June 2008, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 97-124 Can underemployment persist in an expanding economy? Clues from a non-Walrasian OLG model with endogenous longevity
by Gregory Ponthiere - 125-141 Asymmetric cointegration relationship among Asian exchange rates
by Shu-Chen Chang - 143-153 The profitability life-cycle of direct investment: an international panel study
by Filip Novotný & Jiří Podpiera - 155-166 Evidence on gender wage differentials in Greece
by Evangelia Papapetrou - 167-186 Potential of the state to control privatized firms
by Jan Hanousek & Evžen Kočenda
March 2008, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-28 Sustainable fiscal policies and budgetary risk under alternative monetary policy arrangements
by Andrew Hughes Hallett - 29-59 Child malnutrition and mortality in China and Vietnam in a comparative perspective
by Francesco Schettino & Alberto Gabriele - 61-74 Are devaluations contractionary in emerging economies of Eastern Europe?
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Ali Kutan - 75-96 Discovering sources of inequality in transition economies: a case study of rural Vietnam
by Vasco Molini & Guanghua Wan
December 2007, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 309-325 A model of unbalanced sectorial growth with application to transition economies
by Dmytro Kylymnyuk & Lilia Maliar & Serguei Maliar - 327-359 Occupational structures across 25 EU countries: the importance of industry structure and technology in old and new EU countries
by Frank Cörvers & Jaanika Meriküll - 361-385 Exports and productivity of Russian firms: in search of causality
by Fredrik Wilhelmsson & Konstantin Kozlov - 387-409 Coefficient stability and structural change in the Spanish economy
by Luis Teigeiro & Jesús Solís
September 2007, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 207-221 Make or buy on the Russian railway? Coase, Williamson, and Tsar Nicholas II
by Russell Pittman - 223-234 Investment sensitivity to interest rates in an uncertain context: is a positive relationship possible?
by Andrea Beccarini - 235-252 EU accession and the hardening of soft budget constraints: some macro evidence
by Herbert Brücker & Philipp Schröder - 253-266 Firm performance and privatization in Ukraine
by Galyna Grygorenko & Stefan Lutz - 267-280 Auctioning the state owned enterprise in China: the trade-off between maximizing revenue and minimizing unemployment
by Hai Wang & Weidong Zhang & Jingjing Wang - 281-304 Structural convergence in Russia’s economic transition, 1990–2002
by Valery Lazarev & Paul Gregory - 305-307 Frederic S. Mishkin, The Next Great Globalisation: How Disadvantaged Nations can Harness Their Financial Systems to Get Rich
by José Sánchez-Fung
June 2006, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-18 Shifting paradigms: from fostering equality to building safety nets. Analyzing some consequences of “privatization” in the Israeli kibbutz
by Avichai Snir - 19-34 Measuring the correlation of shocks between the EU15 and the new member countries
by Stephen Hall & George Hondroyiannis - 35-62 Foreign exchange interventions in a small emerging market: the case of Croatia
by Balázs Égert & Maroje Lang - 63-83 New capital accumulation in transition economies: implications for capital-labor and capital-output ratios
by Alexei Izyumov & John Vahaly - 85-103 Structural changes in Central and Eastern European economies: breaking news or breaking the ice?
by Balázs Égert & Rebeca Jiménez-Rodríguez & Evžen Kočenda & Amalia Morales-Zumaquero - 105-124 Consolidation and Competition in Emerging Market: An Empirical Test for Malaysian Banking Industry
by Muhamed Majid & Fadzlan Sufian - 125-151 The R&D performance of the South African manufacturing sector, 1970–1993
by Johannes Fedderke & Stefan Schirmer
December 2005, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 179-210 Cost-benefit Analysis of Infrastructure Projects in an Enlarged European Union: Returns and Incentives
by Massimo Florio & Silvia Vignetti - 211-225 The impact of foreign and state ownership on post-transition industrial concentration: the case of Polish manufacturing
by Kevin Amess & Barbara Roberts - 227-234 Characterizing macroeconomic shocks in the CEECs
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Carmen Díaz-Roldán - 235-256 The dynamic interactions among foreign direct investment, economic growth, exports and unemployment: evidence from Taiwan
by Shu-Chen Chang - 257-275 What happened to savings during the financial crisis—a dynamic panel analysis of Asian-5 countries
by Marwan Thanoon & Ahmad Baharumshah
June 2005, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 129-146 Regional Development of Small Firms in Poland
by Subrata Ghatak & Alan Mulhern & Chris Stewart - 147-165 Impacts of Aggregation on Relative Performances of Nonsurvey Updating Techniques And Intertemporal Stability of Input–Output Coefficients
by Ali Jalili - 167-178 Emerging Economies, Turnover Rates and Inflation Variability: A Comparison of Generalized Maximum Likelihood and SUR Models
by Hermann Sintim-Aboagye
March 2005, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-10 Emerging Markets: Preferences, R isks, Performance..
