2011, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 374-394 Customer-driven product planning using conjoint analysis and QFD–ANP methodology
by K. Venkata Subbaiah & K.G. Durga Prasad & K. Narayana Rao
2011, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 125-147 ISO 9001:2000 based quality management system via ABET-based accreditation
by D. Thandapani & K. Gopalakrishnan & S.R. Devadasan & C.G. Sreenivasa & R. Murugesh - 148-167 A quantitative investigation of Toyota's approach in teaching standardised work
by Phillip Marksberry & Daniel Vu & Bruce Hordusky - 168-182 Optimisation of nominal-the-best type quality characteristic in the absence of scaling factor: an empirical method
by Surajit Pal & Susanta Kumar Gauri - 183-201 Implementation of quality management in organisations operating in the Sultanate of Oman: ISO 9001:2000 vs. non-ISO 9001:2000 certified organisations
by Rafi Ashrafi & Hamdi A. Bashir - 202-208 Engaging your employees in times of uncertainty
by D. Keith Denton - 209-228 Reliability centred maintenance in a thermal power plant: a case study
by N.S. Bhangu & R. Singh & G.L. Pahuja - 229-262 Design process improvement through the DMAIC Sigma approach: a wood consumption case study
by Tarek Sadraoui & Ahmed Ghorbel
2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-21 Loss-based process capability indices: a review
by Mohammad Abdolshah & Rosnah Mohd. Yusuff & Tang Sai Hong & Md. Yusof B. Ismail - 22-43 Prediction of dimensional accuracy in fused deposition modelling: a fuzzy logic approach
by Asif Equbal & Anoop Kumar Sood & S.S. Mahapatra - 44-73 QUARNEWSS: a model for applying Six Sigma framework to achieve continuous quality and reliability improvement in new product development
by M. Natarajan & V. Senthil & S.R. Devadasan & N. Vijay Mohan - 74-89 A modelling approach in process industry for improving manufacturing performance
by Gokhan Akyuz & Orhan Kuruuzum - 90-103 Data envelopment analysis: an efficient duo linear programming approach
by Saber Saati & Adel Hatami-Marbini & Madjid Tavana - 104-124 An empirical study of new value creation in financial service companies using design for Six Sigma approach
by Yudi Azis & Hiroshi Osada
2010, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 407-434 Developing a lean design for Six Sigma through supply chain methodology
by Ming-Chang Lee & To Chang - 435-456 A hybrid event tree-genetic algorithm for improved safety and risk of independent protection layers of pressure vessels
by A. Azadeh & V. Ebrahimipour & M. Mohammadhosseinzad & H. Eivazy - 457-494 A comprehensive review on recent developments in quality function deployment
by Jenny Xu & Xun Xu & Shane Q. Xie - 495-517 An investigation into 6-S auditing in an aircraft company
by R. Gnanaguru & K. Puvaneswari & Jogendra Mallick & C. Jegadheesan & V. Mohan Sivakumar & S.R. Devadasan - 518-539 Effect of sampling intervals on economic design of proposed X-bar chart using Lorenzen-Vance cost model
by D.R. Prajapati
2010, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 269-288 The integration of quality management and continuous improvement methodologies with management systems
by Souraj Salah & Juan A. Carretero & Abdur Rahim - 289-303 A metaheuristic method for optimising inspection strategies in serial multistage processes
by Ali Azadeh & Mohamad Sadegh Sangari - 304-317 Identification and classification of intermittent demand patterns
by Pallavi Chitturi & Mark Gershon & Jing Chen & John Boyarski - 318-331 Roadmap for continuous quality improvement and sustainability: a case study in Egyptian service sector organisation
by Riham Adel Hassan Sayed Ahmed - 332-353 Trade liberalisation and industrial performance: an insight into the performance of cement industry in India
by Sarbapriya Ray & Mihir Kumar Pal - 354-378 The impact of organisational variables and quality performance on customer satisfaction
by Koay Li Li & Suhaiza Zailani & Yudi Fernando - 379-406 An empirical study of the motives and benefits of QMS/ISO implementation among Indian SMEs
