1997, Volume 30, Issue 2-3
- 205-220 The Price-Wage Mechanism in Poland: An Endogenous Switching Model
by Osiewalski, Jacek & Welfe, Aleksander - 221-238 An Econometric Analysis of Polish Inflation Dynamics with Learning about Rational Expectations
by Zadrozny, Peter A
1997, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-16 Plan Evasion and Supply Instability in a Double-Track System
by Shu-Ki, Tsang & Yuk-Shing, Cheng - 17-31 Investment-Decision Criteria and Resource Allocation in Transition
by Fakin, Barbara - 33-49 Applying Kalman Filter on Solving Simultaneous Equations with Overidentifying Rank Restrictions: The Analysis of the Demand and Supply Model of Medium-Size Scooter Market in Taiwan
by Yang, Chyan & Chen, Wen Den
1996, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 147-168 Modelling the Inflation Process in Transition Economies: Empirical Comparison of Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic
by Qin, Duo & Vanags, Alf - 169-184 Is There a Long Run Demand for Currency in China?
by Girardin, Eric - 185-203 A Time Varying Parameter Approach to the Chinese Aggregate Consumption Function
by Song, Haiyan & Liu, Xiaming & Romilly, Peter - 205-222 Profit-Sharing and Financial Performance in the Chinese State Enterprises: Evidence from Panel Data
by Zhuang, Juzhong & Xu, Chenggang
1996, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 75-102 A Comparative Study of the Chinese and the Swedish Principles of Employment Systems
by Shen, Quanshui - 103-115 Stochastic Amortization and Manufacturing Profitability
by Watkins, A J & Leech, D J - 117-130 Financial Reforms and Regional Investment Conflicts in China: A Game-Theoretic Analysis
by Li, Xiaoming & Ma, Yue - 131-137 Poles' Evaluation of the Benefits of the Polish Economic Transformation: A Rectification of the Misleading of Jeffrey Sachs
by Cielecka, Anna & Gibson, John
1996, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Long-Term Volume of East Europe's Foreign Trade: An Estimate
by Christin, Dominique Ella - 25-31 Welfare Paradox in Economic Restructuring
by Chang, Gene Hsin & Xu, Dianqing - 33-50 The Price-Wage Inflationary Spiral in Poland
by Welfe, Aleksander - 51-65 An Analysis of Repressed Inflation in Two Transition Economies
by Feltenstein, Andrew & Ha, Jiming
1995, Volume 28, Issue 2-3
- 87-91 An Endogenous Growth Cycle with Vintage Capital
by Desai, Meghnad - 93-118 Interaction of Human and Physical Capital in a Model of Endogenous Growth
by Graca, Job & Jafarey, Saqib & Philippopoulos, Apostolis - 119-146 Growth, Debt and Public Infrastructure
by Krichel, Thomas & Levine, Paul - 147-167 Trade Liberalisation and Endogenous Growth: Some Evidence for Turkey
by Ghatak, Subrata & Milner, Chris & Utkulu, Utku - 169-183 Endogenous Growth, the Solow Model and Human Capital
by Gemmell, Norman - 185-203 Human Capital, Instability and Foreign Investment in Transition Economies
by Spagat, Michael - 205-233 Military Expenditure and Economic Development: An Endogenous Growth Perspective
by Berthelemy, Jean-Claude & Herrera, Remy & Sen, Somnath - 235-237 Corrigendum [Direct Transfers between the Former Soviet Union Central Budget and the Republics: Past Evidence and Current Implications]
by Orlowski, Lucjan T
1995, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-27 Productivity, Employment and Labor Demand in Polish Industry in the 1980s: Some Preliminary Results from Enterprise-Level Data
by Lehmann, Hartmut & Schaffer, Mark E - 29-57 Regional Trade and Foreign Currency Regimes among the Former Soviet Republics
by Daviddi, Renzo & Espa, Efisio - 59-73 Direct Transfers between the Former Soviet Union Central Budget and the Republics: Past Evidence and Current Implications
by Orlowski, Lucjan T
1994, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 175-184 Forecasting Economies in Transition: The Case of Romania
by Hall, Stephen G & O'Sullivan, John - 185-188 Forecasting Economies in Transition: The Case of Romania: Comment