by Željko Šević - 11-35 The Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies
by Jian Chen & Roger Strange - 37-62 Financial Liberalization and Stock Price Behaviour in Asian Emerging Markets
by Roland Füss - 63-83 Comparative Study of Domestic and Foreign Bank Performance in Thailand: The Regression Analysis
by Saovanee Chantapong - 85-111 Legal Environment, Firm-level Corporate Governance and Expropriation of Minority Shareholders in Asia
by Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti & Aleksandar Sěvić & Željo Šević - 113-127 The Causal Relationship between Stock, Credit Market and Economic Development: An Empirical Evidence for Greece
by Chaido Dritsaki & Melina Dritsaki-Bargiota
September 2005, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 173-193 The Determinants of Trade Credit in Transition Countries
by Anne-France Delannay & Laurent Weill - 195-201 The Role of Symmetry between the Revenue and the Expenditure Side of the Government Budget in the Debate about the Potential Negative Effects of Tax Competition
by Anton Jevcak - 203-223 Transition, the Evolution of Stock Market Efficiency and Entry into EU: The Case of Romania
by Barry Harrison & David Paton - 225-244 Efficiency in Banking: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Roman Matoušek & Anita Taci - 245-266 Does Trade Liberalization Cause a Long Run Economic Growth in Turkey
by Utku Utkulu & Durmus Özdemir - 267-286 An Application of Rating Conjoint Analysis to Study the Importance of Quality-, Access- and Price-attributes to Health Care Consumers
by Milena Pavlova & Wim Groot & Godefridus Merode - 287-290 Book Review: Learning from Foreign Models in Latin American Policy Reform. Kurt Weyland. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, DC and The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London, 2004. 302 pp. $ 22.95 ISBN 0-8018-7917-5
by Andrea Steel
September 2004, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 173-193 The Determinants of Trade Credit in Transition Countries
by Anne-France Delannay & Laurent Weill - 195-201 The Role of Symmetry between the Revenue and the Expenditure Side of the Government Budget in the Debate about the Potential Negative Effects of Tax Competition
by Anton Jevcak - 203-223 Transition, the Evolution of Stock Market Efficiency and Entry into EU: The Case of Romania
by Barry Harrison & David Paton - 225-244 Efficiency in Banking: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Roman Matoušek & Anita Taci - 245-266 Does Trade Liberalization Cause a Long Run Economic Growth in Turkey
by Utku Utkulu & Durmus Özdemir - 267-286 An Application of Rating Conjoint Analysis to Study the Importance of Quality-, Access- and Price-attributes to Health Care Consumers
by Milena Pavlova & Wim Groot & Godefridus Merode - 287-290 Book Review: Learning from Foreign Models in Latin American Policy Reform. Kurt Weyland. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, DC and The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London, 2004. 302 pp. $ 22.95 ISBN 0-8018-7917-5
by Andrea Steel
June 2004, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 77-98 Do Ukrainian Firms Benefit from FDI?
by Stefan Lutz & Oleksandr Talavera - 99-123 Do Corporate Tax Concessions Really Matter for the Success of Free Economic Zones?