by Anand K. Bewoor & Maruti S. Pawar
2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 137-155 Models of P control chart with tardiness penalty
by Jing Sun & Masayuki Matsui - 156-181 Development of a measurement metric for manufacturing process robustness
by S.C. Mondal & J. Maiti & P.K. Ray - 182-212 Six Sigma and organisational performance: a knowledge creation perspective
by Ang Boon Sin & Suhaiza Zailani & T. Ramayah - 213-230 Multicriteria decision-making models for the evaluation and appraisal of teachers' performance
by Avijit Mazumdar & Saurav Datta & Siba Sankar Mahapatra - 231-248 A novel approach for efficiency assessment of conventional power plants based on principal component analysis
by Ali Azadeh & Mahmoud Ghiasi Moaser - 249-268 Studying the impact of total quality management in service industries
by Faisal Talib & Zillur Rahman
2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-22 Development of an integrated quality methodology for the food packaging industry
by Gary P. Moynihan & Shunta Garrett - 23-47 Contribution of quality management and just-in-time production practices to manufacturing performance
by Chi Anh Phan & Yoshiki Matsui - 48-70 Development of empirical quality cost model for a manufacturing industry
by S.B. Jaju & R.R. Lakhe & S.S. Bhagade - 71-90 Better defect detection and prevention through improved inspection and testing approach in small and medium scale software industry
by V. Suma & T.R. Gopalakrishnan Nair - 91-111 Optimal operating policies of X-bar control chart for non-normal variables with generalised Pareto in-control times
by K. Srinivasa Rao & Neelufur & K. Venkata Subbaiah - 112-136 Robust customer satisfaction model using QFD
by Nikhil Chandra Shil & M. Ameer Ali & Nafize Rabbani Paiker
2010, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 370-383 Geographies, motivations and benefits from ISO 9000 standard: a comparison of manufacturing and service organisations
by Pavel Castka & Michaela A. Balzarova - 384-400 The evolution of quality management in DOKPY, Magnesia – Greece: from basic quality initiatives to EFQM
by Yiannis Nikolaidis & Christos Terpos - 401-427 An evaluation model for inbound call centres design
by M. Teresa Gonzalez & Edward Pines - 428-439 From customers requirements to customers satisfaction – quality function deployment in service sector
by J.R. Sharma & A.M. Rawani - 440-451 A tool based framework for applying Six Sigma methodology to services and transactional data
by Vinod Lall & Ashish Gupta - 452-472 A fuzzy-AHP-based framework for prioritising benchmarks in the service sector
by Manu Augustine & Rakesh Jain & Om Prakash Yadav - 473-492 Total quality management in higher education institutions: challenges and future directions
by Canan Bilen
2010, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 231-251 An investigation into the application of QFD in e-commerce
by Alec Waterworth & Steve Eldridge - 252-268 Assessment of continuous improvement approach in SMEs of Northern India
by Jagdeep Singh & Harwinder Singh - 269-285 Fast moving consumer goods – a productivity perspective on supply chains
by Petri Helo & Kongkiti Phusavat & Pornthep Anussornnitisarn - 286-309 Current state maps on the implementation of lean and Six-Sigma paradigms and an exclusive model for deploying Lean Six-Sigma in SMEs
by S. Michael Gnanaraj & S.R. Devadasan & P.R. Shalij - 310-332 Energy efficiency assessment in automobile assembly plants by a hybrid COLS, DEA and PCA approach
by A. Azadeh & S.F. Ghaderi & J. Barati Rad - 333-365 Role of flexibility in sustaining excellence: case of a TQM company
by S.K. Breja & D.K. Banwet & K.C. Iyer
2010, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 109-123 The relationship between quality management and health – exploring the underlying dimensions
by Yvonne Lagrosen & Ingela Backstrom & Stefan Lagrosen - 124-136 When does ISO 9000 lead to improvements?
