2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 317-317 Book Review. Ecology and Environmental Ethics. Green Wood in the Bundle of Sticks
by Luc Hens - 318-318 Book Review. Politics and the Environment: from Theory to Practice
by Jan Bronders - 319-319 Book Review. European Union Environmental Law. An Introduction to Key Selected Issues
by A. Buekens - 320-320 Book Review. The Politics of Irrigation Reform. Contested Policy Formulation and Implementation in Asia, Africa and Latin America
by Jaime M. Amezaga - 321-321 Book Review. Precautionary Tools for Reshaping Environmental Policy
by Luc Hens - 322-323 Book Review. Hard Choices, Soft Law. Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social Governance
by Ludo Veuchelen - 324-324 Book Review. Living in a Contaminated World. Community Structures, Environmental Risks and Decision Frameworks
by Luc Verschaeve
2005, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 153-172 Environmental innovation and clean technology: an evolutionary framework
by Vanessa Oltra & Maider Saint Jean - 173-188 The all-electric house: past and future
by Brenda Vale & Robert Vale - 189-206 Human systems in terms of natural systems? Employing non-equilibrium thermodynamics for evaluating industrial ecology's 'ecosystem metaphor'
by Christoph Bey & Ralf Isenmann - 207-221 Is environmental justice all dried up? Drilling for water in the everglades dredges up questions regarding the potential for a just environmental sustainability
by Andrea L. Best - 222-238 Economic efficiency issues with respect to recycling behaviour and waste management policy
by Christer Berglund - 239-242 Book Reviews
by Oscar Vanderborght & Luc Hens & Gunter Bombaerts
2005, Volume 8, Issue 1/2
- 3-11 Developing a framework for sustainability governance in the European Union
by James Meadowcroft & Katharine N. Farrell & Joachim Spangenberg - 12-30 Governance for sustainable development: moving from theory to practice
by Rene Kemp & Saeed Parto & Robert B. Gibson - 31-46 Environmental governance in the European Union: strategies and instruments for absolute decoupling
by Stefan Giljum & Thomas Hak & Friedrich Hinterberger & Jan Kovanda - 47-64 Economic sustainability of the economy: concepts and indicators
by Joachim H. Spangenberg - 65-79 Social sustainability: a catchword between political pragmatism and social theory
by Beate Littig & Erich Griessler - 80-96 Institutional sustainability
by Stefanie Pfahl - 97-112 Europe's global responsibility to govern trade and investment sustainably: climate, capital, CAP and Cotonou
by Thomas F. Ruddy - 113-126 "But doth suffer a sea-change…" the need for a change of perspective for a realistic sustainability strategy in an enlarged EU
by Frieder Otto Wolf - 127-150 From *for* to governance for sustainable development in Europe: what is at stake for further research?
by Katharine N. Farrell & Rene Kemp & Friedrich Hinterberger & Christian Rammel & Rafael Ziegler
2004, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 341-352 Collaborative housing and environmental efficiency: the case of food preparation and consumption
by Annika Carlsson-Kanyama - 353-368 Does the CDM contribute to sustainable development? Evidence from the AIJ Pilot Phase
by Julia Barrera & Reimund Schwarze - 369-397 How well are resource prices likely to serve as indicators of natural resource scarcity?
by Philip Lawn - 398-409 Implementing participatory approaches in formulating regional forest policy
by Jayanath Ananda - 410-432 Soils, souls and agricultural sustainability: the need for connection
by Stephen Morse & Nora McNamara & Moses Acholo
2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 221-236 Proximity, territory and sustainable management at the local level: an introduction
by Amedee Mollard & Andre Torre - 237-256 Environmental impact of panela food-processing industry: sustainable agriculture and local agri-food production systems
by Denis Requier-Desjardins & Gonzalo Rodriguez Borray - 257-272 The production of environmental services in rural areas: institutional sectors and proximities
by Olivier Aznar & Philippe Perrier-Cornet - 273-286 Being close to risk. From proximity to connexity
by Valerie November - 287-301 Planning conflicts and social proximity: a reassessment
by Arnaud Lecourt & Guy Baudelle - 302-320 The determinants of local collective action on erosive runoff. An analysis of farmers' geographical proximities in Upper Normandy, France
by Alexandre Joannon & Andre Torre & Veronique Souchere & Philippe Martin - 321-339 "Remoteness" and environmental conflicts: some insights from the political ecology and economic geography of copper
by Roldan Muradian & Mauricio Folchi & Joan Martinez-Alier
2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 99-120 World globalisation, sustainable development and scientific cooperation
by Jean-Claude Bolay - 121-145 A growth-management strategy for the Auckland region of New Zealand: pursuit of sustainability or mere growth accommodation?