by Chang Nam & Doina Radulescu - 125-139 Impacts of Monetary, Fiscal and Exchange Rate Policies on Output in China: A Var Approach
by Yu Hsing & Wen-Jen Hsieh - 141-172 Outward FDI from Central and Eastern European Countries
by Kálmán Kalotay
March 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-23 Fiscal Federalism in Transition: Evidence from Ukraine
by Ulrich Thießen - 25-45 The Dynamics of Capital Structure in Transition Economies
by Eugene Nivorozhkin - 47-68 The Puzzle of Firm Performance in China: An Institutional Explanation
by Shaomin Li
September 2004, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 201-221 Purchasing Power Parity in Three Transition Economies
by David Barlow - 223-257 Evolution of the Government–Business Relationship and Economic Performance in the Former Soviet States – Order State, Rescue State, Punish State
by Ichiro Iwasaki - 259-272 New Nonlinear Approaches for the Adjustment and Updating of a SAM
by Casiano Peñate & Dolores Peñate
June 2004, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 69-70 Editorial: Advances in Macroeconomics: Uncertainty, Theory and Policy Design
by Reinhard Neck - 71-91 Monetary and Fiscal Management, Finance, and Growth
by Thorvaldur Gylfason - 93-115 How Do Debit Cards Affect Cash Demand? Survey Data Evidence
by Helmut Stix - 117-135 Growth and Welfare Effects of Tax Cuts: The Case of a Productive Public Input with Technological Risk
by Ingrid Ott & Susanne Soretz - 137-162 Investment Under Monetary Uncertainty: A Panel Data Investigation
by Andrew Hallett & Gert Peersman & Laura Piscitelli - 163-184 Globalization, Financial Volatility and Monetary Policy
by Helmut Wagner & Wolfram Berger - 185-204 Searching for the natural rate of interest: a euro area perspective
by Jesús Cuaresma & Ernest Gnan & Doris Ritzberger-Gruenwald - 205-227 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in the Euro Area
by Willi Semmler & Wenlang Zhang - 229-245 European Monetary and Fiscal Policies after the EU Enlargement
by Reinhard Neck & GOTTFRIED Haber & WARWICK Mckibbin - 247-280 Exchange Rate Movements and Employment Growth: An OCA Assessment of the CEE Economies
by Ansgar Belke & Leo Kaas - 281-294 Is a Conservative Central Banker a (Perfect) Substitute for Wage Coordination?
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Bartolomeo
December 2003, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 273-295 The Economic Convergence Performance of Central and Eastern European Countries
by Christian Amplatz - 297-314 Regional Unemployment in Transitional China: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
by Zhongmin Wu - 315-331 Adjustment, Stabilisation and the Analysis of the Employment Structure in Turkey: An Input- Output Approach
by Öner Günçavdi & Suat KüçükçifçI & Andrew McKay - 333-349 Insider Privatisation and Restructuring Incentives
by Philipp Schröder
September 2003, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 201-221 Purchasing Power Parity in Three Transition Economies
by David Barlow - 223-257 Evolution of the Government–Business Relationship and Economic Performance in the Former Soviet States – Order State, Rescue State, Punish State
by Ichiro Iwasaki - 259-272 New Nonlinear Approaches for the Adjustment and Updating of a SAM
by Casiano Peñate & Dolores Peñate
June 2003, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 81-109 Managed Floating as a Monetary Policy Strategy
by Peter Bofinger & Timo Wollmershäuser - 111-133 Impact of Currency Boards on Fiscal Policy in Central and Eastern European Countries
by Dalia Grigonyté - 135-152 The Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle and Twin Deficits in Selected Countries
by Jarko Fidrmuc - 153-175 Exchange Rate Variability and Labor Market Performance in the Visegrád Countries
by Ansgar Belke & Ralph Setzer - 177-198 Polish Stabilization: What can we learn from the I(2) Cointegration Analysis?
by Ekaterina Vostroknutova
March 2003, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-22 Privatization, Competition, and Budget Constraints: Disciplining Enterprises in Russia
by John Earle & Saul Estrin - 23-44 Gender Pay Gap in Poland
by Michał Grajek - 45-67 Determinants of Export Performance: Evidence from Chinese Industries
by Xiaohui Liu & Chang Shu
2002, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 317-331 The Unemployment-Output Tradeoff in Transition Economies: Does Okun's Law Apply?
by Izyumov, Alexei & Vahaly, John - 333-348 What Obscures the Skill Content Embodied in China's Net Export?
by Jianping, Ding - 349-363 Property Rights and Rural Development in China's Transitional Economy
by Chen, Chien-Hsun - 365-370 Measuring the Capital Stock in Russia: An Unobserved Component Model
by Hall, Stephen G & Basdevant, Olivier
2002, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 205-219 Wage and Price Inflation in Poland in the Period of Transition: The Cointegration Analysis
by Welfe, Aleksander & Majsterek, Michal - 221-252 Income and Expenditure Switching among the Impoverished during Structural Adjustment in India
by Gaiha, Raghav - 253-270 Exchange Rate Adjustment in Partially Liberalized Economy
by Grubacic, Sanja - 271-292 Optimal Growth with Public Capital and Public Services
by Ghosh, Sugata & Roy, Udayan - 293-316 Fiscal Explanations for Inflation: Any Evidence from Transition Economies?
