October 2015, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 127-141 When Does the General Public Lose Trust in Banks?
by David-Jan Jansen & Robert Mosch & Carin Cruijsen - 143-160 Short Selling and Price Pressure Around Merger Announcements
by Benjamin Blau & Kathleen Fuller & Chip Wade - 161-191 Estimation of Regulatory Credit Risk Models
by Carlos Perez Montes
August 2015, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Impact of Local Knowledge on Banking
by Robert Bird & John Knopf - 21-52 Return and Volatility Spillover among Banks and Insurers: Evidence from Pre-Crisis and Crisis Periods
by Elyas Elyasiani & Elena Kalotychou & Sotiris Staikouras & Gang Zhao - 53-82 Founding Family Firms and Bank Loan Contracts
by Ju-Fang Yen & Chih-Yung Lin & Yan-Shing Chen & Ying-Chen Huang - 83-102 Mutual Fund Trading and Portfolio Disclosures
by Cristina Ortiz & Gloria Ramírez & Luis Vicente
June 2015, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 273-294 A Comparison of Bank and Non-bank Funds in the French Market
by Linh Tran Dieu - 295-312 Board Holdings, Compensation and Mutual Fund Manager Turnover
by Eric Fricke - 313-340 Capital Structure of Microfinance Institutions
by Hubert Tchakoute Tchuigoua - 341-379 The Sovereign Effect on Bank Credit Ratings
by Yu-Li Huang & Chung-Hua Shen - 381-410 Outside Director Stock Options and Dividend Policy
by Anwar Boumosleh & Brandon Cline
April 2015, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 153-175 Credit Card Competition and Naive Hyperbolic Consumers
by Elif Incekara-Hafalir - 177-202 Politically Motivated Taxes in Financial Markets: The Case of the French Financial Transaction Tax
by Stephan Meyer & Martin Wagener & Christof Weinhardt - 203-228 Creditor Intervention, Investment, and Growth Opportunities
by Beatriz Mariano & Josep Tribó Giné - 229-245 How Much Should Debtors be Punished in Case of Default?
by Aloisio Araujo & Bruno Funchal - 247-272 New Warrant Issues Valuation with Leverage and Equity Model Errors
by Jean-Guy Simonato
February 2015, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-25 Does Securitization Support Entrepreneurial Activity?
by Babu Baradwaj & Michaël Dewally & Yingying Shao - 27-56 Bank Mergers and Deposit Rate Rigidity
by Valeriya Dinger - 57-79 Integrating Stress Scenarios into Risk Quantification Models
by Azamat Abdymomunov & Sharon Blei & Bakhodir Ergashev - 81-113 Structural Funding and Bank Failures
by Pierluigi Bologna - 115-133 Soft Information and Small Business Lending
by Yehning Chen & Rachel Huang & John Tsai & Larry Tzeng - 135-152 Into the Breech: The Increasing Gap between Algorithmic Trading and Securities Regulation
by Karen Kunz & Jena Martin
December 2014, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 215-233 Bank Competition and Loan Quality
by Fabiana Gomez & Jorge Ponce - 235-269 Are Stars’ Opinions Worth More? The Relation Between Analyst Reputation and Recommendation Values
by Lily Fang & Ayako Yasuda - 271-294 Bank Productivity Change and Off-Balance-Sheet Activities Across Different Levels of Economic Development
by Ana Lozano-Vivas & Fotios Pasiouras - 295-315 Relationship Lending and Credit Quality
by Franco Fiordelisi & Stefano Monferrà & Gabriele Sampagnaro
October 2014, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 115-135 Attitudinal Asymmetries and the Lender-Borrower Relationship: Survey Results on Farm Lending in Shandong, China
by Calum Turvey & Xiaolan Xu & Rong Kong & Ying Cao - 137-175 Why Do Banks Provide Leasing?