by Bozena Poksinska - 137-151 Impact of liberalisation on productivity performance of textile industry in India: a growth accounting analysis
by Seema Sharma & V.B. Upadhyay & Balram Tyagi - 152-170 Reliability growth vs. HASS cost for product manufacturing with fast-to-market requirement
by Balaji Janamanchi & Tongdan Jin - 171-199 An investigation into the dimensions of training effectiveness on post training outcomes of quality management system
by Teoh Cheng Inn & Suhaiza Zailani & T. Ramayah & Yudi Fernando - 200-212 Six Sigma awareness in Central Indian SMEs
by S.V. Deshmukh & R.R. Lakhe - 213-230 Value modes effect and analysis (ValMEA): a PLS-based theory validation
by Djoko Setijono & Angappa Gunasekaran
2010, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-20 A conceptual framework for managing the performance of construction supply chain
by Djoko Setijono - 21-37 The development and research tradition of statistical quality control
by Muhammad Muazzem Hossain & Victor R. Prybutok & A.B.M. Abdullah & Majharul Talukder - 38-59 Overall line effectiveness – a performance evaluation index of a manufacturing system
by P. Nelson Raja & S.M. Kannan & V. Jeyabalan - 60-74 The effect of TQM implementation on firm performance in the Tunisian context
by Senda Wali & Younes Boujelbene - 75-87 Using the collaborative improvement model to improve a university hiring process
by Theresa Waterbury - 88-107 Adoption of industry-specific quality management system standards: determinants for auto component firms in India
by Neelam Singh
2009, Volume 4, Issue 5/6
- 525-548 Application of QFD and VA tools in the design of an automobile
by S.A. Oke & O.A. Onabajo & M.O. Oyekeye & A. Oluwo & S.A. Adeoye - 549-568 Flow shop operator scheduling through constraint satisfaction and constraint optimisation techniques
by Gilles Neubert & Matteo M. Savino - 569-589 A new method in selective assembly for components with skewed distributions
by S.M. Kannan & R. Sivasubramanian & V. Jayabalan - 590-612 Low cost automation and poka yoke devices: tools for optimising production processes
by Rita Gamberini & Elisa Gebennini & Bianca Rimini & Elisa Spadaccini & Daniele Zilocchi - 613-643 Quality improvement of multistage and multi-response grinding processes: an insight into two different methodologies for parameter optimisation
by Indrajit Mukherjee & Pradip Kumar Ray - 644-657 A quality assessment tool for improvement planning
by Sam Woolford - 658-675 Six Sigma in services – challenges and opportunities
by R. Nat Natarajan & Jason Morse - 676-690 Integrating Six Sigma and maintenance excellence with QFD
by Maher Lazreg & Denis Gien - 691-714 Simulation model for the design of lean manufacturing systems – a case study
by G. Anand & Rambabu Kodali - 715-729 Business practices and information strategy in performance improvement
by Purnendu Mandal & Ashraf El-Houbi - 730-741 Applicability of Six Sigma for asset management
by Gopi Chattopadhyay & Vineet H. Varma
2009, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 383-399 Experiences of Australian firms in implementing ISO 9001: a comparison of the 1994 and 2000 versions
by Daniel I. Prajogo - 400-417 Reconfiguring product development process in auto industries for mass customisation
by A.H.M. Shamsuzzoha & Petri T. Helo - 418-436 Computer experiments: application to the case of a recovery boiler
by Nuno Costa & Ramos Pires & Paulo Fontes - 437-460 An integrated algorithm for efficiency assessment of wireless communication sectors
by A. Azadeh & H.R. Izadbakhsh & A. Bukhari - 461-475 Modelling the relationship between product quality and process characteristics in process industry: an application
by Orhan Kuruuzum & Gokhan Akyuz - 476-520 Control charts for variables to monitor the process mean and dispersion: a literature review
by D.R. Prajapati & P.B. Mahapatra
2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 247-282 Minimum loss design of asymmetric X and S control charts under two independent Weibull shocks
by Su-Fen Yang & M.A. Rahim - 283-302 Experimental design selection: guidelines for practitioners