by Komulainen, Tuomas & Pirttila, Jukka
2002, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 109-139 China's State-Owned Enterprises in the First Reform Decade: An Analysis of a Declining Monopsony
by Dong, Xiao-Yuan & Putterman, Louis - 141-159 Economic Sector Stabilization
by Tiplitz, Charles - 161-181 Evaluating Productivity Growth Measures in the EU
by Dimelis, Sophia P & Dimopoulou, Maria - 183-204 The Efficiency of Input Use during the Early Transition in Hungary
by Piesse, Jenifer & Hadley, David & Shankar, Bhavani & Thirtle, Colin
2002, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 Impact of Trade Liberalisation on a Multi-region Economy within an Inter-regional Game Theoretic Framework
by Liew, Leong H & Siriwardana, Mahinda - 19-46 Social Security, Poverty and Economic Transition: An Analysis for Bulgaria 1992-96
by Ackrill, Robert & Dobrinksy, Rumen & Markov, Nikolay & Pudney, Stephen - 47-77 Should the Central and Eastern European Accession Countries Adopt the Euro before or after Accession?
by Schoors, Koen - 79-105 The Evolution Trajectories of Voucher Funds: Towards Western-Type Institutional Investors? The Case of the Czech Republic and Bulgaria
by Koleva, Petia & Vincensini, Caroline
October 2001, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 179-194 Russian Direct Investment Abroad: History, Motives, Finance, Control and Planning
by Alexander Bulatov - 215-230 Convergence in Transition Countries – Focus on Investment: Central and Eastern Europe, 1970–1996
by Saul Estrin & Stepana Lazarova & Giovanni Urga - 231-246 Financing Enterprises in the Czech Republic: Debt and Firm-specific Variables
by Debora Revoltella - 247-249 Review of Hans-Jürgen Wagener (ed.), Economic Thought in Communist and Post-Communist Europe
by Paul Auerbach
2001, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 179-194 Russian Direct Investment Abroad: History, Motives, Finance, Control and Planning
by Bulatov, Alexander S - 195-213 Price Scissors, Rationing, and Coercion: An Extended Framework for Understanding Primitive Socialist Accumulation
by Sun, Laixiang - 215-230 Convergence in Transition Countries--Focus on Investment: Central and Eastern Europe, 1970-1996
by Estrin, Saul & Lazarova, Stepana & Urga, Giovanni - 231-246 Financing Enterprises in the Czech Republic: Debt and Firm-Specific Variables
by Revoltella, Debora
2001, Volume 34, Issue 1-2
- 1-4 China's Two Decades of Economic Reform
by Liu, Guy S & Garino, Gaia - 5-35 Corporatisation and Corporate Governance in China's Economic Transition
by Lin, Cyril - 37-51 Privatisation or Competition? A Lesson Learnt from the Chinese Enterprise Reform
by Liu, Guy Shaojia & Garino, Gaia - 53-72 Ownership Structure as Corporate Governance Mechanism: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies
by Chen, Jian - 73-88 A Comparative Study of Employment Adjustment in Chinese Enterprises (1986-1990)
by Zheng, Jinghai - 89-112 China's Exchange Rate Reform and Exports
by Zhang, Zhichao - 113-138 Rethinking Regional Disparity in China
by Zhang, Wei - 139-157 Spatial Differences of Grain Production Efficiency in China, 1987-1992
by Yao, Shujie & Liu, Zinan & Zhang, Zongyi - 159-178 Large Firms and Catch-Up in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Shougang Group in China
by Nolan, Peter & Yeung, Godfrey
October 2000, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 141-169 The Effect of Incomes Policies on Inflation in Bulgaria and Poland
by Tihomir Enev & Kenneth Koford - 171-184 Unification of Dual Foreign Exchange Markets
by Ibrahim Onour - 203-219 On the Targeting of the Employment Guarantee Scheme in the Indian State of Maharashtra
by Raghav Gaiha - 221-237 Evaluating Relative Performances of Four Non-Survey Techniques of Updating Input-Output Coefficients
by Ali Jalili
2000, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 141-169 The Effect of Incomes Policies on Inflation in Bulgaria and Poland
by Enev, Tihomir & Koford, Kenneth - 171-184 Unification of Dual Foreign Exchange Markets
by Onour, Ibrahim A - 185-202 A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Output Level and Growth in Poland and Western Economies
