2015, Volume 18, Issue 1/2
- 9-40 Sustainable development footprint: a framework for assessing sustainable development risks and opportunities in time and space
by Adjo Amekudzi & Meleckidzedeck Khayesi & C. Jotin Khisty - 41-58 Possible causes inhibiting the sustainable development of Chinese companies: a preliminary study
by Yan Zhu - 59-76 Rethinking the green recovery through renewable energy expansion
by Emna Omri & Nouri Chtourou & Damien Bazin - 77-93 Spatial distribution of economic activities and transboundary pollutions
by Julien Ciucci & Dominique Prunetti & Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis - 94-114 Nuclear waste storage and environmental intergenerational externalities
by Mouez Fodha - 115-138 Escaping the resource curse in regional development: a case study on the allocation of oil royalties
by Benedetto Rocchi & Chiara Landi & Gianluca Stefani & Severino Romano & Mario Cozzi
2014, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 327-347 The influence of environmental and social sustainability practices on firms' performance: an empirical study of the dairy product sector in Goiás (Brazil)
by Francisco Almeida & Mário Franco & Isak Kruglianskas - 348-373 Towards integrating sustainable development in South African universities' accounting education
by Collins C. Ngwakwe - 374-386 Cost efficient low-emission housing: implications for household cash-flows in Melbourne
by Trivess Moore & John Morrissey & Ralph Horne - 387-402 Beyond economic growth: the genuine progress of Hong Kong from 1968 to 2010
by Claudio O. Delang & Yi Hang Yu - 403-419 From shouting matches to productive dialogue - establishing stakeholder participation in Polish fisheries governance
by Christian Stöhr & Ilan Chabay
2014, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 227-241 Strategies to assess the sustainability in the rehabilitation process - a tool for interventions in old centres
by Ana Ferreira Ramos & J.A.R. Mendes Da Silva - 242-260 AquaFej: a simulation game for planning water management - an experiment in central Tunisia
by Marjorie Le Bars & Philippe Le Grusse & Laassad Albouchi - 261-280 Measuring sustainability performance in industrial parks: a case study of the Kwinana industrial area
by Michele Rosano & Karin Schianetz - 281-297 Leveraging brand value through corporate responsibility
by Ashkan Pakseresht & Cecilia Mark-Herbert - 298-326 Conceptual frameworks and visual interpretations of sustainability
by Gilberto GallopÃn & Luis M. Jiménez Herrero & Asthriesslav Rocuts
2014, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 108-122 Environmental melodrama, coal, and the politics of sustainable energy in The Last Mountain
by Steve Schwarze & Jennifer Peeples & Jen Schneider & Pete Bsumek - 123-136 Entertaining our way to engagement? Climate change films and sustainable development values
by Bridie McGreavy & Laura Lindenfeld - 137-159 Using the transtheoretical model of behavioural change to understand the processes through which climate change films might encourage mitigation action
by Rachel A. Howell - 160-175 Latin American narratives of sustainability: opportunities for engagement through films
by José Gutiérrez-Pérez - 176-191 Entertainment-education: storytelling for the greater, greener good
by Julia-Lena Reinermann & Sarah Lubjuhn & Martine Bouman & Arvind Singhal - 192-207 Tales of sustainability and justice? A sustainability reading of contemporary commercial Hindi cinema
by Florian Krauß - 208-226 Towards transition: resourcing socially learned decisions
by Terry Nolan & Richard J. Varey
2014, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 9-21 Ecological-economic assessment of farms using multi-input multi-output models: life cycle assessment with multiple paired comparisons
by Kiyotada Hayashi - 22-34 Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions and design of mitigation options: a whole farm approach based on farm management data and mechanistic models