by Ciupagea, Constantin - 189-210 Calibration Procedure and the Robustness of CGE Models: Simulations with a Model for Poland
by Roberts, Barbara M - 211-226 The Warsaw Stock Exchange in the Period 1991-1993. Qualitative Problems of Its Modelling
by Bolt, Tadeusz W & Milobedzki, Pawel - 227-250 An Elasticity Approach to the Analysis of Romanian Foreign Trade Policy during the Years of Transition
by Ciupagea, Constantin - 251-276 Earnings Inequality in Hungary: A Comparative Analysis of Household and Enterprise Survey Data
by Pudney, Stephen - 277-292 Exchange Rate Volatility in High Inflation Economies: An Econometric Study of Poland and Brazil
by Flores, Renato G, Jr & Monteiro, Marcos de B & Szafarz, Ariane - 293-313 Price-Wage Dynamics in a Transition Economy: The Case of Poland
by Golinelli, Roberto & Orsi, Renzo
1994, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 69-92 Redistributing the Energy Tax Burden in the Philippines
by Uri, Noel D & Boyd, Roy - 93-116 Design of Optimal Policies: A Variable Structure Control Approach
by Fanchon, Phillip & Fadali, Sami - 117-133 Towards Measuring Allocative Efficiency in Selected Industries of India
by Jha, Raghbendra & Sahni, Balbir S - 135-164 Wage Determination in Late Socialism: The Case of Poland
by Rutkowski, Jan
1994, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Role of Interest Rates during the Transition to a Market Economy
by Feltenstein, Andrew - 21-26 Opportunity Fairness and Equal Income Lindahl Equilibrium
by Lahiri, Somdeb - 27-38 The Kornai Effect with Partial Bailouts and Taxes
by Magee, Karen L & Quandt, Richard E - 39-60 Generalised Estimates of Diffusion Rates for the Oxygen Blown Steel Process: An International Comparison
by Evans, Mark
1993, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 209-228 The Strategic Interaction between Managers and Workers in Soviet Industrial Enterprises: Work-Place Motivation and Economic Performance
by Abdalla, Adil E A & Wyzan, Michael L - 229-242 China's Exchange Rate and the Balance of Trade
by Brada, Josef C & Kutan, Ali M & Zhou, Su - 243-270 Towards Estimating the Demand for Money in China
by Yi, Gang - 271-274 Rejoinder [Trade Reform and Adjustment in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland]
by Adams, Jan - 275-276 Reply to Adam's Rejoinder [Trade Reform and Adjustment in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland]
by Sachs, Jeffrey D
1993, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 129-141 Savings and Retail Price Reform in a Queue-Rationed Economy
by Alexeev, Michael - 143-160 Toward the Privatization of the CIS Weapons Industry: The 'Collectivist' Option
by Rosefielde, Steven & Pfouts, Ralph W - 161-182 Price Distortion in the Transition Process: A CGE Analysis of China's Case
by Xu, Dianqing - 183-184 The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland: Letter to the Editor
by Adam, Jan - 185-189 The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland: Reply to Jan Adam
by Sachs, Jeffrey
1993, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-13 Modelling Structural Change Using the Kalman Filter
by Hall, Stephen G - 15-38 Specification of Dynamic Wage-Price Relations in Poland (1980-1991)
by Blangiewicz, Maria & Bolt, Tadeusz W - 39-54 What Went Wrong with the Hungarian Consumption Function? An Economic Investigation of the Time Series Aggregate Consumption Function for Hungary for 1960-1989
by Szekely, Istvan P - 55-80 Household Survey Data, Econometrics and Economic Transition
by Pudney, Stephen - 81-103 Switching Regression Model of Exports: Poland. 1989-1991
by Klos, Bohdan - 105-126 Topics in Macro-modelling of East European Countries in the Period of Transition
by Welfe, Wladyslaw
1992, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 191-217 Sequence of Techniques
by Berkowitz, Daniel - 219-236 Estimation of Output Loss from Allocative Inefficiency: A Comparison of the Soviet Union and the U.S
by Barreto, Humberto & Whitesell, Robert S - 237-246 Why Is There a Tendency to Excess Demand in Consumer Goods Markets in Planned Economies?