by Dilek Bülbül & Felix Noth & Marcel Tyrell - 177-193 Ensemble Predictions of Recovery Rates
by João Bastos - 195-213 The Effect of Bank-firm Relationships on Sell-side Research
by Hidetomo Takahashi
August 2014, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-53 Banks and Microbanks
by Robert Cull & Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & Jonathan Morduch - 55-76 Why Do We Need Countercyclical Capital Requirements?
by Esa Jokivuolle & Ilkka Kiema & Timo Vesala - 77-97 Bank Debt, Flexibility, and the Use of Proceeds from Asset Sales
by C. Fee & Joshua Pierce & Hoontaek Seo & Shan Yan - 99-113 Banking Relationships and Syndicated Loans during the 2008 Financial Crisis
by Hervé Alexandre & Karima Bouaiss & Catherine Refait-Alexandre
June 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 271-286 Piggy Banks: Financial Intermediaries as a Commitment to Save
by Donald Morgan & Kathrine Samolyk - 287-305 The Benefits of Political Connection: Evidence from Individual Bank-Loan Contracts
by Yan-Shing Chen & Chung-Hua Shen & Chih-Yung Lin - 307-340 The Government’s Role in Government-owned Banks
by Chung-Hua Shen & Iftekhar Hasan & Chih-Yung Lin - 341-361 Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation: Granger-Causality Evidence
by Roman Horváth & Jakub Seidler & Laurent Weill
April 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 145-171 The Non-monotonic Effect of Board Independence on Credit Ratings
by Dong Chen - 173-200 Bank Consolidation and Soft Information Acquisition in Small Business Lending
by Yoshiaki Ogura & Hirofumi Uchida - 201-218 On the County-Level Credit Outcome Beta
by Chintal Desai & Gregory Elliehausen & Edward Lawrence - 219-240 The Effect of Bank Ownership Concentration on Capital Adequacy, Liquidity, and Capital Stability
by Pichaphop Chalermchatvichien & Seksak Jumreornvong & Pornsit Jiraporn & Manohar Singh - 241-269 Directors’ Ownership and Closed-End Fund Discounts
by Yongchun Ju & Linying Zhao
February 2014, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Haluk Unal - 5-37 Conservation, Discrimination, and Salvation: Investors’ Social Concerns in the Stock Market
by Matthew Hood & John Nofsinger & Abhishek Varma - 39-66 Mortgage Loan Securitization and Relative Loan Performance
by John Krainer & Elizabeth Laderman - 67-89 Investor Heterogeneity and the Cross-section of U.K. Investment Trust Performance
by Jonathan Fletcher & Andrew Marshall - 91-115 On Consumer Credit Outcomes in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
by Chintal Desai & Andre Mollick - 117-140 The Finance-growth Relationship and the Level of Country Development
by Su-Yin Cheng & Chia-Cheng Ho & Han Hou
December 2013, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 229-257 Monitoring Financial Distress in a High-Stress Financial World: The Role of Option Prices as Bank Risk Metrics
by Jérôme Coffinet & Adrian Pop & Muriel Tiesset - 259-279 The Determinants of Venture Capital in Europe — Evidence Across Countries
by Elisabete Félix & Cesaltina Pires & Mohamed Gulamhussen - 281-301 The Shareholder Wealth Effects of Insurance Securitization: Preliminary Evidence from the Catastrophe Bond Market
by Bjoern Hagendorff & Jens Hagendorff & Kevin Keasey - 303-329 Decision Making for Individual Investors: A Measurement of Latent Difficulties
by Ann Yang
October 2013, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 131-148 Bank Competition and Collateral: Theory and Evidence
by Christa Hainz & Laurent Weill & Christophe Godlewski - 149-174 Bank Structure, Relationship Lending and Small Firm Access to Finance: A Cross-Country Investigation
by Shannon Mudd - 175-186 Why Does the Interest Rate Decline Over the Day? Evidence from the Liquidity Crisis
by Angelo Baglioni & Andrea Monticini - 187-204 The Impact of Internet-Banking on Brick and Mortar Branches: The Case of Turkey
by Ceylan Onay & Emre Ozsoz - 205-227 Exploring the Agency Cost of Debt: Evidence from the ISS Governance Standards
by Pornsit Jiraporn & Pandej Chintrakarn & Jang-Chul Kim & Yixin Liu
August 2013, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-51 Banks, Bears, and the Financial Crisis
by Warren Bailey & Lin Zheng - 53-86 Is There a Difference Between Solicited and Unsolicited Bank Ratings and, If So, Why?
