of Districts and Municipalities in Bulgaria
by Kalin Krumov - 94-99 The Tax Procedural Legislation an Instrument of Effective Tax Policy and Control
by Nina Chilova - 100-110 Training at the University of National and World Economy
by Maria Vasilska - 111-128 Boris Brutzkus and the Socialist Calculation Debate
by Pencho D. Penchev - 129-151 The Market – Adivine Angel (with a Nimbus) and Also a Devil (with Horns)
by Velcho Stoyanov
2014, Issue 1
- 5-19 Underused Syntax Opportunities in the Positioning of a Dissertation’s Research Infrastructure
by Pano Lulanski - 20-29 Soving Problems of Linear Algebra and Linear Programming Using MS Excel
by Miroslava Ivanova - 30-37 Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
by Yuli Radev - 38-57 ERP Systems in the Public Sector
by Natalia Futekova - 58-71 Significance of Public Expenditure for the Formation of Separate Models of Socio-economic Development in the European Union
by Kristina Petrova - 72-85 Information and Communication Technologies Role in Risk Analysis and Risk Management
by Sevdana Docheva - 86-93 The Place of the Compulsory Insurance in a Market Economy
by Georgi Draganov - 94-107 Health system in the phase of political and economic evolution in Bulgaria
by Sasho Angelov - 108-119 The Role of Normative Judgments in Economic Science
by Vladimir Peovski - 120-136 Features and Trends in Mutual Trade between Bulgaria and the Western Balkans Countries
by Monika Moraliyska - 137-152 Prevention the Access of Illegal Capitals to the Banking System Using a Mechanism for Customer Identification
by Stoyan Nalbantov - 153-154 Renewed Interest in Political Economy at the University of National and World Economy
by Valentina Dramalieva
2013, Issue 4
- 5-14 The Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, by Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter
by Marcho Markov - 15-26 Economic Growth and Natural Resources
by Yuli Radev - 27-41 Estimation of the impact of the USD/EUR exchange rate on the gross foreign exchange reserves� dynamics in Bulgaria
by Silvia Trifonova & Mihail Konchev - 42-49 Establishing the individual and group motivation impact on employees in business organizations
by Stanka Koleva & Petar Semyonov - 50-60 Internship Programs � Opportunity for Start Career
by Tatyana Kicheva - 61-81 Approach for Evaluation of Possibilities for Enhancing Competitiveness and Determination of Management Priorities (as Exemplified by Large Companies from the Non-ferrous Metals Sector)
by Vyara Milusheva - 82-94 Master Training in Russia: Intersections between the Sector of Education and the Labor Market
by Evgenia Nikulina - 95-108 Subsidies � Food Security or Market Destruction
by Anton Kostadinov - 109-122 Quality of Risk Disclosures
by Kalin Kalev - 123-132 Alternative Model of Social Security Pensions in Bulgaria
by Sasho Angelov - 133-144 Combating the Corruption-part of the National and Home Security
by Milka Yosifova - 145-154 The Processes of Administrative Reform: International Comparative Analysis in the Context of Recommendations for Bulgaria
by Kalin Boyanov
2011, Issue 1
- 3-30 Globalization of Financial Markets
by Venelina Trifonova - 31-56 New Moments in International Regulation of Banking Liquidity
by Silvia Trifonova - 57-66 The Lease - an Alternative for Funding Investments in Real Estate
by Yordanka Yovkova - 67-86 Design of a Composite Indicator for Measuring and Assessment of Employment and Unemployment Trends and Dynamics
by Todor Todorov - 87-91 On The Nature of the Right to Determine the Beneficiary in the Insurance Contract “Life†in Case of Death
by Maria Valkanova - 92-106 Crises – an Attempt for Dialectical-Holistic Approach to Them
by Velcho Stoyanov - 107-116 The Crisis in the Construction of South-eastern Europe after the “Cold War†as a Test for the Bulgarian Foreign Policy
by Dinko Dinkov - 117-132 The New Economic History: a Historical Retrospective Experience
by Marcho Markov - 133-139 Discussion on the Costing Systems in Banking
by Lilia Rangelova - 140-153 Essence and Characteristics of Marketing Planning
by Emil Hristov
2010, Issue 1
- 12-22 Statistcial Estimate for the Business Environment Evaluated based on Questionnaire Surveys Data
by Georgi Mishev - 23-34 HR-Outsourcing
by Margarita Harizanova - 35-41 Ownership Regimes over Scientific Works
by Violeta Tsakova - 42-58 Eating and Politeness
by Irina Peryanova - 59-79 Policy on Science and Innovation - Problems and Possible Solutions
by Albena Vutsova & Lilyana Pavlova - 80-98 The Interrelation “Public Expenditure – GDP per capita†in the EC Countries After 2000
by Venelin Boshnakov & Atanas Hubenov - 99-110 Bulgarian Nonprofit Sector in the Light of the Structural-Operational Definition
by Denitsa Gorchilova - 111-121 Ten Mistakes at the Usage of the SWOT - Analysis in the Strategic Marketing Planning in the Healthcare Institutions
by Alexandar Valkov - 122-139 Developing of Competency-based Models and Profiles of Managers in Bulgarian Industrial Organizations
by Dimitar Blagoev
2009, Issue 1
- 7-19 Criteria and Indexes for Evaluation of the Competitive Power of the Goods
by Velina Baleva - 20-36 Elicitation of Positioning Ideas Via Studying Cognitive Unconscious Through Generation and Analysis of Metaphors
by Simeon Jelev - 37-46 The Financial Lever Effect and the Growth
by Nadezhda Nikolova - 47-63 Guidelines for Improving Supply Chain Management at Bulgarian Enterprises
by Miroslava Rakovska - 64-78 Value-Based Analisys and Firms� Values-System of Bulgarian Industrial Firms
by Selman Deliibramov - 79-87 The Concept of Transaction Costs in the Neoclassical and the New Institutional Economics
by Teodor Sedlarski - 88-100 Contemporary Characteristics and Parameters of the Resources and Results in the Museum Activity in Bulgaria
by Ogniana Vakavlieva - 101-111 Contemporary Dilemmas in Supporting Bulgarian Orthodox Church
by Veneta Krasteva - 112-118 Bulgaria Needs a Regulated Floating Exchange Rate
by Ivan Angelov - 119-134 Elites, Democracy and Welfare
by Svetoslav Stavrev - 135-141 Indicators of Measurement the Value of Scientific Publications
by Vanya Lazarova