by Martin Tanco & Nuno Costa & Elisabeth Viles - 303-323 Multi-response quality improvement by non-parametric DOE methods
by George J. Besseris - 324-344 Quality improvement of machine vision-based non-contact inspection of surface roughness in turning through adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system
by D. Shome & P.K. Ray & B. Mahanty - 345-365 Influence of skewness and kurtosis on high sigma cause selecting control chart performance for bivariate cascade processes
by S. Lakshminarasimhan & S.M. Kannan - 366-382 The importance of soft factors for quality improvement and organisational performance
by Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah & Jegak Uli & Juan Jose Tari
2009, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 129-152 Investigation of manufacturing performance achievements through strategic total productive maintenance initiatives
by I.P.S. Ahuja & J.S. Khamba - 153-177 Effect of quality management on competitive performance in manufacturing companies: international perspective
by Phan Chi Anh & Yoshiki Matsui - 178-198 The analysis and evaluation of a quality system using the Six Sigma benchmark: evidence for the robustness of Six Sigma processes
by Eisenhower C. Etienne - 199-211 Design and implementation of low cost automation system in heavy vehicle brakes assembly line
by G.L. Samuel & M. Darwin - 212-227 Productivity and disability: the need to modify work standards
by Anand Subramanian & Anil Mital - 228-246 Evaluation of reconfigured manufacturing systems: an AHP framework
by Ateekh-Ur Rehman & A. Subash Babu
2009, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-19 The impact of TQM implementation in a human service agency
by Tigineh Mersha & Ven Sriram & Lanny Herron - 20-38 A performance measurement framework for internationalisation of small and medium enterprises
by Harinder Singh & Jaideep Motwani & Jared English - 39-54 Productivity measurement for knowledge work in research and development
by Petri Helo & Josu Takala & Kongkiti Phusavat - 55-83 Cost analysis in the implementation of ISO quality system in a petroleum refinery
by S.A. Oke & A.J. Abudu & O.G. Akanbi & F.A. Oyawale - 84-102 A fuzzy logic model for competitive assessment of airline service quality
by Margaret F. Shipley & Steven P. Coy - 103-128 A new X chart comparable to CUSUM and EWMA charts
by D.R. Prajapati & P.B. Mahapatra
2008, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 383-395 A quality and reliability improvement strategy for a small- and medium-sized manufacturing enterprise: a case study
by K.C. Aw & S.Q. Xie & E. Haemmerle - 396-412 A methodology to determine maintenance criticality using AHP
by Anish Sachdeva & Dinesh Kumar & Pradeep Kumar - 413-429 Design and development of knowledge managed total failure mode and effects analysis technique
by V. Mohan Sivakumar & S.R. Devadasan & R. Murugesh & R. Maharaja - 430-443 Critical success factors of TQM: a UK study
by Khalifa Al-Khalifa & Elaine Aspinwall - 444-456 Implementing Mahalanobis-Taguchi system to improve casting quality in grey iron foundry
by Vivek V. Khanzode & J. Maiti - 457-471 ISO 9000:2000 quality management standard: experience in the state of Qatar
by Khalifa Al-Khalifa & Tamer A. Mohamed & Ameer Al-Salem - 472-495 Six Sigma inspired sampling plan design to minimise sample size for inspection
by G. Manikandan & SM. Kannan & V. Jayabalan
2008, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 263-274 Understanding virtual value chains in a retail environment: a case study of Wal-Mart
by Pradeep Gopalakrishna & Ram Subramanian - 275-289 Application of hybrid structural interaction matrix to quality management
by S.A. Oke & M.K.O. Ayomoh & O.G. Akanbi & F.A. Oyawale - 290-310 Improving productivity and profitability through Six Sigma: experience of a small-scale jobbing industry
by Darshak A. Desai - 311-324 Quality improvement through ergonomics methodology: conceptual framework and an application
by Ozalp Vayvay & Oguzhan Erdinc - 325-339 An inflation-based maintenance profitability model