by Patrick Roy - 87-109 Beyond Bank Competition and Profitability: Can Moral Hazard Tell Us More?
by Chien-Chiang Lee & Meng-Fen Hsieh - 111-129 Modelling Credit Risk for Innovative SMEs: the Role of Innovation Measures
by Chiara Pederzoli & Grid Thoma & Costanza Torricelli
June 2013, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 243-263 How Do Stock Markets in the US and Europe Price Efficiency Gains from Bank M&As?
by Dimitris Chronopoulos & Claudia Girardone & John Nankervis - 265-291 The Determinants of Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking
by Elena Beccalli & Pascal Frantz - 293-319 Unsolicited Versus Solicited: Credit Ratings and Bond Yields
by Seung Han & William Moore & Yoon Shin & Seongbaek Yi - 321-341 Predicting Recurrent Financial Distresses with Autocorrelation Structure: An Empirical Analysis from an Emerging Market
by Ruey-Ching Hwang & Huimin Chung & Jiun-Yi Ku
April 2013, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 127-148 Bank Capital Requirements, Capital Structure and Regulation
by John Harding & Xiaozhong Liang & Stephen Ross - 149-174 Can Market Discipline Work in the Case of Rating Agencies? Some Lessons from Moody’s Stock Price
by Gunter Löffler - 175-195 Do Information Rents in Loan Spreads Persist over the Business Cycles?
by Julian Mattes & Sascha Steffen & Mark Wahrenburg - 197-220 Valuing Core Deposits
by Richard Sheehan - 221-242 Motivation for Repurchases: A Life Cycle Explanation
by Woan-lih Liang & Konan Chan & Wei-Hsien Lai & Yanzhi Wang
February 2013, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-35 How Much Did Banks Pay to Become Too-Big-To-Fail and to Become Systemically Important?
by Elijah Brewer & Julapa Jagtiani - 37-68 The Volatility of European Banking Systems: A Two-Decade Study
by Francesco Vallascas & Kevin Keasey - 69-98 Canadian Investors and the Discount on Closed-End Funds
by Mohamed Ayadi & Hatem Ben-Ameur & Skander Lazrak & Yue Wang - 99-126 Deconstructing Herding: Evidence from Pension Fund Investment Behavior
by Claudio Raddatz & Sergio Schmukler
December 2012, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 139-158 Capital Structure, CEO Dominance, and Corporate Performance
by Pornsit Jiraporn & Pandej Chintrakarn & Yixin Liu - 159-185 Does Surplus Participation Reflect Market Discipline? An Analysis of the German Life Insurance Market
by Martin Eling & Dieter Kiesenbauer - 187-205 How Sensitive Are Bank Managers to Shareholder Value?