by Bleaney, Michael - 247-267 Fixprice-Flexprice Industries among Malaysian Agrobased Manufacturing: An Input-Output Approach
by Rashid, Zakariah Bin Abdul
1992, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 113-138 Should Rules Be Simple?
by Levine, Paul - 139-164 The Transition from Central Planning to a Market Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Model
by Pogodzinski, J M & Antes, Claudia - 165-178 New Perspectives on Intersectoral Relationships between Manufacturing and Services
by Engelbrecht, Hans-Jurgen
1992, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-19 The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland
by Sachs, Jeffrey D - 21-35 Market Failure and Stagflation: Some Aspects of Privatisation in Poland
by Charemza, Wojciech W - 37-53 Is There a J-Curve for the Economic Transition from Socialism to Capitalism?
by Brada, Josef C & King, Arthur E - 55-77 Market Alternative to State Activism in Restoring the Capitalist Economy
by Poznanski, Kazimierz - 79-95 Evolutionary and Radical Approaches to Economic Reform
by Murrell, Peter - 97-112 Taxation, Money, and Credit, in a Liberalizing Socialist Economy
by McKinnon, Ronald I
1991, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 151-160 The Effect of (the Absence of) Multinationals' Foreign Direct Investment on the Level of Eastern European Trade
by Murrell, Peter - 161-180 Producers' Response in Rice Production--A Comparison between Ten Indian States under Planning
by Ghatak, Subrata & Rees, Howard - 181-202 Impact of the Political and Economic Restructuring in Eastern Europe on the Availability of Net Energy Exports--An Empirical Framework
by Wirl, Franz - 203-226 Multisectoral Econometric Models of the Centrally Planned Economies and the Disequilibria
by Welfe, Wladyslaw
1991, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 65-91 External Shocks, Economic Reforms, and the Foreign Trade Behavior of the Soviet Union, China, and Hungary, 1970-1987
by Lee, Keun & James, William E - 93-106 Dual 'Prices' in Plan and Market
by Abouchar, Alan - 107-120 Collective Decision Making by Committee
by Hughes Hallett, A J - 121-133 Explaining Economic Growth in the Soviet Union, 1950-86
by Bleaney, Michael Francis - 135-149 Inflation and the Transition to a Mixed Economy: Can It Work?
by Heesterman, A
1991, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-12 Irrelevance of the Soft Budget Constraint for the Shortage Phenomenon
by Bajt, A - 13-26 Partial Information and Volatility in a Two-Bloc World
by Currie, David & Levine, Paul & Pearlman, Joseph - 27-46 Investment Limit Cycles in a Socialist Economy
by Simonovits, A - 47-58 Modelling Wages in Centrally Planned Economies: The Case of Poland
by Welfe, Aleksander - 59-61 Aggregation of Slack and Shortage in Centrally Planned Economies: Comment
by Burkett, John P
1990, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 161-173 Rationing, Defective Inputs and Bayesian Updates under Central Planning
by Goldfeld, Stephen M & Quandt, Richard E - 175-191 Social Preference Function and Policy Prioritisation for Bangladesh: An Experiment with Analytical Hierarchy Process
by Quaddus, M & Chowdhury, A - 193-207 A Note on the Aggregation of Slack and Shortage in Centrally Planned Economies
by Tsang, Shu-Ki - 209-229 Reforming a Socialist Developing Country--The Case of Vietnam
by van Brabant, Jozef M
1990, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 77-95 Ranking of Sectors Based on Fuzzy Importance Measure
by Das, Chandreyee & Chattopadhyay, R N - 97-116 A Formulation of the Aggregation Problem in Terms of Coalition and Bargaining Theory
by Ghosh, A - 117-127 Soft Budgets and Hard Rents: A Note
by Scott, Chris - 129-141 Diffusion Performance of Major Steel-Making Countries: Alternative Econometric Tests
by Poznanski, Kazimierz Z - 143-158 Bonus Sharing in Soviet Economic Reforms
by Aage, Hans