by Koop, Gary & Osiewalski, Jacek & Steel, Mark F J - 203-219 On the Targeting of the Employment Guarantee Scheme in the Indian State of Maharashtra
by Gaiha, Raghav - 221-237 Evaluating Relative Performances of Four Non-survey Techniques of Updating Input-Output Coefficients
by Jalili, Ali Reza
2000, Volume 33, Issue 1-2
- 3-18 Do Market Participants Learn? The Case of the Budapest Stock Exchange
by Zalewska-Mitura, Anna & Hall, Stephen G - 19-51 Testing for Structural Change in Cointegrated Relationships: Analysis of Price-Wages Models for Poland and Hungary
by Golinelli, Roberto & Orsi, Renzo - 53-70 Capital Market Imperfections, Uncertainty and Corporate Investment in the Czech Republic
by Lensink, Robert & Sterken, Elmer - 71-83 Index Based Regional Analysis: The Case of the Former Soviet Union and Russia
by Giannias, Dimitrios A & Belokrilova, O. S. & Shevchenko, I. V. & Chepurko, Y. & Iakovlev, A. - 85-101 Econometric Analysis of Managers' Judgements on the Determinants of the Financial Situation in Russia
by Lukashin, Youri Pavlovich - 103-140 Interaction of the Russian Financial Markets
by Peresetsky, Anatoly & Ivanter, Alexander
October 1999, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 171-190 Economic Growth and Structural Changes in Employment and Investments in China, 1985–94
by Aying Liu & Shujie Yao & Zongyi Zhang - 211-229 A Novel End to the Big Inflation in China in 1950
by Richard Burdekin & Fang Wang - 231-233 Economic Change in Eastern Europe since 1918, Derek H. Aldcroft, Steven Morewood, (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995). xiii 277, pp. Maps, index, bibliography. £45.00
by Francesco Galassi - 234-236 Handbook of International Economics, Vol. III Editors: Gene M. Grossman and Kenneth Rogoff: North Holland Elsevier Science, 1995, 000 pp
by Subrata Ghatak - 236-239 Price Rigidity: Causes and Macroeconomic Implications, Torben M. Andersen: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 186 pp
by Neil Rankin - 239-240 Industrial Organization, Theory and Applications, Oz Shy, The MIT Press, 1995, ISBN 0-262-19366-3 (hc), ISBN 0-262-69179-5 (pb), 466 pages
by Dr Al Nowaihi - 241-243 Handbook of Game Theory, Volume 2, Aumann R.J. and S. Hart (eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994, 815 pp., ISBN 0-444-89427-6
by Anonymous
1999, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 171-190 Economic Growth and Structural Changes in Employment and Investments in China, 1985-94
by Liu, Aying & Yao, Shujie & Zhang, Zongyi - 191-209 Long and Short Run Determinants of Small and Medium Size Enterprise Share: The Case of Venezuelan Manufacturing
by Mulhern, Alan & Stewart, Chris - 211-229 A Novel End to the Big Inflation in China in 1950
by Burdekin, Richard C K & Wang, Fang
1999, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 89-101 The Relationship between Bond Returns and Inflation in a Controlled Economy
by Sabov, Z & Murphy, A - 103-127 Exploring the Impact of Agricultural Price and Trade Policy Reform under Transition in Albania
by Mergos, George & Karadeloglou, Pavlos & Stoforos, Chrysostomos - 129-151 Insider-Controlled Firms in Russia
by Filatotchev, Igor & Bleaney, Michael & Wright, Mike - 153-164 Project Appraisal for the Keynesian Investment Planner
by Hill, G
May 1999, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 89-102 The Relationship between Bond Returns and Inflation in a Controlled Economy
by Z. Sabov & A. Murphy - 103-127 Exploring the Impact of Agricultural Price and Trade Policy Reform under Transition in Albania
by George Mergos & Pavlos Karadeloglou & Chrysostomos Stoforos - 129-151 Insider-controlled Firms in Russia
by Igor Filatotchev & Michael Bleaney & Mike Wright - 153-164 Project Appraisal for the Keynesian Investment Planner
by G. Hill - 165-167 Technology, Energy and Development: The South Korean Transition, Haider A. Khan
by Juzhong Zhuang - 167-170 Classical Versus Neoclassical Monetary Theories. Will E. Mason, William N. Butos, editor
by Peter Matthews
1999, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-21 Retirement Age Considerations for Central Europe
by Polackova, Hana - 23-44 Exploring a Regional Technical Efficiency Frontier in the Former USSR