by Selçuk Caner & Süheyla Özyıldırım & A. Ungan - 207-228 Location Decisions of Domestic and Foreign-Affiliated Financial Advisors: Australian Evidence
by Robert Faff & Tribeni Lodh & Jerry Pawada
October 2012, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editors’ Note on the Special Issue of the 10th FDIC/JFSR Bank Research Conference
by Paul Kupiec & Haluk Unal - 5-29 Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Causes of U.S. Commercial Bank Failures This Time Around
by Rebel Cole & Lawrence White - 31-34 A commentary on “Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Causes of U.S. Commercial Bank Failures This Time Around”
by Albert Kyle - 35-54 Forward-Looking Tail Risk Exposures at U.S. Bank Holding Companies
by Martin Knaup & Wolf Wagner - 55-83 Systemic Risk Contributions
by Xin Huang & Hao Zhou & Haibin Zhu - 85-107 Credit Derivatives and the Default Risk of Large Complex Financial Institutions
by Giovanni Calice & Christos Ioannidis & Julian Williams - 109-114 A Commentary on “Measuring Systemic Risk”
by Robert DeYoung - 115-134 Differences Across Originators in CMBS Loan Underwriting
by Lamont Black & Chenghuan Chu & Andrew Cohen & Joseph Nichols - 135-137 A Commentary on "Differences Across Originators in CMBS Loan Underwriting"
by David Musto
June 2012, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 103-120 Valuation Effects for Asset Sales
by Jonathan Wiley & Brandon Cline & Xudong Fu & Tian Tang - 121-144 The Economic Consequences of Banks’ Derivatives Use in Good Times and Bad Times
by Ken Cyree & Pinghsun Huang & James Lindley - 145-161 A Theoretical Framework for Incorporating Scenarios into Operational Risk Modeling
by Bakhodir Ergashev - 163-195 Returns to Retail Banking and Payments
by Iftekhar Hasan & Heiko Schmiedel & Liang Song
April 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-18 Liquidity Crunch in the Interbank Market: Is it Credit or Liquidity Risk, or Both?
by Angelo Baglioni - 19-35 Did Good Corporate Governance Improve Bank Performance during the Financial Crisis?
by Emilia Peni & Sami Vähämaa - 37-49 The Impact of Pillar 3 Disclosure Requirements on Bank Safety
by Jukka Vauhkonen - 51-80 Corporate Governance, Opaque Bank Activities, and Risk/Return Efficiency: Pre- and Post-Crisis Evidence from Turkey
by Olivier De Jonghe & Mustafa Disli & Koen Schoors - 81-101 Efficiency and Risk-Taking in Pre-Crisis Investment Banks
by Nemanja Radić & Franco Fiordelisi & Claudia Girardone
December 2011, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 123-141 Modelling Deposit Insurance Scheme Losses in a Basel 2 Framework
by Riccardo Lisa & Stefano Zedda & Francesco Vallascas & Francesca Campolongo & Massimo Marchesi - 143-161 Is the Average Investor Smarter than the Average Euro?
by Luis Vicente & Cristina Ortiz & Laura Andreu - 163-184 Determinants of Bank Distress in Europe: Evidence from a New Data Set
by Tigran Poghosyan & Martin Čihak - 185-203 Bank Employee Incentives and Stock Purchase Plans Participation
by Thomas Rapp & Nicolas Aubert
October 2011, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-27 Creditor Learning and Discrimination in Lending
by Song Han - 29-48 What Do Banks Evaluate When They Screen Borrowers? Soft Information, Hard Information and Collateral
by Hirofumi Uchida - 49-78 Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection? A Cross-Country Analysis
by Christophe Godlewski & Laurent Weill - 79-101 Can Banks in Emerging Economies Benefit from Revenue Diversification?