by Gabor Zovanyi - 146-163 Social learning and sustainability science: which role can stakeholder participation play?
by Bernd Siebenhuner - 164-184 The expansion of participatory governance in the environmental policies of developing countries: the example of Madagascar
by Geraldine Froger & Philippe Meral & Vestalys Herimandimby - 185-199 Environmental sustainability at the hierarchical level of lake systems
by Paulo Pedrosa & Maria Eugenia Ferreira Totti & Carlos Eduardo Rezende - 200-216 Public policy and clean technology promotion. The synergy between environmental economics and evolutionary economics of technological change
by Pablo Del Rio Gonzalez
2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-26 Trust as a central paradigm for advisory science: the case of the Belgian nuclear phase-out
by Erik Laes & Gaston Meskens & William D'haeseleer & Raoul Weiler - 27-43 Governance of sustainable development: co-evolution of corporate and political strategies
by Raimund Bleischwitz - 44-58 Towards sustainable consumption: do green households have smaller ecological footprints?
by Erling Holden - 59-75 Corporate social responsibility: the natural environment as a stakeholder?
by Damien Bazin & Jerome Ballet - 76-97 Sustainability and the local scale: squaring the peg?
by Saeed Parto
2003, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 395-416 Sustainable development and innovations: lessons from the Red Queen
by Christian Rammel - 417-435 Evaluating technologies in automobile markets
by Alexander Roder & Socrates Kypreos & Alexander Wokaun - 436-459 The development of indicators and core indicators for sustainable development: a state of the art review
by Luc Hens & Julie De Wit - 460-477 The process of planning for sustainable development: dimensions, comparisons, and insights
by Maria Manta Conroy - 478-491 Health protection and promotion for sustainable development: an insight on the Eastern Mediterranean Region
by Mey Jurdi
2003, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 265-282 Regional climate change impacts and freshwater systems: focusing the adaptation research agenda
by Brent M. Haddad & Lisa Sloan & Mark Snyder & Jason Bell - 283-310 Urban transport policies and greenhouse gas emissions in Brussels
by Paul Safonov & Patrick Frenay & Vincent Favrel & Walter Hecq - 311-327 Empirical study of environmental ancillary benefits due to greenhouse gas mitigation in Korea
by Seunghun Joh & Yun-Mi Nam & ShangGyoo Shim & Joohon Sung & Youngchul Shin - 328-344 Carbon annuities and their potential to preserve tropical forests and slow global warming: an application for small-scale farmers
by Jill L. Caviglia-Harris & James R. Kahn - 345-358 Influence of carbon dioxide abatement and recreational services on optimal forest rotation
by Alejandro Caparros & Pablo Campos & David Martin - 359-377 Eucalyptus plantations for electricity generation: the cost of carbon dioxide abatement in Thailand
by Wathanyu Amatayakul & Christian Azar - 378-392 International environmental cooperation with risk aversion
by Alfred Endres & Cornelia Ohl
2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 155-169 From sustainable development to corporate social responsibility: an application to the European aluminium sector
by Sylvie Faucheux & Isabelle Nicolai - 170-182 Study of indicators of urban environmentally sustainable development in China
by Kunmin Zhang & Xueyang He & Zongguo Wen - 183-202 The economic impact of national parks: the perception of key actors in Austrian national parks
by Michael Getzner - 203-230 New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification: a critical review
by Janet Hope - 231-245 Does an environmental Kuznets curve exist for changing land use? Empirical evidence from major states of India
by Pushpam Kumar & Suresh Chand Aggarwal - 246-259 Implications of renewable energy for women in Sudan: challenges and opportunities
by Abdeen Mustafa Omer
2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-24 Reflections on discounting: some philosophical remarks
by Konrad Ott - 25-41 In search of sustainable values
by Ernest Partridge - 42-53 Can discounting be justified?
by Dieter Birnbacher - 54-69 Discounting: reflections on the scientific and ethical dimensions of the debate
by H. Unnerstall - 70-86 Balancing efficiency and equity in long-run decision-making
by Talbot Page - 87-97 Discounting and sustainability: towards reconciliation
by Richard B. Howarth - 98-116 The capacity to solve problems as a rationale for intertemporal discounting
by Ulrich Hampicke - 117-132 Diminishing marginal utility: the respectable case for discounting?