by S.A. Oke & O.I. Oyedokun & O.G. Akanbi & F.A. Oyawale - 340-359 Process monitoring strategy for a steel making shop: a partial least squares regression-based approach
by J. Maiti & Anupam Das & R.N. Banerjee - 360-381 Total productive maintenance implementation in a manufacturing organisation
by I.P.S. Ahuja & J.S. Khamba
2008, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 145-160 Six Sigma: issues and problems
by Syed Shahabuddin - 161-182 A brownfield lean conversion: a case study of Opel Belgium
by William M. Mothersell & Michael L. Moore & Mark Strolle - 183-205 Design and development of an integrated quality control system
by Ali Azadeh & Javad Zeynali - 206-222 The relationship between quality and productivity: a new perspective
by Arash Shahin - 223-240 Ranking engineering characteristics in Quality Function Deployment by factoring-in the roof values
by J.R. Sharma & A.M. Rawani - 241-262 The combined application of Quality Function Deployment and Pareto analysis for hotel services improvement
by S.A. Oke & C.E. Ofiabulu & A.A. Banjo & O.G. Akanbi & F.A. Oyawale
2008, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 People resistance in TQM implementation: a qualitative study on Malaysian universities
by Noor Azman Ali & Mohamed Zairi & Fauziah Mahat - 12-32 Total productive maintenance experience: a case study
by Vinod Kumar Khanna - 33-73 Optimisation of supply chain inventory for multiretail and multiitem class consumer product problems using genetic algorithm
by Prasun Das & Subhasis Chaudhury - 74-105 A review of ISO 9001:2000 quality management practices in Oman
by Rafi Ashrafi - 106-126 WTFMEA: a technique for failure prevention through global knowledge sharing
by C. Sudhahar & R. Suresh Premil Kumar & V. Senthil & S.R. Devadasan & R. Murugesh - 127-143 Service quality evaluation of technical institutions using data envelopment analysis
by M.S. Khan & S.S. Mahapatra & Sreekumar
2007, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 387-403 Lean principles and techniques for improving the quality and productivity of software development projects: a case study
by Peter Middleton & Philip S. Taylor & Amy Flaxel & Ammon Cookson - 404-422 Improving foundry process control: an investigation of cluster analysis and path model
by Vivek V. Khanzode & J. Maiti - 423-440 Interpretive structural modelling of factors for improving competitiveness of SMEs
by Rajesh K. Singh & Suresh K. Garg & S.G. Deshmukh - 441-458 Absorbing uncertainty within supply chains
by Alain Spalanzani & Karine Evrard Samuel - 459-474 An effective joint X-bar and R chart to monitor the process mean and variance
by D.R. Prajapati & P.B. Mahapatra - 475-509 Performance measurement system: case studies from SMEs in India
by Milind Kumar Sharma & Rajat Bhagwat
2007, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 263-286 Understanding environment management systems performance: an expanded empirical study
by Santosh Kumar Mahapatra & Steven A. Melnyk & Roger J. Calantone - 287-306 A neural network approach for assessing quality in technical education: an empirical study
by S.S. Mahapatra & M.S. Khan - 307-321 Liberalisation and productivity growth: a case of Indian cement industry
by Seema Sharma - 322-346 Implementation of lean initiatives to minimise defects in a forging enterprise
by Ajit Kumar Sahoo & N.K. Singh & M.K. Tiwari - 347-364 The relationship between quality improvement and firms' productivity in Malaysia
by Suhaiza Zailani & Nabsiah Abdul Wahid & Rajagopal Premkumar & M. Sathasivam - 365-386 The PDCA and CAPD economic models of the P control chart
by Jing Sun & Michiko Tsubaki & Masayuki Matsui
2007, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 141-176 Gauging the performance of a supply chain
by Celik Parkan & Jiamin Wang - 177-192 Motivational aspects of corporate productivity maximisation: a field study
by Jamie P. Monat - 193-207 TQM implementation at public hospitals: a study in Turkey
by Metin Kozak & Tuncer Asunakutlu & Baris Safran - 208-220 Effects of ISO 9000 on customer satisfaction
by S. Bruce Han & Shaw K. Chen - 221-240 Information modelling for variation risk management during product and process design