by Jean-Louis Fiorelli & Jean-Louis Drouet & Sylvia Duretz & Benoît Gabrielle & Anne-Isabelle Graux & Vincent Blanfort & Mathieu Capitaine & Pierre Cellier & Jean-François Soussana - 35-48 Sheep-for-meat farming systems in French semi-upland area. Adapting to new context: increased concentrates and energy prices, and new agricultural policy
by Marc Benoit & Gabriel Laignel - 49-61 Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions and related improvement options of the broiler chicken meat supply chain
by Juha-Matti Katajajuuri & Juha Grönroos & Kirsi Usva - 62-77 Discursive transformations within the food system towards sustainability: climate change and dairy
by Minna Mikkola & Helmi Risku-Norja - 78-88 Ethanol from sugar beet in The Netherlands: energy production and efficiency
by J.W.A. Langeveld & Gerrie Van de Ven & Sander C. De Vries & Lubbert Van den Brink & Chris De Visser - 89-102 Greenhouse gas reduction through social inclusion in Brazil
by Cláudia Magalhaes Drouvot & Hubert Drouvot & Preston Perluss
2013, Volume 16, Issue 3/4
- 166-189 Transitioning to sustainability: pathways, directions and opportunities
by Carol Boyle & Peter Head & David Hood & Maggie Lawton & Ian Lowe & Martin O'Connor & John Peet & Hans Schreier & Jorge Vanegas - 190-203 Sustainable planning and design of large-scale metropolitan development projects
by John Morrissey & Usha Iyer-Raniga & Patricia McLaughlin & Anthony Mills - 204-220 The limits to growth and 'finite' mineral resources: re-visiting the assumptions and drinking from that half-capacity glass
by Gavin M. Mudd - 221-234 The New Zealand footprint project
by Ella Susanne Lawton & Robert Vale & Brenda Vale & Maggie Lawton - 235-245 What is sustainable air quality?
by Ian Longley & Gustavo Olivares - 246-268 Sustainable cooling solutions for application in Western Cape Province, South Africa
by Fahimeh Foudazi & Mugendi M'Rithaa - 269-281 Embedding sustainability: 'painless is just delay'
by Patricia Kelly - 282-296 Strategic entry points for sustainability in university construction and engineering curricula
by Annie R. Pearce & Yong Han Ahn - 297-309 The development of an integrated model for assessing sustainability of complex systems
by Gayathri Babarenda Gamage & Carol Boyle & Ron McDowall - 310-321 Transition engineering: adaptation of complex systems for survival
by Susan Krumdieck - 322-334 What triggers consumers' interest toward sustainable tourism?
by Mélanie Brieu & Fabien Durif & Jean Roy & Caroline Boivin - 335-351 Multicriteria analysis for grouping and ranking European Union rural areas based on social sustainability indicators
by Parthena Chatzinikolaou & Thomas Bournaris & Basil Manos
2013, Volume 16, Issue 1/2
- 1-22 Pre-requisites to interdisciplinary research for climate change: lessons from a participatory action research process in Île-de-France
by Anne Blanchard & Jean-Paul Vanderlinden - 23-45 The Technolife project: an experimental approach to new ethical frameworks for emerging science and technology
by Kjetil Rommetveit & Kristrun Gunnarsdóttir & Kim Sune Jepsen & Thora Margareta Bertilsson & Fanny Verrax & Roger Strand - 46-65 From ecology to society and back: the (in)convenient hypothesis syndrome
by VÃctor H. MarÃn & Luisa E. Delgado - 66-90 Mobilising high-quality knowledge through dialogic environmental governance: a comparison of approaches and their institutional settings
by Scott Bremer - 91-106 Technologies for sustainability: a governmentality perspective
by Shona Russell & Bob Frame - 107-126 Post-normal science and ecological economics: strategies for precautionary approaches and sustainable development
by Iulie Aslaksen & Solveig Glomsrød & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 127-162 Combining sustainable development and economic attractiveness: towards an indicator of sustainable attractiveness
by Anne Musson
2012, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 293-312 A numerical study on assessing sustainable development with future genuine savings simulation