by Colin Price - 1133-1149 Generation-adjusted discounting in long-term decision-making
by Stefan Bayer
2002, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 381-391 Sustainability as an evolutionary process
by Roger Wilkinson & John Cary - 392-414 Information and the subsistence farmer's decision to deforest in Latin America
by James F. Casey & Jill L. Caviglia-Harris & James R. Kahn & Alexandre Rivas - 415-432 Deforestation in the Philippines: a different perspective
by Luz Centeno Stenberg & Mahinda Siriwardana - 433-447 The socio-economic context of land extensification in Kodagu District, Karnataka, India
by Emmanuel Bon - 448-460 Energy prices, eco-tax policies and competitiveness in the industrial sector
by Patrick R. Matschoss - 461-475 The changing contribution of unpaid work to the total standard of living in sustainable development scenarios
by Joachim H. Spangenberg
2002, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 232-250 A synthesis of activity towards the implementation of sustainable tourism: ecotourism in a different context
by Jackie Clarke - 251-264 The evolving concept of ecotourism and its potential impacts
by David B. Weaver - 265-281 Spread and backwash effects in ecotourism: implications for sustainable development
by Erlet Cater - 282-299 The Canadian ecotourist in Costa Rica: ten years down the road
by David A. Fennell - 300-325 Conservation narratives and the "received wisdom" of ecotourism: case studies from Costa Rica
by Lisa M. Campbell - 326-337 What happened on "The Beach"? Social movements and governance of tourism in Thailand
by Tim Forsyth - 338-352 Marine ecotourism as a potential agent for sustainable development in Kaikoura, New Zealand
by Mark B. Orams - 353-371 Monetary valuation as a tool for planning and managing ecotourism
by Brian Garrod
2002, Volume 5, Issue 1/2
- 7-62 Strategic electricity sector assessment methodology under sustainability conditions: a Swiss case study on the costs of CO2 emissions reductions
by W. Schenler, Adrian V. Gheorghe, Warren Stephen Connors, Stefan Hirschberg, Pierre-Andre Haldi - 63-101 Strategic electricity sector assessment methodology under sustainability conditions: a Swiss case study on CO 2 emissions, competition and stranded costs
by W. Schenler, Adrian V. Gheorghe, Warren Stephen Connors, Stefan Hirschberg, Pierre-Andre Haldi - 102-124 Multicriteria/multi-stakeholders comparative assessment of electricity generation scenarios in the sustainability context: a Swiss case study
by P.-A. Haldi & Ch. Frei & L. Beurskens & N. Zhuikova - 125-182 The sustainomics trans-disciplinary meta-framework for making development more sustainable: applications to energy issues
by Mohan Munasinghe - 183-194 A climate change action plan for Hungary
by Sándor Molnar, Tibor Takacs - 195-203 Comprehensive analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in Hungary
by S. Molnar, M. Molnar, T. Takacs - 204-223 Renewable energy and sustainable development in Hungary
by Sandor Molnar, Tihamer Tajthy, Tibor Takacs
2001, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 351-367 New partnership mechanisms for integrated natural resource management: the Red River Basin (Vietnam) pilot region for operational ecoregional approach
by Jean-Christophe Castella, Suan Pheng Kam, Chu Thai Hoanh - 368-391 A meeting between quality and territorialism: the rent theory reviewed in the context of territorial development, with reference to French examples
by A. Mollard, B.Pecqueur, A.J. Lacroix - 392-406 Trends in food production and consumption: Swedish experiences from environmental and cultural impacts
by Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, Anna-Lisa Linden - 407-433 If cloning is the answer, what was the question? Power and decision-making in the geneticization of health
by Sarah Sexton - 434-453 Perceptions and risks in the search for a sustainable world: a model-based approach
by Bert J.M. de Vries - 454-473 Greening of the innovation system? Opportunities and obstacles for a path change towards sustainability - the case of Germany
by Kurt Hubner, Jan Nill, Christian Rickert
2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 231-244 Do countries fail to raise environmental standards? An evaluation of policy options addressing "regulatory chill"
by Eric Neumayer - 245-264 Fisheries management in a sea of uncertainty: the role and responsibility of scientists in attaining a precautionary approach
