December 1999, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 261-263 Comments on “Regulatory Distortions in a Competitive Financial Services Industry”
by William Hunter - 265-291 How Offshore Financial Competition Disciplines Exit Resistance by Incentive-Conflicted Bank Regulators
by Edward Kane - 293-296 Comments on “How Offshore Financial Competition Disciplines Exit Resistance by Incentive-Conflicted Bank Regulators”
by Richard Herring - 297-303 Alternative Approaches to Financial Supervision and Regulation
by Roger Ferguson - 305-307 Financial Modernization and Regulation: Experience from Japan* September 16, 1998
by Takeo Hoshi - 309-317 Financial Regulation: A Perspective from the United Kingdom
by David Llewellyn - 319-322 Europe's Single Banking Market
by Harald Benink
September 1999, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-26 Interest Rate Asymmetries in Long-Term Loan and Deposit Markets
by Barry Scholnick - 27-45 The Effect of Pricing on Demand and Revenue in Federal Reserve ACH Payment Processing
by Joanna Stavins & Paul Bauer - 47-60 The 1994–1995 Mexican Currency Crisis and U.S. Bank Stock Returns
by Osman Kilic & David Tufte & M. Hassan - 61-83 POLICY PAPER: The Technical Process of Bank Privatization in Mexico
by Haluk Unal & Miguel Navarro
May 1999, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 159-177 Does the Presence of Big Banks Influence Competition in Local Markets?
by Steven Pilloff - 179-196 Bank Time Deposit Rates and Market Discipline in Poland: The Impact of State Ownership and Deposit Insurance Reform
by Thomas Mondschean & Timothy Opiela - 197-209 Housing Finance GSEs: Who Gets the Subsidy?
by Edward Kane - 211-242 Deposit Insurance Reform in Japan: Better Late Than Never?
by Maximilian Hall
March 1999, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 87-102 Catastrophic Default and Credit Risk for Lending Institutions
by James Kau & Donald Keenan - 103-122 Evidence of Early Withdrawal in Time Deposit Portfolios
by James Gilkeson & John List & Craig Ruff - 123-143 The Basle Accord of 1988 and the International Credit Crunch of 1989–1992
by John Wagster
February 1999, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-21 A Dynamic-Programming Approach to Multiperiod Asset Allocation
by Jim Musumeci & Joe Musumeci - 23-36 Intraindustry Effects of Bank Stock Repurchases
by Aigbe Akhigbe & Jeff Madura - 37-55 Evidence of Early-Mover Advantages in Underwriting Spreads
by Kenneth Carow - 57-68 Stock Market Reaction to the Bank Liquidation in Japan: A Case for the Informational Effect Hypothesis
by Nobuyoshi Yamori
December 1998, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 171-188 The Relaxation of Entry Barriers in the Banking Industry: An Empirical Investigation
by Timothy Hannan & Robin Prager - 189-208 Banks as Interest Rate Managers
by Christopher Green - 209-221 The Role of Information in Resolution Trust Corporation Auctions of Failed Thrifts
by Roy Gardner & Roger Stover
October 1998, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 91-115 Functional Forms and Declining Average Costs
by Sherrill Shaffer - 117-144 The Information Content of Bank Examinations
by Allen Berger & Sally Davies - 145-163 Abnormal Returns in the Acquisition Market: The Case of Bank Holding Companies, 1990–1993
by W. Frame & William Lastrapes
July 1998, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-16 Asset Allocation Under Partial and Complete Privatization of Social Security Contributions
by Michael Tucker - 17-34 The Use of Interest Rate Derivatives by End-users: The Case of Large Community Banks
by David Carter & Joseph Sinkey - 35-60 Commercial Banks in the Securities Business: A Review
by João Santos
June 1998, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 183-186 Special Issue: Ten Years Since the Crash of 1987
by Hans Stoll - 187-204 Setting NYSE Circuit Breaker Triggers
by G. Booth & John Broussard - 205-229 Dealer Markets Under Stress: The Performance of NASDAQ Market Makers During the November 15, 1991, Market Break
by William Christie & Paul Schultz - 231-255 Margin Requirements, Volatility, and Market Integrity: What Have We Learned Since the Crash?