by Masayuki Sato & Sovannroeun Samreth & Katsunori Yamada - 313-333 Environmental input-output analysis of the New Zealand dairy industry
by Claire Flemmer - 334-352 The Asta-Ja management capacity-building framework (Asta-Ja MCBF) for sustainable development in Nepal
by Durga D. Poudel - 353-373 'Our strength is diversity': imaginaries of nature and community in a Brazilian social movement
by Ana Delgado & Kjetil Rommetveit - 374-398 Environmental news and stock markets: the need for further evidence in developing countries
by Mariana Conte Grand & Vanesa D'Elia
2012, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 187-205 Towards a conceptual framework for development of sustainable development indicators for an urban setup
by Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan & B. Sudhakara Reddy - 206-219 The policy-relevance of sustainability indicators reports: case study of the neutrality strategy of the CTSIP report
by Loraine Roy - 220-248 For an integrated and sustainable management of solid urban waste: an approach based on the theory of social costs
by Alba Distaso - 249-276 A comparison of the national sustainable development strategies for New Zealand and Scotland
by Bob Frame & Jan Bebbington - 277-291 Incorporating sustainable management system into housing development practice in Malaysia
by Soo Cheen Suzanne Khor & Abu Hassan Bin Abu Bakar
2012, Volume 15, Issue 1/2
- 1-18 Introductory editorial
by Joop Koppenjan & Niki Frantzeskaki & Derk Loorbach & Michael B. Charles & Neal Neal - 19-36 Governing societal transitions to sustainability
by Niki Frantzeskaki & Derk Loorbach & James Meadowcroft - 37-53 Towards theoretical multiplicity for the governance of transitions: the energy-producing greenhouse case
by Catrien J.A.M. Termeer & Art Dewulf - 54-71 Infrastructure transitions towards sustainability: a complex adaptive systems perspective
by Kerry Brown & Craig Furneaux & Amanda Gudmundsson - 72-89 The politics of transition governance in Dutch agriculture. Conceptual understanding and implications for transition management
by John Grin - 90-106 The discursive politics of governing transitions towards sustainability: the UK Carbon Trust
by Florian Kern - 107-124 Power failures: metagoverning a revival of nuclear power in Britain
by Keith Baker - 125-147 Moving towards sustainable intercity transport: a case study of high-speed rail in Australia
by Michael B. Charles & Neal Ryan & Robbert A. Kivits - 148-172 Pilot projects and their diffusion: a case study of integrated coastal management in South Africa
by Heleen Vreugdenhil & Susan Taljaard & Jill H. Slinger - 173-186 Concluding editorial: Sustainability transitions and their governance: lessons and next-step challenges
by Niki Frantzeskaki & Joop Koppenjan & Derk Loorbach & Neal Ryan
2011, Volume 14, Issue 3/4
- 179-205 Evaluation of cyber-tools in cultural tourism
by Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp & Eveline S. Van Leeuwen & Frank Bruinsma - 206-224 An analysis of tourists' attitudes towards sustainable tourism: application to Malaysia
by Sofiah Abd. Rahman & Normala Daud - 225-241 Crossroads of tourism: a complex spatial systems analysis of tourism and urban sprawl in the Algarve
by Eric De Noronha Vaz & Doan Nainggolan & Peter Nijkamp & Marco Painho - 242-261 Tourism, residents' attitudes and perceived carrying capacity with an experimental study in five Tuscan destinations
by Salvatore Bimonte & Lionello F. Punzo - 262-289 The importance of e-services in cultural tourism: an application to Amsterdam, Leipzig and Genoa
by Eveline S. Van Leeuwen & Peter Nijkamp - 290-308 An expenditure patterns segmentation of the music festivals' market
by Maria Joao Carneiro & Celeste Eusebio & Marisa Pelicano - 309-331 The spatial-economic impact of cultural events
by Stella Kostopoulou & Stamatis Kalogirou - 332-346 The contribution of tourism to well-being and welfare: the case of Hungary
by Tamara Ratz & Gabor Michalko
2011, Volume 14, Issue 1/2
- 3-15 The Mediterranean urban development: a lesson of sustainability for the world