by Sarah Sanya & Simon Wolfe - 103-122 Loan Loss Provisions, Earnings Management and Capital Management under IFRS: The Case of EU Commercial Banks
by Stergios Leventis & Panagiotis Dimitropoulos & Asokan Anandarajan
June 2011, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 95-117 Securitization and Banks’ Equity Risk
by Deming Wu & Jiawen Yang & Han Hong - 119-144 Mergers & Acquisitions, Diversification and Performance in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry
by Jeungbo Shim - 145-159 Bank-Specific Daily Interest Rate Adjustment in the Dutch Mortgage Market
by Leo Haan & Elmer Sterken
April 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Surprising Use of Credit Scoring in Small Business Lending by Community Banks and the Attendant Effects on Credit Availability, Risk, and Profitability
by Allen Berger & Adrian Cowan & W. Frame - 19-33 The Information Revolution and Small Business Lending: The Missing Evidence
by Robert DeYoung & W. Frame & Dennis Glennon & Peter Nigro - 35-54 Bank Financing for SMEs: Evidence Across Countries and Bank Ownership Types
by Thorsten Beck & Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & María Pería - 55-70 Small Firm Capital Structure and the Syndicated Loan Market
by Pankaj Maskara & Donald Mullineaux - 71-94 Pricing of Loan Commitments for Facilitating Stochastic Liquidity Needs
by Arthur Hau
December 2010, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 69-93 Funding Modes of German Banks: Structural Changes and their Implications
by Lars Norden & Martin Weber - 95-113 Islamic Banks and Financial Stability: An Empirical Analysis
by Martin Čihák & Heiko Hesse - 115-134 Internationalization, Performance and Volatility: The World Largest Financial Groups
by J. Outreville - 135-157 The Puzzle Between Banking Competition and Profitability can be Solved: International Evidence from Bank-Level Data
by Meng-Fen Hsieh & Chien-Chiang Lee - 159-186 Information Disclosure, Market Discipline and the Management of Bank Capital: Evidence from the Chinese Financial Sector
by Yuliang Wu & Michael Bowe
August 2010, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-21 Investment Strategies and Market Structure: An Empirical Analysis of Bank Branching Decisions
by Andrew Cohen & Michael Mazzeo - 23-39 The Effect of Overconfidence on the Sensitivity of CEO Wealth to Equity Risk
by Jijun Niu - 41-67 Do Managerial Skills Vary Across Fund Managers? Results Using European Mutual Funds
by Isabel Abinzano & Luis Muga & Rafael Santamaria
June 2010, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 83-98 Liquidity, Bank Runs, and Bailouts: Spillover Effects During the Northern Rock Episode
by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham & Tanju Yorulmazer - 99-130 How do UK Banks React to Changing Central Bank Rates?
by Ana-Maria Fuertes & Shelagh Heffernan & Elena Kalotychou - 131-158 Market Structure, Capital Regulation and Bank Risk Taking
by Patrick Behr & Reinhard Schmidt & Ru Xie - 159-178 Bank Disclosure and Market Assessment of Financial Fragility: Evidence from Turkish Banks’ Equity Prices
by María Penas & Günseli Tümer-Alkan - 179-199 The Impact of Bank and Non-Bank Financial Institutions on Local Economic Growth in China
by Xiaoqiang Cheng & Hans Degryse
February 2010, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-23 The Impact of Downward Rating Momentum
by Andre Güttler & Peter Raupach - 25-43 Financial Transparency and Sources of Hidden Capital in Turkish Banks
by Başak Tanyeri - 45-69 International Banking and Liquidity Allocation
by Diemo Dietrich & Uwe Vollmer - 71-81 Loan Market Competition and Bank Risk-Taking
by Wolf Wagner
December 2009, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 85-85 Editors’ Introduction—Special Issue on Mergers and Acquisitions of Financial Institutions
by Robert DeYoung & Douglas Evanoff & Philip Molyneux - 87-110 Mergers and Acquisitions of Financial Institutions: A Review of the Post-2000 Literature
by Robert DeYoung & Douglas Evanoff & Philip Molyneux - 111-133 Bank Mergers and the Dynamics of Deposit Interest Rates
by Ben Craig & Valeriya Dinger - 135-136 Discussion of “Bank Mergers and the Dynamics of Deposit Rates”
by Robert Bliss - 137-155 Bank Market Structure, Competition, and SME Financing Relationships in European Regions
by Steve Mercieca & Klaus Schaeck & Simon Wolfe - 157-159 Comments on Bank Market Structure, Competition, and SME Financing Relationships in European Regions By Mercieca, Schaeck, and Wolfe
by Allen Berger - 161-168 Extracting Nontransparent Safety Net Subsidies by Strategically Expanding and Contracting a Financial Institution’s Accounting Balance Sheet
by Edward Kane - 169-197 Cross-Border Bank Acquisitions: Is there a Performance Effect?