by Brock, Gregory J - 45-66 Agricultural Prices in Transition Economies: The Case of Bulgaria and Slovenia
by Karadeloglou, Pavlos - 67-79 Fixed Investment and Economic Growth in China
by Kwan, Andy C C & Wu, Yangru & Zhang, Junxi
1998, Volume 31, Issue 2-3
- 91-93 Introduction: Special Issue on Chinese Economic Development
by Yao, Shujie & Song, Haiyan - 95-116 Journal: Economics of Planning
by Liu, Aying - 117-132 Testing the Neoclassical Theory of Economic Growth: Evidence from Chinese Provinces
by Li, Hong & Liu, Zinan & Rebelo, Ivonia - 133-150 Understanding Income Inequality in China: A Multi-angle Perspective
by Yao, Shujie & Zhu, Liwei - 151-173 Sino-Indian Liberalization: The Role of Trade and Foreign Investment
by Bhalla, A S - 175-194 Foreign Direct Investment in China: Determinants and Effects
by Dees, Stephane - 195-212 Local Government Finance and Industrial Policy in China
by Heady, Christopher - 213-230 Industrialisation and the Sustainability of China's Agriculture
by Dasheng, Li & Davis, John & Wang, Liming - 231-251 A Principal-Agent Theory of the Public Economy and Its Applications to China
by Zhang, Weiying
May 1998, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 91-93 Introduction
by Shujie Yao & Haiyan Song - 95-116 Sources of Structural Change and Output Growth of China's Economy: 1987-92
by Aying Liu - 117-132 Testing the Neoclassical Theory of Economic Growth: Evidence from Chinese Provinces
by Hong Li & Zinan Liu & Ivonia Rebelo - 133-150 Understanding Income Inequality in China: A Multi-Angle Perspective
by Shujie Yao & Liwei Zhu - 151-173 Sino-Indian Liberalization: The Role of Trade and Foreign Investment
by A.S. Bhalla - 175-194 Foreign Direct Investment in China: Determinants and Effects
by Stèphane Dees - 195-212 Local Government Finance and Industrial Policy in China
by Christopher Heady - 213-230 Industrialisation and the Sustainability of China’s Agriculture
by Li Dasheng & John Davis & Liming Wang - 231-251 A Principal-agent Theory of the Public Economy and Its Applications to China
by Weiying Zhang
1998, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Auction Price of Apartments in Moscow: Hedonic Estimation in Disequilibrium
by Toda, Yasushi & Nozdrina, Nadezhda & Maddala, G S - 15-27 Dynamic Structure of Disequilibrium Models
by Qin, Duo & Lu, Maozu - 29-55 Exchange Rate, Inflation and Unemployment in East European Economies: The Case of Poland and Hungary
by Golinelli, Roberto & Orsi, Renzo - 57-79 The Second CSF (Delors' II Package) for Greece and Its Impact on the Greek Economy: An Ex-ante Assessment Using a Macroeconometric Model
by Christodoulakis, Nicos M & Kalyvitis, Sarantis C
May 1997, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 75-90 Evolving Market Efficiency with an Application to Some Bulgarian Shares
by Rebecca Emerson & Stephen Hall & Anna Zalewska-Mitura - 91-105 Testing the Information Structure of Eastern European Markets: The Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Renato Flôres & Ariane Szafarz - 107-125 Threshold Modelling of Stock Return Volatility on Eastern European Markets
by Kalvinder Shields - 127-179 Testing Integration of Macroeconomic Time Series in Transitional Socialist Economies. A Modification of Perron Test
by Krzysztof Rybinski - 181-203 Soviet Household Saving Function
by Byung Yeon Kim - 205-220 The Price-Wage Mechanism in Poland: An Endogenous Switching Model
by Jacek Osiewalski & Aleksander Welfe - 221-238 An Econometric Analysis of Polish Inflation Dynamics with Learning about Rational Expectations
by Peter Zadrozny
1997, Volume 30, Issue 2-3
- 75-90 Evolving Market Efficiency with an Application to Some Bulgarian Shares
by Emerson, Rebecca & Hall, Stephen G & Zalewska-Mitura, Anna - 91-105 Testing the Information Structure of Eastern European Markets: The Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Flores, Renato G, Jr & Szafarz, Ariane - 107-125 Threshold Modelling of Stock Return Volatility on Eastern European Markets
by Shields, Kalvinder K - 127-179 Testing Integration of Macroeconomic Time Series in Transitional Socialist Economies. A Modification of Perron Test
by Rybinski, Krzysztof - 181-203 Soviet Household Saving Function
by Kim, Byung Yeon