by Serge Salat & Caroline Nowacki - 16-29 Exploring the direct and indirect effects of urban form on travel choices. The case of Athens, Greece
by Dimitris Milakis - 30-48 The study of summer-time heat island, built form and fabric in a densely built urban environment in compact Chinese cities: Hong Kong, Guangzhou
by Stephen Siu Yu Lau & Feng Yang & Joyce Tai & Xiao Ling Wu & Jun Wang - 49-64 Environmental design in domestic ancient Greek architecture
by Maro Sinou - 65-76 Directives towards a sustainable urban rehabilitation process in old cities
by J.A.R. Mendes Da Silva & Ana Ferreira Ramos - 77-94 Exploring a South-European eco-neighbourhood model: planning forms, constraints of implementation and emerging resilience practices
by Stella Kyvelou & Toni Papadopoulos - 95-111 Perspectives of local public-private partnerships towards urban sustainability in Greece
by Stella Kyvelou & Nektaria Marava & Georgia Kokkoni - 112-121 Towards sustainable planning in the era of climate change: spatial policies for built-up areas in Greece
by Elias Beriatos & Marilena Papageorgiou - 122-140 Environmental impacts typology: a methodological proposal
by Leila Boubaker & Mebarek Djebabra & Hacene Chaabane & Walter Leal Filho - 141-153 The risks and opportunities in starting a carbon trading firm within the carbon marketplace
by Kaushik Sridhar - 154-174 Sustainable energy: the importance of consumer awareness, acceptance, and action
by B. Andrew Cudmore
2010, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 311-336 Involving stakeholders in developing sustainability indicators for farming systems: a Philippine case study
by Sonja Vilei - 337-361 A survey of national sustainable development indicators
by Tomohiro Tasaki & Yasuko Kameyama & Seiji Hashimoto & Yuichi Moriguchi & Hideo Harasawa - 362-373 Evaluation of sustainable development projects: participatory approach
by Rusdy Hartungi - 374-392 Are social performance indicators self-regulatory? The case of two water companies: Suez and Veolia
by Sylvie Lupton - 393-411 Towards an ecosystem approach to policy process: insights from the sustainable livelihoods and ecosystem health approaches
by Lance W. Robinson & Anthony M. Fuller
2010, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 217-231 Environmental attitudes and household consumption: an ambiguous relationship
by Erling Holden & Kristin Linnerud - 232-242 Formalising the building sector in the renewal of international climate change treaty
by Wynn Chi Nguyen Cam - 243-266 Public management and community in rethinking and structuring sustainability: a two-city (USA and Ukraine) comparative analysis
by Svitlana Slava & Stephen E. Condrey - 267-279 Assessing sustainability performance of built projects: a building process approach
by Grace K.C. Ding & L.Y. Shen - 280-307 Outlines of a multicommodity and multilateral integrated cooperation agreement for sustainable management of natural resources
by Giancarlo Barbiroli - 308-310 Book Review: The sustainability practitioner's guide to input-output analysis edited by Joy Murray and Richard Wood
by Thomas Wiedmann
2010, Volume 13, Issue 1/2
- 6-16 Developing and sustaining creative cities: a sustainability tool for designers, planners, and public administrators
by W. Cecil Steward & Sharon Kuska - 17-30 Integrated spatial assessment for a creative decision-making process: a combined methodological approach to strategic environmental assessment
by Maria Cerreta & Pasquale De Toro - 31-44 Impact evaluation of creative city policies
by Roberta Arbolino & Pietro Rostirolla - 45-57 Creative connectivity between research and policy-making to support implementation of urban sustainability
by Cristina Garzillo - 58-68 The unplanned creative city: an emerging sustainability? Crossroads between education and innovation in Santiago, Chile
by Luis Valenzuela Blejer & Juan Pablo Blanco Moya - 69-83 Creative urban processes in post-communist metropolises: the case of the Poznan metropolitan region
by Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz & Michal Meczynski - 84-96 The creative potential of medium-sized and small Greek cities: reflections on contemporary cultural strategies
by Dora Konsola & Nicholas Karachalis - 97-110 Urban semicentralised supply and disposal: innovations and challenges for Hanoi, Vietnam
by Sophie Schramm & Susanne Bieker - 111-121 A local city to a creative city: an examination of Taichung, Taiwan
by Li-Wei Liu & Pei-Yin Ko - 122-148 The revival of urban waterfront areas: evaluation of British and Irish experiences
by Candida Cuturi - 149-160 Measuring accessibility: prescriptions for performance measures of the creative and sustainable city
by Kevin J. Krizek - 161-184 Sustainability, creativity, resilience: toward new development strategies of port areas through evaluation processes
by Luigi Fusco Girard - 185-199 Urban management in the face of complexity: commuting networks in insular Italy
by Andrea De Montis & Simone Caschili & Alessandro Chessa & Michele Campagna - 200-215 Business dynamics as the source of counterurbanisation: an empirical analysis of Turkey
by Aliye Ahu Akgun & Tuzin Baycan-Levent & Peter Nijkamp
2009, Volume 12, Issue 2/3/4
- 116-123 De-globalisation and creativity: a contribution towards sustainable and intercultural architectures and cities
by Massimo Clemente - 124-133 Culture, communication and cooperation: the three Cs for a proactive creative city
by Maurizio Carta - 134-143 Creatives, creative production and the creative market
by Aaron Mo - 144-159 Creative urban regeneration between innovation, identity and sustainability
by Marichela Sepe - 160-191 Creativity and new architectural assets: the complex value of beauty
by Fabiana Forte & Luigi Fusco Girard - 192-209 Creative and cultural industries and cities
by Marilena Vecco - 210-222 The challenge of the e-Agora metrics: the social construction of meaningful measurements
by Patrizia Lombardi & Ian Cooper - 223-247 Valuation of urban sustainability and building energy efficiency: a case study
by Domenico Enrico Massimo - 248-263 Symbioses strategies for sustainable company management
by Francesco Fusco Girard - 264-274 Creativity as a strategy to recover: learning from Scampia
by Maria Federica Palestino - 275-289 Urban cultural tourism: creative approaches for heritage-based sustainable development
by Alessio D'Auria - 290-302 Supply of and demand for e-services in the cultural sector: combining top-down and bottom-up perspectives
by Peter Nijkamp & Frank Bruinsma & Karima Kourtit & Eveline Van Leeuwen - 303-320 Quantifying public perceptions on socio-economic development – an example from the Aysen Watershed, Chile
by Elena Ianni & Enrico Feoli & Victor H. Marin & Luisa E. Delgado - 321-346 City-level environmental pro-activeness in China and the European Union: differences and convergences
by Maria Francesch-Huidobro & Vic Yu-wai Li & Graeme Lang
2009, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 4-23 Sustainable cities: problems of integrated interdisciplinary research
by Stanislav E. Shmelev & Irina A. Shmeleva - 24-47 Techno-optimism: progress towards CO 2 reduction targets in transport: a UK and London perspective
by David Banister & Robin Hickman - 48-77 Sustainable urban design: principles to practice
by Matthew Carmona - 78-94 Walking the green carpet to work
by Aiora Zabala - 95-110 Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder: a logistic regression analysis of sustainability and locality as competitive vehicles for human settlements
by Aliye Ahu Gulumser & Tuzin Baycan-Levent & Peter Nijkamp
2008, Volume 11, Issue 2/3/4
- 101-114 Editorial: governance – institutional and learning plans facilitating the appropriation of sustainable development
by Helene Rey-Valette & Sylvie Lardon & Eduardo Chia - 115-137 Agreements and controversies around the notion of territorial governance: a bibliographic review of a fashionable notion
by Richard Raymond - 138-153 Aquaculture and sustainable development: a regulatory or governance system?