by Alaa Hassan & Jean-Yves Dantan & Ali Siadat - 241-262 Using the DEA in efficiency management in industry
by Anatoliy G. Goncharuk
2007, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-22 Final vehicle product audit methodologies within the automotive industry
by Glen A. Turley & Mark A. Williams & Charles Tennant - 23-40 A study of cross-functional collaboration in new product development: a social capital perspective
by Lung-Far Hsieh & Shaw K. Chen - 41-64 Integrated assessment of export performance in chemical industries by multivariate approach
by Ali Azadeh & G.H. Ataei - 65-80 Narrowing ISO certification gap in Africa
by Tigineh Mersha - 81-111 Implementation of ISO-based quality management systems: a review of the literature
by S.A. Oke & O.E. Charles-Owaba - 112-139 Quality and productivity improvement of executive decisions in maintenance engineering: an ESS-based approach
by K. Elangovan & V. Selladurai & S.R. Devadasan & Suresh Kumar Goyal & S. Muthu
2006, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 321-338 As currency changes matter: improving the control of profitability and productivity in manufacturing companies
by Olli-Pekka Hilmola - 339-362 Support service process improvement: an application within a University Health Sciences Center
by Richard A. Reid & Gary C. Cseko - 363-378 A comparison of five modern improvement approaches
by Ton Van Der Wiele & Jos Van Iwaarden & Barrie G. Dale & Roger Williams - 379-396 Improving the prediction of employee productivity: a comparison of ordinary least squares versus genetic algorithms coupled with artificial neural networks
by Steven E. Markham & Ina S. Markham & Barry A. Wray - 397-410 DNA automation, expert systems, quality and productivity: the benefits to the FSS, the police forces and the community
by Christopher N. Maguire & Christine A. Hope - 411-424 Average outgoing quality limit and lot tolerance percent defective indexed acceptance sampling plans using artificial neural networks
by D. Vasudevan & V. Selladurai
2006, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 207-223 Total productive maintenance: criteria for success
by F. Ireland & B.G. Dale - 224-252 An empirical investigation into Six Sigma critical success factors
by Lee Revere & Sukran N. Kadipasaoglu & Faiza Zalila - 253-271 An alternative derivation of the basic DEA models for gauging the productive performances of operating entities
by Celik Parkan - 272-289 Comparing the cost of quality between C = 0 acceptance plans and MIL-STD-105E plans
by Mark Gershon & Mark Christobek - 290-305 Service quality and discretionary collaborative behaviour intentions: the moderating effect of personality
by Huam Hon Tat & Muhamad Jantan - 306-319 Robust analysis of variance: process design and quality improvement
by Avi Giloni & Sridhar Seshadri & Jeffrey S. Simonoff
2006, Volume 1, Issue 1/2
- 8-25 Collaborating for customisation: an extended resource-based view of the firm
by Brian Squire & Paul D. Cousins & Steve Brown - 26-36 Productivity and quality improvement: an implementation framework
by Richard A. Reid - 37-55 Antecedents of inter-organisational systems adoption in manufacturing
by Giovani J.C. Da Silveira & Raffaella Cagliano - 56-68 Managing common and specific causes of quality problems in project-based organisations
by Paul Lillrank & Jaakko Kujala - 69-87 Quality management in the 21st century – implementing successful change
by John S. Oakland & Steve J. Tanner - 88-102 Efficient allocation of online grocery orders
by Carlton H. Scott & Judy E. Scott - 103-115 Management game theory: manufacturing vs service enterprise type
by Masayuki Matsui - 116-138 Economic control chart policies for monitoring variables
by Erwin Saniga & Thomas McWilliams & Darwin Davis & James Lucas - 139-167 The quality journey: historical and workforce perspectives and the assessment of commitment to quality
by James R. Beatty - 168-182 Determining product platform elements for mass customisation
by Kwang-Jae Kim & Dong-Uk Lee & Myeong-Soo Lee - 183-206 Integrated supply chain management for efficiency improvement
by Zhixiang Chen & Shihua Ma & Jen S. Shang