1990, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-19 Reform Economics and Western Economic Theory: Unexploited Opportunities
by Grosfeld, Irena - 21-35 A Channel Model of Investment Decision: An Intertemporal Planning Approach
by Assemien, Alexandre C - 37-50 Utilization of Fixed Capital and Soviet Industrial Growth
by Kontorovich, Vladimir - 51-70 The Economic Impact of the Information Sector in Singapore
by Heng, Toh Mun & Low, Linda
1988, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 101-108 The Supply Multiplier with a Self-Employed Private Sector
by Bennett, John & Phelps, Michael - 109-116 Preliminary and Incremental Softness of the Budget Constraint: A Comment on the Gomulka-Kornai Debate
by Szabo, Judit - 117-135 Toward a General Model of Price, Choice of Technique and Distribution in a Centrally-Planned, Socialist Economy
by Alcorn, John & Gleicher, David & Swanson, Paul A - 136-145 The CPE Aversion to Innovations: Alternative Theoretical Explanations
by Poznanski, Kazimierz Z
1988, Volume 22, Issue 1-2
- 1-17 Soviet Equilibrium Technological Gap and the Post-1975 Productivity Slowdown
by Gomulka, Stanislaw - 18-40 Efficiency and Ownership under Socialism: Social and Group Appropriation
by Rychetnik, Ludek - 41-56 Cycles or Shocks: East European Investments, 1950-1985
by Mihalyi, Peter - 57-71 Social Accounting Matrix Multipliers in a Developing Economy: The Case of Greece
by Skountzos, Theodoros - 72-77 Exchange Rates, Tax-Subsidy Schemes, and the Revenue from Foreign Trade in a Centrally Planned Economy
by Lawson, Colin - 78-87 The Structure of Capital Financing: A Hungarian Case Study
by Morita, Tsuneo - 88-99 Hesitating Steps Towards Self-government in Hungary
by Budavari, Laszlo
1987, Volume 21, Issue 2-3
- 53-61 Supply Multipliers in a Centrally Planned Economy with a Private Sector
by Hare, Paul - 63-86 Capacity Utilization and the Shift Coefficient in Soviet Planning
by Malle, Silvana - 87-99 Maximum Likelihood Methods of Estimation for Disequilibrium Models in a Centrally Planned Economy
by Charemza, Wojciech - 101-114 Foreign Trade in the Kaleckian Perspective Plan
by Mainwaring, L - 115-122 Technical Costs of Environmental Protection and Its Redistribution in the Economy
by Ghosh, A
1987, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Failure of Effective Technological Transfer in Polish Industry
by Kemme, David M - 13-29 Housing Shortage and Rents: The Hungarian Experience
by Daniel, Zsuzsa & Semjen, Andras - 31-37 On Input-Output Type Output Multipliers from Incomplete Information
by Lorenzen, Gunter - 39-48 Informal Pressures, Mobilization, and Campaigns in the Management of
by Soos, Karoly Attila
1986, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 145-161 Growth, Control and Tensions in an Open Socialist Economy
by Simonovits, Andras - 162-178 Taut Plans, Repressed Inflation and the Supply of Effort in Centrally Planned Economies
by Brada, Josef C & King, Arthur E - 179-205 The USSR State Budget under Late Stalinism (1945-55): Capital Formation, Government Borrowing and Monetary Growth
by Harrison, Mark - 206-230 Occupation and Earnings Inequality: Some Contrasts between Workers and Management in Soviet Industry
by Rubin, Marc
1986, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 87-103 An Input-Output Approach to the Measurement of the Information Economy
by Karunaratne, Neil Dias - 104-130 Feasibility and Stability in Intertemporal Information Flows
by Lahiri, Somdeb - 131-136 Hungary's 'Third' Model
by Hall, John B
1986, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-27 Intersectoral Efficiency between Agriculture and Industry in Six C.M.E.A. Countries: Introducing a Simple Equilibrium Model
by Scherer, Alf - 28-51 Credit Contracts in the G.D.R.: Decentralized Investment Decisions in a Planned Economy
by Parsons, John E - 52-67 Long-Range U.S. Manpower Forecasts in Retrospect: How Accurate Were We?