by Ricardo Correa - 199-202 Comments on Cross-border Bank Acquisitions: Is there a Performance Effect?
by Elijah Brewer - 203-226 M&A Operations and Performance in Banking
by Elena Beccalli & Pascal Frantz - 227-230 Discussion of: M&A Operations and Performance in Banking by Beccalli and Frantz
by Emilia Patti - 231-252 Which Credit Unions are Acquired?
by John Goddard & Donal McKillop & John Wilson - 253-254 Which Credit Unions Are Acquired? A Comment
by Robert Adams
August 2009, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-19 Staggered Boards, Managerial Entrenchment, and Dividend Policy
by Pornsit Jiraporn & Pandej Chintrakarn - 21-44 Exploring the Conditional Performance of U.K. Unit Trusts
by Jonathan Fletcher & Patricia Ntozi-Obwale - 45-63 Retail Investors and the Trading of Treasury Securities
by Antonio Díaz - 65-83 Transaction Costs and Price Volatility: New Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange
by Shinhua Liu & Zhen Zhu
June 2009, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 189-224 Relationship Banking and the Pricing of Financial Services
by Charles Calomiris & Thanavut Pornrojnangkool - 225-244 The Dynamic Impact of Macro Shocks on Insurance Premiums
by Feng Guo & Hung-Gay Fung & Ying Huang - 245-271 Multimarket Contact and Profitability in Banking: Evidence from Italy
by Paolo Coccorese & Alfonso Pellecchia - 273-296 How Do Employees View Their Underwater Stock Options?: Evidence from the Stock Option Exchange Program
by Dong Lee
April 2009, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 99-118 Bank Competition and Financial Stability
by Allen Berger & Leora Klapper & Rima Turk-Ariss - 119-139 Managerial Rationale for Entry and the Relation to Performance and Small-Business Lending
by Ken Cyree & James Wansley - 141-166 Market Segmentation Effects in Corporate Credit Rating Changes: The Case of Emerging Markets
by Seung Han & Yoon Shin & Walter Reinhart & William Moore - 167-187 IMF Bank-Restructuring Efficiency Outcomes: Evidence from East Asia
by Mohamed Ariff & Luc Can
February 2009, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-31 How Much Do Banks Use Credit Derivatives to Hedge Loans?
by Bernadette Minton & René Stulz & Rohan Williamson - 33-52 Does a Bank’s Loan Screening and Monitoring Matter?
by Kwang-Won Lee & Ian Sharpe - 53-80 Credit Unions and Small Business Lending
by David Ely & Kenneth Robinson - 81-98 Do Internet Activities Add Value? Evidence from the Traditional Banks
by Rocco Ciciretti & Iftekhar Hasan & Cristiano Zazzara
December 2008, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 93-97 Introduction to the Special Issue: The Bank Structure Conference through the years
by Douglas Evanoff & Haluk Unal - 99-121 Bank Structure Conference Impact Study
by Douglas Evanoff & Philip Bartholomew & Robert DeYoung & Cosmin Lucaci & Ronnie Phillips - 123-149 How Do Large Banking Organizations Manage Their Capital Ratios?
by Allen Berger & Robert DeYoung & Mark Flannery & David Lee & Özde Öztekin - 151-176 Evidence of Differences in the Effectiveness of Safety-Net Management in European Union Countries
by Santiago Carbo-Valverde & Edward Kane & Francisco Rodriguez-Fernandez - 177-201 Bank Capital Ratios Across Countries: Why Do They Vary?