by Eduardo Chia & Helene Rey-Valette & Syndhia Mathe - 154-170 Performative governance: dynamics of participatory systems for devising sustainable development projects
by Patrick Moquay - 171-186 What connection is there between the learning process and territorial governance?. The 'SAC' example on Reunion Island
by Eduardo Chia & Michel Dulcire & Marc Piraux - 187-205 An environmental governance support tool: community-based forest management contracts (Madagascar)
by Aurelie Toillier & Sylvie Lardon & Dominique Herve - 206-225 Which competencies and learning facilitate the involvement of local actors in territorial governance? The example of a Farmer University in Brazil
by Emilie Coudel & Helene Rey-Valette & Jean-Philippe Tonneau - 226-246 Geomatics and territorial governance: tools, knowledge and expertise
by Alain A. Viau & Laurence Boutinot - 247-261 Participative documentary spaces and governance
by Manuel Zacklad - 262-281 Participation and governance in territorial development projects: the 'territory game' as a local project leadership system
by Valerie Angeon & Sylvie Lardon
2008, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-23 How to measure social impacts? A socio-eco-efficiency analysis by the SEEBALANCE® method
by Daniela Kolsch & Peter Saling & Andreas Kicherer & Anahi Grosse-Sommer & Isabell Schmidt - 24-44 Integrating responses to global environmental threats into policies and projects in developing countries
by Georg Caspary - 45-60 Sustainable development: a review of progress, stagnation and potential
by Gayathri Babarenda Gamage & Carol Boyle - 61-73 Applying environmental performance indices towards an objective measure of sustainability in the Levant
by George J. Nasr - 74-96 An empirical analysis of institutional barriers to European hydrogen RD%D cooperation
by Totti Konnola & Pablo Del Rio & Laura Pombo Juarez & Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla & Gregory C. Unruh - 97-98 Book Review: Illegal Logging: Law Enforcement, Livelihoods and the Timber Trade by Luca Tacconi (Editor)
by Anil Gupta - 99-100 Book Review; Forests, People and Power: The Political Ecology of Reform in South Asia by Oliver Springate-Baginski and Piers Blaikie
by Anil Gupta
2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 294-318 Reducing terrestrial greenhouse gas emissions: a human dimensions contribution
by Fiona E. Carswell & Alison J. Greenaway & Garth R. Harmsworth & Nigel Jollands & W. Troy Baisden - 319-344 Investigating the direct and indirect environmental pressures of New Zealand's food and fibre industries
by Robbie Andrew & Vicky Forgie - 345-364 Mediated modelling, strong transdisciplinarity and sustainable resource management in the Motueka Catchment of New Zealand
by Anthony Cole - 365-381 The community outcomes process and mediated modelling
by Vicky Forgie & Emma Richardson - 382-401 Participatory modelling with an influence matrix and the calculation of whole-of-system sustainability values
by Anthony Cole & Will Allen & Margaret Kilvington & Andrew Fenemor & Breck Bowden - 402-435 Sustainable development and technology: genetic engineering, social sustainability and empirical ethics
by Bruce Small
2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 197-213 Is more information always better? An analysis applied to information-based policies for environmental protection
by Douadia Bougherara & Gilles Grolleau & Naoufel Mzoughi - 214-232 A geospatial approach to sustainability study
by Xiaomei Tan & Brett Rose - 233-250 Marine protected areas: from conservation to sustainable development
by Jean-Francois Noel & Jean-Yves Weigel - 251-266 Analysis of the citizen's participation concept used by local decision makers: the case of the Aysen watershed in southern Chile
by Pamela L. Bachmann & Luisa E. Delgado & Victor H. Marin - 267-286 Local approaches to biodiversity conservation: lessons from Oaxaca, southern Mexico
by James P. Robson - 287-289 Book Review: The Economics of Pollution Havens, Edited by Don Fullerton
by Laurent Dalmas
2007, Volume 10, Issue 1/2
- 4-13 Introduction to the key issue concerning the use of sustainable development indicators
by Helene Rey-Valette & Francis Laloe & Jean Le Fur - 14-32 Political uses of social indicators: overview and application to sustainable development indicators
by Paul-Marie Boulanger - 33-45 Information at the interface between supply and demand for indicators: the use of a model with estimated parameter values as a base for indication in multicriteria analyses
by Francis Laloe - 46-60 Scientists dealing with stakeholders' demand for coral reef management indicators: methodological approach and issues
by Martine Antona & Gilbert David & Emilie Mirault - 61-72 MONET indicator system: the Swiss road to measuring sustainable development
by Andre De Montmollin & Andrea Scheller - 73-92 Communicating scientific knowledge to actors: how do indicators respond to stakes in relation to the development of the fishery sector in the Guinea Republic?