by Bezdek, Roger H - 68-84 A More Generalized Planning Model of Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Observations
by Chowdhury, Anisuzzaman
1985, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 127-140 Britain in the 1980s: The Case for Decentralized Economic Planning
by Hare, Paul - 141-144 Decentralised Planning in Britain: Comment
by Cave, Martin - 145-149 Planning the British Economy: Some Comments
by Cowling, Keith - 150-156 Decentralized Economic Planning: Some Issues [Britain in the 1980s: The Case for Decentralized Economic Planning]
by Estrin, Saul - 157-160 Britain in the 1980s: The Case against 'Planning.'
by Fine, Ben - 161-165 Conditions for Collaborative Planning [Britain in the 1980s: The Case for Decentralized Economic Planning]
by Hussain, Athar - 166-169 Economic Planning and Information [Britain in the 1980s: The Case for Decentralized Economic Planning]
by Littlechild, S C - 170-173 Economics of Planning [Britain in the 1980s: The Case for Decentralized Economic Planning]
by Neuburger, Henry - 174-178 Paul Hare's Case for Decentralized Economic Planning
by Nove, Alec
1985, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 49-55 Gomulka on the Soft Budget Constraint: A Reply [Kornia's Soft Budget Constraint and the Shortage Phenomenon: A Criticism and Restatement]
by Kornai, Janos - 56-75 Investment Mobilization and Capacity Completion in the Chinese and Soviet Economies
by Harrison, Mark - 76-91 The First Algorithm for Linear Programming: An Analysis of Kantorovich's Method
by van de Panne, C & Rahnama, F - 92-117 Policy Planning Simulation for World Regional Development and Equity
by Cordova, Miguel L - 118-125 A Characterization of the 'Heuristic Solution' of the Optimal Ordering Problem of an Input-Output Matrix as a Nash Point with Some Further Observations on the Ordering Problem as a Game
by Ghosh, A
1985, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-11 Kornai's Soft Budget Constraint and the Shortage Phenemenon: A Criticism and Restatement
by Gomulka, S - 12-18 Uncertainty in the Terms of Trade and the Optimal Structure of a Small Open Economy
by Tompkinson, P & Philpott, B P - 19-23 The Equivalence of the Optimal Ordering with the Maximum Row-Column Correlation Coefficient in an Input-Output Table
by Ghosh, A - 24-38 Inter-industry Analysis of Employment Linkages in Bangladesh
by Habib, Ahsanul & Stahl, Charles & Alauddin, Mohammad
1982, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 103-113 Shortage as a Fundamental Problem of Centrally Planned Economies and the Hungarian Reform [Interview]
by Kornai, Janos & Jutta-Pietsch, Anna - 114-142 Industrial Structural Policy in Czechoslovakia, 1970-1985
by Csaba, Laszlo - 143-156 Methodologies of Project Selection in the Presence of Constraints
by Maneschi, Andrea
1982, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 53-64 Rational Expectations and Disequilibria in a Model of Foreign Trade Behaviour: The Case of Poland
by Charemza, Wojciech & Gronicki, Miroslaw - 65-70 The Distribution of Input Coefficients
by Wibe, Soren - 71-84 Linking Efforts and Rewards: The 'Zveno' System of Collective Farming
by Hedlund, Stefan & Lundahl, Mats - 85-100 The Reproduction of Tensions in Transport in Hungary
by Major, Ivan
1982, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-10 Recent Developments in French Economic Planning
by Estrin, Saul & Holmes, Peter - 11-21 Microeconomic Efficiency in the Polish Enterprise during the NEM Period
by Kemme, David M - 22-42 Technology Export from Poland
by Maciejewicz, Jan & Monkiewicz, Jan - 43-50 Trends in Soviet Imports of Western Technology
by Salter, J B
1981, Volume 17, Issue 2-3
- 53-63 Poland's Exports of Licenses
by Rapacki, Ryszard - 64-73 An Experimental Model of General Growth Proportions in the National Economy: The MODO Model
by Sadowski, Zdzislaw & Kotowicz, Joanna & Cwalina, Kazimierz - 74-112 Aspects of Poverty in Rural India
by Gaiha, Raghav & Kazmi, N A - 113-125 Firm Response to Planner Initiative in Centrally Planned Economy
by Snowberger, Vinson
1981, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Organization of Information Flows in Systems of Economic Planning
by Hare, Paul G - 20-22 Computation of an Optimal Ordering for an Input-Output Matrix by an Application of Dynamic Programming
by Ghosh, A & Bugumbe, P K - 23-36 Effort and Optimality in the New Soviet Incentive Model
by Thomas, Ewart A C - 37-51 Restrictive Clauses in East-West Licensing Trade: The Case of Poland
by Cieslik, Jerzy & Rapacki, Ryszard
1980, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 105-117 A 'Rational Modelling Procedure' (and the Estimating of Input-Output Coefficients)
by Lawson, Tony - 118-129 The Derivation and Comparison of Employment Multipliers and Labour Productivity Indexes Using Monetary and Physical Input-Output Tables
by Flaschel, Peter - 130-147 Labour Allocation in the Soviet Kolkhoz
by Aage, Hans - 148-160 Socialist Relations with the Third World: A Case Study of the New International Economic Order
by Lawson, C W
1980, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 57-67 Why Did NE P Fail?