by Lene Buhl-Mortensen & Reidar Toresen - 265-281 Gender and forestry: integrating local knowledge into environmental planning and management
by Adrian Martin & Mark Lemon - 282-303 A survey of material flows in economic models
by Patricia P.A.A.H. Kandelaars & Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh - 304-320 Institutional learning within the WTO regime: an evolutionary perspective on the trade—environment dispute
by Dorothee Becker Soest & Ruediger Wink - 321-347 Inter-country environmental load displacement and adjusted national sustainability indicators: concepts and their policy applications
by Roldan Muradian & Martin O'Connor
2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 139-156 Environment, security and the question of quantification
by Joseph Alcamo - 157-176 Use of linear and non-linear approaches to solving the problems of marginal areas
by Miloslav Lapka, Eva Cudlinova, Sandy Rikoon, Jaroslav Bohac - 177-183 Emergy analysis and indicators of sustainable development applied to tourism in central Italy
by Margherita Panzieri, Nadia Marchettini - 184-201 Investing in sustainable development: the reproduction of manmade, human, natural and social capital
by Joachim H. Spangenberg - 202-223 Sustainable development in the neoliberal periphery? The experience of sustainability politics in Bolivia 1989-1997
by Werner G. Raza
2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 4-21 Preferences, needs and sustainability
by Sigrid Stagl, Sabine U. O'Hara - 22-32 Some reflections on the link between production and consumption for sustainable development
by Julia Haake, Patrick Jolivet - 33-47 Is consumption becoming less material? The case of services
by Inge Ropke - 48-58 Housing as basis for sustainable consumption
by Karl Georg Hoyer, Erling Holden - 59-74 Sustainability and planning: does urban form matter?
by Albertine van Diepen, Henk Voogd - 75-89 Strategies towards sustainable households using stakeholder workshops and scenarios
by Jaco Quist, Marjolijn Knot, William Young, Ken Green, Philip Vergragt - 90-100 Experimentation with household dynamics: the consumat approach
by Wander Jager, Marco A. Janssen, Charles Viek - 101-120 Indicators for environmentally sustainable household consumption
by Sylvia Lorek, Joachim H. Spangenberg - 120-133 Are we chasing our tail in the pursuit of sustainability?
by Christer Sanne
2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 315-333 Costs, benefits and sustainability in decision-making, with special reference to global warming
by Paul Ekins - 334-343 Marginal reasoning and (bio)diversity
by Joachim Schutz - 344-357 Globalisation, international transport and the global environment: a Dutch perspective
by Danielle B. van Veen-Groot Peter Nijkamp - 358-369 Sustainable development: paradigm or paranoia?
by Peter Bartelmus - 370-389 Dreams of sustainability: beyond the antinomies of the global sustainability debate
by Ernest J. Yanarella, Horace Bartilow
2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 199-220 The Unfinished Symphony: an evolutionary perspective on the conception of sustainable development
by Tim Jackson - 221-238 An ethics-based systems approach to indicators of sustainable development
by John Peet, Hartmut Bossel - 239-256 Internalisation of external effects vs. decrease of externalities: from end-of-pipe technologies to cleaner technologies
by Laurent Grimal & Charilaos Kephaliacos - 257-275 Sustainability impact assessments: a new comprehensive framework for raising the bar beyond existing environmental assessments
by F. Douglas Muschett - 276-296 Environmental policy in a complex world
by Friedrich Hinterberger, Fred Luks, Marcus Stewen, Jan van der Straaten
2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 115-135 North-South aspects of the climate change issue: towards a negotiating theory and strategy for developing countries
by Joyeeta Gupta - 136-145 Using revenue from an energy tax to finance social security: a dynamic general equilibrium model for Switzerland
by Stefan Felder, Renger van Nieuwkoop - 146-158 Globalisation and environmental sustainability: an OECD perspective
by T. Jones - 159-169 Globalisation and rural poverty in Latin America: modelling the links to soil degradation
by Claudia Binder, Ramon Lopez - 170-178 Incorporating environmental institutions in environmental policy: changing behaviour by decisive information
by Henrik Hammar
2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-15 Market versus non-market values: where to draw the line?