by Jean Le Fur - 93-105 Sustainability and vulnerability indicators for decision making: lessons learned from Honduras
by Manuel Winograd - 106-121 Design of sustainability indicators of the production systems in Brazilian semi-arid area by the analysis of biomass flows
by Nadine Andrieu & Marc Piraux & Jean-Philippe Tonneau - 122-138 A multicriteria participation-based methodology for selecting sustainable development indicators: an incentive tool for concerted decision making beyond the diagnosis framework
by Helene Rey-Valette & Sebastien Damart & Sebastien Roussel - 139-160 Joint construction and appropriation of indicators by users, managers and scientists: the case study of Port-Cros and Porquerolles tourist frequentation observatory
by Louis Brigand & Solenn Le Berre - 161-174 Top-down/bottom-up approach for developing sustainable development indicators for mining: application to the Arlit uranium mines (Niger)
by Aurelie Chamaret & Martin O'Connor & Gilles Recoche - 175-194 In search of coastal zone sustainability by means of social carrying capacity indicators construction: lessons learned from the Thau lagoon case study (Region Languedoc-Roussillon, France)
by Sebastien Roussel & Nicolas Crinquant & Eva Bourdat
2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 311-335 Environment, governance and GDP: discovering their connections
by Xiaomei Tan - 336-354 Investment and environmental management: the interaction between environmentally responsible investment and environmental management practice
by Olaf Weber - 355-369 Agricultural adaptation to climate change in the news
by Ellen Wall & Barry Smit - 370-389 Problems and prospects in the conservation and development of the Himalayan medicinal plants sector
by Chandra Prakash Kala - 390-403 Community relations management systems in the minerals industry: combining conventional and stakeholder-driven approaches
by Deanna Kemp & Richard Boele & David Brereton
2006, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 211-226 A new system epistemology for sustainable development analysis
by Rodrigo Jiliberto Herrera - 227-245 Conditional sustainability
by Steven D. Prager & John T. Pierce - 246-276 Sustainable agriculture and water quality control: a structural approach
by Jean-Marc Douguet & Patrick Schembri - 277-296 Industrial development on logging frontiers in the Brazilian Amazon
by Frank Merry & Gregory Amacher & Daniel Nepstad & Eirivelthon Lima & Paul Lefebvre & Simone Bauch - 297-310 (Local) environmental quality versus (global) ecological carrying capacity: what might alternative aggregated indicators bring to the debates about environmental Kuznets curves and sustainable development?
by Aurelien Boutaud & Natacha Gondran & Christian Brodhag
2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 106-121 Efficiency grounds and welfare effects in decoupling farm support. Insights from an AGE model of the Italian economy
by Barbara Cavalletti & Benedetto Rocchi - 122-137 How to reallocate water rights when environmental goals conflict with existing entitlements
by Sophie Thoyer - 138-160 Multi-criteria decision-aid: local method for sustainable management of groundwater quality in the agricultural sector
by Stephanie Blanquart - 161-179 Methodology to assess the hydrological impact of weed control practices with a view to management of Mediterranean winegrowing catchments
by Anne Biarnes & Francois Colin - 180-198 On sustainable management in the local governance of water: a prospective localised study
by Nadia Belaidi & Emmanuelle Renaud-Hellier - 199-209 The economic costs of desertification: a first survey of some cases in Africa
by Melanie Requier-Desjardins
2006, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-15 Research as a tool for change?
by Susanna Elfors - 16-37 Domestic energy sustainability of different urban residential patterns: a New Zealand approach
by Sumita Ghosh & Robert Vale & Brenda Vale - 38-60 Is economic growth sustainable? Environmental quality of Indian States after 1991
by Sacchidananda Mukherjee & Vinish Kathuria - 61-99 The AICCAN, the geGDP, and the Monetisation Frontier: a typology of 'environmentally adjusted' national sustainability indicators
by Martin O'Connor & Anton Steurer
2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 243-257 Sustainable development of the Prefecture of Kephalonia
by C.J. Koroneos & G. Xydis - 258-279 Sustainable consumption: at the cross-road of environmental and consumer policies
by Oksana Mont & Carl Dalhammar - 280-301 Monitoring for sustainable development: a systemic framework
by Ali Bagheri & Peder Hjorth - 302-314 Corporate responsibility and economic theory: an anthropological perspective
by John Gowdy - 315-316 Book Review: A World Environment Organization. Solution or Threat for Effective International Environmental Governance?
by Frank Maes