by Harrison, Mark - 68-86 Choice of Strategy in a Labour Abundant Developing Economy-An Empirical Analysis
by Gaiha, Raghav - 87-91 A Note on the Estimation of Capital Structure in a Multisectoral Economy
by Batten, David F - 92-101 Optimal Growth Models as Economic Planning Tools
by Murrell, Peter
1980, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Performance of French Planning, 1952-1978
by Estrin, S & Holmes, P M - 21-32 Simulations of a Resource-Value-Transfer Model for the UK, 1974
by Basu, Dipak R - 33-47 Long-Range Energy Options: Some Policy Implications for the Pakistan Economy
by Riaz, T - 49-56 Optimal Control of Linear Econometric Models with Intermittent Controls
by Deissenberg, Christophe
1979, Volume 15, Issue 2-3
- 73-98 Enterprise Development in Different Economic Systems
by Major, Ivan - 99-125 The Macroeconomic Impact of The Czechoslovak New Economic Mechanism
by King, Arthur E - 126-141 An Econometric Model of Bangladesh and Evaluation of the Five-Year Development Plan
by Lackman, Conway L & You, Jong Keun - 142-167 Application of Sparse Matrix Techniques to Inter-Regional Input-Output Analysis
by Duchin, Faye & Szyld, Daniel B - 168-183 Interaction between Central Planners and Firms: The Uncertainty of Target Adjustment
by Snowberger, Vinson - 184-199 Decomposition of an Economic System Consisting of a Convex and an Arbitrary Section
by Kronsjo, T O M
1979, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-17 Cyclical Fluctuation under Central Planning: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Cyclical Fluctuation in the Soviet Economy
by Dahlstedt, Roy - 18-50 The Birmingham Energy Model: A Long-Term Programming Model of the British Energy Sector
by Carey, M & Littlecchild, S. C. & Soldatos, P. G. & Vaidya, K. & Basu, D. - 51-67 Assessing the Accuracy of Interindustry Econometric Simulations
by Bezdek, Roger H - 68-72 A Note on a Convex Distribution Problem in Case of Seasonal Production
by Kondor, George A
1978, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 129-140 A Comparative Analysis of Price, Quantity, and Mixed Approaches for Decentralized Planning
by Burton, Richard M & Obel, Borge - 141-159 The Function of the Hungarian State in the Introduction of New Products and New Technologies
by Laki, Mihaly - 161-165 Error Performances of the Multilevel World Integrated Model (WIM) as Applied to Nigeria
by Adamson, Y K - 167-170 Theorems Related to Symmetric Nonlinear Decomposition
by Sandblom, Carl-Louis - 171-185 An Illustrative Decomposition Programme
by Kronsjo, T O M
1978, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 66-80 Growth Opportunities from Reduced Relative Dependence on Oil Exports-Reevaluating the Iraqi 1961-9 Period Using a Programming Model
by Mahdi, F A - 81-95 A Typical Waste of a Centrally Planned Economy: Unsatisfactory Maintenance of Council Houses in Budapest
by Mihalyi, Peter - 97-108 Planning for Full European Community Membership: The Effects of Changes in Indirect Taxation Using an Input-Output Approach and Application to the Greek Economy
by Livas, P & Kanbur, M G