1978, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 109-114 Primal (Quantity), Dual (Price) Linear Optimal Control Problems and the Weak Duality Theorem
by Kronsjo, T O M & Kronsjo, L I - 115-124 A Nonlinear Decomposition Algorithm
by Sandblom, Carl-Louis
1978, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-23 Price Structures, Social Structures and Labor Values in a Theoretical Socialist Economy
by Laibman, David - 25-30 An Evaluation of a Developing Country's Forecasting Models-A Case for Planning without an Econometric Model?
by Adamson, Y K - 31-43 Quantitative Analysis of the Implementation of Economic Plans in Latin America
by Correa, Hector - 45-53 Theorems on the Decomposition of a Large Nonlinear Convex Separable Economic System in the Dual Direction
by Sandblom, Carl-Louis
1973, Volume 13, Issue 1-2
- 1-14 The Microallocative Impact of the Hungarian Economic Reform of 1968: Some Evidence from the Export Sector
by Brada, Josef C - 15-31 The Econometric Forecasting Model of Czechoslovakia
by Sujan, Ivan & Tkac, Miloslav - 33-51 A Dynamic Optimization Model of the Soviet Enterprise
by Yunker, James A - 53-73 The Use of RAS and Related Models in Manpower Forecasting
by Evans, Graham J & Lindley, Robert M - 75-90 Welfare Gains from Optimization in Dynamic Planning Models
by Bergendorff, Hans G & Clark, Peter B & Taylor, Lance - 91-119 A Study of Planning Behaviour on the National-Economic Level: An Attempt at Analysing a Few Correlations Based on Hungarian Data
by Gacs, Janos & Lacko, Maria - 121-129 A Further Procedure for Ordering an Input-output Matrix: Some Empirical Evidence
by Blin, Jean-Marie - 131-135 A Comment on Bowles' Model of Educational Planning
by King, Allan G
1972, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 133-152 The REGINA Model: A Regional-National Model of the French Economy
by Courbis, Raymond - 153-173 Monitoring the French Medium-Term Plan
by Liggins, David - 175-201 A New Evaluation of the Rate of Actualisation for the French Economy
by Bernard, Alain - 203-212 Transportation Planning in the Paris Region
by Barbier, Michel
1972, Volume 12, Issue 1-2
- 3-36 The Models Used In French Short-Term Macroeconomic Forecasting
by Liggins, David - 37-78 The Fifi Model Used in The Preparation of the French Plan
by Courbis, Raymond - 79-114 Planning, Uncertainty and Economic Policy: The Optimix Study
by Deleau, Michel & Guesnerie, Roger & Malgrange, Pierre - 115-129 Futures Research and Economic Planning: The French Case
by Cazes, Bernard
1971, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 101-119 Explicating Implicit Social Preference Functions
by Nykamp, P & Somermeyer, W H - 120-146 Planning and Exploration: A Dynamic Multi-Sectoral Model of Hungary
by Daniel, Zsuzsa - 147-159 The Development of the Consumer Prices in Hungary after the Second World War
by Marton, Adam - 161-188 The Theory of Growth of a Socialist Economy of M. Kalecki
by Chilosi, Alberto
1971, Volume 11, Issue 1-2
- 1-3 Ragnar Frisch (1895-1973)
by Johansen, Leif - 4-9 Some Problems in Social Planning
by Danilov-Danilyan, V I - 10-30 Dynamic Input-Output Planning with Optimal End Conditions: The Case of Chile
by Clark, Peter B & Taylor, Lance - 31-58 Plan Sounding
by Daniel, Zsuzsa & Jónás, Anna & János, Kornai & Martos, Béla - 59-80 Programme-Project Formulation Evaluation and Selection in the Context of a National Plan
by Papandreou, A G & Zohar, Uri - 81-94 Taut Planning and the Allocation of Investment in a Stochastic Economy
by Brada, Josef C - 95-97 A Note on the Computation of an Optimal Ordering for an Input-Output Matrix
by Roy, Mohit K
1970, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 145-157 A Model of the Soviet Firm
by Gindin, Sam - 159-169 On the Maximizing Behavior of a Monopoly Planner
by Thornton, Judith & Leber, Donn L - 171-176 Remarks on Some Methods of Choosing Terminal Conditions in One-Sector, Finite Horizon, Optimal Growth Models
by Sydsaeter, Knut - 177-192 Implications of Learning for Economic Planning
by Tisdell, Clem - 193-220 Some Problems of Estimating the Long-Run Marginal Costs of Electricity, A Vintage Capital Approach
by Dasgupta, A K
1970, Volume 10, Issue 1-2
- 1-19 A General Descriptive Model of Planning Processes
by Kornai, Janos - 21-51 National Planning and Economic Development: A Critical Review of the Japanese Experience
by Watanabe, Tsunehiko - 53-87 Government Planning with and without the Cooperation of Industry Reflections on British Experience
by Lecomber, Richard - 89-132 A Dynamic Model for Regional and Sectoral Planning in the Federal Republic of Germany
by Thoss, Rainer - 133-142 An Input-Output Matrix as a Spatial Configuration
by Ghosh, A & Sarkar, H
1969, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 209-234 Man-Machine Planning
by Kornai, J - 235-257 Tests and Uses of Macro-Econometric Models: A Critical Survey
by Agarwala, R - 258-266 Uncertainty, Information and Decomposition in the Planning of a Production System
by Ennuste, V - 267-278 RAS Projections When Two or More Complete Matrices Are Known
by Lecomber, Richard - 279-295 Economics and Politics of Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe
by Zielinski, Janusz G
1969, Volume 9, Issue 1-2
- 5-41 An Examination of the Relevance of Kenneth Arrow's General Possibility Theorem for Economic Planning
by Johansen, Leif - 43-70 Planning for Regions and Centres
by Mennes, L B M - 71-94 Decomposition of a Large Nonlinear Convex Separable Economic System in the Dual Direction
by Kronsjo, Tom - 95-153 An Essay in Simulating Economic Policies for the French Economy
by Leroux, Roger & Raffoul, Faouzi - 155-207 A Dynamic Model for the Belgian Economy: Simulation and Optimization
by Biolley, T & Paelinck, J