by Beat Burgenmeier - 16-25 Ethics of multicriteria analysis
by Felix Rauschmayer - 26-39 "Ecological-oriented consumption": a pluriactoral approach
by Edwin Zaccai - 40-62 Globalised finance-dominated accumulation regime and sustainable development
by Claude Serfati - 63-94 Climate cooperation as development policy: the case Of Costa Rica
by Michael Dutschke, Axel Michaelowa
1999, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 449-457 Globalisation versus sustainable development: a question of the common good
by Beat Burgenmeier - 458-483 Trading wind in a hydro-dominated power pool system
by Peter Meibom & Torben Svendsen & Bent Sorensen - 484-490 The next generation of environmentalists
by Helene Connor-Lajambe - 491-505 Material flow analysis, TMR and the MIPS concept: a contribution to the development of indicators for measuring changes in consumption and production patterns
by J.H. Spangenberg & F. Hinterberger & S. Moll & H. Schutz - 506-516 Sustainable development through dematerialisation and industrial transformation: a conceptual framework and research implications
by Julia Haake - 517-529 Absent voices: accommodating the interests of future generations in current decision-making processes
by David Garnett - 530-553 Agricultural land use and economic growth: environmental implications of the Kuznets curve
by Alexander N. James
1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 358-362 Science for sustainable development: implementing the Rio agreement
by Nadine Gouzee & Denis Van Eeckhout - 363-367 Scientific communication, international cooperation and capacity building for sustainable development
by Silvio Funtowicz & Martin O'Connor & Jerome Ravetz - 388-396 From rationality to governance: the decision process of sustainable development
by Christian Brodhag - 397-410 Generating, sharing and using science to improve and integrate policy
by Gilberto C. Gallopin - 411-424 Information and communication technology and the popular appropriation of sustainability problems
by Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Martin O'Connor - 425-434 Science in a different way: a prospective study of environmental demand and its translation in scientific and technical terms for the management of research and development
by Patrick Philip
1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 201-230 Perspectives on a sustainable future
by Jan Rotmans & Marjolein B.A. van Asselt - 231-244 Changing lifestyles in transition routes towards sustainable household consumption patterns
by Klaas Jan Noorman & Wouter Biesiot & Henri C. Moll - 245-262 Economists and ecologists: modelling global climate change to different conclusions
by Anthony Patt - 263-282 Integration of environmental issues in the firm: learning processes and coordination
by Daniel Llerena - 283-302 Globalisation and local sustainability: the case of the US–Mexico border
by Denis Requier-Desjardins - 303-322 Leadership in the climate change regime: the European Union in the looking glass
by Joyeeta Gupta & Nicolien van der Grijp - 323-340 Sustainable tourism in the Mala Fatra National Park, the Slovak Republic
by Tatiana Kluvankova
1999, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 7-31 GREEned National STAtistical and Modelling Procedures: the GREENSTAMP approach to the calculation of environmentally adjusted national income figures
by Roy Brouwer & Martin O'Connor & Walter Radermacher - 32-58 The sustainability gap: a practical indicator of sustainability in the framework of the national accounts
by Paul Ekins & Sandrine Simon - 59-94 A statistical–analytical methodology for the construction of abatement cost curves
by Walter Radermacher & Wolfgang Riege-Wcislo & Angela Heinze - 95-126 Empirical results and experiences for the estimation of selected nitrogen abatement cost curves in Germany
by Wolfgang Riege-Wcislo & Angela Heinze - 127-163 Macroeconomic cost-effectiveness and the use of multi-sectoral dynamic modelling as an environmental valuation tool
by Martin O'Connor & Grant Ryan - 164-184 Environmentally adjusted domestic product and emission control policies; a dynamic simulation modelling approach: an example from the French carbon dioxide emission prospects
by Patrick Schembri - 185-200 The role of environmental protection expenditures in integrated economic–environmental accounting: tuning theoretical perspectives and statistical realities
by Roy Brouwer & Christian Leipert
1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 8-23 Deconstructing the orange: the evolution of an agricultural milieu in Southern Greece
by Mark Lemon & Paul Jeffrey & Roger Seaton - 24-42 Interest groups and efficient design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol
by Axel Michaelowa & Michael Dutschke - 43-62 Are economic globalisation and sustainable development compatible? Business strategy and the role of the multinational enterprise
by Brian Garrod - 63-72 Sustainable use of biodiversity by the pharmaceutical industry?
by Martina Gebhardt - 73-98 Sustainable development at the turn of the century: perceptions and outlook
by Klaus M. Leisinger - 99-107 Challenges in the use of science for sustainable development
by Silvio Funtowicz & Jerome Ravetz & Martin O'Connor - 108-114 Integration of environmental decisions
by Marc Darras - 115-133 Globalisation of environmental monetary valuation and sustainable development: an experience in the tropical forest of Cameroon
by G. Lescuyer