by Paul Kupiec - 257-282 Mutual Funds and Stock and Bond Market Stability
by Franklin Edwards & Xin Zhang - 283-314 Ten Years After: Regulatory Developments in the Securities Markets Since the 1987 Market Break
by Richard Lindsey & Anthony Pecora
April 1998, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 103-117 Predicting Bank Failures: A Comparison of On- and Off-Site Monitoring Systems
by Rebel Cole & Jeffery Gunther - 119-135 Total Factor Productivity Growth in U.S. Commercial Banking for 1935–1991: A Latent Variable Approach Using the Kalman Filter
by Kenneth Daniels & Doğan Tirtiroğlu - 137-152 The Timing and Stock Selection Abilities of Bank Funds: Evidence Based on Meta-Analysis
by Anandi Sahu & Robert Kleiman & Joseph Callaghan - 153-169 The Impact of Risk-Based Premiums on FDIC-Insured Institutions
by Marcia Cornett & Hamid Mehran & Hassan Tehranian
February 1998, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-22 Management Quality and X-Inefficiency in National Banks
by Robert DeYoung - 23-35 Portfolio Insurance Strategies when Hedging Affects Share Prices
by Pradipkumar Ramanlal & Steven Mann - 37-69 The Impact of Regulatory Changes on the Risk-Taking Behavior of State Chartered Savings Banks
by Paul Leonard & Rita Biswas - 71-86 The Cost Structure of the Consumer Finance Industry
by Thomas Durkin & Gregory Elliehausen
October 1997, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 83-115 Commercial Bank Risk Management: An Analysis of the Process
by Anthony Santomero - 117-131 Bank Risk, Capitalization, and Operating Efficiency
by Simon Kwan & Robert Eisenbeis - 133-158 A Market-based Risk Classification of Financial Institutions
by Alan Hess & Kirati Laisathit - 159-173 Risk and Market Segmentation in Financial Intermediaries' Returns
by Linda Allen & Julapa Jagtiani - 175-200 Probability and Statistics Applied to the Practice of Financial Risk Management: The Case of J.P. Morgan's RiskMetrics™
by Michael Phelan - 201-242 Evaluating Value at Risk Methodologies: Accuracy versus Computational Time
by Matthew Pritsker - 243-266 Derivatives, Portfolio Composition, and Bank Holding Company Interest Rate Risk Exposure
by Beverly Hirtle - 267-286 Derivative Exposure and the Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks of U.S. Banks
by Jongmoo Choi & Elyas Elyasiani - 287-302 Derivatives Activity at Troubled Banks
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren - 303-326 The Owner–Manager Conflict in Insured Banks: Predetermined Salary versus Bonus Payments
by Ben Schreiber
August 1997, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-20 Do Daily Price Limits Act as Magnets? The Case of Treasury Bond Futures
by Marcelle Arak & Richard Cook - 21-38 On a Preferred Habitat for Liquidity at the Turn-of-the-Year: Evidence from the Term-Repo Market
by Mark Griffiths & Drew Winters - 39-50 Switching to Continuous Trading and its Impact on Return Behavior and Volume of Trade
by Beni Lauterbach & Meyer Ungar - 51-74 Ethical Foundations of Financial Regulation
by Edward Kane
June 1997, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 239-254 Regulatory Misconceptions in Pricing Thrift Conversions: A Closer Look at the Appraisal Process
by Haluk Unal - 255-282 Assessing the Resolution of Insolvent Thrift Institutions post FIRREA: The Impact of Resolution Delays
by Nikhil Varaiya & David Ely - 283-294 Package Bidding in Thrift Resolutions
by Donald Fraser & Hao Zhang - 295-318 An Examination of Gains to Acquirers of Mutual Thrifts in Merger Conversions
by Atul Gupta & Richard Lecompte & Lalatendu Misra
February 1997, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 9-42 Using HMDA Data as a Regulatory Screen for Fair Lending Compliance
by Robert Avery & Patricia Beeson & Paul Calem - 43-68 Mortgage Lending, Race, and Model Specification
by David Horne - 69-93 Strategic Responses to Bank Regulation: Evidence From HMDA Data
by Douglas Evanoff & Lewis Segal - 95-108 Mortgage Loans to Nonoccupants as an Indicator of Racial Redlining
by Andrew Holmes & Paul Horvitz & Joe James - 109-131 A Reconsideration Of Discrimination In Mortgage Underwriting With Data From A National Mortgage Bank
by Eric Rosenblatt - 133-151 Discrimination Resulting from Overage Practices
by Marsha Courchane & David Nickerson - 153-168 Cultural Affinity and Lending Discrimination: The Impact of Underwriting Errors and Credit Risk Distribution on Applicant Denial Rates
by Michael Ferguson & Stephen Peters - 169-188 The Economics of Low-Income Mortgage Lending
by Fred Phillips-Patrick & David Malmquist & Clifford Rossi - 189-204 Do Black-Owned Banks Discriminate against Black Borrowers?
by HAROLD Black & M. Collins & Ken Cyree - 205-208 Discrimination in Financial Services: What Do We Know?
by Susan Wachter - 209-213 Discrimination in Financial Services: What Do We Not Know?
by George Benston - 215-217 Discrimination in Financial Services: How Should We Proceed?
by Robert Townsend