by Elijah Brewer III & George Kaufman & Larry Wall
August 2008, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-34 The Sensitivity of the Loss Given Default Rate to Systematic Risk: New Empirical Evidence on Bank Loans
by Stefano Caselli & Stefano Gatti & Francesca Querci - 35-59 Information, Credit Risk, Lender Specialization and Loan Pricing: Evidence from the DIP Financing Market
by Kenneth Daniels & Gabriel Ramirez - 61-75 Spectral Risk Measures: Properties and Limitations
by Kevin Dowd & John Cotter & Ghulam Sorwar - 77-91 Index Futures and Predictability of the Underlying Stocks’ Returns: The Case of the Nikkei 225
by Shinhua Liu
June 2008, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 147-162 Does Bancassurance Reduce the Price of Financial Service Products?
by C. Okeahalam - 163-179 Bank Liability Structure, FDIC Loss, and Time to Failure: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Klaus Schaeck - 181-203 Income Diversification and Bank Performance: Evidence from Italian Banks
by Vincenzo Chiorazzo & Carlo Milani & Francesca Salvini - 205-220 Fortune Favours the Bold? Exploring Tournament Behavior among Australian Superannuation Funds
by Terry Hallahan & Robert Faff & Karen Benson
April 2008, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 77-100 Depositors’ Assessment of Bank Riskiness in the Russian Federation
by Ece Ungan & Selçuk Caner & Süheyla Özyıldırım - 101-126 Concentration of Banking Relationships in Switzerland: The Result of Firm Structure or Banking Market Structure?
by Doris Neuberger & Maurice Pedergnana & Solvig Räthke-Döppner - 127-146 The Reaction by Industry Insiders to M&As in the European Financial Industry
by José Campa & Ignacio Hernando
February 2008, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Haluk Ünal - 5-20 Regulator Scrutiny and Bank CEO Incentives
by Elizabeth Webb - 21-36 Constraints on Loan Sales and the Price of Liquidity
by Mark Pyles & Donald Mullineax - 37-56 Bank Competition, Risk, and Subordinated Debt
by Jijun Niu - 57-76 The Impact of Rating Agency Reputation on Local Government Bond Yields
by Arthur Allen & Donna Dudney
December 2007, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 123-140 Does Diversification Improve the Performance of German Banks? Evidence from Individual Bank Loan Portfolios
by Evelyn Hayden & Daniel Porath & Natalja Westernhagen - 141-159 Trading Credit Default Swaps via Interdealer Brokers
by Yalin Gündüz & Torsten Lüdecke & Marliese Uhrig-Homburg - 161-176 Securities Transaction Tax and Market Efficiency: Evidence from the Japanese Experience
by Shinhua Liu - 177-202 Universal Banking, Conflicts of Interest and Firm Growth
by Lili Xie
October 2007, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-16 A Critique of Revised Basel II
by Robert Jarrow - 17-38 Basel II: Correlation Related Issues
by Sanjiv Das - 39-53 Basel II: A Contracting Perspective
by Edward Kane - 55-79 A Tractable Model to Measure Sector Concentration Risk in Credit Portfolios
by Klaus Düllmann & Nancy Masschelein - 81-101 An Assessment of Basel II Procyclicality in Mortgage Portfolios
by Jesús Saurina & Carlos Trucharte - 103-122 Capital Allocation for Portfolio Credit Risk
by Paul Kupiec
June 2007, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 75-99 An Analysis of the Systemic Risks Posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and An Evaluation of the Policy Options for Reducing Those Risks
by Robert Eisenbeis & W. Frame & Larry Wall - 101-122 Depositors’ Response to Deposit Insurance Reforms: Evidence from Japan, 1990–2005
by Ikuko Fueda & Masaru Konishi - 123-152 Fresh Start or Head Start? The Effects of Filing for Personal Bankruptcy on Work Effort
by Song Han & Wenli Li - 153-171 The Benefits of Relationship Banking: Evidence from Small Business Financing in Finland
by Janne Peltoniemi - 173-188 Internal Versus External Capital Markets in the Insurance Industry: The Role of Reinsurance
by Lawrence Powell & David Sommer
February 2007, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-32 Defined Contribution Pension Plans: Determinants of Participation and Contributions Rates
by Gur Huberman & Sheena Iyengar & Wei Jiang